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A broken country in crisis









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The fight in sudan has been brewing

for quite some time as the start of this
goes back to 2013 where president at
the time Omar Al Bashir helped pardon
war lord Hemedti and shaped him into
making the RSF which then started to
serve under Omar.

This helped him stay in power for a

while as the RSF would break up
protests about the president and where
found to be commiting mass genocide
on the civillians protesting by
The sight for many as the fight breaks out in the capital Khartoum.
murdering, raping and toturing a
number of civlians with little to no

This helped the Omar stay in power for

a while before 2018 where the uprising
On The 15th of April 2023 gunfire broke out in Sudan’s capital Khartoum between the two forces of began. Photo of Omar Al Bashir while in power.
the Sudan’s national military and the paramilitary RSF (rapid support forces) as the tension
between two sides finally snapped. Although both sides deny firing first what is known is the fact
that both sides do not want to call a cease fire.
In 2018 the movement of the people started as the Sudanese people who were tired of the
The two sides are incredibly loyal to two different leaders which is one of the main reasons the fire countries corrupt leader started a revoloution and started to demand change no matter the cost.
fight started. The Sudanese military are incredibly loyal to their general Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan,
the country’s de facto ruler while on the opposite side the RSF are devoted to serving their ex. This started with peaceful protests around many cities in S udan which were met with violence
warlord leader general Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known as Hemedti. from the goverment which only made the anger of the civillians worse which lead to more and
more protests and into civil disobedience.
These two generals have helped run Sudan since 2019’s uprising (this will be explained on the
next page) as general Abdel was chosen as the president with Hemedti as his deputy. Even After months of protests and over 100 civillians killed the army finally caved in and led the 2019
though the two are trying their best for Sudan they both have different ideas for the future of Su- Sudanese coup d’état which pulled Omar Al Bashir out of power and had the transitonal
dan which has led to a lot of disagreements for the countries future as General Abdel wanted Goverment of the military and the RSF.
more control over Hemedti’s RSF forces with the idea of them transitioning into the normal military.
Hemedti reluctantly agreed but disagreed with the timeframe of 2 years and requested a 10-year They signed a deal that would help put more civillian thoughs and power in the gov-
timeframe. This led to a back-and-forth argument between the two leaders which had the two ernment which lead to the tensity between two generals Hemedti and Abdel as they
armed forces being moved around with tensions rising. After the RSF cooped up in an airbase with would both be in danger of losing control, This tension carried to when the peo-
rising pressure over night on the 15th of April gunfire and explosions erupted over the capital. ple wanted the military out of power and the RSF transitioned into the military
which lead to the disgareement in the time frame and the tension finally breaking.
Leading to where we are today.

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“There are smells because there are the bodies of people who died and so far, have not been collected”

Pictured above is a bunch of Sudanese refugees fleeing

to neighbouring company Chad after the fighting broke
out. As sudan has become a warzone where both sides
do not care if they hit an enemy or a civillian. Food and
water are given out to dehydated and exhausted
refugees with some running from 300 miles away just to
get to safety.

Although they escaped the war in their home country the luck doesnt The conditions arent great either due to the sudden breakout their isnt
change as a new announcement made by the Chad government has told many places for them to sleep. this leads to many having to sleep in
the refugees food for them will be halved due to the lack of finnacial containers that is infested with snakes and disease riddled mosqituoes. The
support. message that has been shown is they have to risk getting life threatening
diseases to escape the crossfire.

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The war of Hemedti Vs Abdel
•Abdel denies firing first.
•Hemedti denies firing first.
•Accuses Hemedti told the
•Slammed Abdel for not RSF to fire first.
leaving power and betraying
the people. •He has declared that hes
fighting for peace and justice.
•He has declared that hes Just like Hemedti
fighting for peace and justice.
•Labelled Hemedti as a
•Labelled Abdel as a “criminal” “criminal” referencing his
and said “he will die like a dog” warlord days
•Hemedti claims Abdel is an •Abdel claims Hemedti is only
Extremist in this for himself
• Accuses the Sudan army for • Accuses the RSF army for
bombing civillians. committing warcrimes

The war of power between General Hemedti and General Abdel Fattah Al-burhan has been When the war broke out Abdel immetideatley accused Hemedti of commiting these war
at boiling point for years since the 2019 Sudanese coup d’état when the former crimes first and denied any comments about him firing first, He has been aiming most of the
president was pulled out of power. sudan conflict’s back to Hemedti to weather the storm and preassure.
After promising to hand over power to the people Abdel had different ideas. Instead of Due to the pressure from the people and outside parties such as countries like Egypt, chad
turning control of the council over to a civilian as scheduled, Al-Burhan took power outright and bigger countrie like France he has dismissed Hemedti as his deputy which makes him
in the 2021 coup, with Hemedti as his deputy.Facing pressure from countries different coun- a criminal which can help Abdel in his bout of keeping power and also saving his image and
tries, the generals signed a framework agreement in December 2022 promising to make reputation.
way for a civilian government. That left both generals in danger of losing power and had
them worried so they rushed to get a postion of power.

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Hemedti and his origins

Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo commonly known as In 2014 Hemedti lead another at-
Hemedti is a former deputy president for sudan, tack on South Darfur with the newly
however this isnt what he is known for as Hemedti as created RSF. They marched into
alot more of a darker origin as he is known for a lot a large village due to the fact they
worse things. From horrible war crimes and relentless had alot more units and power and
killer to “sudans saviour” his origns are went on another horrible massacre,
hidden deep to try and save his reputation but i made they stole money and wealth from
sure to dig as much as i could to show Hemedtis true the villagers also stealing life stock
colours. that affected the village for months
before burning most of the build-
ings. after that they went another
murder spree holding even more
women captive and raping them
before killimg them.
This consolidates Hemedtis evil
nature as a human.
Satalite image showing the damage from RSF to the village

One of his most notable dark sides is back in 2004

Hemedti was also part of yemen
as Hemedti was leading one of Rizeigat militias and
killings as he hired fighters from
lead an attack on a village named “Adwa” in South
Sudan to fight as mercenaries
Darfur. This attack was the Adwa massacre which
in the Yemeni civil war. Hemed-
lead to 126 villagers being murdered and even more
ti’s RSF and other Sudanese
violated by the soldiers.
security forces he hired went to
the civil war and killed civilians,
The milita burned down the houses and some of the
destroyed the buildings and com-
bodies while throwing overs into wells as to try and
mited more war crimes.
hide the evidence of their horrific crimes. In the town
the men were killed immediately, but for the young
This shows the pattern of
women it got worse as many were held captive for
hemedti and his heartless nature
days on barely any food and water while also being
in the world with the abuse of
raped before finally being killed.
power he
constantly uses.
This is a dark mark on Hemedtis past which shows
his lust for war and his lack of empathy for innocent
civillians. world peace organisation at one of the mass graves.

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Abdel and his origins

General Abdel Fattah Al-burhan is In june 2019 the internet in Sudan

the other side of this war and the was shut down by Abdel as he
other general we will have to belived it was a national security
investigate into as he is the other risk for the country and its people.
general in this war. However nobody believed him as
many felt this did more damage to
After investigating into his back- the people than good as it lead to
ground its clear to see he has the many of the people being out of the
same thought process and the evil loop with current events and not
past just like his rival Hemedti. able to speak to friends and family
around the world on social medias
like Whatsapp or Facebook.

It was also hard to believe as many

people thought it was a way to
attempt to hide what Al-Burhan’s
allied militia, known as the Jan-
jaweed, were doing in Khartoum
and to delay uploading evidence of
the violations that took place.

In 2019 one of his biggest crimes

and darkest opressive force done
by Abdels hand was the Khartoum
massacre. It started with the
Sudanese Security Forces and
Rapid Support Forces led by
Al-Burhan and his deputy cracked
down on peaceful protests in
Sudan, starting with the 3rd of June
Khartoum massacre.Human rights To wrap these articles up its clear to see that both men are a danger to the civillians as
groups said that peaceful protesters they have had troubled backgrounds where both men have had innocent civillans hurt
were killed and about forty of the mentally or physically from the internet shut down to Hemedtis RSF massacre in South
bodies were thrown in the river Nile, Darfur which lead to the cold blooded murders of 100’s of civillians with more toruted and
hundreds were tortured, violated used.
and raped in the streets of
Khartoum. This helps see a clear motive for the protests and shows that the war starting didnt sud-
denly start and has been slowly building over the years of the two men locking horns for

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Even with all the pain the people would feel with the damage done to their
homes and people, the worst can be felt by the families of the innocent people
who have been killed in cold blood. These people will have lost loved ones
who just sacraficed themselves so their family would be safe. It can be seen
on the faces of the refugees as they are covered in despair and grief. These
impactful images make it clear we need to do something to prevent this pain
spreading more and more.

This is a statistics poster I have created which spreads the real effect on civillians that the
Sudanese government has been refusing to comment on and have been trying to hide Children without mothers or fathers,
from the public to not worsen the already crippled morale. It really shows how careless dehydrated and traumatised left in the
both sides have been with their shooting as it looks like they do not care if they are aiming hands of strangers as the war battles
at a civillian or a enemy soldier they just want to fire their repressed rage away. on with a deal to protect civillians falling
What this poster tells us is both sides are either clearly breaking the laws of war or are too
inexperienced to be trusted to handle a fight this large if nearly half the deaths are in cold

I wanted to write less for this page as seen above the image is more powerful than words
could describe.

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Obviously with any crisis heartless people will want to act like a charity and steal the money but i have
found the safest charities to donate too that will help the refugees and the country the most, A qr code will
send you to the desired

The first charity that will directly help the refugees would be Concern. They have been a chari-
ty that has helped multiple countries in need as it is what their company is based on and have
worked in Sudan for 37 years.

For Sudans issue they plan to make an emergency response team with the money and deliver
“food security and nutrition, water and sanitation, shelter materials and other essential house-
hold items” in a statement they made that can be seen on the donation page. Using concern
would help most families get the food and water they need and also a few shelter items such as
sleeping bags or tents, which is why I recommend them.


The second most notable charity i have found was UNICEF. They are one of the most known
charities as they sponsor many things such as the soccer aid match which helps raise money
for many issues such as Sudans crisis which they confirmed would be given the money from this
years soccer aid game.

The money that gets donated goes onto supplies such as food and water for families however
they are also raising money to continue the education for children to help them learn and stay
occupied and away from the war.

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