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Redação Athus

Kaique Welzel – A2

A Safari in Africa

The word 'Safari' originates from the Arabic word 'Safara' which means 'a journey'.

During a safari you can see lions and zebras living free, instead of cooped up in a zoo.

The best destinations for African safaris are Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda,
South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

African safari is an expedition or a trip, usually by tourists, to observe animals in their natural
habitat. These natural habitats can be national parks or game reserves.

The modern concept of the safari can be traced back to the early colonial era in Africa, from
the late 1800s to the early 1900s. With the arrival of the first European explorers and
colonizers came the first safari-style expeditions. Some of them aimed at exploring new
territories, many for the express purpose of hunting animals.

On these early European-led expeditions, big game (large animals) were hunted and
arduously lugged overland by a small army of local tribespeople. These days, most people have
left the negative hunting connotations of safari travel behind. The outdated ideas of African
Safaris as hunting trips have largely been replaced by more modern concepts of wildlife
Safaris. The norm for a safari in Africa is now a socially and environmentally responsible form
of travel.

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