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Worksheet 1

Name: Tapere, Vitto, Madanguit, Hagonos, Esteves, Alingasa

Research Title: The Effects of Social Media to the Academic Performance of FSUU BP. Pueblos
Senior High School Students.

1. Compose the introductory paragraph of your research methodology.

The present study aims to investigate the relationship between social media use and
academic performance among Grade 12 students at Father Saturnino Urios University. To
achieve this objective, a mixed-methods research design will be employed, involving both
quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. The study will explore the purpose,
frequency, and duration of social media use among students, as well as their study habits and
self-regulation strategies. The research will also examine the potential moderating factors in
the relationship between social media use and academic performance, such as gender,
academic level, and type of social media platform used. The findings of this study will
contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between social media use
and academic performance, and provide insights into how educators and parents can help
students navigate the digital world more effectively for the betterment of their education
and personal growth

2. Describe the general methodology that you will utilize in your propose study.
Cite you reference.

The proposed study will utilize a quantitative research methodology, which is a structured
and systematic approach to collecting and analyzing numerical data. This approach will
enable us to measure and quantify the variables of interest in the study, which include the
extent of employee job satisfaction, the level of employee engagement, and the relationship
between job satisfaction and employee turnover. The study will be conducted using a survey
instrument administered to a sample of employees selected from a population of a particular
organization. The survey will consist of closed-ended questions, which will be analyzed using
statistical methods to derive descriptive and inferential statistics. The data collected will be
analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to identify patterns and
relationships between the variables of interest. This approach will enable us to draw
objective conclusions about the research questions and to generalize the findings to the
larger population.

Reference: Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: qualitative,

quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
3. Why did you choose this general methodology?

quantitative methodology because it allows them to test hypotheses using statistical

analysis and produce numerical data that can be analyzed objectively. This methodology
also enables researchers to generalize their findings to a larger population and make
predictions based on statistical probabilities. Additionally, quantitative research methods
allow for replication of the study, which can increase the validity and reliability of the

4. What specific methodology will you utilize in your proposed study? Cite your

For my proposed study, I will utilize a quantitative research methodology that involves the
use of surveys to collect data from participants. Specifically, I will use a cross-sectional
survey design, which is a type of research design that involves collecting data at a single point
in time from a sample of individuals drawn from a population of interest. This design is useful
for investigating relationships between variables, as it allows for the measurement of
variables at the same time, which can help to establish cause-and-effect relationships (Gliner,
Morgan, & Leech, 2011).

To develop the survey instrument, I will use established scales and items that have been
validated in previous studies. I will also pilot test the survey with a small group of individuals
to ensure that the questions are clear and understandable. Data analysis will involve
descriptive statistics, such as means and standard deviations, as well as inferential statistics,
such as correlations and regression analysis.


Gliner, J. A., Morgan, G. A., & Leech, N. L. (2011). Research methods in applied settings: An
integrated approach to design and analysis. Routledge.

5. Why did you choose this specific methodology?

I chose the specific methodology of a survey because it is a widely used research method for
gathering data from a large sample size. Surveys are efficient in terms of time and resources,
and can provide a quantitative analysis of the data collected. Additionally, surveys allow for
standardized data collection and can provide insights into attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
of the population under study. As stated by Dillman, Smyth, and Christian (2014), surveys
are a "powerful method for gathering information about people's attitudes, beliefs, opinions,
behaviors, and experiences" (p. 1). Furthermore, surveys allow for the collection of large
amounts of data in a short amount of time, making them an effective tool for studying
phenomena at a population level.

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