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Physics II software ingineering

I. A net positive charge Q is distributed uniformly on a ring with radius a (fig).. A. Find the electric potential
and the field (direction and magnitude) at a point P which is at a distance x from the center of the ring and is
situated on the axis which passes through the center and ortogonal to the
plane of the ring. What is the potential and the field at the center of the ring?
B. Give a answer without calculation of integral. C. Find the integral
∞ ∞
∫ ⃗E⋅d ⃗l =∫ E x dx
0 0 and make a comment on it. D. What would be the
integral in the entire range −∞< x <+ ∞ without calculating the integral?
Make a comment on your response. Warning! The charge Q is not a point

II. An electric cirquit is shown in the figure bellow- together with cirquit data (resistences and emf) acting in it.
A. Find the current intensities which flow in resistences and
bateries-in magnitude and direction, neglecting internal resistences
in bateries.
B. Find the heat delivered in a second in the resistence 3
R =1Ω
and could you tell what contributes to this delivery of power.

III. In the figure is drawn a constant current I and a loop of any form and shape L which surrounds I as it is
shown in the figure. Around the current a magnetic field is created. A)
∮ ⃗B⋅d ⃗l
What is the integral L when the current I intersects a surface
whatsoever surrounded by the loop? B) Based on the first result, how
can you calculate the field B⃗ created by a rectilinear infinite current
I, at a point situated at a distance a from the current? Give the formula of
the field. (take into consideration the symetry)

IV. A current I(t) changing with time t, is fllowing in a solenoid which has the diemeter of it’s loops d=15cm .
The current in the first solenoid is changing at a rate such as to produce a
change of the magnetic field inside it 2T/s (2 Tesla per second). How many
loops must a fatter solenoid which surrouns the former one, as shown in the
figure, must have as to produce in the later an induced fem 13V?

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