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Monthly Press Pack

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Quick Facts
Essay of the Month & Much More!

Volume 03
March Edition
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

Best wishes for holy month filled with

prayer and significance from team Nearpeer.
May Allah bless you abundantly during this Ramadan

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

Reasons To Choose

01 Over 120,000+ Students

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05 Detailed assignment evaluation

06 Regularly updated lectures

07 Pakistan's first and largest online learning platform

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CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

1 Monthly Round Up 04

2 National 09

a. Trends in Pakistan that are a result of decades will take decades to 10

be wiped off.
b. Reimagining Urban Resilience for Sustainable Cities 14
c. Information Technology as a National Priority Is the Need of the Hour 17
for Pakistan
d. Will Pakistan’s Geostrategic Location save it from Economic Default 21

3 International 24

a. Renewable Energy and Economy 25

b. Chat GPT vs Google: Fight for Dominance 29
c. Authoritarianism Everywhere; What’s the Future of Democracy? 33
d. Russia—Ukraine standoff and the Question of the Third World 36

4 Monthly Review 40

5 Essay Special 61

6 Wisdom Archives 64

7 Screening Test Alert 68

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CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

Dates Events

1 The governors of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa declined to give

dates for general elections to the provincial assemblies, advising the
electoral watchdog to consult relevant authorities and take stock of
the current security and economic situation before deciding in this

2 In a move that is being seen as a significant development amid

rising political temperatures in the country, Prime Minister Shehbaz
Sharif convened a multiparty conference (MPC) to discuss `import-
ant challenges` being faced by Pakistan.

3 After the first round of technical talks between the International Mon-
etary Fund (IMF) team and the government concluded, Prime Minis-
ter Shehbaz Sharif observed that the lender was imposing conditions
that were `beyond our wildest dreams`.

4 Amid challenging engagements with international lending agencies

to unlock external flows for the balance of payments and flood
recovery, the Centre has cast off Punjab`s Rs400 billion health insur-
ance scheme in its present form and size, targeting the entire popu-
lation of the province, including the rich and the poor.

5 Former military dictator Pervez Musharraf, who usurped power after a

coup in October 1999 and ruled Pakistan till 2008, breathed his last at
age of 79 in Dubai, after a protracted battle with a rare disease, amy-

6 Over three dozen pharmaceutical companies have expressed their

inability to continue production citing unavailability of raw material
and delay in their cases seeking price increase.

7 Pakistan announced its part of relief measures for the earth-

quake-hit people of Turkiye and Syria, with the government setting
up a relief fund and sending a 51-member rescue team to Istanbul,
and the prime minister set to leave for Istanbul on February 8, 2023.

8 The government put on a brave face amid a stalemate on securing

a bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), needed to avert
a nearing sovereign default, as the two sides remained short of con-
cluding external financing estimates and precise domestic fiscal

9 The government said it had agreed on a set of prior actions with the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) to complete the ninth review of the
troubled $7bn Extended Fund Facility (EFF), but a staff-level agree-
ment (SLA) on the Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies
(MEFP) remained elusive at the conclusion of the 10-day talks.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

Dates Events

10 The judiciary came under fire in the upper house of parliament on

Friday over remarks given by judges the previous day, which were
seen by lawmakers as `political` and `against parliament and the
legislative processes`.

11 A middle-aged man was lynched outside a police station in Nanka-

na Sahib by a violent mob over allegations of blasphemy, prompting
the police chief to order an inquiry and suspend the Nankana DSP
and relevant SHO.

12 The second round of US-Pakistan mid-level defence dialogue begins

in Washington to consider various options for strengthening ties
between the two establishments.

13 The Lahore High Court directed the Punjab government to ensure

implementation of a 2015 verdict of the Supreme Court to enforce
Urdu as official language.

14 Despite its attempt to expedite passage of fiscal measures mandat-

ed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the government was
forced to head to parliament after President Arif Alvi `advised`
Finance Minister Ishaq Dar to take parliament into confidence over
the Rs170 billion in new taxes that are being levied.

15 The caretaker Punjab government, in an unprecedented move, sus-

pended the notifications issued for the creation of a new division, four
new districts and two tehsils in the province, inviting a volley of ques-
tions, ranging from its jurisdiction to intentions behind the decision.

16 Punjab Assembly Speaker Sibtain Khan requested President Dr Arif

Alvi to exercise his powers and announce date for the elections of the
provincial assembly in the wake of `deliberate inaction` on part of the
Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

17 Security forces cleared a five-storey police compound on the port

city`s main thoroughfare in an hours-long operation during which
three militants of the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) were
killed while two policemen, one Rangers official and a citizen em-
braced martyrdom.

18 Even if the Afghan rulers demonstrate the will to counter terrorism,

they certainly don`t have the capacity to do so, Foreign Minister Bila-
wal Bhutto-Zardari said, warning that the threat will soon spill over
outside the region if the international community doesn`t get serious.

19 Pakistan must ensure that its high earners pay taxes and only the
poor get the subsidies if it wants to function as a country, the Interna-
tional Monetary Fund`s (IMF) managing director has said.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

Dates Events

20 Despite clearly lacking quorum, the National Assembly after a lack-

luster debate passed the IMF-dictated Finance (Supplementary) Bill
2023, seeking to impose additional Rs170 billion taxes with minor
amendments as Finance Minister Ishaq Dar blamed the misman-
agement in the power sector and poor economic policies of the pre-
vious PTI regime mainly responsible for this economic burden on the

21 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif asked his ministers and advisers to

forego their salaries, benefits and luxury cars and economy class as
part of an austerity drive aimed at saving the government Rs200
billion a year.

22 Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Umar Ata Bandial initiated a suo motu
proceeding to determine who has the constitutional responsibility
and authority to announce the date for election to a provincial
assembly after it was dissolved in different situations, under the Con-

23 President Arif Alvi gave accent to the Finance (Supplementary) bill,

2023, generally known as the mini-budget, paving the way for revival
of the IMF loan programme.

24 The country`s top civil and military leadership have forged a consen-
sus that terrorism, economic revival and political stability are inter-
connected and without political stability and economic progress,
there can be no peace.

25 Mohsin Leghari of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) won the by-elec-

tion to NA-193 (Rajanpur) with a huge margin, unofficial result shows.

26 At least four people lost their lives and 16 others suffered injuries in a
bomb blast at the main market of Rakhni town of Barkhan district in
Balochistan, officials said.

27 Only days after Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced a national

austerity plan amid a severe financial crisis, the National Assembly
was informed about the exorbitant expenditure on foreign junkets of
cabinet members and the purchase of protocol vehicles, during the
government`s first nine months in power.

28 Two soldiers and a child embraced martyrdom in separate incidents

in North Waziristan and South Waziristan, officials confirmed.



Bakhtawar Narejo of people own thousands of Zamindari, Mahalwari, and
acres of land. In fact, this Ryotwari systems were
Feudalism system stifles development adopted by the British
Although the feudal system and eliminates social inte- conquerors in the Indian
has all but vanished from gration, which is essential to Subcontinent because land
the planet, it is still present in the fabric of society. represented a significant
Pakistan. The prominent portion of their income.
members of our society are Indeed, the feudal system is Which is still rooted in
the feudal lords. Islam's strongly ingrained in Pakistani society even after
principles and values, as Pakistani society, independence. Feudalism
well as democracy, are dia- particularly in rural Sindh, impedes political and
metrically opposed to the southern Punjab, and some economic development by
culture of feudal lordship regions of Balochistan. One making the minds of the less
systems. In the case of Paki- side of our society lives in fortunate more susceptible
stan, feudalism refers to a the darkest hours of to psychological terror. It
system in which landlords materialism and suffering, always puts pressure on
control vast tracts of while the other side revels in and exerts control over the
land—hundreds or even luxury and opulence. Very masses while denying them
thousands of acres. It simply dismal! However, this is what access to health, education,
means that a small number we truly see and feel. The and even an independent

CSS Chronicles

life. As a result, people give

their goals and aspirations
to these "monsters" on their
lap. For the benefit of these
landowners, who turn the lives
of the peasants into a "living
hell," they crush the hopes and
aspirations of their children.

Education, stern and honest

land reforms, and effective gov-
ernment are the cure-alls for feu-
dalism's ills. The destruction of this
parasitic system should also be a
top priority for non-governmental
organizations (NGOs).

It is commonly known that Pakistan has
a horribly patriarchal culture. Young girls
are supposed to get married, have kids, be
good wives, and live in isolation. Only a
small number of people—truly a minori-
ty—believe that these rules are obsolete and
foolish. Due to cultural conventions that pre-
vent them from doing so and a lack of educa-
tion, women in Pakistan struggle to successfully
integrate into urban life and enter the workforce.
Because of Pakistan's patriarchal society, women
are expected to think about how their actions,
even those regarding their careers, may affect the
family's reputation as defined by the patriarchs. A
lady is aware that breaking these social norms
could harm her family's reputation.

Sitara Akbar, who completed her 'O' Levels at the

age of 11, and Malala Yousafzai, the youngest recip-
ient of the Nobel Prize, are two examples of the child
prodigies that our culture is capable of producing.
In addition, Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, who was
hailed by the media and the government as Paki-
stan's first Oscar winner, won an Academy Award for
her documentary Saving Face in 2012. These
instances demonstrate that Pakistani women
have a tremendous capacity to succeed in any
endeavour they choose.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

In particular, as a part of rather than letting the up to 56% of the nation's GDP
early socialization, gender people of Pakistan decide (as of 2019). This implies that
education must be taught in the future of their nation. it is worth approximately
our institutions. Regardless This includes participating in $180 billion annually, which
of their social class, males of by-elections, local govern- is enormous by any stan-
all age groups must be the ment elections, accepting dard.
focus of gender education, the resignations of lawmak-
enlightenment, awareness, ers who have left the The huge black economy in
and consciousness. Accord- National Assembly, and the nation is intrinsically tied
ing to a UN study, boys as calling for a new general to the extent and caliber of
young as three years old are election. state-executed govern-
looking for masculine role ment. A sizable black econ-
models to help them feel Apart from being a type of omy is a sign of bad gover-
confident in themselves. government, democracy is nance and shows that the
Without a positive role a full socio-political ideolo- government did not suc-
model for gender, men gy, attitude, and system. It cessfully ensure that all
develop an exaggerated, upholds a number of princi- enterprises and entrepre-
hypermasculine perspec- ples that serve as the cor- neurial endeavors were
tive of manhood and are nerstone of a democratic included in the formal econ-
thus more violent. The em- democracy. Expression free- omy. Due to the fact that all
powerment of women could dom, tolerance, individual entities outside of the formal
be considerably increased autonomy, respect for the economy do not pay taxes
by reorienting masculine opposition, and peaceful to the government, this fail-
ideas through gender edu- coexistence are the main ure also results in a
cation. This can be accom- tenets of these ideals. decrease in tax revenue col-
plished by holding seminars lection.
specifically for men and And without the presence of
introducing gender studies all these values, democracy The solution is to increase
at elementary, secondary, as a form of government the size of the formal econo-
and postsecondary institu- cannot endure in a society my and this can be done by
tions. for an extended period of making transparent and
time for two reasons: first, efficient institutions tasked
Undemocratic Norms foreign political systems with registering and regu-
A deeply concerning trend that conflict with local politi- lating businesses. Instead of
has emerged in recent cal and cultural norms will harassing businesses and
months, with political parties ultimately be replaced by entrepreneurs, agencies like
that, up until last year, were new ones or destroyed the FBR should act as facili-
adamantly promoting completely; second, such a tators and make it easier for
themselves as the defend- system does not satisfy the new ventures to be regis-
ers of democracy now em- needs of various smaller tered and come under the
ploying all available mea- groups that have vested documentation net. This
sures to prevent the public interests within the state to would in turn be good for the
from taking part in the dem- seize political power. FBR because achieving the
ocratic process. The Paki- tax collection target would
stan Democratic Movement Large Informal Economy be easier than if they were in
is making every effort to Pakistan's informal econo- the black economy.
maintain its hold on power my is thought to account for

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9
CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 6


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Qaiser Rizvan Abbasi

T“Today it’s Pakistan, tomor- Looking at the massive resilience.

row it could be any country”, damages caused to the Enhancing urban resilience
Antonio Guterres rightly debt-ridden and teetering has been increasingly
asserted, while witnessing socio-economic fabric of becoming a popular phe-
unprecedented climate-in- Pakistan, it is high time for nomenon the world over
duced flood devastation in this country in particular, aimed at strengthening
Pakistan. Impacting the lives and the world in general, to cities’ governance and sys-
and livelihoods of around 33 not only mobilise resources tems so that they can sur-
million people, particularly but also promote effective vive chronic stresses—re-
in Sindh and Baluchistan, policymaking in order to current flooding, jobless-
the torrential rains have reimagine urban resilience ness, and inefficient public
disastrous effects costing for designing sustainable transport system; and acute
the economy over $30 cities. But since Pakistan has shocks—earthquakes, hurri-
billion, with now $16 billion been facing financial hard- canes, and terrorist attacks.
intensely needed for flood ships, economic crises, and
relief, rehabilitation, and above all, governance fault It has been surprisingly
reconstruction, the World lines, it may not be an easy observed that cities’ demo-
Bank reported in its new task for it to undertake graphical profile has expo-
assessment. much-needed policy nentially transformed with
reforms to encourage urban people moving from rural

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

areas to urban centers in toward inclusive and climate-adaptive cities. Taking the
order to improve their case study of Karachi, Pakistan’s economic hub and me-
lifestyle thus, putting tropolis, it was maintained that the city’s half population lives
immense pressure on limit- in informal settlements, which are considered highly vulner-
ed infrastructural facili- able to floods, rains, and security. This makes Karachi the
ties—education, health, perfect case for promoting urban planning and undertaking
roads and transportation, development works keeping in view the rapid population
water and sanitation, elec- growth in the city.
tricity and energy, and most
importantly, housing. For this, there is a need to encourage Public-Private Partner-
ships (PPP) involving governments, institutions, the private
Pakistan hosts 82 million sector, academia, and donor agencies which would, in turn,
people in its urban areas out chart out the robust city governance mechanism where citi-
of the 208 million popula- zens’ well-being is ensured, rights are protected, security is
tion, which means around promised, infrastructure and public services are provided.
40 percent of people live in
cities. This “new normal” This way, Pakistan will be able to achieve to a certain extent,
requires redesigning gover- if not fully, goal#11 of the Sustainable Development Goals
nance methodologies of (SDGs): Sustainable Cities and Communities (make cities
urban areas, making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sus-
strong enough to effectively tainable). In the face of extraordinarily swift changes hap-
respond to future risks and pening owing to social transformation, extensive rural-urban
dangers emanating from migration, and the interconnectedness of cities, Pakistan has
climate change, urbaniza- to meet its social and development challenges in an effec-
tion, and globalization. tive manner.

Considering this, IBA Karachi

in collaboration with
UNDP-Pakistan and the
Government of Sindh hosted
an international conference:
“Reimagining Resilience: The
Transition to Sustainable
Cities” which positively
encouraged expert discus-
sion and policy recommen-
dations for Pakistan to deal
with development challeng-
es and to promote urban

One of the key takeaways of

the conference was that
Pakistan needs to get out of
traditional governance
approaches and work out a
plan that can set a path

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

In an attempt to build without even an iota of mentation. The judiciary

modern, sustainable, clean doubt. This unquestioned must be active in this case
and green, affordable cities, obedience is acceptable thereby barring the perpe-
Pakistan will have to craft only if it is not in contradic- tration of domestic violence
effective urban governance tion to the efforts taken via mending judicial walls.
focusing on: (a) affordable towards the fulfillment of the The executive and adminis-
housing; (b) a sustainable basic fundamental rights of tration must ensure the pro-
transport system; (c) inclu- women. Thus, the family vision of education and
sive urbanisation; (d) pro- environment, especially a ensure women's participa-
tect natural and cultural patriarchal one, massively tion in the economic field.
heritage; (e) promote affects the attitude and The issue of women's health
regional and national devel- behavior of both men and exacerbates their poor
opment planning; (f) imple- women which in turn plays a status in the domestic
ment policies for ensuring key role in determining their arena. The patriarchal saga
resource efficiency; (g) future roles towards each can largely be turned down
strengthen local govern- other. by spreading public aware-
ment system and boosting ness and education. The role
local tax collection. Though the whole bed of of the mosque and religious
gender plight in Pakistan is scholars is deemed to be
It is certainly a difficult task not free from thorns, the the key to undoing the
to ensure the systematic curse of domestic violence scourge of domestic
and timely implementation takes the main seat and violence.
and execution of urban poli- holds immense attention In a nutshell, women are not
cy-making considering whenever there is a discus- free from gender inequality
institutional decay, political sion about gender and even and gender-based impari-
instability, deepening polar- women's issues. From the ties even in their houses.
isation, and the economic works of the Aurat Founda- They are often mistreated
crisis confronting Pakistan. tion to woman's Day and and even brought under
The ruling cliché and politi- from the first wave of femi- different forms of violence
cal forces must build con- nism to the third and fourth as mentioned above, which
sensus to align its poli- wave, all have been high- are triggered by multiple
cy-making with the lighting the core issues of reasons. The lack of educa-
fast-changing challenges of women in particular and tion, socio-economic em-
the 21st century, or else, gender in general. The powerment, and the delete-
things will get out of control. aforementioned plight of rious fabric of patriarchy
Unfortunately, Pakistan’s 75 domestic violence in Paki- have paved the way for
years of turbulent political stan unveils its seriousness domestic violence. Pakistan
and economic history have and demands to be set needs to revamp and
little to give hope. Still one aside. Pakistan needs to reform this sector structur-
can only hope for a better regularize properly the solu- ally and uproot all the struc-
Pakistan. tion to this menace. The tural and deep-seated
different legislative mea- causes of the perpetual
Similarly, the girls are made sures regarding the eradi- domestic violence. Only
meek, mild, and genteel and cation of the curse of then, Pakistan will properly
the ones who are supposed domestic violence and the benefit from half of the
and even expected to obey provision of women's pro- country’s population.
their male counterparts tection need proper imple-

Umme Abeeha

Information and Communi- discuss some policy initia- driver for Pakistan.
cation Technology (ICT) has tives that the government With an IT revolution, Paki-
emerged as one of the most must take to make the IT stan can create new em-
significant and dynamic industry a national priority ployment opportunities for
sectors in Pakistan, playing and reap its benefits. its youth. Furthermore, if the
a crucial role in the country's government invests in the IT
economic growth and The Importance of IT for sector and the digital litera-
development. With its Economic Growth cy of its citizens, it can also
increasing use in various The IT industry in Pakistan attract foreign investment
industries and fields, the has been rapidly growing and create further employ-
importance of IT in Pakistan over the past decade, with ment.
is undeniable. It can solve the country becoming a Pakistan was ranked the
many of Pakistan’s dire major outsourcing destina- 3rd-most popular country
problems related to health, tion for software develop- for freelancing in the world,
economy, and education. In ment and other IT-related and Pakistani IT companies
this article, we will discuss services. In fact, the IT indus- are providing products and
the importance of IT for try has the potential to services to the world’s larg-
Pakistan. Also, we will become a major economic est companies. So, one of

CSS Chronicles

the most significant contri-

butions of the IT sector to
Pakistan's economy is job
creation. According to a
report by the World Bank, the
IT industry in Pakistan is
expected to create around
100,000 new jobs by 2025.
Moreover, with the increas-
ing demand for IT services
worldwide, there is a vast
potential for Pakistan to
create even more employ-
ment opportunities in this

Furthermore, with IT, Paki-

stan can also reduce the
gender gap in the labor
force. The Gender Gap Index
places Pakistan at 135 out of
146 in terms of economic
participation. Women are many private organizations have also started offering online
majorly unemployed, and courses and training programs. According to a report by the
those who are employed Digital Pakistan Policy, around 12 million students in Pakistan
work in low-paying jobs or have access to e-learning platforms, and this number is
as unpaid employees. With expected to increase further in the coming years.
IT, there are more and more
online job opportunities for Another aspect of the role of IT in the education sector is that
women. it does not just give access to learning, but also improves its
IT has helped in the
Education Sector Importance of IT in Healthcare
Apart from its benefits to the Another crucial area where IT has made significant contri-
economy, IT has also played butions in Pakistan is healthcare. With a growing population
a vital role in enhancing the and limited resources, the country's healthcare system has
country's education sector. faced numerous challenges. However, the use of digital
After the COVID-19 pan- technologies such as telemedicine and electronic health
demic disrupted traditional records (EHRs) has helped improve access to healthcare
classroom learning, the services, especially in rural areas. According to a report by
importance of e-learning the Digital Pakistan Policy, over 8,000 telemedicine consulta-
has become more evident. tions were conducted in Pakistan during the COVID-19 pan-
The government of Pakistan demic, highlighting the potential of this technology in
has been actively promot- improving healthcare outcomes. By exploiting the benefits of
ing the use of digital tech- IT in the health sector, Pakistan can revolutionize its health
nologies in education, and sector.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

The Role of IT in In conclusion, IT has

Governance become a crucial sector for
UNESCO defines E-gover- Pakistan's economic growth
nance as “the public sec- and development. With its
tor’s use of information and contribution to job creation,
communication technolo- education, healthcare, and
gies with the aim of improv- governance, the importance
ing information and service of IT in Pakistan cannot be
delivery, encouraging citizen overstated. As the world
participation in the deci- becomes increasingly digi-
sion-making process and tal, Pakistan must continue
making government more to invest in the IT sector to
accountable, transparent reap its benefits fully.
and effective”.

IT also offers great potential

in improving governance
and transparency in Paki-
stan. The government has
already launched several
digital initiatives such as the
Ehsaas program, a digital
system for social welfare,
and the Kamyab Jawan
program, a digital platform
for youth empowerment.
These initiatives have
helped to somewhat
improve the delivery of gov-
ernment services.

The use of IT can also make

the government more
accessible to the people. For
example, when govern-
ments make their programs
and services available to the
public, it improves service
delivery. So, using e-gover-
nance, Pakistan can solve
the issue of inefficiency and
improve the quality of ser-
vice provision. So, there is
still a lot of room to further
improve the governance
sector using IT.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

What Initiatives should Pakistan take to Boost its IT Sector?

Now that the importance of the IT sector is clear, let’s discuss how Pakistan
can make IT a national priority. We have made significant strides in its IT
sector, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Here are some
initiatives that Pakistan can take to boost its IT sector:

Develop a long-term IT policy Promote start-ups

Pakistan needs a comprehensive and The government should provide
long-term IT policy that outlines the incentives and support for
government's vision and priorities for the start-ups in the IT sector. This can
sector. The policy should include include tax breaks, access to
measures to attract investment, promote funding, and incubation facilities.
innovation, and develop talent.

Invest in education and training Improve broadband infrastructure

The government should invest in education To support the growth of the IT sector,
and training programs to develop a skilled Pakistan needs to improve its broadband
workforce that can meet the needs of the IT infrastructure. This can include building
industry. This can include scholarships, new fiber-optic networks, upgrading
vocational training, and partnerships with existing infrastructure, and promoting the
universities and companies. use of satellite technology.

Encourage research and development Promote e-governance

Pakistan should encourage research and The government should promote
development in the IT sector. This can e-governance by developing digital
include funding for research projects, services for citizens and businesses. This
partnerships between universities and can include online portals for paying taxes,
industry, and incentives for companies to applying for licenses, and accessing
invest in R&D. government services.

Create a favorable business environment Expand access to finance

Pakistan needs to create a favorable The government should work to expand
business environment for the IT sector. access to finance for IT companies. This can
This can include measures to reduce include developing venture capital funds,
bureaucracy, improve access to capital, encouraging foreign investment, and
and protect intellectual property rights. promoting public-private partnerships.

Develop partnerships with other countries Foster a culture of innovation

Pakistan can benefit from partnerships Finally, Pakistan needs to foster a culture
with other countries in the IT sector. of innovation in the IT sector. This can
This can include collaborations on include promoting entrepreneurship,
research and development, joint celebrating success stories, and
ventures, and partnerships to encouraging the exchange of
promote IT exports. ideas and best practices.

Qaiser Rizvan Abbasi

Pakistan is on the verge of been at the heart of this the first time in 1942 in the
economic default economic crisis. However, article “Let Us Learn Our
nowadays. The is failing to Pakistan has always had Geopolitics” by Frederick L.
meet its economic needs. It greater expectations from Schuman.
is due to multiple reasons. its geostrategic location
Climate change has also which has proven to be Pakistan’s geostrategic
been the fuel to the fire. The cogent during multiple eras. location has always
spread of the Covid-19 But the political contributed to its economic
pandemic has also incompetence of the condition. The importance
contributed to the current country’s leadership never of Pakistan’s geostrategic
economic plight of the let Pakistan reap its location could be gauged
country. Pakistan has geostrategic potential at full from American Political
almost always suffered scale. The term geostrategic Scientist Stephen P. Cohen’s
economically since its implies the significance of a book, The Idea of Pakistan, in
inception of the country. country or a region with which he states that while
Incompetent political regard to its geographical history has been unkind to
leadership and bad location. The term Pakistan, its geography has
governance have always geostrategy was used for been its greatest benefit. He

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

further states that the Pakistan’s geographical

country has a resource-rich location has also enabled it
area in the northwest and to be a part of the
rich people in the northeast. Trans-Afghan railway
Pakistan faced a security project. This project can
threat from its eastern enable Pakistan to provide a
neighbor which instigated way to trade with different
the need for a strong South Asian countries that
economic partnership. This want to reach Central Asian
led Pakistan to ally with the markets. South Asian
USA in the Cold War era. countries are highly
Pakistan gained military and dependent on other regions
economic in return for its for fulfilling their energy
support to the USA in this needs. Pakistan can also act
war. This spurred Pakistan’s as the bridge between the
GDP to an average of 5.88 Middle Eastern region and
percent in the era of General the South Asian region. This
Zia ul Haq. can not only resolve
Pakistan’s economic needs
Pakistan also gained but could also help in
economic benefits from its establishing good relations
geostrategic location during with other regional
the US-backed War against countries. This would
Terrorism. This earned improve the soft image of
Pakistan a lot of economic Pakistan which could lead to
benefits due to its reaping economic benefits
cooperation with NATO and with countries around the
the USA. This geostrategic world. This could lead to
location can take Pakistan out increasing foreign direct
of the recent economic crisis. investment in the country.
Pakistan is the gateway to the
South Asian countries for the Furthermore, Pakistan’s
Central Asian resource-rich geostrategic location has
countries. This provides the also enabled it to be a host
country a great leverage in of the flagship project, CPEC,
the region. It can earn a lot of of the Belt and Road
revenue due to its Initiative (BRI). This project
geographical location. has opened myriad
Pakistan can provide a way opportunities for Pakistan.
for Central Asian and South The country is not only
Asian countries to trade and countering its energy crisis
energy-related projects. through this project but is
Pakistan has already also providing it with great
provided the route for the TAPI infrastructure and other
gas pipeline which starts from projects. This can help the
Turkmenistan and ends in country to elevate its

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

economic condition. Russia could be done if the causes of the failure of

and other landlocked country’s leaders and Pakistan to reap the benefits
countries could also be policymakers take the right of its geostrategic location.
linked to this project. This decisions at the right time. Pakistan needs to eradicate
would strengthen Pakistan’s Pakistan can only benefit extremism and terrorism
clout not only in the region from its geostrategic from its soil so that it can
but also around the globe. location if the country flourish and stabilize
The country can use this becomes free of corruption economically. Otherwise, it
project to uplift its economic and the ease of doing is very difficult for the
plight also by providing a business is also improved in country to get rid of the
way to South Asian the country. Instability in economic instability
countries and South East Afghanistan and increasing permanently.
Asian countries. terrorism in Pakistan are
also among the prominent
Pakistan is also a part of Iran
Pakistan and India gas
pipeline projects. This
project and other projects
like this one can also help
Pakistan to come out of the
dangers of economic
default. Hence, it would be
cogent to hold that
Pakistan’s geostrategic
location can save the
country from economic
default. However, all this




“We are all living together on change are gradually emissions are persisting and
a single planet, which is becoming evident across are neither counterbal-
threatened by our own the globe; with the physical anced by removals nor is
actions. And if you don’t manifestation of the the world prepared to
have some kind of global socio-economic impacts, it achieve a net-zero transi-
cooperation, nationalism is contains. These will keep tion.
just not on the right level to growing until the world shifts
tackle the problems, wheth- to a net-zero economy. Net Certainly, even if the net-ze-
er it’s climate change or zero refers to the balance ro equation and national
whether it’s technological between the amount of climate pledges were
disruption.” greenhouse gas (GHG) that achieved, it is suggested
— Yuval Noah Harari is produced and the amount that warming would not be
that's removed from the held to 1.5°C above prein-
Years of progressions have atmosphere. This can be dustrial levels. The execution
brought human civilization achieved through an amal- would not be easy since it
to a point of threatening the gamation of emission requires a careful balancing
very condition that made reduction and emission of shorter-term risks of
evolution possible: the sta- removal. Presently, the unprepared and uncoordi-
bility of the earth’s climate. net-zero equation remains nated action with the lon-
Indicators of climate mysterious; greenhouse gas ger-term risk of insufficient

CSS Chronicles

or delayed action. This could

also have a ripple effect on
impacts on the economy,
potentially creating a back-
lash from the actors
involved that would slow
down the transition. None of
this should be a surprise as
achieving net zero would
mean a fundamental trans-
formation of the world
economy. It will involve sub-
stantial amendments to the
Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7),
seven energy and land-use
affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern
arenas producing the
energy for all must be ensured by 2030.
world’s emissions i.e., power,
Accomplishing this target would require
industry, mobility, buildings,
prompt actions for building energy infrastruc-
agriculture, forestry and
ture, primarily for renewable energy technolo-
other land use, and waste.
Renewable energy sources
“The fate of people on Earth depends on
are either continuously
whether we can employ efficient and renew-
replenished by the sun or
able energies. We need to lay big plans for
include inexhaustible
small technologies.”
resources i.e., geothermal
energy. Contrastingly, fossil
— David Freeman, former head of the New York
fuels — oil, coal, and natural
Power Authority, Tennessee Valley Authority,
gas — are formed gradually
Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and the
in comparison to our rate of
Lower Colorado River Authority.
use of energy. The usage of
modern renewable energy
Renewable energy can be used in various
technologies produces less
ways. Yearly, Americans spend about $1900
pollution as compared to
per person on energy purchases, which is
burning fossil fuels — espe-
approximately 8% of the average person’s
cially vis-à-vis net emis-
total expenses on goods and services per
sions of greenhouse gases.
year. Out of this amount, about 40% goes to
Indigenous renewable
pay for electricity. Energy purchases depict a
energy resources also signi-
weighty cost to society — generally and locally
fy a secure and stable
— and it is vital to spend energy dollars in a
source of energy for any
way that strengthens the economy rather
country and also serve as a
than draining it. In most cases, energy dollars
potential source of jobs and
leave the community, going to territorial utili-
economic development.
ties or the suppliers of oil or natural gas. Once
Energy plays a crucial part
spent on importing energy into the communi-
in the socioeconomic devel-
ty or state, these dollars are not accessible to
opment of a region. Accord-
foster additional economic activity. Since
ing to the United Nations
each dollar spent on imports is a dollar lost

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

locally, these energy imports inputs can be purchased in mental health.” The industry
signify a substantial loss to the state.” As per the Bureau involving renewable energy
local companies in terms of estimates, overall, renew- provides a wide range of
income and employment. ables create three times as employment opportunities,
The challenge is to meet our many jobs as created by the from high-tech manufac-
unquenchable appetite for same level of spending on turing of photovoltaic appa-
energy while supporting fossil fuels. For states and ratuses to maintaining jobs
local economic progress. An municipalities with inade- at wind power plants.
increasing number of state quate conventional energy Through the multiplier or
and local governments are reserves, there is a simple ripple effect, the wages and
exploring ways to keep their trade-off: either import fossil salaries earned by industry
energy dollars at home — for fuels from out-of-area sup- employees have much
many, the answer lies in pliers, meaning thereby potential to generate addi-
renewable energy invest- exporting energy dollars or tional income and jobs in
ments. develop indigenous renew- the local economy hence
able resources, creating promoting growth. The taxes
There are two key reasons jobs for local workers in the which are paid by renew-
why renewable energy construction, operation, and able energy companies can
technologies offer an eco- maintenance of non-fossil also strengthen the territo-
nomic benefit: power plants and connect- ry’s economic base, ulti-
ed industries. mately reducing the burden
(1) They are labor-intensive; on individual taxpayers in
hence they generally create Henceforth, the advantages the community; as a matter
more jobs per dollar invest- of renewable energy invest- of fact, generating power via
ed as compared to conven- ments are becoming renewable resources con-
tional electricity generation increasingly evident, even in tributes more tax revenue,
technologies, and areas that have conven- when compared to gener-
tionally favoured fossil fuels.
(2) They use primarily indig- “Texas is now a net energy
enous resources, therefore, importer,” said Texas Land
most of the energy dollars Commissioner Garry Mauro,
can be kept at home. speaking at the dedication
of the state's first commer-
According to the Wisconsin cial wind-power project in
Energy Bureau, “Investment November 1995. “We can
in locally available renew- accept our status as a net
able energy generates more energy importer ... or we can
jobs, greater earnings, and face the challenge head-on
higher output ... than a con- and serve as a model to
tinued reliance on imported others by embracing new
fossil fuels. Economic ideas such as wind power
impacts are maximized and solar energy — ideas
when an indigenous that will make Texas the
resource or technology can leader in renewable energy
replace an imported fuel at development, energy-effi-
a reasonable price and cient building techniques,
when a large percentage of job creation, and environ-

Volume 3 | Edition 9

ating the same amount of power

from traditional energy sources.

As an illustration, the California

Energy Commission has declared
that solar thermal power plants yield
twice as much tax revenue as con-
ventional, gas-fired plants. In some
other instances, renewable energy
investments can also enable indi-
viduals, corporations, or societies to
reduce their utility bills. For instance,
schools can cut or reduce costs by
using wind power, and electric com-
panies can provide cheaper elec-
tricity to members with photovolta-
ics. Even though the local monetary
benefits attached to renewable
energy investments are obvious, it is
also significant to consider that, in
the short run, increased dependence
on in-state energy resources could
reduce the income of energy-ex-
porting states. In the longer run, nev-
ertheless, the rewards of developing
renewable energy technologies go
far beyond the local economy —
they benefit the world at large.

“This is not a partisan debate; it is a

human one. Clean air and water,
and a livable climate are inalienable
human rights. And solving this crisis
is not a question of politics. It is our
moral obligation.”
— Leonardo DiCaprio

Shahzad Akra

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has way humans work. One such Google, on the other hand, is
become an increasingly example is Open AI’s Chat a multinational technology
important tool in modern GPT, a powerful lan- company that provides a
society. With a growing guage-based model that wide range of information.
number of organizations has revolutionized the digi- Google has over a hundred
incorporating AI into their tal world since its inception. billion web pages indexed in
day-to-day operations. AI its database. With such a
technologies are being used ChatGPT is a new language massive database, it can
in industries such as health- model developed by provide the most relevant
care, finance, retail, and OpenAI, which uses ma- results in split seconds. That
transportation to automate chine-learning algorithms is not the case with ChatGPT.
routine tasks, improve deci- to generate natural It offers precise answers but
sion-making, and enhance responses to users’ inputs. is limited by its knowledge.
customer experiences. For ChatGPT is designed to
example, AI-powered chat- create human-like conver- While Chat GPT and Google
bots have become a popu- sation and can be used for a both use artificial intelli-
lar way for businesses to variety of purposes, such as gence and natural lan-
interact with customers; customer service, language guage processing technol-
some language-based translation, personal assis- ogies, they serve different
models have changed the tants, etc. purposes and have different

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

don’t need to be a tech

expert to use it. Also, chat
GPT has a lot more features
than Google AI. For example,
you can use ChatGPT to
create bots and integrate
them into your website or
application. Additionally,
ChatGPT offers a wide range
of customization options.
You can change the color
scheme, font size, and even
the language of the bot.

Google AI, on the other hand,

is geared more toward
developers. It’s not as
user-friendly as ChatGPT
and it doesn’t have as many
features. However, Google AI
does offer some advantag-
es over ChatGPT. For
instance, it’s better at
understanding natural lan-
strengths and limitations. used to make video calls. guage processing and it
Chat GPT is primarily Both programs can access can be integrated with other
designed for conversational the internet, and both can Google products (such as
interactions, while Google is be used to search for infor- Gmail).
designed to provide infor- mation.
mation and services across Chat GPT and Cyber Crime.
a wide range of domains. Another similarity between The Chat GPT cannot think
ChatGPT and Google AI for itself but is trained to
Similarities Between applications is that both can generate conversational
ChatGPT and Google AI be used to play games, text that can be used for a
While there are many differ- study, and do research work. wide array of applications,
ences between ChatGPT Both ChatGPT and Google’s from writing college-level
and Google AI applications, AI applications can be used essays and poetry in a
there are also some similari- to control other devices. For matter of seconds to com-
ties. Both types of programs example, both can be used posing computer code and
are designed to help users to turn on lights or music. legal contracts.
communicate with others,
and both use artificial intelli- Differences Between It is already abundantly
gence. It can be used to ChatGPT and Google AI clear that Chat GPT has
send and receive messages, There are quite a few differ- far-ranging implications
and make phone calls, ences between ChatGPT and potential uses for edu-
although the Google AI and Google AI. ChatGPT is a cation, entertainment,
application can also be lot more user-friendly. You research, and especially our

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

workforce. However, the most

alarming ramifications of such
a vast technological leap will be
seen in areas of disinformation,
cybercrime, and terrorism
because ChatGPT carries with it
a tremendous risk of misuse.
This nascent technology
already is becoming a tool for
hackers and phishing schemes.

According to Checkpoint
Research, ChatGPT is empow-
ering low-skill hackers and
other bad actors to transform
basic phishing schemes into
more sophisticated, profes-
sional-looking attacks. In two
instances in December alone,
bad actors used ChatGPT to
create malware, or software
that is specifically designed to
damage, disrupt or gain unau-
thorized access to a computer
system. One of those bad
actors admitted it was the first
time he attempted to create
malware, and that the technol-
ogy played a significant role in
helping to create the script.

CheckPoint Research quickly

concluded that the “cybercrim-
inal community has already
shown significant interest and is
jumping into this latest trend to
generate malicious code” at an
alarming rate.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

Chat GPT and Human and can respond accord- Conclusion

Development ingly. Additionally, it can also Overall, we can see that
Chat GPT application will be help businesses automate there are some key differ-
very good to reduce the cost customer service tasks. For ences between chat GPT
of education. As it will help example, if you run a web- and Google applications.
the children’s studies start- site that sells products, Chat GPT is focused on gen-
ing from daily homework to ChatGPT can handle cus- erating text, while Google AI
monthly assignments and tomer queries automatical- applications are more gen-
for housewives who are ly. So far, the reviews for eral-purpose. Chat GPT is
unable to cope with their ChatGPT have been very also trained on a larger
children’s education, work, positive. Many believe that it dataset, which could poten-
and home. has the potential to change tially make it more accurate.
the way we use the internet With its ability to generate
In this age of technology, forever. Only time will tell if it natural language text quick-
where AI is already taking lives up to the hype but, if it ly and accurately, ChatGPT
over human jobs unemploy- does, it could truly be a can help make search
ment will further increase game-changer. engines more efficient and
with this Chat GPT tool. user-friendly. By allowing
Moreover, this program can users to communicate with
learn unknown things (RLHF) search engines more natu-
through Reinforcement rally. As this technology
Learning from human-pro- continues to evolve and
vided messages or informa- improve, it is likely to have a
tion. This Reinforcement significant impact on the
Learning makes Chat GPT way we use search engines
more powerful and versatile. to find information online.

Moreover, Chat GPT’s spe-

cialty is that it admits its
ignorance if there is no rele-
vant information available.
There are no artificial intelli-
gence, big data, and ma-
chine learning-related laws
in Pakistan, which make its
regulation quite complicat-

Will ChatGPT Revolutionize

the Internet?
ChatGPT is the new artificial
intelligence (AI) application
that can revolutionize the
internet. It can interact with
users naturally. It under-
stands human emotions


According to the Freedom ments are backsliding and tional order. And the further
House project’s 2021 Free- are adopting authoritarian a country goes down the
dom in the World assess- tactics by restricting free road toward autocracy, the
ment, 2020 saw a sharp speech and weakening the less capacity it has to
acceleration in the global rule of law, a trend exacer- self-correct and recover.
decline of democracy. By bated by the Covid-19 pan-
their measure, fewer than a demic. Consider one of the most
fifth of the world’s popula- fundamental indicators of
tion now live in fully free On the Rise of democratic vitality: freedom
countries. This is part of a Authoritarianism of expression and belief. This
longer trend of democratic Across the Globe is the only category
decline and rising authori- The pillars of democracy do assessed in Freedom in the
tarianism that’s been not stand or crumble inde- World that has declined
underway across the globe pendently. When transpar- every year since 2005, with
for the last 30 years. The ency, free expression, and an overall drop of 9 percent
world is becoming more the rule of law are weak- in the average score across
authoritarian as autocratic ened, a country’s other the 210 countries and terri-
regimes become even more democratic safeguards are tories covered in the report.
brazen in their repression. undermined as well, as is the In Hungary, Prime Minister
Many democratic govern- entire rules-based interna- Viktor Orbán’s ruling Fidesz

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

human rights violations.

Building a More Democratic

The displacement of global
democratic norms by
authoritarian powers and
other anti-democratic
actors can still be reversed.
But success will require a
bold, sustained response
that establishes support for
democracy and countering
Party has starkly politicized ments and the promotion of authoritarianism at the
media regulation, leaving unproven treatments. The heart of each democracy’s
the sector increasingly World Justice Project’s foreign policy, national
dominated by pro-govern- annual Rule of Law Index
ment outlets that smear the recently reported four con-
leadership’s perceived secutive years of decline
opponents. In India, press worldwide, exacerbated in
freedom has rapidly deteri- 2020 and 2021. According to
orated since Prime Minister the report, Last year, a ma-
Narendra Modi took power jority of the 139 countries
in 2014. Indian authorities studied experienced
use laws related to national declines in seven of the
security, defamation, sedi- index’s eight key indicators.
tion, and hate speech to Future of Democracy
silence critical voices in the The future of democracy in
media, a tactic widely em- an increasingly authoritari-
ployed by authoritarians. an world is uncertain. Many
countries have taken steps
The decline of global press to increase the control of the
freedom has been accom- government over its citizens,
panied by a steady erosion with some even going as far
in the other indicators of a as to implement oppressive
free society, most notably policies and laws. The free-
government transparency dom of individuals to
and the rule of law. Trans- express their opinions,
parency has been one of the assemble peacefully, and
hardest-hit elements of participate in civil society is
democratic governance under threat in many
over the past 15 years. Espe- places. At the same time,
cially during the Covid-19 there are growing concerns
Pandemic, the presidents of about the lack of account-
Brazil and the United States ability and transparency in
drowned out national health many governments, which
authorities with false state- can lead to corruption and

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

security strategy, and racy be imposed by forces ency and accountability,

domestic reform agenda. It outside a given country. and ensure that the voices
must also entail the partici- of all citizens are heard.
pation of both governments In response to the authori- Countries should also coop-
and an engaged and active tarian trends, there is an erate with each other to
citizenry. Rather than long- urgent need for democratic promote democracy and
ing for a bygone era of reform and the protection of protect human rights
expanding freedom, demo- human rights. This includes around the world. This could
cratic leaders need to con- strengthening protections include initiatives like
front the problems caused for the right to freedom of regional human rights
by their past mistakes and expression, the right to courts and the implementa-
address weaknesses in the peaceful assembly, and the tion of United Nations reso-
international system that right to access information lutions and conventions. At
authoritarians have been and participate in civil soci- the same time, it is local and
able to exploit. Effective ety. Governments should diasporic human rights
democracy support should also invest in education and defenders, grassroots civil
not be subordinated to a public services and ensure society organizations, and
free country’s short-term that their citizens have empowered electorates
economic, military, or geo- access to the resources they that must chart the course
political interests, all of need to participate mean- and ultimately determine
which would actually be ingfully in their societies. In their own country’s future
best served by a long-term addition, there needs to be a which is essential for build-
rollback of authoritarian concerted effort to combat ing up of a more democratic
practices. Nor can democ- corruption, ensure transpar- world.

Bakhtawar Narejo

It is an often-quoted fact some serious concerns This was the reason why the
that a spark may trigger regarding its future. allied fought to undo the
inflammation. At the same emergence of German-like
time, some barring blocks The analysis of world war powers. This is an analysis at
can have the capability to first at individual, national, the state level. At the nation-
inactivate the inflammatory and state levels indicate the al level, the desire for pro-
spark. Such a metaphorical scene currents which trig- moting and standing supe-
conceit can be dragged gered the war. The rise of rior of the races e.g, German,
down to gauge the German power and its etc, to the rest increased the
would-be decisive and turn- alliance with the axis threat- speed towards the start of
ing point of the Rus- ened the balance of power the war. The Thucydides
sia-Ukraine standoff. It has regime in the prevailing trap and the neo-realistic
been more than a year that international order. The approaches contributed to
Ukraine has become a bat- established powers felt fear the outbreak of world war 1
tleground both for tradition- of it as they were seeing at the state-level analysis.
al scuffle and proxy among their interests at stake. They
the powerful players in the thought that it would chal- The same reasons went for
international arena. Such a lenge the status quo and the eruption of the second
deleterious and complex their established positions in world war, The world war
nature of this standoff raises the international system. second, though immediately

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

triggered by the belligerent

and imperial fascist and
Nazist approaches, was
dragged down by the possi-
ble imbalance in the inter-
national power corridor. This
might be fairly explained by
referring to Thucydides’ trap.

This shows that though there

might be several reasons
behind the deadly two world
form of NATO’s membership wrestling for maintaining
wars, there are reportedly a
extension to Ukraine and their unchallenged positions
few which stand above all:
some other Baltic states or towards each other. Putin
balancing the international
those of the Caucasus and Russia wants the erstwhile
balance of power structure,
EU membership to Ukraine. Soviet exalted status to have
preventing one’s hegemonic
Russia keeps harping on that an undeniable say in world
position, barring the new
NATO must not take the risk matters as was mentioned
emerging power to chal-
of mongering its nose in the in the 6000 words document
lenging the existing ones
Russian sphere of influence, at the end of the Xi-Putin
and maintaining the
but in vein and thus, Moscow meeting last year. Whereas,
unchallenged and unques-
presents this reason behind the US-led West has
tioned global position of the
its attack on Ukraine. planned to have the whole
established powers.
Eurasian region under its
The Russia-Ukraine standoff influence in addition to
The Russia-Ukraine skirmish
unveils the West-Russia weakening Russia.
is very well explained in this
way thereby unfolding its
future. Though the war is
between Russia and its
next-door neighbor Ukraine,
the war has been serving the
global competition and key
powers rivalry. The core
reason for this scuffle was
the continual extension of
western influence into the
Russian World or Russian
sphere of influence in the

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

sons: balancing the power

shit or power imbalance,
maintaining hegemony
while denying the same by
other and the desire for a un
denying say in international
affairs among others. How-
ever, some forces might
prevent it from turning into a
third world war. The latter
approach is conditioned to
a responsible and new liber-
al thought, whereas the
former is to the new realist
Therefore, these global turns into traditional, the thought. It is solely the
powers wrestling over cost might be unbearable. choice of the warring parties
Ukraine might inflame Similarly, the constraints by which one to choose while
another world war as the international law, global keeping its durable conse-
war has been triggering the peace, and global trends quences in view.
erstwhile cold war rivals and exercise a strong check on
contemporary east-west the going skirmish which
rivalry. This is enough to get
into a worldwide scuffling
just like the forgone two
world wars erupted as a
result of the global power
rivalry. Russia might have an
orbit of supporters among
which Beijing takes the main
seat though it negates it
publically. Similarly, the
US-led West is also a mus-
cled alliance that can give
tough times to its arch-rival.
As an inverse logic, it might
be argued that the ongoing might be preventing it from
Russia-Ukraine scuffle has turning into a full-fledged
been blocked by many bars worldwide scuffle.
from getting worst. This
cannot be a world war since While giving an ending note,
the warring parties and the the ongoing Russia-Ukraine
perpetrators are of standoff may turn into a
immense strength and the world war if its intensity gets
intensity might be devastat- worst since it is hosting the
ing if they unleash a world’s powerful entities
full-fledged war. Putting it fighting for, following their
simpler, when the proxy views, some forcible rea-




CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

New drugs could used “off label” for weight The consequences of obesi-
spell an end to the loss. A rival glp-1 drug, made ty for the public purse and
by Eli Lilly, an American firm, the wider economy are
world’s obesity is due to come on sale later large. According to model-
epidemic this year and is more effec- ling by academics the
tive still. Analysts think the annual cost to the world
Published in The Economist market for glp-1 drugs could economy of excess weight
reach $150bn by 2031, not far could reach $4trn by 2035
Anew type of drug is gener- off the market for cancer (2.9% of global gdp, up from
ating excitement among the drugs today. Some think 2.2% in 2019). That includes
rich and the beautiful. Just a they could become as both spending on health
jab a week, and the weight common as beta blockers care and working time lost
falls off. Elon Musk swears by or statins. to illness and premature
it; influencers sing its praises deaths tied to obesity.
on TikTok; suddenly slimmer The drugs could not have
Hollywood starlets deny arrived at a better time. In The world’s expanding
they have taken it. But the 2020 two-fifths of the world’s waistlines are not a sign of
latest weight-loss drugs are population were overweight the moral failure of the
no mere cosmetic or obese. By 2035, says the billions who are overweight,
enhancements. Their big- World Obesity Federation, but the result of biology. The
gest beneficiaries will be not an ngo, that figure could genes that were vital to
celebrities in Los Angeles or swell to more than half, with helping humans survive
Miami but billions of ordi- a staggering 4bn people winters and famine still help
nary people around the overweight or obese. People the body cling on to its
world whose weight has everywhere are getting weight today. The super-
made them unhealthy. fatter. The populations put- abundance of hard-to-re-
ting on pounds the fastest sist processed foods in
Treatments for weight loss are not in the rich West but recent decades has brought
have long ranged from the in countries like Egypt, greater convenience and
well-meaning and ineffec- Mexico and Saudi Arabia. lower costs, but also trig-
tive to the downright dodgy. gered overeating just as
The new class of drugs, These trends are alarming lifestyles became more
called glp-1 receptor ago- because obesity causes a sedentary. Once the fat is
nists, seems actually to host of health problems, on, the body fights any
work. Semaglutide, devel- including diabetes, heart attempt to diet away more
oped by Novo Nordisk, a disease and high blood than a little of its total
Danish pharmaceutical firm, pressure, as well as dozens weight. Despite the $250bn
has been shown in clinical of illnesses such as stroke, that consumers around the
trials to lead to weight loss gout and various cancers. world spent on dieting and
of about 15%. It is already Carrying extra weight made weight loss last year, the
being sold under the brand people more likely to die of battle to get slim was largely
name Wegovy in America, covid-19. And then there is being lost.
Denmark and Norway and the misery that comes from The new obesity drugs
will soon be available in the stigma associated with arrived by serendipity, after
other countries; Ozempic, a being fat, which affects chil- treatments meant for dia-
lower-dose version, is a dia- dren in schools and play- betics were observed to
betes drug that is also being grounds most cruelly of all. cause weight loss. Sema-

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

glutide mimics the release tis. Little is known about the The shape of things to come
of hormones that stimulate effects of using them during What to do in the mean-
a feeling of fullness and or just before pregnancy. All time? Governments must
reduce the appetite. They this will require careful anal- ensure that those who most
also switch off the powerful ysis through controlled lon- need the drugs get them,
urge to eat that lurks inside gitudinal studies. leaving those taking them
the brain, waiting to ambush for cosmetic purposes to
even the keenest dieter. Understanding these risks pay out of their own pockets.
will be important, because The long-term effects must
With the jabs already in high many patients who take the be carefully studied. States
demand, investors are drugs may need them for should keep pressing other
nearly as giddy as newly the rest of their lives. As with anti-obesity measures, such
slim users. The market capi- ditching a diet, stopping a as exercise, healthy eating
talisation of Novo Nordisk, high dose of semaglutide is and better food labelling,
the firm at the front of the associated with much of the which may help prevent
gold rush, has doubled in lost weight piling back on. people from getting fat in
two years, to $326bn, Some people even gain the first place. But spare a
making it the sec- more weight than they lost moment to celebrate, too.
ond-most-valuable listed in the first place. These new drugs mean that
drugmaker in the world. the world’s fight against flab
Analysts expect half of Another preoccupation for may eventually be won.
obese Americans who seek policymakers is cost. In
help to be on glp-1 drugs by America the bill for Wegovy Why Asia – and the
the turn of the decade. But, runs at around $1,300 a World – Must Stand
as with any new medicine month; for Ozempic about
that holds so much promise $900. Judged by such
With Ukraine
for so many, there are prices, lifelong prescriptions
Published in The Diplomat
uncertainties. Two big ones look forbiddingly expensive.
will be safety and afford- The longer view, however, is
Ukraine will be glorious
ability. more encouraging. In time,
again. To the wounded hills
companies may strike deals
of Ukraine, life will be
Consider safety first. The with governments and
returned. The destroyed
newness of these drugs health providers to cover the
homes and streets will be
means that their long-term whole population, ensuring
rebuilt. Separated families
consequences are not yet high volumes in return for
and loved ones will be
known. For the lower-dose low prices. The prospect of
united. Ukraine will celebrate
forms prescribed for diabe- profits is already luring
freedom and peace along
tes, the side-effects, such as competition and spurring
with the rest of the world.
vomiting and diarrhoea, innovation. Amgen, Astra-
have been mild. But others Zeneca and Pfizer are all
I have great trust in standing
could crop up as the drugs working on rival drugs; Novo
together as one, totally
are used more widely and at Nordisk has a full pipeline of
united. I have a firm convic-
higher doses. Animal studies follow-on drugs. Further
tion in the power of freedom.
have shown a higher inci- ahead still, patents will
No power, authoritarian dic-
dence of thyroid cancer, expire, enabling the devel-
tator, or militant junta can
and semaglutide is associ- opment of lower-priced
stand against the will of
ated with a rare pancreati- generics.
people determined to be

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

free. The voice of the people more profound than the dren, elders, and families.
and their resolve are far geographical bounds of This horror is not solely pres-
more powerful than any Ukraine. The fiery frontline ent in war-torn territories; it
gunfire. Freedom is non-ne- runs throughout Africa, Asia, is also found in Russia itself.
gotiable when it faces exter- America, and the Middle The Russian authorities are
mination. East. This war is raging even committing a geno-
between the free world and cide against their own citi-
Freedom is an opportunity the suppressed, between zens.
for all; despots offer solu- autocracy and democracy.
tions and opportunities that Putin’s so-called partial mo-
only comfort themselves. Many ask why most Asian bilization brought fear and
They claim they bring countries tend to have a tears to the most vulnerable.
justice, but their justice is neutral position compared The ethnic minorities who
selective. They dictate their to Europe. The answer is live in Russia are dispropor-
chosen way of life to others. simple: All they can do is tionately drafted and
In truth, they worry more watch with a heavy heart. thrown to the frontline. The
about the regime’s and, ulti- Sadly, the continent of Asia Buryats, Kalmycks, Tuvans,
mately, their own survival is also full of self-pro- and other marginalized
and longevity. Dictators are claimed rulers. In most minorities have been used
usually desperate, servicing cases, Asian governments as cannon fodder. The
their corrupted web of lack legitimate representa- remote regions where
crooks and pleasing the tion. ethnic minorities live have
vultures that are flying almost run out of mili-
around them. Ukrainians are fighting not tary-age men. By local
only for their country, but accounts, the Kremlin is
I know Vladimir Putin does they are also fighting for our committing textbook ethnic
not tolerate freedom. I have right to exist and be free. cleansing under the um-
sat with him on many occa- Their fight is global. As a brella of its “special opera-
sions. He despises differenc- result, our support should be tion.”
es and competition. He fears global and completely
a free Ukraine. As a deep unconditional. Ukrainian In addition, the outspoken
narcissist, he cannot abide victory will bring unprece- and brightest in Russia are
more successful and pros- dented encouragement to mostly silenced. In any
perous neighbors. He envi- all freedom-loving people nation, free-minded people
sioned that a free, civil on this planet. Autocrats are fundamental to offering
Ukraine could represent a everywhere will be knocked differences and better solu-
grave danger for his regime. down and devastated. If tions. But, unfortunately, this
Russia prevails, however, very part of society in Russia
The Russian aggression dictators will march in full has catastrophically
against Ukraine did not swing. shrunken, if not dried out.
happen out of the blue. It The remaining brave people
was a pinnacle of We all must contribute as in Russia are still fighting
long-fought rivalries we can. against corruption and the
between ideas of freedom The evils of this war have no deeply intimidating war
and fists of suppression. The limit. The Kremlin is bringing while facing torture and jail.
dimensions of this war are devastation and suffering to
much broader, longer, and the most vulnerable: chil- Therefore, the world is not

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

against the Russian people circumstances, Mongolian by the West are always one
but against the Kremlin’s horses were at times the step behind Russian
kleptocracy and atrocities. only means of transporta- aggression in terms of sup-
Some observers are disap- tion – and sometimes a porting Ukraine. Ukraine’s
pointed with Asian coun- much-needed source of President Volodymyr Zelen-
tries’, including Mongolia’s, nourishment. Mongolian skyy, from the first days of
stance on the war against herders supplied over half a the war, asked not for an
Ukraine. Due to its geogra- million horses to the Soviets. escape plane but for more
phy, tightly squeezed weapons. War-torn Ukraine
between Russia and China, In late 1941, the Soviets is still begging for fighter jets
the government of Mongolia began a counteroffensive and longer-range missiles.
is forced to perform a bal- against German forces on
ancing act. However, public the outskirts of Moscow. Ukrainians are paying the
opinion in Mongolia is reso- During those unusually ultimate price for freedom.
lutely against the brutal harsh winter months, most They are suffering, shedding
attack against the sovereign of the Red Army soldiers and blood, and sacrificing every-
nation of Ukraine. officers wore warm winter thing precious to them.
uniforms made from stocks Ukrainians are fighting to
In this regard, I would like to in Mongolia. In addition, with restore the damaged world
remind the world of a histor- donations from Mongolia, order. They are fighting day
ical example. When Nazi the Soviets produced col- and night to secure global
leader Adolf Hitler attacked umns of tanks and fleets of peace and freedom.
the Soviet Union, the people fighter aircraft. The govern-
of Mongolia united against ment of Mongolia donated U.S. President Joe Biden and
this fascist invader. They its gold and hard currency German Chancellor Olaf
showed solidarity with the reserves to the Soviet Union Scholz might have time to
Soviet people and spared for four years in a row. Mon- wait, but a wounded Ukraine
nothing. Nomadic herders golian lamb and meat does not.
sent more than half of their donations to the front line
livestock to the Soviet Union. outperformed those by the There is no time to wait in
A quarter of all the horses on Lend-Lease Act. the face of this blatant
the frontline during World aggression and destruction.
War II came from Mongolia. When Nazi Germany Ukraine needs aircraft and
In the days following the attacked the Soviet Union, missiles to delete, deplete,
war’s end, it was not rare to Mongolians stood with their and defeat the invading
see a skinny but sturdy northern neighbor as best forces. Putin will only stop
Mongol horse standing as they could. When Putin’s fighting once he exhausts all
together with victorious Russia attacked Ukraine, his arsenals. And Russian
Allied forces in the ruins of from day one, the people of aggression will only stop
Berlin. Mongolia stood against the with its defeat.
brutal invasion. My point
Horses were logistical here is: Do what the Mongols As one family, as humanity,
lifelines, moving heavy did. Offer support and con- we all must support Ukraine
equipment and weaponry tributions to those fighting because its people are
through mud and rough for the right to exist. paying the ultimate price.
terrain, including mined We must stand shoul-
ground. In challenging Sadly, most of the decisions der-to-shoulder with

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

Ukraine, not only until its land. Such a move by

total liberation but also until Iran’s weapons production Tehran runs counter to a
its complete rebuilding. is increasingly sophisticat- multitude of interests. Last
ed. It moves from market to week, an agreement was
No one in this day and age market, depending on signed between Somalia,
should ever attempt what buyers and the pervasive- Qatar, Turkey, the UAE, the
Putin is doing in Ukraine. As a ness of the environment. UK and the US to support
result, Ukraine’s victory is a Iran’s increasing partner- Somalia’s efforts in the fight
non-negotiable for the ships with China and Russia against weapons smug-
global community, to prove make Tehran increasingly gling.
that war is obsolete. seek new interests in Africa,
especially regarding The seaborne Iranian arms
If Ukraine stops fighting, Moscow and its proposed transport system uses the
freedom and the free world base in Sudan. The Iranian same route that has been
will face continuous intimi- merchant shipping industry run for decades by maritime
dation and further extermi- is also seeking to increase shippers and traders. The
nation. However, if Ukraine is its capacity to sail around arms network that runs
victorious, freedom will pre- the East Coast of Africa to along the southern part of
vail. The whole of humanity the Gulf of Guinea. Weapons the Arabian Peninsula into
will pass the test of time and get mixed up in this trade the Horn of Africa is tough to
the test of dignity. The free flow. police. Prohibitions of Iranian
world has no right to lose. weapons shipments help
Iranian foreign policy but delivery outside of the
Iran’s growing toward African states is Bab Al-Mandab Strait
weapons transfers to undergoing a sharp makes for a wider maritime
increase in activity and out- space to police.
Africa reach. Foreign Minister Hos-
sein Amir-Abdollahian visit- Iran has sold weapons to
Published in Arab News
ed Mali and Tanzania last many African countries.
year and Mauritania this Research shows Iranian
Iran’s arms smuggling to
year, opening new lines of ammunition is in service
Africa has been ongoing for
diplomatic and ship- with a range of entities,
years. A cat-and-mouse
ping/trade opportunities. including government
game has been taking
Weapons get mixed into forces (Guinea, Ivory Coast,
place, with the international
such activities, as was Kenya and Sudan), warring
community tracing Iranian
witnessed during the days civilian communities
weapons transfers ever
when Iran had arms facto- (Kenya, South Sudan and
since the 1983 Beirut bomb-
ries in Sudan under Omar Uganda) and rebel, insur-
ing that killed hundreds of
Bashir. gent and militia groups
Americans. Significantly for
(Ivory Coast, Darfur, the
Europe and the West, Iran
With Yemen becoming an Democratic Republic of the
seems to be increasing its
increasingly difficult market Congo, South Sudan and
activities in Africa. Iranian
to sell in because of increas- Niger). There is a strong
arms sales in Africa, particu-
ing interdiction by Arab Gulf history of Iranian arms fall-
larly in certain regions, are
partners, Tehran is funneling ing into the “wrong hands.”
beneficial to Russia and
more weapons into the Horn Research shows that Iranian
China and run counter to
of Africa, specifically Punt- ammunition is in service
Western interests.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

with factions aligned with last month led by Senega- Overall, Iran’s arms transfers
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic lese President Macky Sall to the African continent
Maghreb operating in Niger. and the UN’s mission in Libya serve a number of purposes,
is headed by prominent which signal that Tehran
Transfers of Iranian ammu- Senegalese diplomat continues its elicit revenue
nition have contravened UN Abdoulaye Bathily. Com- practice, while facing mo-
sanctions on Ivory Coast bined with Tehran’s relations rality issues at home.
and plausibly violated UN with Mali and Algeria, in
embargoes on the Demo- addition to Mauritania, there War and peace: How
cratic Republic of the Congo is a growing Iranian pres- Germany and France
and Darfur. There is no ence in the Sahel, especially
lost the plot in
evidence to suggest the in Libya’s “underbelly.” North
direct involvement of Iran in Africa is a key Iranian focus, Ukraine
these violations, but the particularly the areas
potential is there. Why play around Libya. Published in TRT World
with fire?
The state-to-state level Macron and Scholz’s efforts
According to a 2012 report matters for Iran in Africa. to find a negotiated settle-
by Conflict Armament Tehran’s close ties with Alge- ment between Kiev and
Research, “with the excep- ria are a particularly import- Moscow have seemingly
tion of Khartoum-aligned ant factor. Algeria’s relation- backfired due to a poor
forces in Darfur and South ship with the Palestinians is understanding of the situa-
Sudan, the regional sources key for Tehran, giving it an tion.
of this ammunition are added voice, especially
unclear. In the Ivory Coast during today’s troubling situ- European politics has
case, ammunition deliveries ation in Israel and the Occu- become a comedy show of
certainly transited the terri- pied Territories. Tehran is sorts in recent days when
tory of Burkina Faso and able to go to other countries we observe how France and
match the types of ammu- and perhaps weaponize the Germany’s leaders are
nition circulating in Darfur.” It issue if necessary. tackling the problem of the
remains to be seen what Ukraine war – which they
happens as China and Israel’s growing interactions badly want to end – and
Russia boost their involve- with the Horn of Africa also President Zelenskyy,
ment in African affairs. Iran states, particularly Somalia who western elites are
acts as a fifth column and Sudan, brings up ques- seeing more and more as
source when necessary. tions about the intersection part of the problem, rather
with Iranian arms sales. Teh- the solution.
In a meeting with his Sene- ran’s arms sales can set the
galese counterpart Aissata stage for a confrontation Recently these two leaders
Tall Sall, Amir-Abdollahian within these states. Does spoke with Zelenskyy and
this week emphasized the Iran want to upset the urged him to begin peace
importance of Africa in Iran’s Somali political landscape talks with Putin. His
foreign policy and the with weapon sales in response, according to
important position of Sene- Somaliland as a way to social media, was that
gal in Africa. Senegal is a key garner access to the tip of “there’s nothing to negotiate
country on the continent, as the peninsula and earn and no one in Moscow to
the African Union was until greater influence? negotiate with..”.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

The French and German due mainly to Republicans ers a clue as to how the
presidents, Emmanuel controlling the House and West managed to impale
Macron and Olaf Scholz, are an election race kicking off. itself in Ukraine and how
barely hiding the fact these Western sanctions are actu-
days that they need Zelen- This will leave him am- ally punishing EU citizens
skyy to start peace talks with bushed by blue-collar work- more than Russians.
the Russian president. The ers asking him how he blew
problem with that is their 100 billion dollars on a coun- Scholz and Macron offered
own oxymoronic logic which try they can’t find on a map to supply Zelenskyy with
goes with the idea that they while a growing cost-of-liv- even more weapons plus a
want peace. But at the same ing crisis takes more victims, gilt-edged offer of NATO
time, they also want a stron- puts more families on the ‘defence pact’ if he starts
ger Ukraine to emerge from streets and kills more of the peace talks with Putin. How
it, which they can claim as old. could Scholz and Macron
theirs when the dust settles. think these incentives would
Biden and his allies have help negotiate peace with
In many ways, some military warned Zelenskyy that time Putin?
pundits might compare this is running out and that the
to the British attack on latest tranche of cash has to And given Putin’s position
Arnhem in the Netherlands get real results. Their think- now, it would take a miracle
during WWII, where their ing is that if he can make anyway to negotiate with
soldiers took on too much more gains on the battle- Zelenskyy with or without
and dreamt too big. A Bridge field, this will stand him in these ‘incentives’.
Too Far was a Hollywood good stead for negotiating
movie which summed up later on. The nightmare sce- For Ukraine, even if we are to
the zealous adventure nario for Biden is that the humour the West in its opti-
which failed to push the 2024 presidential elections mism, there is a window of
German positions back and are fought on a single issue opportunity to make a small
take the bridges. – Ukraine – and that this will impact on the battlefield,
reinstate Trump or anyone perhaps at the end of
It’s a similar story to what else officially nominated by summer if the 100 tanks
these EU giants are setting the Republican Party. The promised will arrive. But this
out to achieve with the Americans take a slightly is a very optimistic view-
Ukraine war. different view of the timeline point, given that even the
and what they expect com- tank crews will be rookies
Zelenskyy is and always has pared to the EU. and the 2000 km ‘border’
been the real stumbling between Russian and forces
block when it comes to kick- It’s more of a drawn-out is too large for these tanks to
starting peace talks. And torture for Macron and have any real impact.
nothing much has changed Scholz, whose mishandling
of late, except that US Presi- of Zelenskyy is comical. The truth about the tanks’
dent Joe Biden is starting to hyped-up story is that they
panic in Washington as it is Vexed by this recalcitrant will only be used in a defen-
clear the egregious amount attitude, Zelenskyy was sive capacity. And that’s
of money which was previ- offered an incentive which, even if they arrive, as some
ously shovelled to Ukraine is when viewed in a clear light, analysts are very sceptical
going to slow down in 2023, gives analysts and observ- that Biden will even send the

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

30 or so promised M1 es its ‘tank buster’ robotic Yet even the worthiest prin-
Abrams. Many believe it is mini tanks, which are ciples have a way of wear-
just one more smokescreen already arriving in Donbas. ing thin, as Mr Putin well
created by the American knows. He believes that the
President, who knows that And for the Leopard IIs and West will tire and, with the
this latest batch of military Challenger tanks? Who will possibility of a new Ameri-
aid is probably the last. buy them after this PR disas- can president in 2025 and
ter? More money and jobs stronger backing from
Given that, Kremlin will no lost in the West. The Ma- China, he may yet be proved
doubt seize the window of cron-Scholz peace plan right. His speech this week
opportunity to go ahead definitely needs a rethink. made clear that he is mobil-
with a spring offensive with ising Russia for a war
new tanks rolling off the pro- How to win the hot that—hot or cold—could last
duction lines. A key fact a generation.
war in Ukraine and
about tanks: the West has a
shortage and an extended
the cold war that will In the fighting and in the
delivery period. Russia follow it long years of the heavily
doesn’t, as it produces armed stand-off that
around 200 a year. And now, Published in The Economist comes afterwards, Ukraine
with China and Iran piling in will prevail only when Mr
with more assistance in the After a year there is so much Putin—or, more likely, his
form of buying Russian to mourn. The dead, on both successor—concludes that
energy, ditching the dollar sides. The living, scattered further aggression would
and, if reports are to be across Europe by Russian gravely weaken him at
believed, providing military missiles. The world’s poor, home. Western leaders
hardware to add to Russia’s struggling to buy bread. But, need to signal their resolve
arsenal, it’s little wonder why addressing his nation this to Russia and to prepare
there is panic setting in both week, Vladimir Putin was their own people for the
the US and EU leaders. unrepentant. confrontation ahead. That is
why they should mark the
Macron and Scholz are wait- Ukraine’s allies can congrat- second year of fighting by
ing for the first card to fall on ulate themselves that they going beyond generalities
the continent, which will have done their part to and committing themselves
almost certainly be the UK counter Mr Putin’s remorse- to a credible blueprint for a
when Prime Minister Rishi less assault—though, with its long struggle.
Sunak will have to scale courage and resolve,
back spending on Ukraine Ukraine itself deserves most The first task is to under-
before the next winter sets in credit. They have converged stand what is at stake. Some
around November in the UK. on two principles: that Europeans still harbour the
Around about the same Ukraine must win, and that it belief that a peace deal
time, western leaders will is for President Volodymyr could restore the world to its
likely be struggling to Zelensky to define what state on February 23rd 2022.
explain to voters how poor victory means. When he In fact Russia, Ukraine and
people are going to get it in visited Kyiv on Tuesday, the West are locked in a
the neck even more as the President Joe Biden was contest between rival sys-
tank plan has backfired big living proof of America’s tems. The West believes that
time when Russia showcas- commitment. sovereign Ukraine should be

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

free to become a prosper- yes. It lies within the coun- At the recent Munich Securi-
ous, democratic nation. Mr try’s recognised borders. It ty Conference several coun-
Putin denies Ukraine’s exis- controls access to Ukraine’s tries said they were in
tence, and says that the coast. It is also the territory favour—even France may be
Russian civilisation is at war that Mr Putin most priz- open to the idea. However,
with the West. It is a war that es—and hence whose liber- nato membership requires
will test the resolve and ation would best drive home consensus. If that is unat-
power of both sides. his defeat. In practice, tainable, Ukraine would
Crimea will be hard to take. need bilateral guarantees
The second task is to gain Mr Putin may issue a credi- and lots of arms, so that it is
the advantage on the bat- ble threat to use nuclear like a European Israel, too
tlefield. Russia’s and weapons. Mr Zelensky had indigestible for another Rus-
Ukraine’s spring offensives better be sure of success: a sian invasion to make sense.
will show whether either side failed assault could end up
can take territory. Russia’s rallying ordinary Russians Whatever happens, Ukraine’s
assault has already begun, behind their leader. need for weapons will endure
and does not seem to be for at least a decade and
making ground. Ukraine’s is The stronger Ukraine’s terri- possibly longer. Just now it is
likely in April or May. The torial position, the stronger it firing roughly as many shells
Ukrainian army’s stated aim will be in the cold war after in a month as America can
is to restore the borders of the fighting is exhausted. produce in a year. Its spring
1991 by seizing Crimea and This could come in a formal campaign needs munitions,
the four provinces Mr Putin peace agreement, but more spare parts, air-defence sys-
annexed in September. probably a ceasefire, like the tems, long-range artillery
70-year-old stand-off and, ultimately, aircraft. Post
It should take all it can. The between North and South war, it will require an entire
strategic reason for this is Korea. Either way, Mr Putin arsenal of nato-quality
that a rump Ukraine would will not simply give up, so weaponry.
be impoverished and hard Ukraine will require a credi-
to defend. The east and ble guarantee of its security. Politicians insist they have
south of the country are woken up to these needs,
sources of minerals and Ideally that would entail but are being slow to act.
crops, and centres of indus- membership of nato. Mr They need to change their
try. Unhindered access to Putin is hard to deter, outlook. Western countries
the Black Sea provides safe because America does not have to accept that they
passage for Ukrainian want to begin a war with can no longer afford peace-
exports. The political reason Russia—and rightly so. nato time production levels of
is that the more territory membership lowers the risk, arms—not just to support
Russian forces surrender, by turning the tables on Mr Ukraine but also to defend
the clearer it is that the war Putin. It commits its mem- themselves. Threats
was futile—and the harder it bers in advance to treat an abound. They need to signal
will be for Mr Putin or his suc- attack on one country as an a long-term restocking of
cessor to justify re-invading attack on all. If Mr Putin munitions, invest in surge
Ukraine with a new army. invaded, he would be the capacity and do more pro-
one choosing a superpower curement alliance-wide so
Should Ukraine’s ambitions war. as to create a robust indus-
include Crimea? In principle, try.

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

The long fight could be transformative. down a bleak path where

Western powers can also Formal negotiations on might is right and frontiers
signal their commitment accession should begin are drawn by violence. It
with multi-year budgets for during 2023. may hasten the next, even
financial support. That mat- worse, confrontation in
ters because, if the As the war enters its second Europe. And it would deepen
Ukrainian economy does not year, some ask whether a widespread sense that
thrive, then democracy will Ukraine is worth all this Western power, and the uni-
not thrive either. Gradually, effort. Isn’t the cost-of-living versal values it sustains, are
the country’s defences crisis more urgent? Or in steep decline.
would weaken. climate change? Imagine if
the money spent on weap- Ukraine’s victory, by con-
Aid is essential, obviously. ons could finance develop- trast, would bring hope that
Given that America has pro- ment instead. a sovereign democracy
vided the lion’s share of the need not bow to its much
weapons, much of that It is right to regret the war, larger, dictatorial neighbour.
should come from Europe. but unwise simply to wish It would be a world that took
But private capital is essen- away Mr Putin’s aggression. heart from the resolve and
tial, too, and that will flow A Russian victory in Ukraine courage of Mr Zelensky and
into Ukraine only if it is seen would frog-march the world the Ukrainian people.
to be a good place to invest.
Who’s afraid of a
As in Israel and South Korea,
Chinese balloon?
which have both thrived
despite their neighbours’
Published in Al Jazeera
decades-long hostility,
Ukraine’s greatest resource
Sometimes on this planet of
is its people. Throughout this
ours, militaries do silly
war, they have shown that
they are enterprising and
creative. It is vital that, when
There was that time in 2021,
the fighting ends, the
for example, that the United
women and children who
States army accidentally
fled west do not stay put, but
stormed a sunflower oil fac-
choose to rejoin their part-
tory in Bulgaria. That same
year, the Italian armed
forces erroneously blew up
And Ukraine has to over-
a chicken coop in northern
come a history of corruption
and political capture. Here
the promise of membership
A bit farther back, in the
of the eu can help. The pro-
Battle of Karansebes of 1788,
cess of accession is a health
the Austrian army acciden-
regime for a country’s insti-
tally attacked itself, resulting
tutions. So long as Ukraine’s
in some 10,000 casualties.
candidacy is handled in
good faith by eu members, it
Now, another bizarre military

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

stunt has been pulled on the To be sure, the US suffers of “domestic problems”.
world stage — but on pur- from an abundance of Take the CIA, which on top of
pose. terrestrial issues that are all the energy it expends
rather more existentially committing misdeeds
On February 4, a US fighter perilous than a balloon off abroad somehow also
jet shot down what the the coast of South Carolina. manages to find the time to
United States insists was a These range from the lack of engage in the unlawful
Chinese “spy balloon” off the a functioning healthcare or mass surveillance of Ameri-
coast of South Carolina; education system to the cans, with no proper over-
according to China, it was ongoing epidemic of home- sight or safeguards against
merely a weather balloon lessness to the fact that violations of privacy.
that had blown off course. mass shootings might as
The airborne object was well be declared an official Then there is the FBI, which
taken out with a Sidewinder national pastime. as the American Civil Liber-
missile — which, at $400,000 ties Union notes has a “long
a pop, was also the weapon On February 18, a gunman in history of abusing its nation-
of choice a week later as the a rural Mississippi town al security surveillance
US military went about fatally shot six people — the powers”, starting with the
frenetically shooting up latest episode in a nev- COINTELPRO programme
more unidentified stuff in the er-ending horror show. But, during the Cold War that
sky. hey, China is the real threat “targeted numerous non-vi-
to American “safety and olent protest groups and
Belligerent and huffy pro- security”. political dissidents with
nouncements ensued from illegal wiretaps, warrantless
the US political establish- It meanwhile bears empha- physical searches and an
ment, and President Joe sising that, even if the Chi- array of other dirty tricks”.
Biden refused to apologise nese balloon was indeed
for downing the Chinese conducting surveillance Now in the “war on terror”
balloon — while Aviation rather than meteorological era, the FBI has shown even
Week floated the suggestion operations, the US reaction greater dedication to
that one of the unidentified is still pretty “preposterous” dismantling basic civil liber-
items might have been a given the country’s own ties. Muslim communities
cheap balloon reported stellar track record of sur- have been especially perse-
missing by the Northern veilling everyone and every- cuted with relentless unwar-
Illinois Bottlecap Balloon thing in the world. This ranted surveillance and
Brigade, a hobbyist club. includes decades of partic- plenty of “other dirty tricks”
ularly aggressive spying — like when the agency
In response to the fate of the against China itself, from the opted to spend heaps of US
Chinese balloon, China’s top Cold War era of U-2 spy taxpayer money paying
diplomat Wang Yi catego- planes up to the present informants to entrap unsus-
rised US behaviour as day. pecting folks in FBI-manu-
“almost hysterical” and factured terror plots.
urged the US “not to do such Of course, the US’s unilater-
preposterous things simply ally endowed right to act as Last but not least, the
to divert attention from its Big Brother-in-Chief extends National Security Agency
own domestic problems”. to the practice of spying on (NSA) has done its own bit
US citizens, too — speaking for “national security” by

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

presiding over the secret terror that is Made in the USA President Ursula von der
and illegal mass surveil- — from bombing and straf- Leyen is thus a welcome
lance of Americans, includ- ing Afghanistan and Iraq to development — one that
ing the interception of saturating the heavens with could mark a turning point
phone and internet com- armed drones. In 2011, a CIA in UK-EU relations.
munications. drone strike on Yemen
extrajudicially murdered Brexit was an irresponsible
Amid all the ruckus over the Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a act of self-sabotage that
Chinese balloon, I spoke with 16-year-old US citizen. not only wrecked the UK’s
a former employee of vari- economic and political rela-
ous prominent defence Now that the military prece- tions with the EU, but also
companies contracted by dent has been set for franti- threatened the fragile
the NSA and the Pentagon, cally blasting balloons and peace in Northern Ireland. It
who requested anonymity. random unidentified objects was only in 1998 that —
He speculated that Biden out of the sky — and as thanks to the US-brokered
was simply endeavouring to Made-in-USA panic fuels an Good Friday Agreement —
appear “tough on defence” atmosphere of bellicose Northern Ireland escaped a
with his aerial escapades in Sinophobia — it’s time for a violent three-decade-long
order to satisfy the more reality check. conflict between Protestant
trigger-happy sectors of the “unionists,” who mostly wish
establishment. In other words, you might to remain in the UK, and
say, it is time to burst Ameri- Catholic “nationalists,” who
After all, there is nothing ca’s balloon. mostly want to join the
tougher than blowing up a Republic of Ireland.
balloon with a $400,000 UK finally starts
missile. Johnson’s insistence that
rebuilding bridges
the UK would leave the EU
The balloon’s “guts” are cur- with the EU single market and customs
rently being analysed at the union and adopt its own
FBI laboratory in Quantico, Published in Arab News trade rules, import tariffs
Virginia, where they were and product regulations
transported after being Former British Prime Minister required the erection of cus-
recovered off the Atlantic Boris Johnson won the toms barriers between the
coast. Whatever the ulti- December 2019 general UK and the EU. But there was
mate diagnosis is, it is safe election on the promise that broad agreement that
to assume that we have not he had an “oven-ready imposing a land border
seen the end of the prepos- deal” to “get Brexit done.” between Northern Ireland
terousness, particularly But while the UK did leave and the Republic of Ireland
given the utterly the EU in January 2020, would undermine the Good
jam-packed nature of the Johnson’s deal included a Friday Agreement.
sky these days, where one deeply contentious protocol
can take one’s pick of governing the special trade Johnson’s “solution” was to
potential airborne menaces. status of Northern Ireland. allow Northern Ireland to
New Prime Minister Rishi remain in the EU single
But freaking out about a Sunak’s successful negotia- market for goods and
Chinese “spy balloon” also tion of an amended deal bound by EU customs rules,
discounts all the literal aerial with European Commission while denying that this

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

would result in any trade without any checks. Medi- To be sure, the Windsor
barriers within the UK — that cines licensed in the UK but Framework still seems set to
is, between Great Britain not yet approved in the EU be approved by the UK Par-
(England, Scotland and will be available in Northern liament. But if votes from
Wales) and Northern Ireland. Ireland. Mail parcels and opposition Labour MPs are
But that was not true: the pets will be able to cross the what clinches that outcome,
Northern Ireland protocol Irish Sea unimpeded. Sunak’s standing in the
required inspections and Conservative Party would be
document checks at British This is a coup for Sunak. With diminished. Renewed civil
ports on all goods shipped patient diplomacy, honest war among the Tories would
from Britain to Northern dealing and technocratic hurt their already disas-
Ireland. attention to detail, he trously low poll ratings,
secured a much better deal increasing the chances that
The economic disruption than Johnson did and jittery Conservative MPs will
has been considerable, with restored a modicum of trust ditch Sunak before the next
political consequences to between the UK and the EU. general election, due by
match. Many unionists and Already, the EU has invited January 2025.
Brexiteers were furious that the UK to rejoin its €95
Northern Ireland had been billion ($101 billion) Horizon If, however, Sunak succeeds
separated from the rest of Europe program, which in overcoming opposition to
the UK and remained sub- funds research and innova- his deal, his political stand-
ject to EU law. Johnson’s tion, and France is promis- ing could be greatly
response was as ill-advised ing closer cooperation with enhanced, with the public
as his original plan. Shortly the UK to stem an influx of viewing him as a bold leader
before his forced resigna- migrants in flimsy boats willing to face down his par-
tion last year, he introduced crossing the English Channel. ty’s extremists in order to
legislation to unilaterally advance the national inter-
override the Northern Within the UK, however, est. His chances of pulling
Ireland protocol that he political conflicts are likely to off a shock victory in the next
himself had negotiated, persist. Extremists in North- election, though still slim,
threatening a trade war with ern Ireland’s Democratic would rise.
the EU. Unionist Party may reject the
deal and continue to boy- For the EU, the new deal on
Sunak’s revised deal — the cott the province’s pow- Northern Ireland is less
“Windsor Framework”— er-sharing government, important, but still signifi-
does not eliminate all these thereby leaving it suspend- cant. Following the Brexit
tensions, but it goes a long ed. Some Brexit hard-liners referendum in 2016, the EU
way toward easing them. within Sunak’s Conservative was gripped by fears that a
While there will still be cus- Party might also oppose it, populist wave would lead to
toms checks on goods sent because the deal leaves more “exits,” and possibly
to Northern Ireland from Northern Ireland under the even the union’s eventual
Britain that are destined for partial jurisdiction of the EU. collapse. But most Europe-
Ireland and the rest of the The opportunistic Johnson, ans have come to view
EU, trusted traders, such as who is still agitating for a Brexit as a disaster. Not even
UK supermarket chains, will return as prime minister, will far-right populists like
be able to ship produce to undoubtedly attempt to France’s Marine Le Pen
their Northern Ireland stores foment opposition. advocate following in the

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

UK’s footsteps today. the political system, which call, poly-crises being faced
ultimately led to martial law by Pakistan today.
The economic threat that a in 1958, 1977 and 1999; as
post-Brexit UK could under- well as security crises as In a modern state, all crises
mine the EU single market seen in the public uprising of are managed by the politi-
by cutting taxes and slash- 1968, the mutiny in a part of cal leadership of the coun-
ing regulation has also the country in 1970, nation- try. What makes the crises in
receded. When Sunak’s pre- wide street agitation in 1977 Pakistan today extremely
decessor Liz Truss and the war against terror- worrisome is the domination
announced huge unfunded ism from 2004 to 2017 fought of the political crisis over all
tax cuts last autumn, inter- almost across the entire other challenges and the
est rates spiked and the country. resulting distraction from
pound plunged, forcing her finding solutions to the more
resignation. Given this, the We did suffer from a fatal important economic and
EU can afford to take a more blow during the politi- security issues.
flexible and accommodat- cal-cum-security crisis of
ing approach toward the UK the early 1970s when the The present crisis is defined
(to its credit, that is precisely country was truncated. But by an extreme degree of
what it has been doing). except for the tragedy of the polarisation and deep divi-
fall of East Pakistan in 1971, sions. Although Pakistan has
While Europe has more we as a nation faced most seen political polarisation in
urgent matters to attend to of these crises valiantly. the past, as in the period
than the outstanding details leading up to the 1970 gen-
of Brexit, not least the What we are witnessing eral election and the after-
Ukraine war and accompa- today is the unprecedented math of the post-1977 elec-
nying energy crisis, the EU convergence of all types of tion, the current fissures
and the UK need to collabo- crises — economic, political seem to be deeper than
rate more closely on these and security. We can add to ever before. These divisions
challenges, where possible. this the unprecedented are no more confined to the
environmental havoc this political arena; they have
This makes the Northern country faced in the form of spread to the judiciary and
Ireland deal all the more heavy rains and floods in other sensitive institutions,
valuable. After seven long 2022, and whose challenges while the civil bureaucracy
years of blowing up bridges continue to be faced even has already been politicised
with the EU, the UK may today in several parts of for some time.
finally have begun the long Balochistan, Sindh and
work of rebuilding them. south Punjab. Many people ask why there
is so much political turmoil
Is there a way out? As the world is smarting in the country and why
from the colossal damage nothing is being done by the
Published in Dawn News caused by the Covid-19 political leaders and other
pandemic and is facing a powerful players to address
PAKISTAN has encountered severe economic downturn, the situation. A possible
many difficulties in the past, its impact is also bearing answer is that these, in large
including a near meltdown down on Pakistan, directly part, are ‘withdrawal symp-
of its economy in 1968; a real and indirectly. This is the toms’ akin to a situation
or engineered breakdown of state of, what some people when long-time addicts are

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

denied their favourite form and later fired the army and to get enough legislators in
of addiction. air force chiefs too. He was parliament to pass a law or
too competent and experi- even the annual budget.
After withdrawal, the addicts enced to be anything but
feel restless, become dys- independent. For this, he It now seems that with the
functional, and turn violent, was made to pay dearly and change of guard in the army
even suicidal. They are was sent to the gallows. last November, the military
unable to appraise their has either started seriously
condition, let alone make Benazir Bhutto tried to com- practising its promised
efforts to improve. They may promise but probably not dissociation from politics or
scramble here and there, enough. Nawaz Sharif argu- significantly reduced it.
even beg, borrow and steal ably tried the maximum
to get back to their addic- number of times to assert The current political turmoil
tion, but they are generally his authority as prime minis- exists arguably because our
not in a position to seek sys- ter but faced dismissal, politicians are not receiving
tematic treatment of this imprisonment, exile and their usual dose of ‘interfer-
condition. finally dismissal-cum-dis- ence’ and don’t know how to
qualification for life. Imran manage their politics with-
Most politicians in Pakistan Khan was ‘on the same out the establishment’s
have been addicted to the page’ with the military for ‘steadying hand’. Both the
establishment’s patronage the better part of his government and opposition
— we can call it interference 44-month reign as prime led by Imran Khan have
— for the last 70 years of its minister but was eventually openly approached the
existence, as the recently punished for insisting on establishment to help them
retired army chief Gen retaining his choice of deal with the current
Qamar Bajwa admitted in Punjab chief minister and ISI impasse.
his farewell address. chief.
The greatest question for
Politicians in Pakistan are The politicians, whether in democracy in Pakistan in
not accustomed to taking government or in opposi- 2023 is whether or not the
independent decisions. tion, conformed to this state establishment sticks to its
Whenever they have tried to of interference and almost current position of staying
do that, and try they did, always looked towards the out of the political arena,
they were heavily punished establishment to dictate even in the face of much
and made examples of. policy and provide firm sup- pleading by politicians and
President and later prime port to implement it through the pressures of an econo-
minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto all branches of the state. my near default. If they do,
probably enjoyed the great- there will be chaos, upheav-
est level of independence as Only one example will suf- al, agitation and even
he took over the govern- fice to illustrate the extent of violence during the next two
ment when the military was the elected politicians’ to three years.
at its weakest immediately dependence on the estab-
after the military debacle in lishment; Imran Khan However, the political class
Dhaka. recently confessed, sheep- will learn how to handle its
ishly by his standards, that own affairs without a strong
He sacked a number of his government had been guide but within the param-
senior-most military officers using ‘agencies’ (read: ISI) eters of the Constitution. Till

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

then, it seems, we may have feminism as she, in 1792, men at wars, right in the
to bear with the withdrawal advocated for women edu- battlefield and in assistance
symptoms. cation and civil rights or planning.
through her writings. But
Islam and the what seems bigotedly A prophet is by birth a
ignored in the pages of prophet, however it is at a
feminist movements
history is that some 1,200 certain stage that he
Published in Express Tribune years before Wollstonecraft announces prophethood.
rose her voice for the cause Therefore, all his life, he
Year 1848 marked the of women, a female child never goes astray; hence his
inception of feminist move- was even devoid of the right entire life serves as a role
ments as women gathered to live and was buried alive model. Prophet Muhammad
in New York to demand just minutes after birth. And (PBUH) worked for Khadija
voting rights. Suffragists the revered soul who fought as a tradesman with
went on asking equal wages and succeeded in its aboli- impressive honesty. This
and an entire change of tion goes unnoticed. In a indicates the Holy Prophet’s
customary attitudes society where female infan- (PBUH) support for busi-
towards women in political, ticide was rampant, Prophet nesswomen and how one
social and economic Muhammad (peace be should deal with them in all
spheres. The movement upon him) prophesied fairness — the foremost
gained support and has heaven for the one raising demand raised in the
now spread globally — from daughters well and termed second feminist wave.
developed to developing them God’s gift.
countries — achieving Amongst the demands in
significance. Islam is often labeled as the third wave was gender
anti-feminist while it goes neutrality in speech and
Divided into four waves, the ignored that its first believer writings. Words like mankind
movement kept coming and financier was Khadija was successfully substituted
with new postulates. In the and first martyr was Sumai- for humanity, chairman for
first one, women called for ya. The first wave of femi- chairperson, etc. Worthy to
voting rights, political repre- nism centred around notice is that the Quran,
sentation and education; for demands for women’s role revealed 1,400 years ago, is
gender equality and end to in legislation and leadership throughout gender-neutral.
violence in the second one; in the early 19th century, but It generally addresses “Ya
legal reforms and progres- history fails to notice how ayuhan naas” translating to
siveness in the third; and Zainab binte Ali, a grand- “O humans” or at other
end to discrimination in the daughter of Prophet Mu- places it specifies its
fourth. It is to wonder why hammad (PBUH), assumed address on the basis of ide-
Islam is not accredited for the leadership role at Kar- ology i.e. “O you who
pioneering these waves for it bala centuries ago. Two believe”, but never does it
voiced for all the aforemen- amongst the few believers address as “O men”.
tioned demands centuries who took the pledge of alle-
earlier. giance at al-Aqabah were The Quran commenced with
women, meaning they were the word “read” and
Mary Wollstonecraft is cele- part of the decision-making discussed paper and pen
brated as the founder of and pursuance. Women right after. It has necessitat-
believers also accompanied ed the believers to learn and

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

says, “Could those who don’t daughter, the Prophet It could be that some cultur-
know be equal to those who (PBUH) promised heaven. al affiliations have hindered
know.” The Holy Prophet For a wife, the Prophet the viewing of the rightful
(PBUH) in a gender-neutral (PBUH) said to men that the picture.
saying made it mandatory best amongst you are those
for every believer to obtain who are best to their wife. AI and democracy:
knowledge. He would set For a sister, the Prophet risks and rewards
public meetings with believ- (PBUH) commanded love
ing women so he could and strictly ordered for her Published in The Nation
teach them about the reli- property rights to be taken
gion. He rewarded freedom due care. Islam is first Democracy is a form of gov-
to war captives after they amongst the world religions ernment where citizens
spent some time teaching to grant property rights and have a say in the deci-
Muslim girls and boys and heirship to women and sion-making process
declared learning as virtue. safeguards it with all means through their elected repre-
The Prophet (PBUH) pre- possible. sentatives. Artificial Intelli-
pared his wives and other
gence (AI) and technology
believing women to be his The Prophet (PBUH) in his are changing the world we
representatives in knowl- last address shunned all live in at an unprecedented
edge. He delegated the sorts of discrimination on pace. These advancements
authority to convey on his the basis of class, creed and have transformed our lives
behalf and declared teach- colour. This has been in the and are increasingly having
ing an exalted profession. charter of demand of the a significant impact on the
black feminism. way democracies function.
Islam holds women in high
The question of whether
esteem. The Quran uses the One must look into the technology and AI will be
word “wahi” for revelation authentic sources for accu- beneficial or detrimental to
and it doesn’t necessarily rate learning. It could be democracy is complex. One
have to be a whole book. that some cultural affilia- of the most significant ben-
The Holy Book says the tions have hindered the efits of technology and AI for
Almighty had sent revela- viewing of the rightful pic- democracy is the improve-
tions to the mother of Jesus ture. Therefore, there could ment of access to informa-
and the mother of Moses. be no denying that it was tion.
Prophet Muhammad’s actually Islam that coined
(PBUH) progeny is traced by the feminist ideas. However, Technology has made it
his daughter Fatima who is as any code of conduct has easier to obtain information
held in towering admiration. yays and nays, similarly, the on political processes,
The Prophet (PBUH) would Quran ordains the good and voting records, and the
stand in her respect and forbids the vices. Clauses of activities of elected repre-
admonished the believers to the fourth wave which speak sentatives. This transparen-
seek his happiness in the on queer-meaning delin- cy has helped citizens to
happiness of Fatima and quent behaviour are totally hold their governments
vice versa. in contradiction and there- accountable and to make
fore abandoned while the informed decisions about
For a mother, the Prophet rest are but the voice of political issues. Technology
(PBUH) said heaven lies Islam. and AI can enhance citizen
beneath her feet. For a
engagement by enabling

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

greater participation in the to target voters with tailored organise political move-
decision-making process. political ads. The scandal ments and coordinate pro-
For instance, social media exposed the risks of collect- tests and demonstrations.
platforms and online forums ing and using data without This could challenge the
allow citizens to express the knowledge and consent existing power structures
their opinions and concerns of users and raised con- and lead to a more decen-
to policymakers, while online cerns about the role of data tralised and grassroots
voting platforms enable citi- mining and profiling in poli- approach to politics.
zens to participate in voting tics.
processes without the need One of the most significant
for physical presence. Tech- AI can be used in political threats is the possibility of
nology and AI can also help campaigns to analyse voter governments abusing tech-
to promote greater trans- data and preferences and nology to control their
parency and accountability to identify trends and pat- people. Governments
in a democracy. For exam- terns in voting behaviour. around the world have
ple, online databases can This can help political par- always been looking for
make it easier to track politi- ties to tailor their messages ways to maintain their
cal donations and spending, and campaign strategies to power and control over their
while AI-powered tools can appeal to different groups of citizens. With the advent of
help to detect corruption voters. However, there are AI, they have a new tool at
and fraud. One of the most also concerns that this type their disposal that can be
significant risks of technolo- of data analysis could be used to keep a watchful eye
gy and AI for democracy is used to manipulate public on the population. This can
the potential for information opinion and undermine the lead to a scenario where
manipulation. Social media democratic process. As AI privacy is a thing of the past,
platforms, for instance, have becomes more advanced, it and people’s every move is
been criticised for their role may play an increasingly monitored. The use of AI in
in spreading fake news, pro- important role in deci- surveillance can have detri-
paganda, and hate speech. sion-making processes in mental effects on society. It
politics. For example, AI can lead to the erosion of
These platforms use AI algo- could be used to analyse democratic norms, where
rithms to curate news feeds, policy proposals, evaluate people are afraid to express
and these algorithms can the effectiveness of different their views or engage in
be used to manipulate strategies, and forecast the political activities for fear of
public opinion and under- outcomes of different sce- being monitored. This can
mine democratic processes. narios. However, there are have a chilling effect on free
The Cambridge Analytica also risks that AI could be speech, which is the corner-
scandal is a high-profile biased, or that its deci- stone of any democracy.
example of how data mining sion-making processes
and profiling can be used to could be opaque and diffi- For example, In China, the
manipulate public opinion in cult to understand. As AI “social credit system” is like
politics. Cambridge Analyti- becomes more powerful, it a persistent online nanny,
ca, a British political con- has the potential to disrupt constantly monitoring citi-
sulting firm, was hired by the traditional political struc- zens’ behaviour and hand-
Trump campaign during the tures and power relation- ing out grades like a tough
2016 US Presidential election ships. For example, AI-pow- elementary school teacher.
to use data from Facebook ered tools could be used to This AI program assigns

CSS Chronicles Volume 3 | Edition 9

each person a score based to dissent, to challenge the impact of AI on democ-

on their actions, which can authority, and to live their racy is a complex and ongo-
affect their ability to travel, lives as they see fit—as long ing conversation that will
buy a house, or even get a as they don’t harm others. require ongoing dialogue,
date. But while the Chinese The social credit system, research, and collaboration.
government hails this however, turns these demo- By working together, we can
system as a marvel of cratic ideals on its head. It’s harness the power of AI to
modern technology, it raises a tool of authoritarian con- strengthen and uphold
serious concerns about trol, not a mechanism for democratic norms, while
neglecting democratic citizen empowerment. mitigating any negative
norms. After all, the social impacts that may arise.
credit system is essentially a The impact of AI on democ-
way for the government to racy and democratic norms
control citizens’ behaviour is complex and multifacet-
and punish those who devi- ed, with both positive and
ate from the norm—even if negative effects. On one
the “norm” is subject to the hand, AI can help to
whims of those in power. increase efficiency, trans-
Imagine if your entire life parency, and accuracy in
was reduced to a single democratic processes, such
number, like a credit score, as election monitoring and
that determined your vote counting. However,
access to basic necessities there are also concerns that
like transportation, housing, AI could be used to manipu-
and employment. And late public opinion and
imagine that this number undermine the democratic
was determined not just by process, as well as exacer-
objective factors like your bate existing inequalities
income or credit history, but and biases. It is clear that
also by your social the impact of AI on democ-
behaviour—like who you racy will depend on how it is
associate with, what you say developed and deployed.
online, and how you behave Policymakers, researchers,
in public. It’s easy to see how and technologists must
such a system could be work together to ensure that
abused by those in power to AI is used in a responsible
suppress dissent, punish and ethical manner that
minorities, or reward loyal- respects and upholds dem-
ists. And because the social ocratic values and princi-
credit system is run by an AI ples. This may involve devel-
program, there’s little room oping new regulatory
for transparency, account- frameworks, promoting
ability, or even appeal. In a transparency and account-
true democracy, citizens ability in AI systems, and
have the right to freedom of ensuring that the benefits of
speech, association, and AI are distributed fairly
thought. They have the right across society. Ultimately,

Volume 3 | Edition 9




I. Introduction • Physical and corporal hurdles are mere
Thesis: Man is equipped with multifarious morale booster for a man.
capacities. He overcomes the impossibilities
with his sheer determination. His possibilities • Failure is a stepping-stone to success for a
end only with his death. Once man makes a man.
resolve or sets for a mission; he completes
that mission. III. Illustrations
• Scientific and technological progress;
II. How can a man be never defeated? exploring galaxies.
• Man is the vicegerent of God on Earth.
• Various indigenous freedom fighters and
• Man is the crown of all creation. revolutions.
1. Che Guevara (Latin America)
•Firm resolve, conscience, reason and 2. Nelson Mandela (Africa)
wisdom differentiates man from other crea- 3. Bhagat singh (Sub-continent)
tures. 4. Quaid-c-Azam

• Environmental determinism morphed into • Nation's fight against blatant terrorism

possibility by man’s formidable character. depicts man’s character that he can't be
• Unflinching mental strength defines man’s 1. Pakistani Nation.
abilities. 2. Syrians
3. Palestenians
• Man’s managerial and organizational 4. Kashmiris
capabilities. • Contemporary prominent personalities
1. Muneeba Mazari(a handicapped young
• Heaps of opportunities are at mankind’s woman, disseminating awareness and
disposal. inspiration despite all odds)
2. Stephen Hawkings
• A Man transforms impossible into "I'm pos- 3. Malala Yousafzai
sible" with his relentless determination.
IV. Conclusion

I. Introduction same time, achieve what they aspire, e.g.,
Thesis: Men live in time while animals live in Japan after World War Il.
the moment. Man lives simultaneously in the
past, present and the future. He has regrets III. Causes
of the past while apprehensions of the future. • Man lives in time while animals live in the
Past impinges on the present while the future moment.
molds the present. Experience enables man
to learn from it. Past experiences enable man • Present has effects on future and past alike
to rectify the mistakes in the present;
therefore molding the future. Hence • On the other hand, future apprehensions
everything depends on the present. and past regrets affect the present.

II. Extent of the Issue • Present holds the key to unlock the future
• Future goals and ambitions depend on our door of success.
working in the present.
• Those who do not learn from history and
• Present alters the future if one alters his rectify their mistakes in the present are
attitude in the present. bound to repeat those mistakes.

• Past mistakes can be avoided in the • If one doesn't learn from the past, he will
present. have to relive the past.

• Policies embedded in past-outdated • Present is the only time of action.

theories, ineffective in the present, shall bring
no change in the future. IV. Lessons from the Adage
• Nations must have vision and foresight.
• Present blurs the past regrets if countered
affection. • Our attitudes must be pragmatic.

• Present has the ability to diminish future • In International politics, new alliances are
apprehensions if one follows a proper plan being forged so nations should be proactive.
and executes it.
• Old policies must be revived
• Nations who streamline their efforts in the
present, while avoiding past mistakes at the V. Conclusion



Published in Dawn
Pakistan’s raison d’être as a
nation-state has three positions.
At the time of the country’s inception in 1947, the state sought to invent
a history in which Islam had arrived in India in the 8th century and,
therefore, Pakistan was an evolutionary outcome of that arrival. The
country was thus said to be the result of ‘cultural unity’ — the culture
being Islam (Shumaila Hemani, University of Alberta, 2011).

The founders of Pakistan and sub-sectarian diversity archaeology”.

and the leaders of the coun- present within this majority.
try’s fledgling state But it was also necessary to The site was called Bhan-
described Islam as a pro- rationalise the country’s bhore. Those who discov-
gressive faith with a univer- existence in the context of ered it claimed that it was
sal culture. The founders the region that it was situat- the first Hindu region that
were largely repulsed by the ed in. was conquered by the Arab
idea of an Islamic theocracy armies led by Muhammad
though, or an ‘Islamic Levia- Major symbols of Muslim bin Qasim in the early 8th
than’ as senior judge Justice rule in India, between the century. The historian
Muhammad Munir 13th and 19th centuries, were Manan Ahmed Asif sees this
described it in 1954. in regions that had become claim as a continuation of a
part of the Republic of India. distortion engineered by
Nevertheless, the state was According to Shumaila British scholars in colonial
convinced that the univer- Hemani, in 1951, when an India. Qasim’s presence in
sality of Islamic culture ancient site was discovered Sindh was brief and he was
would keep the Muslim ma- in Sindh, the state tried to largely forgotten until his
jority of Pakistan united, resolve the dilemma by resurrection in the 19th cen-
despite the ethnic, sectarian making a “nationalist use of tury as a ‘conqueror’.

Manan posits that Qasim’s blip in the region’s history. by the British author Sir Mor-
image as an Islamic con- timer Wheeler, who pub-
queror vanquishing Hindus In the late 1950s, when the lished it in the shape of a
to lay the roots of Islam in Bengalis of erstwhile East 1947 book, Pakistan as 5,000
India was largely derived Pakistan began to demand Years Old. It was initially
from a flawed translation of majority rule in the country, ignored. However, a decade
the 13th century book a second position was or so later, when Indian cul-
Chachnama. According to shaped. Bengalis were in a ture and history began to be
Manan, the book “is less a majority compared to other perceived as historically rich
history of the 8th century ethnic groups. The early and ancient in Europe and
and more a political theory elites largely consisted of the US, the Pakistani state
for the 13th century.” Yet, 19th Punjabis and Urdu-speakers dialled up the Indus thesis
century British historians of West Pakistan. during the Gen Ayub Khan
treated it as ‘a book of con- dictatorship (1958-69).
quest’. What’s more, Qasim According to Hemani, this is
really does not figure much when the ‘Indus thesis’ was To frame Pakistan’s history
in it. evoked. The thesis under- as being equally ancient,
stood people settled along IVC sites were turned into
Manan laments that Hindu the River Indus (in West tourist spots. Artefacts from
and Muslim historians Pakistan) as descendants of ancient sites along the Indus
adopted distorted 19th cen- the Indus Valley Civilisation were placed in museums.
tury British accounts of (IVC) that existed 5,000 The country began being
Qasim. The British did it to years ago. The thesis postu- explained as the evolution-
portray the Muslims as a lated that the descendants ary consequence of various
warrior race, Hindu nation- had evolved into becoming ancient civilisations that
alists did it to describe the different ethnic groups but, had existed in the region
Muslims as violent outsiders, once they began to adopt that became Pakistan.
and Muslim nationalists did Islam after the 13th century, Rather, West Pakistan, along
it to establish Islam’s they became culturally the Indus.
ancient presence in the homogenous.
region. The fact is, Qasim However, the position based
was largely an insignificant This thesis was first formed on the Indus thesis started

to be sidelined when East various equally significant Haq dictatorship, leading to
Pakistan broke away in 1971. ethnic and religious cultures the creation of a wa-
In 1972, a new government and languages. Seeing the tered-down version of the
headed by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto regime tilting towards once-dreaded ‘Islamic Levi-
organised a conference to adopting this position, those athan’.
formulate a new raison who opposed it began to
d’être. Intellectuals, histori- publish a series of critiques But once the project took
ans and artists were invited of it in newspapers. root, it triggered the birth of
to come up with a new posi- problematic outcomes: the
tion. The regime backtracked. 1974 ouster of the Ahmadi-
When noted historian Ishtiaq yya from the fold of Islam,
A new position did emerge. It Hussain Qureshi declared, in the controversial 1986 Blas-
was influenced by a book 1972, that “countries come phemy Laws, the unchecked
written in 1964 by the scholar and go, but religions stay”, it growth of violent sectarian
Jamil Jalibi. In it, he had became clear that Pakistan organisations and then of
concluded that there was no was to return to the first militant anti-state Islamist
Pakistani culture as such, position. But this time, Islam groups.
but it could be created if one as the glue for cultural unity These have been pushing
was willing to see the coun- was not to be provided by the state into a corner for
try as a guldasta or a bou- South Asian history. The quite some time now.
quet of different cultures. country’s existential roots
The Urdu poet Faiz Ahmad were now to be looked for in The third position that was
Faiz held similar views and Arabia. rejected can still be relevant
was present at the confer- as an option. It needs to be
ence. Though some of Faiz’s ideas re-looked at without the
were incorporated by the paranoid post-1971 eyes
But whereas Jalibi had put Bhutto regime to appropri- that suspected it of being
Urdu and Islam at the centre ate ethnic cultures, the ‘secular’ and overtly depen-
of his guldasta, Faiz saw larger project was to gradu- dent on ethnic cultures. We
Islam and Urdu as just two ally introduce ‘Islamic laws’. urgently require a fresh
aspects of a larger national This project peaked in the point of view and this posi-
body that was made up of 1980s during the Gen Ziaul tion just might be it.



Volume 3 | Edition 9

Islamic Studies
1. The phrase “Muhammad is the messenger 6. The book of Hadith, Kitaab-ul-Aathaar,
of Allah” is stated in which Surah or chapter was compiled by
of the holy Quran? (A) Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)
(A) Ya-Seen (B) Imam Shafi (R.A)
(B) Muhammad (C) Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)
(C) Muzzammil (D) Imam Malik (R.A)
(D) Fath
7. The first migration of the Companions and
2. Islamic calendar (Hijra) commenced from relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
(A) 622 AD was to
(B) 620 AD (A) Makkah
(C) 621 AD (B) Madina
(D) None of these (C) Ethopia
(D) Baghdad
3. At what age Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
received the first wahi (the first Quranic 8. Which famous Ghazwah is mentioned in
verses were revealed)? surah Al-Imran?
(A) 30 (A) Ghazwah Ohad
(B) 35 (B) Ghazwah Badar
(C) 40 (C) Ghazwah Khaibar
(D) 45 (D) Ghazwah Khandaq

4. What was the name of Imam Bukhari 9. Eid Prayer (or Salat al-Eid) is
(R.A)? (A) Wajib
(A) Muhammad bin Ismaeel (B) Fard
(B) Muhammad Ismaeel (C) Sunnah
(C) Muhammad Ibaheem (D) Mustahib
(D) Ismaeel bin Ibraheem
10. Which surah starts without “Bismillah” ?
5. The book of Hadith, Al-Muwatta, was (A) Al-Baqarah
compiled by (B) An-Nisa
(A) Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A) (C) Al-Tauba
(B) Imam Shafi (R.A) (D) Al-Ikhlas
(C) Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)
(D) Imam Malik (R.A)

Volume 3 | Edition 9

Pakistan Affairs
1. What language is spoken in Qalat and its 6. Which kind of system of government was
surrounding areas of Balochistan? introduced in 1973 constitution?
(A) Balochi (A) Socialist
(B) Barahvi (B) Presidential
(C) Saraiki (C) Mixed
(D) Hindko (D) Parliamentary

2. Pakistan is separated from Tajikistan by 7. The Pakistan Resolution was presented on

Afghanistan’s narrow corridor called 23 March 1940 by
(A) Tibet Corridor (A) Quaid-e-Azam
(B) Tribal Corridor (B) A.K. Fazlul Haque
(C) Makran Corridor (C) Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman
(D) Wakhan Corridor (D) Sir Aga Khan

3. Pakistan tested nuclear weapons on 8. “Quit India” Movement in 1942 was started
(A) 24 May 1998 by
(B) 26 May 1998 (A) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) 28 May 1998 (B) Quaid-e-Azam
(D) 30 May 1998 (C) Chaudhry Rehmat Ali
(D) Jawaharlal Nehru
4. “Pakistan Day” is celebrated throughout
Pakistan each year on 9. The objective resolution on the “Aims and
(A) 23 March Objectives of the Constitution” was passed
(B) 14 August on
(C) 6 September (A) 12 March 1948
(D) 25 December (B) 23 March 1948
(C) 12 March 1949
5. The Muslim League passed Lahore (D) 23 March 1949
Resolution, popularly known as Pakistan
Resolution, on 10. Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister
(A) 12 April 1940 of Pakistan, was assassinated in Rawalpindi
(B) 12 April 1947 on
(C) 23 March 1940 (A) 16 October 1950
(D) 23 March 1947 (B) 16 October 1951
(C) 16 October 1952
(D) 16 October 1953

Volume 3 | Edition 9

Current Affairs
1. Gazprom is one of the largest natural gas 6. What price is considered as a benchmark
companies in the world. It belongs to price in the oil industry?
(A) Russia (A) Opec Basket
(B) Qatar (B) Mars US
(C) Venezuela (C) Brent Crude
(D) Saudi Arabia (D) WTI Crude

2. Who is the current Prime Minister of 7. The benchmark oil price in the United
Malaysia? States is
(A) Muhyiddin Yassin (A) Opec Basket
(B) Mahathir Mohamad (B) Mars US
(C) Najib Razak (C) Brent Crude
(D) Ismail Sabri Yaakob (D) WTI Crude

3. The T-Twenty 2021 World Cup champion 8. How many countries are the members of
is: AUKUS pact?
(A) Pakistan (A) 3
(B) New Zealand (B) 4
(C) Australia (C) 5
(D) None of these (D) 6

4. Who is the current Minister of Foreign 9. Which of the following country is NOT the
Affairs of Russia? member of AUKUS pact?
(A) Vladimir Putin (A) Australia
(B) Sergey Vyazalov (B) New Zealand
(C) Sergei Lavrov (C) United States
(D) None of these (D) United Kingdom

5. Alliance among Brazil, Germany, India 10. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope
and Japan to support each other’s bid for was launched into the space on
permanent seat on the United Nations (A) 19 December 2021
Security Council (UNSC) is called (B) 21 December 2021
(A) Alliance 4 (C) 23 December 2021
(B) G 4 (D) 25 December 2021
(C) Big 4
(D) None of these

HOLY MONTH FILLED Islamic Pakistan
MCQ Affairs
WITH PRAYER AND Studies Affairs
4 A A C
5 D C B
6 A D C
7 C B D
8 A A A
9 A C B
10 C B D


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