Manthan Java

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Manthan G

Fullstack Java Developer

 8+ Years of extensive IT experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes
development, design, analysis, testing and Integration of various web based and client/server applications in multi-
platform environments with JAVA/J2EE technologies.
 Experience in working in environments using Agile (SCRUM) and Waterfall development methodologies.
 Expertise in client and server scripting languages like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular 2/4, React
Js, Backbone.js and Node JS.
 Experience with Java 8 features such as lambda expressions, Parallel operations on collections and for effective
sorting mechanisms and new Date Time API.
 Handled operations and maintenance support for AWS cloud resources which includes launching, maintaining, and
troubleshooting EC2 instances, and S3 buckets, Auto Scaling, Dynamo DB, AWS IAM, Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) and
Relational Database Services (RDS). Also created snapshots for data to store in AWS S3.
 Experience in developing and solid understanding of Service Oriented Architecture and Microservices Architecture.
 Strong hands on experience in implementing Design patterns like MVC, Data Access Object, Session Façade, Business
Delegate, Factory, Proxy, and Singleton.
 Experience in developing web-based enterprise applications using Core Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSF, JDBC,
Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and REST), MVC Framework (Struts, Spring MVC) and SQL.
 Experience in both providing and consuming Web Services using SOAP and RESTful (JAX-RS and JAX-WS).
 Experience using persistence framework like Hibernate, JPA for mapping java classes with Database and using HQL
(Hibernate Query Language).
 Strong experience in Core Java concepts like Collections, Multithreading, Event Handling, Exception Handling, and
 Experience with different spring framework modules like Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring
Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, and spring cloud.
 Experience in design and development of robust and highly scalable web service platforms and API's based on REST
and SOAP for e-commerce applications using AXIS, WSDL, UDDI, XML, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAXB, JAX-RPC technologies
and Jersey frameworks.
 Expertise in XML technologies such as XSL, XSLT, XML schemas, XPath, XForms, XSL-FO and parsers like SAX.
 Experience on CQL (Cassandra query language), for retrieving the data present in Cassandra cluster by running
queries in CQL.
 Good knowledge in Python and Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, HBase, Flume
 Proficient in writing and handling SQL Queries, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, and Triggers.
 Good experience with Relational databases like Oracle, My SQL, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2 and No SQL databases like
Mongo DB and Dynamo DB.
 Experienced in implementation of JMS to exchange information over reliable channel in an asynchronous way by
using Active MQ, Rabbit MQ as a message queue.
 Experience with application servers like Web Logic, JBOSS, Apache Tomcat and IBM Web Sphere.
 Good experience writing application deployment scripts using Shell Scripting. Worked on Windows, UNIX, LINUX
platforms to move the project into production environment.
 Experience with Junit, Jasmine, Karma, Mockito and Log4J in developing test cases.
 Working knowledge with version control tools like SVN, CVS, GitHub, and Visual Source Safe.
 Hands on experience in building tools like ANT, Maven, Gradle.
 Experienced in developing Rich GUI's by using Eclipse RCP, HTML, frameworks.
 Highly experience with Java complaint IDE's like Spring Tool Suite, Eclipse, IntelliJ, and RAD.
Languages Java (6, 7, 8), SQL, PL/SQL
Java/J2EE Technologies Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JSF, JavaBeans, MVC, RMI, ANT, MAVEN, Log4j, XML, JAXP,
DOM, JNDI, JUNIT, Web services, Multithreading, JTA, Custom Tags
AWS Services EC2, S3, VPC, Auto Scaling, IAM, Lambda(server less)

Web Technologies HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, AJAX, DOJO, XML, Web Services. Angular JS,
Angular2/4/8, Node JS, JQuery, Typescript,
Frameworks Spring, Hibernate, JPA, Spring Core, Spring ORM, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot
UML Tools Visual Paradigm, Rational Rose, MS Visio
IDE’s Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, Webstrom
Web/Application Servers Web Logic, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS and IIS
Web Service Technologies SOAP, REST(JAX-RS,JAX-WS)
Version Control Tools GIT, Visual Source Safe, CVS, Tortoise SVN
Methodologies Agile-Scrum, Waterfall, V-Model
Database Environments Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL
Operating Systems Windows, Linux, UNIX

Key BANK- Albany, NY June 2021 - TILLDATE

Sr. Full Stack Java Developer


 Designed and coded application components in an Agile/TDD environment utilizing a test-driven

development and SDET approach and pair-programming.
 Used Hibernate ORM tools which automate the mapping between SQL databases and objects in Java.
 Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
 Design of GUI using Model View Architecture STRUTS Frame Work.
 Implemented unit test for testing Angular components with frameworks using KARMA and JASMINE
 Design and developed web application using JSF, Spring Web Flow, AJAX technology and front end UI using JSF,
Apache My Faces and Prime Faces UI components.
 Implemented REDUX architecture with Angular using angular-redux for uni directional data flows.
 Create and configured the continuous delivery pipelines for deploying Micro Services and Lambda functions
using Jenkins CI server.
 Implemented HTTP REST API using NodeJS and ExpressJS and extensively tested RESTful services using
 Implementing or exposing the Microservices based on Restful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC.
 Configured Spark streaming to receive real time data from the Kafka and store the stream data to HDFS using
Scala. Involved in deployment of microservice through CI/CD pipeline using Maven, Docker, OpenShift.
 Developed complex stencil components with large number of attributes that process JSON data with the use
cases of CMS & documentation to populate Input parameters of the component.
 Extensive experience in Amazon Web Services (Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon RDS,
Amazon SQS, AWS Identity and access management, AWS Cloud Watch, Amazon EBS and Amazon).
 Created REST APIs by using spring, exposed them from my existing system so that it is consumed by other
application. Developed Python batch processors to consume and produce various feeds
 Developer data ingestion application to bring data from source system using spark streaming
 Created multiple lightning components, added CSS and design parameters to make the lightning look better with
also the use React JS and Node JS extensively.
 Developed and maintained Spark applications for data processing and analysis
 Experience deploying applications on Apache Tomcat 6 Web Server, BEA Weblogic 8/9/10, WebSphere 5.0/6.0
application server environments.
 Created Scripts to Automate AWS services which include web servers, ELB, Cloud front Distribution, database,
AWS EC2 and database security groups. Configured Kafka message source with Spring XD.
 Involved in developing and delivery of a Microservice application utilizing almost of the AWS Stack including S3,
EC2, DynamoDB, Kinesis, SNS and SQS.
 Loaded subset of the data to AWS S3 and then AWS Redshift Database to provide an RDMS kind of business user
 Experienced with version controllers like SVN and GIT (Bitbucket, GitHub)
 Designed and developed the Presentation layer using Angular 10 and written logics using Typescript.
 Involved on migrating SQL Server databases to SQL Azure Database using SQL Azure Migration Wizard and
deployed the application to Azure cloud.
 Setting up Angular framework for UI development. Developed html views with HTML 5, CSS 3, jQuery, JSON, and
JavaScript, Angular9. Integrated Spring Security with JDBC to manage user registration and login
 Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for a web application,
page navigation using Angular.
 Converted a monolithic app to Microservices architecture using Spring Boot using 12 factor app methodology.
Deployed, Scaled, Configured, wrote manifest file for various Microservices in PCF.
 Created components, directives, pipes, modules, services in the application for various modules.
 Used Angular Http services to perform backend REST webservices interactions to get and post JSON data.
 Implemented module wide routing in the application using Angular router and also created various Route
guards. Created User Controls and simple animations using JavaScript and Python.
 Designed and developed the REST based Microservices using the Spring Boot.
 Designed and developed the application using Angular10 framework along with HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript,
JavaScript, Bootstrap, Node.js, NPM and Mongo DB.
 Hands-on experience in development of Microservices and deploying using Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF)
 Created and managed AJAX calls in the application, integrated with the JSF controls.
 Designed, loaded and managed a Redshift cluster of more than 2 terabytes of source system data over billions of
records of fare-system and bus-location data.

Environment: Java 8, Spring 4.1( MVC, ExpressJS, Spring Boot, Node.js, Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF), EJB, AOP),
Hibernate 4.0, JAX-RS Web services, Angular 9/10, Bootstrap, React.js, Spark, Microservices, Python, Kafka, Apache
Camel, JQuery, AJAX, UML, Redshift, JSTL, Docker, Apigee, Oracle 11g, PostgreSQL ,NoSQL, Rabbit MQ ,Amazon EC2,
Amazon S3, GitHub, Lambda, React JS, Spark, Amazon SQS, Amazon EBS, HTML5, CSS3, Junit, Maven, JIRA, Jenkins.

Parallon HealthCare- Nashville, TN March 2019 – May 2021

Sr. Full Stack Java Developer

 Involved in developing Web service operations in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
 Analyze requirements with team; write High Level design documents, System Use Case, analyze risk factors.
 Followed agile methodology during complete SDLC process.
 Created a custom analytics frame work to gather useful user behavior data using Mongo DB
 Built MicroServices using spring boot with continuous deployment and continuous integration using Docker and
Jenkins. Used Cloud Front (CDN)in serving web content to other regions using S3.
 Built real-time streaming data pipelines using Spark Streaming
 Worked with OpenShift platform in managing Docker containers and Kubernetes Clusters.
 Designed and developed complete Application suite for ingesting data into HDFS and maintaining CDC (Change Data
Capture) in Hive tables. Spring ORM wiring with Hibernate provided access to Oracle RDBMS
 Entire Applications are developed in IntelliJ and validated Messaging Technology using Rabbit MQ
 Processed xml files and text files to save data to the database using Spring Batch and scheduled them using Spring
scheduler. Deploying Oracle ADF/BPM Applications in Weblogic cluster environment
 Took part in enhancing existing service and data access layer developed using Spring and Spring JPA to interact with
MYSQL database. Developed Python batch processors to consume and produce various feeds
 Implemented HTTP REST API using NodeJS and ExpressJS and extensively tested RESTful services using POSTMAN.
 Developed server side application to interact with database using Spring Boot and Hibernate.
 Developing RESTfulAPIs using JSON, performing code management using GIT and resolving code conflicts
 Developed and Consumed Enterprise wide web services with Restful API using NodeJS to receive data from device
and store in NoSQL database MongoDB.
 Worked extensively with AWS services like EC2, S3, ELB, IAM, Cloud Watch, CloudFront, SNS, and RDS.
 Deployed the Services onto the OpenShift PODS and tested end-to-end application.
 Tested services using JUnit with Mockito framework and for integration testing used Spring with JUnit.
 Performed product development and implementation using AWS cloud infrastructure.
 Created POC for JDBC connectivity and Data Source and communicated with data base using stored procedure calls.
Involved in writing the front-end code for the application using React.js
 Implemented JUNITs for Mongo, SNS , Redis , Elasticsearch
 Used GIT as Source Version control management system and worked on GITHUB repository.
 Responsible for migrating the code base from Cloudera Platform to Amazon EMR and evaluated Amazon eco
systems components like Redshift, Dynamo DB.
 Involved in writing Java API for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS services.
 Used Streams and Lambda expressions available as part of Java 8 to store and process the data.
 Worked on Migration of legacy EJB based SOAP APIs to Golang based services, REST Services.
 Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for a web application, page
navigation using Angular9
 Deployed the application on Apache Tomcat Application Server.
 Worked on the NOSQL particularly Dynamo DB for storing the data of the users and the campaigns.
 Design and develop RESTful API capabilities on Java/node.js technologies and deploying in AWS and implement API
proxies on Apigee Edge.
 Have done POC on JMS using IBM WebSphere Application Server and designed the architecture for the mail order
process. Integrate the web services using Apache Camel routing and Spring.
 Developed MapReduce application using Hadoop MapReduce programming and Hbase.
 Conducted tests for applications developed in Angular JS using Jasmine and Angular test beds and ran those test
cases on Karma (Unit test runner) platform.
 Extensively used Java 8 features such as lambda expressions, Parallel operations on collections, multithreading and
for effective sorting mechanisms.
 Implemented import handling on copy-paste (including Java-to-Scala conversion).
 Wrote data mutations in GraphQL which allows user to update their username and password information.
 Created Spring MVC framework Controllers and Services that are bind using Dependency Injection to enable loose
coupling between application components.
 Golang and Java were used as a backend REST service while AngularJS was used for the user interface
 Responsible to install, configure, monitor systems developed on Cloud IaaS environments with Pivotal Cloud
Foundry PaaS running on top of it.
 Deployed and scaled web applications that are developed on Programming languages such as java/J2EE, .Net, PHP,
NodeJs, Python, Ruby, Go.
 Experience in testing Code and Microservices using various open source frameworks in Golang
 Experience in handling messaging services using Apache Kafka.
 Integrated Spring Security with JDBC to manage user registration and login

Environment: Java 8, J2EE, JSP 2.0, PL/SQL, Spring 2.0, EJB 2.0, Angular 7/8, Tomcat, Redshift, Typescript, Nest.Js,
Oracle, XML, DOM, SOAP, Junit, Spring Boot, Web Sphere 8.5, Spark, Hibernate 3.0, GraphQL, Microservices, AWS
Lambda, GIT, GITLAB, SNS, Open shift, Spark, Docker, GitHub ,LINUX/UNIX, Apigee, ExpressJS ,AWS, Redis, PostgreSQL,
Rabbit MQ,JDBC, Kafka, TDD, BDD, MS SQL Server 2012, JESS, REST-ful Web service, Web logic 8, JBoss Drools, SOA
Design Patterns, Cassandra, LDAP, NOSQL
SEI Investments- Oaks, PA Dec 2017 – March 2019
Java Developer

 Implemented Different Design patterns like singleton, factory and J2EE design patterns like Business delegate,
session facade, Value object and DAO design patterns.
 Implemented AWS client API to interact with different services as Console configuration for AWS EC2.
 Used Spring Framework’s IOC Dependency Injection to inject Service Object using Service Locator Design Pattern
into Action Classes.
 The application consisted of a monolithic codebase being slowly migrated to a Microservices environment. Each
Microservices backend and frontend tech stack varied slightly from one another.
 Implemented Unit testing using Junit.
 Implemented Spark using Scala and utilizing Data frames and Spark SQL API for faster processing of data
 Integration of spring modules with AWS modules in order to consume third party services.
 Developed Webpages using UI frameworks bootstrap, Angular JS.
 Created DHTML pages, used JavaScript for client-side validations and AJAX, AngularJS to create interactive front-
end GUI. Involved in deployment of microservice through CI/CD pipeline using Maven, Docker, OpenShift.
 Managed and maintained Oracle and NoSql databases in production domain.
 Designed and implemented a NoSql based database and associated Restful web service that persists high-volume
user profile data for vertical teams.
 Successfully migrated the Dynamo DBs from PostgreSQL with complete data integrity
 Created Scala and Java based ETL streaming framework, using Spark, Cassandra, Hadoop and Hive.
 Extensive experience of Object Oriented JavaScript design pattern and JavaScript MVC Patterns Preferably Angular
JS and React JS.
 Used Angular libraries like angular-UI-router, angular-resource to create the effective single page application and
used angular-cookies to temporarily store the data used in this application.  
 Used LDAP Authentication for logging and Validating User Credentials.
 Designed the real time analytics and ingestion platform using Storm and Kafka
 Incorporated Basic authentication and JSON threat protection by using Apigee API gateway. 
 Used Struts tag libraries in the JSP pages. Used Swagger to interact with API end points of the Microservices.
 Used Pivotal Cloud Foundry to quickly build, deploy & update the applications. 
 Developed a controller Servlet that dispatches request to appropriate Action Classes.
 Developed the application under J2EE Architecture using spring, Struts, Hibernate, Servlets, Web logic and JSP.
 Used Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate for performing the Database Transactions.
 Used join point and advice Spring AOP modules for cross cutting concerns and IOC for dependency injection.
 Designed extensive additions to existing Java Web Application utilizing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
techniques. Developed BDD automation scripts using Cucumber tool and Selenium.
 Used Spring Batch to setup batch jobs to email the daily reports and that which run on Pivotal Cloud Foundry
with Spring Boot as its MVC layer. 
 Extensively worked on Spring Bean wiring, Spring DAO and Spring AOP modules.
 Designed Graphical User Interface (GUI) for various Webpages using AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, JSF, JQuery and JavaScript.
 Followed Agile Methodology and TDD (test driven development).
 Implemented SOA architecture with web services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML.
 Used JMS API for asynchronous communication by putting the messages in the Message queue.
 Consumed Web Services (WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI) from third party for authorizing payments to/from customers.
 Deployed and scaled web applications that are developed on Programming languages such as java/J2EE, .Net, PHP,
NodeJs, Python, Ruby, Go. Extensively worked in Test Driven Development (TDD) framework using JUnit.
 Involved in the analysis & design of the application using UML with Rational Rose
 Developed RESTful services using Spring Boot and deployed to pivotal cloud foundry (PCF)
 Page design and development are done using Oracle BPM.
 Involved in implementing JQuery for providing interactive user interfaces.

Environment: JAVA, JSP, Servlet, EJB, Spring, JavaScript, Hibernate, UML, JQuery, Struts, Spring Boot, HTML5, CSS3, JMS,
XML, Eclipse, Apache, Oracle ECM, Struts, Web service, Docker, Python, SOAP, React.js, AWS, ETL, Web2.0, LDAP, BDD,
Kafka, Microservices, Apigee, Oracle BPM, JSF, Spark, Apache CXF, Apache Axis2, Apache Tomcat Server, SOA, PL/SQL,
Oracle10g, UML, Web logic, Junit.

Synchrony Financial - INDIA May 2015 – Nov 2017

Java developer

 Involved in database modeling applying the normalization rules
 Developed Code using Struts framework, based on the MVC design pattern
 Developed the presentation layer using Struts Tag Libraries
 Utilized the AngularJS directives, factory, service and filters. Created number of custom directives to reuse them
across the controller. Created POC for Spring Batch for running batch jobs.
 Worked on backend logic using Servlets, EJB, Hibernate and JDBC.
 Developed page specific elements, handlers, web beans, view helper classes, JSP pages & fragments by using design
patterns and java standards. Validating the Application by Deploying and testing on JBoss Server.
 Developed micro services using Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring AOP and Dependency Injection and
JPA. Used JDBC Connection, Statement to retrieve Data from RDBMS.
 Analyzed, designed, validated the business logic of the system and implemented the application
 Developed business services using EJB’s and used SOAP API.
 Translated functional requirements into technical design by gathering the user stories. 
 Developed order history and order status of all the Authorized agent’s specific bonds
 Developed dynamic pages for generating a report for displaying the existing business rules based on a search criteria
to be reviewed by the CNA internally
 Involved in debugging the product using JIRA Bug Tracking
 Deployed the application on to Web sphere application server.
 Developed Search Tool for the organization to display reports agent wise, month wise, weekly.
 Involved in developing the UI pages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSON, JQuery and AJAX.
 Developed servlets for generating reports in PDF format.
 Implemented multiple high-performance Mongo DB replica sets on EC2 with robust reliability.
 Implemented logging using log4j.
 Deployed the application in JBOSS Application Server.

Environment: Windows XP/2000, Java 1.3, J2EE, Struts 1.1, EJB 2.0, Servlets, Session Beans, Ant, JavaScript 1.3, JSPs,
HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JSON, Oracle 8i, Ajax, Mongo DB, Soap, Toad, Eclipse 3.1, Web Sphere Application Server 5.1, Web
logic, Apache CXF, MySQL, XSLT, Junit, Log4j, Rational Clear case, Clear Quest.

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