Week Six Leadership Lab - Management in Action Leadership Lab

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Week Six Leadership Lab: Chapters 1-3; 5 and 6 Management Reflection

We spent the last few weeks discussing the fundamentals of management, strategy, and
implementation. These are core principles for our class as we move forward. In short sentences,
respond to the questions below:

What management skills do you believe you are strong in? Where would you like to improve?
What steps will you take to improve those skills?

- I am good at adapting to my environment, meaning I can get along with any group I am
in. I am also very good at building relationships with my team, meaning avoiding
conflicts and making everything a bit smoother. I would like to improve my
communication skills as I am a very reserved and shy person, and also my decision-
making skills, as I constantly doubt myself when it comes to group projects.

Which of the management theories and perspectives most resonate with you and why? (Name
at least two).

- Based on our lecture theory Y really stood out to me, and it made me realize that in a
working environment, I can accept responsibilities and have a lot of self-control.
Another theory I resonate with is the idea behind contingency theory: there isn't just
one best way to run a business.

What values do you want to drive how you show up as an ethical leader? (Name at least two).

- As an ethical leader I was to show that there is no discrimination in the workplace, that
everyone is equal and that there is never a conflict of interest, the company needs to
benefit from the work we are putting in.

Review the strategic management process. How can you use this process in a current or future
role as a managerial leader?

- Strategic management is a process in which managers from all parts of an organization,

including top managers, come up with and implement strategies to help the
organization reach its goals. The way I will be implementing this in the future is
determining the problem and finding a solution that will aid and benefit the good of the
compony I will also make sure that the compony overall is on the right track of reaching
their goals and not losing focus during the process.

Chapter 6 is a robust and critical chapter for all managers to use to operate effectively in the
marketplace. Name at least 3 concepts that stood out to you. How would you apply these
concepts to your career as a leader?
- Overall, a company's ability to execute depends on how well it executes in three areas:
people, strategy, and operations. When referring to people we need to think about who
will help us in the long run, when talking about the strategy we refer to how will this
succeed and finally operation which is supposed to help us consider what path to follow
for the good of the company.

Review this potent TED Talk be Simon Sinek:


Think about the strategic management process. How would you use the concepts he discussed
to create a powerful strategic plan for your company? (Could be hypothetical).
- I will create a strategic plan to sell to people who believe what I believe instead of
selling to people who are buying just to buy, I will also make sure that the employees in
my compony definitely believe in the companies’ belief and not people who are not
happy with working for the purpose of the compony but just for the incentive of money.
- As said in the ted talk, “People buy why you do it for example apple. People don’t buy
what you.”
How could this process help companies remain competitive?
- Buy sharing with their clients their beliefs and being able to not only have their products
relate to the customers but also the company’s overall beliefs.

How can you use his concepts in your personal life?

- I can use this concept in my personal life by being able to relate to what I am doing and
finding a way to implement my belief and connect them to the belivef of what I am
doing. If I want to be able to succeed, I need to achieve the why and how that was
explained in the ted talk, not just complete something to get it over with but go further
into the process to be able to relate.

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