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Astrological Predictions
With norms for financial gain in share market

 
as per

M. K. Agarwal
Edited by ChiStaBo
A.D. 2013
  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Editor's foreword: this is edited version (v3) of scan PDF found on Internet. I have allowed myself an editors
right to slightly modify it: all names are in Vedic, and Grahas are abbreviated: Sy – Surya (Sun), Ch – Chandra
(Moon), Ma – Mangala (Mars), Bu – Budha (Mercury), Gu – Guru (Jupiter), Sk – Sukra (Venus), Sa – Sani
(Saturn), Ra – Rahu (North Node), Ke – Ketu (South Node). And I did beautiful job by replicating original
pictures. Some pages are missing in scan PDF, there are notes in text on those places. All my additions are
inclosed in [ Chistabo ] brackets. Table headers are back-linked to List of tables, and main Chapter titles back-
linked to Contents. Also Contents button has been added. Enjoy.

Chapter 1
Importance of Sarvatobhadra Chakra
Individual problems ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
National problems.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Benefic auspicious time (Muhurta) .............................................................................................................................. 6
Prasna............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Business forecasts ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Source of SBC .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 2
Important norms of astrology
Standard documents ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Astrological documents ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Division of time .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Grahas .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Rasis ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Tithis ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Nakshatras ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
New Ch ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Graha Sputa - longitude of Grahas .............................................................................................................................. 9
Change of Rasi by Grahas ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Nakshatra occupied by Ch ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Sankranti.......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Grahas - combustion & rise ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Graha - retrograde & direct .........................................................................................................................................10
Important features of a horoscope – Chakra .............................................................................................................10
Grahas .............................................................................................................................................................................10
Misc. matters about horoscope ....................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 3
Sarvatobhadra Chakra & its constituents
Nakshatras .....................................................................................................................................................................11
Rasis ................................................................................................................................................................................11
Tithis ...............................................................................................................................................................................12
Weekdays .......................................................................................................................................................................12
Vowels ............................................................................................................................................................................12
Consonants .....................................................................................................................................................................12
Directions .......................................................................................................................................................................12
How to determine vowel etc. from popular name ...................................................................................................13
Extra details....................................................................................................................................................................13
Vargas in SBC ................................................................................................................................................................13

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Sapta Nadi ......................................................................................................................................................................13

Vimshottari Mahadasa .................................................................................................................................................14
Strength of Grahas in natal & Navamsa charts .........................................................................................................14
Navamsa .........................................................................................................................................................................15
Chapter 4
All about Nakshatras
Benefic / malefic Nakshatras ......................................................................................................................................15
Particulars of Nakshatras .............................................................................................................................................16
Tendency of Nakshatras ...............................................................................................................................................16
Extra details....................................................................................................................................................................17
Notes ...............................................................................................................................................................................17
Chapter 5
All about Grahas
Nature of Grahas ...........................................................................................................................................................18
Rising and combustion of Grahas (Uday & Ast) ......................................................................................................19
Retrogradation of Grahas .............................................................................................................................................19
Retrograde motion ........................................................................................................................................................20
Vedha power of a Graha ..............................................................................................................................................20
How to determine speed - a simple method .............................................................................................................20
Exaltation of Grahas ......................................................................................................................................................21
Navamsa Varga .............................................................................................................................................................21
Transit of Grahas ...........................................................................................................................................................22
Impact of Grahas in transit ..........................................................................................................................................23
Conjunction of Grahas in a Nakshatra during transit ..............................................................................................23
Notes ...............................................................................................................................................................................23
Vedha of Grahas ............................................................................................................................................................23
Direct motion .................................................................................................................................................................23
Types of Vedha ..............................................................................................................................................................23
Grading of aspect ..........................................................................................................................................................23
Special Vedha.................................................................................................................................................................24
Aspect - benefic or malefic ...........................................................................................................................................24
Significations of Grahas ................................................................................................................................................25
Chapter 6
All about Rasis
Significations of Rasis ...................................................................................................................................................28
Chapter 7
Numerical strength of Grahas
Strength of rising or combust Grahas .........................................................................................................................31
Strength of retrograde Grahas .....................................................................................................................................31
Strength of exalted Grahas ...........................................................................................................................................32
Strength of Graha in Navamsa Rasi............................................................................................................................32
Chapter 8
General strength of Grahas (Shadbala)
Sthana Bala .....................................................................................................................................................................33
Digbala [directional strength] ......................................................................................................................................33
Chesta bala .....................................................................................................................................................................33
Naisargikbala - natural strength .................................................................................................................................33

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Kalbala - temporal strength .........................................................................................................................................33

Chapter 9
Vedha of Grahas
Methodology ..................................................................................................................................................................34
Procedure .......................................................................................................................................................................34
Special Vedha aspect.....................................................................................................................................................34
Grading of Vedha ..........................................................................................................................................................35
Navamsa Vedha ............................................................................................................................................................35
Special Vedha of Sy .......................................................................................................................................................35
Front Vedha ...................................................................................................................................................................36
Special note on Vedha ..................................................................................................................................................36
Vedha by benefic Grahas in lucky years. ...................................................................................................................36
Normal Vedha of Grahas .............................................................................................................................................37
Chart of Vedha...............................................................................................................................................................37
Chapter 10
Forecasting methodology – future of individuals
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................38
Future of individuals (Prasna norms) ........................................................................................................................38
Standard practice for Vedha in SBC ...........................................................................................................................39
Vedha of Janma Nakshatra by malefic Grahas .........................................................................................................40
Vedha of Janma Rasi by malefic Grahas ....................................................................................................................40
Vedha of Janma Tithi by malefic Grahas ...................................................................................................................40
Vedha of Janma consonants by malefic Grahas ........................................................................................................41
Vedha of Janma vowel by malefic Grahas .................................................................................................................41
Vedha of Janma Nakshatra by benefic Grahas ..........................................................................................................41
Vedha of Janma Rasi by benefic Grahas ....................................................................................................................41
Vedha of Janma Tithi by benefic Grahas....................................................................................................................41
Vedha of Janma consonant by benefic Grahas ..........................................................................................................41
Vedha of Janma vowel by benefic Grahas .................................................................................................................41
Vedha of Janma Nakshatra and other sensitive Nakshatras from Ch ...................................................................42
Special notes on Vedha of Janma Nakshatra causing death ...................................................................................42
Some special Vedhas by Grahas ..................................................................................................................................43
Additional Vedha by Grahas .......................................................................................................................................44
Vedha results .................................................................................................................................................................44
Additional notes ............................................................................................................................................................45
Sapta Nadi and Vedha of Nadi Lord ..........................................................................................................................45
Vedha results of Upagrahas .........................................................................................................................................47
Vedha of Nakshatras, from Janma Nakshatra by Grahas and their Vedha results..............................................47
Notes ...............................................................................................................................................................................48
Chapter 11
Forecasting methodology - how to determine benefic Muhurta
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................48
Methodology ..................................................................................................................................................................48
Another method for determining benefic / malefic Muhurta ................................................................................49
Malefic Latta Dosh ........................................................................................................................................................50

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Chapter 12
Forecasting methodology - how to determine sickness & accident
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................50
The results of malefic Vedha .......................................................................................................................................50
Chapter 13
Forecasting methodology - how to determine success in national politics and war
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................51
Directional Vedha power of Sy ...................................................................................................................................51
Victory in war ................................................................................................................................................................51
Notes ...............................................................................................................................................................................52
Chapter 14
Forecasting methodology - Prasna
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................52
Methodology ..................................................................................................................................................................52
Chapter 15
Forecasting methodology - how to determine prices of commodities
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................53
Definitions ......................................................................................................................................................................53
Methodology ..................................................................................................................................................................54
Standard practice...........................................................................................................................................................55
Impact of Grahas on prices due to Vedha of Rasis ...................................................................................................57
Special norms for Teji & Mandi ...................................................................................................................................60
Timing of events ............................................................................................................................................................61
Chapter 16
Forecasting methodology - impact of Vedha on Hindu casts
Methodology ..................................................................................................................................................................62
Chapter 17
Significators for countries, states, cities, commodities & other matters
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................62
Ruling Rasis of countries & cities of world ................................................................................................................62
Graha - geographical area ruled ..................................................................................................................................64
Nakshatras - different parts of India & cities (based on Krum Chakra) ................................................................64
Nakshatras - significators of commodities ................................................................................................................65
Rasis - significators of commodities ...........................................................................................................................65
Grahas - significators of commodities ........................................................................................................................66
Chapter 18
Sarvatobhadra Chakra & other important Chakras
01. Sarvatobhadra Chakra ............................................................................................................................................66
02. Latta Chakra .............................................................................................................................................................67
03. Surya Kalanal Chakra .............................................................................................................................................68
04. Chandra Kalanal Chakra ........................................................................................................................................69
05. Sapta Salaka Chakra ...............................................................................................................................................69
06. Kurm Chakra ...........................................................................................................................................................69
07. Dhrubank Chakra ....................................................................................................................................................70
08. Dhuajadi Chakra .....................................................................................................................................................73

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Chapter 19
Case studies .......................................................................................................................................................................76

Chapter 20
Astrological norms for financial gain in share market .............................................................................................85
01. Astrological factors applied for share market .....................................................................................................85
02. Astrological combinations in natal Chakra of native, indicating financial gain from share market ...........86
03. Astrological norms for success in primary market .............................................................................................88
04. Astrological norms for success in secondary market .........................................................................................89
Norms for bullish market (Teji) ...................................................................................................................................89
Norms for bearish trend (Mandi) ................................................................................................................................90

List of tables

Table 1 Rasis ................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Table 2 Tithi names ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Table 3 Rasis in Vargas (SBC squares) .......................................................................................................................11
Table 4 Consonants (first letter of name) ..................................................................................................................12
Table 5 Swar (vowels) ..................................................................................................................................................13
Table 6 Sapta Nadi Chakra .........................................................................................................................................14
Table 7 Navamsa Chakra ............................................................................................................................................15
Table 8 Nakshatras characteristics .............................................................................................................................16
Table 9 Nakshatras - Padas & consonants ................................................................................................................17
Table 10 Characteristics of Grahas ...............................................................................................................................18
Table 11 Graha's relations with Rasis ..........................................................................................................................19
Table 12 Graha's period of retrogresion ......................................................................................................................19
Table 13 Standard speeds of Grahas ............................................................................................................................20
Table 14 Graha's characteristics ....................................................................................................................................21
Table 15 Navamsa Chakra (2) .......................................................................................................................................22
Table 16 Graha's period in Rasi, Nakshatra & Navamsa ..........................................................................................22
Table 17 Grading of Vedha ...........................................................................................................................................23
Table 18 Rasi occupied by Graha .................................................................................................................................24
Table 19 Special Vedhas ................................................................................................................................................24
Table 20 Classic Drishtis in Jyotish ..............................................................................................................................24
Table 21 Nature of Rasis ................................................................................................................................................27
Table 22 Characteristics of Rasis ..................................................................................................................................28
Table 23 Numerical strength of Grahas .......................................................................................................................31
Table 24 Numerical strength of Grahas in Navamsas ...............................................................................................32
Table 25 Grading of Vedha on 5 Panchkas .................................................................................................................35
Table 26 Automatic Vedha of vowels ..........................................................................................................................36
Table 27 9th Bhava Lord as lucky Graha ......................................................................................................................36
Table 28 Vedhas of Grahas on Nakshatras etc. ..........................................................................................................37
Table 29 Position of Grahas for individual predictions ............................................................................................39
Table 30 Additional Vedhas of Grahas (2) ..................................................................................................................44
Table 31 Sapta Nadi & Vedha of Nadi Lord ...............................................................................................................46
Table 32 Vedha results of Upagrahas ..........................................................................................................................47
Table 33 Malefic Nakshatras from Surya ....................................................................................................................49
Table 34 Malefic Latta Dosh ..........................................................................................................................................50
Table 35 Latta table of Grahas ......................................................................................................................................67
Table 36 Results of Surya Kalanal Chakra ..................................................................................................................68
Table 37 Dhrubank Chakra ...........................................................................................................................................72
Table 38 Dhuajadi Chakra .............................................................................................................................................73
Table 39 Chandra's favorite degrees ............................................................................................................................88

» Sarvatobhadra Chakra «

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Chapter 1
Importance of Sarvatobhadra Chakra

Sarvatobhadra Chakra (SBC) is like a light lamp empowered to enlighten whole World. According to
Brahmyamal Granth, SBC is an instrument which can most accurately predict & also verify correctness of
astrological predictions. It can be successfully applied for following purposes.

Individual problems
Success in efforts, danger, financial loss, sickness, death, obstructions, loss of relatives, wife & son, dispute with
Government, different types of diseases, gain & loss of property, foreign travel, imprisonment, loss of position,
setback in profession, improvement in profession, fruitless travels, heart trouble, protection from malefic
influence, recovery from sickness, success in efforts, lucky periods, improvement in position & reputation,
improvement in wealth, financial gains, good luck, success in election, success in examination, successful foreign
travel, accidents, happy & unhappy periods.

National problems
National politics & wars, economic growth, war with enemy, success in war, timing of war for success, malefic
period for Gov., defeat of Gov. & other political matters, Sandhi and famine. The prediction can be for central
Gov., state Gov., or even for local bodies.

Benefic auspicious time (Muhurta)

Most auspicious Muhurta can be determined through SBC, to ensure success in efforts & ensure good luck &
happiness. SBC's Muhurta can be applied for individual & other activities.

Whenever a horoscope or Janma Chakra is not available, SBC can successfully answer all possible queries. For
horary, methodology is not only simple but most accurate & reliable also.

Business forecasts
Teji (rise) & Mandi (fall); SBC can be successfully applied for determining Mandi & Teji in country, or any
particular state or in any particular city and also in any part of year, month or day and also for any commodity -
iron, steel, metal, gur, sugar, cotton, grain, vegetable products, farm / house products, and large number of
commodities used by human being. It can also indicate quantum of Mandi & Teji.
Acharya Narpati Ji in his commentary has declared SBC as a wonderful example of futurology which was
developed by Hindu Sages after lot of labor & sincere efforts.

Source of SBC
The main source of SBC is Brahmyamal Granth of Hindu literature. Thereafter number of other commentators &
Sages experimented & developed its application for welfare of human beings. SBC consisting of 81 Vargas is
recommended by author of Brahmyamal Granth.
Other commentators
 Narpati - author of Narpati Jayacharya.
 Mantreswara.
 Author of Mansagari.
 Garg.
 Varaha Mihira.

Chapter 2
Important norms of astrology

Astrology is most popular & common term used throughout world. Vedic astrology is most accurate & reliable
science. Unfortunately during last few hundred years, principles of ancient Vedic astrology are ignored &

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

disappearing gradually. Those who have sufficient knowledge of Vedic astrology are not approachable by a
common man and they also do not like to part with most valuable knowledge. Astrology is not superstition. It
has developed along with civilization.
Astrology has developed along with astronomy. Astronomy is accepted as a science, but scientists are not
willing to accept astrology as a science. It is essential to explain importance of astrology in this book, because
most of principles applied in Sarvatobhadra Chakra are based on astrological norms. Most of essential Panchkas
of astrology (which are applied in SBC) are also Panchkas of SBC.
Astrological principles are applied for future prediction, through methodologies documented in following
standard documents.

Standard documents
 Jataka documents.
 Prasna documents.
 Muhurta documents.
 Nast Jataka documents (unknown Janma time).
 Varshphala documents (annual horoscopes).
 Panchang for determining current position of different Panchkas of astrology.

Astrological documents
Astrology has also developed specialized documents on following subjects:
 Females astrology.
 Jataka (individuals) problem (Hora).
 Medical astrology.
 Marriage astrology.
 Longevity (Kalachakra) astrology.
 Business astrology - prices & market condition.
 Mundane astrology.
 Remedial measures in astrology.
 Tantra & Mantras.
In addition, large numbers of Sages have prescribed different norms for tackling different problems of Jataka
(native). But how to verify different predictions by different astrologers? Consequently our Sages developed
methodologies to verify correctness in different predictions. Sarvatobhadra Chakra is one of them.
In case SBC is also applied to verify correctness of astrological predictions, native can be guided about truth.
This will repose confidence in individual & percentage of correct predictions may be improved.
To ensure correct application of SBC, some elementary knowledge of astrology is essential. Some of important
norms of astrology have been recorded in relevant chapters. However some more norms are explained here to
understand astrological terminology & apply them correctly.

Division of time
Consists of 12 months or 365 days.
Lunar months
Indian system: 12 months.
Chitra, Visakha, Jyeshta, Ashada, Sravana, Bhadrapada, Aswina, Kartika, Mrigasira, Pushya, Magha, Phalguna.
Each month is divided into 2 Pakshas as under:
 Sukla Paksha (bright half).
 Krishna Paksha (dark half).
There are 7 days as under:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Ghati, Pal, Vipal
1 day is equal to 60 Ghatis.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

1 Ghati is equal to 60 Pal.

1 Pal is equal to 60 Vipal.
1 hour is equal to 60 minutes.
1 minute is equal to 60 seconds.
Solar months
Means when Sy enters a particular Rasi. There are 12 solar months, based on 12 Rasis.

There are 9 Grahas as under:
Surya, Chandr, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Sukr, Sani, Rahu, Ketu. Their characteristics are explained in Chapter 5. In
addition, there are 3 more newly discovered Grahas - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Zodiac is divided into 12 Rasis of 30° each. These are as under:
Table 1 - Rasis

No. Rasis Longitude Quality Fruitful

01. Mesa 0° - 30° Moving Semi-Fruitful
02. Vrisabha 30° - 60° Fixed Semi-Fruitful
03. Mithuna 60° - 90° Mutable Barren
04. Karkataka 90° - 120° Moving Fruitful
05. Simha 120° - 150° Fixed Barren
06. Kanya 150° - 180° Mutable Barren
07. Tula 180° - 210° Moving Semi-Fruitful
08. Vriscika 210° - 240° Fixed Fruitful
09. Dhanur 240° - 270° Mutable Semi-Fruitful
10. Makara 270° - 300° Moving Semi-Fruitful
11. Kumbha 300° - 330° Fixed Barren
12. Mina 330° - 360° Mutable Fruitful

Each degree (Ansh) is again divided as under:

1 Rasi = 30° (30 Ansh) / 1° degree (Ansh) = 60' (60 Kala) / 1' minute (Kala) = 60" seconds (Vikala).
E.g. 20 degree (Ansh), 20 minutes (Kala) & 20 seconds (Vikala) can be indicated as 20°, 20', 20".

There are 30 Tithis - 15 belonging to Sukla Paksha & 15 to Krishna Paksha, as under:

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Table 2 - Tithi names

Sukla Paksha Krishna Paksha

Tithi Name Tithi Name
01. Pratipada 01. Pratipada
02. Dvitiya 02. Dvitiya
03. Tritiya 03. Tritiya
04. Chaturthi 04. Chaturthi
05. Panchami 05. Panchami
06. Shasti 06. Shasti
07. Saptami 07. Saptami
08. Astami 08. Astami
09. Navami 09. Navami
10. Dasami 10. Dasami
11. Ekadasi 11. Ekadasi
12. Dvadasi 12. Dvadasi
13. Trayodasi 13. Trayodasi
14. Chaturdasi 14. Chaturdasi
Poornima Amavasya
15. 15.
[Full Ch] [New Ch]

There are 27 Nakshatras. But in Sarvatobhadra Chakra Abhijit Nakshatra is also used. In all, 28 Nakshatras are
used in SBC. Their names & characteristics are given in Chapter 4. Abhijit Nakshatra is not used in following
 Fixing year of events - based on Janma Nakshatra as first year of native's life.
 Deciding favorable & unfavorable Nakshatras by dividing them into 9 groups - three Nakshatras in one
Abhijit Nakshatra extends from 9R 6° 40' 0" to 9R 10° 53' 20" [Editor's note: 9th Rasi].

New Ch
Ch is invisible on last day of month known as Amavasya. After Amavasya, a small curve is seen in sky on
Pratipada of Sukla Paksha. This rise of Ch is classified as New Ch.

Graha Sputa - longitude of Grahas

All Grahas are regularly transiting in sky. Their speed differs from time to time. Both characteristics of Grahas
are most important and are used in SBC. Speed of Graha & its longitude are always recorded in local
Panchangas & ephemeris.

Change of Rasi by Grahas

After stay in a Rasi for specified period, a Graha shifts to another Rasi during course of its transit. These details
are given in ephemeris.

Nakshatra occupied by Ch
This indicates Janma Nakshatra of native & also indicates Janma Rasi of native. These are widely used in SBC.
Accurate position of Ch on any day is recorded in ephemeris.

When Sy leaves a Rasi & enters another Rasi, it is known as Sankranti. E.g. when Sy enters Mesha Rasi, it is
known as Mesh Sankranti.

Grahas - combustion & rise

When a Graha, during course of its transit, comes near Sy or Sy comes near Graha, Graha disappears due to
severe light of Sy. That phenomenon is known as combustion of Graha. When Graha reappears & is visible, it is
known as Uday (rise) of Graha. Ma, Sa & Gu are always combust in West direction & again rise in East. Bu & Sk
are combust in West & East also. They rise in both directions.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Graha - retrograde & direct

When a Graha, in transit, move straight, it is known as direct and when a Graha turns its direction due to heat of
Sy it is known as retrograde. Direct Graha always goes ahead. Whereas retrograde Graha's longitude reduces
gradually. Sy & Ch are always direct. Whereas Ra & Ke are always retrograde. Other Grahas are direct &
retrograde also. This position of Grahas can be ascertained from ephemeris.

Our earth takes one full round in 24 hours. During course of its movement Grahas, Rasis & Nakshatras appear to
be moving in sky. Rasi which occupies East direction is fixed as Lagna on any particular day or at any particular

Important features of a horoscope – Chakra

 Every horoscope has 12 Bhavas.
 Bhava no. 1, 4, 7, 10 are known as Kendras (angles).
 Bhava no. 5 & 9 are known as Trikonas (trines).
 Bhava no. 2, 5, 8, 11 are known as Panapharas (cadent).
 Bhava no. 3, 6, 9, 12 are known as Apoklimas (succedent).
 Malefic Grahas are Sy, weak Ch [Editor's note: setting, loosing light, waning], Ma, Sa, Ra & Ke & Bu -
whenever with a malefic Graha.
 Gu, Sk, Bu - whenever alone & waxing Ch [Editor's note: rising, getting light] are benefic Grahas.
 All these 9 Grahas are posited in different Bhavas of horoscope, depending on their longitude.
 Every Bhava has a Rasi, Lord of that Rasi is known as Lord of that Bhava.

[Editor's note: missing text, half row, 2 or 3 words] ... are given in Chapter 5, specially lordship of Grahas, details
about their friends & enemies, strength of Grahas, exalted Rasi & debilitated Rasis, speed & aspect of Grahas.

Misc. matters about horoscope

 Any Graha in 5th or 9th Bhava gives benefic results.
 Lords of 3rd, 6th and 11th [12th?] Bhava are always malefic & they do not give benefic results if Lords are
 Benefic Lords of 4th, 7th and 10th Bhava are 100 % malefic, even Gu & Sk, unless they occupy their own or
exaltation Rasi.
 Malefic Lords of 4th, 7th, 10th are 100 % benefic.
 Lords of 5th & 9th Bhava are 100 % benefic.
 Lords of 2nd & 12th Bhava are neutral, provided they do not own any other Bhava.
 Lord of 8th Bhava is most malefic.
 Lord of 8th Bhava when also Lord of Lagna gives 50 % benefic results.
 Lords of 4th, 7th & 10th Bhava (Gu & Sk), if occupy 2nd or 7th Bhava, are 100 % malefic & become Maraka.
 Lord of 4th, 7th & 10th Bhava if Bu, occupies 2nd or 7th Bhava, is 50 % malefic & 50 % Maraka.
 Lord of 4th, 7th & 10th Bhava if Ch, occupies 2nd or 7th Bhava, is 25 % malefic & 25 % Maraka.
 Lord of 8th Bhava if Sy or Ch, are 25 % malefic.
 Malefic Lords of 4th, 7th & 10th Bhava, when also Lord of 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th [12th?] Bhava, are 50% malefic.
 Ra or Ke, when occupy 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th or 9th Bhava, give benefic results, provided their Lords are
benefic by lordship & when they are conjoined with a benefic strong Graha.
 Ch is less malefic than Bu.
 Bu is less malefic than Gu & Sk.
 9th Bhava is stronger than 5th Bhava.
 10th Bhava is stronger than 7th Bhava.
 7th Bhava is stronger than 4th Bhava.
 6th Bhava is stronger than 3rd Bhava.
 11th [12th?] Bhava is stronger than 6th Bhava.
 Malefic Graha when retrograde becomes double malefic.
 Benefic Graha when retrograde becomes double benefic.
 Lords of 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th and 9th Bhava, if related to each other, especially by conjunction or exchange
of Kendra Lord with Trikona Lord give Raj Yogas.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 If Lords of 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th and 9th have malefic tendencies they give malefic results even if they are Yogi
Grahas (this happens when Lords of 4th, 7th, 10th Bhava are benefic Grahas).
 Astrology is an applied science. Our Sages used to apply it extensively for prediction of all matters
about world, individuals, war & peace, market fluctuations, life & death of native, happy events &
unhappy events, victory & defeat.
 Malefic Lords of 6th, 8th & 12th Bhava are less malefic than benefic Lords of 4th, 7th & 10th Bhava.
 Lagna Lord is 100 % benefic.
 Malefic Lords of 4th, 7th & 10th Bhava if also Lords of 5th or 9th Bhava are Yogi Grahas.

Chapter 3
Sarvatobhadra Chakra & its constituents

Prepare a Sarvatobhadra Chakra by drawing 10 vertical & 10 horizontal lines. Each line intersecting each other,
making 81 Vargas. These Vargas must be equal in size & must be square. This practice is recommended by our
Sages. Some other Sages have recommended SBC consisting of 64 or 144 Vargas. These Varga systems are not
popular. Now record following Panchkas in SBC.

Place all 28 Nakshatras (including Abhijit) in 28 top Vargas of SBC, excluding 4 Vargas in 4 corners, which are
allotted to 4 vowels, A, AA, E, EE. Now indicate Nakshatras in SBC as under:
East direction
Nakshatras from Krittika to Ashlesha (Varga no. 2 - 8).
South direction
Nakshatras from Magha to Visakha (Varga no. 10 - 16).
West direction
Nakshatras from Anuradha to Sravana (Varga no. 18 - 24).
North direction
Nakshatras from Dhanishta to Bharani (Varga no. 26 - 32).
Abhijit Nakshatra is specially applied in SBC. It starts from Uttara Shada, last Pada, ends in Sravana, 2nd Pada.
Longitude 276° 40' to 280° 53' 20". As such duration of 3 Nakshatras is less than other 25 Nakshatras, which are
of 13° 20' each. In SBC, Krittika has been assigned first position because in Swarodaya Shastra & Satpati Chakra,
Krittika has been posited at Rasi no. 1.

The next important constituent of SBC is Rasi. In astrology there are 12 Rasis. These Rasis should be placed in
Vargas assigned to them as under:
Table 3 - Rasis in Vargas (SBC squares)

Rasi Varga no. Direction

Vrisabha 58 East
Mithuna 59 East
Karka 60 East
Simha 62 South
Kanya 63 South
Tula 64 South
Vriscika 66 West
Dhanur 67 West
Makara 68 West
Kumbha 70 North
Mina 71 North
Mesha 72 North
 Each Rasi has 9 Padas & 4 Padas are in each Nakshatra. Keep Varga no. 61, 65, 69, 57 for consonants &

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

The next important constituent are Tithis. These should be placed as under:
 Nanda Tithis 1, 6, 11 in Varga no. 74 in East.
 Bhadra Tithis 2, 7, 12 in Varga no. 76 in South.
 Jaya Tithis 3, 8, 13 in Varga no. 78 in West.
 Rikta Tithis 4, 9, 14 in Varga No. 80 in North.
 Poornima Tithis 5, 10, 15 / 30 in Varga No. 81 in Centre.

The next important constituent is weekdays. These should be placed in SBC, along with Tithis as under:
 Sunday & Tuesday in Varga no. 74 in East.
 Monday & Wednesday in Varga no. 76 in South.
 Thursday in Varga no. 78 in West.
 Friday in Varga no. 80 in North.
 Saturday in Varga no. 81 in Centre.

Thereafter, vowels, which are part of individual name, should be placed as under in SBC:
 A 1
 AA 9
 E (small) 17
 EE (big) 25
 OO (small) 33
 OO (big) 39
 AE (small) 65
 AEI (big) 69
 O (small) 73
 OU (big) 75
 RE 45
 REE 51
 AM 77
 AHA 79
 LRI 57
 LREE 61

Now place consonants (first word of name) in SBC as under:
Table 4 - Consonants (first letter of name)

Consonant Varga no. Consonant Varga no.

A 34 Na 46
Va 35 Ya 47
Ka 36 Bha 48
Ha 37 Ja 49
Da 38 Kha 50
Ma 40 Ga 52
Ta 41 Sa 53
Pa 42 Da 54
Ra 43 Cha 55
Ta 44 La 56

Also indicate directions in SBC. These directions will indicate position of countries, cities in that direction which
are afflicted by Sy, whenever Sy transits in that direction.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

How to determine vowel etc. from popular name

Chakra for determining vowels and consonants from popular latest name, when real horoscope is not available.
Table 5 - Swar (vowels)

Consonants Ka Kha Ga Gha Cha
Sukla Paksha
Tithi 1 2 3 4 5
Consonants Chha Ja Jha Ta Tha
Krishna Paksha
Tithi 1 2 3 4 5
Consonants Da Dha Ta Tha Da
Sukla Paksha
Tithi 6 7 8 9 10
Consonants Dha Na Pa Pha Va
Krishna Paksha
Tithi 6 7 8 9 10
Consonants Bha Ma Ya Ra La
Sukla Paksha
Tithi 11 12 13 14 15
Consonants Ba Sha She Sa Ha
Krishna Paksha
Tithi 11 12 13 14 15
Nanda Bhadra Jaya Rikta Purna
1-6-11 2-7-12 3-8-13 4-9-14 5-10-15
If consonant is Ja, Swar (vowel) will be EE & Tithi will be 2.
From consonant also determine Nakshatra of that word, from Nakshatra determine Rasi & Pada.
This Chakra should be applied when original horoscope of native is not available.
 When consonant is available (from popular name), decide vowel & Tithi from above Chakra. When two
words are joined in name, take vowel which belongs to first word.
 When first word is Swar itself, consider it as Swar & consonant also.
 When an individual has many names, consider latest name only.

Extra details
A detailed SBC should contain following information, which is essential for predictions, based on Nakshatras &
Pada of Nakshatras.
 Nakshatras - 28 Nakshatras including Abhijit.
 Pada of Nakshatras - four Padas in each Nakshatra.
 Consonants & vowels of each Pada of Nakshatra.
 Rasi of Nakshatra.
 Place all 9 Grahas of native's Janma Chakra in appropriate Pada or Nakshatra. Details are given in
specimen, given in Chapter 18.

Vargas in SBC
As explained above, SBC contains 81 Vargas. All these Vargas are distributed as under:
 Nakshatras 28 Vargas
 Rasis 12 Vargas
 Tithis / weekdays 5 Vargas
 Vowels 16 Vargas
 Consonants 20 Vargas
 Total 81 Vargas
See Chapter 18 for SBC [Editor's note: also end of this document].

Sapta Nadi
Details of seven Nadis along with their Nakshatras are given in following Chakra. Find out your Janma
Nakshatra Nadi and locate Lord of your Nadi from following Chakra and specially indicate that Nadi & Lord
over Janma Nakshatra. Whenever any Graha or Grahas transit this Nadi Nakshatra / Lord, it gives result as

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Table 6 - Sapta Nadi Chakra

Nadi Prachand Pawan Dehan Sobhya Neer Jal Amrit

Lord Sa Sy Ma Gu Sk Bu Ch
Nak. Krittika Rohini Mrigasira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Ashlesha
Nak. Visakha Swati Chitra Hasta U. Phalguni P. Phalguni Magha
Nak. Anuradha Jyeshta Moola P. Shada U. Shada Abhijit Sravana
Nak. Bharani Aswini Revati U. Bhadrapada P. Bhadrapada Satabisha Dhanishta

1. Prachand Nadi Nakshatras

Most dangerous. Indicate travelling, differences, malefic Grahas indicate greatest harm. Benefic Grahas indicate
permanent achievement of high standard and unexpected gains.
2. Pawan Nadi Nakshatras
Indicate lot of travelling. Minor benefic and malefic results but very fast.
3. Dehan Nadi Nakshatras
Indicate lot of mental tension in that year, avoid working. He will be quarrelsome, hostile, angry, jealous and
spoil his life to some extent.
4. Sobhya Nadi Nakshatras
Indicate happy results due to Vedha and transit of benefic Grahas. Ensure benefic results to native & all his
family members. Ensure many type of happy events, never experienced in life.
5. Neer Nadi Nakshatras
Indicate uncertainty. Native has to work hard to achieve desired results, otherwise failures. Native gets many
opportunities in this period.
6. Jal Nadi Nakshatras
Indicate some benefic events, which are possible during that year only. Ensure also some benefic and malefic
results which are everlasting.
7. Amrit Nadi Nakshatras
Indicate everlasting benefic results, which native enjoys throughout his life.
 If Nadi Nakshatra Lord alone transits Nakshatra of Nadi, result will be as per name of Nadi.
 Results are more specific when Ch joins Nadi along with benefic / malefic Graha.
 Full Ch (6th of Sukla Paksha to 5th of Krishna Paksha) along with Lord of Nadi transit / aspect, most
benefic results are assured.

Punya Saham
Special sensitive point indicating fortunate longitude & its Lord as under:
Day birth Ch - Sy + Lagna = Longitude.
Night birth Sy – Ch - Lagna = Longitude.
If Lord of above Saham occupies 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th, 9th Bhava, it is most beneficial & fortunate. In other cases,
native does not get desired results. Whenever any benefic Graha transits Saham's longitude & it’s Lord,
fortunate period is indicated.
[Editor's note: equivalent of Part of Fortuna in Western astrology; also some other sources claim - if Lagna is not
between Sy and Ch (day birth) or between Ch and Sy (night birth), add 30° to result - longitude. Day birth
example - go from Sy in zodiacal order towards Ch; if Lagna lays along this path, no need to add 30°. Please
verify this claim.]

Vimshottari Mahadasa
Find out Lords of Dasa and Antardasa. If these Lords occupy 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th Nakshatra from Janma
Nakshatra, benefic results are assured during Dasa as & when benefic Graha transit these Lords position in SBC.

Strength of Grahas in natal & Navamsa charts

Determine strength as per standard practice & indicate these Grahas in SBC.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

A Navamsa Chakra consists of 108 Vargas of 03° 20' each, dividing a Rasi into 9 equal parts of 03° 20' each. In
this circle each Nakshatra has four Padas & each Pada indicates a Navamsa. Nakshatra Pada position of a Graha
indicates accurate position.
Rule: Rasi 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th Navamsa division starts from Rasi itself.
Rasi 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th Navamsa division starts from 9th Rasi.
Rasi 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th Navamsa division starts from 5th Rasi.
Table 7 - Navamsa Chakra

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
2 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
3 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
4 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
5 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
6 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
7 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
8 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
9 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12

Chapter 4
All about Nakshatras

Zodiac has been divided into 12 Rasis & 27 Nakshatras. Each Rasi consists of 2 ¼ Nakshatras & each Nakshatra
is equal to 13° 20'. Nakshatras play an important role in astrology. Janma Nakshatra is considered most
important in astrology as well as in SBC. Janma Nakshatra is considered to be a very sensitive point in natal
Chakra of a person. Position of Nakshatras benefic / malefic from Janma Nakshatra is as under:

Benefic / malefic Nakshatras: 1st series 2nd series 3rd series

Janma Nakshatra Danger 1 10 19
Sampath Wealth & prosperity 2 11 20
Vipath Loss & accident 3 12 21
Kshemya Prosperity 4 13 22
Pratwara Loss in business 5 14 23
Sadhaka Success 6 15 24
Naidhana Death 7 16 25
Maitra Friendship 8 17 26
Param Maitra Intimate friend 9 18 27

 From Janma Nakshatra, Nakshatras indicated No. 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27 are
considered benefic.
 From Janma Nakshatra, Nakshatras indicated No. 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25 are considered

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Particulars of Nakshatras
Names of Nakshatras, their Rasi, their Lord & their longitude.
Table 8 - Nakshatras characteristics

No. Nakshatra Rasi Lord Longitude

01. Aswini Mes Ke 0° 0' - 13° 20'
02. Bharani Mes Sk 13° 20' - 26° 40'
03. Krittika Mes / Vrb Sy 26° 40' - 40° 00'
04. Rohini Vrb Ch 40° 00' - 53° 20'
05. Mrigasira Vrb / Mit Ma 53° 20' – 66° 40'
06. Ardra Mit Ra 66° 40' – 80° 00'
07. Punarvasu Mit / Kar Gu 80° 00' – 93° 20'
08. Pushya Kar Sa 93° 20' – 106° 40'
09. Ashlesha Kar Bu 106° 40' – 120° 00'
10. Magha Sim Ke 120° 00' – 133° 20'
11. P. Phalguni Sim Sk 133° 20' – 146° 40'
12. U. Phalguni Sim / Kan Sy 146° 40' – 160° 00'
13. Hasta Kan Ch 160° 00' – 173° 20'
14. Chitra Kan / Tul Ma 173° 20' – 186° 40'
15. Swati Tul Ra 186° 40' – 200° 00'
16. Visakha Tul / Vrk Gu 200° 00' – 213° 20'
17. Anuradha Vrk Sa 213° 20' – 226° 40'
18. Jyeshta Vrk Bu 226° 40' – 240° 00'
19. Moola Dha Ke 240° 00' – 253° 20'
20. P. Shada Dha Sk 253° 20' – 266° 40'
21. U. Shada Dha / Mak Sy 266° 40' – 276° 40'
22. Abhijit Mak Sy 276° 40' – 280° 53' 20"
23. Sravana Mak Ch 280° 53' 20" – 293° 20'
24. Dhanishta Mak / Kum Ma 293° 20' – 306° 40'
25. Satabisha Kum Ra 306° 40' – 320° 00'
26. P. Bhadra Kum / Min Gu 320° 00' – 333° 20'
27. U. Bhadra Min Sa 333° 20' – 346° 40'
28. Revati Min Bu 346° 40' – 360° 00'

 Whenever a benefic Graha occupies benefic Nakshatra as indicated above, benefic results are expected
or when benefic Graha has a benefic Vedha.
 Whenever a malefic Graha occupy or has Vedha on malefic Nakshatra as indicated above, malefic
results must take place.
 Whenever two malefic Grahas occupy Janma Nakshatra or have malefic Vedha, native may fall sick.
 Similarly affliction of Janma Nakshatra and Nakshatras No. 10 & 19 simultaneously indicate death.

Tendency of Nakshatras
1. Janma Nakshatra
It gives results according to its nature, but its results are everlasting.
2. Sampath Nakshatra
Graha on this Nakshatra gives maximum benefic results, have great impact in life of native. Benefic Grahas give
more benefic results.
3. Vipath Nakshatra
It creates maximum obstructions and malefic results according to its nature. But benefic results are insignificant.
E.g. Gu on this Nakshatra gives malefic results to children & family.
4. Kshemya Nakshatra
It gives benefic results, which are enjoyed by whole family.
5. Pratwara Nakshatra
It does not give results directly. It gives disappointments. It affects others who associate with native.

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6. Sadhaka Nakshatra
Grahas owning or occupying this Nakshatra get 100 % benefic results, but after some efforts. Some of native
expect some quick benefic results, but these are delayed.
7. Naidhana Nakshatra
Grahas occupying this Nakshatra indicate hopeful nature of native, but it seldom happens.
8. Maitra Nakshatra
Grahas occupying this Nakshatra indicate all type of achievements through friends. Specially while travelling,
through known or unknown persons.
9. Param Maitra Nakshatra
Grahas occupying this Nakshatra give results through a person or an organization during course of travelling. If
a malefic Graha is on this point, this destroys achievements of native.

Extra details
For following details about Nakshatras, see relevant Chapters as indicated below:
 Nakshatras Their Padas, consonants, vowels & Vargas in SBC - see Chapter 3.
 Nakshatras Indicating Vedha by Grahas - see Chapter 6.
 Nakshatras Indicating Vedha & results - see Chapter 7.
 Nakshatras Indicating different part of India, cities, commodities etc. (as significators) - see Chapter 8.

Table 9 - Nakshatras - Padas & consonants

Consonants Varga
No. Nakshatra
Pada 1 Pada 2 Pada 3 Pada 4 No.
01. Aswini Chu Chay Cho La 31
02. Bharani Le Lu Lay Lo 32
03. Krittika Ae Ee U A 02
04. Rohini O Va Vi Ve 03
05. Mrigasira Vay Vo Ka Ki 04
06. Ardra Ku Gha Na Chha 05
07. Punarvasu Kay Ko Ha Hi 06
08. Pushya Hu Hay Ho Da 07
09. Ashlesha De Du Day Do 08
10. Magha Ma Me Mu May 10
11. P. Phalguni Mo Ta Ti Tu 11
12. U. Phalguni Tay To Pa Pi 12
13. Hasta Pu Sha Na Tha 13
14. Chitra Pay Po Ra Ri 14
15. Swati Ru Ray Ro Tha 15
16. Visakha Thi Thu Thay Tho 16
17. Anuradha Na Ni Nu Nay 18
18. Jyeshta No Ya Ye Yu 19
19. Moola Yay Yo Ba Bi 20
20. P. Shada Bu Dha Pha Da 21
21. U. Shada Bhe Bho Ja Ji 22
22. Abhijit Ja Jay Jo Gha 23
23. Sravana Khi Khu Khe Kho 24
24. Dhanishta Ga Gi Gu Gay 26
25. Satabisha Go Sa Si Su 27
26. P. Bhadrapada Say So Do Di 28
27. U. Bhadrapada Du Tha Jha Na 29
28. Revati De Do Cha Chi 30

In SBC 28 Nakshatras are applied. In addition to 27 Nakshatras, Abhijit Nakshatra is also considered. But this
Nakshatra is not considered while fixing benefic Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra, e.g. 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th,

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

and malefic Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra, e.g. 3rd, 5th, 7th. It is also not considered for fixing years of life,
e.g. 1st Nakshatra indicates first year of life & 27 th Nakshatra indicates 27th year of life. Again first Nakshatra
indicates 28th year of life.
Similarly Dasa & Antardasa of Grahas occupying 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th Nakshatra from Janma Nakshatra of native
must be examined. Dasa of such Grahas is always benefic.

Chapter 5
All about Grahas

In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, Grahas play most important role. Their impact depends on their benefic & malefic
nature, their benefic & malefic strength, their characteristics and their significations. So before we decide their
impact, we should know all about them.

Nature of Grahas
 Sy Malefic, fiery, masculine.
 Ch Benefic, watery, feminine.
 Ma Malefic, fiery, masculine.
 Bu Benefic, earthy, neutral.
 Gu Benefic, airy [ethery], masculine.
 Sk Benefic, watery, feminine.
 Sa Malefic, airy, neutral.
 Ra Malefic, airy, feminine.
 Ke Malefic, fiery, neutral.
 Neptune Malefic, watery, neutral.
 Uranus Malefic, airy, masculine.
 Pluto Malefic, watery, feminine.
Ch is benefic from 6th Tithi of Sukla Paksha to 5th Tithi of Krishna Paksha. Bu is benefic when it is alone without
any relation with any malefic Graha.
Table 10 - Characteristics of Grahas
Exaltation Moolatr. Debilit. Friendly Enemy Neutral Nakshatra
Graha Own Rasi Orb.
Rasi Rasi Rasi Grahas Grahas Grahas Lord
Mesha Simha Tula Ch, Ma, Sa, Sk,
Sy Simha Bu 3, 12, 21 15°
10° 1° - 20° 10° Gu Ra/Ke
Vrisabha Vrisabha Vriscika Sy, Bu, Sk, Sa,
Ch Karka Ra/Ke 4, 13, 22 12°
3° 4° - 30° 3° Gu Ma
Mesha, Makara Mesha Karka Gu, Sy, Sk, Sa,
Ma Bu, Ra/Ke 5, 14, 23 8°
Vriscika 28° 1° - 12° 28° Ch Ra [?]
Mithuna, Kanya Kanya Meena Ma, Gu,
Bu Sy, Sk Ch, Ra/Ke 9, 18, 27 7°
Kanya 15° 15° - 25° 15° Sa
Dhanur, Karka Dhanur Makara Sy, Ch, Bu, Sk,
Gu Sa 7, 16, 25 9°
Meena 5° 1° - 10° 5° Ma Ra/Ke
Vrisabha, Meena Tula Kanya Bu, Sy, Ch,
Sk Ma, Gu 2, 11, 20 7°
Tula 27° 1° - 15° 27° Sa Ra/Ke
Makara, Tula Kumbha Mesha Bu, Sy, Ch,
Sa Gu 8, 17, 26 9°
Kumbha 20° 1° - 20° 20° Sk Ma, Ra/Ke
Mithuna Dhanur Sk, Sa,
Ra Kanya Sy, Ch, Ma Bu, Gu 6, 15, 24
20° 20° Ke
Dhanur Mithuna Sy, Ch,
Ke Meena Sk, Sa Bu, Gu 1, 10, 19
20° 20° Ma, Ra

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Uranus Kumbha Kumbha
Neptune Meena Simha Kumbha
Pluto Vriscika Mesha Tula

Table 11 - Graha's relations with Rasis

Sy Ch Ma Bu Gu Sk Sa Ra Ke
Friendly 4, 1, 8, 5, 3, 6, 5, 4, 5, 4, 3, 6, 3, 6, 2, 7, 5, 4,
5, 2, 7
Rasi 9, 12 9, 12 9, 12 1, 8 10, 11 2, 7 10, 11 1, 8
Neutral 1, 8, 10, 2, 7, 1, 8, 9, 1, 8, 3, 6, 3, 6,
3, 6 10, 11 9, 12
Rasi 11, 2, 7 10, 11 12, 10, 11 9, 12 9, 12 9, 12
Enemy 2, 7, 3, 6, 5, 4, 5, 4, 2, 7,
3, 6 4 5, 4
Rasi 10, 11 2, 7 1, 8 1, 8 10, 11
5 4 1, 8 3, 6 9, 12 2, 7 10, 11 6 [11] 12 [8]

[Editor's note: common information is that Ra co-owns 11th Rasi of Sa, Ke co-owns 8th Rasi of Ma.]

Rising and combustion of Grahas (Uday & Ast)

Rising of Grahas (Uday)
 Sy Always rising (Uday). It is never combust or retrograde.
 Ch Always rising (Uday). It is never combust [?] or retrograde.
 Ra Never rises. It is always retrograde.
 Ke Never rises. It is always retrograde.
 Ma It is considered as rising when not combust.
 Bu It is considered as rising when not combust.
 Gu It is considered as rising when not combust.
 Sk It is considered as rising when not combust.
 Sa It is considered as rising when not combust.
Combustion of Grahas (Ast)
Longitude for combustion Period of combustion
 Ch Within 12° to Sy -
 Ma Within 17° to Sy 12 days
 Bu Within 13° to Sy 36 days
 Bu (R) Within 12° to Sy 16 days
 Gu Within 11° to Sy 30 days
 Sk Within 9° to Sy 15 days
 Sk (R) Within 8° to Sy 9 days
 Sa Within 15° to Sy 36 days
 Ra Within 15° to Sy
 Ke Within 15° to Sy

Retrogradation of Grahas
Usually when Ma, Gu & Sa are in 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th Bhava from Sy, these Grahas become retrograde. When Graha
is 180° from Sy, it gets maximum power. During a year these Grahas are retrograde as under:
Table 12 - Graha's period of retrogresion

Grahas Period of retrogradation

Sa (R) 140 to 142 days
Gu (R) 120 to 122 days
Ma (R) 80 to 82 days
Sk (R) 42 to 45 days
Bu (R) 24 days
Ra (R) 365 days
Ke (R) 365 days

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Uranus (R) 150 days

Neptune (R) 159 days
Pluto (R) 160 days
Retrograde Graha may remain retrograde in a Nakshatra from start to end of a Nakshatra. Retrogradation is 100
% when Graha is in center. Malefic Grahas when retrograde become more malefic & cruel, whereas benefic
Grahas are considered more benefic in deciding their impact on native according to SBC. For strength of
retrograde Grahas, see subsequent Chapters.

Retrograde motion
When a Graha in direct motion suddenly stops and slows down its speed and precedes backward, its motion is
called retrograde motion.
Some peculiarities about speed of Grahas are mentioned below:
 Sy Always normal speed. Never retrograde or high speed.
 Ch As above.
 Ra Always retrograde in motion.
 Ke Always retrograde in motion.
 Ma May be direct (normal or high speed) or retrograde.
 Gu May be direct (normal or high speed) or retrograde.
 Sa May be direct (normal or high speed) or retrograde.
 Sk May be direct (normal or high speed) or retrograde.
 Bu May be direct (normal or high speed) or retrograde.
Table 13 - Standard speeds of Grahas

Graha Normal Fast Very fast

5' 0" 12' 22" 14' 4"
[ 0,083° ] [ 0,206° / 248 % ] [ 0,234° / 281 % ]
59' 8" 73' 43" 75' 42"
[ 0,985° ] [ 1,228° / 124 % ] [ 1,261° / 127 % ]
2' 0" 5' 27" [7' 27"] 7' 45"
[ 0,033° ] [ 0,091° / 273 % ] [ 0,129° / 385 % ]
31' 26" 39' 1" 46' 11"
[ 0,524° ] [ 0,650° / 124 % ] [ 0,769° / 146 % ]
59' 8" 104' 46" 113' 32"
[ 0,985° ] [ 1,746° / 177 % ] [ 1,892° / 191 % ]

Vedha power of a Graha

 Direct motion - normal speed Front Vedha.
 Direct motion - high speed Left Vedha.
 Retrograde motion Right Vedha.

It may be indicated here that speed of above Grahas is never fixed. It goes on changing from time to time & year
to year. As such it should be checked from standard Indian ephemeris. When any reliable Indian ephemeris is
not available, decide speed of a Graha as under:

How to determine speed - a simple method

Sy's position from a Graha Assumed speed of a Graha
Sy in 1st Bhava Retrogradation of Bu / Sk is possible.
Sy in 2nd Bhava Fast motion.
Sy in 3rd Bhava Normal motion.
Sy in 4th Bhava Normal being slow.
Sy in 5th / 6th Bhava Retrograde motion.
Sy in 7th / 8th Bhava Retrograde motion.
Sy in 9th / 10th Bhava Fast motion.
Sy in 11th / 12th Bhava Fast motion.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Norms for Sk & Bu

 Sk & Bu in 2nd Bhava from Sy Retrograde.
 Sk & Bu in 12th Bhava from Sy Fast.
 Sk & Bu in 3rd & 11th Bhava from Sy Normal.
 Speed of Sy & Ch is fixed.
 Grahas having more speed than Sy / Ch may be considered as fast.
 Grahas having less speed than Sy / Ch may be considered as slow.

Exaltation of Grahas
All Grahas are constantly moving around Sy and also 12 Rasis. During their movement they move in Rasis
which they do not rule. They are sometimes powerful or weak therein, depending on Rasi they transit. They are
accordingly called exalted, debilitated, retrograde or detriment. Grahas are strong or weak depending on Rasi
they occupy and are called exalted, if they occupy Rasis as under during their movement.
Table 14 - Graha's characteristics
Grahas Exaltation Rasis Longitude Nakshatra & Lord
Sy Mes in 10° 10° Aswini (Ke)
Ch Vrb in 3° 33° Krittika (Sy)
Ma Mak in 28° 298° Dhanishta (Ma)
Bu Kan in 15° 165° Hasta (Ch)
Gu Kar in 5° 95° Pushya (Sa)
Sk Min in 27° 357° Revati (Bu)
Sa Tul in 20° 200° Swati (Ra)
Ra Mit in 20° 80° Ardra (Ra)
Ke Dha in 20° 260° P. Shada (Sk)
Uranus Vriscika
Neptune Vriscika
Pluto Mesha
Bu's exaltation point is 15° in Kanya. Thereafter its Mooltrikona extends upto 25°. Remaining 5° of Kanya is his
own Bhava.
Some Sages consider entire Rasi as an exaltation Rasi & above mentioned longitude indicates most exaltation
point of these Grahas.

Navamsa Varga
In Sarvatobhadra Chakra special importance is given to Navamsa position of a Graha. It is most useful to
understand micro result of a Graha. To find out Navamsa, zodiacal circle (Bhava Chakra) is divided into 108
equal parts of 3° 20' each. It means that each Rasi is divided into 9 Navamsa parts or it is equal to one Pada of 3°
20' each of a Nakshatra. The limit of each Navamsa in a Rasi is as under:
1st Navamsa from 00° 00' to 03° 20'
2nd Navamsa from 03° 20' to 06° 40'
3rd Navamsa from 06° 40' to 10° 00'
4th Navamsa from 10° 00' to 13° 20'
5th Navamsa from 13° 20' to 16° 40'
6th Navamsa from 16° 40' to 20° 00'
7th Navamsa from 20° 00' to 23° 20'
8th Navamsa from 23° 20' to 26° 40'
9th Navamsa from 26° 40' to 30° 00'

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Table 15 - Navamsa Chakra (2)

Mesha Vrisabha Mithuna Karka
Amsa Simha Kanya Tula Vriscika
Dhanur Makara Kumbha Mina
0° 00' to 3° 20' 1 10 7 4
3° 20' to 6° 40' 2 11 8 5
6° 40' to 10° 00' 3 12 9 6
10° 00' to 13° 20' 4 1 10 7
13° 20' to 16° 40' 5 2 11 8
16° 40' to 20° 00' 6 3 12 9
20° 00' to 23° 20' 7 4 1 10
23° 20' to 26° 40' 8 5 2 11
26° 40' to 30° 00' 9 6 3 12

Transit of Grahas
All Grahas are transiting (moving) in zodiac circle of 360°. Grahas are moving from first Pada, Nakshatra and
Rasi to next Pada etc. Their motions in a Pada, Nakshatra & Rasi are as under:

Table 16 - Graha's period in Rasi, Nakshatra & Navamsa

Approximate period
in Pada in Nakshatra in Rasi
Sy 3 days 8 hrs. 14 days 30 days
Ke 60 days 240 days 18 months
Ra 60 days 240 days 18 months
Ch 6 hrs. 1 day 2 ¼ days
Ma 5 days 20 days 45 days
Bu 3 days 8 hrs. 13 days 8 hrs. 30 days
Gu 40 days 160 days 12 months
Sk 3 days 8 hrs. 13 days 8 hrs. 30 days
60 days* 240 days* 18 months*
[100 days 13 1/3 months 30 months]
[Editor's note: * Average time Sani spends in Rasi is 2 ½ years = 30 months, therefore in Pada = 30 ÷ 9 = 3 1/3
months = 100 days, therefore in Nakshatra = 4 × 100 = 400 days. See below, Sani spends 29 years and 6 months
for tranzit of zodiac - this one is correct.]
Each Rasi = 30° 00'
Each Nakshatra = 13° 20'
Each Pada = 03° 20'
Approximate period of transit of Grahas in different Rasis
Graha Transits in 12 Rasis
Sy 1 year
Ch 27 days 7 hrs. 43 min
Ma 1 year 10 months
Bu 1 year
Gu 12 years
Sk 1 year
Sa 29 years 6 months
Ra 19 years
Ke 19 years

Uranus 84 years
Neptune 165 years
Pluto 248 years

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Impact of Grahas in transit

In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, whole methodology of prediction is based on movement of Grahas in Rasis,
Nakshatras & Padas of Nakshatras & their correct Vedha. Impact of a Graha can only be ascertained from correct
longitude of a Graha & its placement in appropriate Pada of a Nakshatra. Benefic results depend on transit of
benefic Grahas on benefic Rasi & Nakshatra, especially 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th Nakshatra from Janma Nakshatra.
Benefic Graha occupying benefic Rasi, benefic Nakshatra indicates benefic Vedha.

Conjunction of Grahas in a Nakshatra during transit

When 2 or 3 Grahas conjunct, during their transit, on a particular Nakshatra, results will be as under:
 Conjunction of benefic Grahas = Benefic results.
 Conjunction of malefic Grahas = Malefic results.
 Conjunction of malefic & benefic Grahas: Results depends on victorious Graha.

 Graha in North is considered victorious, and Graha in South is considered defeated, except Sk.
 Graha with Sy is considered as combust.
 Graha with Ch is considered in Samagam.
 Graha with Ma is considered in war - provided their longitudes are in same Nakshatra.
 Graha in Samagam or war, whether in North or South, is victorious if in North Kranti.
 Grahas having same nature, occupying same Pada of a Nakshatra, classification of victorious Graha are
not necessary. However, will of Graha having more longitude will prevail.
 Ra or Ke occupying North Nakshatra will be victorious.
 If both Grahas are in South Kranti, Graha in lesser longitude will be victorious.
 If both Grahas are equally strong, both Grahas will give appropriate results according to their
 If both Grahas are equally strong - one is friend & other enemy - treat their impact as neutral.
 Kranti means two Grahas having same longitude either in North or South [declination].
 If both Grahas are in North Nakshatra, Graha having more longitude is victorious.

Vedha of Grahas
In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, speed of a Graha is of vital importance because - all types of Vedhas depend on speed.
Usually Grahas have following types of speed:
Motion – speed Vedha
 Direct motion - normal speed Front
 Direct motion - high speed Left
 Retrograde motion - backward motion Right

Direct motion
When a Graha moves direct without stopping, in anti-clockwise direction, it is known as direct motion, e.g.
Graha moving from Mesha to Vrisabha. Its Vedha is always front Vedha.

Types of Vedha
In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, aspect of Grahas is considered most important, because Vedha depends on aspect,
which may be direct, right or left, depending on speed of a Graha. This aspect is different than aspect in Vedic
astrology. Their aspect is front when in normal speed, left when in high speed & right Vedha when retrograde.

Grading of aspect
 Aspect by a benefic Graha
 Rasi occupied by a Graha

Table 17 - Grading of Vedha

Own Friend Neutral Enemy Aspect

20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 100 %
15.00 11.25 7.50 3.75 75 %
10.00 7.50 5.00 2.50 50 %
5.00 3.75 2.50 1.25 25 %
 Aspect by a malefic Graha

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Rasi occupied by a Graha

Table 18 - Rasi occupied by Graha

Own Friend Neutral Enemy Aspect

5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 100 %
3.75 7.50 11.25 15.00 75 %
2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 50 %
1.25 2.50 3.75 5.00 25 %
The above units indicate presumed numerical strength - benefic or malefic.

Special Vedha
As already explained, Grahas have following three types of Vedha only:
Motion (speed) Vedha
Direct motion of a Graha in normal speed Front
Direct motion of a Graha in high speed Left
Retrograde motion of a Graha Right
Sy, Ch, Ra & Ke have fixed speed Front, right & left

In addition to above following aspects may also be considered:

Table 19 - Special Vedhas

Nakshatra aspected
from Aspect in SP Aspect in KP
Nakshatra occupied during day & forenoon during night & afternoon
by Graha
Sy 15, 5 Behind Front
Ch 15 Front Behind
Ma 15, 8, 10 Behind Front
Bu 15, 9, 12 Front Behind
Gu 15, 10, 19 Front Behind
Sk 15, 9, 12 Front Behind
Sa 15, 3, 5, 21 Behind Front
Ra 15, 9 Behind Front
SP stands for Sukla Paksha and KP for Krishna Paksha.
Table 20 - Classic Drishtis in Jyotish

Graha Full aspect ¾ aspect ½ aspect ¼ aspect

Sy, Ch
7th 4th & 8th 5th & 9th 3rd & 10th
Bu, Sk
Ra & Ke
7th, 5th, 9th 4th & 8th - 3rd & 10th
Ma 7th, 4th, 8th - 5th & 9th 3rd & 10th
Sa 7th, 3rd, 10th 4th & 8th 5th & 9th -

Aspect - benefic or malefic

 Benefic Graha aspects a malefic Graha 25 % benefic
 Malefic Graha aspects a benefic Graha 25 % benefic
 Malefic Graha aspects a malefic Graha 100 % malefic
 Benefic Graha aspects a benefic Graha 100 % benefic
 5th & 9th aspect 100 % benefic
 4th & 8th aspect (except Ma) 100 % malefic
 Sa having 4th aspect of Ma Benefic
 Ma having 4th aspect of Sa Malefic

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 3rd & 11th aspect of benefic Graha Benefic

Significations of Grahas
 Benefic Grahas: Ch, Bu, Gu and Sk. They always give benefic results provided they are having no
relation with malefic Grahas.
 Malefic Grahas: Ma, Sy, Sa, Ra & Ke. They are supposed to give malefic results, subject to impact of
benefic Grahas on them at time of motion causing Vedha.

Significations of Sy
Impact on native
Tension, obstructions by government, fever, foreign travel, all type of obstructions, unhappiness, difficulties in
every effort, opposition by father & mother, financial loss, danger from animals & accident, worries, professional
setbacks, loss of property, eye trouble, heart attack and misunderstanding.
Impact on commodities
Precious stones, rice, copper, gold, gems, currency, oils, silk, grains, cotton and groundnut.
Regions, states, red color items, temples, activities by and for Government, father, heat, head of a country,
President, Prime Minister.
Sy is more active when joined with another Graha, although that Graha may be combust. In such cases market
condition reverse.

Significations of Ch
Impact on native
Victory over enemies, benefic results, acquisition of ornaments & dresses & vehicles, recovery from sickness,
good sex. Different types of diseases, imprisonment, separation, unhappy events and obstructions (if Ch is
Impact on commodities
Silver, water, milk, petro shares, brewery, oil, wines, fishery, glass, ghee, foodstuff, white clothes, rice, wheat,
salt, pearl, sugarcane, honey, white items and matters related to public.
City, town, living things, female, hotel & catering, navigation, victory over enemies, milk industry, commercial
undertakings, rich woman, dams and developmental activities.
Weak Ch gives malefic results - losses, setbacks, disappointments, failure. It is useful for daily predictions.

Significations of Ma (malefic)
Impact on native
Loss of mental power, financial loss, death of any relative, loss of landed property, sickness, obstructions,
tension, trouble due to wife & children, separation, stomach disease, foreign travel, loss of blood & accident,
setbacks in efforts, defeat in litigation for property.
Impact on commodities
Gur, gwar, turmeric, gold, rice, oilseeds, coffee, tea, metal, all items of red color, machinery, gram, copper, red
coral, wine, weapons and oil seeds.
Metal industries, building industries, brick manufacturing, distillery, city, town, male, fire places, heavy rain
and storms, trading in weapons, army, police, criminal cases, accidents and industries.

Significations of Bu
Impact on native
Happiness due to wife & children, favors from Government, happy & peaceful life, marriage, release from jail,
recovery from sickness, acquisition of landed property, good reputation, intelligence & top position in
examinations, business & professional development, good health, writing of books, financial gain, success in
election, honors and promotion.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Impact on commodities
Wheat, grains, foodstuff, silk, textiles, sugar, cotton, copper, all items of green color, green clothes, arhar,
groundnut and peas.
City, town, living things, picnic spots, business development activities, school, publishing & intellectual
activities, mathematics, astrology, business and writings.
When slow in motion, its influence on price is great. It gives malefic results when with a malefic Graha, combust
or with enemy. It indicates setbacks, sickness and unhappy events.

Significations of Gu (benefic)
Impact on native
Financial gain from many sources, favors from Government, peace & happiness in life, religious ceremonies,
promotion, good health, good luck, happy & benefic events, prosperity, all round success, business &
professional success, success in litigation, victory in election, marriage, good luck and awards.
If malefic relations
Death, serious sickness, displeasure of Government, obstruction, defamation, foreign travel, sickness of wife &
son and imprisonment.
Impact on commodities
Gold, silver, turmeric, rubber, foodstuffs, zinc, grams, jute, tobacco, tin, luxury goods, yellow sapphire and salt.
Country, living things, shares, banks, legal matters, financial matters, cloth mills, independent business,
ministership, religious & legal matters, schools, colleges, universities, judges, advocates, big projects, hospitals
and Ministry.

Significations of Sk (benefic)
Impact on native
Marriage, gain through wife, son, good health, good news, sex, relation with a noble woman, favors from
Government, peace, favors through wife, romance and professional achievements.
If malefic relation
Loss, dispute with women, all sorts of problems.
Impact on commodities
Cotton, sugar, jute, textile, wheat, rice, silver, silk, confectionary, all items of white color, glass, copper, fancy
items, perfumes, wine, spices, grains, jute, diamond, ghee, oil and lightweight items.
States, regions, female, love, sex & beauty, shares, flower, cultivation, trade & industry, catering, apple industry,
sufficient water supply, entertainment, artistic & social activities, singers, dancers, art, actors, music, painters,
cinema, film producers, marriage and divorce.
When Sk is combust or malefic it causes loss of wealth, dispute with wife, separation and divorce.

Significations of Sa (malefic)
Impact on native
Sickness, danger from enemies, sudden upsets, desertion by friend & employees, fever, foreign travel,
imprisonment, loss of position, marital discord, accident & death, defeat in litigation, weakness, poverty,
misfortune, pain in body & painful events, serious danger, trouble due to relations with a foreign woman, severe
weakness, tension, fear, failures and blood disorder.
Impact on commodities
Metals, all items of black & blue color, steel, coal, lead, cement, oil seeds, mustard, groundnut, wool, iron, jute,
barley, vegetables, potato, blue, sapphire, leather goods, til, urad, gram and black salt.
Country, famine, mining, farming & cement factories, building trade, shoe factories, agriculture, metallurgy,
marble quarry, poverty, misfortunes, death, mines, oil refineries, share of oil companies, shares of steel

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

companies, shares of mechanical companies & engineering companies, trucks, engines, shares of drug
companies, NRI companies, labor, jails, labor laws, emergency and corruption.
Conjunction with Ma indicates severe market fluctuations.

Significations of Ra (malefic)
Impact on native
Heart trouble, obstructions, giddiness, danger, relation with a widow or low class woman, possibility of murder,
setbacks in efforts, enmity with upper class or superiors, sickness, opposition, accident and epilepsy.
Impact on commodities
Metals, all items of black color, wireless & electrical goods, gomed, iron, til and urad.
Country, male, snake house (bambi), sudden events and Muslims.

Chapter 6
All about Rasis

An imaginary belt extending from about 9° North and 9° South of ecliptic exists. This belt is known as Zodiac. In
this belt Grahas constantly move. This Zodiac belt is divided into 12 equal divisions of 30° each. Each such
division is called a Rasi. In all there are 12 Rasis. Since Rasis play an important role in prediction through
Sarvatobhadra Chakra, their important characteristics, their nature & their significations are explained in this
Table 21 - Nature of Rasis

Rasi Nature Benefic / malefic Gender Quality Fruitful / barren Positive / negative
Mesha Fiery malefic Male Moving Semi-Fruitful Positive
Vrisabha Earthy benefic Female Fixed Semi-Fruitful Negative
Mithuna Airy benefic Male Mutable Barren Positive
Karka Watery benefic Female Moving Fruitful Negative
Simha Fiery malefic Male Fixed Barren Positive
Kanya Earthy benefic Female Mutable Barren Negative
Tula Airy benefic Male Moving Semi-Fruitful Positive
Vriscika Watery malefic Female Fixed Fruitful Negative
Dhanur Fiery benefic Male Mutable Semi-Fruitful Positive
Makara Earthy benefic Female Moving do Negative
Kumbha Airy malefic Male Fixed Barren Positive
Mina Watery benefic Female Mutable Fruitful Negative

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Table 22 - Characteristics of Rasis

Ruling Detriment Market

Rasi Colour Ascension Direction Gem
Graha Rasi direction*
Mesha Ma Red Short East Red coral Tula Teji
Vrisabha Sk White Short South Diamond Vriscika Teji
Mithuna Bu Green Short West Emerald Dhanur Mandi
Karka Ch Pink Long North Pearl Makara Mandi
Simha Sy Brown Long East Ruby Kumbha Teji
Kanya Bu Grey Long South Emerald Mina Mandi
Tula Sk White Long West Diamond Mesha Mandi
Vriscika Ma Golden Long North Red coral Vrisabha Teji
Dhanur Gu Yellow Long East Yellow sapphire Mithuna Teji
Makara Sa Blue / Black Short South Blue sapphire Karka Teji
Kumbha Sa - // - Short West - // - Simha Mandi
Mina Gu Yellow Short North Yellow sapphire Kanya Mandi

Teji - rise - , Mandi - fall - .

Significations of Rasis
Significations of Mesha ( 01 )
Impact on native
Deafness, biles, Y.D., ringworm, migraine, vertigo, deception by friends, anxiety, disease of head & face,
muscles, arteries, veins, pimples, polypus, neuralgia, headache, cerebral congestion, small pox, worries,
overstraining brain, deterioration of health, short of sleep, peace and courage, headstrong, imprudent,
quarrelsome and selfish.
Impact on commodities
Machinery, wheat, gold, copper, massor and mustard.
Life science, money matters, violence, all undesirable traits, fireplaces and tool houses.

Significations of Vrisabha ( 02 )
Impact on native
Disease of face, throat and ears, piles, fistula, angina, gangrene, rheumatism, disease of neck, tonsils, thyroid
glands & vocal cord, brain disorder, sore throat, glandular swelling, mumps, goiter, polypus, apoplexy, heart
trouble and bladder trouble.
Impact on commodities
Cotton, jute, textiles, rice, wheat, sugar, moveable items, shoes, leather, pocket books and travelling bags.
Share market, money matters, finance, banking, religious rites, mutual sympathy & affection, energy, reserve
force, stability, suffocation and corn fields.

Significations of Mithuna ( 03 )
Impact on native
Disease of shoulders, neck, nervous disorder, T.S., asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, miseries, lack of
concentration, accidents and short journey.
Impact on commodities
Cotton, gwar, ghee, bajra, paper.
Railways, publications, agriculture, education, keen mentality, building, hills and mountains, communications,
news, information, rumors, newspapers, magazines, neighbor, relatives, short journeys, lecturing, debating,
teaching, advertising, reporting, story writing, printing and education.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Significations of Karka ( 04 )
Impact on native
Dropsy, cancer, catarrh, digestive ailments, cough, breasts, chest & stomach troubles, dropsy and cold.
Impact on commodities
Silver, tea, coconut, water, milk, oils and white things.
Landed property, shipping, ports, mother, virgin, lakes, rivers, springs, homes, stalls, public houses, laundries,
kitchens, water tanks and financial problems.

Significations of Simha ( 05 )
Impact on native
Heart trouble, spinal marrow, nerve, fever, sunstroke, reputation, palpitation of heart, spinal meningitis,
locomotors and inflammation.
Impact on commodities
Gold, rice, gram, gur, leather, watches, round things, wedding ring, golden & bright stones or flowers and gold
Government stock, trade, fire, sports, games, speculation, explosives, factories, corruption, high hills, forests,
deserts, castles, forts, royal palaces, social club houses, children's playgrounds, gambling clubs, dance halls,
ballrooms, amusement houses and gold mines.

Significations of Kanya ( 06 )
Impact on native
Coldness, worms, dysentery, diarrhea, cholera, constipation, nervous system, sickness, mental deterioration,
business & domestic worries.
Impact on commodities
Gwar, matar, yellow mustard, wheat, moong, rice, grains, foodstuff and food cereals.
Industry, business, bank, stock exchanges, employees, servants, public health, general condition of working
class, municipal services, army, navy, labor department, horticulture, agriculture, medical herbs, relief societies,
wheat fields, gardens and restaurants.

Significations of Tula ( 07 )
Impact on native
Loss of strength & vitality, kidney, ovaries, weak lower back with pain, impartial and cheerful.
Impact on commodities
Cotton, silk, arhar, rice, wheat, jewels, fancy goods, novelties, perfumes, apparel, furniture, scales and weight.
Justice, business, trade, trade centers, courts, roads, wood forests, tops of mountains, hunting ground, golf links,
top of buildings, state houses, lofts, roof gardens, guest chambers, wardrobes and jewel cases.

Significations of Vriscika ( 08 )
Impact of native
Fistula, rupture, gravel, stone, bladder, kidney, prostate gland, groins, rectum, colon, energetic, fearless,
professional success for surgeons, chemists, detectives and researchers.
Impact on commodities
Chemicals, gur, sugar, leather, wool, betel leaves, oil seeds and oils.
Destruction, losses, obstruction, pride, war, conflicts, attack by enemy, oppression by strong enemies,
reproductive & destructive process, procreation, gardens, sluggish streams, ponds, slaughter houses, meat
market, operation room, sinks, junk houses, chemical laboratories.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Significations of Dhanur ( 09 )
Impact on native
Rheumatism, gout, dislocation, blood disorder, wounds, lung disease, groins, hips, thighs, hip joint, feverish
ailments, nerve disturbances, generous, prophetic, logical, rash and changeable.
Impact on commodities
Salt, potato, turmaric, clothes and arms.
Animals, shares, sea traffic, foreign bonds, insurance, defense, defeat, enemy, speculation, hills and race horses.

Significations of Makara ( 10 )
Impact on native
Skin disease, eczema, falls, dislocation, hysteria, cold, rheumatism, knee joints disease, depression, ambitious
and gloomy.
Impact on commodities
Gold, copper, coal, lead, zinc, tin, sugar cane, oil seeds, leather, cement, lime and rock salt.
Mill shares, industry, agriculture, building industry, business, labor problems, revolution, jails, vaults & docks.

Significations of Kumbha ( 11 )
Impact on native
Heart trouble, broken & swollen ankles, anemia, nervous disease, blood poisoning, fever, heart weakness &
Impact on commodities
Electric items, seafood, artificial silk, coal, oil, iron, jewels and oilseeds.
Shares of companies, scientist, bridges, railways, automobiles, wagons, buses, airplanes, airports, electric
motors, telegraph offices, broadcasting stations, electric power houses & batteries.

Significations of Meena ( 12 )
Impact on native
Dumbness, stammering, eczema, urine disease, stomach trouble, phlegm, deformities of feet & toes, gout,
dropsy, lung trouble, contagious disease.
Impact on commodities
Fishes, breweries, perfumery, diamond, pearls, medicines, fishing boats.
Oceans, fishing places, fish ponds, lakes, oil fields, oil tanks, submarines and deep sea divers.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Chapter 7
Numerical strength of Grahas

[Editor's note: pages 54 & 55 missing]

Table 23 - Numerical strength of Grahas

10' 40" 30" 20" 10"

15' 60" 45" 30" 15"
20' 80" 60" 40" 20"
30' 120" 90" 60" 30"
40' 160" 120" 80" 40"
50' 200" 150" 100" 50"
60' 240" 180" 120" 60"
Treat 60" = 1' & 60' = 1°.
Example: Sy's Longitude 4R 10° 10'
Sy in own Rasi gets 20 points + 40' + 40".

Strength of rising or combust Grahas

Rising Grahas (Uday) Numerical strength
 Sy 60
Always Uday
 Ch 60
Always Uday (from 2nd of Sukla Paksha to Poornima). It reduces proportionally when it is in Krishna Paksha.
Example: Ch is in 7th Tithi of Sukla Paksha. Numerical strength will be: 60 ÷ 14 × 7 = 30.
 Ra & Ke 00
Never rising.
 Other Grahas 60
When they are released from combustion & enter their own Rasi.
 Other Grahas 00
When combust
Combustion of Grahas
Their numerical strength is always nil. However they are combust in following circumstances:
 Ch within 12° of Sy
 Ma within 17° of Sy
 Bu within 13° of Sy
 Gu within 11° of Sy
 Sk within 09° of Sy
 Sa within 15° of Sy
 Ra within 15° of Sy
 Ke within 15° of Sy

Strength of retrograde Grahas

In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, a retrograde Graha is assigned special significance because of its special Vedha power
& numerical strength. Details of retrograde Grahas are given in relevant Chapter. Here strength of such a Graha
is explained to determine its overall impact on human beings:
 Calculate total number of days when a Graha is retrograde, e.g. 120 days for Gu (A)
 Calculate total number of days from start of retrograde motion to day of event, e.g. say 100 days (B)
 Find out midpoint of total days at (A) - 60 (C): 120 ÷ 2 = 60 (C)

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Find out difference of total days (A) & total days upto event (B) = 120 – 100 = 20 (D)
 Presume total numerical strength = 60 (E)
Rule for determining strength = 60 (E) ÷ 60 (C) × 20 (D) ÷ 1
Actual numerical strength = 20

Strength of exalted Grahas

In Sarvatobhadra Chakra, an exalted Graha is assigned special benefic powers & malefic powers. Details of
determining exaltation of a Graha are given in relevant Chapter. Here only formula to determine numerical
strength is given. Our Sages have suggested different methods to determine strength. Some of them are recorded
Rule 1: Longitude of Graha = 09-29-36
Longitude of its debilitation = 06-10-00 [Sy]
Difference = 03-19-36
Divide by 3 = 03-19-36 ÷ 3
= 36° 32' [= 01-06-32]
Rule 2: Longitude of Graha = 09-29-36
Longitude of its debilitation = 06-10-00 [Sy]
Difference = 03-19-36
Multiply by 7 & divide by 6 = 03-19-36 × 7 ÷ 6
= 127° 52' [= 04-07-52]

Strength of Graha in Navamsa Rasi

As already explained when zodiacal circle (Bhava Chakra) is divided into 108 equal Vargas of 3° 20' each,
dividing each Rasi into 9 equal parts, it indicates each Navamsa of 3° 20' each. Each Navamsa covers only one
Pada of 3° 20' of a Rasi covering 9 Navamsas. Pada of a Nakshatra indicates correct position of Graha in circle &
Maximum longitude of a Navamsa is 200 Kalas (minutes) [3 × 60' + 20']. The following is an abstract table
indicating numerical strength of a Graha in Navamsa Chakra:
Table 24 - Numerical strength of Grahas in Navamsas

Kalas (')* Own Rasi Friend Rasi Neutral Rasi Enemy Rasi
100' 60' 45' 30' 15'
90' 54' 40' 30" 27' 13' 30"
80' 48' 36' 24' 12'
70' 42' 31' 30" 21' 10' 30"
60' 36' 27' 18' 9'
50' 30' 22' 30" 15' 7' 30"
40' 24' 18' 12' 6'
30' 18' 13' 30" 9' 4' 30"
20' 12' 9' 6' 3'
10' 6' 4' 30" 3' 1' 30"
1' 0' 36" 0' 27" 0' 18" 0' 9"

[* Longitude in a Nakshatra’s Pada in Kalas (minutes)]

If longitude of a Graha is more than 100' then reduce longitude from 200' and see numerical strength as above.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Chapter 8
General strength of Grahas (Shadbala)

Sthana Bala
 Exalted 100 %
 Moolatrikona 80 %
 Own 70 %
 Atimitra 60 % [great friend]
 Mitra 50 % [friend]
 Navamsa – own 70 %
 Navamsa exalted 80 %

Digbala [directional strength]

 Gu & Bu 1st Bhava = 100 %
 Sy & Ma 10th Bhava = 100 %
 Sa 7th Bhava = 100 %
 Sk & Ch 4th Bhava = 100 %

Chesta bala
 Sy & Ch in 10th, 11th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Rasi = 100 %
 Ma, Bu, Gu, Sk & Sa = 100 %
when retrograde or when conjunct with Ch

Naisargikbala - natural strength

 Sy 7/7 100 %
 Ch 6/7 600 / 700 %
 Sk 5/7 500 / 700 %
 Gu 4/7 400 / 700 %
 Bu 3/7 300 / 700 %
 Ma 2/7 200 / 700 %
 Sa 1/7 100 / 700 %

Kalbala - temporal strength

 Ch, Ma, Sa At night 100 %
 Sy, Gu, Sk At day 100 %
 Bu Always 100 %
 Ma, Sa, Sy, Bu (malefic) In Krishna Paksha 100 %
 Gu, Sk, Ch, Bu (benefic) In Sukla Paksha 100 %
 Bu Sunrise 100 %
 Sy Noon 100 %
 Sa Evening 100 %
 Ch 1st part of night 100 %
 Sk 2nd part of night 100 %
 Ma Last part of night 100 %
 Gu In all parts 100 %
Grahas in their weekday
 Day of birth 100 %
 Grahas in their Hora 100 %
[Editor's note: 2 pages missing]

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Chapter 9
Vedha of Grahas

After understanding nature & characteristics of Grahas, next stage is to determine their Vedha on 5 important
components of individuals. These are as under:
 Nakshatra at birth occupied by Ch
 Rasi at birth occupied by Ch
 Tithi at birth & birth day
 Consonant - first word of native's name
 Vowel - Swara of native's name
All these can be determined from Janma Chakra. In case Janma Chakra is not available, decide on basis of most
popular latest name of individual. Description & details of these components are given in Chapter 3. Now follow
procedure as under:

 Place all 9 transiting Grahas in their respective Pada of a Nakshatra & Rasi according to their longitude
during transit.
 Examine their aspect on 5 components, which must get Vedha, before their results can be determined.
These 9 Grahas have three types of Vedha as under:
 Sy, Ch, Ra & Ke can aspect all 3 directions. Retrograde Graha can aspect only on right direction. Fast
Graha can aspect only on left direction. Graha with normal speed can aspect in front direction only.
 Front Vedha of a Graha can only cause Vedha of Nakshatra & Pada in opposite direction.
 Right side Vedha by a retrograde Graha can cause Vedha of all 5 components.
 Left side Vedha will also cause Vedha of all 5 components.
 Ma, Bu, Gu, Sk, Sa have Vedha in one direction only depending on their speed.
 As regards front Vedha by a Graha, some Sages suggested that this Vedha should also cover other 4
 Right & left Vedha is always angular at 45° and causes Vedha of all components occupying Vargas in
that direction.

Special Vedha aspect

 Graha in 4th Pada of Bharani causes Vedha of 1st Pada of Krittika and 'A' vowel (by left aspect).
 Graha in 4th Pada of Ashlesha causes Vedha of 1st Pada of Magha and 'AA' vowel by left aspect.
 Graha in 4th Pada of Visakha causes Vedha of 1st Pada of Anuradha & 'E' vowel (by left aspect).
 Graha in 4th Pada of Sravana causes Vedha of 1st Pada of Dhanishta & 'EE' vowel (by left aspect).
 Graha afflicting Ardra Nakshatra, Ku, Gha, Na, Chha consonants are also afflicted.
 Graha afflicting Hasta Nakshatra, Pu, Sha, Na, Tha consonants are also afflicted.
 Graha afflicting Purvashadha Nakshatra, Bu, Dha, Pha, Da consonants are also afflicted.
 Graha afflicting Uttara Bhadra Nakshatra, Du, Tha, Jha, Na consonants are also afflicted.
 These consonants are not provided in SBC. Hence their Vedha may be examined in this way. These
(words) consonants belong to different Padas of Nakshatras.
 Similarly Grahas occupying 4th Pada of Bharani, Aslesha, Visakha & Sravana cause Vedha of 5th, 10th,
15th or 30th Tithi & Saturday, which is not possible in normal course [central diagonal].
 Malefic Grahas: Sy, Sa, Ma, Ra & Ke will cause malefic Vedha only, although they may be in their own
Rasis or even exaltation Rasis. They are 100 % malefic.
 Benefic Grahas: Ch, Bu, Gu & Sk cause benefic Vedha only. They are 100 % benefic.
 Ch is benefic when it is waxing. Bu is benefic when it is alone, especially without any malefic Graha.
 Vedha of a Graha is of 2 types. Macro – when a Graha aspects a particular Rasi. Micro - when a Graha
aspects a particular Pada of a Nakshatra. This type of Vedha is 100 % effective.
 Nakshatra to Nakshatra Vedha is less effective than Pada Vedha.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Vedha by 2 / 3 Grahas in same Pada, impact of victorious Graha will prevail. Ma, Bu, Gu, Sk & Sa have
only one aspect at a time depending on their speed.
 Malefic Graha if retrograde becomes highly malefic – 200 %.
 Benefic Graha if retrograde becomes highly benefic – 200 %.
 Malefic Graha when it leaves Vedha Nakshatra & shifts to another Nakshatra, it cannot give malefic
 Vedha of a Tithi in Sukla Paksha is 100 %, whereas Vedha in Krishna Paksha is only 50%.
 Each Tithi has its own consonant. So when Tithi has Vedha, consonant is also having Vedha
automatically. Similarly Rasi of Tithi is also having Vedha.
 When a Graha is causing Vedha of a particular Rasi, its vowel, consonant & Tithis are also having Vedha
 Retrograde Graha on 1st Pada of Krittika, 1st Pada of Magha, 1st Pada of Anuradha, 1st Pada of Dhanishta
causes Vedha of 4 Vowels – A, AA, E & EE & Tithis – 5th, 10th, 15th or 30th & Saturday.

Grading of Vedha
Table 25 - Grading of Vedha on 5 Panchkas

Vedhas on components
Components By benefic Grahas By malefic Grahas
Aspect 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Full 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 0,48 1,36 2,24 3,12 4,00
¾ 0,45 1,30 2,15 3,00 3,45 0,36 1,12 1,48 2,24 3,00
½ 0,30 1,00 1,30 2,00 2,30 0,24 0,48 1,12 1,36 2,00
¼ 0,15 0,30 0,45 1,00 1,15 0,12 0,24 0,36 0,48 1,00

 In above chart each benefic Graha has 5 Vedha points.

 Each malefic Graha has 4 Vedha points.
 To determine benefic or malefic influence, take difference of both benefic group of Grahas & malefic
group of Grahas. Total difference will indicate actual impact of Vedha.

Navamsa Vedha
 Every Nakshatra has 4 Padas. So all 28 Nakshatras, including Abhijit, have 112 Navamsas in SBC.
Grahas cause Vedha of these Navamsas, by their opposite (front) direction, e.g. a Graha in 1st Pada of
Krittika will cause Vedha of 4th Pada of Sravana, including Pada's vowels & consonants & Nakshatra.
This is known as Navamsa Vedha. It gives strong results when Navamsa Rasi has also Vedha.

Special Vedha of Sy
In SBC, Sy has been assigned special powers to cause directional Vedha in addition to Vedha of 5 components. It
means, when Sy occupies a direction, East, West, North or South, whole direction is afflicted for 3 months, from
date of entry in that direction till it leaves last Rasi. In this way all 12 Rasis of 4 directions are afflicted. This type
of Vedha is to be calculated from Krittika Nakshatra in East. If you examine SBC Chakra, you will find Vedha
details as under when Sy occupies any Nakshatra or Rasi in that direction:
East direction
 Vedha of Nakshatras from 1st Pada of Krittika to 4th Pada of Ashlesha.
 Vedha of Rasis from Mesha to Karka.
 Vedha of vowels – A, OO, O, LRI.
 Vedha of consonants, assigned to each Pada of a Nakshatra.
 Vedha of Tithi.
South direction
 Vedha of Nakshatras from 1st Pada of Magha to 4th Pada of Visakha.
 Vedha of Rasi from Simha to Tula.
 Vedha of vowels – AA, OO, OU, LREE.
 Vedha of consonants assigned to each Pada of Nakshatra.
 Vedha of Tithi.
West direction
 Vedha of Nakshatras from 1st Pada of Anuradha to 4th Pada of Sravana.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Vedha of Rasis from Vriscika to Makara.

 Vedha of vowels – E, RE, AE, AM.
 Vedha of consonants assigned to each Pada of Nakshatra.
 Vedha of Tithi.
North direction:
 Vedha of Nakshatras from 1st Pada of Dhanishta to 4th Pada of Bharani.
 Vedha of Rasis from Makara to Mesha.
 Vedha of vowels – EE, REE, AEI, AHA.
 Vedha of consonants assigned to each Pada of a Nakshatra.
 Vedha of Tithi.
 Similarly when Sy occupies a particular Nakshatra, three Nakshatras before & after are afflicted by Sy
including Nakshatra occupied by it.
 Similarly when a malefic Graha afflicts any Pada of a Nakshatra (by conjunction or aspect), consonants
and vowels are also afflicted. This causes danger to life & position especially when all 5 components are
 Similarly when one of following vowel is having Vedha, its counterpart is also having Vedha:
Table 26 - Automatic Vedha of vowels

Vowels having Vowel having

Vedha automatic Vedha
U (small) OO (big)

Front Vedha
As already indicated, some Sages have recommended front Vedha of Nakshatra only. But some eminent Sages
have suggested front Vedha of all 5 Panchkas. I suggest front Vedha of all 5 components should be considered
but its benefic impact is only 50 %.

Special note on Vedha

Vedha means a special relationship between Graha in motion & other celestial bodies, which are fixed in SBC of
native. Aspects by Grahas play important role in influencing human life, nations, commerce, trade, industries,
agricultural products, market fluctuations. Benefic or malefic impact depends on strength of Graha, it's benefic
or malefic nature, it's motion (speed), its conjunction with other Grahas - when 2 Grahas occupy same longitude
in a Nakshatra or its Pada, or aspect by 2 Grahas occupying 2 different Rasis but occupying same degree in their
Rasis or opposition aspect by 2 Grahas opposite each other at a distance of 180°, e.g. Sy 10° in Mesha and Sa 10°
in Tula. This aspect is most dangerous.

Vedha by benefic Grahas in lucky years.

According to astrology, 9th Bhava Lord & its occupants are lucky Grahas.
Table 27 - 9th Bhava Lord as lucky Graha

9th Bhava Rasi Lord Years Lucky business

Mes / Vrk Ma 28 Iron, wool, clothes.
Vrb / Tul Sk 25 Sugar, cotton, clothes.
Mit / Kan Bu 32 Grains, jute.
Kar Ch 24 Silver.
Sim Sy 22 Gold.
Dha / Min Gu 16 Ghee, oil, yellow items.
Mak / Kum Sa 36 Oil, silk, shares.
Ra in 9th Bhava - 42 Animals.
Ke in 9th Bhava - 42 Animals, blanket, woolblack.
Uranus in 9th Bhava - 36 Factories, machines.
Neptune in 9th Bhava - 24 Electrical goods.
Pluto in 9th Bhava - 44 Medicines, mines.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Normal Vedha of Grahas

It has uniform speed. So it has Vedha power of aspecting all directions – right, left & front.
As above.
Ra & Ke
These two Grahas have uniform speed and being retrograde throughout year. Hence these two Grahas also have
Vedha power of aspecting all three directions - right, left & front.
Ma, Bu, Gu, Sk, Sa
All these Grahas have no uniform speed. So they will have Vedha power as under:
When retrograde in transit Right direction.
When in high speed in transit Left direction.
When in normal speed in transit Front direction.
I may indicate here that there is some minor difference in Vedha & aspect. Aspect is usually applied in astrology.
Whereas Vedha is applied in SBC.
See Chapter 18 for Sarvatobhadra Chakra.

Chart of Vedha
Table 28 - Vedhas of Grahas on Nakshatras etc.

Front Vedha Left Right

Graha on Right Vedha Left Vedha Tithi Vedha Vowels and
of Vedha of Vedha of
Nakshatra of Nakshatra of Nakshatra (left & right) consonant Vedha
Nakshatra Rasi Rasi
1. Aswini P. Phalguni Jyeshta Rohini - Min/Dha Cha,Aha,Ya,OO
2. Bharani Magha Anuradha Krittika - Mes/Vrk 3,8,13/4,9,14 La,Na
3. Krittika Sravana Bharani Visakha Vrb/Tul - 1,6,11/2,7,12 A,Tha
4. Rohini Abhijit Aswini Swati Mit/Kan - Va,Ra,OO,Ou
5. Mrigasira U. Shada Revati Chitra Kar/Sim - A,La,Ka,Pa
6. Ardra P. Shada U. Bhadr. Hasta - - Va,Cha,Ha,Lree,Ta,Lri
7. Punarvasu Moola P. Bhadr. U. Phalguni - Vrb/Mes Ka,Dha,Da,Ma
8. Pushya Jyeshta Satabisha P. Phalguni - Mit/Min Ha,Sa,OO,O
9. Ashlesha Anuradha Dhanishta Magha - Kar/Kum 1,6,11/4 9,14 Da,Ga
10. Magha Bharani Ashlesha Sravana Sim/Mak - 2,7,12/3,8,13 Ma,Kha
11. P. Phalguni Aswini Pushya Abhijit Kan/Dha - Ta,Am,Ja,Oo
12. U. Phalguni Revati Punarvasu U. Shada Tul/Vrk - Ma,Da,Pa,Bha
13. Hasta U. Bhadr. Ardra P. Shada - - Ta,Ha,Ra,Ae,Ya,Lree
14. Chitra P. Bhadr. Mrigasira Moola - Sim/Kar Pa,Ka,Tha,Na
15. Swati Satabisha Rohini Jyeshta - Kan/Mit Ra,Re,Ou,Va
16. Visakha Dhanishta Kartika Anuradha - Tul/Vrb 1,6,11/2,7,12 Tha,A
17. Anuradha Ashlesha Visakha Bharani Mes/Vrk - 3,8,13/4,9,14 Na,La
18. Jyeshta Pushya Swati Aswini Dha/Min - Re,Ya,Aha,Cha
19. Moola Punarvasu Chitra Revati Mak/Kum - Na,Tha,Dha,Bha
20. P. Shada Ardra Hasta U. Bhadr. - - Ya,Ae,Ra,Ja,Aei,Sa
21. U. Shada Mrigasira U. Phalguni P. Bhadr. - Vrk/Tul Bha,Pa,Kha,Ga
22. Abhijit Rohini P. Phalguni Satabisha - Dha/Kan Ja,Am,Ta,Ree
23. Sravana Krittika Magha Dhanishta - Mak/Sim 2,7,12/3,8,13 Kha,Ma
24. Dhanishta Visakha Sravana Ashlesha Kum/Kar - 4,9,14/1,6,11 Ga,Da
25. Satabisha Swati Abhijit Pushya Min/Mit - Ree,Sa,O,Ha
26. P. Bhadra Chitra U. Shada Punarvasu Mes/Vrb - Ga,Kha,Dha,Ka
27. U. Bhadra Hasta P. Shada Ardra - - Sa,Aei,Ja,Cha,Lri,Va
28. Revati U. Phalguni Moola Mrigasira - Kum/Mak Dha,Bha,La,A

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Chapter 10
Forecasting methodology – future of individuals

Sarvatobhadra Chakra can be successfully & scientifically applied for prediction of individual’s future events.
For this purpose carryout following directions:
 Prepare a Sarvatobhadra Chakra - draw on a metal sheet or wooden plank.
 Prepare 5 wooden figures of Janma Nakshatra, Tithi, day, Swar / words and Rasi. In addition, place 9
figures of Janma Grahas according to their longitude.
 Place all figures in appropriate houses out of 81 Vargas indicated in SBC. Their position will clearly
indicate Panchkas position in Janma Chakra.
 Now place 9 figures of moving Grahas at time of forecasting in appropriate Padas of Nakshatras.
 Mark speed of each Graha - direct high speed, direct normal speed & retrograde motion.
 Decide direction of Vedha - front, right or left.
 Decide benefic / malefic nature of Grahas.
 Decide numerical strength of Grahas.
 Decide whether Graha is rising, combust, exalted or retrograde.
 Decide & mark Vedha of Panchkas in SBC.
 Decide operation and duration of benefic & malefic impact on native according to different Vedha
 Decide Vedha of Nakshatra etc. by benefic Graha & its strength for imparting benefic results.
 Similarly decide magnitude of malefic results due to Vedha by a malefic Graha.
 Remember that Ch, Bu, Sk & Gu are considered benefic Grahas irrespective of their nature in Janma
 Similarly Ma, Sy, Sa, Ra & Ke are declared malefic Grahas irrespective of their nature in natal Chakra.
 Remember front Vedha means Vedha of Nakshatra in opposite direction only.
 Remember right or left Vedha means Vedha of all Panchkas of SBC, including Nakshatra.
 SBC has 81 Vargas only & they are occupied as under:
o Occupied by Nakshatras 28 (including Abhijit)
o Occupied by Rasis 12
o Occupied by Tithis and days 5
o Occupied by vowels 16
o Occupied by consonants 20
In addition SBC indicates (in outer space) 12 Rasis & Padas.

Future of individuals (Prasna norms)

A Sarvatobhadra Chakra can be successfully applied for predicting future of individual. Forecasting may be
yearly, fortnightly or daily. For horary prediction, methodology is described on next page. The procedure is as
 Determine actual longitude of Sy on first day of Hindu year, first Tithi of Sukla Paksha & Krishna
Paksha and longitude of Ch for daily prediction.
 Place Sy & Ch in proper Nakshatra in separate SBCs.
 Place other Grahas in both SBCs as under from Nakshatra of Sy & Ch irrespective of their actual
position (longitude).

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Table 29 - Position of Grahas for individual predictions

Nakshatra from Sy Nakshatra from Ch

Yearly Chakra Fortnight Chakra Daily Chakra
Sy Actual Nak. Actual Nak. 5th from Ch
Ch - // - 12th Actual Nak.
Ma - // - 5th 7th
Bu - // - 28th 10th
Gu - // - 17th 14th
Sk - // - 3rd 19th
Sa - // - 26th 25th
Ra - // - 16th 13th
Ke - // - 12th 21st
Now record Panchkas of individuals in SBC & also record above Grahas in SBC. The forecast will be astonishing
but depending on nature & numerical strength of Vedha Graha, on those specific dates. Vedha results
supplement forecast indicated in SBC.
In Prasna, find out actual longitude of Sy & indicate its position in SBC. In addition, indicate position of other
Grahas as indicated below:
Sy Place Sy in actual Nakshatra occupied by Sy.
Ch Place Ch in 3rd Nakshatra from Sy‘s Nakshatra.
Ma - // - in 7th - // -

Bu - // - in 13th - // -

Gu - // - in 20th - // -

Sk - // - in 27th - // -

Ra - // - in 19th - // -

Ke - // - in 25th - // -

In this Chakra also record Panchkas of individuals in SBC and also above Grahas at their appropriate position in
SBC. Vedha results depend on benefic / malefic strength of Grahas.

Standard practice for Vedha in SBC

 Mark 5 Panchkas in SBC including Janma Lagna.
 Check up Vedha affliction of these components by Grahas - benefic as well as malefic - all in transit.
 The forecast will be as under:
Vedha by one malefic Graha
 of 1 component Failure in efforts, dispute & war.
 of 2 components Fear & loss.
 of 3 components Destruction & defeat.
 of 4 components Illness & death.
 of 5 components Death.
Vedha by 2 - 3 malefic Grahas
 of Nakshatra Confusion.
 of Rasi Obstruction.
 of Tithi Fear, danger.
 of consonants Financial loss.
 of vowel (Swar) Illness.
Vedha by 1 - 5 malefic Grahas
 Affliction by 1 Graha Confusion & war.
 - // - 2 Grahas Loss of relative and danger.
 - // - 3 - // - Troubles & loss.
 - // - 4 - // - Troubles & defeat, sickness or death.
 - // - 5 - // - Death.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

In addition, Vedha results of each Graha will be as under:

Vedha by Sy
Tension, dispute with Government, fever, foreign travel, loss, sufferings, opposition by wife & son, stomach
trouble, fear & obstructions.
Vedha by Ma
Financial loss, confusion, death in family, loss of property, obstructions, sickness of wife & son, foreign travel,
bleeding & fear.
Vedha by Sa
Sickness, danger, loss of relatives, foreign travel, imprisonment, loss of position, serious disease, death, fruitless
travel & obstructions.
Vedha by Ra
Obstructions, heart trouble, giddiness, danger, romance with a widow.
Vedha by Ke
Loss of wife, danger from Government, defeat in objectives and pain in body.
If Janma Nakshatra is having Gu's Vedha, no harm is possible even if 2 - 3 malefic Grahas have Vedha of 5
components. It ensures all types of protection.
Vedha of a Nakshatra is of 3 types as under
 A malefic Graha has just vacated a Nakshatra Malefic event just occurred.
 A malefic Graha has just occupied a Nakshatra Malefic event is taking place.
 A malefic Graha will soon occupy a Nakshatra Malefic event will occur soon.
 Avoid such a day for all important activities.
 If a benefic Graha has vacated a Nakshatra or has occupied a Nakshatra or will occupy a Nakshatra,
benefic results are bound to occur.
 If Ch has left a Nakshatra, that Nakshatra is not malefic for any auspicious work.
 Vedha by Bu Improvement in intelligence.
 Vedha by Sk Romance.
 Vedha by Sa, Ma, Ra or Ke of Janma Nakshatra & Janma Rasi may cause death.

Vedha of Janma Nakshatra by malefic Grahas

Vedha by 1 malefic Graha Fear from relatives, illness, failures, worries, confusion, setbacks,
disappointments, loss and death of relatives.
Vedha by 2 malefic Grahas Danger, death of relatives, fear and tension.
Vedha by 3 malefic Grahas Loss of wealth.
Vedha by 4 malefic Grahas Sickness or death.
Vedha by 5 malefic Grahas Death.

Vedha of Janma Rasi by malefic Grahas

Vedha by 1 malefic Graha Sorrow, health problem, distress, obstructions, danger, sad events.
Vedha by 2 malefic Grahas Loss of wealth and death of relative.
Vedha by 3 malefic Grahas Loss of wife, loss of wealth and sickness.
Vedha by 4 malefic Grahas Sickness or death.
Vedha by 5 malefic Grahas Death.

Vedha of Janma Tithi by malefic Grahas

Vedha by 1 malefic Graha Confusion, loss, falls from height, danger, setbacks, madness, demotion,
failures or accident.
Vedha by 2 malefic Grahas Loss of relatives, fear, danger and defeat.
Vedha by 3 malefic Grahas Loss of wife or financial loss.
Vedha by 4 malefic Grahas Troubles, defeat or death.
Vedha by 5 malefic Grahas Death.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Vedha of Janma consonants by malefic Grahas

Vedha by 1 malefic Graha Fear from Gov., worries, loss, setbacks, sickness, dispute with wife and
employees, defeat, loss of job or death.
Vedha by 2 malefic Grahas Loss of relatives, fear & financial loss.
Vedha by 3 malefic Grahas Loss of wife & financial loss.
Vedha by 4 malefic Grahas Troubles & illness.
Vedha by 5 malefic Grahas Death.

Vedha of Janma vowel by malefic Grahas

Vedha by 1 malefic Graha Deterioration of health, serious sickness, loss of gold, dispute with
relatives, loss, danger of death, failures, theft.
Vedha by 2 malefic Grahas Loss of relatives and fear.
Vedha by 3 malefic Grahas Loss of wife, loss and defeat.
Vedha by 4 malefic Grahas Troubles and illness.
Vedha by 5 malefic Grahas Death.
 Vedha of all 5 components by one or more malefic Grahas may cause death.
 Vedha of all 5 components from 2 sides by 2 malefic Grahas may cause death.
 Vedha by malefic retrograde Grahas give most malefic results.
 Vedha by Sy, Ma, Sa, Ra or Ke give malefic results, tension, trouble from King, fever, loss, travelling,
sickness, obstructions and setbacks.

Vedha of Janma Nakshatra by benefic Grahas

Vedha by 1 benefic Graha Good luck, health and success.
Vedha by 2 benefic Grahas Financial gain, no fear and good luck.
Vedha by 3 benefic Grahas Success & victory, good luck and gain.
Vedha by 4 benefic Grahas Wealth, gain and success.

Vedha of Janma Rasi by benefic Grahas

Vedha by 1 benefic Graha Happiness, good luck, victory and happy events.
Vedha by 2 benefic Grahas Good luck and all round success.
Vedha by 3 benefic Grahas Financial gain, success & victory.
Vedha by 4 benefic Grahas Success, wealth & health.

Vedha of Janma Tithi by benefic Grahas

Vedha by 1 benefic Graha Financial gain.
Vedha by 2 benefic Grahas Good luck.
Vedha by 3 benefic Grahas Financial gain.
Vedha by 4 benefic Grahas Success & wealth.

Vedha of Janma consonant by benefic Grahas

Vedha by 1 benefic Graha Happiness and success.
Vedha by 2 benefic Grahas Good luck.
Vedha by 3 benefic Grahas Financial gain.
Vedha by 4 benefic Grahas Success & wealth.

Vedha of Janma vowel by benefic Grahas

Vedha by 1 benefic Graha Good luck, health and success.
Vedha by 2 benefic Grahas Good luck.
Vedha by 3 benefic Grahas Financial gain.
Vedha by 4 benefic Grahas Success & wealth.
 Vedha of all 5 Panchkas by 2 or more benefic Grahas from two directions indicates financial gain, all
round success and prosperity.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Vedha by a benefic Graha along with a malefic Graha in same Pada of a Nakshatra indicates malefic
 Vedha by Ch (waxing), Bu (benefic), Gu & Sk in general indicates financial gain, victory, happiness &
 Vedha by benefic retrograde Graha indicates most benefic results.
 Vedha by Bu of Janma Nakshatra etc. ensures happiness.
 Vedha by Ch of Janma Nakshatra indicates happiness & wealth.
 Vedha by Sk of Janma Nakshatra indicates great achievements & ministership.
 When a malefic Graha, after Vedha of a Nakshatra, leaves Nakshatra & shifts to another Nakshatra,
Vedha is over & it gives benefic results after removing its malefic impact.
 Vedha by Ch gives mixed results depending on its benefic or malefic nature at time of Vedha.
 Vedha by Sk indicates happy romance, marriage, favor from Gov., all type of happiness & favors.
 Vedha by Bu indicates intelligence, happiness, favor from Gov., marriage, business, release from jail,
recovery from illness, gain and reputation.
 Vedha by Gu indicates success in all efforts, financial gain, favor from Gov., ministership and good

Vedha of Janma Nakshatra and other sensitive Nakshatras from Ch

Whenever 2 or more malefic Grahas cause Vedha of Janma Nakshatra and other sensitive Nakshatras, results
will be as under:
Sensitive Nakshatras Results
1st Nakshatra Janma Death & loss of wealth.
10th Nakshatra Karm Separation, travel and dispute.
19th Nakshatra Adham Separation & foreign travel.
23rd Nakshatra Vinash Dispute & sudden death.
18th Nakshatra Samudayika Sudden setbacks & death.
16th Nakshatra Sanghatika Loss & sudden death.
25th Nakshatra Jati Destruction of family.
26th Nakshatra Desh, Rajya Defeat by enemy.
27th Nakshatra Abhisheka Defeat, destruction of Capital, imprisonment of head of state.

Special notes on Vedha of Janma Nakshatra causing death

Vedha of Janma Nakshatra indicates death of individual native. Death may even take place within a month by
weapon, poison or murder by any instrument. This is possible under following circumstances:
 Janma Nakshatra & its Pada are conjunct by 2 malefic strong Grahas.
 Janma Nakshatra & its Pada are having Vedha by 2 malefic Grahas from two different directions.
 Janma Nakshatra is conjunct with a strong malefic Graha and other malefic Graha is causing Vedha of
Janma Nakshatra.
 Janma Nakshatra and Latta Nakshatra are synchronizing. Details about Latta Nakshatras are given in
appropriate Chapter.
 Janma Nakshatra and an Upagraha are synchronizing.
 Janma Nakshatra is related (aspect / conjunction) to strong malefic Grahas in Janma Chakra. This is in
addition to Vedha in SBC.
 10th Nakshatra, known as Karm Nakshatra, from Janma Nakshatra, is having similar combinations as
above, native will have danger from snakes, animals, water, fall or accident. Death may take place
within 73 days.
 16th Nakshatra, known as Sanghatika Nakshatra, from Janma Nakshatra, is having similar combinations
as above, native may die within 95 days in his own house.
 If Ma is on 23rd Nakshatra & Sy & Ch on 25th Nakshatra, death is possible within a year due to sickness.
If Ma is on 25th Nakshatra & Sy & Ch on Janma Nakshatra then death is possible within 6 months.
 If Sa is on Janma Nakshatra and Ma & Ch on 10th Nakshatra then death within 3 months is possible due
to suicide or murder.
 If Sa occupies 10th Nakshatra & Ma & Ch occupy 16th Nakshatra then death within a year is possible due
to fire.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 If Sa occupies 16th Nakshatra & Ma & Ch occupy Janma Nakshatra then death is possible within 4 days
or 4 months.
 Sa occupies Janma Nakshatra & Ma & Ch occupy 23rd Nakshatra, death is possible within 8 months due
to woman.
 If Sa occupies 23rd Nakshatra & Ma & Ch occupy 25th Nakshatra, then death is possible within 8 months
due to hunger.
 If Sa occupies 25th Nakshatra & Ma & Ch occupy Janma Nakshatra, then death is possible within 6
months due to sickness.
 If Janma Nakshatra & other Nakshatras have benefic Vedha or conjunction then benefic results are
bound to happen.
 If these 9 Nakshatras are having malefic Vedha, malefic results are bound to happen, so avoid all
auspicious activities.
 If 18th Nakshatra from Janma Nakshatra has similar 5 combinations, native may die within 4 months by
weapon, imprisonment or poison.
 If 23rd Nakshatra from Janma Nakshatra has similar 5 combinations, native may die within 5 days due to
injury, sickness or hunger.
 If 25th Nakshatra from Janma Nakshatra has similar 5 combinations, native may die within 4 months
due to sickness.
 If Sy is on Janma Nakshatra & Ma & Ch on 10th Nakshatra, death within 12 days is possible due to
imprisonment by enemy.
 If Sy is on 10th Nakshatra & Ma & Ch on 16th Nakshatra, death within a month is possible.
 If Sy is on 16th Nakshatra & Ma & Ch on Janma Nakshatra, death in 3 months due to sickness is possible.
 If Sy is on Janma Nakshatra & Ma & Ch on 23rd Nakshatra, death due to blood disease or anus disease is
 If Sy is on 23rd Nakshatra & Ma & Ch are on 25th Nakshatra, death in 6 months is possible.
 If Sy is on 25th Nakshatra & Ma & Ch are on Janma Nakshatra, death in 3 months is possible.
 If Ma is on Janma Nakshatra & Sy & Ch on 10th Nakshatra, death in 4 days or 4 months due to water is
 If Ma is on 10th Nakshatra & Sy & Ch on 16th Nakshatra, death in 4 months due to wild animal is
 If Ma is on 16th Nakshatra & Sy & Ch on Janma Nakshatra, death is possible any time due to sickness.
 If Ma is on Janma Nakshatra & Sy & Ma on 23rd Nakshatra, death is possible due to stomach disease.

Some special Vedhas by Grahas

 Gu + malefic Graha All types of malefic results, death, sickness, trouble from King, loss of job,
disappointments, defamation, setbacks, unhappy events, foreign travel,
sickness of wife & son, imprisonment, loss of reputation and failures.
 Sk + malefic Graha Loss, trouble due to woman and all round disappointments.
 Ch + malefic Graha Headache, fever, blood disease, Pretbadha and severe disease.
 Bu + malefic Graha All types of malefic results.
Vedha by malefic Graha / Grahas on Janma Nakshatra
 Nakshatra since vacated Death or death like position, failures already occurred and
 Nakshatra since occupied Failures in efforts taking place & will fall sick soon.
 Nakshatra will be occupied soon Failures will occur in future. If simultaneously benefic conjunction
or aspect exists, this ensures recovery & mild sickness effects.
Special Vedha results
 Malefic aspect by Sy, Ma, Sa, Ra Death & obstructions.
 Benefic aspect by Ch, Bu, Gu & Sk Gain, happiness and success.
 Benefic Graha if retrograde Most benefic results.
 Malefic Graha if in ordinary speed Malefic results.
 Benefic Graha if in fast speed Benefic results.
 Benefic Graha in normal speed 50 % benefic results.
 Benefic Graha if combust No results.
 Malefic Graha if retrograde Most malefic.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Malefic Graha if fast speed 50 % malefic.

 Malefic Graha if combust No results.
In addition, confirm malefic impact from impact of Upagrahas & also Latta Dosha explained in subsequent

Additional Vedha by Grahas

Each Graha aspects following Nakshatras from its own Nakshatra position - Nakshatra occupied by Graha:
Table 30 - Additional Vedhas of Grahas (2)

Aspect on Aspect in SP during Aspect in KP during

Nakshatras day & forenoon night & afternoon
Sy 15, 5 Behind Front
Ch 15 Front Behind
Ma 15, 7, 8, 10 Behind Front
Bu 15, 9, 12 Front Behind
Gu 15, 10, 19 Front Behind
Sk 15, 9, 12 Front Behind
Sa 15, 3, 5, 19 Behind Front
Ra 15, 9 Behind Front

Above aspect is counted from Nakshatra occupied by these Grahas. In addition see Chapter 5.

Vedha results
Vedha of
Sy Defeat in war, fear & obstructions.
Ch (waning) Financial loss, fear & obstruction.
Ma Defeat, fear, obstructions & hard labor.
Bu Financial gain, profits & improved relations.
Gu All types of gains, religious work.
Sk Victory in war, financial gains & cordial relations.
Sa Defeat or death & obstructions.
Ra Obstruction.
Vedha by Sy & Ch Death & malefic.
Vedha by Sy & Ma Death & difficulties.
Vedha by Sy & Bu Defeat, loss and obstructions.
Vedha by Sy & Gu Victory, happiness and gains.
Vedha by Sy & Sk Death & troubles.
Vedha by Sy & Sa Death & troubles.
Vedha by Ch & Ma Death.
Vedha by Ch & Bu Minor gain.
Vedha by Ch & Gu Victory, success & gain.
Vedha by Ch & Sk Victory & gain.
Vedha by Ch & Sa Death & loss.
Vedha by Ma & Bu Gain & obstructions.
Vedha by Ma & Gu Defeat.
Vedha by Ma & Sk Success.
Vedha by Ma & Sa Death & obstructions.
Vedha by Bu & Gu Gain.
Vedha by Bu & Sk Victory & gain.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Vedha by Bu & Sa Death, defeat and obstructions.

Vedha by Gu & Sk Gain & fame.
Vedha by Gu & Sa Defeat & obstructions.
Vedha by Sk & Sa Death, unhappy events & fear.
Vedha by Ch, Bu, Gu and Sk Success and gain.
Vedha by Sy, Ma, Sa, Ra & Ke Most malefic.

Additional notes
 Sy is Atma & is supposed to give benefic results.
 How Sy will give benefic results, examine Janma Nakshatra & Nadi.
 Longitude of Sy & Ch is most important and benefic results are assured when benefic Grahas transit or
aspect these points in SBC.
 Charan (Pada) is most important for determining micro results, e.g. treat a Nakshatra as 1 year & one
Charan as 3 months.
 Ch transits a Nakshatra for 24 hours. Transit in each Pada indicates 6 hours duration. Whenever any
significator along with Ch transits this Pada or malefic Graha and Markesh enters this Pada indicate
benefic / malefic event during 6 hours.
 Synchronize native's Janma Chakra, Chalit Chakra & transit Chakra for micro decision. Also examine
Drekkana Chakra for that time.
 Prepare Shadvargas for different activities. For marriage prepare Navamsa Chakra. Find out Graha
ensuring marriage & mark in SBC.
 Exalted Grahas in natal Chakra & Navamsa Chakra are very powerful & beneficial.
 Treat Janma Nakshatra as first year of life & 27th Nakshatra as 27th year. Repeat cycle again, e.g. Janma
Nakshatra will indicate 1st year, 28th year, 55th year, 82nd year of life. Find out benefic years according to
classification of Nakshatras.
 Similarly examine Dasa & Antardasa Lords. If they occupy beneficial Nakshatras, e.g. 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th,
result are bound to be benefic.
 Synchronizing above positions of Grahas with SBC, determine timing of event & also micro results.
 Determination of exalted strength & Shadvarga strength is essential to determine benefic & malefic
results & also their potentiality. E.g. Sy Lord of 10th Bhava in natal Chakra, occupies 12th Bhava & Sy is
joined by Ma & aspected by Ra. If Sy is weak, it will give malefic results.
 Determine significations of each Graha, e.g. Ra indicates death, destruction, demotions and dissolution.
Sa indicates sufferings, losses, unhappiness and failures.
 Whenever a benefic Graha aspects Punya Saham, it gives benefic & important results in that particular
year, depending on Bhava occupied & owned by such a Graha.
 Vedha results from Ch's Nakshatra are valid for one year & Vedha results from Sy's Nakshatra are valid
for 9 years.
 Vedha by a benefic, of Lagna & its Lord is always good.
 Grahas occupying benefic Nakshatras, e.g. 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, are always benefic, e.g. Gu in 7th Bhava
occupying 4th Pada of Rohini in Vrisabha, Lord of 5th Bhava & occupies Pawan Nadi and aspecting 11th
& 3rd Bhava. Since Gu is exalted in Navamsa, it will ensure heavy legal income from many sources.
Special Vedha results of Sy
Vedha by Sy
Vedha of Tithi Danger or death possible.
Vedha of Rasi Setbacks & obstructions.
Vedha of vowels Sad events, unhappiness & failures.
Vedha of consonant Financial loss & no success.
Vedha of Nakshatra Sickness & all round disappointments.
Vedha of all 5 Death possible. Avoid marriage, travelling, entering a new house, filing a suit, new
business, new job & election.

Sapta Nadi and Vedha of Nadi Lord

From following table, locate your Janma Nakshatra, your Nadi and your Nadi Lord, e.g. Janma Nakshatra
Revati, than your Nadi will be Dehan & its Lord will be Ma.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Table 31 - Sapta Nadi & Vedha of Nadi Lord

Nadi Prachand Pawan Dehan Sobhya Neer Jal Amrit

Lord Sa Sy Ma Gu Sk Bu Ch
Krittika Rohini Mrigasira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Ashlesha
Visakha Swati Chitra Hasta U. Phalguni P. Phalguni Magha
Anuradha Jyeshta Moola P. Shada U. Shada Abhijit Sravana
Bharani Aswini Revati U. Bhadra P. Bhadra Satabisha Dhanishta
Direction malefic in South - benefic in North

Prachand Nadi
Most dangerous. 2 malefic Grahas on this Nadi cause greatest harm. Benefic Grahas (strong) indicate good luck.
Pawan Nadi
Lot of travelling but without any benefic results.
Dehan Nadi
Mental tension, setbacks, quarrels, spoils business and career.
Sobhya Nadi
Benefic results of Vedha by benefic Grahas. Ensure many type of happy events in life.
Neer Nadi
Hard work necessary to achieve desired results. Opportunities during period are plenty.
Jal Nadi
All expectations are fulfilled. Some benefic & some malefic results are also possible.
Amrit Nadi
Ensures permanent benefic results.
Note: See Chapter 3 also.
 Benefic & malefic Grahas on a particular Nakshatra or Nakshatras of a Nadi will be considered as if they
are moving on all Nakshatras of that Nadi.
 If Lord of Nadi (Graha) is moving on a Nakshatra of Nadi, it will give results according to classification
of Nadi.
 If benefic or malefic Graha alone move over Nadi, either with Ch or without Ch, result will not be
satisfactory. If only 2 benefic Grahas occupy a Nadi, it is most beneficial.
 If benefic Graha along with Ch (Full) joins on Neer, Jal or Amrit, it ensures benefic results.
 If benefic Graha along with benefic Ch joins Amrit Nadi, it ensures many happy and permanent results.
 If benefic Grahas (2 or 3) along with 1 or 2 malefic Grahas join on Prachand, Pawan or Dehan Nadi, they
give 25 % benefic results only.
 If more malefic Grahas & less benefic Grahas occupy Neer, Jal & Amrit Nadi, they give unsatisfactory
 If Sk & Ch occupy Neer, Jal & Amrit Nadi, they give most benefic results.
 If Sk & Ch occupy Prachand, Pawan & Dehan Nadi, they indicate only hope but no achievement.
 If Sy, Ch & Sk occupy any Nadi, they indicate realization of objectives.
 If Ch, Gu & Sk or Ch, Bu, Gu & Sk occupy a Nadi, they indicate benefic results of permanent nature.
 If Sy, Ch & Sa occupy any Nadi they indicate most malefic period.
 Any strong, retrograde or exalted Graha on Jal Nadi indicates success in efforts.
 If Grahas are strong, malefic, having malefic relations, indicate only malefic results.
 If fast moving Graha is ahead of slow moving Graha, on a Nakshatra, but both benefic, ensure success &
happy results.
 If 2 or more Grahas occupy any Nadi, they give results according to Nadi's name.
 If any Graha occupies or moves on its own Nadi, it gives results according to name of Nadi.
 If Ma occupies or moves on any other Nadi, in addition to its own Nadi, it gives results of that Nadi
 If Ch along with 2 benefic Grahas moves in any Nadi Nakshatra, it ensures most benefic results.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Vedha results of Upagrahas

Upagrahas given in following chart are counted from Nakshatra occupied by Sy and indicate Nakshatra
occupied by them on a particular day. These Nakshatras indicate malefic day for all purposes & failures if some
activity is carried out on that day.
Table 32 - Vedha results of Upagrahas

Nak. of Upagraha
from Sy's Nak.
Sy's own Malefic results.
5th - Vidyutmukh Death of child & fall.
8th - Shoola Death of husband and bleeding.
14th - Sannipat Death of husband, son & fever.
18th - Ketu Death of brother-in-law.
21st - Ulka Financial loss & danger.
22nd - Kampa Death of relatives & cold.
23rd - Bajra Setbacks in profession & danger.
24th - Nirghat Setbacks in profession & danger.
 Above position of Nakshatras does NOT include Abhijit Nakshatra.
 If these Nakshatras are afflicted along with Janma Nakshatra by malefic conjunction or aspect, malefic
results will be more serious.
 If 2 malefic Grahas are jointly afflicting above sensitive Nakshatras from Sy, along with Janma
Nakshatra, even death may take place.
 If day's Nakshatras, occupied by malefic Grahas, are Nakshatras No. 5, 8, 14, 18, 21, 22, 23 and 24, are
100 % malefic days and should be avoided for all purposes. Otherwise malefic events may take place.
 If Janma Nakshatra itself is occupied by Upagraha, this indicates a serious warning. It may cause bad
health, accident, dispute. If a malefic Graha & Upagraha falls on Janma Nakshatra, this is a serious
indication & may cause death.

Vedha of Nakshatras, from Janma Nakshatra by Grahas and their Vedha results
Janma Nakshatra Janma Danger to native & death - if Vedha by 2 strong malefic Grahas.
2nd Nakshatra Sampath Wealth & prosperity - benefic aspect necessary.
3rd Nakshatra Vipath Accident if aspected by 2 strong malefic Grahas.
4th Nakshatra Kshemya Happiness & prosperity if aspected by benefic Grahas.
5th Nakshatra Pratwara Loss of business & obstacles depending on malefic aspect.
6th Nakshatra Sadhaka Success in efforts, depending on sincere efforts.
7th Nakshatra Naidhana Sudden death & loss if Vedha by 2 strong malefic Grahas.
8th Nakshatra Maitra Financial gain & success through friend.
9th Nakshatra Paramaitra Financial gain & success through very intimate friend.
10th Nakshatra Karma Disputes, sufferings and unhappiness.
11th Nakshatra Sampath Wealth & prosperity.
12th Nakshatra Vipath Sickness & accident.
13th Nakshatra Kshemya Happiness & prosperity.
14th Nakshatra Pratwara Loss of business & obstruction.
15th Nakshatra Sadhaka Success in efforts depends on sincere effort.
16th Nakshatra Sanghatika Financial loss & disappointment.
17th Nakshatra Mitra Financial success & gain through friend.
18th Nakshatra Samudayika Sudden setbacks, malefic results and harm.
19th Nakshatra Adhana Separation and foreign travel.
20th Nakshatra Sampath Wealth & prosperity.
21st Nakshatra Vipath Sickness & accident.
22nd Nakshatra Kshemya Happiness & prosperity.
23rd Nakshatra Vinash Dispute, sudden death and misunderstanding.
24th Nakshatra Sadhaka Success in efforts.
25th Nakshatra Jati Destruction of family & community.
26th Nakshatra Desha Defeat by enemy. Division of Desh or property.
27th Nakshatra Abhisheka Imprisonment, murder, destruction of house.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Any benefic Graha having Vedha of benefic Nakshatras, e.g. 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th from Janma Nakshatra,
benefic results are assured with full satisfaction.
 Any malefic Graha having Vedha of malefic Nakshatras, e.g. 3rd, 5th, 7th, malefic results will increase.
 Any benefic / malefic Graha having Vedha of Janma Nakshatra, results will be according to Graha's
 Janma Nakshatra may be treated as Lagna, if Vedha is caused by benefic Graha, it causes wealth,
respect, position, good health etc. If Vedha is by malefic Graha, it may even cause death.
 Nakshatras are always fixed & cannot give benefic / malefic results unless Grahas transit these
Nakshatras. Grahas move in zodiac. Their influence & impact in SBC is most important.
 Nakshatras Vedha in SBC is considered most important for all types of predictions.
 Vedha of Janma Nakshatra in same Pada by a strong malefic or 2 malefics may even cause death. Janma
Nakshatra is first Nakshatra of Janma, 10th Nakshatra (Karma Nakshatra) is also [Editor's note: missing
text, could be 'Janma Nakshatra'], but malefic impact on this Nakshatra is much less. Similarly 19th
Nakshatra (Adhana Nakshatra) is also Janma Nakshatra, malefic impact on this Nakshatra will not
cause death, but only separation from family & foreign travel.
 Vedha of Janma Nakshatra may be direct or indirect. However, if Latta Nakshatras & Upagrahas
Nakshatras are also synchronized, impact of malefic Vedha will be severe.
See Chapter 18 for Sarvatobhadra Chakra.

Chapter 11
Forecasting methodology - how to determine benefic Muhurta
Astrology has prescribed large number of benefic Muhurtas - common for all purposes. In addition astrology
has prescribed special Muhurtas for each auspicious activity, e.g. entering into a new house, marriage, buying
vehicle or gold, post-natal ceremonies, education, opening a new shop or starting a new business, travel etc.
In SBC, when some benefic Grahas in motion transit Janma Nakshatra and other consonants of native, create
most auspicious Muhurtas for all types of activities. This Muhurta should however be synchronized with
auspicious Muhurta according to natal Chakra of native.

Mark following auspicious Nakshatras in SBC of native:
Type of Nakshatras in general
Janma Nakshatras 1, 10, 19 Neutral 0
Sampath Nakshatras 2, 11, 20 Benefic +
Vipath Nakshatras 3, 12, 21 Malefic -
Kshemya Nakshatras 4, 13, 22 Benefic +
Pratwara Nakshatras 5, 14, 23 Malefic -
Sadhaka Nakshatras 6, 15, 24 Benefic +
Naidhana Nakshatras 7, 16, 25 Malefic -
Maitra Nakshatras 8, 17, 26 Benefic +
Param Maitra Nakshatras 9, 18, 27 Benefic +
See Chapter 10 also.
 The above system does not include Abhijit Nakshatra.
 Janma Nakshatra can be determined from Nakshatra occupied by Ch.
 If Janma Chakra is not available, determine Nakshatra according to latest popular name of native.
 Ensure benefic aspect on Janma Nakshatra, Janma Tithi, Ch Rasi, Navamsa Rasi, on a particular day. If
there is no malefic aspect, it indicates 100 % success.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 If malefic Vedha is prominent, it indicates failures.

 If all 4 benefic Grahas are having Vedha, 100 % success is assured.
 If only Gu is causing benefic Vedha, it indicates improvement, success, gain & victory.
 If only Sk is causing benefic Vedha, it indicates happiness and romance.
 If only Bu is causing benefic Vedha, it indicates success in examination.
 If all malefic Grahas are having Vedha – 100 % failure in efforts, death & financial loss is possible.
 If Sy is causing Vedha, it indicates disappointment and tension.
 If Ma is causing Vedha, it indicates dispute, accident or death.
 If Sa is causing Vedha, it indicates serious sickness & loss.
 If Ra is causing Vedha, it indicates accident & injury.
 If Ke is causing Vedha, it indicates food poisoning.
 If Janma Nakshatra is having malefic Vedha, it indicates loss.
 If Janma Rasi is having malefic Vedha, it indicates demotion and setbacks in profession.
 If Navamsa is having malefic Vedha, it indicates failures, disappointment & death.
 Benefic & malefic Nakshatras should be clearly marked in SBC.
 When 2 - 3 malefic Grahas conjunct or aspect 1st, 10th or 19th Nakshatra, reject such a time for all
important activities.
 Nakshatras at number 3, 5, 7, 12, 14, 16, 21, 23, 25 are most malefic & avoid all important activities on
days which are occupied by these Nakshatras.
 If malefic Grahas are having Vedha of Panchkas, results will be as under:
o Marriage Marital discord & divorce.
o Travel Never return back.
o Medical treatment No recovery.
o Financial transactions No recovery & loss.
 If Sy is involved in malefic Vedha Disappointments.
 If Ma is involved in malefic Vedha Death.
 If Sa is involved in malefic Vedha Financial loss.
 If Ra is involved in malefic Vedha Accident.
 If Ke is involved in malefic Vedha Poisoning.
 If malefic Ch is involved in malefic Vedha Malefic results.
 If malefic Graha / Grahas is / are strong, such a day must be avoided for all auspicious activities.
 Whenever Sy transit any direction in SBC - East, South, West or North - Rasi, Nakshatra, Navamsa etc.
become combust & most inauspicious.
 Whenever any malefic Graha is causing Vedha of a particular Pada of a particular Nakshatra, whole
Nakshatra become malefic & should be avoided.
 Avoid conjunction of malefic Graha on Janma Nakshatra.
 Avoid aspect of malefic Graha on Janma Nakshatra.
 Avoid Janma Nakshatra if occupied by Latta Nakshatra.
 Avoid Janma Nakshatra if happens to be a Nakshatra occupied by Upagraha.
 Avoid aspect of malefic Grahas on other Janma components.
 Avoid day on which Janma Nakshatra is occupied by Sy, Ma or Sa.
 Avoid day on which Nakshatras No. 10, 19, 12, 23, 16, 25 are occupied by Sy, Ma, Sa or malefic Ch.
 Avoid day which is owned by Janma Nakshatra and is occupied by all malefic Grahas.

Another method for determining benefic / malefic Muhurta

Decide malefic sensitive Nakshatras from Sy which are owned by Upagrahas. These Nakshatras falling on a
particular day are considered malefic as under. These should be avoided for all auspicious activities specially
Table 33 - Malefic Nakshatras from Surya

Nakshatra from Sy* Results Grahas**

Sy Nak. Malefic. Sy
5th from Sy Death of child. Sy
8th from Sy (Shoola) Death of husband. Ch
14th from Sy (Sannipata) Death of husband or son. Ma

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

18th from Sy (Ketu) Death of brother-in-law. Bu

21st from Sy (Ulka) Financial loss & danger. Gu
22nd from Sy (Kampa) Death of relatives. Sa
23rd from Sy (Bajra) Setbacks in profession, danger from weapon, sex. Sk
24th from Sy (Nirghata) Separation from family. Ra

[* Nakshatra on a particular day from Sy Nakshatra (Upagrahas); ** Worship Grahas to avoid malefic impact.]
Exclude Abhijit Nakshatra for counting position of Upagrahas. In addition, if Janma Nakshatra is also afflicted
by malefic conjunction or aspect, malefic results will be more serious, even death. So avoid days on which above
Upagraha Nakshatras are located & there is malefic Vedha also on Nakshatra and also Janma Nakshatra. Viz.
Janma Nakshatra is occupied by an Upagraha & also having Vedha by malefics.

Malefic Latta Dosh

In determining auspicious time, avoid following Nakshatras, especially when a malefic Graha is causing Vedha:
Table 34 - Malefic Latta Dosh

Nakshatra Behind / front

Result Results if Latta falls on Janma Nakshatra
from Graha* for counting
12th from Sy** Front Death, defeat. Professional setbacks and loss.
3rd from Ma Front Setbacks. Setbacks, danger, death and loss.
6th from Gu Front Illness. Loss of relatives, separation and sufferings.
8th from Sa Front Danger, fear. Death, serious danger, loss, theft and sickness.
22nd from Ch Behind Danger, death. Setbacks, danger, travel and disease.
7th from Bu Behind Death of relative. Separation, loss and confusion.
5th from Sk Behind Setbacks. Loss of relatives, discord with wife and sex disease.
9th from Ra & Ke Behind Death. Financial loss and danger.

[* Position of Latta Nakshatra from a Nakshatra occupied by a Graha; ** Sy Latta, read other similarly.]

E.g. if Sy is on Krittika, than it will effect Chitra, being 12th Nakshatra from its own position. Such a Nakshatra
should be avoided for all purpose. In such case, when such a Vedha Nakshatra (Chitra) has malefic conjunction
or Vedha by malefic Graha, it becomes very malefic.
When any Graha is retrograde, find out position by reversing above combinations.
Any malefic Graha in transit conjuncting or having Vedha of Latta Nakshatra, defeat, death, travel, widowhood
is possible.
For counting position of Latta Nakshatra, do not include Abhijit Nakshatra. Consider only 27 Nakshatras.

Chapter 12
Forecasting methodology - how to determine sickness & accident

When a person is seriously sick or injured in accident, a question arises whether person will recover or will face
end. These questions can be easily decided from SBC as under:
 Indicate all 5 components of individual on SBC, at time of serious sickness or accident.
 Indicate all 9 Grahas in transit, in relevant Vargas of Nakshatras, at time of serious sickness or accident.

The results of malefic Vedha

 If a retrograde malefic Graha is causing Vedha of Janma Nakshatra and other Panchkas - death is
 If a fast malefic Graha is causing Vedha - disease will prolong.
 If Sy is causing Vedha - severe pain & fever is possible.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 If Ma is causing Vedha - breathing problem and bleeding is possible.

 If Ra is causing Vedha - heart trouble or severe type of problem is possible.
 If Ke is causing Vedha - severe type of fits or pain.
 If Sa is causing Vedha - severe pain, sickness and death are possible.
 If Janma Nakshatra is afflicted by 2 - 3 malefic Grahas - eye disease, confusion is possible.
 If consonant is afflicted - vomiting and indigestion.
 If vowel is afflicted - mouth, teeth and ear disease.
 If Tithi is afflicted - skin disease and rheumatic pain.
 If Janma Rasi is afflicted - cough, nervous disease, indigestion and danger from water.
 If one strong malefic Graha is causing Vedha of 4 components of SBC - sickness is possible.
 If one strong malefic Graha is causing Vedha of all 5 components of SBC - death is possible.
 Vedha by 2 - 3 malefic Grahas, of Tithi and vowel - serious sickness is possible.
 Vedha by 4 or 5 malefic Grahas of components of SBC - serious sickness or death is possible.
 Vedha of Janma Rasi by 4 - 5 malefic Grahas - death.
 Vedha by Sy, Sa, Ma, Ra or Ke of Janma Nakshatra & Janma Rasi - death is possible.
 Vedha of Janma Tithi by 4 - 5 malefic Grahas - death.
 Vedha of Janma consonant by 4 - 5 malefic Grahas - sickness and death.
 Vedha of Janma vowel by 4 - 5 malefic Grahas - sickness and death.
 Vedha of all 5 components by one or more malefic Grahas - serious sickness and death.
 Vedha of all 5 components from 2 sides by 2 malefic Grahas - death is possible.
 Vedha of 1st, 23rd, 18th, 16th Nakshatra from Janma Nakshatra by 2 or more malefic Grahas - may cause
 16th Nakshatra from Janma Nakshatra is having Vedha by malefic Grahas - native may die in his house
within 96 days.

Chapter 13
Forecasting methodology - how to determine success in national politics and

For ensuring correct political predictions synchronizing of SBC with Kurm Chakra is essential. In this Chakra
India is divided into 9 regions. Each region has been assigned 3 Nakshatras as significators of that region. This
Kurm Chakra is useful for determining directions as under:
 Directions of different regions in world.
 Directions of countries.
 Directions of different regions in a country.
 Directions of different parts of a city & region.
 And many types of sub directions.

Directional Vedha power of Sy

As explained in Chapter 9, Sy has special Vedha powers to cause directional Vedha. It means that when Sy
occupies a Nakshatra belonging to a particular direction - East, West, South & North, whole direction is afflicted
for 3 months from date of entry of Sy in that direction till it leaves last Nakshatra & Rasi of that direction. In this
way all directions are afflicted.

Victory in war
 For victory in war, army should attack direction which is afflicted by Sy for 3 months. This can ensure
success in war & enemy will be defeated. These afflictions are as under:
o East direction is afflicted when Sy transits 2nd, 3rd, 4th Rasi.
o South direction is afflicted when Sy transits 5th, 6th, 7th Rasi.
o West direction is afflicted when Sy transits 8th, 9th, 10th Rasi.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

o North direction is afflicted when Sy transits 11th, 12th, 1st Rasi.

 If both countries are suffering from affliction, country which is having stronger affliction will be
 Determine 5 components of country whose future you want to know.
 If you are interested in defeat of any country, Panchkas of that country should have maximum affliction.
 If you are interested in victory of any country, Panchkas of such a country should have maximum
benefic Vedha by benefic Grahas only.
Similarly know future of individuals participating in war.
In brief, result of war will be as under
 1 malefic Graha is afflicting Danger.
 2 malefic Grahas are afflicting Defeat.
 3 malefic Grahas are afflicting Danger & defeat.
 4 malefic Grahas are afflicting Imprisonment of leaders.
 5 malefic Grahas are afflicting Death in war and destruction.
 Sa is causing Vedha Severe loss of army personals.
 Ma is causing Vedha Severe injuries to army personals.
 Sy is causing Vedha Severe wound to army personals.
 Ra is causing Vedha Destruction & financial loss.
 Benefics Grahas are causing Vedha Success, victory & gain.
 If malefic Graha is afflicting consonant Death is possible.
 If planning to attack enemy's country, ensure enemies Vargas are combust.
 Your Vargas should never be combust. Also see that enemy's consonant, Rasi, Nakshatra are afflicted by
malefic Grahas, in addition to Sy's transit in that direction.
 If both countries are having same type of Vedha then examine Vedha of Panchkas in beginning or in
end is essential. If Vedha is by 2 - 3 malefic Grahas, defeat of enemy is must.
 If Nakshatras of both countries are combust at same time, than country which attack first will be
 If any country, region, city have Vedha by 2 malefic Grahas from 2 directions, destruction of that
country is 100 % possible.

Chapter 14
Forecasting methodology - Prasna

There are several methods in astrology to determine benefic / malefic future of an individual or of a county or a
specific problem. Whenever horoscope is not available, such questions can be answered through Prasna. Prasna
is frequently applied in astrology. Similarly Prasna is applied in SBC, and correct answers can be given through
SBC. SBC norms are as under:

 Erect SBC for moment when somebody asks a question.
 Determine first letter of question put up by any individual.
 This letter may be treated as consonant, just like name of individual.
 Then find out Pada, Nakshatra, owned by this consonant.
 From consonant & Pada of Nakshatra, you can decide Rasi & also vowel.
 Examine if this consonant, Pada of Nakshatra & Rasis are afflicted by any malefic Graha, transiting a
Nakshatra or Rasi from where it is casting a malefic Vedha on consonant etc. lf so, malefic results are
bound to happen.
 If there are both benefic & malefic aspects, then mixed results are possible.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 If Rasi involved is 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th Rasi (movable) then lost item will not be recovered, a sick person
may die, newborn child may not live long & success in any effort may not be possible.
 If Rasi involved is 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th Rasi [fixed], then benefic results are indicated. Lost items may be
recovered after some time, sick man will recover & success in any effort will be possible.
 If Rasi involved is 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th Rasi [dual] then success is indicated any moment.
 If one Panchka or Nakshatra is afflicted by 2 malefic Grahas from 2 sides, death of a sick person is
 If Rasi has benefic Vedha, benefic results are possible, but depending on strength of Graha.
 If consonant is afflicted, it indicates loss of position.
 If consonant is afflicted by 2 sides, death is possible.
 If consonant is afflicted by 2 or more malefic Vedhas then loss of position, death & loss of property is
In addition see Chapter 18 - Dhuajadi Chakra for synchronizing results.

Chapter 15
Forecasting methodology - how to determine prices of commodities

For commercial community prices of a commodity, at a particular time & in a particular city play a very
important role to determine their business success. Our ancient Sages have laid down very useful norms to
determine price fluctuation through SBC. Before norms are explained, we should know important Panchkas for
determining price level.

 Country: Regions, states & cities. E.g. Bharat, Delhi state, New Delhi.
 Commodity: Dhatu (mineral), Moola (root), Jiva (living things). E.g. gold, trees, animals / persons.
 Time: Year, month, day.

 Dhatu (mineral) Sa, Ma & Ra.
 Moola (root) Sy, Sk & Ke.
 Jiva (all type of living things) Ch, Bu, Gu.
 Country Stronger among Sa, Gu & Ra.
 Region or state Stronger among Sy, Sk & Ke.
 Town or city Stronger among Ch, Ma & Bu.
 Year Sa, Gu, Ra & Ke.
 Month Sy, Ma, Bu or Sk.
 Day Always Ch - useful for predicting daily fluctuations.

Male Grahas Sy, Gu, Ma, Ra & Ke.

Female Grahas Ch & Sk.
Eunuchs Sa & Bu.
Colors White Sk & Ch.
Red Sy & Ma.
Yellow Gu.
Black Sa, Ra & Ke.
Green Bu.
 Commencing of year Gu's Sankranti - when Gu enters a new Rasi or Chaitra Sukla Pratipada.
 Commencing of month Pratipada of Sukla Paksha.
 Commencing of day When Sy rises.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Whenever year, month and date in a country are different, that date should be considered.
 Dhatu (metals) Gold, silver, iron, steel, copper, brass etc.
 Moola (root) Vegetables, fruits, herbs etc.
 Jiva (living things) Man, animals, birds, insects.
 Country Note first word of popular name and determine consonant, vowel and also
determine Nakshatra, Rasi & Tithi of country.
 Commodity Similarly from first word of commodity, decide Panchkas.
 Time Similarly decide Panchkas from 1st Tithi and from Tithi find out Nakshatra &
 Sometimes consonant & vowel are same. In such cases, treat first word of most popular latest name as
consonant & also vowel, e.g. Amar.
 Prepare Panchka Chakra of country, commodity & time and also Padas of their Nakshatras.
 Decide strength of transiting Grahas & their position.
 Decide Rasi Lord of country, commodity & time.
 Decide Graha causing affliction either by aspect or conjunction.
 Total impact of benefic or malefic Vedha depends on strength of Grahas causing Vedha.
 Strength of Graha causing Vedha:
Rasi Own Friends Neutral Enemy
o Benefic Grahas 100 % 75 % 50 % 25 %
o Malefic Grahas 25 % 50 % 75 % 100 %
 Grahas are stronger when in middle of Rasi.
 Graha if exalted, benefic / malefic strength will be 3 times.
 Graha if debilitated, benefic / malefic strength will only be 50 %.
 If Lord of country or commodity or time is also a Vedha Graha, impact will be 100 %, if friendly 75 %, if
neutral 50 % and if enemy, impact of price variations will be 25 %.
 Synchronize relations between Lords of country, state, city, year, month, day and commodity with
actual Lords based on name of country, state, city etc. whether they are friends, enemy or neutral.

 Now decide a particular commodity & its popular name in that city or state.
 Find out Nakshatra of commodity & mark in SBC.
 Mark benefic / malefic relation of Grahas with Nakshatra of commodity.
 Note conjunction of Grahas & Vedha of Grahas, which should always be actual - maximum within 1°.
 Record carefully conjunction aspect & Vedha of relevant Graha on concerned Nakshatra of commodity.
 Note prevailing price of that commodity on first day of year, month & Monday.
 Also prepare a horoscope of each date / day & study according to astrological principles.
 If malefic relation is there, price increase is possible.
Percentage of price variations can be decided as under
 Note ruling prices on a particular day.
 Divide ruling price by 20.
 Each unit will indicate price variation.
 Compare this price with prices prevailing on first day of year, month & Monday.
 Similarly record relations of Grahas, Nakshatra on any future date & determine increase / decrease by
synchronizing prices one year back, one month back or Monday with current prices and accordingly
determine future trend.
 Find out from 9 Grahas total benefic / malefic influence on prices, deduct them & determine actual
 Since Grahas have 3 types of speed, price variation is also of 3 types - very high, high and average.
 Now you can determine trend, either very high, high or average increase from benefic or malefic
 Similarly prepare grading of previous closing.
 If there is benefic Vedha by benefic Grahas - Mandi (depression) is possible.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Another method
 Decide starting time & closing time of prices. It may be a year or a month or a day. It means 2 periods -
previous closing and future prices.
 Decide actual longitude of Grahas.
 Decide Vedha of Grahas according to their speed. Record speed & direction of Grahas.
 Decide actual Vedha of Nakshatra, Pada of Nakshatra, Navamsa Vedha and other Panchkas of country,
time & commodity.
 Decide strength of Grahas - in own Bhava, in friend's Bhava, in enemy's Bhava, in neutral Bhava, also
note if Graha is rising, combust, retrograde or exalted.
Carefully record
 Panchkas of city, time & commodity.
 Pada Vedha by 9 Grahas.
 Pada aspect by 9 Grahas.
 Strength of benefic / malefic Vedha of Pada by 9 Grahas.
 Find out difference at both times.
 The difference will indicate rise & fall of prices.
 In case any country, state or city has many names, latest name assigned to that country, state or city
should be considered.
Another method
 Note prevailing price of a commodity on 2nd Tithi, after Amavasya.
 Note relation of Nakshatra of commodity & Grahas of commodity on 2nd Tithi (after Amavasya).
 Examine relation of Ch on Panchkas of commodity.
 Price will come down when Ch is bright & has benefic relation with Panchkas.
 Decide commodities from Nakshatra on which Ch is transiting on a particular day.
 Price may also fall when Ch is malefic on 2nd Tithi after Amavasya. The commodity can be decided from
Ch Nakshatra on that date.

Standard practice
Standard practice for determining prices of commodities — based on Vedha of Nakshatra by malefic / benefic
No. Nakshatra Vedha by Grahas Impact on commodities
01. Aswini Malefic Teji in ghee, rice, clothes, animals.
Benefic Mandi in ghee, rice, clothes, animals.
Impact starts from North & remains for 60 days.
02. Bharani Malefic Teji in wheat, rice, kali mirch, sonth.
Benefic Mandi in wheat, rice, kali mirch, sonth.
Impact starts from South & remains for 8 months.
03. Krittika Malefic Teji in rice, gram, grains, til, oil, diamond, gems, gold, silver.
Benefic Mandi in rice, gram, grains, til, oil, diamond, gems, gold, silver.
Impact starts from South & remains for 8 months.
04. Rohini Malefic Teji in grains, liquids, oils & metals.
Benefic Mandi in grains, liquids, oil & metals.
Impact starts from East & remains for 7 days.
05. Mrigasira Malefic Teji in animals & liquids.
Benefic Mandi in animals & liquids.
Impact starts from North after 3 days.
06. Ardra Malefic Teji in oil, salt, liquids, sandal & scented items.
Benefic Mandi in oil, salt, liquids, sandal & scented items.
Impact starts from West.
07. Punarvasu Malefic Teji in cotton, thread, jute goods & til.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Benefic Mandi in cotton, thread, jute goods & til.

Impact starts from North & North - East.
08. Pushya Malefic Teji in gold, silver, ghee, rice, salt, heeng, oils.
Benefic Mandi in gold, silver, ghee, rice, salt, heeng, oils.
Impact starts from North & North - South.
09. Ashlesha Malefic Teji in gur, sugar, massor, wheat.
Benefic Mandi in gur, sugar massor, wheat.
Impact starts from West.
10. Magha Malefic Teji in ghee, oil, til, gram, gur.
Benefic Mandi in ghee, oil, til, gram, gur.
Impact starts from South.
11. P. Phalguni Malefic Teji in woolen clothes, wool, oils & silver.
Benefic Mandi in woolen clothes, wool, oils & silver.
Impact starts from South.
12. U. Phalguni Malefic Teji in urad, moong, rice.
Benefic Mandi in urad, moong, rice.
Impact starts from North.
13. Hasta Malefic Teji in sandal & camphor.
Benefic Mandi in sandal & camphor.
Impact starts from North.
14. Chitra Malefic Teji in gold, gems, gur, urad, moong, animals.
Benefic Mandi in gold, gems, gur, urad, moong, animals.
Impact starts from North.
15. Swati Malefic Teji in chilies, oil & heeng.
Benefic Mandi in chilies, oil & heeng.
Impact starts from North.
16. Visakha Malefic Teji in rice, wheat moong, masoor & moth.
Benefic Mandi in rice, wheat, moong, masoor & moth.
Impact starts from South.
17. Anuradha Malefic Teji in arhar, grains, rice & gram.
Benefic Mandi in arhar, grains, rice & gram.
Impact starts from East.
18. Jyeshta Malefic Teji in gur, camphor, mercury & heeng.
Benefic Mandi in gur, camphor, mercury & heeng.
Impact starts from East.
19. Moola Malefic Teji in white commodities, cotton & grains.
Benefic Mandi in white commodities, cotton & grains.
Impact starts from West.
20. P. Shada Malefic Teji in ghee & grains.
Benefic Mandi in ghee & grains.
Impact starts from West.
21. U. Shada Malefic Teji in animals, iron, brass & copper.
Benefic Mandi in animals, iron, brass & copper.
Impact starts from East.
22. Abhijit Malefic Teji in moong, sonth.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Benefic Mandi in moong, sonth.

Impact starts from East.
23. Sravana Malefic Teji in sugar, grains & sweet commodities.
Benefic Mandi in sugar, grains & sweet commodities.
Impact starts from East.
24. Dhanishta Malefic Teji in gold, silver, pearls & gems.
Benefic Mandi in gold, silver, pearls & gems.
Impact starts from East.
25. Satabisha Malefic Teji in oils & wines.
Benefic Mandi in oils & wines.
Impact starts from West.

26. P. Bhadra Malefic Teji in metals, grains & medicines.

Benefic Mandi in metals, grains & medicines.
Impact starts from South.
27. U. Bhadra Malefic Teji in gur, sugar, til & oils.
Benefic Mandi in gur, sugar, til & oils.
Impact starts from West.
28. Revati Malefic Teji in pearl, gems, betelenuts.
Benefic Mandi in pearl, gems & betelenuts.
Impact starts from North.

Teji stands for rise [] in prices & Mandi for decline [].

Impact of Grahas on prices due to Vedha of Rasis

Sy in Mesha  Rise in cotton, ghee, oil, til, sarso, almond, gur, sugar, gold & silver.
 Fall in wheat, rice, urad, moong, arhar, gram & peas.
Ch in Mesha  Rise in wheat, gram, alsi & opium.
 Fall in gold & silver.
Ma in Mesha  Rise in gur, gold, silver, metals, red coral, pearl, wool & cotton.
 Fall in wheat & other grains.
Bu in Mesha  Rise in animals.
 Fall in gold, silver, metals, wheat, gram, til, mustard oil, cotton, ghee, gur & sugar.
Gu in Mesha  Rise in cotton.
 Fall in gold, silver, copper, gur & silk.
Sk in Mesha  Rise in gram, wheat, grains, ghee, gold, silver, gur.
 Fall in wool, til & oil.
Sa in Mesha  Rise in gold, silver, copper, metals, til, oil, ghee, cotton.
 Fall in gur, sugar & oil.
Ra / Ke in Mesha  Rise in wheat, gram and grains.
Sy in Vrisabha  Rise in silver, gold, gur, sugar, cotton & oil.
 Fall in wheat, gram, arhar, moong and rice.
Ch in Vrisabha  Rise in wheat, gram, urad, til, groundnut, silver & cotton.
 Fall in animals.
Ma in Vrisabha  Rise in red items, grains, cotton, oil, gold, silver, copper & shares.
Bu in Vrisabha  Rise in wheat, gram & rice, cotton & oil.
Gu in Vrisabha  Rise in cotton, silver & grains.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Fall in salt & red things.

Sk in Vrisabha  Rise in gold & silver.
 Fall in grains & cotton.
Sa in Vrisabha  Rise in gur, sugar cotton, gold, silver, copper, oils, wheat, grains & rice.
 Fall in Sa's transit during last 6 months of transit period.
Ra in Vrisabha  Rise in oils, gur, sugar & cotton.
Sy in Mithuna  Rise in silk, cotton, steel, oil, gur, sugar, ghee, moong, urad, wheat, gram, rice, gold &
Ch in Mithuna  Rise in cotton, wheat & gram.
Ma in Mithuna  Rise in gur, sugar, copper & red items.
Bu in Mithuna  Rise in animals.
 Fall in gold, silver & sarso.
Gu in Mithuna  Rise in copper, steel & ghee.
 Fall in cotton, gold, silver, cloth & groundnut.
Sk in Mithuna  Rise in wheat, gram & rice.
 Fall in cotton, cloth, oil, arhar, gur & ghee.
Sa in Mithuna  Rise in salt, oils, gur & steel.
 Fall in gold and animals.
Ra in Mithuna  Rise in cotton, ghee, grains & yarn.
 Fall in silver & gold.
Sy in Karka  Rise in gur, sugar, silver, gold, oil, cotton & sarso.
 Fall in wheat, gram, matar, arhar, urad, moong & rice.
Ch in Karka  Fall in silver, gold & cotton if aspected by Gu.
Ma in Karka  Rise in grains, gur, sugar & animals.
 Fall in oils, silver, if in relation with benefic Grahas.
Bu in Karka  Rise in silver, gur, oil & groundnut for short period.
 Fall in cotton, gold, grains & white cloth.
Gu in Karka  Rise in cotton, gur, sugar, ghee, wheat & grains.
Sk in Karka  Rise in cotton, oils, ghee, gur & sugar.
 Fall in silver, wheat, gram & arhar.
Sa in Karka  Rise in cotton.
Ra in Karka  Rise in steel, copper, brass, gold, silver, wheat & rice.
Sy in Simha  Rise in silver, gold, gur, cotton, sugar & oil.
 Fall in grains & shares.
Ch in Simha  Rise in camphor, cotton, silver, gold.
Ma in Simha  Rise in silver, gold, copper, steel, gur, sugar, wheat, red chillies & red color items.
Bu in Simha  Rise in silver, gold, cotton & woolen items.
 Fall in gur, sugar & camphor.
Gu in Simha  Rise in ghee, wheat & cotton if alone.
 Fall in silver, gold, copper & steel.
Sk in Simha  Rise in gold, copper, gram, wheat, ghee, animals.
 Fall in silver.
Sa in Simha  Rise in gur, oil, steel, urad, grains & cotton when Sa is 6° to 7°.
Ra in Simha  Rise in oil & kiryana items.
 Fall in wheat & grains.
Sy in Kanya  Rise in oil, cotton & red items.
 Fall in silver & shares.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Ch in Kanya  Rise in gold, silver & steel.

 Fall in cotton.
Ma in Kanya  Rise in cotton, gold, silver, wool, wheat & all type of red items.
Bu in Kanya  Rise in wheat, gram, gur, sugar & haldi.
 Fall in cotton & silver.
Gu in Kanya  Rise in rice, wheat, moong, urad, gram, oil, ghee, gur & sugar.
 Fall in cotton, silver & grains.
Sk in Kanya  Rise in silver, wheat, grains, gur, woolen clothes & rice.
Sa in Kanya  Rise in cotton, gur, sugar, grains - for some time.
 Fall in gold & silver.
Ra in Kanya  Rise in cotton.
 Fall in oil, sarso & til.
Sy in Tula  Rise in wheat, gram, gold & copper.
 Fall in silver & cotton.
Ch in Tula  Fall in rice, ghee, ground nut, silver & gold.
Ma in Tula  Rise in gur, sugar, wheat, urad, moong & grains.
 Fall in prices if associated with Gu.
Bu in Tula  Rise in cotton, gur, sugar & gold.
 Fall in silver, groundnut & oils.
Gu in Tula  Rise in gold & cotton.
 Fall in ghee, oil & sarso.
Sk in Tula  Rise in gold, gur & sugar.
 Fall in cotton & silver.
Sa in Tula  Rise in gur, cotton, sugar & grains.
 Fall in cotton when Sa is 15° in Tula.
Ra in Tula  Rise in grains.
Sy in Vriscika  Rise in cotton, copper, gold, silver & woolen items.
 Fall in red colored items.
Ch in Vriscika  Fall in gold, silver & pearls.
Ma in Vriscika  Rise in gur, gold, silver & cotton.
Bu in Vriscika  Rise in ghee, oil, silver & gold.
 Fall in grains.
Gu in Vriscika  Rise in cotton, gold, silver, copper, ghee, oil, gur & urad, dal & grains for short
Sk in Vriscika  Rise in wheat, urad, moong, moth, bajra, silver & gur.
Sa in Vriscika  Rise in wheat, gram, masoor, cotton & silver.
 Fall in prices if Sa has benefic aspect.
Ra in Vriscika  Rise in cotton, gold & silver for short period.
Sy in Dhanur  Rise in cotton, til, oil, gold, silver.
 Fall in grains.
Ch in Dhanur  Fall in til, oil, cotton & cotton clothes.
Ma in Dhanur  Rise in cotton, silver, metals, ghee, grains & animals.
Bu in Dhanur  Rise in cotton & silver if in relation with malefic Grahas, otherwise fall in price.
Gu in Dhanur  Rise in gur if associated with Sa.
 Fall in sugar, gur, wheat, salt, oil, ghee, gold, silver, brass, steel, copper & coins.
Sk in Dhanur  Rise in wheat, gram, grains, silver, gold & copper.
 Fall in cotton.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Sa in Dhanur  Rise in wheat, gram, grains, gur, sugar & coal.

Ra in Dhanur  Rise in cotton & animals after a month.
Sy in Makara  Rise in ghee, oil, gur, sugar & cotton.
 Fall in wheat & grains.
Ch in Makara  Rise in all types of metals.
Ma in Makara  Rise in gold, silver, copper, gur, ghee, oil & wool etc.
 Fall in grains when having benefic aspect.
Bu in Makara  Rise in cotton, gold, silver.
 Fall in grains.
Gu in Makara  Rise in wheat, gram, cotton, copper, gold, silver.
 Fall in prices when Gu has benefic relations.
Sk in Makara  Rise in shares, gur, ghee, wheat, gram & grains.
Sa in Makara  Rise in cotton, silver, gold, copper, wheat, oil & all types of grains.
Ra in Makara  Rise in gram & wheat.
 Fall in gur & sarso.
Sy in Kumbha  Rise in ghee, oil, salt & groundnut.
 Fall in cotton, wheat, grains, gur & sugar.
Ch in Kumbha  Rise in oil, til & groundnut.
 Fall in cotton, gold & silver.
Ma in Kumbha  Rise in wheat, grains, gur & gold.
 Fall in silver & cotton.
Bu in Kumbha  Rise in ghee, oil, gur & sugar.
 Fall in silver & cotton.
Gu in Kumbha  Rise in gold, copper, brass, steel etc. after 3 months & cotton upto 6 months.
Sk in Kumbha  Rise in cotton when Sk is 24°.
 Fall in silver, gur, wheat, gram, moong & white things.
Sa in Kumbha  Rise in oils, silver, grains & shares.
Ra in Kumbha  Rise in oils & other items if related to malefic Grahas.
 Fall in prices if related to benefic Grahas.
Sy in Meena  Rise in oil, gur, sugar, cotton & gold.
 Fall in silver possible.
Ch in Meena  Fall in gold & silver.
Ma in Meena  Rise in gold, cotton, woolen items.
 Fall in silver.
Bu in Meena  Rise in gold & silver for short period.
 Fall in gur, cotton & sugar.
Gu in Meena  Rise in cotton for 6 months, also rise in wheat, gur, urad, sugar, salt etc.
Sk in Meena  Rise in silver.
 Fall in grains, oil, gur, sugar if benefic relation.
Sa in Meena  Rise in gur, sugar, ghee & grains, gold & silver for first 6 months.
 Fall in prices afterwards.
Ra in Meena  Rise in grains & cotton.
 Fall in gold & silver.

Special norms for Teji & Mandi

Sy Market trend reverses if Sy is with a combust Graha.
Ch It is an indicator of daily fluctuations.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Ma When with another fast moving Graha, market picks up. If Sa, Neptune, Pluto are with Ma, it
causes Teji.
Bu Lot of fluctuation if Bu remains in a Rasi for more than 25 days. It causes sudden fluctuations in
all important commodities for short period.
Bu It causes Mandi, if ahead of Sy.
Bu It causes lot of fluctuations if joined by Sy.
Bu Exalted with Sy causes Teji.
Bu Debilitated with Sy causes Mandi.
Bu Retrograde - same trend for 7 days.
Gu Causes Mandi when Nakshatra or Rasi is moveable.
Gu Causes Teji if joined by a malefic Graha.
Gu Causes sudden Teji if joined by Uranus.
Sk Causes both Mandi & Teji.
Sk + Bu Causes Mandi.
Sk + Pluto Causes Teji.
Sa Causes Teji.
Sa + Ra or Neptune Teji due to shortage.
Hershel [Uranus] Mandi.
Hershel + benefic Graha Mandi.
Hershel + malefic Graha Teji.
Neptune Teji.
Neptune + malefic Graha Teji.
Neptune + benefic Graha Mandi.

Timing of events
 First Vedha of Nakshatra, Rasi, Tithi, consonant, vowel by a Graha should take place in any one Bhava.
 Thereafter when Ch also causes Vedha of same Panchkas, benefic or malefic event takes place.
 In case malefic Vedha of Nakshatra etc., price of commodity, signified by concerned Nakshatra may
 In case of benefic Vedha, price may fall.
E.g.: How to determine gold prices in Delhi on 25.7.1997 at 15h.
 Longitude of Grahas: Sy, Ch, Ma, Bu, Gu, Sk, Sa, Ra and Ke and their Nakshatra and Pada.
 Speed of Grahas: Retrograde, fast & normal.
 Bhava occupied: Own, friend's, enemy's or neutral.
 Navamsa: Friend's own, enemy's or neutral.
 Friend / owner.
 Grahas: Rising, combust, exalted or debilitated.
 Numerical strength of Grahas.
Graha: Rasi Navamsa Exalted Retro Rising Total
Determine Panchkas: Varan Nakshatra Rasi Swar Tithi
Panchkas of Delhi:
Panchkas of time:
Panchkas of gold:
Examine Vedha of benefic / malefic Grahas on Panchkas of Delhi, time & gold.
See also Dhrubank Chakra in Chapter 18 for synchronizing prices.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Chapter 16
Forecasting methodology - impact of Vedha on Hindu casts
Whenever there is Vedha by malefic Grahas on prescribed Nakshatra, different Hindu casts suffer as under:
Sufferings to Brahmins
Sa having Vedha on Krittika, Purva Phalguni, Purva Shada and Purva Bhadra.
Sufferings to Vaishyas
Sa having Vedha on Revati, Anuradha, Magha and Rohini.
Sufferings to Sudras
Sa having Vedha on Punarvasu, Aswini, Hasta and Abhijit.
Sufferings to Kshatriyas
Sa having Vedha on Pushya, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Shada and Uttara Bhadra.
Sufferings to other casts in world
Sa having Vedha on remaining 12 Nakshatras - Bharani, Mrigasira, Ashlesha, Chitra, Swati, Visakha, Jyeshta,
Moola, Sravana, Dhanishta and Satabisha.
In case there is benefic Vedha by benefic Grahas - Gu, Sk, Bu & Ch, benefic results will take place.

Chapter 17
Significators for countries, states, cities, commodities & other matters

Our Sages have assigned countries, regions, states, cities and commodities to different Grahas, Rasis and
Nakshatras as significators. These are classified as under for application in SBC.
Rasis Countries and cities of world.
Grahas Regions, states & cities of India.
Nakshatras Different parts of India.
Nakshatras Commodities.
Rasis Commodities.
Grahas Commodities.

Ruling Rasis of countries & cities of world

Mesha ( 01 )
Countries: England, Germany, Denmark, Poland (part), Syria, Lebanon, Japan, Peru, Palestine, India (part).
Cities: Chicago, Birmingham, Florence, Damascus, Naples, Utrechik.
India: Chennai, Vadodara.
Vrisabha ( 02 )
Countries: Ireland, Persia, Cyprus, South of Russia, Holland, Switzerland, Poland (part), Georgia, Chili, Austria,
Asia Minor.
Cities: Dublin, St. Louis.
India: Delhi, Hastnapur, Mathura, Surat, Mahrashtra, Karnatak, Alwar, Ujjain, Madhya Predesh, Rajasthan.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Mithuna ( 03 )
Countries: USA, England (West), Belgium, Egypt (lower), Canada, Armenia, NE Coastal Africa, Germany (part),
France (part).
Cities: London, Melbourne, San Francisco, Tripoli, Nuremburg, Plymouth.
India: -
Karka ( 04 )
Countries: Holland (part), Scotland, New Zealand, Africa (NW), Mauritius, Paraguay, USSR (part).
Cities: Stockholm, Manchester, Algiers, Milan, Tunis, New York, Amsterdam, Venice, Geneva, Georgia.
India: Rajasthan, Gujrat, Kathiawad, Sindh.
Simha ( 05 )
Countries: France, Italy, Sicily, Romania (N), Alps, Bohemia, Tibet.
Cities: Philadelphia, Damascus, Prague, Rome, Chicago, Portsmouth, Bath, Lancashire, California [?].
India: Mumbai.
Kanya ( 06 )
Countries: Turkey, Switzerland (part), West Indies, Greece (part), Mesopotamia, Brazil, Babylonia, Kurdistan,
India (part), China (part), Canada (part).
Cities: Boston, Paris, Los Angeles, Jerusalem, California [?], Virginia, Bagdad.
India: Pune, Nagpur.
Tula ( 07 )
Countries: China (N), Tibet, Burma (Myanmar), Indo-China, Japan (part), Egypt (N), Austria (part), Argentina,
India (part), USA (part).
Cities: Lisbon, Vienna, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Johannesburg, Leeds, Middleton.
India: Kashmir, Varanasi, NE & NW India, Hardwar, Gaya.
Vriscika ( 08 )
Countries: Algeria, Norway, Morocco, Syria (N), Queensland, Brazil (part), Bavaria, Sweden, Iran.
Cities: Liverpool, Baltimore, Newcastle, Washington, Dover.
India: Chennai, Hyderabad.
Dhanur ( 09 )
Countries: Saudi Arabia, Australia, Spain, France (part), Hungary, Madagascar, Italy (part), Neaples, Africa.
Cities: Toronto, Sunderland, Nottingham, Rotenburg, Budapest, Peking, Bradford, Cologne.
India: Gwalior, Indore, Hyderabad, Maharashtra.
Makara ( 10 )
Countries: Afghanistan (part), Mexico, Bulgaria, Albania, Syria (part), Bangladesh, Greece (part), Bosnia, India
Cities: Brussels, Portsaid, Tokyo, Oxford, Moscow.
India: Punjab, West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa.
Kumbha ( 11 )
Countries: Sweden (part), Poland (part), Red Russia, Arabia (part), Abyssinia.
Cities: Hamburg, Brighton, Salisbury.
India: -
Meena ( 12 )
Countries: Sahara, Portugal, Calabria, Sicily, Malta, Cape of Good Hope, South of Asia Minor, Srilanka, Egypt
Cities: Lancaster, Alexandria, Chicago, Preston.
India: Calcutta.
P.S. Whenever these Rasis are afflicted and having Vedha of Sy, Ma, Sa, Ra & Ke, these parts of world suffer.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Graha - geographical area ruled

Sy Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Kaushambi, Kalinga, Tamil Nadu (E), Vindhyaforest, Nagadha, Saurashtra,
Narmada, Burdwan.
Ch Kerala (part), Broach.
Ma Andhra Pradesh, Konkan, Vindhyachal, Narmada (part), Chola, Ujjain, Godavari, Kerala (part).
Bu Saurashtra, Himalayan region, Mathura, NW India.
Gu Punjab (E), U.P. (W), Kashmir (part).
Sk Malva, Taxsila, Kashmir (part).
Sa Rajasthan, Saurashtra, Punjab (part), Haryana, Delhi.
Ra Hilly areas.
Ke Desert of India.

Nakshatras - different parts of India & cities (based on Krum Chakra)

(01) Nakshatras: Krittika, Rohini & Mrigasira
Zone: Central India.
States: U.P. (SW), Madhya Pradesh (part), Rajasthan (desert area), Haryana and Gadwal.
Cities: Ayodhya, Prayag, Hastnapur, Mathura, Pandu, Chittaur, Udaipur, Garmukteswar, Alwar, Ujjain, Jaipur,
Bharatpur, Kampila, Kuruchhetra, Ajmer.
(02) Nakshatras: Ardra, Punarvasu & Pushya
Zone: Eastern India.
States: Bihar (S), Orissa (N), Nagaland, U.P. (E), Bengal (N), Assam (part).
Cities: Puri, Bhuneshwar, Varanasi, Patna, Malda, Patna Gaya, Cuttak, Kohima.
(03) Nakshatras: Ashlesha, Magha & Purva Phalguni
Zone: SE India, Delhi.
States: Bihar (part), Orissa (part), Vidharba, Tripura, Andhra (E), Vindhya, MP (part) & Delhi.
Cities: Rajgiri, Nikobar Islands, Andaman Islands, Gwalior, Chhatarpur, Bilaspur.
(04) Nakshatras: Uttara Phalguni, Hasta & Chitra
Zone: Southern India.
States: Kerala, Konkan, Maharashtara (S), Tamil Nadu, Andhra and Karnataka.
Cities: Nasik, Kanchi, Danda Karanya, Kohlapur, Chennai, Bijapur, Nilgiri, Tanjor, Coimbatore, Trivendrum,
Rarmeswaram, Jalgaon, Calicut, Raichur, Mysore, Bangalore, Cochin.
(05) Nakshatras: Swati, Visakha & Anuradha
Zone: SW India.
States: Saurashta, Gujrat, Kathiawar, Maharashtara (part).
Cities: Girinar, Nasik, Sabarmati, Surat, Mumbai, Ahmedabad & Rajkot.
(06) Nakshatras: Jyeshta, Moola & Purvashadha
Zone: Western India.
States: Punjab (W), Rajasthan (W), Maharashtara (W), Gujrat (W).
Cities: Amritsar, Jaisalmer, Bhuj, Kandla, Okha, Dwarka, Abu, Jodhpur.
(07) Nakshatras: U. Shada, Sravana & Dhanishta
Zone: NW India.
States: Kashmir (part), Kullu Vally, Himalaya region.
Cities: Srinagar, Jammu, Manali.
(08) Nakshatras: Satabisha, P. Bhadra & U. Bhadra
Zone: Northern India.
States: Kashmir (N), Kailash Parvat, Uttrakhand, Nepal (part).
Cities: Mansarowar, Kailash, Tehri Garwal, Nainital, Kedarnath, Badrinath.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

(09) Nakshatras: Revati, Aswini & Bharani

Zone: NE India.
States: Kashmir (NE), Sikkim, Bhutan, Assam (part), Arunachal.
Cities: Rajori, Kulu, Cherapunji.

Nakshatras - significators of commodities

No. Nakshatra Commodities
01. Aswini Rice, ghee, clothes, minerals.
02. Bharani Chillies, millets, wheat, rice, juar.
03. Krittika Rice, oats, metals, til, gems, diamonds, grams, oils, gold, silver.
04. Rohini Grains, woolen blankets, metals, liquids.
05. Mrigasira Yellow grain, resins, buildings, animals, gems.
06. Ardra Oils, salt, liquids, sandal, scents.
07. Punarvasu Cotton, threads, til.
08. Pushya Silver, gold, ghee, rice, sambhar salt, heeng, sarso, oil.
09. Ashlesha Gur, khand, sonth, masoor, wheat, chillies, rice.
10. Magha Oil, til, ghee, moong, gram, gur, alsi.
11. P. Phalguni Woolen clothes, blankets, wool, til, oil, silver.
12. U. Phalguni Urad, moong, rice, salt.
13. Hasta Sandal, camphor.
14. Chitra Gold, gems, gur, urad, moong, animals.
15. Swati Chilies, oil, heeng.
16. Visakha Rice, wheat, moong, masoor, moth.
17. Anuradha Arhar (tuar) pulses, grains, rice, moth, gram.
18. Jyeshta Gur, clothes, camphor, heeng.
19. Moola Cotton, liquid things, grains, salt.
20. P. Shada Grains, ghee, fruits.
21. U. Shada Animals, steel, brass, copper.
22. Abhijit Moong, sonth, betelenuts, dry fruits.
23. Sravana Sugar, betelenuts, dry fruits.
24. Dhanishta Gold, silver, gems, pearls, diamonds.
25. Satabisha Oil, wines.
26. P. Bhadra Metals, grains, medicines.
27. U. Bhadra Gur, sugar, khand, til, sarso, oils.
28. Revati Pearl, gem, betelenuts.

Rasis - significators of commodities

No. Rasi Commodities
(01) Mesha Cotton, clothes, wool, sarso, gold, wheat, red sandal, red coral, copper, iron, medicines,
shares of iron Co., jute, textiles, rice, sugar.
(02) Vrisabha Sugar, cotton, thread, wheat, salt, ghee, milk, rice, jute, textiles & shares.
(03) Mithuna Cotton, jute, blankets, kasturi, kesar, bajra, macca, gwar, ghee & paper.
(04) Karka Silver, mercury, banana, kirana item, coconut & tea.
(05) Simha Gur, grain, leather goods, skin, sugar, gold, rice.
(06) Kanya Arhar, matar, moong, moth, wheat, clothes, sugar, gram, gwar, rice, grains & foodstuff.
(07) Tula Urad, wheat, coconut, arhar, matar, black gram, mustard, cotton, silk & rice.
(08) Vriscika Gur, sugar, iron, scents, til, black items, sugar cane, metals, wool, chemicals, leather, oil seeds
& fats.
(09) Dhanur Salt, weapons, rubber, printed clothes, sea product, animals, tarmaric & arms.
(10) Makara Gold, iron, coal, tin, lead, sugarcane, trees, copper, zinc & oil seeds.
(11) Kumbha Gems, black urad, til, oil, electrical goods, water products, artificial soil, coal, iron, jewels &
oil seeds.
(12) Meena Gems, pearl, diamond, ghee, oil, fishes, weapons, water products & fish product, perfumery
& medicines.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Grahas - significators of commodities

Graha Commodities
Sy Rice, honey, herbs, copper, gold, gems, oil, silk, grains, cotton & groundnut.
Ch Silver, milk, oil, wines, glass, ghee, food items, rice, wheat, salt, pearl, sugarcane & honey.
Ma Gur, gwar, tarmaric, gold, rice, oil seeds, coffee, tea, metal, iron, hardware, steel, gram, copper,
wine & oil seeds.
Bu Wheat, grains, silk, textiles, sugar, cotton, copper, green clothes, arhar, groundnut & peas.
Gu Gold, silver, turmeric, rubber, food items, zinc, grams, jute, tobacco, luxury items, tin & salt.
Sk Cotton, sugar, jute, textiles, wheat, rice, silver, silk, glass, copper, wine, spices, grains, jute
products, diamond, ghee & oil.
Sa Metals, steel, coal, lead, cement, copper, oil seeds, mustard, groundnuts, wool, iron, jute, leather
goods, til, urad & gram.
Ra Metal, wireless & electrical goods, iron, gomed, til & urad.
Ke Wireless & electrical goods & all items of black color.

Uranus Aluminium, electrical goods & aerated water, vehicles & radio.
Neptune Tea, raw cotton, medicines, surgical goods, oil, tobacco, drugs, kerosene & toxic items.
Pluto Rubber, tin, turmaric, leather, watches, machinery, copper, zinc, arms, liquor, steel & drugs.

Chapter 18
Sarvatobhadra Chakra & other important Chakras

01. Sarvatobhadra Chakra

As already explained in Chapter 3, SBC contains following Panchkas. All these Panchkas are properly placed in
SBC sketch in their appropriate Vargas.
Varga numbers
1. Nakshatra 2 to 8, 10 to 16, 18 to 24 and 26 to 32
2. Rasis 58 to 60, 62 to 64, 66 to 68 and 70 to 72
3. Tithis 74, 76, 78, 80 and 81
4. Weekdays 74, 76, 78 80 and 81
5. Vowels 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 39, 65, 69, 73, 75, 45, 51, 77, 79, 57 and 61.
6. Consonants 34 to 38, 40 to 44, 46 to 50, 52 to 56
P.S.: Chakra below. [» Big one « at the end of this document.]
Sarvatobhadra Chakra

[Editor's note: picture of SBC reproduced with SketchUp; if interested, you can find SketchUp file in SU
Warehouse; search for SBC... by Chistabo. Or e-mail me. Or use those on Scribd.]

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

For details about application of SBC, see text.

02. Latta Chakra

Some malefic sensitive points are determined with help of Latta Chakra. Latta means casting a malefic influence
on a particular Nakshatra, at a particular distance by a particular Graha. First prepare Latta Chakra and
understand its applications.
Table 35 - Latta table of Grahas
Graha Sy Ch Ma Bu Gu Sk Sa Ra / Ke
Latta Nak. 12 22 3 7 6 5 8 9
Direction Front Behind Front Behind Front Behind Front Behind
Loss of Serious Loss, Danger to Death & Death
Results Death Setbacks
wealth danger danger relative destruction
 Latta means a kick by a Graha, a Nakshatra which is declared as most malefic sensitive point.
 Counting should be done from Nakshatra occupied by each Graha either forward or backward as
indicated in above chart.
 Ra being always retrograde, backward of Ra means forward of Ra's face.
 Front indicates clockwise direction, behind means anticlockwise direction.
 Latta Nakshatra indicates only malefic Nakshatra of day whether Latta is by a benefic Graha or a
malefic Graha.
 In Prasna find out Nakshatra of day & then find out Nakshatra occupied by other Grahas. If day's
Nakshatra is influenced by any Latta Nakshatra, results will be according to that Graha’s Latta.
 In Muhurta, suppose you are planning to enter in a new house on a day which is occupied by Revati.
This Nakshatra is not Latta Nakshatra from, Sy, Ma, Gu, Sa, as they do not occupy 12th, 3rd, 6th, 8th
Nakshatra in forward position. Similarly Ch, Bu, Sk, Ra / Ke do not occupy 22nd, 7th, 5th, 9th Nakshatra in
backward position. This means day is benefic and Latta does not exist on that day.
 In war, Latta indicates defeat or death.
 In travelling, native never returns.
 In marriage, widowhood is possible.
 In Sy Latta with Ma indicates loss of position, loss of property, loss of wealth & serious disease.
 In Ch Latta with Ma, - serious danger.
 In Sy & Ma Latta on Janma Nakshatra - loss of wealth, sickness, wound, serious danger.
 In Sy, Ch & Ma Latta on Janma Nakshatra - serious danger.
 In Sy, Sa Latta on Janma Nakshatra - sickness danger, difficulties.
 In Sy, Sa & Ch Latta on Janma Nakshatra - very serious sickness is indicated.
 In Sa, Ra or Ke Latta on Janma Nakshatra - very serious sickness is indicated.
 In Gu Latta on Janma Nakshatra - sickness.
 In Sk Latta on Janma Nakshatra - loss of wife.
 In Sy Latta on Janma Nakshatra - foreign travel, skin disease.
 In Sy Latta on Janma Nakshatra with Ma - loss of wealth etc.
 In Sy Latta on Janma Nakshatra with Bu - separation from family.
 In Sy Latta on Janma Nakshatra with Gu - danger from Government.
 In Sy Latta on Janma Nakshatra with Sk - separation from wife.
 In Sy Latta on Janma Nakshatra with Sa - loss of gold, animals & crops.
 In Sy Latta on Janma Nakshatra with Ra - danger, destruction & death.
 In Latta of malefic Graha on Janma Nakshatra, also occupied by a malefic Graha & an Upagraha -
 In above circumstances if Graha is in retrograde movement - death.
Example of Nakshatra Vedha
 E.g. Sy occupies Krittika Nakshatra, 12th Nakshatra from Krittika is Chitra Nakshatra, which is having
Latta of Sy.
 When day’s Nakshatra is having Latta of any Graha, it should be avoided for any auspicious work,
specially marriage, war, litigation, entering a new house, new application, investment & foreign travel.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

03. Surya Kalanal Chakra

[Editor's note: picture of Surya Kalanal Chakra reproduced with SketchUp.]

Prepare Suryakalanal Chakra as above and indicate all 28 Nakshatras (including Abhijit) as above. Thereafter
note & mark your Janma Nakshatra or Nakshatra as per your popular name or Nakshatra of moment.
The results will be as under:
Table 36 - Results of Surya Kalanal Chakra

Nakshatra Results
28 Worries, tension.
1 Murder.
2 Obstruction.
6 & 24 Sickness.
7 & 23 Danger.
11 to 19 Death.
Remaining Victory, gain & all round success.
If Nakshatra has Vedha by:
Sy Worries & mental tension.
Ma Loss and reduction in wealth.
Sa Sickness, pain, serious disease.
Ra Death due to serious sickness or accident.
Ke Death due to serious sickness or accident.
Gu Gain & financial improvement.
Sk Gain of precious stones.
Ch Marriage and relation with a woman.
Bu Happiness and all types of happy events.
When a Graha is transiting at other end of your Janma Nakshatra, e.g. your Janma Nakshatra is Revati and a
Graha transits 17th, 18th, 19th Nakshatra, than Vedha becomes operative & above mentioned events may take
P.S. This Chakra is explained in Swarshastra and is considered very useful for prediction about recovery from
sickness, success in litigation, travelling & war.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

04. Chandra Kalanal Chakra

[Editor's note: picture of Chandra Kalanal Chakra reproduced with SketchUp.]

Write day's Nakshatra at No. 1 in above Chakra. Thereafter write remaining Nakshatras including Abhijit
Nakshatra. Note down position & serial number of your Janma Nakshatra in above Chakra. Results will be as
Janma Nakshatra falls at No. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 and 28 - indicates death if sick.
Janma Nakshatra falls at No. 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26 - indicates good longevity, financial gain &
improvement in family.

05. Sapta Salaka Chakra

[Editor's note: picture of Sapta Salaka Chakra reproduced with SketchUp.]

 This Chakra is also like SBC.
 This includes Abhijit Nakshatra also.
 It causes Vedha of opposite Nakshatra.
 If malefic Graha move on a Nakshatra & it causes Vedha of opposite Nakshatra, such a Nakshatra
should be avoided for marriage & all other auspicious events.
 If a Graha is on first Charan (Pada) of a Nakshatra, there will be Vedha of 4th Charan (Pada) of opposite
Nakshatra. Similarly Grahas on 2nd, 3rd or 4th Charan will cause Vedha of 3rd, 2nd & 1st Charan

06. Kurm Chakra

It is most useful Chakra and helps in determining directions and places of malefic and benefic events, especially
in India. This chakra is a supporting Chakra for making correct predictions according to SBC. The literary
meaning of Kurm is tortoise. Main purpose of this Chakra is to determine different directions belonging to
different Nakshatras.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Kurm Chakra is divided into 9 zones and each zone is signified by 3 Nakshatras. E.g. central zone is signified by
Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasira. As far as India's central zone is concerned, it denotes UP (S / W), Madhya Pradesh
(part), Rajasthan (desert area), Haryana & Gadwal. Complete details of India's zones are given in Chapter 17.
Whenever Nakshatras of that zone are afflicted by strong malefic Graha, that zone & dwellers of that zone
suffer. Affliction means transit of strong malefic Graha on that Nakshatra signifying a particular zone, region,
state or city. If more than one malefic Graha is involved, large scale destruction of that zone is possible.
Sometimes whole direction is afflicted by malefic Grahas - Sa, Ra, Ma, Ke & Sy.

07. Dhrubank Chakra

In addition to SBC, our Sages have recommended use of Dhrubank Chakra for determining prices of
commodities and shares at any future date. This Chakra will also enable to synchronize price of any commodity
as per SBC. Our Sages have assigned a numerical number for following Panchkas of Dhrubank Chakra:
 Dhrubank of commodities or shares.
 Dhrubank of city.
 Dhrubank of Nakshatra.
 Dhrubank of Tithi.
 Dhrubank of day.
 Dhrubank of months (lunar).
 Dhrubank of Sy Rasi.
 Dhrubank of astrological Yogas.
 Decide commodities.
 Decide day & month for finding Teji or Mandi of commodities.
 Find out Tithi, day, Nakshatra, Rasi and Yoga on that particular day.
 Note Dhrubank of all 8 constituents.
 Add all Dhrubanks (numerical numbers) of all constituents.
 Divide total Dhrubanks by 9.
 Note down remainder.
 Presume remainder as an indicator.
 Find out from Chakra, position of remainder figure from concerned day. The position of figure in
Chakra will indicate whether price will rise, decline or will have little or no change.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Dhrubank of constituents
01. Dhrubank of commodities and shares 03. Dhrubank of Nakshatras
 Shares 86  01 Aswini 10
 Gold 91  02 Bharani 10
 Silver 81  03 Krittika 96
 Brass 59  04 Rohini 56
 Iron 54  05 Mrigasira 20
 Copper 10  06 Ardra 86
 Pearl 95  07 Punarvasu 21
 Red coral 58  08 Pushya 64
 Diamond 334  09 Ashlesha 135
 Wheat 14  10 Magha 150
 Gram 56  11 Purva Phalguni 220
 Rice 97  12 Uttara Phalguni 72
 Moong 51  13 Hasta 334
 Urad 80  14 Chitra 21
 Arhar 72  15 Swati 210
 Til 53  16 Visakha 320
 Sarso 88  17 Anuradha 493
 Ghee 50  18 Jyeshta 559
 Haldi 107  19 Moola 552
 Red chillies 18  20 Purva Shada 142
 Gur 40  21 Uttara Shada 420
 Sugar 103  22 Sravana 550
 Zeera 70  23 Dhanishta 736
 Heeng 62  24 Satabisha 576
 Groundnut 212  25 Purva Bhadra 275
 Wool 112  26 Uttara Bhadra 126
 Dhania 542  27 Revati 256
 Almond 257
 Coconut 323 04. Dhrubank of Tithis
 Pratipada (01) 18
02. Dhrubank of important cities  Dvitiya (02) 20
 Ahmedabad 161  Tritiya (03) 22
 Kanpur 145  Chaturthi (04) 24
 Calcutta 247  Panchami (05) 26
 Delhi 136  Shashti (06) 25
 Mumbai 198  Saptami (07) 23
 Jaipur 314  Astami (08) 21
 Madras 633  Navami (09) 19
 Nagpur 166  Dasami (10) 17
 Gwaliar 157  Ekadasi (11) 15
 Nepal 154  Dvadasi (12) 13
 Agra 191  Trayodasi (13) 11
 Vadodara 337  Chaturdasi (14) 9
 Bhopal 198  Poornami (15) 16
 Surat 254  Amavasya (30) 7
 Mathura 196
 Rajasthan 314
 Bikaner 213
 Kashmir 259

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

05. Dhrubank of days  Dhanur 144

 Sunday 40  Makara 198
 Monday 50  Kumbha 190
 Tuesday 57  Mina 180
 Wednesday 72
 Thursday 65 08. Dhrubank of astrological Yoga
 Friday 24  01 Viskumbha 13
 Saturday 14  02 Priti 17
 03 Ayusman 48
06. Dhrubank of lunar months  04 Saubhagya 9
 01 Chaitra 61  05 Sobhana 36
 02 Vaisakha 63  06 Atiganda 47
 03 Jyaistha 65  07 Sukarma 13
 04 Asadha 67  08 Dhriti 44
 05 Sravana 69  09 Sula 13
 06 Bhadra 71  10 Ganda 25
 07 Asvina 73  11 Vriddhi 17
 08 Kartika 51  12 Dhruva 22
 09 Mrigasira 53  13 Vyaghata 15
 10 Pushya 55  14 Harsana 14
 11 Magha 57  15 Vajra 19
 12 Phalguni 59  16 Siddhi 23
 17 Vyatipata 39
07. Dhrubank of Sy Rasi  18 Variyan 15
 19 Parigha 13
 Mesha 37
 20 Siva 19
 Vrisabha 84
 21 Siddha 25
 Mithuna 66
 22 Sadhya 48
 Karka 109
 23 Shubha 88
 Simha 125
 24 Sukla 12
 Kanya 102
 25 Brahma 12
 Tula 140
 26 Indra 27
 Vriscika 144
 27 Vaidhriti 23

Table 37 - Dhrubank Chakra

Sy (1) Ch (2) Ma (3)
Sunday Monday Tuesday
Rise Fall Rise
Ra (4) Gu (5) Sa (6)
Thursday Saturday
Sharp rise Fall Rise
Bu (7) Ke (8) Sk (9)
Wednesday Friday
No change Rise Fall

Count number of remainder from concerned day on which price is to be ascertained. E.g. if day is Friday and
remainder is 4, 1st number will be Sk being Lord of Friday, 2nd will be Sy, 3rd will be Ch and 4th will be Ma,
indicating rise in prices.
According to some Sages, counting need not be done from concerned day but remainder figure should be
checked directly in Chakra, which will indicate price position. E.g. if remainder is 4, Chakra will indicate 4th
number is assigned to Ra, indicating sharp rise of price of concerned commodity.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Presume we have to find out price index of shares on Ashada lunar month in Delhi Stock exchange, which falls
on Dvitiya on Thursday etc., Dhrubank will be as under:
Dhrubank of shares 86
Dhrubank of Delhi 136
Dhrubank of Ashada 67
Dhrubank of Dvitiya (2) 20
Dhrubank of Pushya Nakshatra 64
Dhrubank of Yoga (Harsana) 14
Dhrubank of Thursday 65
Dhrubank of Sy Rasi (Mithuna) 66
Total: 518
Formula: 518 ÷ 9 = balance
5 = belongs to Gu, which signifies fall in prices of shares.

08. Dhuajadi Chakra

In Chapter 14 of this book, I have explained how to answer questions with help of SBC. In addition to SBC
methodology, I explain below an ancient methodology developed by our Sages. According to this methodology
each question can be answered correctly. However, I suggest SBC & this methodology should be synchronized
to find out a 100 % correct answer. First prepare a Chakra as under:
Table 38 - Dhuajadi Chakra

No. Significators Vowel / consonants Lord of significator

1. Dhuaj A E OO AE O Sy
2. Dhroom Ka Kha Ga Gha Da Ma
3. Singh Cha Chha Ja Jha Na Sk
4. Swan Ta Tha Da Dha Na Bu
5. Vrisa Ta Tha Da Dha Na Gu
6. Khar Pa Pha Ba Bha Ma Sa
7. Gaj Ya Ra La Va - Ch
8. Dhuankh Saa Sha Sa Ha - Ra

[Editor's note: original PDF has Sanskrit letters above vowels and consonants; I was not able to reproduce that,
nor it has any meaning for English translation.]
 Note first word of question, e.g. 'Mujhe naukari milegi'. The key word is 'Mu', indicating Khar
significator and Lord Sa.
 Similarly decide significator & Lord of each question.
 In general if significator and Lord are as under, success is assured.
Significator Success
Dhuaj Some delay
Singh Very soon
Vrisa Very soon
Gaj Some delay
 In other cases no success is possible.
 If question pertains to mental involvement and significator is Dhuaj, Singh, Vrisa or Gaj, 100 % success
is assured.
 If question pertains to financial gain and significator is Dhuaj, Singh, Vrisa or Gaj, financial gain is
possible soon.
 If question is about lost item and significator is Dhuaj, Singh, Vrisa or Gaj, than lost item will be
recovered soon.
 If question is about direction of lost item, answer is as under:

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Significator Direction
Dhuaj East
Dhroom South - East
Singh South
Swan South - West
Vrisa West
Khar North - West
Gaj North
Dhuankh: North - East
 If question is about placement of lost item, answer is as under:
Significator Placement
Dhuaj Baron land
Dhroom Kitchen
Singh Forest
Swan Shifted to another place
Vrisa West
Khar North - West
Gaj North
Dhuankh North - East
 If question is about missing person, answer is as under:
Significator Where about of missing person
Dhuaj He is safe
Singh He is safe
Vrisa He is safe
Gaj He is safe
 In case of other significators missing person is supposed to be in difficulty.
 If question is about time of returning of missing person, answer is as under:
Significator Time of returning
Dhuaj 15 days
Dhroom 7 days
Singh 21 days
Swan 30 days
Vrisa 45 days
Khar 60 days
Gaj 90 days
Dhuankh 180 days
 Similarly you can answer a question about success in any effort.
 If question is about sex of child, answer is as under:
Significator Boy or girl
Dhuaj Boy
Vrisa Boy
Singh Boy
Gaj Boy
 In other cases, it will be girl.
 If question is about longevity of any person, answer is as under:
Significator Longevity
Dhuaj 100 yrs.
Singh 100 yrs.
Gaj 80 yrs.
Vrisa 60 yrs.
Khar 40 yrs.
Swan 120 yrs.
Dhuankh 16 yrs.
Dhroom 1 year
 If question is about victory in any litigation or war, answer is as under:

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Significator Victory or not

Dhuaj Victory
Singh Victory
Vrisa Victory
Gaj Victory
 In other cases, defeat is possible.
 If question is about marriage, answer is as under:
Significator Marriage or no marriage
Dhuaj Early marriage
Singh Early marriage
Vrisa Early marriage
 In other cases, considerable delay is possible.
 If question is about success in election or a good positions in Government answer is as under:
Significator Answer
Dhuaj Success after long time
Gaj Success after long time
Vrisa Success very soon
Singh Success very soon
Swan No possibility
Khar No possibility
Dhroom No possibility
Dhuankh No possibility
 If question is about timing of success, answer is as under:
Significator Time
Dhuaj 7 days
Singh 15 days
Vrisa 30 days
Gaj 90 days
Swan 180 days
Khar 180 days
Dhroom 360 days
Dhuankh 360 days

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Chapter 19
Case studies

1. Case Study: Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru's elevation as Prime Minister of India on 25.10.51, 24.2.57 & 16.2.62
Date of Janma: 14.11.1889
Time of Janma: 11 pm
Place of Janma: Allahabad
Components of SBC Janma Vedha by benefic Grahas on
14.11.89 25.10.51 24.2.57 16.2.62
Lunar date 5th
Consonants / vowel Ja / aa Gu Ch
Janma Rasi Karka Ch Sk Gu
Lagna Rasi Karka Ch Sk Gu
Navamsa Rasi Mina - - Sk
Nadi Lord Amrit (Ch) Ch
Janma Nakshatra Ashlesha Ch Sk, Bu (sp.) Gu, Bu (sp.)
Other benefic Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra
Magha Ch Sk (sp.) Bu (sp.), Gu
U. Phalguni - Gu, Ch(Bu(sp.)?) Ch
Chitra - - Gu (sp.)
Visakha - - -
Anuradha Gu (sp.) - -
Moola Sk (sp.) Ch (sp.) -
U. Shada Gu Ch,Sk,Gu (sp.) Ch (sp.)
Dhanishta Ch (sp.) Sk -
[Editor's note: sp. = special Vedha?]

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

2. Case Study: Mrs. Indira Gandhi's elevation as PM & her death

Date of Janma: 19.11.1917
Time of Janma: 23:11 h
Place of Janma: Allahabad
Janma P.M. P.M. P.M. Murder
24.1.66 23.3.71 14.1.80 31.10.84
Components of SBC Vedha Vedha Vedha Vedha
Lunar date 5th - - - -
Name Indira - - - -
Day of Janma Monday Sk - - Ra (R), Sy (M)
Janma Rasi Makara Sk (B) - - -
Ch (B)
Lagna Karka - Ch Sk -
Navamsa Mina (Gu) - - - -
Nadi Lord Sk Ch Sk Ke
Janma Naksh. U. Shada Bu (B) - - -
Other benefic Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra
Sravana Sk (R) Ch - Ra
Satabisha - - - Sy
U. Bhadrap. - - - Ma
Aswini - - - -
Bharani - - Ch Ra
Rohini - - - Sy
Ardra - - Bu -
Pushya Ch Gu (R) -
Magha Sk (R) - - -
P. Phalguni - - Gu (R) -
Hasta - - - -
Swati Ch - - Sy
Anuradha - Gu (R) Ch Sa (R), Ke
Moola - - - -
P. Shada - - Bu Ma
Relations: 8 benefic 6 benefic 8 benefic 12 malefic
relations relations relations relations
* There is affliction by all five malefic Grahas indicating death.
23rd Nakshatra (Visakha) from Ch Nakshatra cause sudden death if aspected by 2 / 3 malefic Grahas. In this case
Ra, Ke & Sa are having Vedha on Visakha.
Janma Nakshatra has malefic relations with 2 malefic Grahas on 1.10.84 indicates death within a month.
According to Latta Chakra if Ma has Latta with Janma Nakshatra (3rd Nakshatra - being Janma Nakshatra) from
Ma in Moola Nakshatra - it causes death any time.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

3. Case Study: Mr. Rajiv Gandhi's elevation as Prime Minister of India and his death
Date of Janma; 20.8.1944 PM death
Time of Janma: 8.50 am
Place of Janma: Bombay
Janma P.M. Death
31.10.84 21.5.1991
Vedha Vedha
Components of SBC benefic (malefic)
Lunar date 2nd (SP) Ch Sa (R), Sy
Name Rajiv (R) - Ra
Day of Janma Sunday - Sy
Janma Rasi Simha Ch Sa (R)
Lagna Simha Ch Sa (R)
Navamsa Karka - -
Nadi Lord Bu Ch Sa (R), Sy
Janma Nakshatra P. Phalguni - -
(2nd Pada)
Other benefic Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra:
U. Phalguni - Ke
Chitra - -
Visakha Bu Sy
Jyeshta Sk -
Moola - Ke, Ma
U. Shada - -
Dhanishta Ch, Bu -
P. Bhadra - Ke
Revati - -
Aswini Sk -
Krittika Ch Sy
Mrigasira - -
Punarvasu - Ke, Ma
Ashlesha - -
Magha Ch -
Death inflicting Nakshatra:
Anuradha 17 - -
Hasta 13 - Ra, Herschel, Neptune
Ardra 6 - Ra

Mr. Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister when benefic Grahas have 11 benefic Vedhas.
Mr. Rajiv Gandhi was murdered on 21.5.91 when all five malefic Grahas - Sa, Ra, Ma, Sy & Ke were having
malefic Vedhas of all Panchkas and sensitive points - Lagna, Nadi Lord, and 8 sensitive Nakshatra.
In addition, Herschel (R) & Neptune (R), both very strong malefic were having Vedha of 13th Nakshatra Hasta,
which is most malefic death inflicting Nakshatra.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

4. Case study: Mr. V.P. Singh's elevation as Prime Minister of India on 2.12.89
Date of Janma: 25.6.1931
Time of Janma: 7:51 am
Place of Janma: Dahiya, Allahabad
Components of SBC on 25.6.31 (Janma) Vedha by benefics Grahas on 2.12.89
Consonant, vowel Ve, EE Gu (R)
Lunar date 10th
Day of Janma Thursday
Janma Rasi Tula Ch
Lagna Karka
Navamsa Karka
Nadi Lord Sy (Dehan Nadi)
Janma Nakshatra Chitra
Other benefic Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra:
Swati Gu (sp.)
U. Shada Ch, Sk
U. Bhadrapada Gu (R)
Aswini Bu (sp.), Sk (sp.)
Krittika Sk (sp.)
Ardra Gu (R), Sk (sp.)
Pushya Bu
Mr. V.R. Singh became Prime Minister on 2.12.89, when benefic Grahas have 9 benefic Vedhas.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

5. Case Study: Mr. Chandra Shekhar’s elevation as Prime Minister of India on 10.11.1990 at 11 hours, New
Date of Janma: 17.4.1927
Time of Janma: 6 - 7 am app.
Place of Janma: Balia (U.P.)
Components of SBC on 17.4.1927 Vedha by benefic Grahas on 10.11.90
Consonant, vowel Cha, AA
Lunar date Poornima
Day of Janma Sunday
Janma Rasi Tula
Lagna Mesha
Navamsa -
Nadi Lord Sy
Janma Nakshatra Swati
Other benefic Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra
Visakha Sk, Gu
Jyeshta Gu (sp.)
P. Shada
Sravana Ch (sp.)
Dhanishta Ch (sp.), Sk (sp.)
P. Bhadrapada
Revati Bu (sp.)
Bharani Ch, Sk (sp.)
Ashlesha Ch, Bu, Gu
P. Phalguni
P.S.: Mr. Shekhar became Prime Minister on 10.11.90 when benefic Grahas have 7 benefic Vedhas.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

6. Case Study: Mr. Narsimha Rao's elevation as Prime Minister of India on 21.6.91 at 12:51 hours, New Delhi
Date of Janma: 28.6.1921
Time of Janma: 13:00 hours
Place of Janma: Varangal
Components of SBC 28.6.1921 Vedha by benefics Grahas on 21.6.1991
Consonant / vowel Na Ch
Lunar date 8th -
Day of Janma Tuesday -
Janma Rasi Mina -
Lagna Kanya -
Navamsa Simha Ch
Nadi Lord Gu (Sobhya) -
Janma Nakshatra U. Bhadrapada Gu (special aspect)
Other benefic Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra
Revati Gu, Ch (special aspect)
Ardra Bu
Ashlesha Sk, Gu
P. Phalguni
Hasta Bu
Jyeshta Gu (special aspect)
P. Shada Bu (special aspect), Sk (sp. aspect)
Dhanishta -
 All benefic Grahas, Ch, Bu, Gu & Sk have Vedha of 9 components of SBC, indicate success & elevation.
 Name has Vedha of Ch, indicates success.
 Vedha by Gu & Sk - special front aspect from their position, on one sensitive Nakshatra - indicates
 Gu & Sk are causing benefic Vedha of a Nakshatra Ashlesha - indicate victory.
 Ch was having benefic Vedha of Janma Nakshatra when he was elected CPP Leader, few days back –
indicate victory.
 Bu was aspecting Nakshatra Chitra at time he was sworn as Prime Minister on 21.6.1991 - special 9th
front aspect.
 Bu was aspecting P. Shada Nakshatra on 21.6.1991 – by 15th front special aspect.
 Ch was aspecting Revati Nakshatra on 21.6.1991 - by 15th front special aspect.
 Gu was aspecting Jyeshta Nakshatra on 21.6.91 by 10th front special aspect.
 Gu was aspecting Janma Nakshatra Uttara Bhadrapada on 21.6.91 by 19th front special aspect.
 Sk was aspecting P. Shada Nakshatra on 21.6.91 by 12th front special aspect.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

7. Case Study: Mr. Atal Behari Bajpai's elevation as Prime Minister of India on 16th May 1996, 19th March 98 &
13th Oct 99
Date of Janma: 25.12.1924
Time of Janma: 5 am
Place of Janma: Gwalior
Components of SBC Janma Vedha by benefic Grahas on
on 25.12.24 16.5.96 19.3.98 13.10.99
Consonant, vowel A, AA
Lunar date 14th (KP) Ch Ch Ch
Day of Janma Thursday Ch Ch Ch
Janma Rasi Vriscika Ch
Lagna Vriscika Ch Ch Ch
Navamsa Karka
Nadi Lord Pavan (Sy)
Janma Nakshatra Jyeshta Gu
Other benefics Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra
Moola Sk (sp.)
U. Shada Sk
P. Bhadrapada
U. Bhadrapada
Aswini Gu (sp.) Gu
Krittika Ch, Bu (R) Sk
Mrigasira Sk
Magha Ch, Gu (sp.) Sk
U. Phalguni
Chitra Bu (sp.)
 Ch alone is causing 6 benefic Vedhas on 16.5.1996.
 All 4 benefic Grahas are involved in benefic Vedha.
 Tithi, Janma day, Janma Rasi and Lagna are having benefic Vedhas.
 On 13.10.99, Ch, Gu & Sk are causing benefic Vedas, which are stronger.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

8. Case Study: Shri Dewe Gowde’s elevation as Prime Minister of India on 1.6.96
Date of Janma: 18.5.1933
Time of Janma: 10:10 am
Place of Janma: Hassan (Karnataka)
Components of SBC on 18.5.1933 Vedha by benefic Grahas on 1.6.1996
Lunar date 10th -
Consonants / vowel Da, a -
Day of Janma Thursday -
Janma Rasi Karka -
Lagna Rasi Karka -
Navamsa Rasi Karka -
Nadi Lord Sk -
Janma Nakshatra P. Bhadrapada -
Other benefic Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra
U. Bhadrapada -
Aswini -
Krittika -
Mrigasira Bu, Sk
Ardra -
Pushya -
Magha -
U. Phalguni -
Chitra -
Swati -
Anuradha Ch
Moola -
U. Shada Bu
Dhanishta -
Satabisha -
Vedha by three benefics Grahas indicate victory & Prime ministership.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

9. Case Study: Resignation by Shri Dewe Gowde from Prime Ministership

Date of Oath ceremony: 1.6.1996
Place of Oath ceremony: Delhi
Time of Oath ceremony: 12:30 hrs.
Components of SBC 1.6.1996 malefic Vedha of Grahas on 31.3.97 (Resigned 11.4.97)
Lunar date 15
Name Gowde, Dewe Sy
Day of Janma Saturday
Janma Rasi Vriscika Ra, Pluto
Lagna Simha
Navamsa Tula Ra
Janma Nakshatra Anuradha Pluto
Malefic Nakshatras from Janma Nakshatra
Moola Sy
U. Shada Ra
Mrigasira Sy
U. Phalguni Ra, Ma
 Only 4 malefic Grahas are involved in malefic Vedha.
 There is Vedha of 4 important components of SBC & Vedha of 4 important Nakshatras.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Chapter 20
Astrological norms for financial gain in share market

In addition to norms explained in this book regarding trend of prices of commodities and shares, I am
explaining all important astrological norms for financial gain in share market. In this Chapter, I am giving all
essential factors as under:
1. Astrological factors applied for share market.
2. Astrological combinations in natal Chakra of native indicating financial gain in share market.
3. Astrological norms for success in primary market.
4. Astrological norms for success in secondary market:
 Norms for bullish market (Teji)
 Norms for bearish market (Mandi).

01. Astrological factors applied for share market

These factors are as under:
 It involves all 12 Rasis.
 It involves all 12 Grahas including Pluto, Neptune and Uranus.
 It involves all 27 Nakshatras.
 Main significator of speculation - Bu.
 Main Bhava of speculation - 5th Bhava.
 Main significator of financial transactions - Bu, Gu and Sk.
 Main Nakshatra for speculation - Ashlesha.
 Main bullish [] Rasis for speculation are:
o (01) Mesha, (02) Vrisabha, (05) Simha, (08) Vriscika, (06) Kanya, (07) Tula, (11) Kumbha and (12)
Meena. [???]
 Main bearish [] Rasis for speculation are:
o (03) Mithuna, (04) Karka, (06) Kanya, (07) Tula, (11) Kumbha and (12) Meena. [???]
 Main bullish [] Grahas are:
o Sy, Ma, Sk, Sa, Ra, Uranus & Pluto.
 Main bearish [] Grahas are:
o Ch, Bu, Ke, Gu & Neptune.
 Aspects influencing share market:
o Grahas conjuncting in any one Rasi.
o Grahas influenced by opposite aspect.
o Semi square [45°] aspect between Sy & Sk.
o Sa's 3rd & 10th aspect.
o Ma's 4th & 8th aspect.
o Gu‘s 5th & 9th aspect.
 Longitude of a Graha in a Rasi.
 Speed of all Grahas.
 Combust Grahas.
 Retrograde Grahas.
 Retrograde Bu indicates lot of fluctuations in share market.
How to handle transactions in stock exchange
 Prepare Lagna charts for all working hours of stock exchange.
 Fix duration of each Lagna.
 Place all 12 Grahas in all charts.
 Find out desired combination or Yoga for sale or purchase of shares prescribed in astrology.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

02. Astrological combinations in natal Chakra of native, indicating financial gain from share market
Speculation in share market is most popular throughout world. It ensures quick money provided your
Nakshatras are lucky enough. So all such combinations (Yogas) are given here to enable you to try your luck in
share market:
 Ch and Bu in 11th Bhava either in Karka or Kanya.
 Ch, Bu & 5th Lord in 11th Bhava aspected by 11th Lord or joined by 11th Lord.
 Ch in 5th Bhava in Karka or Vrisabha aspected by Sk or Gu or both.
 Ch in Mesha, Vrisabha, Karka or Makara Lagna in natal Chakra of native.
 Ch, Bu, Gu and Sk in 5th Bhava in Vrisabha, Karka, Vriscika or Makara.
 Ch in Simha Lagna and Sa in 7th Bhava. In addition Sy & Ma should occupy 11th Bhava in natal Chakra.
 Ch in Makara Lagna, Gu in Karka in 7th Bhava and Sa in 2nd Bhava.
 Ch & Ma in 5th Bhava. In addition Bu and Sk should be in Kumbha in 8th Bhava.
 Ch & Gu in Karka or Vrisabha in Lagna. In addition Sa & Ma should occupy Tula or Makara.
 Ch and Sy in Karka or Simha in Lagna or 5th Bhava. Ch should not be combust.
 Ch and Uranus in Vrisabha in Lagna or 5th Bhava. Ch should be behind Uranus.
 Ch and Gu in Vrisabha or Karka in 11th Bhava in natal Chakra.
 Ma in 10th Bhava in Makara and Gu in 9th Bhava in Dhanur.
 Ma in 11th Bhava in Mesha or Vriscika and is aspected by Gu.
 Ma and Ke in 11th Bhava in Mesha or Vriscika in natal Chakra.
 Ma and Gu in 2nd Bhava in Dhanur or Meena.
 Bu in 2nd or 10th Bhava in Mithuna or Kanya.
 Bu and Sk in 2nd Bhava in Kanya or Tula or Vrisabha or Mithuna.
 Bu in 11th Bhava in Mithuna or Kanya along with 5th Lord, who should be a friendly Graha.
 Bu & Gu in 2nd Bhava in own or exaltation Rasi.
 Gu in Lagna, 4th, 5th & 9th Bhava in Mesha, Karka, Simha, Vriscika or Dhanur.
 Gu in 4th Bhava in Karka and Sa in 7th Bhava in Tula and Sk in 8th Bhava in Vriscika.
 Gu and Sa well placed & related to 5th Lord and 11th Lord.
 Gu in 4th Bhava in Karka and 8th Lord in 8th Bhava.
 Sk and Sa in Lagna in Tula.
 Sk in 9th or 11th Bhava in Vrisabha or Meena.
 Sk in 5th Bhava in own Rasi with Ra.
 Sa in 4th, 7th, 10th or 11th Bhava in Tula, Makara or Kumbha.
 Sa and Ra in 11th Bhava in Tula.
 In general benefic Yogas for financial gain are as under:
Graha Rasi Bhavas
Ch Vrisabha, Karka, Dhanur & Meena 2nd, 5th, 10th, 11th
Ma Mesha, Vriscika & Makara 4th, 10th, 11th
Bu Mithuna & Kanya 2nd, 5th, 11th
Gu Karka, Dhanur & Meena 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th
Sk Vrisabha, Tula & Meena 2nd, 9th, 10th, 11th
Sa Tula, Makara & Kumbha 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th
Sy Mesha & Simha 3rd, 10th, 11th
 Sy and Uranus in Mesha in Lagna, 5th or 11th Bhava.
 Sy in Mesha in 3rd, 10th or 11th Bhava.
 Ra, 5th Lord and 9th Lord or 11th Lord - all in 5th or 11th Bhava.
 Lagna Lord, being a benefic Graha in 2nd Bhava and aspected by strong benefic Graha.
 Lagna Lord in 2nd Bhava and 2nd Lord in 11th Bhava and 11th Lord in Lagna and Lagna is aspected by
benefic Graha.
 2nd & 5th Lords have an exchange and aspected by strong benefic Grahas.
 2nd Lord in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th, 9th or 1st Bhava in own or exalted Rasi and 2nd Bhava occupied by at least
one strong benefic Graha.
 2nd Lord & 11th Lord in 4th Bhava & 4th Lord in own or exalted Rasi.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 2nd Lord & 4th Lord in 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th or 9th Bhava, in own or a benefic Rasi and aspected by a benefic
 10th Bhava from Lagna and Ch occupied by a malefic Graha in own or exalted Rasi.
 5th Lord & 11th Lord conjunct in 11th Bhava.
 5th Lord & 9th Lord conjunct in 11th Bhava.
(a) Lucky years according to natal Chakra
Lagna Lucky year of your age
Mesha 16th year onwards
Vrisabha 36th year - // -
Mithuna 36th year - // -
Karka 16 year
th - // -
Simha 28th year - // -
Kanya 25th year - // -
Tula 32 year
nd - // -
Vriscika 24th year - // -
Dhanur 22nd year - // -
Makara 32 year
nd - // -
Kumbha 25th year - // -
Meena 28th year - // -

During these years of your age, you will be lucky.

(b) Additional lucky years
Ra in 9th Bhava 42nd year
Ke in 9th Bhava 42nd year
Uranus in 9th Bhava 36th year
Neptune in 9th Bhava 24th year
Pluto in 9th Bhava 16th & 44th year
(c) How to determine profitable business transactions in share market
9th Lord in natal Chakra Significations
Sy Shares of companies doing gold business.
Ch Shares of companies doing silver business.
Ma Shares of companies doing business in iron, woolen clothes & red color goods.
Bu Shares of companies doing business in jute, bardana & green color goods.
Gu Shares of companies doing business in oil, ghee, pearls, perfumes & yellow
color goods.
Sk Shares of companies doing business in silver, sugar, cotton, cottonseeds, clothes
and yarn.
Sa Shares of companies doing business in oil and silk.
Ra in 9th Bhava Black wool and blankets.
Ke in 9th Bhava Blankets and black wool.
Uranus in 9th Bhava Factories and machines.
Neptune in 9th Bhava Electrical goods & general merchandise.
Pluto in 9th Bhava Medicines, weapons & mines.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

03. Astrological norms for success in primary market

Whenever a company invites application against new issue, it is known as primary market. To ensure allotment
against your application, following norms are prescribed:
 Selection of an application form whose serial number is lucky for you.
 Writing application form in a most auspicious time.
 Depositing form in an auspicious time.
A. Lucky serial number of form
(a) Divide serial number by 12 and if balance is 5 form is lucky, or add all digits of compound serial
number and if added number is 5, 14, 23, 32 or 41 form is lucky.
(b) Find out Rasi number of dispositor of 5th Lord in your natal Chakra or 11th Lord.
(c) Find out Rasi of Bu's dispositor in your natal Chakra.
(d) Find out most favorable Rasi number in your natal Chakra - strongest according to Shadbala.
B. Writing application form
(a) Adopt Sidha Yoga, Amrit Yoga, auspicious Hora of day, Ravi Yoga or Guru Pusya Yoga.
(b) Ch should occupy 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th Rasi from your Ch in your natal Chakra or from Lagna, Ch or Gu.
(c) Ch should occupy 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th or 9th Nakshatra from your Janma Nakshatra.
(d) Lagna Lord, 5th Lord and 11th Lord should occupy 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th or 9th Nakshatra from your Janma
(e) Lagna, 5th Bhava and 11th Bhava, at time of application should be occupied by their Lord or friendly Grahas.
(f) Strongest Rasi in your natal Chakra should be Lagna Rasi at time of application and its longitude should be
upto 10°.
(g) Lagna Rasi may be Karka with Ch therein upto 10° or Ch may be in 4th, 7th or 10th Bhava. Keep vacant 6th, 8th
and 12th Bhava. [Editor's note: Dusthan Bhavas.]
(h) Lagna should be occupied by Gu or Sk in Karka Rasi.
(i) Ch should occupy Lagna Rasi in following degrees:
Table 39 - Chandra's favorite degrees
Rasi 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Degree 21° 14° 18° 8° 19° 9° 24° 11° 23° 14° 19° 09°
(j) Adopt Vargottam Navamsa of Karka, Vrisabha or Kanya Lagna.
(k) Keep Ch strong in bright half & strong Nakshatra in dark half.
(l) Lagna Rasi should be Vrisabha, Karka or Kanya.
 Keep benefic Grahas in 1st, 5th, 9th, 2nd, 11th Bhava at time of writing application form.
 Lagna may be Vrisabha, Kanya or Makara. These Rasis are most powerful for share market. These Rasis
should be occupied by Ch, Bu or Ma respectively. Nakshatra occupied by these Grahas should be 2nd,
4th, 6th, 8th or 9th Nakshatra from Janma Nakshatra upto 10° in Rasi. In addition, Navamsa should be of
2nd, 6th or 10th Rasi.
 Day's Graha should be strongest.
 Best Muhurta is Mesha 10° 00' to 13° 20' [(04) Karka Navams] & Kanya 150° 00' to 153° 20' [(10) Kumbha
 Keep Ch in Karka Lagna upto 10° related to Gu. Keep vacant 6th, 8th & 12th Bhava.
 Revati, Satabisha, Aswini, Swati, Sravana and Chitra Nakshatra are good for purchase.
 Keep Sy or Gu in 5th Bhava or Ch in 11th or 10th Bhava.
 Ch or Gu in 10th Bhava in Karka.
 6th Lord Bu should occupy 11th Bhava.
 Ma in 11th Bhava in Mesha or Vriscika.
C. Depositing form in most auspicious time
 Keep Lagna strongest and it should be auspicious day – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
 Keep auspicious Hora.
 Avoid aspect of Sa, Sy & Ra on Lagna & Lagna Lord at time of submission of form.
 Also avoid any relation of Lords of 6th, 8th & 12th Bhava on Lagna & Lagna Lord at time of submission.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Avoid Ch in 6th, 8th or 12th Bhava from Lagna and Gu.

 Deposit form in Abhijit Muhurta.
 Deposit form in Ravi Yoga.

04. Astrological norms for success in secondary market

Secondary market involves sales and purchase of shares in stock exchange through a broker. It is natural that
you will like to sell shares when market is bullish [?] and you will like to purchase shares when market is
bearish [?]. Hence I will record here all possible Yogas causing bullish (Teji) and also causing bearish (Mandi) in
share market.

Norms for bullish market (Teji)

 Bu is behind Sa, Gu, Ma or Sk in same Nakshatra. Teji will continue till Bu is behind these Grahas. As
soon as Bu crosses longitude of Graha, ahead of it, Teji factor will gradually slow down. If Ch is ahead
of Bu, Teji factor will not work.
 Bu is behind Pluto, Neptune or Uranus, Ra or Ke, preferably in same Nakshatra and is aspected by Sa
and Ma by 7th aspect. Sa and Ma should not be retrograde, combust or debilitated.
 Bu is opposite Pluto, Neptune or Uranus. Maximum Teji will be possible when Bu is 180° from any of
these Grahas.
 Bu is combust by Sy. Teji factor will continue till Bu is combust.
 Bu is retrograde and is ahead of Sy in same Rasi. Teji factor will continue till Bu is retrograde.
 Bu & Sa, both are retrograde in same Rasi.
 Bu in Meena & Gu in Mithuna or Kanya.
 Bu in Dhanur & Gu in Mithuna or Kanya.
 Bu in Kumbha & is behind Ma in same Nakshatra.
 Gu is going to be retrograde or direct. Teji will take place on that date.
 Gu and Sa, both retrograde or in Mesha, Simha, Tula, Vriscika or Makara. No other Graha must
influence this combination.
 Gu is retrograde in 5th Bhava having malefic aspect or conjunction.
 Gu and Sk are opposite each other in same longitude.
 Gu is combust by Sy. Teji will continue till Gu is combust.
 Gu in Mithuna or Kanya and Ra in Dhanur or Meena respectively.
 Gu is behind Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Ra, Ke or Sa, in same Nakshatra. Teji will continue till Gu is
behind any of these Grahas.
 Gu is retrograde in Meena along with Sa - rise in iron shares.
 Gu is retrograde in Mesha, Simha, Vriscika or Makara along with direct Sa.
 Gu and Ma in Karka, Dhanur, Meena, Mesha, Vriscika, Makara. Ma should be behind Gu.
 Sk is behind Ma in Makara.
 Sk is behind any slow moving Graha in Dhanur.
 Sk and Sy in Meena but in different Nakshatras, provided Sk is behind Sy.
 Sk in Karka in 5th or 11th Bhava.
 Sk in Dhanur in 5th or 11th Bhava.
 Sa is retrograde in Tula.
 Sa is retrograde in 5th Bhava having a malefic aspect or conjunction.
 Sa and Ma opposite each other in same longitude or are having an exchange.
 Sa and Ma transit in Mesha, Karka or Simha, but both Grahas are combust.
 Sa, Ma and Sy in Makara and Ra in Mesha.
 Sa is transiting Kumbha with Sy or Ma or Ra, provided Sa is ahead of Sy / Ma / Ra.
 Sa is retrograde in Mesha or Simha with Ma.
 Sa in Meena & Ma behind it in same Rasi.
 Sa in Mesha, Simha, Vriscika or Makara along with retrograde Gu or any of Graha out of Ma, Sy, Sk or
 Any fast moving Graha is behind slow moving Graha in same Nakshatra. Rising continue till fast
moving Graha crosses slow moving Graha.
 Ma enters Pushya, Anuradha, U. Bhadra owned by Sa and also occupied by Sa. Ma should be behind Sa.
 9th Lord conjuncts with 10th Lord in Lagna, 5th or 11th Bhava.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

 Lagna Lord and 11th Lord aspect each other.

 Any of 9 Grahas are behind Pluto, Neptune or Uranus.
 Any 2 Grahas exchange their Rasis and also aspect each other and one of them occupies a malefic Rasi.
 Any 2 friendly Grahas aspect each other by 5th or 9th aspect and are in same degree but in different
 When maximum number of Grahas transit Mesha, Vrisabha, Simha, Vriscika, Dhanur and Makara.
 All above combinations should be related to 5th Bhava, 5th Lord, 11th Bhava & 11th Lord wherever
 Success is assured when Lagna Lord occupies 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th Bhava, Sa, Ma & Sy occupy 3rd, 6th, 11th
Bhava and Gu, Bu and Sk occupy 5th or 9th Bhava.
 Rising starts when fast moving Graha is 1° behind slow moving Graha. These Grahas should be Lords of
Lagna and 11th Bhava.
 2 Grahas have 5th or 9th aspect within orbit as under:
o Sy 15°, Ch 12°, Ma 8°, Bu 7°, Gu 9°, Sk 7° and Sa 9°.
 Maximum high market will be at moment when fast moving Graha coincides with slow moving Graha
in same Nakshatra. Thereafter prices will decline.
 At time of sale of shares, Ch should occupy any of following Nakshatras and is transiting Lagna, 5th or
11th Bhava of Chakra:
o Purva Phalguni
o Purva Bhadra
o Purva Shada
o Visakha
o Krittika
o Ashlesha
o Bharani
 At time of sale keep Ch in 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th Bhava alone and aspected by a strong Graha.
 At time of sale of shares, keep 11th Bhava strong.
 At time of sale of shares, Lagna and 10th Bhava should be occupied or aspected by strong Grahas.
 At time of sale of shares, 5th Bhava and 5th Lord should be aspected by strong benefic Grahas.

Norms for bearish trend (Mandi)

 When a slow moving Graha is behind a fast moving Graha in same Nakshatra of a Rasi.
 When a slow moving Graha occupies own or exaltation Rasi and fast moving Graha occupies any other
 Gu is behind Sy, Ch, Ma, Bu or Sk in same Nakshatra or Gu is ahead of Sa, Ra, Ke, Pluto, Neptune or
 Ra and Ke are behind Sk (R), Gu having fewer degrees than Ra and Ke.
 Sa (R) is ahead of Ra or Ke.
 Any of 9 Grahas is ahead of Pluto, Neptune or Uranus.
 When 2 friendly and benefic Grahas have 5th or 9th aspect and both Grahas are in same degree, e.g. Sy in
Mesha 10° and Ch in Simha 10°.
 Bearish trend starts as soon as Ch enters Simha and continues till it achieves longitude of Sy 10°. In this
case fast moving Graha should always be ahead of slow moving Graha.
 When 2 friendly Grahas have 3rd or 11th aspect and both Grahas are in same degree. Rest as above.
 Gu retrograde or Sa retrograde in 5th Bhava or Neptune (R) in 2nd Bhava.

[Editor's note: PDF ends at page 194 - that’s all, folks.]

Following are my additions, for your eyes only, if you ever wish to have hard copy of either SBC or Kal Purusha
under your pillow, while you dream sweet dreams. If you need biger hi-resolution pictures (recommended), e-
mail me.

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

May the Light shine on you all.

Sarvatobhadra Chakra - color

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Sarvatobhadra Chakra - BW

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Kal Purusha - color (CCW)

  Mystics of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Contents by Chistabo, A.D. 2013  

Kal Purusha - BW (CCW)


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