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This spreadsheet workbook purpose for the analysis/design of pile column section with circular shape per
ACI318-14. Specially shear requirement, moment crack, and capacity for flexure with axial load.

Assumptions and limitations

1 section has to be in circular

design moment crack (elastic condition) based on condition with no axial load involved (conservative)
3 for design moment crack, rebar arrangement between compression and tension area need to be
4 in flexure design stress - strain in balanced condition shall be defined as strain of concrete in
compression area is 0.003 and strain of outer rebar in tension area is 0.002
5 in flexure tension controlled shall be defined as strain of outer rebar in tension area bigger than 0.005

6 compression controlled shall be defined as strain of concrete in compression area is 0.003 and strain of
outer rebar in tension area less than 0.002
7 in flexure design, calculation for total block stress concrete are (Ac) in ultimate condition refer to CSRI
in drawing interaction diagram moment and axial, its required several point (moment and axial) from
each condition of analysis : balanced, tension controlled, compression controlled, pure moment, pure
axial force, pure tension force, min. eccentricity, and additional value in tension and compression
controlled area.

Spreadsheet Operation

1 column edited by user is denoted with yellow box

2 column with no color contain formula that is restrict to edits
3 position of bar have to be inputed by user, reference point is top fiber of concrete
4 in Pure moment, user have to trial and error es, till meet fPn = 0, with es > 0.005
5 in Min. eccentricity, user have to trial and error c, till meet fPn = fPn,max
6 in extra point for tension controlled, user input es > 0.005
7 in extra point for compression controlled, user input es < 0.002
8 in extra point for compression controlled, user input es < 0.002
9 data on table for diagram interaction moment and axial have to be arranged from the bigger axial
value to the smaller
Calculation for Shear Design

D = 500 mm (diameter of borepile)

cover = 50 mm (cover of concrete)

ds 13 mm (diameter of stirrup)

fc 210 kg/cm2 (compressive strength of concrete)

fyt = 2400 kg/cm

2 (stirrup reinforcing yield strength)

Vu = 13 ton (ultimate design shear load)

f = 0.75 (shear strength reduction factor)

l = 1 (modification factor for concrete)
s (used) = 200 mm ok (using stirrup space)

Av (used) = 7.96 cm2 ok (using total stirrup area)

hd = 400 mm (effective depth of concrete)

fVc = 11.52 ton (shear strength provide by concrete)

fVs = 28.67 ton ok (shear strength provide by stirrup)

fVs(max) = 46.08 ton (allowable maximum shear strength provide by stirrup)

fVn = 40.19 ton ok (total shear strength)

Av (req) = 0.41 cm
2 (requiring stirrup area)

Av (min) = NA cm2 (requiring minimum stirrup area)

s (max) = 200 mm (maximum spacing of stirrup)

Calculation for Flexure with Compression or Tension load (Uniaxial)

D = 500 mm (diameter of borepile)

cover = 50 mm (cover of concrete)

db = 25 mm (diameter of main bar)

fc = 210 kg/cm2 (compressive strength of concrete)

fy = kg/cm 2 (stirrup reinforcing yield strength)

fr = 28.98 kg/cm2 (modulus of rupture of concrete)

Ec = 218820 kg/cm2 (modulus of elasticity of concrete)

Es = 2000000 kg/cm
2 (modulus of elasticity of bars)

Ig = 306796.158 cm
4 (moment inertia of section)

Mv = 2 tm ok (moment load for pile (service condition) due to allowable lateral load or
allowable pile head displacement)

fs = 0.85 (reduction factor for nominal max compression based on stirrup, spiral =
0.85 ; rectangular = 0.80)

fcc = 0.65 (reduction factor for compression controlled)

ftc = 0.9 (reduction factor for tension controlled)

b = 0.85 (reduction factor for ultimate concrete compression area)

ns = 4 (number of bars)

Ag = cm 2 (total area of section)

As (used) = 19.63 cm2 (total bar area)

% As = 1.00 % (persent of bar area)

s (used) = 294.5 mm (bar spacing)

P0 = 425.5 ton (pure compression, moment = 0)

fP0 = 276.6 ton

fPn,max = 235.1 ton (pure nominal max compression, moment = 0)

fT0 = 70.7 ton (pure tension, moment = 0)

layer #1

layer #2

layer #3
Design Moment Crack ec = e r fc = fr

fr = 28.98 kg/cm2
= c c
er 1.32E-04 Mcr
ec = 1.32E-04
c = 250.00 mm
Mc = 3.56 tm fr

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.0001 0.89 0.17

2 250 2 0.0000 0.00 0.00
3 442 1 0.0001 -0.89 0.17

Pcr = 0.0 ton

Mcr = 3.90 tm

Balanced condition (ecu = 0.003, es = 0.002) ecu 0.85fc

ecu = 0.003
c a
es = 0.002 y
c = 265.2 mm
a = 225.42 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00234 18.76 3.60

2 250 2 -0.00017 3.38 0.00
3 442 1 0.002 -19.63 3.77

a = 1.47 rad
Ac = 859.0 cm2
y = 119.5 mm
Cc = 153.3 ton

fPn = 101.3 ton

fMn = 16.7 tm
Tension Controlled (es ≥ 0.005) ecu 0.85fc
ecu = 0.003 c a

= y
es 0.005
c = 165.75 mm
a = 140.89 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00195 18.27 3.51

2 250 2 0.001525 -29.94 0.00
3 442 1 0.005 -19.63 3.77

a = 1.12 rad
Ac = 454.0 cm2
y = 167.1 mm
Cc = 81.0 ton

fPn = 44.8 ton

fMn = 18.7 tm

Pure Moment (P = 0) ecu 0.85fc

ecu = 0.003 c a

= y
es 0.009
c = 110.68 mm
a = 94.08 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00143 13.14 2.52

2 250 2 0.003776 -39.27 0.00
3 442 1 0.00898 -19.63 3.77

a = 0.90 rad
Ac = 256.2 cm2
y = 194.2 mm
Cc = 45.7 ton

fPn = 0.0 ton

fMn = 9.9 tm
ecu 0.85fc
Min. Eccentricity (fPn = fPn,max)
ecu = 0.003 c a y
c = 490.10 mm
a = 416.59 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 0.002645 18.76 3.60

2 250 2 0.00147 28.86 0.00
3 442 1 0.000294 2.01 0.39

a = 2.30 rad
Ac = 1748.1 cm2
y = 24.7 mm
Cc = 312.0 ton

fPn = 235.1 ton

fMn = 7.6 tm

Add. Point Tension Controlled

ecu 0.85fc
ecu = 0.003 c a
es = 0.006
c = 147.33 mm
a = 125.23 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00182 16.98 3.26

2 250 2 0.00209 -39.27 0.00
3 442 1 0.006 -19.63 3.77

a = 1.05 rad
Ac = 384.9 cm2
y = 176.1 mm
Cc = 68.7 ton

fPn = 24.1 ton

fMn = 17.2 tm
Add. Point Compression Controlled ecu 0.85fc
ecu = 0.003
c a
es = 0.0010 y
c = 331.50 mm
a = 281.78 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00248 18.76 3.60

2 250 2 -0.00074 12.73 0.00
3 442 1 0.001 -9.82 1.88

a = 1.70 rad
Ac = 1140.2 cm2
y = 89.2 mm
Cc = 203.5 ton

fPn = 146.4 ton

fMn = 15.4 tm

Add. Point Compression Controlled ecu 0.85fc

ecu = 0.003
c a
es = 0.0003 y
c = 401.82 mm
a = 341.55 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00257 18.76 3.60

2 250 2 -0.00113 20.50 0.00
3 442 1 0.0003 -2.95 0.57

a = 1.95 rad
Ac = 1429.0 cm2
y = 58.7 mm
Cc = 255.1 ton
Pn = 189.4 ton
Mn = 12.4 tm

Data for diagram interaction

Loc. fMn (tm) fPn (ton) condition
1 0 276.6 Nom. Max compression, fP0
2 0 235.1 Allowable fPn,max
3 7.6 235.1 Min. ecentricity
4 12.4 189.4 add. Point in compression controlled
5 15.4 146.4 add. Point in compression controlled
6 16.7 101.3 balanced condition
7 18.7 44.8 tension controlled
8 17.2 24.1 add. Point in tension controlled
9 9.9 0.0 pure moment
10 0.0 -70.7 pure tension

Loading Data (ultimated condition)

No Mu (tm) Pu (ton) Cek
1 5 150.0 ok
2 8 100.0 ok
3 15.0 50.0 ok


250 3


150 5

fPn 100 6

50 7

0 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


0 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Calculation for Flexure with Compression or Tension load (Uniaxial)

D = 500 mm (diameter of borepile)

cover = 50 mm (cover of concrete)

db = 22 mm (diameter of main bar)

fc = 210 kg/cm2 (compressive strength of concrete)

fy = kg/cm 2 (stirrup reinforcing yield strength)

fr = 28.98 kg/cm2 (modulus of rupture of concrete)

Ec = 218820 kg/cm2 (modulus of elasticity of concrete)

Es = 2000000 kg/cm
2 (modulus of elasticity of bars)

Ig = 306796.158 cm
4 (moment inertia of section)

Mv = 2 tm ok (moment load for pile (service condition) due to allowable lateral load or
allowable pile head displacement)

fs = 0.85 (reduction factor for nominal max compression based on stirrup, spiral =
0.85 ; rectangular = 0.80)

fcc = 0.65 (reduction factor for compression controlled)

ftc = 0.9 (reduction factor for tension controlled)

b = 0.85 (reduction factor for ultimate concrete compression area)

ns = 6 (number of bars)

Ag = cm 2 (total area of section)

As (used) = 22.81 cm2 (total bar area)

% As = 1.16 % (persent of bar area)

s (used) = 197.9 mm (bar spacing)

P0 = 437.6 ton (pure compression, moment = 0)

fP0 = 284.5 ton

fPn,max = 241.8 ton (pure nominal max compression, moment = 0)

fT0 = 82.1 ton (pure tension, moment = 0)

layer #1

layer #2

layer #3
Design Moment Crack ec = e r fc = fr

fr = 28.98 kg/cm2
= c c
er 1.32E-04 Mcr
ec = 1.32E-04
c = 250.00 mm
Mc = 3.56 tm fr

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 84 2 -0.0001 1.19 0.20

2 250 2 0.0000 0.00 0.00
3 416 2 0.0001 -1.19 0.20

Pcr = 0.0 ton

Mcr = 3.95 tm

Balanced condition (ecu = 0.003, es = 0.002) ecu 0.85fc

ecu = 0.003
c a
es = 0.002 y
c = 249.6 mm
a = 212.16 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 84 2 -0.00199 28.91 4.80

2 250 2 4.81E-06 -0.07 0.00
3 416 2 0.002 -30.41 5.05

a = 1.42 rad
Ac = 793.3 cm2
y = 126.8 mm
Cc = 141.6 ton

fPn = 91.0 ton

fMn = 18.1 tm
Tension Controlled (es ≥ 0.005) ecu 0.85fc
ecu = 0.003 c a

= y
es 0.005
c = 156 mm
a = 132.60 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 84 2 -0.00138 19.70 3.27

2 250 2 0.001808 -27.49 0.00
3 416 2 0.005 -30.41 5.05

a = 1.08 rad
Ac = 417.1 cm2
y = 171.9 mm
Cc = 74.5 ton

fPn = 32.6 ton

fMn = 19.0 tm

Pure Moment (P = 0) ecu 0.85fc

ecu = 0.003 c a

= y
es 0.009
c = 104.17 mm
a = 88.55 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 84 2 -0.00058 7.48 1.24

2 250 2 0.0042 -30.41 0.00
3 416 2 0.00898 -30.41 5.05

a = 0.87 rad
Ac = 234.8 cm2
y = 197.5 mm
Cc = 41.9 ton

fPn = -7.4 ton

fMn = 9.5 tm
ecu 0.85fc
Min. Eccentricity (fPn = fPn,max)
ecu = 0.003 c a y
c = 494.40 mm
a = 420.24 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 84 2 0.00249 29.05 4.82

2 250 2 0.001483 22.55 0.00
3 416 2 0.000476 5.88 0.98

a = 2.32 rad
Ac = 1761.6 cm2
y = 23.2 mm
Cc = 314.4 ton

fPn = 241.8 ton

fMn = 8.5 tm

Add. Point Tension Controlled

ecu 0.85fc
ecu = 0.003 c a
es = 0.006
c = 145.12 mm
a = 123.35 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 84 2 -0.00126 17.85 2.96

2 250 2 0.002168 -30.41 0.00
3 416 2 0.0056 -30.41 5.05

a = 1.04 rad
Ac = 376.7 cm2
y = 177.2 mm
Cc = 67.2 ton

fPn = 21.9 ton

fMn = 17.9 tm
Add. Point Compression Controlled ecu 0.85fc
ecu = 0.003
c a
es = 0.0010 y
c = 312.00 mm
a = 265.20 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 84 2 -0.00219 29.05 4.82

2 250 2 -0.0006 7.71 0.00
3 416 2 0.001 -15.21 2.52

a = 1.63 rad
Ac = 1057.7 cm2
y = 97.9 mm
Cc = 188.8 ton

fPn = 136.7 ton

fMn = 16.8 tm

Add. Point Compression Controlled ecu 0.85fc

ecu = 0.003
c a
es = 0.0003 y
c = 378.18 mm
a = 321.45 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 84 2 -0.00233 29.05 4.82

2 250 2 -0.00102 14.10 0.00
3 416 2 0.0003 -4.56 0.76

a = 1.86 rad
Ac = 1334.1 cm2
y = 68.7 mm
Cc = 238.1 ton
Pn = 179.9 ton
Mn = 14.3 tm

Data for diagram interaction

Loc. fMn (tm) fPn (ton) condition
1 0 284.5 Nom. Max compression, fP0
2 0 241.8 Allowable fPn,max
3 8.5 241.8 Min. ecentricity
4 14.3 179.9 add. Point in compression controlled
5 16.8 136.7 add. Point in compression controlled
6 18.1 91.0 balanced condition
7 19.0 32.6 tension controlled
8 17.9 21.9 add. Point in tension controlled
9 9.5 0.0 pure moment
10 0.0 -82.1 pure tension

Loading Data (ultimated condition)

No Mu (tm) Pu (ton) Cek
1 5 150.0 ok
2 8 100.0 ok
3 15.0 50.0 ok



250 3



fPn 100 6

0 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


0 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20



Calculation for Flexure with Compression or Tension load (Uniaxial)

D = 500 mm (diameter of borepile)

cover = 50 mm (cover of concrete)

db = 19 mm (diameter of main bar)

fc = 210 kg/cm2 (compressive strength of concrete)

fy = kg/cm 2 (stirrup reinforcing yield strength)

fr = 28.98 kg/cm2 (modulus of rupture of concrete)

Ec = 218820 kg/cm2 (modulus of elasticity of concrete)

Es = 2000000 kg/cm
2 (modulus of elasticity of bars)

Ig = 306796.158 cm
4 (moment inertia of section)

Mv = 2 tm ok (moment load for pile (service condition) due to allowable lateral load or
allowable pile head displacement)

fs = 0.85 (reduction factor for nominal max compression based on stirrup, spiral =
0.85 ; rectangular = 0.80)

fcc = 0.65 (reduction factor for compression controlled)

ftc = 0.9 (reduction factor for tension controlled)

b = 0.85 (reduction factor for ultimate concrete compression area)

ns = 8 (number of bars)

Ag = cm 2 (total area of section)

As (used) = 22.68 cm2 (total bar area)

% As = 1.16 % (persent of bar area)

s (used) = 149.6 mm (bar spacing)

P0 = 437.2 ton (pure compression, moment = 0)

fP0 = 284.2 ton

fPn,max = 241.5 ton (pure nominal max compression, moment = 0)

fT0 = 81.7 ton (pure tension, moment = 0)

layer #1

layer #2

layer #3

layer #4

layer #5
Design Moment Crack ec = e r fc = fr

fr = 28.98 kg/cm2
= c c
er 1.32E-04 Mcr
ec = 1.32E-04
c = 250.00 mm
Mc = 3.56 tm fr

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.0001 0.51 0.10

2 115 2 -0.0001 0.72 0.10
3 250 2 0.0000 0.00 0.00
4 385 2 0.0001 -0.72 0.10
5 442 1 0.0001 -0.51 0.10

Pcr = 0.0 ton

Mcr = 3.95 tm

Balanced condition (ecu = 0.003, es = 0.002) ecu 0.85fc

ecu = 0.003
c a
es = 0.002 y
c = 265.2 mm
a = 225.42 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00234 10.84 2.08

2 115 2 -0.0017 18.26 2.46
3 250 2 -0.00017 1.95 0.00
4 385 2 0.001355 -15.37 2.07
5 442 1 0.002 -11.34 2.18

a = 1.47 rad
Ac = 859.0 cm2
y = 119.5 mm
Cc = 153.3 ton

fPn = 102.5 ton

fMn = 17.6 tm
Tension Controlled (es ≥ 0.005) ecu 0.85fc
ecu = 0.003 c a

= y
es 0.005
c = 165.75 mm
a = 140.89 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00195 10.55 2.03

2 115 2 -0.00092 9.41 1.27
3 250 2 0.001525 -17.29 0.00
4 385 2 0.003968 -22.68 3.06
5 442 1 0.005 -11.34 2.18

a = 1.12 rad
Ac = 454.0 cm2
y = 167.1 mm
Cc = 81.0 ton

fPn = 44.7 ton

fMn = 19.9 tm

Pure Moment (P = 0) ecu 0.85fc

ecu = 0.003 c a

= y
es 0.009
c = 110.68 mm
a = 94.08 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00143 7.59 1.46

2 115 2 0.000117 -1.33 0.18
3 250 2 0.003776 -22.68 0.00
4 385 2 0.007435 -22.68 3.06
5 442 1 0.00898 -11.34 2.18

a = 0.90 rad
Ac = 256.2 cm2
y = 194.2 mm
Cc = 45.7 ton
fPn = -3.1 ton
fMn = 10.2 tm

ecu 0.85fc
Min. Eccentricity (fPn = fPn,max)
ecu = 0.003 c a y
c = 492.00 mm
a = 418.20 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 0.002646 10.84 2.08

2 115 2 0.002299 22.68 3.06
3 250 2 0.001476 15.72 0.00
4 385 2 0.000652 7.40 1.00
5 442 1 0.000305 1.73 0.33

a = 2.31 rad
Ac = 1754.1 cm2
y = 24.0 mm
Cc = 313.1 ton

fPn = 241.5 ton

fMn = 9.1 tm

Add. Point Tension Controlled

ecu 0.85fc
ecu = 0.003 c a
es = 0.006
c = 147.33 mm
a = 125.23 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00182 9.81 1.88

2 115 2 -0.00066 6.45 0.87
3 250 2 0.00209 -22.68 0.00
4 385 2 0.004839 -22.68 3.06
5 442 1 0.006 -11.34 2.18

a = 1.05 rad
Ac = 384.9 cm2
y = 176.1 mm
Cc = 68.7 ton

fPn = 25.4 ton

fMn = 18.1 tm

Add. Point Compression Controlled ecu 0.85fc

ecu = 0.003
c a
es = 0.0010 y
c = 331.50 mm
a = 281.78 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00248 10.84 2.08

2 115 2 -0.00196 21.21 2.86
3 250 2 -0.00074 7.35 0.00
4 385 2 0.000484 -5.49 0.74
5 442 1 0.001 -5.67 1.09

a = 1.70 rad
Ac = 1140.2 cm2
y = 89.2 mm
Cc = 203.5 ton

fPn = 150.6 ton

fMn = 16.2 tm

Add. Point Compression Controlled ecu 0.85fc

ecu = 0.003
c a
es = 0.0003 y
c = 401.82 mm
a = 341.55 mm

Layer Position ns (ea) Strain Force Moment

(mm) (ton) (tm)

1 58 1 -0.00257 10.84 2.08

2 115 2 -0.00214 21.67 2.93
3 250 2 -0.00113 11.84 0.00
4 385 2 -0.00013 1.42 0.19
5 442 1 0.0003 -1.70 0.33
a = 1.95 rad
Ac = 1429.0 cm2
y = 58.7 mm
Cc = 255.1 ton

Pn = 194.4 ton
Mn = 13.3 tm

Data for diagram interaction

Loc. fMn (tm) fPn (ton) condition
1 0 284.2 Nom. Max compression, fP0
2 0 241.5 Allowable fPn,max
3 9.1 241.5 Min. ecentricity
4 13.3 194.4 add. Point in compression controlled
5 16.2 150.6 add. Point in compression controlled
6 17.6 102.5 balanced condition
7 19.9 44.7 tension controlled
8 18.1 25.4 add. Point in tension controlled
9 10.2 0.0 pure moment
10 0.0 -81.7 pure tension

Loading Data (ultimated condition)

No Mu (tm) Pu (ton) Cek
1 5 150.0 ok
2 8 100.0 ok
3 15.0 50.0 ok



250 3

200 4

150 5

100 6

50 7
0 9
0 5 10 15 20 25

50 7
0 9
0 5 10 15 20 25



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