Exp 2 - Yeast Fermentation

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Evaluation of action of yeast enzyme and factors affecting enzyme qualitatively.

Yeasts are eukaryotic, single-celled microorganisms classified as members of the fungus kingdom.
The first yeast originated hundreds of millions of years ago, and 1,500 species are currently identified.
There are many types of yeast which causes infections. Also, there are some types of yeast that are
used for baking and also for fermentation of alcohol. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a species of yeast
that converts glucose to C02 and alcohol by fermentation.
Yeast contains the enzyme named Zymase. It catalyzes the breakdown of glucose to produce ethanol
and carbon dioxide.
C6H1206 (aq) -> 2 C2H50H (aq) + 2 C02 (g)
Carbonic acid is a weak acid that forms from the reaction of carbon dioxide dissolved in water.

C02 (aq) + H20 (l) ⇌ H+ (aq) + HCO3-(aq)

So, when the C02 gas produced from fermentation will be dissolved in water, Carbonic acid will be
produced and the water will become acidic. Litmus paper test can detect whether the water is acidic,
alkaline or neutral.

Materials Used:


Equipment used:

Conical Flasks
Balance machine
Measuring cylinder

 Prepare flask 1 with 37o C warm water (100 ml) + yeast (3 gm)
 Prepare flask 2 with 37o C warm water + yeast (3 gm) + glucose (3 gm)
 Keep at room temperature for 20-30 minutes.
 Dissolve the gas from the balloon into water after the balloon inflated.
 Test them with red litmus paper.
Red litmus paper test: To test whether the solution is acidic or alkaline.
 Test them with blue litmus paper.
Blue litmus paper test: To test whether the solution is acidic or alkaline.

Choose the correct result.

Red Litmus Blue Litmus

Acidic solution Stays red Turns red

Neutral solution Stays red Stays blue

Alkaline solution Turns blue Stays blue


Yeast + 37o C Warm Water:

No gas collected in the balloon. No glucose as food for fermentation to take place. Therefore,
no CO2 produced.

Yeast + Glucose + 37o C Warm Water:

Balloon full of gas as yeast utilized glucose and produced C02 during fermentation.

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