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A Phrasal verb is a verb that is made up of a main verb together with an

adverb or a preposition or both. The two or three words that make up a phrasal verb
form a short "phrase" - which is why we call them "phrasal verbs". We must remember
that if taken separately, the meaning of each word is different from the combined

meanings of the individual words.

Phrasal verbs can be formed by-

Verb + Preposition- look after
Verb+ Adverb- look up
Verb + Adverb + Preposition- look forward to
Egs- A peaceful atmosphere makes for a happy home.
After the lockdown was called off, life in the city is certainly looking up for the
common people.
The cricket match has been called off due to bad weather.

Sample Sentences:
1. After a really challenging match, the Captain bore away with the Robinson

2. While going through an old album, I could call up a few incidents from my
3. At times I argue with my parents over something, but soon I have to
come round with them as they are more experienced than me.
4. Our plans for a holiday in Italy this summer has fallen through due to
the present crisis worldwide.
5. After the accident, I was kept in within my room as I could not move
around freely with a fractured leg.
6. I am happy that my grandfather was able to pull through after the
7. Every day my sister put in about eighteen hours of study before she
appeared for her medical examinations.
8. The experienced judge was able to see into and identify the culprit in the
criminal case.
9. My younger brother takes after my father in his looks and personality.

10. My best friend promised to turn up at my party after completing all her

11. Do not go by the look of a person. They can be deceptive.

12. Give over your bad habit.

13. The Maoists laid down their arms in the face of diplomatic pressure.

14. Bassanio has run into a lot of debt due to his extravagant ways.

15. The petrochemical factory gave off poisonous fumes and hence was shut down.

16. The Pharma Sun was forced to cut off their production unit due to the use of
spurious materials.
17. In view of the present situation, my boss broke off a very important meeting
with a client or He broke off in the middle of his sentence to greet the new
18. Every time I listen to the news, I feel very cast down thinking of the poor
people living on the roads.
19. After a hard day at his office my father was too done up to attend the
20. While returning home after a late- night movie, my friends and I were
held up by some goons.
21. After the installation of the new machines, the turnout of the company was looking
22. I was pulled up by my teacher for not submitting the assignments on time.
23. The lawyers usually run through the case history before entering the
court room.
24. In the city buses some seats are set apart for ladies and the aged.
25. Rahil got into bad company and had taken to drugs at a very young age.
26. The coach tried to work up the supporters of his team by waving the
team flag just before the winning goal during the football match.

27. I had to turn down the proposals of my friend for a party due to rising Covid cases.

28. Keep back the secrets that might hurt someone.

29. Hansel and Gretel had gone through hell to free themselves from the clutches of
the wicked witch.

30. I could not make out a single sentence uttered by my three year old brother.

31. None of the recent movies are ones to speak of.

32. Don’t try to pass off as a samaritan. Shed that facade.

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