Class 7 EOY Past Papers

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End of Year Examination 2AZL-22 3in& 1178

Student's Name Student lD Section

Teacher's Name Campus Name


CLASS 7 I hour 30 minutes

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.tli" 'ktg g./,oa/lUnified End of Year Examination. May 7a22 / lslamiyat / ClassT Page 1 of 10
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:T/,.e '€"ty .7b/u*// Unified End of Year Examination, Mav 2022 lslamivat Classl Paee 10 of 10
%n Cr,ry gcilool
End of Year Examination 2A2L-22 Sins 197t

Student's Name Student lD Section

Teacher's Name Campus Name

SCIENCE May 2022

CLASS 7 2 hours

INSTRUCTIONS --- For Examiner's use only ---

Question Max. Marks

o Enter your Full Name, Student lD, Section,
No. Marks Obtained
Subject Teacher's Name, and Campus Name in
L 20
the boxes above.
2 10
a Write your answer to each question in the 3 10
spaces provided. 4 10
5 5
o You should show all your working where
a ppropriate 6 10
7 5

8 4
9 5

10 4
LL 4
t2 3

13 5

L4 5

lnvigilated by:
r Total
6 100
Marked by: Marks
o Marks entered by:

ti/,n '&U ,!/b/,",,/l t)nifieC End of Year Examination, May 2022 / Science / ClassT Page 1 of 18
Section A o ective Marks 50

Q.1 Multiple choice questions: lJz0l

For every statement there are four options A, B, C and D given, circle the best suitable

(i) Which of the following orders would be correct showing the size of structures
from biggest to smallest?
A Chromosome > red blood cell > stomach > gene > nucleus
B Stomach > red blood cell > gene > chromosome
C Stomach > red blood cell > nucleus > chromosome > gene
D Gene > chromosome > red blood cell > stomach
(ii) The four substances below are all solids. Which of them is made up of more than
one kind of atom?
A lron
B Tin

C lce

D Carbon
(iiilThe outline diagrams show three methods of separation.


What are the three methods called?

A Chromatography Distillation Filtration

B Distillation Chromatography Filtration

c Distillation Filtration Chromatography

D Filtration Chromatography Distillation

(ivlWhich of these chemicals can be found in indigestion tablets?

A Hydrochloric acid
B Calcium carbonate
C Magnesium hydroxide
D Sulphuric acid

,I/,n 7:ity ti./,"r'// unified End of Year Examination, May 2072 / Science / Class 7 Page 2. of 18
(v) A stone has a volume of 0.50 cm3 and a mass of 2.0 g. What is the density of the
A 0.25 g/cm3
B 1.5 g/cm3

C 2.5 g/cm3
D 4.0 g/cm3

(vi)Which of the following is true about the girls moving the sacks as shown in the
diagram below?

x V

l. X has to work against friction

ll. Y does not have work against friction
lll. The wheels of the trolley in Y, have reduced the friction
A lonly
B lll only
C I and lll only
D ll and lll only
(vii) Most of the asteroids of our solar system move around the Sun, between the
orbits of which planets?
A Jupiter and Saturn
B Venus and Earth
C Earth and Mars
D Mars and Jupiter
(viii) An animal X, lives in water, has spines on its body and possesses five way radial
symmetry. Which of the following animals is X most likely to be?
A Shellfish

B Squid

C Sea anemone

D Sea urchin

il,, ?tt// ./i./,n(,/l Unified End of Year Examinatlon, May 7022 / Science / Class 7 Page 3 of 18
(ix) Which of the following is a vasiular plant that reproduces by spores?

A Conifers
B Mosses

c Ferns

D Liverworts
(x) The diagram shows the arrangement of particles in three different physica! states
of substance X.

U ,ll
i f;
* *
state 1 ^iai*

Which statement about the physical states of a substance X is correct?

A Particles in state l vibrate on their fixed positions

B State 1 changes to state 2 by diffusion
C State 2 changes to state 3 by condensation
D The substance in stage 3 has a fixed volume
(xi) A gas jar of bromine vapour and a gas jar of air are set up as shown in diagram 1.
The glass slide is removed. Diagram 2 shows the appearance of the gas jars after
one hour.


nrixture of air
glass anci br*mine


diagrarn 1 dragran"'r 2

Which statement explains why the bromine and air mix together?

A Bromine is denser than air.

B Bromine is lighter than air.
C Molecules of both gases move from higher to lower concentration
D Molecules of both gases move from lower to higher concentration

.t7," ?;ty,!/i.Lq// Unilied Endof YearExamination,May2022lScience /ClassT Page 4 pf 18

(xii) The table shows the numbers of atoms present in the formula of some
Which row is NOT correct?

numbers of aton:s formuia

A 1 x calcium, 1 r Carbofr, 3 x oxygen CaCO;

g 1 ;'': carbo{], 5 ; hydrogen, 1 !: oxy$en crHsoH
c 1 x hydrogafi, 1 x oxy$en. 1 x sodium NaOH

D 2 x hydrog€fi. 4 ;. oxy$en. 1 r: suifur HrSO*

(xiii) Barium has lost two electrons. Which of these represents the symbols for ions:
A Ba2-

B Ba2*

D Ba*

(xiv) A substance reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to release energy. In the process
hydrogen is formed. What is the substance?
A lodine
B Zinc

C Carbon

D Bromine
(xv) Which of the following are chemical reactions?
I. Combustion of fossilfuel
ll. Dissolving salt in water
lll. Expansion of mercury in a thermometer
lV. Electrolysis of water

A I and lV only
B ll and lV only
C I and lll only
D l, ll and lll only
(xvi) Which of the following word equations correctly describes the reaction between
calcium carbonate and dilute sulphuric acid?

A Calcium carbonate + dilute sulphuric acid --+calcium sulphate + carbon dioxide + water

B Calcium carbonate + dilute sulphuric acid-)calcium sulphate + carbondioxide

C Calcium carbonate + dilute sulphuric acidJcalcium sulphate + water

D Calcium carbonate + dilute sulphuric acid-)calcium sulphate

.17* Zily ;/;l&// Unified End of Year Examination, May 7022 / Science / Class 7 Page 5 of 18
(xvii) Most of our energy resources depend on radiation from the Sun.
Which of the following energy resources does not depend on solar radiation?
A HydroelectricitY
B Wind power
C Geothermal energY
D Biomass

(xviii) How do wind turbines generate electricity?

A The blades spin to heat water, create steam, which turns a turbine and
produces electricitY

B The blades of the wind turbine are moved by the wind, which then turns a

generator inside it and generates electricity

C The blades of the wind turbine are moved by wind, which then turns a

generator inside it and produces only heat energy

D The National grid spins the turbines to transfer electricity to homes
(xix) A1, A2, A3 and A4 represent the readings of three ammeters in the circuit shown
below. Which of the following statements is true about AL, A2, A3 and 44?
A A1<A2<A3<A4
B A1>42>A3>44
c 41=42=43=A4
D 41=A2+43+44

(xx) ldentical resistors are connected together to form arrangements X, Y and Z.

What is the correct order of the resistances of the arrangements from the
Iargest to the smallest?

arr *ntpmanl 7
arrangemeni X ar;"angenr*nl. Y

A X,Y,7
c 7,x,Y
D 7,Y,X

Page 5 of 18
.V/,. %:tyli'lr,n/l UnifiedEndof YearExamination,May2022/Science /ClassT
Q.2 ldentify the following statements as True or False. Correct the false statements. [-/10]
(i) Compounds have different properties than the elements they are made from.

(ii) Evaporation is used to separate petrol from oil

(iiilMass of the solution will be 100 g, when 20 g of salt is added to 1-00 g of water.

(iv)The resultant force acting on an object will be unbalanced if we apply equal force
from opposite direction.

(v) Pinworms and hookworms are examples of roundworms

(vilAccording to Thomson's Model, atom is a continuous mass of positive charge

containing negatively charged electrons.

(vii) The reaction between acid and carbonates is an example of chemical reaction
brought about by heat.

(viii) Non-Luminous flames are mostly used in stoves as they are more heat-efficient

(ix)Adding a light bulb to a series circuit will increase total resistance.

(x) The Sl unit of electric current is Ampere.

,7," 'Ory ,/b/,oo/l Unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / Science / Class 7 Page 7 of 18
Q.3 Match the word/phrase in column'A with the correct description in column B and
write your answer in column C. lJL0l
Column A Column B Column C

(i) Epithelial cells a disappearance of naphthalene balls (i)

(ii) Cnidarians b current has the same value (ii)

everywhere in the circuit
( iii) Molluscs c. a compound made up of nitrogen and ( iii)
(iv) Sublimation d a non-renewable resource obtained (iv)
from dead plants and animals
(v) Sucrose e current flow through each component (v)
combines to form the current flow
from the source
(vi) Ammonia t animals with soft bodies that are (vil
covered with hard shells
(vii) Thermal g present on the lining of the cheek or (vii)
decomposition stomach
(viii) Crude oil h. obtaining salt from seawater (viii) -_

(ix) Series circuit I. iron sulphide formed from iron and (ix)
(x) Parallel circuit j. a compound made up of carbon, (x)
hydrogen and oxygen
h present on the outermost layer of
pla nts

l. animals without true organs and

having pores in them

j a non-renewable resource obtained

from dead plants

k. jelly like animals that have bell or

umbrella shape

copper carbonate breaks into carbon

dioxide and copper oxide

l7e'(it11 .(/i/,til/ unified Endof YearExamination, May2022/Science /ClassT Page ! of 18

Q.4 Fill in the blanks. l_Jt0l
(i) The term 'fluids' consists of two states of matter, and liquids.

(ii) Solubility depends on the nature of solute and solvent along with the

(iii)The is equal to the difference in the weight of the object in air

and in water.

(ivlThe first artificial satellite, built and launched by Soviets was

(v) Juniper is an example of

(vi) is the random movement of small particles such as

pollen grains in a liquid.

(vii) A/An is an electrically charged particle formed when an atom gains

or loses electrons.

(viii) is any organic -. matter like crops, seaweed, animal waste which can
be used as an energy source

(ix) is the measure of how much an electrical component

opposes the flow of current.

(x) A short and thin piece of wire, connected in a circuit to prevent the large current
from flowing through the main circuit, is called

JTtt: (,i'ty .yi:/.(",// Unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / Science / Class 7 Page 9 gf 18
Section B Subjective 50 Marks
Q.5 Answer the following questions I-151
(a) What evidence is there in the diagram below to show that each cell is adapted for
its particular or function. t3l
Type of Cells Adaptation

Nerve cell

Red blood cell

Root hair cell

(b) What is the function of blood circulatory system? I1l

(c) Why is cell membrane called partially permeable membrane? i1l

fre V;E yd,"r// unifiea End of Year Examination, May 7022 / Science / Class 7 Page 10 of 18
Q.S Answer the following questions l_lL9l
(a) The circles in the diagrams below represent the atoms. Circles of different colours
represent different atoms. Classify each of the pictures below by placing the
correct label in the blanks below: t4l
A = Mixture of elements and compounds
B = Mixture of elements
C= Compound
D = Mixture of compounds
E= Element

& f & U 0i I It s
& DO .oo I I
? # U vl o t
G oooJ I

& *8 & Sg B$€r
0 ?8 * s& s ffi
(b) Suggest a name for a compound containing one carbon and four chlorine atoms. [1]

(c) What is the difference between a molecule of carbon dioxide and a molecule of
carbon monoxide? 121

(d) Give the symbols for the following elements. l2l

(i) Magnesium:

(ii) Boron:
(e) Explain why scientists use symbols for the elements. t1l

.t-/,n ?itX ./i/,ao// Unrfied End of Year Examination, Mav 2022 / Science / Class 7 Page 11,of 18
Q.7 Answer the following questions. t- l5l
(a) The stopping distance of a vehicle is made up of two parts, the reaction distance
and the braking distance.
What is meant by reaction distance? t1l

(b) State any two factors that affect braking distance. l2l

(c) Why does applying the brakes of the car causes the temperature of the brakes to
increase? t1]

(d) The arrows in the diagram represent the horizontal forces acting on a motorbike at
one moment in time. Calculate the resultant force. t1l

845N 200s N


,l/,o '(ity ,!/i/,te/l Unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / Science / Class 7 Page 12 of 18
Q.8 Answer the following questions. TJ4I
(a) Give two uses of artificial satellites in orbit, around the Earth. t2l

(b) The diagram below, shows an eclipse. ls this a lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse?
Explain your answer. tzl

.17," ?;ty ,l/i/,r"..// Unrfied End of Year Examination, May2022/Science /ClassT Page 13 of 18
Q.9 Answer the following questions. lJsl
Anirnals rvithout jointed legs

Worm- like Not r'vorm- like

Segrnented Not segr:rented

I-eech Hockworn-l Jellyf ish Sea U rchin

(a) The diagram above shows a dichotomous key. l2l

ln the dichotomous key, A and B have two contrasting characteristics which are
used to differentiate a jellyfish from a sea urchin. Suggest what A and B might be:


(b) Give one difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms 12)

(c) Why do liverworts not grow tall? t1l

,//,n ?ity ,!/ilq,/l l)nified End of Year Examination, May 202? / Science / Class 7 Page 14 of 18
Q.10 Answer the following questions. tJ4l
(a) Hydrochloric acid produces a gas, so does ammonia solution. These two gases
react when they meet to form a white solid called ammonium chloride. Two pieces
of cotton wool are soaked in hydrochloric acid and ammonia solution and placed at
the end of a glass tube as shown in the figure.

cotton rnroolsoaked white band of ammonium chloride cotton wooI soaked

in hyd rochloric acid formed nhen the gases meel in ammonia solution

(i) What is the name of process by which the gases move along the tube? t1l

(ii) Explain how this process takes place l2l

(b) Use the particle model of matter to explain, why a substance becomes denser
when it changes from a liquid state to a solid state? t1l

Q.11 Answer the following questions. l_J$l

(a) Atomic number of magnesium is l-2. Draw its electronic structure by filling in the
electrons in the following shells. t3l

(b) An Atom is electrically neutral. Justify with reason. t1l

.iln '{17y ti/,e{,// Unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / Science / Class 7 Page 15.of 18
e.12 Ahsan was investigating an experiment of marble chips with dilute hydrochloric acid
in the laboratory. t J3l


o{ dilute
hydrochloric acid

(a) ldentifythe gas produced in the above chemical reaction? l1l

(b) Write a word equation for this chemical process' t2l

Q.13 The diagram shows a photovoltaic cell. lJsl

Solar Cell

(a) what energy change takes place when the cell absorbs sunlight? t2l

(b) Explain why sunlight is described as a renewable energy resource. l1l

(c) Write down two ways to conserve energy when using an electric heater. 12]

9/*'t E 1tilul l unified End of Year Examination, May 7072 I Science / Class 7 Page lF of 18
Q.14 A student has made some measurements of current in three branches of the parallel
circuit and the current near the battery. She investigated two different circuits A and B.
(a) Complete her table of readings. t2l

Circuit Current in Current in Current in Current next

branch 1(A) branch 2 (A) branch 3 (A) to battery (A)

A 0.1 0.2 0.5

B 0.6 0.1 0.4

(b) Explain why the current is different in branches of each circuit t1l

(c) Here is a circuit diagram. All the lamps are the same. l2l
l-- l

Which ammeter will show the lowest reading? Explain your answer

,t7,c Tity .'/c/tt,t// Unrfied End of Year Examination, May2022/Science /ClassT Page 17 of 18

/ / Page 18 of 18
,:7/," 'ftty ,/i/,nol/ tJnified End of Year Examination, May 2a22 Science Class 7
g,nn 6,rty gc/,no/
End of Year Exarnination 2021-22

5l** 137S

Student's Name Student lD Section

Teacher's Name Campus Name

URDU May 2022

CLASS 7 2 hours

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.t7,n Zity./i/,,,.// unitied End of Year Examination, Mav2022/ Urdu /Class 7 'Page 5 of 14
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tol -{;),rri(srVrJzft}-;72r, -tdL/

Human beings are animals, but we are different from other animals
because of our ability to talk. However, we can also communicate in
many other ways, like other animals do .We send silent signals to each
other all the time. A smile is a sign that a person is happy. We cry,
scream and sometime even groan. A dog can tell simply by the tone of
its owner's voice that it is being told off.

,'ilt:'(,til,/ ;/bl"n/ / u nified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / U rdu / Class T 'Page 9 of 14
[r0] - { d rt f gf .,,!;lil 6' t q { * & s1tie }-:72" -11Ll

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Page 10 of 14
.t7,c 'htry .!/r/tr,"/l Unitted End of Year Examination, May 2022/ Urdu / Class 7
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Page 12 of 14
.tl,e 'hfu .'/i'/,q,l/ lJnified End of Year Examination, May 2022/ Urdu / Class 7
.t7te 'hry !.ti/rr.// Unified End of Year Examination, MaV 2022/ Urdu / Class 7 Page 13 of 14




./1" 'Q/,f li/,r,cll Unified End of Year Examination, Mav 2O22/ Urdu / Class 7 Page 14 of 14
%il" ?€r,ty gcil"ol
End of Year Examination2OZL-22

Sin* 1SIB

Student's Name Student lD Section

Teacher's Name Campus Name

ENGI-ISH May 2022

CLASS 7 2 hours

INSTRUCTIONS --- For Examiner's use only ---

o Enter your Full Name, Student lD, Section, Subject Question Max. Marks
Teacher's Name, and Campus Name in the boxes No. Marks Obtained
above. 1 25
o Write your answer to each question in the spaces 2 25
5 30
c You should show all of your working.
4 20

lnvigilated by

Marked by:
I Total 100
Marks entered by: _


;Vle (it;y 9bl"n1/ Unitied End of Year Examination, MaV 2022 / English / Class 7 Page 1 oi 12
Directed Writing Marks: 25

Word Limit: 150 to 180 words

Q1 Write on the topic given below, and remember to follow the instructions.
Write a formal letter to the Editor-in-Chief of a renowned newspaper about the misuse
and poor maintenance of a public park in your area.
Your letter must include the following points:
o Describe the poor condition of the park

o ln which ways is the park misused?

o Describe how the park may be improved
You may begin your letter with:

Dear 5ir/Madam,

..//,e 't,ty 9A,*,1/ Unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / English / ClassT Page 2 of 12
.t1t '{,.'rty qilool/ Unified End of Year Examination, May 2o22 / English / Class 7 Pige 3 of 12
Creative Writing Marks: 25

Word Limit: 180 to 200 words

Q2 Write on any ONE of the following topics:

(a) Write a comparative essay on the topic given below:
"Virtual versus real classrooms"
(bl Describe a place you have dreamed aboutthat does not exist in real life.
(c) Write a narrative story using the following sentence to begin:
"When I woke up, there was purple light coming in through the bedroom
(d) Narrate an incident through which you found out that money cannot buy

;I/,e '&ry ,l/i/,,,,// Unified End of Year Exarnination, Matl 2022 / English / ClassT Page 4 of 12
J7,e {.:.tty,7tlao// Unified Endof YearExamination, May2022/English/ClassT Page 5 of 12
Comprehension Passage Marks: 30

Q3 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

1 Many years ago, there lived a hard-working peasant named Ahmed Shoaib and his
very talkative daughter Alliya. They stayed in a small but comfortable little cottage on
the outskirts of a village. Ahmed earned his living by cultivating a few fields, snaring
game in the neighbouring woods and fishing in the nearby river.

2 One lovely spring morning, as Ahmed was ploughing in a corner of his field, the
ploughshare struck something hard, which brought him to a sudden halt. On looking
at the cause of the stoppage, he uttered a cry of amazement, for the obstacle was
not a boulder as he expected, but a large metal box, half-hidden in the earth. After
taking a cautious look behind himself, he dug around the box until he had completely
unearthed it. He then placed it on the ground and tried to force the lid with his knife,
but without success. However, by smashing the lock with a stone, he managed to
open it and see the contents.
3 lmagine his surprise and joy, on discovering that the box was almost full of gold and
silver coins. He kept staring and staring at the treasure, as if he could scarcely believe
his eyes. But afterthefirst moments of delight had passed, hefrowned as he began
to wonder what he should do in order to retain his newly-found wealth. The greatest
difficulty was that he must tell his daughter Alliya, and she being one of the village
gossips, could not possibly keep a secretfor long. lf the news of hiswealth cameto
the ears cf the village chief, he would want a share in, if not all ol the treasure.
4 He sat for a Iong time, trying to think of a plan by which he could keep the treasure.
Suddenly, he sprang to his feet exclaiming, "Of coursel I have the very thing!" Going
over to the plough, he unyoked the donkey and led the creature to its small stable at
the back of the house. Alliya was surprised to see her father return from work so
early. When he told her of his wonderful luck, she was overjoyed.
5 Ahmed made her promise notto reveal his discoveryto anyone, not even to their
dearest friends, and this vow she readily made at least half a dozen times in her
excitement. Despite her repeated promises however, Ahmed knew that the story of
his good fortune would soon be the talk of the whole neighbourhood.

6 An hour or so Iater, Ahmed decided to put his plan into action. He went into the
woods where he had set his snares and, to his great satisfaction, he found that a fine
hare had been caught in one of his traps. He placed the creature in his bag and
proceeded to the fishing lines which were laden with trout. After taking the fish off
the hooks, he carefully attached the hare to a hook and threwthe line, with its odd
catch, back into the stream.
7 An returning home, he found Alliya busy around the house and in fine spirits. Later,
when he asked herto accompany him on his usual round of the snares and fishing
lines, she was quite eager to join him.

7/,c ?,;ry !y''rl,o// Unilied End of Year Examination, May 2a22 / English / Class 7 P.age 6 of X2
8 First, thetwo wenttothe river, where Ahmed "l'llsee if we have caught said,
anything for dinner." Drawing on the lines slowly and steadily, with a most interested
spectator, he pulled and pulled and there, sure enough, was the hare dangling from
the hook. Alliya was so astonished that she could only stare!
"Why do you look so surprised?" asked her father calmly. "Surely you know that a
great many animals can swim and a few, like the otter and the seal, spend most of
their lives in water. lsn't this a lovely water-hare?"
9 Poor Alliya, quite ignorant of the habits of animals, thought her father spoke the
truth, although she had never heard of such a creature. The treasure forgotten, she
was so enraptured by this new discovery that she walked back to their home faster
than she had walked awayfrom it. Before dinner, she asked herfather if she could
stroll to the village square to meet her friends, and Ahmed, safe in the knowledge
that she had many other things than his treasure to gossip about, happily allowed her
to do so.

(a) Describe the home of Ahmed Shoaib. Give at least four points. tJ41

(b) How did he earn a living? Mention at least three points. tJ3)

(c) Why was he worried about his newly found wealth?

Give two reasons from the text to support your answer tJ2)

.1./,e (,1,E,'/i./,,,,,/ / l ntt ted E nd of Yea r Exa mination, Mav 2022 I English / Class 7 Pbge 7 of 12
(d) ln paragraph (5)what is meant by talk of the whole neighbourhood"? l_J11

(e) ln your own words, summarise the plan through which Ahmed wanted to ensure
his daughter would not gossip about his treasure?
Mention at least five points. tJ51

(fI For each of the words below, circle the letter (A, B, C or D)which has the same meaning
that the word or phrase has in the passage. lJ51
(i) Unearthed

A Disclosed B Lost C Buried D Hid

(ii) Vow

A Break B Lie C Hide D Pledge

(iii) Laden

A Weighted B Removed C Empty D Light

{iv) Spectator
A Participant B Observer C Accomplice D Player

(vl lgnorant

A lntelligent B Talented C Naive D Wise

,V/,t ?ily 9b/,.*1/ unffied End of Year Examination, May 2A22 / English / ClassT Page 8 of 12
(C) Turn each of the dialogue in direci speech below to indirect speech, One mark will be
awarded for each appropriate change: l_J7l
(i) At the river, Ahmed said, "l'll see if we have caught anything for dinner."

(iil "Why do you look so surprised?" asked her father calmly.

(h) Rewrite the following sentences with correct subject and verb agreement tJ3)
(i) Ahmed earn his living by cultivating fields.

(ii) Ahmed and Aaliya walks to the forest.

(iii) The fishing line were laden with trout

;7u 7/tty !y'r/,rrl/ Unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / English / Class 7 Page 9 of 12
Literary Text Marks: 20

Q4 Read the following passage from The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster carefully
and answer the questions.
At first, it was difficult to telljust what had changed - it all looked the same and it all smelled
the same - but, for some reason, nothing sounded the same.
"l wonder what's happened?" said Milo. At least that's what he tried to say, for, although his
lips moved, not a sound came from his mouth. And suddenly he realized what it was, for Tock
was no longer ticking and the Humbug, although happily singing, was doing so in complete
silence. The wind no longer rustled the leaves, the car no longer squeaked, and the insects no
longer buzzed in the fields. Not the slightest thing could be heard, and it felt as if, in some
mysterious way, a switch had been thrown and all the sound in the world had been turned
off at the same instant.
The Humbug, suddenly realising what had happened, leaped to his feet in terror, and Tock
worriedly checked to see if he was still keeping time. lt was certainly a strange feeling to know
that no matter how loudly or softly you chatted or rattled or bumped, it all came out the same
way - as nothing.
"How dreadful", thought Milo as he slowed down the car.
The three of them began to talk and shout at once with absolutely no result until, hardiy
noticing where they were going, they had driven into the midst of a large crowd of people
marching along the road. Some of them were singing at the tops of their non-existent voices
and the others were carrying large signs which proclaimed:





And one enormous banner stated simply:


Except for these, and the big brass cannon being pulled along behind, they all looked very
much like the resident of any other small valley to which you've never been.
When the carstopped, one of them held up a placard which said:

And the others cheered as loudly, which was not very loud at all.
"HAVE YOU COME TO HELP US?" asked another, stepping forward with his question.
"PLEASE!" added a third.

.//,e '(ity ,9c./*o1/ unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / English / Class 7 Pagq 10 of 12
Milo tried desperately to say who he was and where he was going, but to no avail. As he did,
four more placards announced:




And while two of them held up a large blackboard, a third, writing as fast as he could,
explained why there was nothing but quiet in the Valley of Sound.
"At a place in the valley not far from here," he began, "where the echoes used to gather and
the winds came to rest, there is a great stone fortress, and In it lives the Soundkeeper, who
rules this land. When the old king of Wisdom drove the demons into the distant mountains,
he appointed herguardian of all sounds and noises, past, present, and future.
"For years she ruled as a wise and beloved monarch, each morning at sunrise releasing the
day's new sounds, to be borne by the winds throughout the kingdom, and each night at
moonset gathering in the old sounds, to be catalogued and filed in the vast storage vaults

(a) Why do you think nothing sounded the same in the Valley of Sound? lJIl

(b) How could Milo tell that there was no sound?

Mention at least three things he noticed. tJ31

(c) Why did Tock worriedly check to see if he was still keeping time? t_J11

td) Why did the people write '/tlS+E+l LOOK CAREFULLY AND WE WILL TELL YOU OF

.7le 'ftiy gi,l,,,/l Unified End of Year Examination, May2A2Z/ English /ClassT Pale 11 of 12
(e) ln your own words, summarise the duties of the Soundkeeper as mentioned in the
passage. Give at least four points. lJ4l

tf) Complete the following passage using appropriate words from the bank below. lJ51
roads d etou rs bea utifu I kind

cities indicated erased show

As the announcement stated, it was a beautiful map, in many colours, showing principal
rivers, and seas, towns and mountains and
val[eys, intersections and and sites of outstanding interest bcth

and historic.

The only trouble was that Milo had never heard of any of the places it
and even the names sounded most peculiar

(g) Complete the following passage using appropriate words from the bank below. lJ51
Ieft right colour light

bright grey monotonous heavily

Things began to change as soon as he the main road. The sky

became quite grey and, along with it, the whole countryside seemed to lose its

and assume the same tone, Everything rvas quiet,

and the road wound back and forth in an endless series of climbing curves.

,/le ?ittl ,q?1,n1/ ,Jnified End of Year Examination, May 2A22 i English / Class 7 Page L2 of X.2
$,rt" Gr,ty gc,/o"o/
End of Year Examination 2A2L-22

Student's Name Student lD Section

Teacher's Name Campus Name


CLASS 7 2 hours

INSTRUCTIONS --- For Examiner's use only ---

o Enter your Full Name, Student lD, Section, Subject Question Max. Marks
Teacher's Name, and Campus Name in the boxes No. Marks Obtained
above. L 10
. Write your answer to each question in the spaces 2 10
3 10
. You should show all of your working.
5 10

6 10

7 10
I 10
9 10
10 10

lnvigilated by:

Marked by:

Marks entered by: Total 100



ql. LJ101
(a) Circle the correct answer. Choose only one answer for each statement. lsl
(i) By solving the inequality 6x > 12, the answer will be
A x>6
B x<6
C x<2
D x>2
(ii) Find the 5th term of the sequence whose general term is 6n + 2.

(iiil The algebraic expression for "5 less than double the amount of money" is
given by
A 5x-10
B 10-x
C 2x-5
D 2*5x
(iv) A Iine that intersects two or more other parallel lines is called

A Transversal
B PerpendicularBisector
C Angle Bisector
D Diagonal Line

(v) What is the number of significant figures in 0.004506?

(b) Fill in the blanks: tsl

(i) The surface area of a cube of side 5 cm is _ cm2

(ii) The interior angles of a triangle add up to

(iii) The radius of a circle is _ of the diameter,

(iv) The 6th term of a sequen ce 7 , !0, L3,... is


Q2. lJ1.ol
(a) What is the algebraic equation when the sum of five times m and n is equalto 5?[1]

(b) Find the Sth term of the sequence whose general term is 2n2 l1l

(c) Solve the inequality 3x < l-8. t1l

(d) Find the greatest possible even integer which satisfies the above inequality
3x<18 t1l

(e) Find 6th term of the sequence 11, 17,23,29, t1l

(f) ln the adjoining figure, ABCD is a parallelogram in which LA=72". Calculate LB. l7l

(g) Find the sum of first 4 consecutive odd numbers. t1l

(h) Find the value of an exterior angle of a regular pentagon. l1l

(i) Find the value of zC in the given triangle t1l

(j) From the given diagram, name a pai r of alternate interior a ngles. l1l

4 J G

7 $

(a) The volume of a cuboid is 84 m3, its length is 7m and width is 6m
What will be its height? l2l

(b) What is the formula for the surface area of a cube? t1l

(c) Complete the table on a given regular polygon 121


(d) From the given diagram below, if LBOP = 12A", then what are the values of
angles x and y? l2l



(e) Forthefunction ! = 2x + 1. Fill inthe missingvalueof x inthe belowtable. {21

(f) Graph of the function ! = 2x * 1 is plotted on the grid below. Using the plotted
graph or any other method, plotthe graph of the function ! = 2x * 4 on
the same grid. I1l




(a) Find the value of "m" if 5m i 7 = 4m * 9 l2l

(b) lf n = 2m, substitute value of m in part "a" and find value of k. t4l
k: 5m f 3n- 8
(c) Find the mean of first 5 prime numbers l2l

(d) Find the median of the following data. t2l

27, 39, 49, 20, 21,, 29, 38

(a) Write formula to find area of a quadrant. t1l

(b) Find the area of a quadrant with the radius of 2 cm. (use n - 3.'1.41 I2l

(c) Convert 23.4500 up to following significant figures. 121

5 Significant Figures

3 Significant Figures
(d) Solve the inequality By > -L6 and illustrate on number line. tzl

(e) ldentify the order of rotational symmetry of the given figure. t3l


q6. tJ10I
(a) lf "p" is an integer and it satisfies the inequalily 6p + 4 > 3p - 2.
lllustrate p on the number line and mention the largest integer which satisfies the
inequality. t4l

(b) Estimate the following and give your answer correct to 2 significant figures. l2l
8.86 2.23
(c) The first four figures of a sequence are as shown.

Find the number of triangles in 8th figure l4l

(a) The sum of two numbers is 84, and one of them is 12 more than the other
What are the two numbers? tsl
(b) ln the given diagram AB | | CD | | EF tsI


fi D


(i) Find the value of zPQB.

(ii) Find the value of zDRS.

(iii) Find the value of zQRS.

(a) The area of a trapezium is 144 cmz and the distance between its parallel sides
is L2 cm. lf one of the parallel sides is 74cm, find the other. t3l

(b) lf the fourth side of the trapezium is 13cm, find the perimeter of it. l2l

(c) Complete the given table. t3l


8cm 4cm 5cm

3cm 4cm 144 cm3

9m 10 cm 990 m3
(d) lf the total surface area of a cube is 864 cm2 then, find side length of cube. l2l

(a) Construct a triangle LPQR such that PQ = 'J,0 cm,
PR : 7.4 cm and QR = 8.5 cm. I3l

(b) Construct the angle bisector of zPRQ. l2l

(c) Complete the table. l2l

Pentagon 72'
Nonagon t250"
(d) lnterior angle of a regular Polygon "A",is equal to the exterior angle of a regular
hexagon. How many sides does the polygon "A" have? [3]

(a) The mean amount of daily wages of 6 employees is Rs.1,600.
When the amount of one employee is excluded, the mean amount of daily wages
of the 5 remaining employees is Rs.1,700,
Find the daily wage of the employee who is excluded. tSI
(b) The equation of a function is given by y : 3x * 6.
Use the below graph sheet using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on x-axis
and 1 cm to represent 2 unit on the y-axis, to perform the following. tsl
(i) Plot the coordinates of the y intercept.
(ii) Plot coordinates where the graph meets the x-axis
(iii) Usingthe above plotted points, plotthegraph of thefunction ! =3x * 6.
$,il,e Gr,ty gcriln /
End of Year Examination 2O2L-22
$tttr lt76

Student's Name Student lD Section

Teacher's Name Campus Name


CLASS 7 I hour

--- For Examinerr's use only ---

Question Max. Marks

INSTRUCTIONS No. Marks Obtained
1 7
o Enter your Full Name, Student lD, Section,
2 6
Subject's Teacher Name and Campus Name in the
3 7
boxes above.
4(a) 4
. Write your answer to each question in the spaces 4(b) 3
provided. 4(c) 4
4(d) 3
r You should show all your working where
4(e) 2
4(f) 4

lnvigilated by: Total

Marked by:
Marks entered by:


Section A Objective: 20 Marks

q1 For each question below there are four options A, B, C and D. Circle the best option.
(i) are just a dead pieces of code.

A Comments
B Labels

C Function
D lndentation

(ii) Which of the following is an example of data?

A lmage
B Movie
C Voice note
D Allof the above

(iii) ln order to repeat set of instructions in python, loop is used.

B Repeat

C lf-else
D For

(iv) For barcode scanning in Edison Robot, press record button times.


B 2

c 3

D 4

(v) is like Edison's Brain


A Sensors

B Microcontroller El


D EdController
(vi) ln App Lab what does the set property block do?

A Enables you to change look of elements

B Repeats a set of instructions

C Ends the program

D Starts a new program

(vii) The User lnterface or Ul of an app refers to:

A One button on the screen

B The layout of the screen that a person interacts with
C The On/Off button
D An event

Q2 For each question below there are two options True and False. Circle the correct
answer. l_16l
(i) 23_abc is a correct format of variable in python

A True B False

(ii) def is used to create a new function in python

A True B False

(iii) Python is a High Level Programming Language designed to be easy to read and
simple to implement

A True B False

(iv) For uploading, Edpy program from computer to Edison Robot, the volume of
computer should be 40% precisely

A True B False

(v) lF condition is used for making decision in program.

A True B False

(vil ln Applab elements have lots of properties you can change their text colour,
background colour and font size

A True B False
q3 Fill in the blanks t_J7l
(i) statement is a set of rules performed if a certain
condition is met.

(ii) The error occurs due to improper planning of program flow is called

(iii) A logical step by step method in order to solve a problem is called

(iv) loop can be used to run a function within a range of numbers.

(v) The repeats a statement or group of statements until

a given condition is true.

(vil To connect Edison with computer we need cable.

(vii) are user actions, like clicking a button.

Section B Subjective: 20 Marks

Q4 Answer the following questions: I_J20)

(a) Draw four different flowchart symbols and write their purpose of use. /4

Symbols Purpose

(b) Write three rules to define a variable in python /3

(cl What are loops in programming language? What is the difference between for loop
and while loop. /4

(dl what do you understand by the term "Robotics"? How robotics can improve
human lifestyle and work style? lE
(e) ln Applab what are event handlers? Which block can be used to create event? /2

(f) What is the difference between Design mode and Coding mode in Applab? 14
gfrp GtaT gcilaol
End of Year Examination2A2L-22
9:@ 1916

Student's Name Student lD Section

Teacher's Name Campus Name


CLASS 7 t hour 30 minutes

--- For Examiner's use only ---

Question Max. Marks

INSTRUCTIONS No. Marks Obtained
1(a) 3
e Enter your Full Name, Student lD, Section,
1(b) 3
Subject's Teacher Name and Campus Name in the
1(c) 4
boxes above.
2(a) 3
. Write your answer to each question in the spaces 2(b) 3
proirided. 2(c) 4
3(a) 3
o You should show all your working where
3(b) 4
a ppropriate.
3(c) 3

4(a) 4
4(b) 3
4(c) 3
s(a) 2
s(b) 3

s(c) 5

lnvigilated by:
o Marked by: 50
d Marks entered by: Percentage

./le '(it,/ ,'/i /,r",// Unif ted E n d of Yea r Exa m inatio n, May 2022,/ G eogra phy / CIass 7 Page 1 of 10
Ql Answer the following questions:
(a) " Fresh water is importont for people to survive and live a heolthy life".
Analyse the availability of fresh water in Pakistan and predict the future of our
country. Support your answer with reasons. lZ

(b) An increase in the population is likelyto lead to an increase in the shortage ci

water. How would you solve this problem? i3

.:t7,e'(;r,y 9i/,,,,1/ Unified Endof YearExamination, May2022/Geography/Class7 Page 2 of 1P

(c) Following is the map showing Ethiopian Dam. /4

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Ethiopians see building the dam as a fundamental right, one that could bring
electricity to more than half of Ethiopians and could lift millions out of
poverty. Egypt, anticipates droughts once the dam is built and filled.
Which country out of the two will you favour and why? Support your answer with
four valid reasons.

,V/,e V'rry til,,,// Un\fied End of year Examination, May 2O?2 / Geography / Class 7 Page 3 of '10
Q2 (a) Read the given graph and share your understanding in at least two points. Also, do
you think the declining condition is good for Pakistan? Why? 13


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Fig. 2.1: Enrplcyment in agriculture Fi g. 2 -2 :,4gri c.u:ltu re's cctttri i:u ticn tc the
as a llercentage of total err-rpfoyrnent GDP ss a p*rc*ntag* *f tl-ie tcta$ GDF

,Vlr, (,tiry 91.7n,,// untfied End of Year Examination, May 2o22 / Geography/ Class 7 Page 4 of !0
(b) Pokistan is on the verge of mo'ssive shortoge of gos due to declining gas reserves.
Justify the statement with two valid reasons and suggest one solution to solve the
problem. 13

(c) 'Lack of lnfrostructure facilities con affect the growth of Smalt scole industries.' Do
you agree? Justify. 14

.Tfu, ?iry 9i/,oo// unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / Geography / Class 7 Page 5 of 10
Q3 (a) l{cr"tnern areas of
Pakistan have always been appreciatgd by the tourists
worldwide ,vet many people prefer visiting other countries. lf you were to attract
thcse toui'ists, what suggestions wouid you give to the government of Pakistan to
promote the tourism industry even further? 13

{b} Dese ribe any four activities of service industries of Pakistan /4

i/,e ?ity.!/clo,,// Unified Endof YearExamination,May2O22/Geography/ClassT Page 6 of.10

(c) Explain the importance of priniary, secondary and tertiary industries for the
development of economy of pakistan,

Q4 (a) Withthehelpofthetable4.l,evaluatePakistan'spositionofforeigntradeand
suggest at least two ways to improve Pakistan's foreign trade's position. /4
Table 4.1
2021 2020
Amount in millions Amount in millions
Export 369 266
lmport 894 613

,17,e 'tity {y'ilaol/ Unified End of year Examination, May 2022 / Geography / Class 7 Page 7 of 10
(b) Explain at least three advantages of transporting goods through containers . /3

(c) What are the three ways for countries to generate wealth to improve the standard
of living of their people? /3

i,e ?ttr1 ,f'c/,r,r,// Unified Endof YearExamination, May2O22/Geography/ClassT Page I of 10

Qs countries are classified into LEDCs and MEDCs on certain indicators

(a) List anytwo of those indicators. /2

(b) Study the population graph given below and explain it. /3

Fakistafl 1SIS Pakis,tan ?&O'S FakiEtan 2il25

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.t7,p '(itu ,y'iko/l t)nified End of year Examination, May 2OZ2 / Geography / Class 7 Page 9 of 10
(c) On one hand where industries develop countries, they are also harmful for the
environment. lf you were a part of "Ministries of lndustries and Production" what
would you do to reduce these harmful effects of the industries? l5

't7rc '(it// .l/i'L,,,// Unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / Geography / Class 7 Page 10 of 10
g,lro Grry gcilno/
End of Year Examination2O2L-22
St@ 1978

Student's Name Student lD Section

Teacher's Name Campus Name

CLASS 7 t hour 30 minutes

--- For Examiner's use only ---

Question Max. Marks

INSTRUCTIONS No. Marks Obtained

t 10
Enter your Full Name, Student lD, Section,
2 5
Subject's Teacher Name and Campus Name in the
3 5
boxes above.
4(a) 4
o Write your answer to each question in the spaces 4(b) 5
provided. s(a) 4
s(b) 6
. You should show all your working where
6(a) 4
6(b) 6

lnvigilated by:

Marked by: Tota!

o Marks entered by
r Percentage

Section A 20 Marks

Q1 Read the given sources and answer the questions which follow: Ito


The siege of the Red Fort, Delhi, 1857

(a) What does the source A demonstrate about the situation of lndia at that time? /5

Aurangzeb spent the last twenty-five years of his life in the Deccan trying to subdue the
Marathas and extending the empire. He conquered Bijapur in 1685 and Golconda in
1,687. With the fall of these two kingdoms, Aurangzeb made himself master of the
Deccan but he still had to face the tenacious and hardy Marathas.

A famous historian says of Aurangzeb: Under him the Mughal Empire reached its
greatest extent, and the largest single state known in lndia, from the dawn of history to
the rise of the British, was formed. From Ghazni to Chittagong, from Kashmir to the
Karnatak, the continent of lndia obeyed one scepter. The Empire thus formed, while
extraordinary in size, was also one political unit. The provinces were not ruled by sub-
kings but directly by the servants of the crown. Herein Aurangzeb's lndian Empire was
vaster than that ofAshoka, Samudragupta or Harshavardhan.

(b) What can we learn from the source B about Auragzeb's empire? /s

Q2 Complete the timeline ls

Event Year

(a) Third battle of Paniput

Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded Hindustan and captured


(c) Marathas captured Lahore

Nadir Shah captured the western frontiers of Mughal

Empire such as Kabul, Ghazni, Lahore

(e) Mughal Empire ended

q3 ldentify the personalities with the help of given clues: 15

(a) I became the ruler of Mysore in the Deccan. I made Nizam to leave his alliance with
British and join me to fight against them.

Who lam?

(b) I wasthe British general. I took over Delhi after defeating the Marathas leader,
Sindhia in 1803.

Who lam?

(c) Iwas born four years before Aurangzeb's death. I educated in Madrassah-e-
Rahimia. I studied in the disciplines of tafseer, hadith, mental sciences, logic and

Who lam?

(d) I was one of Shah Jahan's son. I was the governor of Punjab in 1657. After defeated
by Aurangzeb, I was put to death in Delhi.

Who lam?

(e) After my father's death in 1605, I succeeded to the Mughal throne. At my

accession, coins were struck in my name.

Who lam?
Section B 30 Marks

q4 (a) Summarise your understanding of the relationship between Aurangzeb and

British. l4

(b) Compare the rule of Jahangir and Shah Jahan with respect to policies of tolerance,
expansion of territories, and fight for the throne and elaborate with reasons whose
rule was better? /6
Q5 (a) How did the Mughals promote religious tolerance during their rule? l4

(b) None of Aurangzeb's successors displayed the hardiness and sense of purpose of
the earlier six Mughal emperors and eventuallythe glorious age of the Mughals
ended. Suggest strategies you would have used to save the declining Mughal
Empire, had you been in place of those emperors. /6
Q6 (a) Highlight the events that gave rise to European powers in lndia /4

(b) How influentialwas Haji Shariatullah and the Faraizi movement? l6


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