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Английски 27.

Present Simple – he goes
General truths
Believe, Hate, Have, Know, Like, Need, Prefer, See, Seem, Think,
Understand, Want

Present Continuous – he is going

Actions that happening now
Temporary, changing situation
Irritating habits (with always)

Past Simple – he went

Completed actions in the past
Two or more actions that happened one after the other
Two connected actions at around at the same time

Past Continuous – he was going

Scene in the past
Longer action that happens at the same time as shorter action

Present Perfect – he has gone

Actions that happened at some unspecified point in the past
Never, Already, Just and Yet
Actions that began in the past, but continue up to the present

Present Perfect Continuous – has been going

Actions that began in the past, but continue up to the present
Actions that repeatedly in the past and still happening now.
Past Perfect – he had gone
Something that happened before something else in the past
Events that happened before another event in the past (by the
time, when, before, after, until)

Past Perfect Continuous –he had been going

Ongoing activities leading up to a more recent past events
To give background information
To emphasize the duration of an activity

Future Continuous – he will be going

Action that will be in progress at certain time in the future
Action that is fixed or decided

Future Perfect – he will have went

Time expression
Completed action or event in the future

Future Perfect Continuous – he will have been going

Action that will be continue up to a particular time in the future
Action + for
We use a/an when:
1. Казваме за работата на някой
2. Всеки ден
3. За неспециални неща ( a magazine)
4. За нещо, което го споменаваме за първи път
We use the when:
1. За специални неща ( a magazine on the table)
2. Говорим за човек или нещо, което вече е споменато
3. Е ясно е за какво става дума
4. Това , за което говорим е единствено (Слънцето)
5. Казваме в превъзходна степен
6. Прилагателно или се отнася до характеристика на група хора
7. С общо твърдение за всички неща, които се отнасят до това
8. The USA, the UK, the Republic of Ireland
9. За група острови
10. За реки, морета, океани, гори, пустини, заливи, полуостров
11. За имена на известни организации и сгради
12. Фамилии
13. Планински вериги
We use nothing when:
1. Говорим за нещо общо или пред общи съществителни за
множествено число
2. Използваме абстрактни съществителни
3. За неброими
4. За винаги истина (Той има сини очи)
5. За езици и националности
6. За повечето държави, градове, улици, езера, планини,
континенти, острови
Verbs patterns
• with -ing:
o avoid
o consider
o discuss
o enjoy
o finish
o imagine
o recommend
o suggest
• With to
o Agree
o Hope
o Plan
o Afford
o Need
o Prefer
o Intend
o Refuse
• Object + to
o Ask
o Expect
o Get
o Help
o Inspire
o Want
• Object + without to
o Let
o Make
• to read (you should read) - (трябва да прочетете
• reading (I remember reading this in the past) - (Спомням си, че
четох това в миналото)
• to talk (he stopped in order to talk) - (той спря, за да говори)
• talking (he was no longer talking) - (той вече не говореше)
• taking (as an experiment) - (като експеримент)
• to take (I attempted to take) - (Опитах се да взема)
• to see (I should have seen) - (Трябваше да видя)
• seeing (I’ll never forget this experience) - (Никога няма да
забравя това преживяване)
• to inform (to give bad news) - (да даде лоши новини)
• informing (to be sorry for doing) - (да съжаляваш за това)
• to describe (the guide described Ice Age art after …) -
(ръководството описа изкуството на Ледниковата епоха след ...)
• describing (the guide continued to describe Ice Age art) -
(ръководството продължи да описва изкуството на Ледниковата
А FEW - Малко, но достатъчно
FEW – Малко и не достатъчно
A LITTLE - Малко, но достатъчно
LITTLE - Малко и не достатъчно
Would – repeated past actions or habits

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