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MBO – Management by Objective

MBO is an approach to planning that aims to overcome barriers that might stop an
organization from achieving its objectives. It involves the setting up of goals by
managers and their subordinate working together by specifying responsibilities and
assigning authority for achieving the goals.
Shri Kameshwar Dubey ji, Gold Medalist in MBA, LLB, Cyber Law, MCOM
Shri Kameshwar Dubey ji, Gold Medalist in MBA, LLB, Cyber Law, MCOM
Shri Kameshwar Dubey ji, Gold Medalist in MBA, LLB, Cyber Law, MCOM
Shri Kameshwar Dubey ji, Gold Medalist in MBA, LLB, Cyber Law, MCOM
Shri Kameshwar Dubey ji, Gold Medalist in MBA, LLB, Cyber Law, MCOM
Coming soon ……..

Shri Kameshwar Dubey ji, Gold Medalist in MBA, LLB, Cyber Law, MCOM

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