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y I Your Way Gat Til! Marks enolic Mid e Lye English 7 Mind 2 First Term Mr. Fouad Ezzel Din Senior English Teacher €perimental Language Schools qaposits Saat Scanned with CamScanner Explorer Unit (2) That's an idea 13 Unit (3) She jumped well 20 Unit (4) Our world 31 5 40 Unit (5) Canada and the USA 50 Unit (6) Growing up : 62 Unit (7) Have a laugh! 70 Unit (8) Agreat film! 78 87 Day — Tiger : 7 “Black Beauty® be 145 185 Scanned with CamScanner ED Explorers @x==—IZm— Pare bacon oC tte Set | ‘des Control (¥) ; bene a 5 Live np oe ae Coral (n) . eat Remains (2) oe Site (n) sate) Tabtation(n Settlement (n) ‘clilasiwe Underwater (n) Famous for (adj) 742 Museum (a) : Submarine (x) Lats Imagine (v) Cage “Atk bottom = he boom of the seas and oceans, there are hundreds of shipurecks Famous for tae Dr Ballard s famous for finding the Titanic. OR FOR 82 = search for wucF Cy Dr Ballard is really looking for the remains of ancient settlements. Find out. about = explore Adi < tsi Dr Ballard wants to find out more about the people who lived in that ste. orn” 2° = busy with .. 4 ditias gle Quay lard is working om the idea of the first underwater museum. pistes 90 byte Dr Balard uses a camera that sends ls a that sends live pictures of the bottom. WRITS hi e Nai Ther, asthe sams ofa person, ting, place or an idea EVeragg 5 ites and settlements atthe Bottom of the seas Dp feet Be Rae OF an action or a state of being Rapa eB 0 find more sites and shipwrecs. PE Seay lard BERG Ota the stm aio 1 5 submarine easily, Dr Ballard wore Ut links two words or two sentences. " @ the Black Sea to explore it. 7% My Weer] Your way to fall marke Century (n) Boos Extremely (adv) Emigrate (v) Wagon (n) Farmland (a) Carry (v) Settler (n) 3 Barefoot ‘Trail (a) Fh» A m+ Mines (n) Hope (v) & Cholera (n) Native American ‘Accident (n) Attack (¥) Wheels (n) Helpful (adj) Accidental (adj.) Journey (1) Gunshot (n) oie &S_Examples and Notes: During the 19" century, many people left Europe and emigrated to the USA. ‘They hoped to find a new and better life there. + Many of these emigrants couldn't find work in New York so they decided to travel west through the mountains on the Oregon Trail ‘The journey was very long, hard and dangerous. The journey sometimes took more than a year. Some of the settlers used wagons to travel on but a lot took the journey on their bare feet. "Other settlers had to carry their children all the way long. "Some of the Native Americans ([ndians) attacked the setders but most of them were very helpful to the emigrants. + About 50.000 of the settlers died of illnesses like accidents. Many people died under the wheels 0’ jolera. Some others died in ‘wagons or accidental gunshots. Too right ‘Yes, that's right eee Round here In this area dat diata Bloke ‘Young man ct Actually In fact ted Eis fae What's your family name? Surname Bed ‘When were you born? Date of birth sedge Where are you from? Nationality ~ Are you a boy ora girl? Sex (male or female) S-9 e ‘Where do you live? Address ost Scanned with CamScanner 21, In the 19th century, millions o ~ emigrating) to America. 22. Dr Ballard uses a small (wagon ~ ship ~ submarine ~ museum) to explore the bottom of the sea. ‘opeans (emigrates ~ emigrated ~ emigrate (8 Peele Aeon) those the correct word (s) Dr John is an explorer. He's discovered many (shipwrecks — sj, shipping — lifeboats) under water. ee 23. He found ancient (settlers — settler — settlements ~ settings) under the sea 2, The Oregon (Tail ~ Trail - Troll— Train) was more than 3.000 ky long 24, He found a site of human (habit ~ habitation — humiliate ~ habitants) 3. Dr Bll is famous for (to find — found - finds — finding) the tone 25, He can’t buy a pair of shocs so he always walks (footless ~ barefoot - on foot 4, Eman is very funny. "Funny" is (a verb — a nouns ~an adverb — gn = Bigfoot) adjective). 26, Submarines are sent to the bottoms of seas to (find ~ invent - explore — 5. Many of the settlers (died — dying — death — dead) in accidents, explain) their depths. 6, Dr Ballard is working onthe idea ofthe first underwater (submarine 27. There are alot of Arab (emigrants ~ emigrates - setders ~ explorers iving in museum — remains). coms Europe. 7. Many people caught diseases (in ~ during ~ at —on) the Oregon Trail, 28. The submarine has a camera that seads bac (life — live — living — lives) 8. We are working (for — on — in — about) a new project this month, Pictures of the underwater ; ; 9. tthe botom ofthe seas and oceans, there are hundreds of (hips boa - 29, They (emigrated stayed ~ settled — lived) to the U.S.A 2 long time ago. ‘museums — shipwrecks). 30. Submarines are used (under water ~ above water —on water — underground). 10. Dr Ballard is really boking forthe remains of ancient (settlers —emigrans- 1 he (normal regular — usual — native) people of Siwa bave their own submarines ~ setlements). language. i aes a ces san (Settlements ~ settlers — emigrants — native people) attbe [B] Write the part of speech for each underlined wor 12.Esplorer used anal (oubmart — 1. Bassem speaks German very well bottom of the sea, (submarine — boat — ship — shipwreck) to explore the 2. Don’t believe everything you hear. 18.Dr Bald wen tothe ; 3. We should stop cutting down so many trees. 14, Some ofthe setting Black Sea to (find ~ look for — explore - work) i. 4. Jim isn’t a hard worker. the Oregon Tra heels ~ gunshots — wagons — ships) to ravelon 5. Hady always works hard. 18. They made the journey 6. Can you recvele your plastic bottles? 16, DeBalacd wars yin ~ from ~ by ~ on) thes bare fet 7. Talways eyele in the eycle lane. lived in that site (in out ~ for — from) more about the people Wb? 8. We need to clean up our city 17. Lots of the settlers di 9. Coal is a non-renewable energy. 1. Her ithe died oy abome— vith) ineses lke chole 10, My sister is an excellent cook. 19. Many people digg ot 29 ~ HM) a terible accident. pail (occidemt ~ accidents ~ accidental - accidental) 20. You can see (rulers Plurals ~ morals ~ corals) at the bottom of the 5 Tutor! Your way to fall mara 1 Prep. |Fist Tem ~~ Scanned with CamScanner (1) Preset Simple Prosont Continuous ‘%& The Present Simple Tense he simple for repeated or habitual actions, - ing. She reads the papers every morning. ) J i ae aly goes to work a7 oclock every day. “Mohammed washes his car every weekend. We don't eat fish on Fridays. 2) We use the present simple for facts. Ex; There are hundreds of shipwrecks at the bottom of the seas. Lisa works in London. ‘My mother doesn't eat meat, »» Elephants have big ea. ‘Weuse the present continuous for actions around the time of speaking or ‘temporary situations. Ex: Sueis cleaning her garden at the moment. »» Tam studying French this year. Weare working on a new project this month, sR PHEH imple be Continous (=! '- Forpermanent situations we use (present simple), For temporary Aliuations we use (present continuous) Fx: My sserusully watches TV every night, but »» mea toner’ i studying because she has got an exam : 4 7 oto al like [think ~ like — refer] stare ee tea (ane en ribet his food. <> Em notiking this food. Dent know the ansuer. <> et answer X YOU want to Bo home? eo ‘Are-you-wanting to-ge-home: * (2) The Past Simple Tenge (1) We use the past simple for actions and events happened in the past. Ex: We played tennis last week. Mohammed bought a new fridge last week. »» ‘We went to the cinema last Friday. ‘When did the accident happen? Why was he absent yesterday? (2) We form the past simple of regular verbs by adding (— ed) to the verb Ex: He played football yesterday Sara visited her grandmother last Friday. (3) Spelling rules With verbs ending in: (©) only add (@), (Like » liked ) (a consonant +Y), drop the (y) and add (ied) (Study » Studied) (a vowel + ¥), also add (ed) (Play » Played ) one (L), double the (L) and add (ed) (travel » Travelled) (@ stressed vowel between two consonants, double the last consonant and add (ed) (stop » stopped) in negative & questions, we use (didn’t + Infinitive) Ex: Why did you turn the computer off? He didn’t stop the car atthe crossroads. 5) With past modal verbs like (Could or would) > (we dow’t use “didn’t” + She couldn’t press the keys. * Could she press any keys? {© With the past form of (To be) We use -> was / wasn’t — were / weren't {not "did" or “didn’t” + Was he absent yesterday? * No, he wasn’t absent yesterday. {D We use these words to refer to the past, * Yesterday —In the past — This morning — How long ago..? * (two days /a week / three months ) ago + _Last (week / month / year) 4" Prep. | First Term Mi Scanned with CamScanner Ang, be meting works werked— HOP) On 24 in ces. 2. Atthe moment, tbe Black Sea 4. Miss Sarai ourt teach - teaching — taught : naan in Nozha Street. am vin ets got is getting ~ has £0) Up at 6.30 am My fier vainly (Ge Sing - mar driving) his car to work ives ~ drove ~ i driving. every day a eae ray car to school but today I (take — takes z : is broken. ee edb thing — has liked) languages when shea thoy J Atthe moment, she (learns learnt ~is learning — has learnt) Spanishang™ sup (rend reads am reading reading) alo. 1 Luly read advent stories. But this week I (read ~ reads ~ am reading has rea) a science fiction one. 12, The sets (traveling - travels ~travel— travelled) east to fin farmland, 1B. Many ofthe ol settlers Believing — believes ~ belleved — believe) there vas sold in California 14. The biggest problem for the old emigrants (were — are — is — was) the Natve Americans 15. The Oregon Trail (are —is — were ~ will be) more than 3.000 km long. 16. Last week, en accident (happens — happened ~ happened - was happenin) ‘ear ou school "7. Inthe 1th century, milions of Europeans (emigrating — emigrates— ‘emigrated — emigrate) to America. 18.1 Grams id’ did dom) en 19. When did you (bought — buy buying - 3 Mano emigats hewn hed a ho ee children, NSS have to — had to — has to — must) walk and carry toet 4, i Cie (dd ~ was ~ do — has) you go fora holiday last year? 22 Cute, my mum (work — = ing — is workir a mae works was working — is working) in 23. Many people (catch, Tail ~ 00k — a0 taking the film. It was so boring. ~ catches — caught - is catching) diseases on the OTe 2.1 thaven't— dont a ~ don’t oer 25.1E We (ork —workeg nt SaH'9 enjoy the film last night. —werking — was working) hard, we will pass ou 85S M4 Tate! Your way toa marks = RNY EAs ees 26, Last week an accident (happening — happened ~ happen — happens) near our school. 27. We bought a present and (vis ‘grandparents last weekend. 28, We were in the garden when it (started — was started ~ is starting ~ starts) 10 rain. 29, I was driving home when I (see ~ was seeing ~ sees — saw) a house on fire. 30. If Merriam (studied ~ studies ~ study ~ studying) medicine, she will become a doctor. 31. If my parents (went — going ~ is going ~ go) away this weekend, we'll have a its — visited — were visitng) my 32. Sony, Leant help you. I (do — does ~ am doing — was doing) my bomework at the moment. 33. Dina's in the bathroom. She (washed - washes washing - is washing) her hair. 34, At the moment, they (are having — has — had ~ have) a new car. 35, Jack and Sue are working in Canada (last year — every day ~ two years ago — at the moment). 36, There (were —was — is~ are) hundreds of shipwrecks at the bottom of the seas, 37. My friend Ahmed (had — has — have — is having) an wmsual hobby. 38. At the moment he (worked - was working - is working - work) on a new idea. 39. He (studies ~ is studying — study — is studied) for his test today. 40. When uncle Samy visits us, he usually (bring ~ brings — is bringing — will bring) sweets. 1B] Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets: 1. I visit Aswan regularly. (always) 2. Maba is watching TV in her room right now. (every day) 3. Where do you go for a holiday every year? (last year) 4. Miss Janet is our French teacher. (teaches) 5. My parents went to New York last summer. (every) 6 My best subject at school is Arabic. (favourite) 7. My brother bates onions. (ike) 8. My sister doesn’t watch TV very ofen, (rarely) 9. Ido my homework every night. (now) 10.1 always get up early. late) AL. What kind of music do you like? (What's your ...) 12, Do you know where Aimed lives? (address) 13, Mona never eats Pizza, (eat) 14. My mother doesn’t eat meat (never) 15. Mohammed washes his car every weekend. (last weekend) 4" Prep. | First Term zz Scanned with CamScanner UU re Cao rs axing pars nthe following dialogue: Vocabulary aLsgna she hese 7 HE? ; ; ei Crisps BES LS Typewriter agsut Traffic lights ws 4} Biro 5 Lh i sxandria? Wig Jens nb Hair dye ‘every summer. Cat's eyes esa Sle Television seats atatic in winter oo. ET) Yes, and itis fms & Getlangry’ = become angry j ssage and then answer the questions below ; Ex: He got angry when we talked about his bald head. sath inseam ar SRS, vlled by train. Sally has never travelled by train before. She sat near the ‘* Get elose: raNiow ad asked 2 lot of questions. Suddenly a lady came to the next seat and : When he got closer, he saw the house in fire. sat opposite Sally “Hel, litle gi,” she sakd Sally didn't answer, but looked at ¥ Ge older = become older ver eeanse the lady took out her powder box. She then began to make-up her MMi ae yr dong that?” Sally asked. “To make myself beaut the Et: When he go older, he went back to his birthplace. lady answered. She put away her powder box. Sally smiled saying, “But you are wGe hE still uly.” Ex: When Sarah got home, she started working on her invention. A) Answer the following questions: * ar a 1. How old is the writer’s daughter? Get a'stizprie”! = 2. Where were the man and bis little git] going? Ex: Two months later, she got a surprise; she won a prize. 3. Where di the strange woman sit? Pa eR B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, ¢ or 4. The underlined word “suddenly” means: (slowly — quickly ~ usually — Ex: Sarah was watching the band when she got the idea of the camoculars. always) 28 Get to) = reach 5. [think sally (liked — did't like ~ was fond of — hit) the lady Ex: What time do you get to school every morning? ‘Write two paragraphs of at least 7 sentences on the following topic: Get Wott = become wet (Bad habits) Ex: It's raining, Take your raincoat or you'll get wet. = come nearer to rive home ave a surprise ave an idea Guiding words: nee Lined late — neglecting homework — harmful — have to stop — = ive them up Invent es) Stage Camoculars Binoculars & Camera Invention Binoculars Shel gph Inventors ye : Mig Tutor | Your way a -—_——— Prep Fintan "to fall marks 1* Prep, | First Term Scanned with CamScanner ut, She was sitting a long way from the stage. ‘w Example 1 ah was ata cone 1 One a en gand through her binoculars. She was watching Oo take a picture of the scene. Then she had the iggy She wanted wer i tha camera inside them?” ‘why not have Jo fix her binoculars with some cheap caer, «When Sarah got hone, she ied nd made “camoeul _ . can quar: etszng 2 competition fOr YOURE IVERLOTS, So Sarg ec idea to the company. oa gave her a prize. She won $1009 + Laer, Sarah got a surprise; the company anda trip to New York, Mind ( ae Fabrie ‘gad Sequins ala 43 an Denim i Ua Beads ars Tough eH Patterns Jaye gaat ‘Metal buttons ‘gu Ja) Flared #8) pS bass ace Informal 8 Straight (eal Casual (opal) ue Bagey Decorated ie Se Low-waisted Examples and Notes: ‘+ Jeans are so popular today as millions of people wear them everywhere. ‘Levi Strauss the man who invented them, was bora in Germany in 1829. + In 1853 he moved to San Francisco to work with his brother in a shop selling clothes to working men, ‘Levi Strauss had the idea of making strong trousers from a fabric called "denim for working men * Then Levi added metal buttons to the denim trousers and they became very popular, * Later all types of people wore them, not i 8 ie , not only working men! And teenage + In the 60s and 706 deni a 0s denim wes decorated with sequins, beads, colours and * There are different style Ioncased t M oF There are Mare eas, straight, bagay 24 ——_____ __ [ee] Vocabulary Practice’ [A] Choose the correct word (s) in brackets: 1. The telephone is @ wonderful (invent ~ Invention ~ inventor ~ inventing). 2. People made different (styles — buttons ~ trousers ~ clothes) of jeans. 3. Unless you help me, I will (make — get — do— am) angry. 4, What did Sarah (invention — invent — inventor — inventions)? 5, She got the prize when she invented (cameras — binoculars ~ camoculars ~ microscope), which isa pair of binoculars and a camera together. 6. ‘Teenagers called them "Jeans" then they became very (strong ~ popular~ fabric — patterned). 7. Ill phone you when I get (house — to home — at kome ~ home). 8. When did Sarah (think ~ make — invent — get) ber idea? 9. We got (angry — confused — a surprise — wet) at school yesterday. Our teacher didn’t give us any homework! 10. Who is the (invent — inventor — invented ~ invention) of "jeans"? 11. Jeans were first made of a strong French (buttons — trousers — factory — fabric) called "denim", 12.1 didn’t know that my parents were coming it’s @ lovely (idea ~ surprise ~ invention - news). 13. (Casual - Usual - Fashionable - Fashioned) clothes are more comfortable than formal clothes. 14, Our plane was late and we (got a surprise — got wet — got home — got dry) very late 15. John Logie Baird invented the (television — typewriter — traffic lights — hair dye). 16. You're wet. Come inside the house and get (angry — confused — home — dry)! 17, Strauss used a strong French (trousers — fabric — clothes — buttons) called “denim” 18. Jeans are (like ~ popular — old fashioned — unfavourable). Millions of people wear them, 19, Some old women wear (wigs ~ wages — wagons — wings). ‘4* Prop. | First Term Ea Scanned with CamScanner rr | Tpoinocolars anda (telescope ~ TV ~camera ~ ‘20, Camels are 9 Pat tpn he ths ssn and (gor—mae— hed ~ 10K) very 1. did't confi aled Perey Shaw was driving home along a dark road when 1 St porn = bbncndes » cameras ~ microscopes — (otter) to see the birds 23, Wese 7 tea et very (angry —wet— surprise — confuse) when 1 don’t tidy my B she ‘was getting older. “Getting” means (arriving - receiving - becoming - Ieaving) , ; 26. Working men needed to wear very (patterns — fashionable — straighe— strong) ousers. 27. French Chemist invented (cat's eye ~ crisps — hair dye — television). 28. 1 woke up at §.30 this momning so I got to school Ite. "Get" here means (Become — arrive — have - buy). 29, When he added metal (buttons — beads — patterns ~ trousers) to jeans they became very popular. 30. My grandfather can’t walk very well becanse he's getting (am idea — wet — good - old. 31. twas my brother's birthday yesterday and he got lots of (presents — ideas — confusion — surprise). 32. While I wes walking home, it started to rain and I (made - had — got— become) wet x on (a surprise ~ wet an idea — angry) yesterday because we were late. Tran, Hie do you usually (get up — get aay — get to — get out) school? $8-1fy0u walk all that way to the house, youl get (wet ~ red — angry > you'll = és ‘you'll get (wet. 36. Last week my father got (old — wet — nice present » == ‘surprise ~ an idea). Ubought him 8 —________ Tho Past Continuous Tengo 1) We use it to talk about actions in progress at a certain time in the past Ex: At 4 o'clock yesterday, I was watching the football match. I was waiting for you at home all day yesterday. Why was she crying when I came in? He wasn’t running fast in the competition yesterday. 2) We form the past continuous with the past simple of be + Verb + ini Ex: _ was reading a book yesterday at 7. ‘You were watching TV, weren't you? They / We were listening to the news on the radio. It/ She / He was studying his lessons. (3) Spelling rates © Verbs ending in a consonant +e : delete (e) before adding (ing) Comes Take > Coming Taking ‘© Verbs ending in a vowel+ consonant: double the consonant and add (ing) Hit Hitting Run Running + We don’t double verbs ending in a vowel + (W—-X~Y) Rows Rowing Mix @ Mixing © Verbs ending in (ie): change (ie) into (y + ing) Tie tying die > dying | First Term Scanned with CamScanner ‘Mark was driving to the beach when it started to rain. It started to rain while Mark was driving to the beach. (1) We use these joining words to talk about an action that was in progress in ‘the past (past continuous) and another action interrupted it (past simple) Ex: When my friend arived, | was having lunch, He had a terible accident while he was cycling home yesterday. We also use "While" to talk about two actions that were in progress (past ‘ontinuous) atthe same time inthe past. Ex: Every body was dancing happily while I was just watching. 1 wasn‘ listening while the teacher was explaining the lesson. (3) Learn how to j in two sentences using "while" and “when” ‘While > Past continuous + Past simple ‘While I was walking bome, I tripped over a stone. [tripped over a stone while I was walking home. Woe as ws it > Pat continuous + Pai contiaupus orkng in my office, my ; ing in my office, my son was playing nisi Myson wa playing noily while {was working in ny office, L——_ ——————________ ns ( (cfraae tases [A] Choose the correct word (s) in brackets |. Where were you going when I (see ~ saw 1 sees ~ seen) you? 2. (was running —ran - run ~ running) to bug my father, when Iran into a wall 3. What (did - were ~ are ~ do) you doing when | phoned you? 4 5. |. (Were - Did - Are~ Do) your parents living in France when you were born? . T wasn't playing tennis yesterday. I was at home (study — studies — studied ~ studying). 6. Atthe school library yesterday, several students (stood — are standing — was ‘standing ~ were standing) in 2 queue to borrow some books. 7. They were sitting around a big table and (read ~ reading — are reading — was reading) books. 8. When you called? Oh yeab, I remember. I (cooked - was cooking ~ cooking — am cooking) dinner. 9, Mick (drew — was drawing ~ drawing — is drawing) the teacher on the board ‘when he came in, 10. 1 (was writing — wrote — am writing — writing) an e-mail whea the phoce rang. 11. While Hany was running to kick the ball, he fell and (get — was gesting is getting — got) bust. 12, We were studying when dad (arrived — was arriving is arriving — arrive). (B] Rewrite the following sentences using the words in bracl 1, We were making a big noise - The teacher came in. (while) 2. The bus was moving ~ The thief jumped off (when) 3. Who did he meet? ~ He was travelling. (while) 4. Magdy was playing the final match — He sprained his ankle. (While) 5. Iwas watching TV. You phoned. (When ...) 6. My mother was cooking dinner - My sister and I were watching TV. (while) 7. Why was he absent from school yesterday? (come) 8. She didn’t know how to play the eassette (couldn't) 9, He was looking out of the window - The aliens landed in his garden. (When) 10, Macry was reading a scary story - The lights went out? (Vhen) 11, Was he happy yesterday? (feed 12, Walking down the street, I saw an accideat, while) 13. While she was running to school, she bad an accident. (when) 14, There is no school in August. (We don’t) 15. The tourist lost his camera during his tour around the city. (While ...) 16, We were typing. The manager opened the door. (when) 17, He came home at lunch time. (While we ...) 4 Prop. | First Term | 19 | Scanned with CamScanner a a) Excellent i a sthlete fj pkey Exciting " ‘Break a record ai Expensive le ae Event Fluent ae Freediving Interesting hee Gad etal Intelligent a nasties — Messy tte Jump ES hae Long jump ea Practice oes Score a goal ea Snowboarding dus Drummer Gai Keyboards Successful we Confident Tidy (adj.) ais Deep Unsuccessful 10a Dramatic Useful i ‘% Anathlete: someone who i very good at a sport competes with others in events ‘% High jump: asportinwhich players ty to jump over a bar % Break a record: 10d something faster or better than the other athletes # An event: something # Free divin : : a ‘you win a race or a championship iothoe oneness (0 do something regularly in order it Sno Sn TNE 8 hu ndona large board and move over snow —_ Fat x Young = Old Easy x Far * Near High x Fast x Slow Tidy x Messy Quiet * Noisy Interesting * Boring Deep * Shallow Successful Unsuccessful New x Old EAM Had a go at me Got angry with me Stop it Be quiet Hold on Wait I'm off I'm leaving Ex (1): Fill in the spaces with one of the expressions above: (A) Susie: Goodbye, . .. See you later. Clare: Bye, see you. @) So, tell me, Are you going out with us, or not? Oh, «.. .- Samir! I told you I won't © ‘What's wrong, Yara? Iwas late again and my mum .. @) Right, e's go ! can’t find my keys yet. Ex (2): Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: Shady: Bassem: Can you believe it? My father just .... Again! What for this time? He was really angry I didn’t tell him I was going out yesterday. Well, why didn’t you tell him? Oh, .-Bassem! He was going to say "No" as usual. --! You should always ask for your father permission. -- now or do I need your permission too? Ok! rep, | iret Ten Scanned with CamScanner Vocabulary Practice eo jmp sold metal ~ at inte og 7 To onthe (igh jm — 08 the last Olympics? . ing jump — 1 atten 4 Tee ler a0 GPEC SOP Bld) B04 ing yyy final. is jr favo domnatr— practise Break jMP) YOU Sper fo a ag rnmastics) i 8 very pop om 4. Yorkne | er atin nine neg eae emp ~ snowboariing~an event — long jump), a player bas ty cover a bar. ; . Inthe (igh jump — snowboarding ~ an event ~ long jump), a player has to ‘un and jmp then lnd on sand, 8 The opposite of dep is (high —low — shallow tid). 9 Ia fit the pany wasnt intresting at al; t was (Boring — tidy ~ shallow - board). | 10, You need tobe (noisy — quiet — far — messy) in the school library, 11, Soow (board — boarding — bored ~ boring) is a winter spor 12. Analeteis someone who is very (fluent - shallow — deep — good) ata spon competes with others in events 13, She ran faster than the others and broke the Olympic (record — medal event ~ number.) 14.4 sports (festival - party ~ concert — event) is for athletes to compete with ‘one another. 1S Tame home late and Mum had a go at me. She was very (pleased — happy - angry nice) with me. Ih Fours hes fluent ~ shallow — prety messy) at English He i the best 17 as (Shallow ~ dramatic uent deep) maich, We los in the lat inate. 1 Bee Chisy was 'n rst place and (scored ~ om — competed ~ made) the 18. We watched (nemo , wiming my sly calm — noisy — quicl) as the other team scored the 20, You should (win — score. prac My Tulse Yor may fel mary EE lay) hard before a compe EE ES 21-103 important to be (confidence — confidentlal~ confident - conference) to win a game, 22, Our national team did theit best to (break — win — score — make) the African cup of nations once more, 33: (Am athlete ~A drummer—A diver—A swimmer) plays music ins band. 24: Tt was a (hallow — tidy - deep — noty)civer and the boat couldn't go say farther (B] Read the following passage and answer the questions below: 1X was a dramatic third and last round of the women's Big Air contest at the Winter X Games at Mount Snow, Vermont. Tara Dakides won wit the very last jump ofthe competition. After the fist two jumps, Barret Cristy was in fee place, with Tara in tenth position. In the last round, Tara watched nervously o¢ Christy did her final jump. Christy jumped well, and Tare knew that ber third and last jump had to be good. She jumped brilliantly, a 540 degree tur, and the scores came up quickly on the board. Tara was the winner and had her frst Gold Medal ofthe week, Tara said that she had jumped badly inthe frst rwo rounds but in the third round, when she heard the people shouting “Tara!” Tara!" she relaxed and Jumped well, much better than before. She said the most important thing in the | last jump was that she was more confident. She also said "it wasn't easy, but in these competitions you never win easily." Tara's going to party a litle over the ‘Weekend, and then she's going to the next big snowboarding event at Mammoth Mountain, California, Maybe she'll win again, A) Answer the following questions: 1. Who won the snowboarding competition at Vermont? 2. What was-Tata's position before the last jump? 3. How did Tara feel while doing her last jump? B) Answer the following questions: 4. Before the last jump, Tara was in the (first — tenth — second — fourth) place. 5. Barrett Christy came (first ~ second — last ~ tenth) in this competition. [C] Write TWO paragraphs of at least 7 sentences on the following topic: The World Cup for Football Event ~ world — countries — football teams — score a goal ~ final — practise - Confident ~ interesting = watch - TV 1° Prop. | First Term Ea ‘Scanned with CamScanner | ti esis Cmpartive 8 Cuporlative S TRREGUIAR ADiechiye Good nine Bad Many / Much Far Little ey better than jer than fed ‘than More beautiful than worse than Bigger than ‘More dangerous than more than Clevererthan More interesting than farther than Shorter than More intelligent than _ Jess than The thinnest The most Beautiful The worst The biggest The most Dangerous The most The cleverest The most Interesting The furthest The shortest The most intelligent The least Sie est Easier than The Easiest Lazier than The Laziest i tne Toa ag Tae Hotter than The : Dt e hottest a an The thinnest Bigger than ‘The biggest Balter than The fattest a ‘than The saddest. _—___________ EEE] Ex (1): Give the Correct form for the adjectives in brackets: 1. Bill Gates is one of (successful) business men in the world. English is (easy) than Chinese. I think Alexandria is (beautiful) city in the world. |. Nadir has to stop eating too much. He is getting (fat) 5, Is the planet Neptune (fat) Jupiter from the sun? 6. Madrid is (far) from London than Paris. 7, Ahmed's examination paper was (good) so he got the highest marks, It was (happy) day in my life when I scored a goal in the final. 9, Noha isn’t (tall) in the class. Fatn is taller than her. Which language do you think is (difficult) to lear, English or French? (2) lfonetior wih eomparaiajetvs ‘We can modify the comparison using: (much ~ far — a lot) OR (a little — a bit) & Study the example + The teddy bear is more expensive than the toy car. «The teddy bear is much more expensive than the toy car. + The teddy bear is a Jot more expensive than the toy car. * The teddy bear is far more expensive than the toy car. © The toy car is cheaper than the toy boat. © The toy car is a little cheaper than the toy boat. © The toy car is a bit cheaper than the toy boat. Ex (2): Choose the correct word in brackets: 1. A car is (a little ~a lot —a bit — not) more expensive than a bike. 2. My grandfather is (much ~ a little — less a bit) older than my sister. 3. A pencil is (far —a little — a bit - lots) cheaper than a computer. 4, A tortoise is (a little ~a bit —a far ~ much) slower than a horse. 5. A pencil is (much —a lot - far ~ a little) cheaper than a pen. 4 Prep. | First Term Scanned with CamScanner Lt TC (3) lomparv frm with as. a P7015 2d) 2S = A Mona i ‘Ahmed <_ is taller than i ifg> Taller than - i = not + as tall as Sai snot astallas SARE!) Péter: is as tall as Mt: : a Spas = SAS tadj.+As $PawES isthe same height as EMARRER (ge a the same + noun +s EE] (@)) How do we form the adverbs? 2% By adding (ly) to adjectives ‘Adjective! > ‘Adverb Loud 2 Loudly Quick 2 Quickly Slow > Slowly Quiet 2 Quietly Strong 2 Strongly # In adjectives that end in (y) we change the (j) t0 () and add (ty) ‘Adjective | > Adverb. Busy 2 Busily Unhappy > Unhappily Happy > Happily Heavy > Heavily ® Note: (Shy) is a special case [Shy - Shyly] ‘# In adverbs that end in (le), we delete the (e) and add (x) 100 Remit the folowing sentences using the words in brackets: 1. Sara is younger than her brother. (as old as) ‘2. Peter is messier than his sister. (as tidy as) 3. Dogs are much noisier than cats. (as quiet as) ‘ i (easier) : 7 ling isn’t as interesting as watching TV. (more interesting) ; md asst ahaa (the same speed) Caples Di nr . (the same age) 8. Toms fect are the same size as his father's, (aS 4. a8) ° (4) Adverbs (formation) (()) What are adverbs? ation ‘ Adverbs are words rds went deeb ver She laced some 1 sesribe verbs ousted iy Ali got to school date. * econo eho sae o Mat was wey age bec ‘The weather is biterly cold Raa ‘Adjective “Adverb Simple > Simply Gentle > Gently ‘ But note that these adjectives are different (Special Cases) ‘Adjective S). Adverb Good 2 Well Fast > Fast Hard > Hard Early = Early Late > Late My horse runs very [quick] Ex (4): Give the correct form of the words in brackets: ) 9. 10. T answered all the questions [easy]. ( ‘The car goes [slow] because it's very old. ( My teacher explains the lessons very [simple] (.. He is a nice boy and he always speaks (happy ( My father is working (busy) in his study right now. ( ‘Tom writes very [bad] ( = ‘My father speaks English [good]. (.....---- The baby fell because he was walking [quic My pronunciation is [terrible] bad. ‘4° Prep. | First Term Scanned with CamScanner (5] Adverbs {Comparison} = wih Short ad sik! (ate hare eats) Me 1d e) OF G) Figg @& Epes: yesterday. (Ader) vas ate for school . ' ee ‘vas Jater than me. (Comparative form) vaste bt Samy : ot (Advert) a Aljworks ard at cho ; a ‘pork hard bat T work harder than him. (Comparative form) sie acai Hie GUiehly= As) We use (nore + adverb + ih i a ge: more> adverb than Examples: a Pete ran gulekly inthe 400 m race. (Adverb) 4 Peterran more quickly than the others. (Comparative form) «Alcan read English easily (Adverb) ‘+ Aljreads English more easily than Ahmed does (Comparative form) ‘+ Sara plays tennis well. (Adverb) + Steve plays tennis better than Sara does. (Comparative form) Ex.S): Give the cores form ofthe adjectives in brackets: Sama a [quick] than Mona. 2. Nadir speaks English, seve [fluent] than me. : Alen Write... [clear] then Mary. : ee .» [fits] than me. © Tones ee {far} than me to get to school. + [easy] than all of us. [AL Choose the correct word (s) i 1. Paul is the (untidiest — untidy — untidily —tidily) boy Vknow. 2. This film is great. Itis (a lot ~ a little — less — a bit) more interesting than the other. 3. Jobn runs (more fast - more fastly — faster ~ most fast) than Pete. 4, Paris isn’t (than — as 0 - most) big as London. 5, I think watching TV is (much — more — many ~ most) more interesting than reading a book, 6. A computer is (a litle — a bit— farther — a lot) more expensive than a mobile phone. 7. I think History is (less little — many — a bit) easier than English. 8, Kamal always works (hardly — hard ~ harder ~ hardest) than Maba. 9, My friend has to travel (far ~ farther ~ much — more) than me to get to school. 10, Bill Gates is one of (more —mtuch — a little — the most) successful business men in the world, 11. I think Alexandria is the (beautiful - most beautiful — more beautiful - far beautiful) city in'the world. 12, Nadir has to stop eating t6o much. He is getting (fat — fatter — fattest— the fattest). 13. Ahmed's examination paper was (good — better — the best — best), so he got the highest marks. 14, It was (happy — the happiest — the happier — much happy) day in my life when I scored a goal in the final. 15, Noha isn't (as tall as taller than — the tallest ~ tall) in class. Faten is taller ‘than her. 16, I fell asleep while I was watching the film. It was the most (interesting — boring - shallow — deep) film I've ever watched. 17. My pronunciation is (terribly — more terribly — much terribly — terrible) tad. 18. My teacher explains the lessons very (simply — simple — more simple — more simply). 19, His German isn’t very good. He doesn’t speak it (good — well — better — best). 20. Tennis is more interesting (than — as ~ for — 50) football. 21. read that women are (as good ~ the best ~ better good) drivers than men. 22. He plays the guitar really (well - bad — good ~ best). 23, My Italian is quite (good - well - better — best) than my brother’. 24, Tom is (old — older than ~ as old as — the same old) Lam. We are both 15. | 7 Prep. Fit Tem Scanned with CamScanner Tar fre) 6a AH Scho a atl ~— an eT? cm nat Roath (mtneh = more puna a Sut BW TP mans ae ast mew fs that Mon, Vocabulary BAN OS MA hE (i 02 eUstest eusio) Thott was HNO People say CRM Bee bagange WKS, apa Le leery mast cloary~ clear) than M Sethe ar dicalt dificult mare dificult ny Clttate change Aud go OH bsp8— ass Coal sill Planet “se ¥ 3 * ital rhe as ri mr a tena clin ch ale a seme tft fst ste) 8 yu Drop iter eerie a Thanaow botop Betas ewersive (han ~ as more— much) V though, Energy source Renewable sth quicher — move quickly the most qui ‘nse ras duchy quoter — meee ¢ mnoat qu Environment using is in brackets: Flood she fotowing sentences using the words in ke ) Flood 1) thon a dog, 1. Natadyn cer cise taller then Tom (Tom is 2 Be sa very show Sher, (drives) Fragile smaly god, (She sings ...) Global warming 40 Rees es ey ay fr moe (did Hurricane S. Moca sat as old as ber brother. (than) Hydro-electric & Pete's room isn'tas tidy as his sister's, (than) Dam Waste 3 Gomes : as... 8) Wind energy Mek es Saase See reach {atenp Waves Ci Nearer = eae Resting sc as serena as wiching TV. (more) RREEE LOG cry ac rom corse fecorten. ne tad Dinas art the seme age. (old) Rubbish things you don’t nant any more ome Jimi feet a the seme size as his fiter's (as ... a8) Litter bits of paper, empry cans, See w bene thes me in speaking English. (speaks) Recycling le Seo ausner all the questions. (easily) ‘Aimosphere (He speaks ...) Pollution woleng Le ecb baad Rainforests wer ropa! ‘he match the light went off (When. Power station « big buitng th p> [i enuder took place. (When...) fad a tht Phone rang, (when) = boeuf then Mon ( *) as his sie, en 7 srs exmena not ‘ea Cer the eet a the bet oe, (less) (8 as a +H 8 Vier hatte (etter) Mer wind ener Bs t_ ~— Scanned with CamScanner Non renewable energy. Saini 2 They are the forms of energy that will run out soon, Renewable energy Jasna TB They are the forms of energy that will last for ever. Soareneny Haat Oi sas Wind energy. chp ih Coal aa Nuclear energy ys lu ‘Natural gas tw 3a Waves £5 gle ‘Hydroelectric power 44,453 dius Vocabulary Notes: RAO Kmper hoi... deans Tornadoes are whirlwinds with speed of up to 400 km per hour. * upto oe Tomadoes are whirlwinds with speed of up 10 400 km per hour. ‘* Gowip = rise increase $355 /eit The temperatures are going up every year. H a year= per year, = Ju gi Now, there are more than 50 tornadoes a year, 2 = become worse weather will get worse b (F = end finish ecause of global warming. ———_ ee EOSS:”S a | COPA eee Choose the correct word (s) in brackets: Examples of the non-renewable forms of energy are (solar ~ coal ~ waves — wind), oil and natural gas, 2. People living in the sunny regions use (wind energy — solar energy ~ global warming — wave energy) in heating their houses 3. Wind, the sun and water are (renewable ~ nuclear — non-renewable — electric) forms of energy. 4. (Rainforests ~ Recycling - Hydroelectric ~ Pollution) is a way to reuse materials such as paper, glass and metals. 5. (Solar — Nuclear — Hydroelectric - Wind) energy is taken from the sun's heat. 6. (Renewable — Non-renewable— Solar ~ Wind) forms of energy are the forms of energy that will run out soon 7. (Renewable ~ Non-renewable — Wind — Electric) forms of energy are the forms of energy that will last for ever. 8. (Atmosphere ~ Pollution— Fumes — Rubbish) are the dirty gases from cars or factories. 9. (Solar — Wave ~ Electric ~ Renewable) energy is energy froma the sun. 10. The (Atmosphere ~ Pollution — Fumes — Rubbish) are the gases around our planet. 11. (Atmosphere ~ Pollution — Fumes ~ Rubbish) is damage caused to water or air because of waste. 12. (Coal ~ Oil— Wave energy — Nuclear energy) is made when an atom is divided. 13, A hydro-electric dam stops the water and makes it produce (solar — wind — wave — electrical) energy. 14. (Solar ~ Wave ~ Electric — Renewable) energy is energy from the sea. 15. (Coal— Oil Wind ~ Liter) is thick black liquid that comes from under the surface of the earth, 16. We breathe cleaner air in the countryside because the air isn’t (polluted — recycled ~ litter — fragile). 17. In cities and towns, traffic causes air (energy ~ pollution ~ climate — temperature). * Prop, | First Term Scanned with CamScanner si. twe continue to eat down ~ cut ou eu into ~ cut Up) regs rai fog vill diseppeat. : . % so, ttice and snow (vaste melt—mild— wave) inthe Arctic and Anta there might be floods. : . 2a. Ifthe ie inthe north and south poles melt, sea levels will (rise jg, pollute — waste) 21. The eat both sides — surfaces ~ poles — coasts) of te earth is mein, 22. The (linate— temperature —plobal warming — hurricane) is the yen. conditions ofa certain area. 25, Thre were tebe hurricanes flods — tornados — whirlpools) as yon, and huge areas of land were under water. 24, A lot of people think that global (warming — heat — temperature — energy) isa serious problem. 25. The Egyptian bit a hyo (electric — electricity ~ electrical ~ electrician) «dam on the Nile. 26.4 (tornado - thunderstorm - flood ~ earthquake) hit the east coast with winds of up to 90 miles an hour. 27. There was a terble (rainforest — thunderstorm — tornado — flood) at night and! was affaid of lightning. 28. Don't liter your waste inthe street! Please, (eut it down — pick i up ~ cleanit ‘up drop it down)! 29. Wind and Wave energy are (renewable ~ non renewable ~ nuclear ~ elects) {forms of energy. 7 ca ‘Games ~ power - speed ~ energy) cause most of the pollution incites. a toe 7 iaste~ melt reeyele) electricity by leaving the lights on al night. ay Weil pene b pa ~ pick up ~ clean up) litter, you will have to pay a fie. + We will (ecyele ~ pollute — eut down waste) your ieee >easte) your empty bottles. Leave 34. Water is importan ae ay Rinse 50 don't (drink — recycle — waste ~ mel) it ae Power stations (recycle — waste — drop — pollute) the ait ‘eter if We don’ (drop — pick up — cut down — Ma Teter Your way total mana EE 37. The earth is the only inhabited (plant ~ planet ~ plan — plane) in the solar system. 38, Alexandria is the most beautiful (coastal — fragile ~ global — solar) city in Egypt. 39. He was driving his car at speed of up to 160 kim (for ~ with — per — pair) hour. 40. I go swimming twice (in the week on the week ~a week — in week). 41. There is (much — litle — more - most) less rain in some countries now because of the global warming, 442, Weather problems will get (bad - worse — badly ~ worst) if we don’t take some action. 43. Tomadoes are sometimes called (twisters — twisted — twist — twisting). 4. "Our planet is Fragile” means: it (is easly broken — is made of glass ~ has environmental problems — is full of ice) 45. Every year, people (clean up — cut down — go up — pick up) millions of acres of rainforest 46. Every year, people have to (clean up — cut down — drop — go up) thousends of tons of oil from beaches. 47. Our river was very dirty before they (wasted it — polluted it~ cleaned it up — picked it up). 48, Students in my school don’t care about litter. They just (cut — pick — drop — clean) it everywhere. 49. Is that your empty crisp packet on the ground? Please (eut ~ pick — drop — clean) it up. 50. IE we want our planet to (recycle — survive — fragile — end) we need to stop polluting it [B] Write TWO paragraphs of at least 7 sentences on the following topic: Save Planet Earth Guiding words: global warming — climate change — cut down ~ pollute ~ renewable — temperature ~ waste ~ melt ~ rubbish ~ recycling 4" Prep. | First Term Ea Scanned with CamScanner <= __ ee | (1) Modal Verbs for Prediction ‘& Sindy these exat mples: In the fiture think people wil ws hel (this i wha I think will happen) IN ma 1: What do you think about climate change? B: [am not sure, it might get worse. (i is possible) 1) We use “will Or "won't" to make certain predictions in the future. (will & won't) = I'm sure, I'm certain, it's certain that > (Certain) Ex: Don't worry about the exams. I'm sure, they won't be difficult. In the future, think people will take vacations on the moon, ‘Lihink by the year 2040, there won't be any cars. ‘The weather man says it will be sunny tomorrow. (2) We use "might or may (not)" for Jess cer/ain predictions im the future, may (not) & might (not) = I'm not sure, it's possible that > (possibl) Ex: Tmaot sue, but may go to Alexandria this summer, ‘Don’t give ice cream to the baby. He might be sick. ‘Don't put your glasses on the chair. Someone might break it. ‘Lam not sure; I mightn't go the cinema tonight, Malo |Yourway fall mars (2) First Conditional ‘* FORM Wil (not) Subject. Present J Subject May (not) fia Inf. Might (not) © If'we have time, we will do some shopping today. « Ifpollution increases, more plants and animal will die Will (not) subject Peg May (not) Int. it fagl Subject fa Present Might (not) E © We will do some shopping today if we have ti: + More plants and animal ‘UNLESS =I... NOT © Unless he studies harder, he will fail his exams. ey If he doesn’t study harder, he will fail his exams. Al Choose the correct word (s) in brackets: Tf she hears what you said, she (might — are ~ will be — won't be) angry. I don't think Karen (might not — doesn’t — will - may nos) come to the meeting, Ipromise I (might - will — not — may) study all day tomorrow. Ifwe (are cutting down — will cut down — may cut down — cut down) more will die if pollution incre: Ex: rainforests, our planet will be in danger. Unless she helps me, I (might invite ~won's invite ~ don’t invite - didn't invite) her to the party. I think J (take — will take — not take — takes) an urabrella with me. 1 (might — won't will - must) go to Spain on holiday this year, but Im not sure T'm not sure, she (is — will — might — wori'd be in her piano lesson. Don’t put your glasses there! Someone (will — might - won't sure) break them. 4* Prep. | First Term | Scanned with CamScanner 6. Zz 8. 9. ecu theca! I vill Won't— might igh 10. cae eaves ite (won't use don’t use — will nse — doesn sig UL 9) renewable energy. 2, rm wits book sa good present for my brother. He any, . : mt. may-sure) hei, f 7 sa. what willTom do itis ends (don’t alk— talk — Wil talk — ratty 4g = ay moe. 14 Ifthe weather is ice, coming ~ may come ~ come~ comes) and see voy 15 Tm sre Matin (will won’t— might may) do well in his exams. He ig 16, What wil you do ifthe weather (will be ~ may be ~ might be is) nice tomorrow? 17, Please can you help me with my homework? I promise it (may — wit —won'g take very ong. 18, Unless you (eads— read — don’t read — will read) the instructions, you wos now hove to play the game. 19, ove tose trainers! When I get my pocket money, I think I (may — might say not ~ will) buy them. 20. What time (will - may — might — must) you arrive tomorrow, do you think? 21-IFTom invites me, I (went - will go — go ~ goes) to the party. os tote 1 (mighin's- won't will — surely) come to the club tonight roa ama fil- fil — fails bis exams again, he might leave ‘Do you think people inthe future will ‘other planets lke Mars? 25.1£T have much homework, might (travelling — traveled — travels ~ trave) 1. Ifpolltion (ill increase pore animals may die, Tm worried about ied about my Maths test, | fest ete sone se 30.1 have, Fran, Pe my hott, ‘may increase — increases ~ might increase), 2 2. will — might — might not) possi ia ‘will — won't — might) be cold ther 1 (sure — witt— won't— might) go t0 Maer Yor aroha a 431. Do you think France (may — will might not—may not) win? ~ Yes, sure 32, Mona is ill I'm sure she (may ~ may not~ won't might) go tothe party 33. Take you raincoat! It (may — will— might — won’ surely rain today. 34, There's a lot of traffic today. I'm sure we (may — might — might not ~ will) be Iate to school 35. I don’t think you should throw your books away. You (might ~ mightn't— ‘won't —sure) need them later. B] Rewrite the following sentences using the words in bracke 1. If] fail the exam, I will take it again. (pass) 2. Ifthere are more cars, there will be more pollution. (unless) 3. The mess in my bedroom might make my parents angry. (if...) 4. Unless she leaves now, she will arive late to the party. a.) 5. Iwon't go on that trip unless dad gives me some money. (Iwill...) 6. You won't pass your exams if you don't work hard. (Ualess ...) 7. Ifyou don't tell anyone, no one will know. (Unless) 8. Perhaps I'l stay at home this weekend. a.) 9. IfTom doesn’t invite me, I won't go to the party. Cialess) 10. Unless you wear heavy clothes in winter, you might catch cold. (If..) 11, Ayah isn’t at home, maybe she's in town. (aight) 12. Perhaps I won't go to Alexandra this summer. (may) 13. Perhaps we'll see you tomorrow. We...) 14, Unless the players play better this year, they won't win the league. (1) They will arrive late if it rains. (unless) 16. If my parents refuse, I won't be able to come. (Unless) 17. If we don’t have enough money, we won't go on holiday. (Unless) Scanned with CamScanner t word: I Choose i Corrente Street, I saw a friend of mine e vaning ¥) waswalking walked 4) walks 2 yer ba SHED than me. 2) bier ) best ©) the best @) welt 3, Theyran home oe . 2) quick ‘b) quicker ©) quickly 4) quickest 4b ving Americans speak... than English people, fate by fastest 9 fast a) the fastest ) 5, Tom invites me,1.. to the party. a) went ) will go ©) mightn'tgo a) go 6 My grandfather can’t walk very well because he's getting ........ 2) wet 1) good ©) old @) an idea 7. Phase don't drop... onthe floor. 2) Tener ) liter ©) litle @) titer 8, fwe don't do something now, the ice at the ......... will melt. 2) poles b) poor ©) pool @) pawl 9, Last week an accident ....... near our school. eppeni 2 ; oo ing») happened 6) happen a) happens 8, ts 2 entay, malo of Fucpens nn 19 Amerie. a ed b) emigrated —¢) emigrate @) emigrates 1H yt in st ih ven't by don't mo Fa ‘We were inthe garden when it ble ew 3) sated —b) wassaneg 1B, Dad go... ted) wasstarting — d) starting 2 cath Ty ese ewer te 14 When Pte and Simon ©) an idea 4) angry Were all watching TV. © arrived @) arrive we Fr need 16. [think tennis is more interesting ........ football. a) then b) that ©) than a) as 17, Tom i Lam, We are both 15. a) old b) as old as ©) older than 4) the oldest 18, [live ....... away fiom school than all my friends. a) further b) the furthest) far @) furthest 19, Ipromise I... study all day tomorrow. a) will b) may ©) might d) may not 20, If we cut down more rainforests, our planet ....-. in danger. a) won'tbe ——b») will’ be ©) will not ) might 21. My friend Ahmed speaks English .....- a) fluent b) nervous ©) fluently 4) quiet 2. saavssee You work hard, you won't pass the exams. a If b) Unless ©) Untit @) When 23, Alan is ill. 'm sure he «++ 20 to school a) won't b) may ©) might 4) mightn't 24, Was the trip interesting? — No, I think it Was .....--- 8) bored b) boring ©) shining @) deep 25, They are building a new ......... dammnear our village. 'a) hydroelectric b) powerstation ¢) recycle 4) coal 26, vsossess energy is energy from the sun. a) Solid b) Solar ©) Sunny @) Wave 27, Alot of people think that ......... warming is a serious problem. a) earth b) planet ©) pole @) global 28, People have to stop cutting ......... more trees. a) off b) away c) out a) down 29, I'l phone you when I get .-..+-+++ a) house b) to home ©) at home a) home 30, Eman is very funny, "funny" i8 ....- a) averb b) anoun 31. The opposite of "deep" is . a) high b) shallow 32. There was a terrible ... ©) anadverb d) an adjective , 9) low 4) down __ and the whole village was under water. 4* Prep. | First Term. Scanned with CamScanner orm) rornade ©) flood ® crast 1) thunders school? . ie don ) getaway 8 et ep ‘ea sae form of energy. Cais Nuclear ©) Wind _ *D Electrig bit ance at wk, The winds Were Bowing at 90 mig ) ranjoes—) comad . Hise : 9) cartharatg 36. Dp yu..oun Your empl bots and newspapers? ; Sie «rode ©) pick up 4) ‘ear 7 lnmy cy people who drop... should pay afine, —. ~ a) liner ) fumes ©) leten ) their keys 3B. se STOW in bot wet places near the eusior. 2) rain 1) rainforests“) raincoats 4) rainbons 38, Factories ofen produce alt of....... that pollute the atmosphere. 2) dump b) Etter ©) fumes a) recycle 40. If we want to save energy, we should ... . our Tubbish. a) drop Db) finer ©) recycle @) return AL. The Oregon......... is more than 3,000 km long, a) Tail ‘b) Trail ©) Troll d) Train * ee explorer. He discovered many . under water. a) shipwre b) ship sails ©) shippir lif 8 there a rote ns oo 0 Hens 2) con ise oamt ng fata 2) factory 1) fade ig Frenck +. called denim. 45 Meets... teogepa ©) buttons trousers eee ' petiole when they saw a big dog. 46 sus mage cated oot ©) Were walking a) walking 8) Ton ) Pollution Sea / ‘ understo clin are dity pagent rmsd) Recycling ie ©) Rubbish d) Waste » pa DE Yio mp over ater. 9) High jump a) Diving SE's $$ Er, 49, Is every player's dream to .........a goal in a world cup final a) break b) get ©) make & score 50, .oo-eses 18 a Very popular winter sport a) Diving b) Snowboarding ¢) High jump 4) Long jump 51, Paris isn’t as big ......... London. a) than by as ©) the ) 0 52, LET ss. time, I will help you with your homework. a) will have) don’thave —) have 8) didn’t have 453. It ......+- Fain again. The sun is shining and the sky is clear. a) won't b) will ©) might @) may 54, The teacher came in........ we were talking. a) when b) while ©) then @) unless 458, John nuns ......... than Peter. a) more fast _b) more fustly _) faster 4) the fastest 56. It rained heavily last Saturday; everything got . a) angry b) wet ©) shallow 4) angry 57. Somebody ......... my clothes while I was swimming. a) stole b) steal ©) steel @ stool 58, Jane! You were talking to Mark. What ......... you telling him? a) did d) were ©) was @ are 59, My sister and I watch TV very often. a) aren't b) don’t ©) weren't ©) isn't 60. While the old lady was trying to catch the bus, her ......... fell off a) wig ») wagon ©) hair @) wing 61. Sorry, [can't help you. I homework at the moment, a) amdoing —b) do ©) dia @) were doing 62. T.......4. 8 good idea while I was walking. a) got d) received ©) made @) took 63.1 0 to Spain on holiday this year, but I'm not sure. a) might b) wit ©) won't @) must 64, T got yesterday. My uncle sent me a scooter. 8) an idea b) asurprise ©) apromise a) a holiday 65. I can't understand him. He talks too 1 Prep. |First Term Scanned with CamScanner ick ey) clear ©) qui ®) sto 0 7 eee 6, Somebody toe MY BE ~~ ch a) while b) what o 7 bed 9) that 6a What ime do you usualy OS sd Ar py anive ——) reach 4) become B ousboud ran more fon the competition. a) quick b) quickly 9) quicker YD quickess Iva ready fr the beach when it started to rain, ) geting») *ADINg ©) having ) arriving a. Sorry, we were laughing Jou, 80 We nv the bel. ) heard ) didn’'thear —¢) doesn’thear —d) hear 1 Liat... until midnight a) getwet —) ethome —_—)-getidea @) get surprise ‘72, Sally was watching TV .... the door bel rang. a) as b) while ©) when @) that 73. You must stop eating @ lot! You're getting ... 2) far b) fattest ©) fatter @) fat * ‘My parents get very... When I don’t tidy my bedroom. 8) an TB wos esata oy aaa ae o i much than last year's. 2) bes wel ©) better @) good 16, $0 a ‘ a ~~ ore climate changes in the future ae b) might be ©) will be d) won't Sata. TV in er room right now. 2) Watches b) is watch watchin i ag B¢) is watch was watched ‘tthe moment, Dr Ballard is working. ne ses vas watel oc ») a ee © for ) with 12] Rewrite the f followin ' than this ose nt eMees Using the words in brackets: ‘No CD is worse than tis te (the worst) Malle Near vay maps Peace 3, Armonkey is more intelligent than a frog, (as a8) 4, Iwas driving home. Isaw a house on fire. (while) 5, Perhaps Il stay a! home this weekend. 6, If Tom doesn’t invite me, I won't go to the party. (Unless) (the same) 7. Sara is as short as Yara. 8. We were walking (o the park. It started to rain. (when) 9, Aya isn’t at home, maybe she's in town. (might) 10, Ahmed isn’t the same height as Omar. 11, Dian called, You were having a bath, 12. Digital cameras are cheaper than computers. 13, lost my keys. I was running on the beach. 14, Perhaps I won't go to Alexandra this summer. 15, Perhaps we'll see you tomorrow. (shorter) 16. Ahmed isn’t as tall as Aly. 4° Prep. | First Term Scanned with CamScanner 23, They will arrive late ifit rains, (unless) 2. think cycling is easier than skiing. (difficult) 25. The new laptop isn’t cheaper than I thought. (expensive) 26. My best subject at school is Arabic. (more than) 2. i : Aswan is the most beautiful city in my country. (No city) 28. He isa good keyboar rd player, oe 7 (He plays) SO: 30. Rome isn't as hot as Cairo, (than) 31. you don't say you're sorry, Jane will gt angry. (unless) 32, Her English is really good, 33. [won't buy the bike unless dad gives me the money. (If. 34, We'll soon have no oil left (run out) 35. Miss Janet teaches us French. (teacher) 36. Ife works hard, he will pass his exams. 37. Iwill give you the car if you are careful 38. You are taller than Iam. 39. She is younger than she looks. 40, He is a careless driver. 41. My grandmother isn’t as old as my grandfather. (older) 42, If my parents refuse, I won't be able to come. (unless) (good at) 4 Prep. | First Term 43, Kate speaks French well. Scanned with CamScanner 4. Ife dont have enovgh moneys We ‘wont go on holiday. (Unless) {3} Supply the missing parts in fhe following dialogues: 1. Emad’ fatheris asking him about his school day Father: How was your day at school, Emad? Emad: Too bad. Te teacher... me because I forgot my books Father: Why .--~ - Emad: In fit, seer "this moning Father; Whats wrong? You always wake up early. Emad: 1 bad an English test today so I. Father: You shouldn’t stay up late again. And you .. Emad: Ok, Dad. I will apologize to him tomorrow. 2. Khaled and Sherif are talking about football Khaled: What is your favourite sport? Sherif: ..... : Khaled: Where do you practise it? Sherif: Inthe chub. Khaled: a. Sherif: Al Geezera Club. Have you ever score Sheri, No,. scored a goal with your team? Sherif: Because 1am a goalkeepr, 3. ‘ide 0d Sheriare ling shout otal, iad Sherif are talkin; 5 ub¢ Tam Tale ae i About football, mee are you? Ramy: Omar, Ramy: Omar: [like my teacher the best? amy: cseessseseeeeessee ae Omar: Because he is very kind and friendly. [4] Read the following passage and then answer the questi “Fornadoes or "twisters" are whirhwinds with speeds of up to 400 km per hour. In the USA, there are one thousand tornadoes every year. They look fascinating and dramatic on TV, but they kill people. In Britain, there were very few tornadoes in the past. But now, there are more tan fifty tomadoes a year, The ‘umber of thunderstorms is also increasing and there are more hurricanes and ‘hoods in some parts of the world too. The cause of all these things is the climate changes in the world, The global temperatures are rising, The problems of climate Change won't go away unless we do something about the causes. Some scientists say that these types of climate changes are natural, but most scientists think huynan activity is the problem, Cutting down trees, burning too much oi, and the increase in the mumber of cars and planes are some of the things that cause the problems. Scientists believe that if the temperatures continue to rise, the ie at the poles will melt. If the ice melts, sea levels will rise. Some islands might disappear ‘loods in coastal cities. All this means that unless completely and there might be wwe do something to stop global warming now, there may be many other dramatic es Answer t 1. What are Tornadoes? 2, How is the human activity a problem? 3, What will happen if the temperatures continue to rise? B) Choose the correct answer: 4. Tomadoes are (fascinating — harmless — dangerous ~ calm) 5, Ifthe ice melts, the world temperatures will get (bad — worse — badly — better) [5] Write a paragraph of seven sentences on: (The streets of Cairo in the morning) Guiding words: live in Cairo — a erowded city - many cars ~a Jot of people ~ work ~ students ~ schools ~ late 4" Prep. | First Term Scanned with CamScanner ES Win a competition Enter a competition Expect to Get ideas for poems é On the sidewalk “ = 1) ‘On the subway ee Decide (how) to answers to the quiz Decide about (something) capital Prize money official language Do examinations State School-leaving exarainations population Hope to) about Marine biology ‘areer mast Work in (something) Popular St ata To do with (the sea) speak as first language gly) 445. dant, Keep (writing) Tee hockey lal Son fan 7 is al Examples and Notes: ‘W Examples and Notes: "It was a surprise for Linda to win the competition because she has never The teacher asks us to do a quiz every week. entered a competition before. + Theteacher gave us an answer key to cheek the answers to the quiz oursehe: "‘Einda got a surprise when she won the competition because she didn't expect "The capital of the USA is Weshington, DC. : to win. 1 Die capial of Canada is Otawe, but Toronto isthe biggest cit * Linda often gets ideas for pomes when she is walking on the sidewalk or * Canada isthe second largest ‘country in the world aa any when she is on the subway. . Thee te 50 states in the USA. nase * Linda hopes to study Marine Biology and to work in something to do with Montes eh theo ott languages in Canada the sea. ae Bae in Canada speak English as their frst lan "Marine Biology is the study of sea creatures, ‘out 30% of the population ix iguage. ie leavin minations, and she hopes to go to . b ion in Canad, " euage. "Linda has just done her school leaving exar : feeones, 2 ctyin Cama hari see Fee as their first og er : - ; . . «heey cme sagt USA is about 289 ee cee + She has already decided how to spend her prize money. . SPout 28 ruilion : . alrea ‘ided what to buy with the prize money. {PRE Re%t popular spor in ca SP as thei Fst language. ae es : © most sunt is ice hockey, "She hasn’t decided about her career yet. m Poms Port inthe USA i noe * She wants to study in the university and keep writing poems too. My Tater a 7 Fan ea Scanned with CamScanner Parise an English seish Exiglish America Bron Foe (a) Diterdée In Vocabulary BB Flat aaa Apartment Lift Elevato; Rubbish Garbage pecans Sidewsati Tram Streetear Underground a Holiday Vacation Bill Check Tap Faucet Lorry Truck ‘Trousers Pants Petrol Gas % @) Difference in Spelling” | 3 Favourite aie Favorite Colour es! Color Centre Be Center ‘Theatre cue Theater Kilometre iss Kilometer — fe Traveled if Ji Traveling epee OLS Sure . ‘Meaning Off we go oe wb Nice one 'S start / go / begir +" o ry Rae seg (tap Great! You did that very well bone Male Yeurvay haa (ce ) PAM aero ‘A] Choose the correct word (3) in bracket 7. The American word for “a lift” is (a sidewalk — pants — an elevator ~ an apartment). 2. We are going (in — on — at— of) holiday to Canada. 3, The teacher asks us to (do ~ make — get ~ study) a quiz every week. 4, She hasn’t decided (to — for — about — of) her career yet. 5, Mumasks me to take the (faucet — bill — garbage ~ check) out every night. 6. Wow, that's "wicked" Jim! "Wicked" means: (evil — great — poor — normal). 7. She has already decided (what — where — when — why) to buy with the prize money. 8. Check the answers (10 - for — with ~ about) your quiz yourself! 9, Another word for “rubbish” is (faucet — garbage — elevator — streetcar). 10, Linda got (an idea — wet — angry — a surprise) when she won the competition because she didn’t expect to win. 11. There are 50 (states — streets — status ~ statues) in the USA. 12. A dog was chasing me and I kept (to run — running — ran — run) until I got really tired, 13. It was a surprise for Linda to (enter — win — get — take) the competition because she didn’t expect to. 14, The Americans use the word "Gas Station” while the British use the word (petrol — tap — check — street) station. 15. The most popular sport in the USA is (badminion — baseball — squash — water polo). 16, I's wrong to ride your bike on the (sidewalk — streetcar — street — elevator). 17, Linda often gets ideas for poems while she is walking (in - on — under — over) the sidewalk. 18. The (population — popular ~ first language — capital) of the USA is Washington, DC. 19. The "pavement" in the USA is called (faucet ~ subway - sideway — sidewalk). 20. A school leaving examinations are done to (start — finish — begin - enter) our study at school. 4* Prep. | First Term Scanned with CamScanner 21, Who is the most (popular~ population county? 22. The capital of Canada is (Toronto — Toronto isthe biggest city. 23, Another word for “rubbish” is (faucet — garbage — elevatoy 24, Canada isthe second (largest ~ large ~ larger the largesy ~Peeple~ offi sng in Soy Montreal - Metbourne_ Ott 0) bg i Sreceay world after Russia. OU a 25. The Americans use the word "vacation! while the B rit holiday ~ subway - truck). Pe (paring. 26, (The most ~ ost - Mostly first language. 27, Have you already decided (how ~ what - where — ae rere ~ why) to 90 for the 28. Let's take the "streetcar"! Another word for " i 1 ‘streetcar” ane is (truck ~ lorry 29, We've just (answered — done ~ made - writen) our school leaving i hope we could join the university. ). The most popular sport in Canada ie in he sport in Canada is (football — ice hockey — swimming 31. Lots of people speak English in F; it (capi ish in Egypt but their (capital ~ second -offcial~ largest) language is Arabic, somone 2 Le American word for “flat” is (sidewalk ~ subway ~ streetear — apartmex) 33 Nemeet many people (on ~in~ at under) the underground every. . oe Biology is the study of living creatures in the (space ~ forest ~ see 35. French and English are the two (official - office capital - large) languss in Canada. 36. About 30% of the population in Canada speak French (in — as — because pile test anguage. 1. The 7 » e Americans use the word “truck” instead of (lorry — pants — check — bill rn eter i for “tap” is (top — tip — tub — faucet). es ‘ced poem! Where do you get your ideas from — in —for-0n) My Tutor| Your way to ful marks Much) people in Canada speak English Stig j Bape 1 people like travelling on the (ear — taxi — underground — “40, In Cairo, most sidewalk). 41-1 need to buy some new iz. Have you ever entered (a 4 elevator) and won it? 43. Unfortunately, the (left hnad to take the stairs. 444, She is specialized in Mi with — about) the Sea. 43, Alexandria is the secor popular — port) is Cairo. (elevators ~ trousers ~ checks ~ pavements). iz an examination ~ a competition — a7 elevator ~ subway ~ tram) was out of order and we rine Biology and wants to do something (for — 07 — nd largest city in Egypt, but the (capital — official — 1B] Replace the underlined words with their equivalents: 1, “Mary? Can you put the garhage out, please? 2. At last! I'm going on holiday to Hawaii. ‘Come on, Peter. Let's take the lift. 3. 4, Ineed to buy some new pants. 5, Ireally like traveling on the subway. 6. Hey! Don’t ride your bike on the sidewalkt 7. We need a plumber to fix that faucer. 8. Hey! Waiter! The Bill, please! 9, Itwas a terrible accident. A streetcar ran into a lorry. 10, When are you moving to the new flat? 1* Prep. | First Term Scanned with CamScanner Tee (1) Question tage (1) What's a question tag? "A question tg" shot question at the end ofa sentence toch affirm an idea. SE ft y Ex: You are from Egypt, aren’t you? @ Form Sei Ex: Samy broke that window, didn’t he? Ex: You don't know much about Canada, do G) How to check the helping verb? (A) With Verb TOBE (am, is, are, was, were) TOHAVE (have, has, had) MODAL VERBS (can, should, will ...ete) +E, Altri you? Use these helping verbs only when ou find them in the sentence other verbs lik S28— sets ~ go ~ goes — live — lives Use (do / does) for verbs in the presen saw ~ went — Use (did) for verbs in the past Examples: * Aly from Egyp, isn't he? + He has lefta note. hasn't he? ‘She can swim well, can't she? He lives in Cairo, doesn’t ho They come ae, don't they? Se lhe homer; dd’ sep shuld come care, shout shoul Tater] Yo Ma Tut |Your way fal marae i (4) Special Cases 2 8 9. 10. lL 2 1B. Tam your friend, aren’t 1? ‘This is an interesting film, isn’ i? ‘That was a nice answer, wasn't ir? ‘There isn’t a subway in town, is there? Let's go on a holiday, shall we? Take the garbage out, will you? Don’t drop litter, will you? She has a nice car, doesn’t she? We havea big house, don't we? We had fun, didn’t we? We have to go early, don’t we? She has never won a prize, has she? ‘They never go to school early, do they? She'd like to come, wouldn’t she? She'd gone there before, hacin’t she? He's watching TY, isn’t he? He's watched the match, hasnt he? I think she ean't come, can she? We will be late, won't we? No one likes her, do they? Practi He's never visited Canada, She likes chocolate,........01.- New York's the capital of the USA, Toronto isn’t the capital of Canada, ‘You weren't at Peter's party, . She goes to her brother's school, ... There weren't any food left, They've finished their test, Let's go for a swim, You wont come to the party, You'd been to Italy before, . They/d like to do that, . She's coming, E Gene Tam > aren't This >it That >i ‘There > there Let's > shall we Affirmative order - vill you Negative order > will you Has (main verb = cum) does Have (main verb = on) do Head (main verb = gor) > did (have, has, had to) do, does, die (never = negative) has (rot: hasn't) (never = negative) > do (not: don’) (s+ pp) =has the main sentence (Wt nos) wrong (no one = negative) & paral pronoun Add question tags to the following sentences: 1 Prep. [First Tam ~___ Scanned with CamScanner + tome (2) Progont Porfect Gimple We use the present perfect simple to talk about connected to past actions the presen Study This example: Mary: Where have you been, Ann? Amn: I have been to Venice, Italy. Marry: Have you enjoyed your vacation there? Ann: Yes, sure. I have spent very nice time, Examples: “The teacher is angry because we have ann : Y arriy | feel ill because T have eaten too much cheat We've planted lots of trees. It’s more beautify Ali's car is shining. He has just washed it, She's not bungry. She has already eaten a sandwich fil hete nog, Subject + Have / has + P.P of "main verb" Subject + haven't /hasn’t + P.P of "main verb? Question word + have / has + subject + PP of sine Have / Has + subject + P.P of "main verb"? & Key words: ‘We use "already" in affirmative sentences Examples: * Tdon’t want to watch this film. I've already watchedé * I don’t have any money. I've already spent all my mj MR We use "yet" in questions and negative sentences Examples: * I started painting the picture but I haven’t finished yt. * Have you heard the news yet? MEIN We use "just" to mean "not very long ago" Examples: * This is my new car. I've just bought it. . * We've just heard some good news. ¥ Important no io when swe talk about completed actions that finished in the past we use the past sat ‘and we must use a past time expression. = We visited aly last year, word (s) in bracke Sees ane’ = She has (t= just ~ didn’ ~ always) lef. She ia here Jam your friend, (don't — is — do — aren’ 1? hot-nneyp ise midi Haven yo ihe or Beever at —yet— not is is an ng film, isn’t (this — that — there ~ i)? isan i hal assent ‘That was a nice answer, wasn’t (it~ that ~ there — this)? My parents haven't come back ftom Canada (yt ~ already ~ never ~ eve) ‘That's a silly joke. You've (ever ~ already — yet — before) told it to me! ‘There isn't a subway in town, is (It there — this — that)? . 10, Jeny’swaele e(lrady~ just~ et never) bee with he. Sb ida’ tl me I. She has a nice car, (don’t she — hasn't she — have she — doesn’t she)? 12, She'd like to come, (hadn't — wouldn't ~ didn't ~ won't) she? 13. Have you (don’t ~ did ~ does ~ done) yous homework, Sarah? 14, Don't buy it! | ought — have bought — didn’t buy — will buy) it already. 15. I have never won a prize, (haven’t— hasn’t— have — has) 1? 16. (Have — Did - Do ~ Are) you finished the housework yet? 17. Ahmed has already (go — goes — gone — went) to bed. 18. (Haven't - Dint — Don’t— Aren't) you heard the news yet? 19. He's watched the match, (isn't — doesn’t — didn’t — hasn’s) be? 20. Nadir has (already — never — ever — yet) had his dinner. He isn't hungry. 21. I've Gust — always — yet — never) written a letter to Martin. 22, He has (ust — yet — not ~ never) bought the paper, but he hasn't read it yet. 23, Lisa (spoken — spoke — hasn’t spoken — has spoken) to Tom yet. 24, She'd gone there before, (hadn't — wouldn’t — didn’t — don’ she? 28.1 (decide — haven't decided — decided — have decided) what Tl do in my holidays yet. 26, [haven’t washed the car Gust ~ already ~ yet — never). 27. I've just seen Kate, but I (haven’t spoken — didn’t speak — have spoken — don’t speak) to her yet. 28. He's watching TV, (hasn't — aren’t— doesn’t isn’) he? 29. [haven't been to London (already — just — yet — never). 30. You've got my dictionary, (haven't you — have you don’t you - did you)? 31.T think you can't help me tomorrow, (did — can — will — has) you? 2 » Ihave just visited laly irae rep. | Firs Ea ‘My Tutor| Your way to full marke ere Scanned with CamScanner ro seta fl. I (have newer— haw already jg. et, dey ‘32. don't want have) seen it 133. She is hungry. S aa never eaten) anything Yet take te earboge ou, nillyou~ are YOU — do YOU ~ have yoyyy ss Fan can watch TV? 1 (haven Yfirished —have fished poy, nshed — did't fish) my bomework alteady. 7 sa: bont wory! I (haven'tcooked — have cooked — have just cookeq cooked) your dinner already. 47 She's jst come home, but she (didn't eat ~ does1 teat — hasn't earn eaten) ye | 438, That's wicked! Jack has (pet ~ already — just — ever) got married, 59, You sister likes chocolate, (don't you - isn’t she ~ doesn’t she ~ dogg 40. Let's go on a holiday, do we — are we ~ have we ~ shall we)? She 41, Well be late, (will not — won't — want — will) we? 42. They love tennis, isn't it don’t it~ do they — don’t thes)? 43, Peter's never phoned that late, (did didn’t — has — hasn’9 he? 4. He doesn't ive in Vancouver, (doesn’t he — isn't he~ does he ~ din’ ey 45, You haven't got new car, (have you = isn't it haven't you — did you) 46, Touy and Serah have just moved to London, (haven't they — didn't they Se has already enter han eaten— as yoy, "Aten, jus, fas tony don’t they —aren’t they)? 47. You've read that book, (have ~ hadn't — haven't — didn’t) you? 48. The coptal of Germany is Berlin, isn't it — doesn’t it— hasn't it—wasn vig) 49. She has a nice car, (don’t she — hasn’t she — have she — doesn't she)? 30, Nobody liked the game, (did - didn’t ~ do —_don’s) they? (B] Rewrite the following senterices using the words in brackets: haven't...) 4. last saw my friend a long time ago. 2. They are late to work. (haven"t got) 3. Lam sorry for not phoning you since last month. (haven't ...) 4. Are youstill doing your homework? (Haven't 5. She left the room a moment ago. Gust) § They're angry for not catching the subway. (because they ...) 7. Samy is still doing his homework. (yet) 8. He doesn’t play well, does he? n 9. They are still on their way home, [om 10. - ‘ His parents refused to let him go, didn’t they? (didn’t allow) My Teter iourvay ofl maria id, is he? ser ist tui earn (clever) ty ae edly withthe teacher, didn't we? (aie e we beh ake a holiday, shouldn't we? ers.) 13. We stay will win, WORE they? (Close) 14. 1 ed carly yesterday, didn’t he (late) 1% api accept your offer, did she? (agreed on) 16. She Oe speaks slowly, doesn’t he? (quicdyy oat BOY he plane, didnt she? (didn't miss) Jane 2 of cake, isnt it? (ditticuny Gust done) Jone COU piece i “The qui a ing up a few moments ago. pins the Was Z General Practice 5 below Road the fol Te telephone today? It be used the telephone today? It is impossible for ws to imagine lie Have Yvnes, radios, televisions and computers. Thanks to Giuseppe SP ee these forms of communication every day, but for our ere yarns ie was very different. Giuseppe Marconi was one of the greatest paren hanged the way we communicate, He was bor ia Bola, ly, snventors 1874. In 1896 he went to England with his firs invention, a sytem oF on 25 APF graphy, and in 1899 he introduced wireless communication between wiles ‘england across the English Channel Then in 1900 he set simals Freee te atantc, a distance of 2,100 miles. Throughout his if, he cominued to scrnt and improve ways of communicating around the: world and he received inv ternational awards for his work. He died in Rome on 20 July, 1937. Answer the following questions: 2 Avy was life very different for our great grandparents? 2, What was Marconi's first invention? 3. What was Marconi working on all his life? 'B) Choose the correct answer from a, b,c or d: 4. Giuseppe Marconi died at the age of (eighty three —twenty thee ~ fifty tree — sixty three) The underlined word "awards" means: (telephones ~ inventions ~ prizes ~ communication) (Cl Write two paragraphs of at least 7 sentences on the following topic: (Your Future Career) Guiding words: Like — study — would like — help — invent — become — successful - study — school 4® Prep. | First Term Ea without, telepl 3 Scanned with CamScanner a (w) ape eed Dr Bamboo Teenager e240 Platform Mang aa ay Liana _ Ceremony nen (is dis) pe Bungee jumping crane Ge Sas Tourist Examples and Notes: « “Toman counties 2 teenager becomes an adult on his eighteenth birthday. ‘© Ia Pentecost, an important ceremony called *N'gol’ is held for teenagers to prove they have become adults. + A teenager ties one end 44.4 of the liana to the tower and the other end to his foot. ‘= A group of tourists got the idea for bungee Jumping while they were watching the ‘ceremony. Ababy sty Adult eu Atodiler pb ayy dt A pensioner Pad Gugd Acti dik Elderly ods cenager Wn Middle-aged fu A young adult fe a2 Note a middle aged person 18. treet between 30 and 60 years of age. | <2 Err eeeeererreeinnasiand a anilk — _ pes ed at Vote caine to cee Can't. unt and Notes: og) sae ay all around the world, je nr, you are allowed to drive a ca ftom the g of: £17 by st American nyu ze Britain and the USA, In Bit rive a car from the age of 16 in mo, allowe™,, you can't vote until you are 20 but in is eed ‘o vote When youre 18 allover w York you are allowed ‘ ‘iain and Ne ye lowed to get married she. + 1a ae rnia, aren’t allowed to until you are 18. *bR you ee 16 hy ia rina, wornen can get married from the age 0f20 ang to Chile in Japan, a gti allowed to get married Gums SBE ae ot gay fom the age of 18 gt of 16 anda youare Come of age Event : Celebrate _ tis: Traditional Local town hall 4st 45 Do (hair) Dress up ate G4 Do (makeup) Kimono gE ALD 61450 Speeches Extremely Gy is Certificate Examples and Notes: *+ In Japan, young people come of age (become aduls) when they ae twexty + The coming of age event is celebrated in most areas of Japan with a special ceremony held in January every year. Both boys and girls have to dress up for the ceremony. Girls wear traditional Japanese dress (Kimono), Kimonos are extremely expensive, so most girls have to hire or borow one. Most boys wear suits, but some wear a traditional Japanese kimono form, In the hall, the boys and girls listen to long speeches and then they are given Special certificate or present from the local government. The boys and girls, now men and women, go out to celebrate together 4 Prep. | First Term Scanned with CamScanner CF Vocabulai [A] Choose the correct (5) in bracket 1, Lianas are type of climbing (animals — towers — plants ~inse 2. My grandmother can't walk very well because pensioner — adult) now. 3. Kimonos are extremely expensive. "Extremely" quien). 4, In my country, you become a (pensioner — when you are over 60 years old. 5. In Pentecost, an important (event —, ceremony. teenagers to prove they have become adults. 6. Children become adults (on — at — by ~ in) the age of ei 7. A group of British tourists got the idea (for — with while they were watching the Pentecost ceremony. 8. Youre a (adult— pensioner — baby — teenager) from the age of 12 ta 1g 1, Ase limit (very~ various ~ vary ~ variable) all around the world, 10. A person who left his job because of his old age is called a (toddler — chit. ‘adult — pensioner), M1. In Japan, you cant vote (when ~ because she's quite (oddte, ey, "ery i ‘adult — toddler — mi mide. g “Bed jumping — tower) is beg fy ighteen in many coy ~ in—on) bungee im, 14. Anna and Jobn (have — means: become (old —, adults — mer — women). 16. My little brother’ only eight. He's still a Gaby toddler — child — pension, Gestival~ ceremony food — an island). in the Pacific (river — ocean — sea ~ world). nal ~ festival) Japanese dress. (middle aged — adult pensione?- 22. In China, women can get ma ~ on ~ for from) the age of 20. 23. My mother is quite (elder ~ elderly ~ older — oldest now. She's in ber seventies, 24, A (baby ~ adult ~ pensioner — elderly) is avery young cid who hang earned to walk yet 25.(A baby ~An adult ~A middle-aged ~A pensioners someone who bas stopped working because they are old 26. Youare a (teenager ~ baby ~ toddler — pensioner) when you are between the age of thirteen and nineteen, 11. (pensioner ~ elderly ~ middle-aged ~ child is a young person under the age of 12 28. In many countries, a teenager becomes (a child - a pensioner a toddler -an adult) on his eighteenth birthday. 29, My older sister had a (pensioner ~ baby ~ teenager ~ adult) last month 30, I's great to be a (teenager - baby — child - toddler). can do lots oft couldn't do when Iwas a child 31. My cousin Hany is only'18 months old. He's just a (toddler ~ teenager — adult = young adult). 32. The coming of age event is (celebration ~ celebrated ~ ceremony — festival) in most areas of Japan. 33. We have to (dressed — dressing — getting dressed — dress up) forthe party. 34.A (toddler ~ teenager ~ pensioner — child) is a person who is between 13 and 19 years old 35. Nobody wants to die (in — at — on — by) an early age. 36. The coming of age (ceremony ~ band — festival ~ certificate) is held every year. 37. When do young people come (to — at ~ of ~ for) age in Japan? 38. Tcouldn’t buy a car so I (heard ~ haired ~ hired — hide) one for a month 39. She is (making — doing — taking — getting) her hair in the dressing room. 40. Do we have to listen to long (spoken ~ speeches ~ speak ~ peaches) inthe party? 41. Age limits vary from a country to another. "vary" means: they are the same — different alike - similar). 42. Where is the next world cup going to be (hold — held — made done)? gs Scanned with CamScanner e rT es {2)"Be allowed fos lt exmoona da" j (1) Prosent Simple Pacciys Usage: | bc Ba allowed Ba To (int) | Hesse thepasivewhene | (A) It isn't important who does the action. " ed to do"to say tha air wwe don't know who does the action.. (1 Weuse "be nes fo" to say that you have permission or don't have Examples: © The car issfolen. vrmission vo do somethin Pee Ge don’t know who stole it) ee We aren’ allowed to ear Jeans at schol When I was six, I wasn’t allowed to use the computer. ‘First, bamboo trees are cut down. People aren't allowed to smoke in hospitals. (it isn’t important who cut them dovin) © Jeans are made of denim. (ise inporant ho makes then) [a+ e+ & gy Wense "et someone do" to say that someone gives or doesn’ give anther the permission to do something, [et my brother use my computer sometimes. 1 Object + (am /is/are)+ (RP of main vers) Ex: Football is played in many countries ‘The teacher didn’t let me answer the question. 2 Object + (am not fis not /are not) + " My parents let me stay out late sometimes PED (PLP of "main ey My mother doesn’t let me watch TV at night. Ex: The world cup isn’t held every two years Q. word + (am /is / are) + object + (PP of Ex: Where are the cans reeveled? mained) Practi 5 (aan : e , 1. Tamallowed to watch TV until midnight. Qly father...) = is - ay + object + (P.P of "mnain verb")? [My father allows me to watch TV until midnight. is cotton grown in Egypt? 2. Tamallowed to watch TV until midnight (ets) % Practice: ‘My father lets me watch TV until midnight. They bul ' 3. The teacher lets us leave earl all dae tun en ees The teacher lls us leave ear “on a a ae ee aca (ve...) yole cans? (are) : ; “ are cans recycled? = We are allowed to leave early: 3. Inbal hey srw the best cof in the world, (grown) 5. Our parents don’t et us play football in the house. (We...) The best cofein the world is grown in Brasil, We aren't allowed to play football in the house. 7 6. Our parents don't let us play football inthe house. (allow) ie world cup isn't het Our, don't all Jay football in the house. 5 avcheld every ty0 years. ‘parents don’t allow us fo play football in Pankey Ucn in Egy? Cs coton) 7. My brother lets me use his computer. (allows) 1s cotton grown in Eg? [My brother allows me to use his computer. our way to fal marks + Prep. [Fist Tem 4. They don’t hold They don’t hold the world Cup every two years. (held) Scanned with CamScanner 1 ~~, Does — Doe ~ Have) your brother let al s~ Z YOU borrow his trainers? 28. (sg Australian animals (aren't found ~ isn't found ~ don't fad jon 2. finding) in ay ter county. ~isn's days, cars (is produced — are produced ~ wil produce are SIN Tnernurer terre cerrrteceece es reer [AL Choose the correc! 1, Mywatch is cheap. It makes is made made) 2. Millions of pizzas (are enting — are eaten ~ eaten — jaye 622 Sf Dy, every day. Vag 3 rneracing) with the help of computers, 4. The best coffee in the world (is grown — is growing — has YY 4y.Rtovof ce eveam fis eaten — were eaten ~ are eaten are eating) every summer Brazil SF Ovin im a Susan's parents (doesn’t don’t— arent ~ isn't ether goto tiecse 4, How many emails (write — written ~ are written — are rg, "oy Be Mover (et —lets—allow~ allows) ry sister use my canons 5. Tear ead his bok because it rate —i8 writen are wn °%y g, 34, You (dot— haven't aren’ is’) allowed pay here veritten) in Spanish. Men hey” 35° Thousands of people (i— are — have — has) killed in ca accidents every year Cee Col sol — was sold— as Sold — $01) in almost ery cou Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets: world. . Nyy Ve aren't allowed to eat in class. 1¢ tear 1. Rice isl (grown — is grown — has grown — growing) in Eneiangy | Sees allowed to wear jeans to school? i atten) > 8. Oranges (grow — grew — growing — is grown) in hot countries. a éa coral snake bites you, you may die. (bitten) 9. Most computer (are made are making —is made ~ is making) ix 4. My father doesn’t let me stay up late. am not... nowadays, Cia Noy father lets me watch TV late on Fridays. (Lam. 10. Many different products ae (sell— sale - sold — selling) inthis sy 6, Tam not allowed to stay in bed late at the weekend. (Mum never ...) 11-A lot of subjcts are (teaching — teach — taught — teaches) inoure®® 4, My brother lets me tide hs bike. (allows) 12.A lot of houses (are built — are building — build — have built) ev = 8. Ican invite my friends to the house. (allowed) Cairo. “Pt 6° Wecantt use our mobile phones at school (aren't allowed) Te otle (s plaved— play — is playing — has played) footbsll everywhew 10» My dog doesn't come into my bedroom. (don’t...) 14, Blephants (kil — kills ~ are killing ~ are killed) for their tuske 11. My father doesn’t let me play football in the street. (allowed to) 1S. Tam (let allowed ~ allow — lets) to go out after midnight; 12, My parents let me put posters on my bedroom wall. (allowed) 16, They don't (le allow — allowed - lets) me go after midniglit; 13, We can't wear jeans to school. (allowed to) 14, Sorry, this is a No-Parking area. (You aren't...) 15. Lam not allowed to listen to loud music. (My parents...) 16. The teacher doesn’t let us run in the corridor. (allowed to) 17. A bamboo tower is built for the N'gol ceremony. (They .. 18, Rice isn't grown in England, Farmers ...) 19. People can’t smoke in hospitals. (allowed to) 20, Our parents let us play football on Friday. (allow) 21, They a grow rice in Asia. Rice...) 22. People waste too much water. (wasted) 23, They hold the Olympic Games every four years. (held) 24, They drink two bottles of Pepsi every day. (drunk) 2S. They produce great films in Hollywood. (Great films ..) 26.1 don't mind if you go out with your friends, (Callow ... 27. Farmers plant a lot of vegetables. (are) 28. She spends all her money on sweets. (spent) 1" Pr | First Term Scanned with CamScanner (m) — aE SOM, Gs) HIS Laughton Enjoy 2 ny mt themetvg 3 ABB AS a gay Work with Medicine shys Abit dtfereat Examine 8 Gani Make «tay h Make funny faces gay cis a. day : Clown doctor Isa clown who children laugh Interview Interviewer Pretend to Do (crazy things) ns! hig BF caruary ere Bretend t0 bea doct a ‘® Good moming to Good morning to all our listeners and welcom ¥ Work with") 527% J really enjoy working with children. ® Abit =a little 79S eed 0 de something a bie different (a lite differen ‘® Have'fun UO = Enjoy yourself Did you have fun? = Did you enjoy yourself? ® See someone Ging)’ They are happy when they see the children having fun 1 get angry when I see you arguing with your mother. ¥ enjoy /love > ng.) Lalso love working with the doctors and nurses ‘® The'best thing is (ing) The best thing is seeing the children laugh The worst thing is making fun of others, ! Examples and Notes: e + Clown doctors aren't really doctors, but clowns who pretendtobes * They go to children’s hospitals and do all kinds of erazy things sick children laugh, wie 7 Clown doctors do this because they think laughter isthe best ml 7 1's very important forthe children to laugh, smile and enjoy then ne 10 our programme Mig Tutoe | Your way to full marks \——_————— Havé Make ok Ma7eds| afoolofyoursey dk phn an EH -ches| funny faces Yeniee cen de, spoodtime — ely | a mistake ace, Ga Gains | fun of someone Alo ae fn | someone laugh Aleta, | someone smile et Vocabulary Notes: (2) taugh about (something) * laugh at (someone) * laugh with (omeone) Do you always laugh about your friend's jokes? «pe a.22 He didn't Ike the joke but he laughed with his friends? aa) gS 2 It's not polite to laugh at other people. co s/c ay @) have a good laugh with = laugh with He enjoyed his time and had a good laugh (laughed) with his friends (3) never mind = it’s no big deal Lage yall 1 aa yy Never mind, we all make mistakes sometimes. 1's no big deal, we all make mistakes sometimes, (#) Joke (0) EE Joke (¥.) C34 Tella joke 2534 Do you enjoy your friends" jokes? Do you enjoy joking with your friends? Can you tell funny jokes? ( practical joke =a funny trick 48 Ua i035, They told me it was a fancy dress part (6) straight away= immediately = at once 82+ Jad yt She felt angry and went home straight awey. (7) get feel... (angry — hurt) Do you get angry when your friends laugh at you? (8) Look (good / funny / great) You look good in those clothes? You look funy in this tee-shirt. (9) Faney dress party 4 60 dis ‘She was invited to a fancy dress party so she dressed up as a chicken. 4" Prep. |First Term Scanned with CamScanner

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