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Student’s full name: Phan Thị Bảo Trâm Student ID: K194040604
Date of birth: 27/02/2001 Gender: Female Class: K19404CA
Instructor’s full name: Phạm Chí Khoa Academic title: Master
Instructor’s phone number: 0908 877 324 Email:

Internship entity (Full name, including branch/transaction office): COPHAR MEDICINE JOINT STOCK COMPANY ....
Address: No. 369, Street Thach Lam, Phu Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam .................................................................................................................................................................
Department / Unit: Accounting department ............................................................................................................
Manager of Department / Unit: Trần Văn Tư........................................ Phone no.: 0963 235 302...................
Mentor: Trần Văn Tư ........................................................................... Phone no.: 0963 235 302...................
Internship position: Accounting intern ....................................................................................................................
Internship schedule: Full-time, from 05/12/2022 to 15/02/2023..............................................................................
N Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor
Introduction about the company


MEDICINE JSC) established in 2021.
▪ COPHAR MEDICINE JSC is a Healthcare startup which focuses on
technology to improve the pharmacy eco-system. Our mission is to make
great products that bring high standards. With us, you will have the
opportunity to further improve your technical abilities with real projects.

N Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor
Internship tasks description

▪ Come to learn, meet, get acquainted with the brothers and sisters in the
company and discuss what to do during the internship with the members of the
Accounting Department.

▪ Read and learn the history and development of the company.

▪ Be introduced to the company’s type, field, policies, culture, organizational

structure and duties of the various departments and divisions.
1 ▪ Read the set of professional ethics standards and labor regulations.
10/12/2022 ▪ Find out what the intern's obligations are while working for the company.
▪ Get acquainted with the mentor and company’s employees.
▪ Participate in training workshops on crucial soft skills, such communication,
presentation, and criticism, for the workplace.
▪ Try out some of Microsoft Word's and Excel's most popular keyboard
▪ Become knowledgeable about how to operate office supplies like printers
and scanners.
▪ Get a preliminary understanding of the accounting operation.

▪ Trained on how to access accounting software.

N Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor

▪ Learn the accounting system at the company

+ Functions and duties of the accounting department.
+ Job description of each person in the accounting department.
▪ Learn the organizational structure of the accounting apparatus and the
functions and duties of accountants, accounting policies, accounting methods
applied by enterprises, form of accounting books at the company.
▪ View the company’s charter, product list, and selling price.

▪ Understand the company's accounting principles, techniques, and
2 - bookkeeping formats.
16/12/2022 ▪ Update the latest changes in regulations, laws, and policies related to
accounting, auditing, and tax.
▪ Briefly introduced the operating parts:

- Other receivables and other current assets.

- Tangible and intangible fixed assets.

- Items on income statement minus revenue and cost of goods sold.

▪ View the deposit book: View documents related to bank payments, such as
payments to suppliers, money transfer suppliers, purchase documents for
bank payments, and loan payback documents.
▪ View the cash book: View the accounting method, invoices for electricity
and water payments, fax transfer, and advance for employees.
▪ View the salary and wage book, and calculate the monthly salary for
authorities and staff.
N Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor

▪ Learn and practice the materials module:

- Understand how to classify materials and about the materials the
company uses.
- Talk with your mentor about the accounts and accounting records that
were used for this account.
- Request a detailed book form, including an input and output book for
production projects, a sales book, a general import and export book,
and an import and export book.
3 - - Check out the associated accounting paperwork.
- Acquire the skills to maintain thorough records of material input and
output that accurately reflect emerging accounting activities.

▪ Learn and practice the cash module:

- Acquire knowledge of books, documents, and user accounts.

- Examine typical transactions and the presentation, disclosure, and

recording of cash items in financial statements.

- Examine your bank statements and supplemental books.

- Compare and redo the loan interest calculation.

- In a brief report, summarize the cash accounting procedure and
compare it to other related items.
No Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor

▪ Learn and practice the receivables from the customer module:

- Get additional knowledge about the books, records, and user accounts
associated with the receivable module.
- Examining common transactions and how to record, display, and
disclose customer receivables in financial statements.
- Discover more about the business's dealings, its clients, its credit and
collection policies, and look at some model debt confirmation letters.
- Recalculate and compare loan interest rates, and verify payment
- Describe the steps involved in accounting for client receivables and
compare them to related items.
N Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor

Learn and practice how to compute costs and collect manufacturing


- Learn about the production cost module's user accounts, books, and

- To determine the difference in account 154, learn how to aggregate

product costs and speak with corporate staff regarding the company's
- Maintain track of the procedures for cost collection and cost
30/12/2022 calculation for the various works connected to account 154.

- Examine how account 154 is presented and entered in the accounting

books and financial statements.

- Sort expenses according to type, then do a comparison to the prior


- Verify the material arising numbers on the invoices.

- Explain how to gather production expenses and determine product

costs in accounting terms.
No Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor

▪ Learn and practice the item of revenue from sales and service
- Request further records and references from the company regarding
books, documents, and how to account for this item.
- Consider the common transactions, recordkeeping, and presentation of
account 511 in the financial statements from the materials gathered.
- Write a brief report and summarize the sales and service revenue
accounting method.
▪ Learn and practice the accounting items determining business
results and accounting for undistributed profits:
- Get out additional information about the user accounts, files, and
relevant accounting records for this item.
- assemble the necessary paperwork, examine the year-end closing
entries and transactions for accounts 911 and 421. Check out the way
these accounts are displayed and mirrored.
- Provide a summary of the accounting procedure used to compute
business results and account for unallocated profits.
N Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor

▪ Administrative part: Payment

- Organize the company's revenue.

- Learn about the daily processes of collecting money from cashiers, debt
collection, and collecting money from firm shareholders.

- Check your bank deposits every week.

- Manage your debts to consumers, staff, and shareholders.

5 - Manage consumer card transactions.
- Organize papers pertaining to income and expenses.

- Control your weekly spending.

- Set up weekly payment schedules with your vendors.

- Bank transfer of cash to suppliers.

- Prepare timesheets, pay salaries, and settle bills.

- Throughout working hours, keep an eye on all of the cashier's activities.

- Directly from the cashier, receive pertinent vouchers.

- Verify the cashier's vouchers for accuracy.

- Control the handling of the cash funds strictly.
N Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor

▪ Administrative part: Fixed assets

- The quantity and value of existing tangible fixed assets are accurately
and promptly recorded and summarized.
- Updated fixed asset paperwork.
- Keep track of the assets you turn over and transfer to the appropriate
department inside the business.
- Create and distribute the minutes transferring ownership of the
9/01/2023 property.
6 - - In accordance with the asset's rate of depreciation and the established
regime, accurately calculate and allocate time as well as the
depreciation of tangible fixed assets to production and business costs.
- The whole cost of restoring fixed assets, repairing workshops, paying
off capital construction, and paying for completion.
- Change the amount of fixed assets that have increased and decreased,
and create a list of those changes.
- Organize and maintain track of fixed assets, create a list of records,
and document assets.
N Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor

▪ Administrative part: Revenue

- Participate in the creation of sales slips, revenue, and execution of

sales reports.
- Report on revenue deductions, please.
- Keep track of the amount of goods sold and the sales revenue, and
update the chief accountant the same day.
- Store sales invoices and contrast them with older invoices that were
16/01/2023 used.
7 - - Adjust deductions as needed, and make sure the chief accountant has
given his or her approval on all deduction-related matters.
- Create general reports that will be given to the chief accountant for
review and approval.
N Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor

▪ Administrative part: Tax

- Gather accounting records and invoices.

+ Output invoices, delivery notes, receipts, and credit notices are all
collected internally.

+ Collected outside the enterprise: Input invoices, warehouse receipts,

payment slips, and debt notices.
+ Collecting economic contracts, purchase orders, minutes of the
30/01/2023 liquidation of economic contracts, quotes, request forms, and
8 - certifications from the ministry of finance's chief accountant are also
+ Check and analyze the legality, validity, and reasonableness of
invoices and accounting vouchers.
- After receipt of bills and processing of accounting records, make
+ Sort by document type.

+ Sort by the content of arising economic transactions.

+ The arrangement is at the discretion but must ensure that the

arrangement is systematic, chronological, and comparable.
- Store invoices and accounting documents.
N Date Describe the internship tasks Assessment of mentor

▪ Administrative part: Costs

- Keep track of information and reflect the completeness, accuracy, and
timeliness of expenditures spent during the company's business process.
- Verify each expense's legality, the plan's execution, and the cost
- Manage the thorough cost tracking book according to each component,
each item, and the place where costs are being incurred at the time.
- Keep an eye on the allocation method, business costs for the period's sold
06/02/2023 goods, and inventory.
9 -
10/02/202 - List the information needed to verify, examine, and assess how the
company's expense strategy has been carried out.

▪ Review my current accounting procedures and offer suggestions for

improvements to my reporting system.
Assessment of the mentor at the internship entity: ...............................................................................................

Intern Mentor Instructor

(Signature/Name) (Signature/Name) (Signature/Name)
N Dat Assessment about the content of internship
o e
I had a great internship, I must say. I have the chance to accomplish a lot of things and better myself. I enjoy
working in this start-up environment because it has given me so many opportunities to grow personally,
discover new things, and increase my value going forward. I learned a lot about the professional work that
an accountant will have to accomplish during the course of their employment at the company during my
internship there. Since that time, I've been able to distinguish between the theory taught in school and how
things actually work; it was the useful tools I took away from school that helped me comprehend the
motivation for doing accounting tasks. I still need to learn a lot about the practical side of accounting. I
think I'll need to brush up on Microsoft Word, Excel, and other accounting software in order to integrate
into the workplace. The most important thing I've learnt during the internship course, other technical
knowledge, is soft skills. Interpersonal skills are the first thing I think has considerably improved. I have a
ton of other stuff to get done besides my internship. I get the chance to improve my time management skills
as a result. I've successfully planned my time so that I can complete all of my academic and professional
obligations on time. I now know how to plan my time and give important things top priority. I am aware of
the optimal times of the day for complex tasks and those that call for little consideration, deliberation, or
calculation. The unique trait I've improved during my internship is adaptability. I have a range of tasks to
accomplish throughout my internship. I'd like to mention research and analysis as my final skill. In school, I
developed this talent through producing scientific studies. My potential also grows more over the internship
time because there are so many practical skills I don't know.In my future career, I would benefit from
having that soft ability. Through the internship, I have the chance to grow from my errors. My mentor
greatly helps me by making suggestions and showing me how to do things the right way. If I choose to
pursue a career as an accountant in the future, those experiences will be helpful to me. Also, knowing that
the knowledge I gain is closely tied to reality motivates me to perform harder in school.

A special thanks to Mr. Tu, the internship unit, and my other firm colleagues who helped and reviewed my
work each week. I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr. Pham Chi Khoa, the professor who has
tracked my development over time, given me clear instructions on finance knowledge and my future course,
and supported me during my last year of university.
N Date Assessment about the content of internship

Intern Instructor
(Signature/Name) (Signature/Name)

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