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1. Order products from Wayfair (not freight or ge)

2. Go to the panel with order details.
3. Click the product you want to get refunded.
4. Click "Make a return (Full Refund)"
5. Click 50% off that boxes and write a description about the item being damaged.
6. Request refund.
7. Instant refund for any item that is under $600 and no freight or ge.



1. Order products from Wayfair (not freight or ge)

2. Go to the panel with order details.
3. Click the product you want to get refunded.
4. Click "Make a return (Full Refund)"
5. Click 50% off that boxes and write a description about the item being damaged.
Always mention that you cannot repack the items since they are damaged.
6. (MOST IMPORTANT STEP) Take a picture with a damaged boxed similar from Wayfair
ones and search your item online being damaged. Here comes Photoshop skills, go
ahead and edit that item beign broken (this is an extra step -> editing the item
being broken), but this step guarantees the refund.
7. Request refund.
8. Within 4 hours they will get back to you via mail saying that your product got

- can do it on multiple items
- works on freight
- works on GE
- 90% success rate only with the picture of damaged box (a real box from Wayfair),
100% success rate if the item is photoshopped damaged




1) Install FireRTC
2) Get a premium account from Nulled ( https://www.nulled.to/topic/1267212-
%C2%A3750-firertc-accounts-great-for-reselling/ )
3) Get the customer phone number from the Google Form or from the WayFair Account.
4) Copy it and insert it on FireRTC
5) Call Wayfair Customer Support
6) Tell them you got your package yesterday and the *name of the item* was fully
ripped off. Act very mad and say it was your wife's money or that was a gift. Get
rep to be emotional.
7) Rep will tell you to drop some pictures with the item, just tell him you are at
work and you cannot focus on anything since your wife is calling you every some
hours to ask for a solution. Ask for a replacement ALWAYS (not REFUND)
8) They will issue a replacement and afterwards they will say to drop some pictures
to their email to prevent this things from happening.
9) Wait some minutes (recommended maximum 1 hour) and cancel the replacement = FULL
REFUND INSTANTLY. If they want to issue refund, go with direct refund fromt he rep,
if they say anything about replacement, accept it because that is a security thing
they do to leech refunders.
10) Success :)

#FREIGHT & GE METHOD (24 hours)

1) Start a return and you will get a label or if you want to speed up the process
go with this:
1.1) Install FireRTC
1.2) Get a premium account from Nulled ( https://www.nulled.to/topic/1267212-
%C2%A3750-firertc-accounts-great-for-reselling/ )
1.3) Get the customer phone number from the Google Form or from the WayFair
1.4) Copy it and insert it on FireRTC
1.5) Call Wayfair Customer Support
1.6) Tell them you want to start a return because the item arrived too late or any
excuse. They will drop a label to your email.
2) Edit the label and make ftid v4 or v5 or v5.5 (version 4 works the best for
fastest refunds).


FTID version 4: This is where you use single side print flyers with an
advertisement on it and place the label(ftid3 label) on the other side (withoud ad)
- typically you would only use this for international orders so it gets through
customs quicker or if you needed faster shipping with say budget shipping labels
- often reffered to as 'advanced' FTID3, but its not really I only use this for
international orders

FTID version 5: Theres like 10 different versions of FTID5 but here is the barcode
- Use a barcode generator and add your tracking number to it then replace on label
- create a QR code holding a similar or unreadable tracking number
- it's completely unnessacary to use this method unless you are doing a fake return

FTID5.5: fake return: this is where you send an item of a similar weight and you
are sending it to the actual company
- its rare that this is required typically you only do this if you suck and fail a
refund and a FTID or just FTID

Very important!
This is how FTID version 3 looks if you don't know how it looks and how to edit
FTID version 3:


3) After you edit the label, go ahead and drop it to your closest postal office.
4) Wait some hours.
5) Refund issued.

You don't want to FTID them with version 4 yourself?

Just talk with a boxer and tell him to FTID for Wayfair (he know version 4 and he
will do it for you for cheap)
Here is a contact for cheap FTIDs (most refunders use this boxer): @teleFTID

Most refunders go with second method (FTID v4 or FTID v5) since they don't wanna
call and talk with reps. Up to you right now.

For any questions, feel free to message me.

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