Architectural Planning of Agricultural Production Bases in The Suburbs of The City Based On The Concept of Circular Economy

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Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant


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Architectural planning of agricultural production

bases in the suburbs of the city based on the
concept of circular economy

Wenjian Zhu

To cite this article: Wenjian Zhu (2021) Architectural planning of agricultural production
bases in the suburbs of the city based on the concept of circular economy, Acta
Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science, 71:8, 706-717, DOI:

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Published online: 22 Jun 2021.

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2021, VOL. 71, NO. 8, 706–717


Architectural planning of agricultural production bases in the suburbs of the city

based on the concept of circular economy
Wenjian Zhua,b
Key Laboratory of Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation, Ministry of Natural Resources, Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China;
School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China


Based on the concept of circular economy, this paper plans the agricultural production bases in the Received 15 April 2021
suburbs of the city, combines agricultural ecology to construct agricultural functional production Accepted 11 June 2021
bases suitable for current needs, and designs and plans the agricultural bases. Moreover, this paper
uses the methods of field investigation, theoretical analysis and case design to conduct research. Circular economy concept;
Supported by the concept of circular economy, this paper combines intelligent planning suburb agriculture;
technology to construct an agricultural production base architectural planning system, and production base;
through the evaluation of present exhaustive circumstance of the arranging and design of architectural planning
ecological agricultural sightseeing park, a fundamental comprehension has been built. Next to
studying the planning and design, this paper proposes a model appropriate for the arranging
and design of the urban suburban ecological agricultural sightseeing park at the area scale.
Finally, this paper completes the basic planning of the agricultural production base through
case analysis.

Introduction means to give a vacationer additional loosening up exer-

cises. Since the created leisure farms can able to give
With the development of the city, the fringe areas of the greater business, this exploration breaks down the
city are also included in the scope of urban construction. advancement procedures of leisure agriculture in Longj-
The agricultural industry, which uses natural environ- ing tea garden. The characteristics of urban leisure agri-
mental resources as the main substrate, is gradually culture is the term ‘urban’ agriculture, as utilised here,
approaching and integrating with the secondary and alludes to little regions (for instance empty plots,
tertiary industries as agricultural land is shrinking day gardens, overhangs, borderlines, and holders) inside
by day, so as to improve production efficiency and the city for developing harvests as well as raising little
promote industrial income. Urban leisure agriculture animals else milk cows for own-utilization or else deal
came into being under this background. Relying on in area markets. Leisure agricultural is one of the creat-
the city is the most important feature of urban leisure ing bearings for current travel industries as it incorpor-
agriculture in the context of urban-rural integration. ates the qualities of present day the travel industry,
Affected by this development background, its distri- experience economy, agrarian items, ranch the board,
bution is often concentrated on the urban fringe, rural and so forth. As of late, the leisure agriculture has
area or the boundary between the city and the rural been grown quickly, particularly in the country regions.
area. From the perspective of social development and It turns into the elective touring places for the sightseers
people’s high-pressure living conditions, the birth of who need to loosen up themselves from the hard and
urban leisure agriculture that serves the city is inevitable. genuine works. The leisure horticulture consistently
The urban leisure agricultural park develops and pro- works with rustic the travel industry. Both are the
duces its own industry through the rational use of the wonder of the travel industry that joins the cultivating
technology of urban development, the concentrated society along with the public culture into the customary
talents in the city, the vast market of the metropolitan vacationer culture.
area and the abundant capital (Horst et al. 2017). With the deepening of ecological concepts and
One among the area of agricultural travel industries people’s demand for organic food, ecological farms
are said to be as leisure agriculture. The substance have gradually entered the field of vision of Chinese

CONTACT Wenjian Zhu Key Laboratory of Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation, Ministry of Natural Resources,
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518060, People’s Republic of China; School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518035,
People’s Republic of China
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

residents. Its appearance satisfies people’s desire to monetary development and so on. The suburb agricul-
evoke the memories of the countryside in the city and tural is also known as SAG. It is a zone grouping accom-
to get close to the land and educate their children modating neighbourhoods, country in nature, with
through agricultural labour. At the same time, people adequately huge parts to consider the support of
hope that ecological farms not only provide places for specific animals as well as homestead crops, while simul-
participation and play in the city, but also shoulder the taneously building up and keeping a living climate of
task of continuously providing food for the city, optimis- elevated requirements for private. The benefits of
ing the social structure and creating a better lifestyle. In suburb agriculture are given below as,
addition, small areas of regular wheat fields or simple
street vegetable gardens are increasingly unable to . Financial turn of events – preparing for occupations
satisfy people’s feelings of experiencing the countryside, as well as living,
and people are currently demanding the emergence of . Instruction – learning at school,
more diverse, larger and more participatory ecological . Climate – expanding biodiversity,
farms (Paddeu 2017). . Wellbeing – enlightening eating regimens,
From the earliest use of crops as landscaping plants in . Relaxation – invigorating chipping in, and
gardens, to the later abandoning of crops, and to the re- . Manageable areas.
use of crops as a garden component nowadays, it is a
return to the understanding of ecology and nature. Based on the above analysis, this paper plans the agri-
Sightseeing farm is a new type of landscape garden cultural production bases in the suburbs of the city on
that integrates sightseeing, agricultural production and the basis of the concept of circular economy, combines
landscape construction. It has the functions of tourism agricultural ecology to construct an agricultural func-
and sightseeing, leisure labour, recreational education, tional production base suitable for current needs, and
traditional humanistic influence, etc., can achieve a designs its buildings.
high degree of unity of economic, social and ecological
benefits, and adapt to the psychological needs of people
Related work
in the new era. With the advancement of science and
technology and the increase in disposable time and dis- In various countries in the world, due to the uneven dis-
posable income, tourist farms in developed countries tribution of agricultural resources and the differences in
have gradually developed into a space for popular production conditions, the agricultural layout varies
social activities. There are many sightseeing farms that greatly. It was not until the beginning of the tenth
have been built or are under construction, with various century that agricultural regions were scientifically
forms and different contents, such as ecological agricul- divided. Relatively speaking, Western developed
tural sightseeing gardens, agricultural high-tech demon- countries have done more research on agricultural
stration gardens, sightseeing orchards, sightseeing tea specialisation (Butt and Taylor 2018). France, Australia,
gardens, leisure farms, agricultural parks, etc. (Hunt the United States, and Japan are all countries in the
and Daughtry 2018). Agriculture Sightseeing Garden is world that have successfully developed agricultural
another sort of scene, it isn’t just an assortment of specialisation. By analysing the development status of
some agrarian specialised measures, is certifiably not a agricultural industrialisation in these countries, it can
straightforward superposition of rural creation and provide a reference for the development of Wenzhou’s
scene components, yet rather a complex coordinated agricultural functional zoning (Cinà and Khatami 2017).
framework. Hi-tech farming mostly alludes to horticul- According to different land use patterns, the agricultural
tural tasks including the most recent advancements. land in France generally has four types of zones: fodder
… Developing calm vegetables in a heat and humidity crops zones, field crops zones, grasslands zones, grapes,
and creating sickness safe plants through hereditary fruits and vegetables zones. Australia attaches great
designing are basic instances of hay tech agribusiness. importance to the use and protection of agricultural
The circular economy intends to assemble ecological resources, and its agricultural layout to specific technical
and social advantages, rethink development by building measures are all centred on the rational use of agricul-
monetary as well as social capital. It additionally aids in tural resources and the protection of the agricultural
setting ecological issues, for instance, plastic and gas environment (Faysse et al. 2018). The United States is
contamination. Some of the advantages of circular divided into 10 agricultural production areas according
economy are lessening tension on the climate, enhan- to climate, soil type, distance to market, terrain height
cing the security of supply of raw materials, expanding and other factors: Appalachian Region, Northeast
seriousness, animating development, boosting Region, Southeast Asia, Lake Region, Corn Belt, Delta
708 W. ZHU

Region, Southern Plain, Northern Plain, Western Moun- Agricultural Function Index, divided the agriculture
tain (Sarmah et al. 2018). The Japanese government in the Northeast into six functional areas, and ana-
has put forward the main goals of realising agricultural lysed and put forward the functional positioning of
policies: increasing the self-sufficiency rate of agricul- each area and the policy recommendations for the
tural products, improving the efficiency of agricultural sustainable development of Northeast agriculture.
operations, giving play to the multiple functions of agri- Majumdar et al. (2017) selected 28 indicators to
culture, and promoting rural revitalisation and develop- characterise Beijing’s agriculture, including cultural
ment (Boyabatlı et al. 2019). From the research status of leisure functions, supply functions, social security
foreign agricultural zoning, it is not difficult to find that functions, and employment ecological functions. Vis-
the research focus of agricultural zoning in different ković and Komac (2018) used the stepwise discrimi-
countries is also different due to the different natural nant clustering method to carry out spatial
conditions, geographical locations and agricultural clustering analysis of functional indicators, and
characteristics of various countries. Various countries divided the urban suburbs into four functional areas:
conduct research on agricultural zoning according to the middle suburban integrated agricultural function
their own agricultural development needs, and the area, the mountainous agricultural ecological function
success of agricultural development in these countries area, the leisure agriculture function area, and the
has common successful experiences that can be used agricultural production function area. Doitchinova
for reference (Webb et al. 2017). (2019) used stepwise discriminant function index clus-
The meaning of agricultural function is as follows. tering method to classify agricultural production func-
Sanz et al (2017) pointed out that agricultural func- tional areas, and proposed countermeasures and
tions mainly include the following aspects: economic suggestions for the construction of modern agricul-
functions, social functions, and environmental func- ture. According to the actual situation, industrial
tions. Moreover, it positions the agricultural function layout and development trend of agricultural develop-
of our country in the twenty-first century: continuing ment in Zhejiang Province, Duží et al. (2017) divided
to develop economic functions, actively stabilising agricultural development into five major functional
social functions, and vigorously improving environ- areas in accordance with the zoning basis and
mental functions. This marks the beginning of principles.
research on the positioning of agricultural functions
in our country. Koopmans et al. (2017) believes that
leisure agriculture should have the function of allow-
Multi-agent model of the building volume of
ing tourists to relax, building a clean and beautiful
agricultural production base
metropolis, improving efficiency and increasing
employment opportunities for rural areas, providing A multi-agent model can have the ability to catch the
tourists with practical and health care, education main associations among farm-households. One
demonstrations, protection of urban resources, and among the kind of communication is the trading of
adjusting the internal structure of agriculture, agricul- data about novel advancements that is fundamental
tural landscape, and the media. Chriest and Chritina for the individual development choice. The multi-agent
(2019) divided agricultural functions into two-level system G = (V, E) of building volume is composed of a
functions, which further enriches the definition of set of agents V and a defined relationship E between
agricultural functions. The primary functions are agents. Each building volume is regarded as a single
divided into four categories: economic functions, agent v [ V, which is composed of three-dimensional
food safety functions, ecological functions, and social cubes in an orthogonal system (Figure 1). An arrange-
functions. The second-level function is a specific sub- ment of bends else surfaces comprising of two families
division of the first-level function. The research on the whose segments where they cross are commonly oppo-
division of agricultural functional areas is as follows. site (lines of force as well as the equipotential surfaces in
Based on the analysis of its goals, guiding ideology an electrostatic field).
and principles, Bellemare and Dusoruth (2021) The total volume of each agent is preset, and its
drawled five major agricultural function zoning indi- internal variable properties have three items: length,
cator groups: agricultural product supply function, cul- position and direction in three dimensions. The length,
tural function, obstacle factor, ecological function, width, and height of the agent are all changed with
employment and social security function. Moreover, the position and angle relationship between the
it used the stepwise discriminant clustering method agents to obtain the best form in the space (Aryal
to complete the spatial clustering of the Northeast et al. 2020).

system performs a displacement operation move(v, m) 

on vi so that vi and vj are far away from each other
(Figure 3(a)). The displacement vector can be calculated
by the following formula (Pandey 2017):

 = (v − c) × k
m (1)

Among them, c is the geometric centre of the intersec-

tion of the agent vi and vj , and k is the length parameter
of the agent’s displacement vector, which is inversely
proportional to the distance of |vi − vj |. Through the
optimisation of the exclusion rule, it can be ensured
that the obtained agent will not occupy the common
space, and the rationality of the obtained result can be
The calculation of building spacing can be trans-
formed into the calculation of plane intersection
(Figure 3(b)). First, according to the building
spacing requirement d of the agentvi , the collision
detection range vi−offset is calculated. After that,
for any other agent vj , the intersecting part
intersection = vi−offset > vj is calculated. Then its dis-
placement vector m  can be calculated by the
method in the exclusion rule as a parameter in its
displacement operation.

(3) Boundary rules

Figure 1. The intelligent body model of the building volume.
The boundary rule is that the boundary of the site will
The displacement operation move(v, m)  is to move produce repulsive force on the building volume that
the position of each agent corresponding to position crosses the boundary, and push the transboundary
(Figure 2(a)), so that the agent v moves along the agent toward the centre of the site (Figure 4), so that
vector m direction by a distance of |m|.
 This operation the position occupied by the agent in the space tends
is used to maintain the distance between the agents, to be reasonable. The optimisation process of the pro-
such as ensuring the building spacing between build- gramme is as follows: first, for each agent vi [ V, the
ings, or ensuring the adjacent relationship between difference v\Site between the shape of its bottom
buildings to meet the topological relationship and func- surface and the shape of the field is judged. If the area
tional requirements (Pattnaik et al. 2018). of v\Site is greater than zero, it means that the agent
During the optimisation process of the system, agents has crossed the boundary, and the displacement
often intersect each other. For this reason, an exclusion vector is calculated (Skar et al. 2020):
rule is introduced, which represents the distance
between agents. In general, the exclusion rule is that m = siteCenter − differenceCenter (2)
in any framework portrayed by quantum mechanics no
2 indistinguishable particles having turn equivalent to After that, the agent applies a displacement operation
a large portion of an odd number can be in a similar  After the algorithm obtains a stable state
move(v, m).
quantum state: 1st hypothesised for the electrons in after several cycles, in the convex polygonal site, the
quite a while. intelligent volume with the right position can be
The entire optimisation process can be represented obtained (Ernwein 2017). A polygon with all its inside
by the following process: When the agent vi and the points under 180° is said to be as convex polygonal.
agent vj intersect, the system will calculate the centre This implies that entire vertices of the polygon determi-
point of the intersection of the plane of vi and vj , and nation point outwards, away since the inside of shape.
then calculate the displacement vector m  of the agent Consider it a ‘protruding’ polygon. It is to keep remind
based on the position of the centre point. Finally, the that a triangle (3-gon) is consistently raised.
710 W. ZHU

Figure 2. Three basic operations of the agent: displacement, rotation, and extrusion.

All the rules related to the direction are divided into The principal benefit of a south-bound house or
several sub-rules, and the results of each rule are calcu- nursery is the measure of daylight you’ll appreciate. As
lated separately, and the weighted sum is performed the sun ascends in the east and sets in the west, the
according to the importance of each rule to obtain the south side of any house will see the most long stretches
final rotation parameters: of daylight during the day – particularly in the Northern
Hemisphere – so a south-bound nursery exploit this. The
w1 × anglelight + w2 × angleedge  biggest rule for south facing is to ensure that every
angle = / wi (3)
+ · · · + wi × anglei building volume has the greatest south-facing length
during the rotation process. For any multi-agent in the
Among them, wi is the weight of each rule set artificially, process of changing its direction, its southward length
which represents the designer’s emphasis on the rule in will change with the change of its direction (Figure 5).
the optimisation process. The more important the rule, For each agent in a rotating state, the southward
the greater the weight, and its impact on the results length dsouth of the current state can be calculated by
will be magnified, and vice versa, the impact on the the following formula (Puri et al. 2017):
results will be weakened. Finally, the rotation operation
dsouth = wSize × cos (angle) + hSize × sin (angle) (4)
rotate(v, angle) is performed on each agent according to
the rotation parameter angle. In this paper, the orien- During each optimisation process under the maximum
tation rules are divided into two categories: the south- rule toward the south, the direction of the agent will ran-
facing rule and the boundary parallel rule. domly change, that is, randomly rotate an angle

Figure 5. The biggest rule for south facing of agent.

clockwise or counterclockwise, and then decide whether

to adopt this kind of change according to the change in
the value of the evaluation parameter dsouth .
The boundary of the site is regarded as the set E of
line segments. For each boundary e [ E in the set, the
distance from the edge e to the geometric centre of
the agent is calculated, and after all e is traversed, the
nearest edge ei from the geometric centre is obtained.
After that, according to the direction eedge of ei and the
direction of the agent, the agent’s rotation angle is cal-
culated so that the direction of the agent is close to
the direction of dedge or the angle of the vertical direction
of dedge (Figure 6).

Figure 3. Repulsion rules and spacing rules between agents.

– represents the plane of intersection.

Figure 4. The rule of exclusion of the boundary to the agent. Figure 6. The boundary parallel rule of the agent.
712 W. ZHU

time and exertion by wiping out improper hits that

should be checked prior to disposing of. If there is an
intersection, the interval of vi is evaluated as 0, otherwise
it is 1.
The quantity of equal execution workers related with
a solitary activity is called as the degree of parallelism
(DOP). Equal execution is intended to adequately
utilise different CPUs. Oracle Database equal execution
structure empowers you to either especially pick a par-
ticular level of parallelism or to depend on Oracle Data-
base towards consequently regulator it. The degree of
parallelism with the edge eedge is a numerical evaluation,
which is used to describe the degree of parallelism
between each agent vi [ V and its closest edge. The
degree of parallelism is calculated by the angle
Figure 7. The proportional rule of the agent. between the direction of the agent and the edge.
Since the plane shape of the agent is rectangular, it is
This method is implemented by the squeeze oper- necessary to calculate the angle between the agent
ation squeeze(v, x, y), and the optimisation process and the edge on its two mutually perpendicular axes,
can be expressed in the following way (Figure 7): and take the minimum value angle. Then, the parallel
first, for each agent vi [ V, whether it intersects degree of vi is evaluated as 1 − angle/90◦ . The larger
with other agents is judged. If it intersects, the the value, the more parallel the agent and the edge
 can be maintained.
vector f j is used to represent the thrust trend of
each agent vj [ V that intersects with the agent, The south-facing length esouth is a numerical evalu-
and the length of the component in the x-direction ation, where esouth [ (0, 1) is used to describe the
and y-direction of the vector is accumulated and south-facing lighting length of each agent vi [ V. The
recorded. After traversing all vj , the one with more calculation method is the same as the calculation
cumulative length in the x-direction and y-direction method in the direction rule:
components means that the surrounding environ-
ment has a greater impact on it, and the length esouth = dsouth /dmax (6)
needs to be shortened in this direction and increased
in the other direction. dsouth = wSize × cos(angle) + hSize × sin (angle) (7)
Based on the ‘rule-evaluation-update’ programme
model, every operation result of the agent needs to be Proportion of shape
evaluated under the action of several rules. If the evalu- The proportion eshape of the shape is used to describe
ation result is worse than the original, this operation will whether the proportion optimisation result of each
be discarded, and the evaluation function E will be calcu- agent vi [ V is reasonable, and it is a composite evalu-
lated by weighting: ation. In order to prevent the ratio of less than 1 from
 appearing, the calculation of the ratio is fixed to
E = (w1 × e1 + w2 × e2 + · · · + wi × ei )/ wi (5) ratio = Thelongside/Theshortside. Each agent will preset
a maximum and minimum scale coefficients maxRatio,
The intersection relationship edist is a judgmental evalu-
minRatio and the optimal ratio bestRatio according to
ation, which is used to describe whether the building
its functional requirements. When the ratio is close to
spacing of each agent vi [ V in the optimisation result
the set optimal value, the function will return 1, and
is satisfied. Using the principle of the spacing rule,
when the ratio value exceeds the limit, the function
through the two-dimensional Boolean operation
will return 0. The evaluation function can be expressed
between the bottom plane shapes of the agent, the
by the following formula f (ratio).
algorithm returns the Boolean value of the relationship
between the two. Boolean operators are said to be as ⎧
⎪ 0 ratio . max Ratio
straightforward words like AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT. ⎨
0 ratio , min Ratio
f (ratio) =
It is utilised as conjunctions to consolidate or avoid ⎩ 1 − |ratio − bestRatio|
⎪ min Ratio , ratio
watchwords in an inquiry, bringing about more bestRatio , max Ratio
engaged as well as useful outcomes. This should save (8)

Architectural planning of agricultural ecology, social ecology, and economic ecology based
production bases in suburbs based on the on the spatial resource allocation of the urban plan-
concept of circular economy ning discipline, and to systematically explore the prin-
ciples and methods of ecological planning applicable
This article chooses the construction plan of the agricul-
to all spatial levels.
tural production base in the suburbs of a certain city as . The third is to divide the three spatial levels related to
the basis, and analyses the spatial distribution and con-
the overall concept of urban and rural space: regional
struction planning of the agricultural base in the
space, urban external space and urban internal space,
research. The multi-level measures in a cultivating situ-
and study the urban-rural mechanisms at each corre-
ation are robotised by smart sensors and intelligent
sponding level and the ecological planning technical
dynamic framework. This article presents a smart
methods at each corresponding level.
sensor data preparing technique for controlling the cul- . The fourth is to study the corresponding policies to
tivating gadgets’ capacities. This technique is named
ensure the implementation of ecological planning.
smart sensing-based functional control (SSFC) that is
contrived to distinguish as well as relieve the vulnerabil-
The related theories of planning and design of agri-
ities in taking care of data (Manogaran et al. 2021).
cultural sightseeing parks are involved in various
Urban and rural ecological planning refers to plan-
spatial levels of ecological planning: regional gathering
ning theories and methods that start from urban and
points, spatial patches, ecological corridors, and urban
rural planning, identify the ecological relationship, com-
green space systems due to the different areas, geo-
position, and various environmental thresholds of urban
graphical locations, and functional types of agricultural
and rural spaces, follow the principles of ecological
sightseeing parks. In the planning and design of agricul-
cybernetics, and make the urban and rural development
tural tourism, in order to achieve its ecology and sustain-
towards sustainable development through the rational
ability, we must start from the perspective of urban and
allocation of space resources. Cybernetics can be com-
rural ecological planning, and integrate the planning of
prehensively characterised as a field of information
agricultural sightseeing parks into the entire regional
trying to offer an overall numerical way to deal with
ecosystem for unified consideration, so that it can effec-
the investigation of complex frameworks independent
tively promote the improvement of surrounding eco-
of their inclination such as artificial else living. Natural
logical benefits.
terrestrial ecosystem addressed as a cybernetic
The sustainable development of agriculture, as a
worldwide trend of thought, first emerged in developed
It can also be seen from the definition that urban and
countries. From the background, it can be seen that the
rural spatial ecological planning is a spatial planning
rise of sustainable agricultural development is closely
method that explores how to ensure the harmonious
related to a series of ecological and environmental pro-
development of urban and rural construction and eco-
blems brought about by the development of modern
logical harmony. The main significant components of
agriculture. Generally speaking, sustainable agricultural
spatial planning method are given below as,
development is an agricultural development theory
put forward to seek a more suitable for human’s
. Classification of spatial, lasting survival and development under the situation
. Focal spot frameworks, that modern agriculture has developed to a higher
. Axes, level, agricultural natural resources have been over-uti-
. Capacities, and lised, the agricultural environment and agricultural
. Rule esteems. ecology have been destroyed, and the relationship
between humans and the natural environment and agri-
The main contents of urban and rural ecological plan- cultural ecology has become increasingly incompatible.
ning are as follows. Agricultural environment is termed as identifying with
the effect of rural practices on the climate while the agri-
. The first is to break through the differentiation of tra- cultural ecology is completed inside the biological
ditional research schools of urban and rural space, system. These tamed plant as well as animal species col-
and use ecology as the main line to study the com- laborate together in the climate to frame the agro-eco-
ponents, mechanisms and control principles of logical framework. Sustainability is the continuous use
urban and rural space development. of agricultural resources, and it is not a predatory devel-
. The second is to expand the connotation of ecological opment, but a combination of development and protec-
planning, to integrate environmental ecology, natural tion. Sustainability is a kind of thought first, and the root
714 W. ZHU

of its thought is the finiteness of resources, and then it is based on courtyard economy combines the production
a kind of technology and method. When sustainable environment with the living environment, and uses
thinking is applied to the agricultural field, sustainable biogas and other processes to turn human and animal
agriculture is produced. This article analyses the con- manure into treasure for recycling.
struction planning of the agricultural production base The layout area of the strip field should be the flat
in the suburbs of the city based on the concept of circu- dam area with a larger area, which can ensure the
lar economy. Supported by the concept of circular smooth drainage and irrigation, convenient regulation
economy, agroecology is an important branch of and control, and meet the water demand of vegetable
ecology that studies the relationship between agricul- crops at different growth and development stages.
tural biology and the agricultural environment, the However, in the southwest region dominated by hilly
mechanism of action, the law of change, and regulation and mountainous areas, due to the diverse combination
and control. Its goal is to achieve high-yield, high- of landforms, the topographic conditions are more com-
quality, and safe agricultural production, to achieve a plicated, and the types of micro-topography are also
comprehensive balance and stable growth of economic, changeable, the impact of topographical conditions on
social and ecological benefits of the agricultural ecosys- the layout of the sun blocks should be considered.
tem, and ultimately to achieve the goal of sustainable When the terrain slope is large, the field planning
development of the agricultural ecosystem. According should first meet the requirements of irrigation and
to the theory of agricultural ecology, a variety of ecologi- mechanical farming. When the long side of the land is
cal agricultural system models can be developed in parallel to the contour line, this can ensure that the
different regions with different natural conditions, pro- amount of land levelling is small in a certain scale of
duction technologies and social needs. Decrease; community. Field irrigation canals are arranged vertically
Reuse, Recycle, and Recover are the instruments to (Figure 8).
diminish the antagonistic ramifications of retailing and The principal streams that bring irrigation water from
assembling on the climate. In this paper, Artificial Intelli- a water source to the spaces to be inundated is said to
gence based Hybridised Intelligent Framework (AIHIF) be as irrigation canals. They can be fixed with concrete,
has been proposed for robotised reusing to advancing block, stone, or an adaptable layer to forestall leakage
the waste administration measure. The framework will and disintegration. An irrigation system waterway or
enhance squander assortment with a brief distance by parallel is built to pass on water from the cause of
using AI and diagram hypothesis (Yu et al. 2021). The supply to at least one homesteads. The reason for this
main model is an agricultural and forestry three-dimen-
sional structure ecosystem that makes full use of space
and land resources. The system uses the characteristics
of various biological species to establish various forms
of three-dimensional structures through reasonable
combination to achieve the purpose of making full use
of time, space and land resources and increasing pro-
ductivity, such as the rotation, intercropping and inter-
cropping of various crops. The system uses the food
chain relationship of biological species to fully transform
each type of resource in the process of energy consump-
tion and transformation, including the following
systems. The material circulation system of land-water
exchange includes the mulberry fish pond model. This
model combines two or more symbiotic organisms in a
system based on ecological principles to make the
species mutually beneficial, such as fish farming in rice
fields, symbiosis of birds, fish and mussels, and symbiosis
of rice, fish and grass, etc. The fishery three-dimensional
aquaculture system is to make full use of water
resources, fish and other aquatic organisms’ living laws
and diets, and the niche in the water body to carry out
three-dimensional aquaculture in accordance with the
principles of the food chain. The courtyard ecosystem Figure 8. Longitudinal layout of field canal system.

This article combines the actual needs to construct

a happy farm module suitable for urban people to
play. It is mainly a vegetable planting area, where visi-
tors can enjoy the fun of free picking. It is mainly com-
posed of greenhouse production and green fields
(Figure 10).
Greenhouse production is might be all year in
addition to, it can give significant income consistently.
You might create vegetable yields, develop vegetable
transfers for makers, harvest ornamentals, as well as
blossom creation. Numerous nursery administrators
have almost no time when a yield isn’t being delivered.
The benefits of happy farm are healthy produce and
land, rising population, family on the farm, nature and
so on. The greenhouse production can able to afford
control climate to high esteem crops such as therapeutic
Figure 9. Horizontal layout of field canal system. plants, blossoms and so on. The crops become exclusive
a greenhouse is sound as well as provide good out-
training is to convey water to the ranch water system fra- comes. The plan of a nursery relies on the scope of the
mework (s). When the field irrigation canal is arranged spot in addition to the prerequisite of harvest. A multi-
horizontally, as shown in Figure 9, it eliminates the class model utilising Improved Mahalanobis Taguchi
need for water delivery ridges, reduces the length of System (IMTS) is proposed dependent on ordinary per-
the field canal system, saves land and reduces the loss ceptions and Mahalanobis distance for horticulture
of field water delivery. The sublateral canal is generally improvement. Twenty-six info factors applicable to edit
arranged along the direction of the contour line or has development have been distinguished and grouped
a small angle with the contour line, so that the direction into six principle factors for the improvement of the
of the irrigation ditches, borders and the ground slope model. The multiclass model is created with the
are roughly the same, which is conducive to irrigation. thought of the general significance of the variables. A
The arrangement of agricultural canals should be per- target work is characterised for the grouping of three
pendicular to the contour lines, and the sublateral yields, specifically paddy, sugarcane and groundnut
canal spacing should be the width of the field. (Deepa et al. 2020).

Figure 10. Plan view of happy farm. Figure 11. Plan view of large-scale fishing.
716 W. ZHU

The large-scale fishing area is also one of the plans of Funding

the base of this paper. It is a large-scale club integrating
This work was supported by Open Fund of Key Laboratory of
fishery breeding demonstration, fishing and catering. It Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation, MNR
mainly includes three sub-sites: fine breeding, golden [grant number #KF-2018-03-049].
pond, and camping barbecue (Figure 11).
Through the above analysis, this paper completes the
basic planning of the agricultural production base. The Notes on contributor
planning and design of the Agricultural Sightseeing
Park is a multi-level and multi-structure integrated Wenjian Zhu is a lecturer and the deputy
head of Department of Urban Planning
system of agricultural production and tourism based at School of Architecture and Urban Plan-
on the idea of ecological agriculture, the principles of ning, Shenzhen University. He received
ecology, and the conscious use of modern scientific his Master of Architecture at the Chinese
and technological achievements and management University of Hong Kong and PhD at the
methods. University of Hong Kong. His research
focuses on public housing and urban sus-
tainability. He is the Registered Architect
of China, and member of Architectural Society of China, Geo-
Conclusion graphical Society of China, and Urban Planning Society of
China. As an architect and urban planner, he won the several
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