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Writers: Benjamin Wright
Mike 'R oter
,F ront Cover: Lionel Talaro

Back Cover: Mark Schumann
Illustration: Ric Lowry
Angela Lowry
Barry Winston
Matt: J. Haley
Layout & Design: Mark Schumann

Editing: e
Matt Anacleto
Derek Quintanar. S.E.
:louise Stewart
Playtesters: Ross Winn
Jeff Hexter
Craig Sheeley
Scott Taylor

Copyright 1993 R. Talsorian Games All Rights Reserved. Cyberpunk® is

R. Talsorian's trademark name for its game of the dark future. Wildside is a
trademark of R. Talsorian Games Inc. All Rights Reserved. All incidents, situations,
and persons portrayed within are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent,
to characters living or dead is strictly coincidental.
ISBN# 0-937279-42-0
~ •••• ~. ~.~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• » ••••••••• • ••••• •• •••••• •• • •••••• ~ •• •••••

InsideWildside .................................................................................................................................................... 4

What Mak:es a Fixer Tick:? .........................................................................................................................4

FIXERS ...........................................................................................................................................................................7

What is a Fixer? ............................................................................................................................................7



specialized Fixers ..................................................................................................................................19

The Extended Family .........................................................................................................................35

NAME OF THE GAME.........................................................................................................................................39

Creating a Fixer.......................................................................................................................................39

Forming a 8usiness................................................................................................................................41

Fitting"Fixers In .......................................................................................................................................45

Fixin' The Campaign ............................................................................................................................48

TOOLS OF THE TRADE...................................................................................................................................51

How to Influence Friends and Mak:e People Do What You Want...........51

Electronic Livelihood ..........................................................................................................................53

Money in 2020 ...........................................................................................................................................57

SINs of Identity ...................................................................................................................................... 62

THE STREET ........................................................................................................................................................... 67


The Strip ......................................................................................................................................................... 67

A Sample StriP: Night City's High Street....................................................................68

Upside Down Town .................................................................................................................................74

Tech Effects................................................................................................................................................74

Talk:ing the Talk:.........................................................................................................................................83

It's a "Small(er) World .........................................................................................................................84

APPENDICIES .......................................................................................................................................................89

~nd!X A- Religioo CVld Pditiqs.._....................._...................................................._....................................................89

~ndl~ 8- Reference Materlal..........................................._..........................................._........................................_.93

AppendiX C - StreetslaQg...........................................................................................................93

Appendix D- Atmosphere r~es............................_..........................................................................................................94


tion of Fixers with thieves; this is a bland 2020 that it seems a shame to devote all
oversimplification. Fixers are the brains attention to corporate extractions and
behind the operation while others per­ gang shoot-outs. As the authors of this
form the hands-on dirty work. Fixers book, we hope you will use it~ informa··
work with people; they are go-betweens, tion to expand your gaming horizons. If
By Benjamin Wright masterminds and negotiators. If they you think freelancing for the corpora­
can, they hire other characters to carry tions as a black ops team-for-hire is
and Michael Roter out missions. This fact should help tough, try establishing and running a
highlight the important idea that Fixers successful smuggling operation! Go

Wekome to the Wildside. You now are everywhere: they own the nightclubs ahead and try anything and everything
stand at the gates to the underground ... of which edgerunners are so fond; they in your games ... play a heavily-sculpted
and as you meander through the pages buy restricted weapons and sell restrict­ exotic Fixer, run a gambling casino as a
of this book, you'll get the inside story ed cyberware, and perform all the other Bookie-business adventure, or set up a
duties which keep covert capitalism "raid & trade" campaign in orbit. Why

on all the deals, scams, rackets and
lowlife that make up Cyberpunk. The alive. Beyond this, Fixers have many not do aU three? Check out the edges of
Wildside is the prototypical gray area , roles in the "legitimate" world, manag­ Cyberpunk and see what you find .
where nothing is simple and despera­ ing the careers of big-name Rockers, Don't be trapped by any bounds,
tion meets decadence. This is the stuff acting as political favor brokers, hiring even the ones in this book. If there's
of the Street, the dominion of the Fixer themselves out as media talent scouts something you don't like, ignore it. If
and the essence of Cyberpunk The Wild­ and even being your local Avon lady! certain rules would walk all over your
side has always been at the beating No matter what position they fulfill, Fix­ character or campaign, pretend you
heart of the dark future, but so far it has ers can add new dimensions to a Cyber­ never read it or rewri te it to sui t your
been relegated to half-written codes. It punk game. purposes. After all, rules should always
has never been thoroughly explored
and the systems which make it work
have never been named, published or
explained. Until now. Why? Because it's
not pretty. Th is stuff is grungy, nervous,
New dimensions are what Wildside is
all about. Cyberpunk may be full of creative
violence, but it is a world where bullet~
can cut through armor like cheesecloth
and dying is not only inevitable-it's easy.
be secondary to role-playing. However,
be warned that even one rules change
in your game can disrupt the balance of
a campaign. Like all things in Cyber1JUnk,
a pebble thrown into a pond makes
illegal, confused, jury-rigged, menac­ In such an environment, combat is an waves. Technologies used to make
ing, claustrophobic and disturbing. obstacle, not a goal. There are so many weapons will trickle down to the general
Most people want glamour and action role-playing possibilities in Cyberpunk public and show up in toasters, so
out of their endeavors, but there's more remember the law of cause and effect:
to Cyberpunk than that. If you don't want every effect ha~ it~ CAWS.
to know, don't bother reading any fur­
ther. Like they say on the Strip, "If

you're squeamish, don't kick the beach

Some people may wonder why this

book is needed; after all, everyone

knows that street lowlife is an integral
part of Cyberpunk and Fixers are just The following was downloaded
thieves and drug dealers, right? from the files of the School of Human

No . Although it may be perfectly Sciences at the University of Hamburg

clear to your average Cyberpunk player in Germany. It contains excerpt~ from a
that the underground exists, some play­ lecture by the University'S Dr. Jurgen
ers fail to grasp all its subtleties and Zielger, Chief of the Department of
nuances. The underground can be diffi­ Modern Anthropology and Sociology,
cult to understand, therefore some roIe­ entitled "Behavior Patterns of the North
players try to gloss over its intricacies. American Fixer." The lecture was given
Now they no longer have to . Despite the at an international Sociology confer­
number of Fixer characters that are out ence held at the Mat~uyama Institute of
there, less has been said about this role Higher Learning in Osaka,Japan . This
than any other in the Cyberpunk 2020 written transcript was translated from
rules. Perhaps the greatest misunder­ German-audio, video and braindance
standing of these characters is the equa- recordings are also available.

" ... North America has always been told me of his desire to move into the - the hole in your souL"
noted for its high crime rate. A natural smuggling of stolen human organs. I: "What exactly does that mean?"
but nonetheless disturbing result of this InterViewer: "Your life style must be #23: "It means that one day you
century-long trend of civil rebellion is very exciting? I've seen many popular walk up and put 3 nines in a brat who

the evolution of the so-called Fixer. For braindance chips and videos highIight­ ain't even old enough to shave just
those members of my audience who ing life on the American street~." 'cause he's in your way."
may not be familiar with the term, a #23: "Exciting? I don't think you 1: '"nines?'''
Fixer is an independent street operative really understand what's here, gato." #23: [makes a gun out of his hand
who specializes in the exchange of I: "Please, enlighten us." by pointing with his index finger and
goods-any type of goods, be they #23: Excitement - yeah, I guess. If dropping his thumb] "Bang!!"
found, bargained for or stolen-for as living in a sewer is your idea of excitin'. I: "Uh ... "

great a profit margin as possible. This I: "But, what about the romance, #23: "The hole, gaijin. It means that
lecture centers mostly on the North the adventure?" soap-opera love is too good for ya now.
American Fixer, but as my honorable #23: "Adventure? You want the fairy Best you can hope for is a hot night with
hosts can attest, the phenomena is not tale, don't you? Here's the facts: every some cold fraulein between the sheets
limited to the Americas ... , day you wake up and look over that ... All shake, man, no heat."
" ...The subject of interview #23 hails edge, into that hole in yourself, and I: "Er.... how is your dinner?"
from Quebec. He has spent the last 15 every day it grows a little bit larger... " #23: "Well, I'll say this much, it's
years on the streets of Providence, RI, in I: "How clever, an allusion to Niet­ not like my usual grub-time."
the northeastern region of the United zche, no doubt." I: "Why would that be?"
States of America. During his career, #23: "Who?" #23: "For once, I don't hafta worry
#23 has been a drug dealer, a trafficker I: "Excuse me. You were saying whether the knife or the fork would
in stolen goods and, most recently, a something about a 'hole.'" make a better weapon, if there was trou­
trader in highly illegal software. #23 has #23: "Yeah, the hole in your heart ble .. ."



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