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Cell, Vol.

68, 465-477, February 7, 1992, Copyright 0 1992 by Cell Press

The Human Class II MHC Protein HLA-DRI

Assembles as Empty ap Heterodimers
in the Absence of Antigenic Peptide
Lawrence J. Stern’ and Don C. Wiley”t class II molecules will bind antigenic peptide added in vitro
*Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Watts and McConnell, 1988; Buus et al., 1987; Jardetzky
rHoward Hughes Medical Institute et al., 1990; O’Sullivan et al., 1990; Roche and Cresswell,
Harvard University 1990), or in vivo (Ceppellini et al., 1989; Busch and Roth-
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 bard, 1990). The peptide-binding sites on the remainder
of the proteins are presumably occupied with tightly bound
peptides, which interfere with the binding of exogenous
Summary peptide and complicate the interpretation of binding stud-
ies (Tampe and McConnell, 1991).
We have produced the human class II histocompatibil- In this report we describe the expression of a native
ity protein, HLA-DRl, as a soluble, secreted glycopro- human class II MHC protein, HLA-DRl, in insect cellscoin-
tein in insect cells infected with baculovirusescarrying fected with baculoviruses carrying genes for the a and 5
truncated a and p subunit genes. The peptide-binding subunits. The antigen-binding site of soluble DRl pro-
site is empty, and the empty molecules are fully com- duced in insect cells appears to be empty. The “empty”
petent to bind antigenic peptide. We used the empty DRl from insect cells binds significantly more antigenic
molecules to measure an intrinsic rate for peptide as- peptide than DRl isolated from human cells, with a lo-fold
sociation, and to investigate the role of peptide in sta- faster association rate. The properties of “empty” DRl sug-
bilizing the class II structure. Peptide binding kinetics gest that a conformational change may accompany pep-
for the empty molecule are only lo-fold faster than for tide binding. In contrast to the heavy and light chains of
peptide exchange into an occupied site, suggesting class I MHC proteins, which appear to require peptide
that a conformational change may accompany peptide for stable association, the subunits of DRl assemble a8
binding. The native up heterodimer assembles in the heterodimers in the absence of antigenic peptide. Al-
absence of antigenic peptide, but peptide binding sta- though not required for heterodimer assembly, peptide
bilizes the empty heterodimer against aggregation and binding stabilized DRl against aggregation and against
against SDS-induced denaturation. sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-induced denaturation.

Introduction Results

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins are Recombinant Baculoviruses Direct the Synthesis
highly polymorphic cell surface glycoproteins that bind an- and Secretion of DRa9 Heterodimers
tigenic peptides and display them at the cell surface (re- in Coinfected Sf9 Cells
viewed in Rothbard and Gefter, 1991). T lymphocytes initi- Recombinant baculoviruses carrying full-length genes for
ate immune responses by recognizing a specific peptide the a and 8 subunits of human DRl (BV-DRa and
bound to an MHC protein. Class I MHC proteins are be- BV-DR8), or carrying truncated genes (BV-DRasol and
lieved to bind endogenous peptides in the endoplasmic BV-DRPsol), were generated by homologous recombina-
reticulum (Nuchtern et al., 1989; Yewdell and Bennink, tion in the insect ovarian cell line Sf9 (fall armyworm,
1990), while class II MHC proteins generally bind exoge- Spodoptera frugiperda). The truncated genes code for pro-
nously derived peptides in a specialized post-Golgi com- teins of 192 (a) and 198 (5) residues, which terminate just
partment (Guagliardi et al., 1990; Neefjes et al., 1990; before the beginning of the predicted transmembrane
Harding et al., 1990, Davidson et al., 1991; Germain and spans (Figure 1, bottom panels). Insect cells infected with
Hendrix, 1991). Both class I and class II MHC proteins BV-DRa or with BV-DR8 expressed polypeptides of the
must bind peptides tightly to prevent peptide exchange at expected apparent molecular weight, which reacted with
the cell surface and an inappropriate immune response. antisera specific for the appropriate subunit of DRl (Figure
The peptide-binding sites of class I molecules are usu- 1, lanes 5). No reactivity was observed in the extracellular
ally occupied with a mixture of peptides (Bjorkman et al., medium (Figure 1, lanes 8), nor in insect cells infected with
1987; Jardetzky et al., 1991; Falk et al., 1991), and class a control baculovirus, BV$gal (Figure 1, lanes 3 and 4).
I molecules as isolated do not easily exchange or bind Insect cells infected with BV-DRasol or BV-DRPsol,
peptides in vitro (Chen and Parham, 1989). Studies using which carry the truncated genes, expressed polypeptides
mutant cell lines that do not load peptides onto class I that exhibited somewhat faster mobility on SDS-PAGE
molecules havesuggested that peptide binding is required (Figure 1, lanes 7) than the full-length forms, as expected
for assembly of the class I heterodimer, and for stable cell for the removal of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic
surface expression (Townsend et al., 1989, 1990; Ljung- domains. The truncated constructs were expressed at a
gren et al., 1990; Ortiz-Navarrete and Hlmmerling, 1991). significantly greater level than the full-length proteins. A
Class II MHC proteins are also isolated from lymphoid fraction of the protein produced in the singly-infected cells
cells as very stable complexes with antigenic peptides was secreted into the extracellular medium (Figure 1,
(Buus et al., 1988; Rudensky et al., 1991). Studies from a lanes 8). The protein retained within the cells exhibited
number of laboratories have shown that less than 20% of multiple bands per subunit by SDS-PAGE, probably due

anti-DRa anti-DRf3
c cmcmcmcm Mr c c m cmcmcm


- 29 -


1 2345676910 12 3 4 5 67 8 910
1 765 1 601
DW 4 ss 1 61 Iv CP TM CYT
167 ...PmGluThr~ffiluAsnV~V~C~laLeu... tw 193 ...GluSerAlaGlnSe~~lysMetleuSelGlyVal... ax
1 654 1 664
DRasol ss ( al 1 a2 1 CP

187 ...PmGluThrThrGluAsn-COOH WE? 193 ...GluSerAlaGlnSerlys-COOH 1%

Figure 1. Expression of Full-Length and Truncated DRa and DRb Polypeptides in Baculovirus-Infected Sf9 Insect Cells
Upper panels: Western blots for DRa and DRf3. Sf9 cells were harvested 72 hr postinfection, and aliquots of cell lysate (c) and extracellular medium
(m) were analyzed by 12.5% acrylamide SDS-PAGE and Western blotting with specific antisera directed against DRa (A) or DR6 (B). Lane 1, human
LG2 cell lysate; lane 2, affinity-purified, papain-solubilized DRI from LG2 cells (DRlpap); lanes 3 and 4, cell lysate and extracellular medium from
Sf9 insect cells infected with control baculovirus BV-6gal; lanes 5 and 6, cell lysate and extracellular medium from insect cells infected with either
BV-DRa or BV-DR6; lanes 7 and 6, cell lysate and extracellular medium from insect cells infected with either BV-DRasol or BV-DR6sol; lanes 9
and 10, cell lysate and extracellular medium from insect cells coinfected with both BV-DRasol and BVDRf3sol. Samples of lysates and extracellular
medium represented 1 x IO5 cells in (A) and 2.5 x lo4 cells in (S). Papain-solubilized DRl from human cells (DRlpap) was used at 100 ng (A)
and 25 ng (B) per lane.
Lower panels: HtA-DRI genes used to construct recombinant baculoviruses. Nucleotide numbering, beginning at the initiation codon, is indicated
above the boxes. Amino acid numbering begins after the signal sequence at the N-terminus of the mature polypeptide. Portions of the amino acid
sequence near the C-terminal end of the extracellular domain, along with amino acid residue numbers, are indicated below the boxes. DRa and
DR6 contain the entire coding sequences of the parent cDNAs. DRasol and DR6sol have been truncated just before the transmembrane domain
as indicated. Open boxes indicate coding regions; SS, signal sequence; al, ~2, 61, 62, HLA extracellular domains; CP, connecting peptide; TM,
transmembrane domain; CMO. cytoplasmic domain.

to incomplete signal sequence cleavage and partial glyco- The differences in mobility on SDS-PAGE between the
sylation, but the secreted protein exhibited predominantly subunits of DRl expressed in insect cells and those of
one band per subunit. In cells coinfected with both BV- full-length DRl (Figure 1, lanes 1) or papain-solubilized
DRasol and BV-DRBsol, secretion into the extracellular DRI (Figure 1, lanes 2) produced by human cells are due
medium was much more efficient (Figure 1, lanes 9 and 10). to differential glycosylation in the insect cell and human

Table 1. Glycosylation of DRI Produced in Human and Insect Cells

DRI Reactivity

Insect Human

Assay Specificity a P a P

Glycosidase sensitivity
Endoglycosidase H High mannose or hybrid + + +I-
Glycopeptidase F Most N-linked + + + +
Lectin reactivity
GNA (Galanthus nivalis agglutinin) ManaMan + + -
SNA (Sambucus nigra agglutinin) SAa(P6)Gal - + +
MAA (Maackia amurensis agglutinin) SAa(2-3)Gal
DSA (Datura straminium agglutinin) Galfi(l4)GlcNAc +
PNA (peanut agglutinin) Galp(l-3)GalNAc

For glycosidase analysis, purified DRl samples were denatured, digested with the appropriate glycosidase, and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. A
difference in mobility in the glycosidase-treated samples relative to mock-digested samples was scored as positive. For lectin analysis, purified DRI
samples were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting using labeled lectins. In both assays, full-length and soluble DRl behaved identically.
The expected oligosaccharide specificity is shown beside the name of each glycosidase or lectin (Man, mannose; SA, sialic acid; Gal, galactose;
GlcNAc, N-acetylgluoosamine; GalNAc, N-acetylgalactosamine).
Empty HLA-DRl from Insect Cells

:A DRa

upSol medium

apsol cell

a6 medium
0.0 singly infected-
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time after infection (hours)
Red Fluorescence

Figure 2. Cell Surface Expression of DRl in Infected Sf9 Cells Figure 3. Time Course of Expression of Soluble and Membrane-
Bound HLA-DRl in Insect Cells
Baculovirus-infected Sf9 insect cells along with LG2 human lympho-
blastoid cells were analyzed by flow cytometry at 46 hr postinfection. Sf9 cells (IO6 cells per ml) were coinfected with BV-DRa+BV-DRf3
Surface expression of DRI was detected using phycoerythrin- (squares) or with BV-DRasol+BV-DRpsol (circles), or were singly in-
conjugated anti-DRl monoclonal L243 (shaded). Background fluores- fected with either BV-DRa or BV-DRf3 alone (triangles). DRI concentra-
cence was estimated with nonspecific phycoerythrin-conjugated tion in the extracellular medium (open symbols) or in cell lysates
mouse antibody (open). (A) Sf9 cells infected with BV-DRa alone. (B) (closed symbols) was determined by ELISA, using the conformation-
Sf9 cells infected with BV-DRj3 alone. (C) Sf9 cells coinfected with ally sensitive monoclonal antibody L243 as the capture antibody. De-
BV-DRa+BV-DR6. (D) LG2 cells. terminationswith monoclonal antibody LB3.1 produced similar results.
The dashed line indicates cell viability estimated by trypan blue

cell lines. Both the a and 8 chains of the full-length and

truncated forms of DRl from insect cells were sensitive to
endoglycosidase-H and glycopeptidase-F (Table 1). Both singly-infected cells (shaded triangles), indicating that this
a and 8 chains bound GNA lectin but not SNA, MAA, DSA, antibody does not recognize DRa or DR8 monomers, or
or PNA lectins, indicating that both chains contain high- any a2 or p2 homodimers that may be produced by the
mannose, N-linked polysaccharides. In contrast, DRl singly infected cells. Similar results were obtained with
isolated from human cells carries a complex, sialated poly- LB3.1 (Gorgaet al., 1988), another conformation-sensitive
saccharide on each chain, along with a second, nonsia- monoclonal antibody that recognizes the DRaf3 hetero-
lated polysaccharide on the a chain (Table 1 and Shackel- dimer. Insect cells coinfected with the truncated con-
ford and Strominger, 1983). After deglycosylation, the structs, BV-DRasol and BV-DRPsol, produced heterodi-
subunits of full-length and truncated DRl from insect cells merit DRa8 complex that was detected in cell lysates
exhibited the same mobility as the corresponding deglyco- (closed circles) and also in the extracellular medium (open
sylated subunits of intact or papain-solubilized DRl from circles). Secretion of DRl to the extracellular medium sig-
human cells (data not shown). nificantly lagged behind expression within the cell and con-
Sf9 insect cells coinfected with the full-length con- tinued to increase very late in infection. The overall expres-
structs, BV-DRa+BV-DR8, express DRl on the cell sur- sion level of soluble DRl (cells plus medium) remained
face as detected by flow cytometry using monoclonal anti- fairly constant after 48 hr postinfection, at approximately
body L243 (Figure 2C). This antibody recognizes a 2 mg per liter of culture medium, more than six times the
conformational determinant on the correctly folded DRl expression level of the full-length, membrane-bound form.
heterodimer (Lampson and Levy, 1980; Gorga et al.,
1987). No reactivity was observed with Sf9 cells singly Purification of DRl from Insect Cells
infected with BV-DRa alone (Figure 2A) or with BV-DRf3 Insect cell cultures were harvested for protein purification
alone (Figure 28). The surface expression of DRl on the at 72 hr postinfection. Soluble DRl (l-2 mg per ml of
coinfected SF9 insect cell surface was weaker and more culture) was isolated from the extracellular medium of
heterogeneous than that exhibited by LG2, a human coinfected cells in 800/o-90% yield by immunoaffinity chro-
lymphoblastoid cell line (Figure 2D). matography using monoclonal antibodies that recognize
The time course of DRl expression in insect cells was the native DRaf3 heterodimer (LB3.1 or L243). No DRa or
monitored by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) DR8 subunits could be detected on Western blots of the
using the anti-native DRl monoclonal antibody L243 (Fig- material that did not bind to the affinity column, indicating
ure 3). DRl expression in BV-DRa+BV-DRP-coinfected that all of the secreted DRa and DRf3 was present as a8
cells increased from 24 to 48 hr postinfection, then re- heterodimer. The immunoaffinity-purified soluble DRI ex-
mained relatively constant (closed squares). DRl could hibited predominantly two bands (DRa and DR8) by SDS-
not be detected in the extracellular medium (open PAGE, along with a significant but variable amount of a
squares). No L243 reactivity was observed in lysates of second DRa band (Figure 4, lane 1). The three bands were

DRl : Insect Human and the a and 8 chains migrate as a heterodimer on SDS-
-I - + - Mr PAGE if the samples are not boiled prior to loading (Figure
Boil: +-+-+-+- 4, lane 8; Gorga et al., 1987). After boiling in SDS, the a
- 68 and 8 subunits disassociate (Figure 4, lane 7). In contrast,
the soluble DRl secreted from coinfected insect cells was
- 43 sensitive to dissociation by SDS at room temperature, and
migrated mostly as monomeric a and 8 chains, along with
several faint bands near the position expected for the het-
erodimer (Figure 4, lane 4). After boiling, soluble DRl from
- 29 insect cells migrated as the expected a and 8 monomers
(Figure 4, lane 3). Preincubation with an antigenic peptide
from influenza hemagglutinin, HA(306-318), caused the
soluble DRl from insect cells to become resistant to SDS-
induced dissociation. Soluble DRl from insect cells, incu-
1 2345678 bated with HA(306-318) peptide and subsequently treated
Figure 4. Peptide Binding Increases the Stability of Soluble HLA-DRl
with SDS at room temperature (Figure 4, lane 2) migrates
from Insect Cells against Denaturation by SDS as a strong band that corresponds to the a8 heterodimer
SDS-PAGE analysis of soluble DRI from insect and human cells. seen with DRl from human cells After boiling, the sub-
Soluble DRI (60 uM) from insect cells (lanes l-4) or papain-solubilized units dissociate (Figure 4, lane 1). Incubation of DRl from
DRl from human cells (lanes 5-6) was incubated in the presence human lymphoblastoid cells with peptide had no effect on
(lanes 1, 2, 5, and 6) or absence (3, 4, 7, and 8) of 360 uM HA(306-
the stability to SDS-induced dissociation (Figure 4, lanes
318) peptide, for 100 hr at 37OC. After incubation, samples were mixed
with SDS-PAGE loading buffer (final [SDS] = 1%). One half of each 5 and 6).
sample was boiled for 3 min before loading (odd lanes); the other half While the DRl isolated by immunoaffinity purification
was loaded without boiling (even lanes). Samples were analyzed by appeared to be substantially free of contaminating pro-
SDS-PAGE on 12.5% polyacrylamide with Coomassie brilliant blue teins by SDS-PAGE, it eluted from a gel permeation col-
R250 detection. Positions of molecular weight markers BSA (SSOOO),
ovalbumin (43000) carbonic anhydrase (29000) and 6-lactoglobulin
umn in anumberof peakswith apparent molecularweights
(18400) are indicated at right. of 50,000 and greater (Figure 5A). Each of these peaks
contained material that reacted with anti-DRaf3 antibodies.
After incubation for 72 hr at 37% with antigenic peptide
HA(306-318), most of the protein eluted in a single peak
subjected to N-terminal sequencing. Both DRa band8 had corresponding to 50,000 daltons (Figure 5B), as expected
the sequence NH*-IKEEH..., and the DR8 band had the for the DRaf3 heterodimer and as seen with DRl isolated
sequence NH2-GDTRP... These are the N-termini ex- from human lymphoblastoid cells (Figure 5C). Incubation
pected for the mature subunits, indicating that the native of DRl from insect cells without the addition of peptide
DRl signal sequences were efficiently removed by the had no effect on its aggregation behavior. The aggregation
insect cell. The purified DRl was tested against 13 mono- was not a result of the isolation procedure, as whole condi-
clonal antibodies that recognize native DRl from human tioned medium also exhibited multiple, DRl-containing
cells. Each of the antibodies tested, DA2(81specific), peaks (data not shown). [‘*51]HA(306-318) peptide in-
DA6.147(a), DA6.231(81), IVA12(81), L227(81), SG171(81), cluded with soluble DRl from insect cells in the incubation
TAL8.1(81), TAL14.1(81), Tii36(82), Ti.i39(81), and TU43 mixture comigrated with the strong DRl a8 peak (Figure
(up), as well as the antibodies used for affinity purification 5D, open bars). Radiolabeled peptide binding could be
L243(a) and LB3.l(a), bound to the soluble, insect-cell- competed with an excessof unlabeled peptide (solid bars).
derived DRl. The effect of added peptide in converting the heteroge-
Approximately half of the total soluble DRl produced neous DRl isolated from insect cells (Figure 5A) to a
by BV-DRa+BV-DR8-coinfected cells was retained within mostly homogeneous species (Figure 5B) thus occurs
the cells. This material could be isolated from a lysate through peptide binding to the DRl molecule.
of coinfected cells by ion exchange and immunoaffinity Gel filtration HPLC was used to isolate the complex of
chromatographies. Soluble DRl isolated from cell lysates soluble, insect-cell-derived DRl with HA(306-318) pep-
behaved similarly to soluble DRl isolated from the extra- tide. The purified DRl-peptide complex retained binding
cellular medium. Full-length DRl (0.1 ug per ml of cul- to all of the anti-DRl monoclonal antibodies described
ture) could be isolated in detergent solution from lysates above. DRl -HA(306-318) peptide complexes were crys-
of BV-DRa+BV-DR8-coinfected cells, by including 1 O/o tallized by vapor diffusion from polyethylene glycol, under
3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-l-propanesuIfo- conditions previously developed for crystallization of DRl
nate (CHAPS) in all solutions throughout the purification from human cells (Gorga et al., 1991). These crystals were
procedure. morphologically similar to those produced from papain-
solubilized DRl isolated from human lymphoblastoid
Purified, Soluble DRl Is Stabilized cells.
by Antlgenic Peptide The SDS-PAGE (Figure 4) and HPLC gel filtration (Fig-
DRl isolated from human lymphoblastoid cells is substan- ure 5) result8 indicate that DRl isolated from insect cells
tially resistant to dissociation by SDS at room temperature, was less stable to denaturation and aggregation than DRl
Empty HLA-DRl from Insect Cells

Figure 5. Peptide Binding Increases the Sta-

B Insect + bility of Soluble HLA-DRl from Insect Cells
peptide against Aggregation
HPLC gel filtration analysis of soluble DRl from
insect and human cells. Soluble DRl (80 uM)
from insect cells was incubated in the absence
(A) or the presence (6) of 500 uM HA(306-318)
peptide for 86 hr at 37% before HPLC analy-
h--Jvv, 3 sis. The elution profile of papain-solubilized
DRI from human cells (C) was unaltered by
incubation with HA(306-318) peptide (data not
shown). In a separate experiment(D), 0.3 pM
soluble DRI from insect cells was incubated
with 1 pM [1251]HA(306-318) peptide (open
bars) or with labeled peptide and a 50-fold
excess of unlabeled HA(306-318) peptide
(shaded bars), and was analyzed by gel filtra-
tion HPLC. Fractions (0.5 ml) were collected,
and the amount of radioactivity in each fraction
was determined by gamma counting. The inset
Elution Volume (ml) Elution Volume (ml) to (A) indicates the elution position of molecular
weight standards blue dextran (void volume
Vo), thyroglobulin (670.000), immunoglobulin
G (158,000) ovalbumin (44,000) myoglobin
(17.000), and vitamin 812 (1,300).

isolated from human lymphoblastoid cells. In both assays, panel, squares) and by human lymphoblastoid cells (cir-
preincubation of the insect-cell-derived DRl with antigenic cles). The initial rate of peptide binding to insect-cell-
peptide caused it to behave similarly to DRl from human derived DRl was 0.11 mol peptide per mole DRl per hour,
cells. In contrast, incubation of human-cell-derived DRl significantly faster than the 0.0093 mol peptide per mole
with peptide had no effect on its behavior in HPLC gel DRl per hour observed for human-cell-derived DRl.
filtration or SDS-PAGE, presumably because the protein These initial rates correspond to pseudo-first-order rate
as isolated is already saturated with tightly bound pep- constants of 12 M-W for DRl from insect cells and 1 .O
tides. These results prompted us to investigate the peptide M-W for DRl from human cells. The extent of radiola-
binding activity of the insect-cell-derived DRl. beled HA(306-318) peptide binding to DRl from insect
and human cells was determined from the data in Figure
Binding of Antigenic Peptide to Soluble DRl 6 (left panel). At times after 24 hr, the amount of peptide
from Insect Ceils bound to the insect-cell-produced DRl was 1 .O k 0.3 mol
The kinetics of radioiodinated HA(306-318) peptide bind- peptide per mole DRl. For human-cell-produced DRl the
ing to DRl were measured at pH 7.2 and 37X, for soluble (extrapolated) maximum extent of binding was 0.2 f 0.1
DRl produced by coinfected insect cells (Figure 6, left mol peptide per mole DRl

..-_l -1.1 Figure 6. Association and Dissociation Kinet-

ics of Antigenic Peptide Binding to HLA-DRl
Insect from Human and Insect Cells
, ,q _ _ _. - - - - -. i Left panel: association kinetics. Soluble DRl
I’ isolated from insect cells (0.14 uM), or pro-
I duced by papain cleavage of DRI from human
cells (0.21 pM), was incubated with 2.5 uM
[‘*“l]HA(306-318) peptide at 37%. At the indi-
cated times the binding reaction was stopped,
and the amount of bound peptide was deter-
mined by immunoabsorption. Squares, soluble
DRl from coinfected insect cells; circles,
papain-solubilized DRl from human lympho-
blastoid cells. Closed symbols, DRl + 9-
0.1 A 1 labeled HA peptide, open symbols, DRl + 1*51-
0 20 40 60 80 0 100 200 300 labeled HA peptide + 20-fold excess cold HA
Trme (hrs) Time (hrs) peptide. Solid lines indicate the initial rate of
peptide binding; dashed lines indicate the best
fit single exponential equations, with r = 7.8 hr and a maximum of 12,000 cpm for insect-cell-produced DRl, and with r = 81 hr and an extrapolated
maximum of 4,800 cpm for human-cell-produced DRl.
Right panel: dissociation kinetics, DRI-peptide complexes were formed as described above, isolated by spin ultrafiltration, and diluted to 25 nM
DRl in binding buffer containing 0.25 mM unlabeled peptide. At the indicated times DRl-peptide complexes were again isolated, and the amount
of radiolabeled peptide remaining bound to DRl was determined by gamma counting. Dashed lines indicate single exponential fits with r = 81 hr
for DRI from insect cells and ‘I = 52 hr for DRl from human cells.

8x105, Table 2. Stoichiometry of Peptide Binding to HLA-DRl from Human

and Insect Cells

Peptide Released
[‘251]HA(306-3 18) by Acid Treatment
Peptide Bound (mol amino acid
DRI Source (mol peptide/mol DRl) residuelmol DRl)

Human 0.17 + 0.07 14

Insect 0.90 f. 0.1 ND
(preloaded) - 13
The extent of [‘251]HA(305-318) peptide binding to soluble DRl pro-
4 5 6 7 8
duced in insect cells and in human cells was determined for the experi-
PH ments shown in Figures 5,6, and 7 (pH 7 values only) and in four other
Human Insect trials. In each experiment, DRl samples from insect and human cells
n t2%peptide q l2%peptide were treated in parallel. Occupancy values for ‘251-labeled HA peptide
are given as the ratio of moles peptide bound per mole DRl , deter-
0 125bePide 0 1251-peptide
+ unlabeled mined using the measured specific activity of the [‘Z51]HA(306-318)
+ unlabeled
preparation and the concentration of DRl determined by ELISA or
Figure 7. pli Dependence of Antigenic Peptide Binding to HLA-DRl absorbance at 280 nm. Values are the average of seven trials with
from Human and insect Cells the observed standard deviation. The amount of endogenous peptide
Soluble DRl, produced by insect cells (0.2 PM, shaded bars) or pre- bound to soluble DRl was determined for papain-solubilized human
pared by papain digestion of DRl purified from human cells (0.35 uM, DRl and secreted insect cell DRl , and also for insect cell DRl pre-
solid bars), was incubated with 1.8 uM [‘251]HA(30~318) peptide at loaded with HA(306-318) peptide. Bound peptides were released by
37% in 0.1 M sodium citrate-phosphate buffer at the indicated pH. acid treatment and isolated by spin ultracentrifugation (see Experimen-
tal Procedures). Occupancy values are given as the ratio of moles
After 96 hr. the amount of radioactive peptide bound to DRl was deter-
mined by spin ultrafiltration. Radiolabeled peptide binding in the pres- amino acid residue in the peptide fraction, determined by amino acid
ence of 25 uM unlabeled peptide is indicated by open bars for DRI analysis, per mole DRI, determined by absorbance at 280 nm. ND,
from human cells and by lightly hatched bars for DRI from insect cells. none detected above the background reactivity observed for a buffer
blank. Detection limit was approximately 5 amino acid residues per
mole DRl.

For measurement of dissociation kinetics(Figure6, right

panel), DRl samples were equilibrated with excess
[1251]HA(306-318) peptide for 73 hr at 37%. After this time, Soluble DRl produced in insect cells reproducibly bound
DRl-peptide complexes were separated from free pep- nearly a stoichiometric amount of peptide (0.90 + 0.15
tide, diluted into buffer containing excess unlabeled pep- mol per mole DRl), while DRl from human cells bound
tide, and returned to 37%. Samples were removed at the 5-fold less peptide (0.17 + 0.07 mol peptide per mole
indicated times, and the amount of peptide remaining DRl). The low binding capacity, slow association kinetics,
bound to DRl was measured. The kinetics of peptide dis- and pH dependence of peptide binding for class II mole-
sociation were extremely slow for DRl from either source, cules isolated from mammalian cells are all believed to be
and no significant difference in dissociation rate was ob- due to the presence of tightly bound peptides occupying
served over 300 hr. The dissociation data for DRl from the antigen-binding site, which must dissociate before ex-
both sources are consistent with a first-order dissociation ogenously added peptide will bind (Buus et al., 1986;
constant of about 4 x 10Y6 s-l. Roche and Cresswell, 1990; Tampe and McConnell,
The pH dependence of peptide binding to DRl from 1991). Taken together, the increased peptide binding ca-
human and insect cells was also determined. Binding of pacity, increased binding rate, and decreased pH depen-
excess [1251]HA(306-318) peptide to DRl was measured dence of peptide binding for DRl produced in insect cells
after 72 hr incubation at 37%, for soluble DRl from human indicate that, as isolated, the antigen-binding site is largely
cells (Figure 7, solid bars) and from insect cells (shaded empty.
bars). Open and hatched bars show binding in the pres- To confirm this result, we directly measured the amount
ence of excess unlabeled peptide. Peptide binding to hu- of endogenous peptide bound to DRl, using a procedure
man lymphoblastoidcell-derived DRl increased at lower previously used to characterize peptides bound to class I
pH. In contrast, peptide binding to insect-cell-derived DRl and class II molecules (Van Bleek and Nathenson, 1990;
was relatively independent of pH. At every pH tested, in- Falk et al., 1991; Rudensky et al., 1991). A pool of bound
sect cell DRl bound more peptide than DRl from human peptides was released from the DRl-binding site by acid
lymphoblastoid cells. The extent of peptide binding ob- denaturation, isolated by spin ultrafiltration, and finally
served for the insect-cell-derived DRl corresponds to quantitated by amino acid analysis. Papain-solubilized
1 .l it 0.2 mol peptide per mole protein. For the DRl iso- DRl isolated from human cells carried the equivalent of
lated from human cells, the extent varied from 0.06 (pH 8) 14 amino acid residues per mole (Table2). Full-length DRl
to 0.3 (pH 4). from human cells gave essentially the same result. This
The measurements of peptide binding capacity were corresponds to approximately 95% occupancy, with en-
repeated using different preparations of [1251]HA(306-31 8) dogenous peptides having an average length of 15 resi-
peptide and DRl from insect and human cells (Table 2). dues (L. J. S. and D. C. W., unpublished data). As acontrol,
Empty HLA-DRl from Insect Cells

soluble DRl from insect cells was analyzed after loading association occurs in vivo on the same slow time scale
with HA(306-318) peptide. The isolated DRl-peptide measured in vitro (Busch and Rothbard, 1990; Nygard et
complexes carried 13 amino acid residues per mole DRl , al., 1991). The slow kinetics for peptide association even
consistent with the length of the HA(306-318) peptide and when the antigen-binding site is unoccupied argue that a
a 1: 1 molar ratio of bound peptide to DRl . In contrast, no slow conformational rearrangement is required to accom-
amino acid residues were detected in the pool from soluble modate a peptide within the antigen-binding site.
DRl from insect cells, above the reactivity observed in a The tendency of the empty DRl from insect cells to
buffer blank. aggregate, and the striking disaggregation after peptide
loading, also suggest an altered conformation in the empty
Discussion molecule. Although much of the native structure must be
preserved in the empty state, as all antibodies tested still
We have expressed the human class II major histocompat- bound to the empty molecule, a conformational alteration
ibilityglycoprotein HLA-DRl in baculovirus-infected insect in one or both subunits may not have been detected by the
cells in a membrane-bound and a soluble, secreted form. antibodies used. Alternate conformational states of class
In both cases the a and p subunits associate to form the II MHC proteins have been previously proposed, based
native heterodimer. By several criteria, DRl purified from on a “floppy” intermediate observed during denaturation
insect cells has the native protein fold: it reactswith several (Dornmair et al., 1989) and refolding (Dornmair and
conformation-sensitive monoclonal antibodies directed McConnell, 1990), on the kinetics (Sadegh-Nasseri and
against the native human protein; it forms a long-lived com- McConnell, 1989) and pH dependence (Jensen, 1991;
plex with HA(306-318), an antigenic peptide from influ- Sadegh-Nasseri and Germain, 1991; Wettstein et al.,
enza virus; and it crystallizes under the same conditions 1991) of peptide binding, and on differential antibody reac-
that crystallize DRl from human cells. However, the anti- tivity (Germain and Hendrix, 1991).
genie peptide-binding site of DRl produced in insect cells We were also able to investigate the role of peptide in
is not occupied by tightly bound endogenous peptides, as stabilizing the class II up heterodimer against SDS-
it is for DRl and other human and mouse class II proteins induced dissociation. Mouse and human class II proteins
isolated from lymphoblastoid cells. Instead, the peptide- are unusually resistant to SDS and migrate as up com-
binding site appears to be empty. The empty DRl mole- plexes on SDS-PAGE if the samples are not heated prior
cules are fully competent to bind a stoichiometric amount to loading. However, under certain circumstances class II
of added peptide. The availability of empty DRl allowed molecules have been observed that are readily dissoci-
us to investigate the mechanism of peptide binding, and ated by SDS: in a mutagenized lymphoblastoid line that is
to determine the effect of peptide in stabilizing the DRl deficient in antigen processing (Mellins et al., 1990), for
structure. newly synthesized class II before dissociation of invariant
Using the empty DRl expressed in insect cells, we were chain (Germain and Hendrix, 1991) and for purified protein
able to measure directly an intrinsic rate of peptide associ- treated in vitro at high pH (Gorga et al., 1986) or low pH
ation. In earlier studies the rate of exchange was mea- (Sadegh-Nasseri and Germain, 1991). In the last instance,
sured between an added peptide and the collection of en- resistance to SDS was partially recovered after exposure
dogenous peptides already bound into the antigen-binding to antigenic peptides before neutralization, and it was sug-
site, and only 5%-20% of the class II molecules could bind gested that peptide contributes to the resistant structure
the added peptide (Watts and McConnell, 1986; Buus et (Sadegh-Nasseri and Germain, 1991). In the present case,
al., 1987, 1988; Ceppellini et al., 1989; Jardetzky et al., the recovery of SDS resistance after stoichiometric pep-
1990; O’Sullivan et al., 1990; Roche and Cresswell, 1990; tide binding clearly demonstrates that resistance to SDS-
Busch and Rothbard, 1990; Tamp&and McConnell, 1991). induced chain dissociation is directly due to peptide bind-
In those experiments, slow peptide binding could not be ing, and not to a pH or other effect.
clearly distinguished from the slow dissociation of endoge- In vivo, nascent class II molecules are believed to en-
nous peptides (Tamp& and McConnell, 1991). For DRl counter antigenic peptide in an endosomal compartment
and HA(306-318) peptide, we found that at pH 7.0 the kinet- after transit through the endoplasmic reticulum (Guagli-
ics of peptide association were 1 O-fold faster than for ex- ardi et al., 1990; Neefjes et al., 1990; Davidson et al.,
change into an occupied site (Figure 6). This association 1991). Low endosomal pH has been suggested to be im-
rate is still exceedingly slow compared with similar pro- portant in generating a conformation of class II that is able
cesses and suggests that a protein conformational change to bind peptide (Jensen, 1990; Sadegh-Nasseri and Ger-
occurs during formation of the DRl-peptide complex. For main, 1991; Wettstein et al., 1991). We find that DRl pro-
comparison, the reaction of penicillopepsin with peptides, duced in insect cells is fully competent to bind antigenic
which involves binding up to six amino acids of a peptide peptide without low pH treatment. While the low endoso-
and a change in the conformation of a flap on the enzyme, mal pH may be required for efficient generation of peptides
occurs with a forward rate constant of 1 04-1 O6 M-Is-l (Hof- by proteolysis of endocytosed antigens, or may help to
man et al., 1988), many thousand-fold faster than the rate dissociate class II from bound invariant chain molecules,
of peptide binding to class II histocompatibility antigens it does not appear to be required for peptide binding. We
measured in vitro. While peptide binding to class II proteins have not, however, investigated any effect of pH on the
in vivo may involve factors not present in the in vitro sys- rate of peptide association to the empty molecules (Jen-
tems, studies of peptide binding have found that peptide sen, 1991).

Similarly, our in vitro results indicate that the class II- trans-endoplasmic reticulum peptide transporters (Dever-
associated invariant chain, which appears to bind to na- son et al., 1991; Trowsdaleet al., 1991; Spieset al., 1991;
scent Class II molecules in vivo (Kvist et al., 1982; Cress- Spies and DeMars, 1991). Class I molecules that do not
well et al., 1987) and escort them to the peptide binding acquire a peptide are not stable and for the most part are
compartment (Bakke and Dobberstein, 1990; Lotteau et not transported to the cell surface (Ljunggren et al., 1990;
al., 1990), is not required for stoichiometric binding of pep- Townsend et al., 1990; Ortiz-Navarrete and HBmmerling,
tide to DRl Invariant chain association in vivo may serve 1991). By contrast, class II molecules generally present
to block peptide binding until the nascent DRl reaches the peptides derived from exogenous antigens, which are pro-
proper compartment (Teyton et al., 1990; Germain and teolytically processed in the endosomal compartments of
Hendrix, 1991; Roche and Cresswell, 1991). The invariant specialized antigen-presenting cells. Class II molecules
chain may also act as a chaperonin by maintaining empty must normally transit the endoplasmic reticulum in the
class II molecules in a disaggregated state. In mammalian empty state and arrive at the endosomes competent to
cells, aggregated protein may be targeted for degradation bind peptide. Appropriately, class II molecules can form
(Hurtley and Helenius, 1989; Klausner and Sitia, 1990), stable up heterodimers in the absence of peptide, in vitro
and most empty, aggregated class II molecules may not and presumably in the endoplasmic reticulum; and peptide
survive to bind antigenic peptides (Germain and Hendrix, binding is a separate step that occurs when the class II
1991). It seems possible that the fate of class II molecules molecules arrive in the proper cellular compartment.
recycling from the cell surface into a low pH compartment, Transport of class II molecules to this compartment and
where they would lose peptide, would also be to aggregate prevention of peptide binding in theendoplasmic reticulum
and then be discarded, in the absence of binding the invari- both seem to be functions of the invariant chain. The ten-
ant chain or another chaperonin. This could provide a con- dency of the empty class II molecules to aggregate as
trol point to assure that most class II molecules present observed here could also argue that the invariant chain
peptides encountered in the compartment designated by may possess a chaperonin-like activity that can stabilize
the trafficking signals of the invariant chain. We and others empty class II molecules against aggregation.
(Traunecker et al., 1989; R. Germain, personal communi- In conclusion, expression of the human class II histo-
cation) have had difficulty producing soluble class II mole- compatibility antigen HLA-DRl in insect cells has provided
cules in nonlymphoid mammalian cells. Insect cells may a source of native, soluble up heterodimers that have an
lack a retention/degradation pathway for aggregated pro- empty peptide-binding site. Heterodimer formation is not
teins, or it may become disabled during baculovirus infec- dependent on peptide binding, as it is for class I histocom-
tion (Jarvis and Summers, 1989; Davidson and Castellino, patibility antigens. Peptide binding does, however, stabi-
1991), perhaps accounting for the general success of the lize the molecule against aggregation and increases the
baculovirus-insect cell system in producing and secreting resistance to SDS-induced denaturation. Low endosomal
recombinant proteins and its utility in producing empty pH is not needed for peptide binding, although it may be
class II molecules. required for antigen processing, or invariant chain dissoci-
Empty DRl molecules from insect cells form stable ctp ation, or it may influence the rate of the binding reaction.
heterodimers in the absence of antigenic peptide. The Peptide binding at pH 7.0 is an intrinsically slow process,
empty heterodimers remain associated throughout immu- even for the empty molecule, indicating that an unusual
noaffinity isolation and week-long incubation at 37°C. This conformational change is required to accommodate (or
stability is in marked contrast to class I histocompatibility trap) a peptide within the binding site.
antigens, where the subunits do not stably assemble in the
absence of peptide. The heavy and light chains of class I Experimental Procedures
proteins transcribed in vitro (Kvist and Hamann, 1990) and
Reagents and Materials
in mutant cell lines defective in peptide processing (Town- Oligonucleotides were synthesized with a Milligen model 3700 DNA
send et al., 1990; Ljunggren et al., 1990; Hosken and Be- synthesizer using Pcyanoethyl phosphoroamidite chemistry, and were
van, 1990; Ortiz-Navarrete and HBmmerling, 1991) do not purified by denaturing acrylamide gel electrophoresis and reverse-
stably assemble in the absence of antigenic peptide. The phase chromatography on Seppack (Millipore) cartridges. Baculovi-
empty class I heterodimer produced in the absence of rus transfer plasmids pVL1393 and pAC360-Bgal and the wild-type
baculovirusACMNPV-EPwereprovided by M. Summers(TexasA&M).
peptide quickly loses conformational epitopes and dissoci- Restriction enzymes and DNA modifying enzymeswere obtained from
ates, unless stabilized by exogenously added peptide. New England Biolabs, Boehringer Mannheim, US Biochemicals, and
The difference in stability between empty class I and Promega.
class II can be understood in terms of the roles of class I Hybridoma cells secreting anti-DR monoclonal antibody L243
and class II proteins in the antigen-presenting cell. T cell (IgG*d were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection
(ATCC #HB55) and were maintained in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s
recognition of a class I-peptide complex on the cell sur- medium (DMEM; Sigma) plus 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). LB3.1-
face targets the cell for lysis. Inappropriate T cell-medi- secreting (lgGZD)cells were obtained from J. Strominger (Harvard Uni-
ated lysis is prevented by tight regulation of the peptides versity) and were maintained in RPM 1640 (Sigma) plus 10% FBS.
that are presented: peptide loading on class I molecules For antibody production, cells were grown with immunoglobulin G-free
FBS (Gibco) in roller bottle culture or in serum-free WRC935 me-
is restricted to the endoplasmic reticulum, where peptides dium (Amicon) in a mini-FlowPath bioreactor (Amicon). Antibodies
are apparently provided by MHC-linked cytoplasmic prote- were purified from clarified tissue culture medium by ammonium sul-
ases (Brown et al., 1991; Glynne et al., 1991; Ortiz- fate fractionation followed by affinity chromatography on protein A-
Navarrete et al., 1991; Martinez and Monaco, 1991) and agarose (Repligen) of protein G-Sepharose Fast Flow (Pharmacia).
Empty HLA-DRl from Insect cells

Phycoerythrin-conjugated L243 and control mouse immunoglobulin annealing (55OC, 1 min), and extension (72OC, 3 min). The reaction
G were obtained from Becton-Dickinson. Rabbit antiserum against product was isolated, cut with BamHl and Xbal, and inserted into the
papain-solubilized DRl was produced by Hazelton. Anti-DRI mono- corresponding restriction sites of pUCl9. One of three clones se-
clonal antibodies lVAl2@1), TAL14.1@1), Tii36@2), Tii39@1), quenced had no unexpected substitutions, and the DRBsol gene was
Tii43(ab), and SG171(61) and biotinylated monoclonal antibodies excised from this clone and inserted between the BamHl and Xbal
DAP(Pl), DA6.147(01), DA6.321(a), TALB.l(Pl), and L227(61) were sites of pVL1393.
obtained from D. Vignali (Harvard University). The specificity of each
Construction of Recombinant Baculovlrus Clones
antibody for DR domains is indicated in parentheses (D. Vignali, un-
Recombinant baculoviruses BV-Pgal, BV-DRa, and BV-DRfi were pro-
published data). Rabbit antisera specific for the a and p chains of DRl
duced by homologous recombination following cotransfection of 2 x
were a generous gift of H. Ploegh (The Netherlands Cancer Institute).
106 cells with 5 pg of plasmid and 1 wg of viral (wild-type ACMNPV-EP)
Goat anti-rabbit or anti-mouse secondary antibodies were obtained
DNAs, as described (Summers and Smith, 1966). Recombination effi-
from Boehringer Mannheim (horseradish peroxidase-labeled) and
ciencies varied from 0.1% to 1%. Viral clones were isolated by limiting
Promega (alkaline phosphatase-labeled). Streptavidin-alkaline phos-
dilution in 96-well tissue culture plates. Recombinant viruses were
phatase was from Biorad.
identified by dot-blot DNA hybridization of alkali-lysed cells (Summers
Immunoaffinity-purified DRl, isolated from the human lymphoblas-
and Smith, 1966), using a “P-labeled probe carrying both DRa and
toid cell line LG2, and soluble DRI, produced by limited papain diges-
DRB sequences. Three or four rounds of dilution and screening were
tion of immunoaffinity-purified DRl from LG2, were generous gifts of
required to obtain single isolates free of wild-type virus. Recombinant
J. Gorga and J. Strominger (Harvard University). Glycosidases,
baculoviruses BV-DRasol and BV-DRBsol were similarly produced and
digoxygenin-labeled lectins, and detergents were from Boehringer
isolated, except that BV-6gal viral DNA was used instead of wild-type
Mannheim. HA(306-316) peptide (NH2-PKYVKQNTLKLAT-COOH)
ACMNPV-EP. This simplified the identification of nonrecombinant vi-
was synthesized with an ABI model 431 peptide synthesizer using
ruses, which were easily observed by including 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-
Fmoc chemistry, and was purified by reverse-phase high-pressure
indole-fl-o-galactoside (0.2 mg/ml) in the culture medium.
liquid chromatography(HPLC) on &ProPep (Vydac) in 0.1% trifluoro-
acetic acid using a 40%-60% acetonitrile gradient. The purified pep
tide was characterized by amino acid analysis (Harvard Microsequenc- Sf9 Growth and Infection
ing Facility) and by mass spectrometry (Harvard Spectrometry Lab) Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) were obtained from the American Type
and shown to be homogeneous. Peptide concentration was deter- Culture Collection (ATCC# CRL1711) and were maintained at 27°C in
mined by ultraviolet absorbance, using ssW = 1600 M-‘cm-‘. TNM-FH medium (Gibco) plus 10% FBS. Viral stocks were produced
by infection at low multiplicity and were stored at 4°C. Viral titerg
v&e usually greater than 108 plaque-forming units per ml. For protein
Construction of Transfer Plasmids Carrying DRa, DRP, production, cells were grown in spinner flasks (100 ml or larger) in
Truncated DRa, and Truncated DRB Genes serum-free media SF900 (Gibco) or Excel1410 (JRH Scientific). Cells
cDNA clones for the a and p subunits of HLA-DRl (DRA and were infected at 1 x 106 cells per ml with a multiplicity of infection of
DRB7 ‘0707, GENBANK identifiers: and Hum- 20 for each virus, using the procedures described in Summers and
mhldrl were obtained from Zhi Yang (Harvard University). Trans- Smith (1966).
fer plasmids carrying DRa and DRP genes were constructed by isola-
tion of the genes as BamHl fragments from the appropriate cDNA SDS-PAGE and Western Slotting
clones and insertion of these genes into the unique BamHl site of Cell lysates for SDS-PAGE analysis were prepared by mixing washed
the baculovirus transfer plasmid pVL1393. In this vector the inserted cells with 1110 culture volume phosphate-buffered saline (PBS: 20
genes are under transcription control of the strong late polyhedrin mM phosphate, 130 mM NaCl [pH 7.21) containing 1% CHAPS and a
promoter. The initiation codon of the polyhedrin gene has been altered mixture of protease inhibitors (1 mM EDTA, 1 mM phenylmethylsulfo-
to ATT (Luckow and Summers, 1969), so that translation is initiated at nyl fluoride (PMSF), 0.1 mM iodoacetamide, 0.3 NM aprotinin, 1 PM
the first ATG in the inserted gene. Clones carrying DRa or DR!3 inserts pepstatin, 1 PM leupeptin). The mixture was stored at 4OC for 1 hr,
in the proper orientation were isolated, and the expected sequences and nuclei and cell debris were removed by low-speed centrifugation.
were confirmed throughout the entire coding regions. Samples of extracellular medium for SDS-PAGE were prepared by
DRasol (Figure 1) was constructed by using a synthetic oligonucleo- acetone or trichloroacetic acid precipitation. Samples for SDS-PAGE
tide duplex that codes for DRa sequence from the unique Pstl site at were mixed with SDS-PAGE sample buffer (Laemmli, 1970) con-
nucleotide 566 to the Asn-192 codon ending at nucleotide 651, fol- taining 1% SDS and 100 mM dithiothreitol (Dll) (final concentrations)
lowed by the termination codon TAA, and Notl and Kpnl cloning sites. and boiled for 3 min before application to 12.5% acrylamide SDS-
The sequences of the constituent oligonucleotides were: PAGE slab gels (7 x 7 x 0.075 cm). After electrophoresis, gels were
transferred to polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes (Immobi-
Ion-P, Millipore). Membranes were blocked in 3% bovine serum albu-
min (BSA) in PBS. DRa and DR6 polypeptides were detected using
appropriate antisera, followed by alkaline-phosphatase conjugated
anti-rabbit serum, and nitro-blue tetrazolium and bromochloroindole
phosphate as described (Blake et al., 1964).
Flow Cytometry
Altered sequences relative to the DRa gene are italicized; the first Baculovirus-infected cells were analyzed by flow cytometry at 46 hr
two substitutions are silent changes to introduce a unique EcoRl site. postinfection, before significant virus-induced cell lysis. In order to
The syntheticduplex was inserted into pVLl393-DRa between the Pstl avoid the strong green autofluorescence intrinsic to Sf9 insect cells,
site in the DRa gene and a Kpnl site downstream in the disabled long-wavelength fluorophore R-phycoerythrin (PE) was used. At 46
polyhedrin gene. Oneclonecarrying theinsertwassequenced through hr postinfection, 106 cells were pelleted, gently resuspended in 1110
the altered region and shown to have the expected sequence. culture volume Grace’s medium (Gibco), 2% FBS, 0.01% NaNJ, and
DR6sol (Figure 1) was constructed by polymerase chain reaction- incubated for 1 hr on ice with PE-conjugated L243 or PE-conjugated
mediated amplification of the DR6 gene. The”forward”oligonucleotide nonspecific control mouse immunoglobulin G. The cells were washed
primer, complementary to the coding strand, 5”GACTTGGATCCTA- three times with Grace’s medium and were finally resuspended at
TAAATATGGTGTGCTGAAGCTCCT-3’, introduces a BamHl site up 1110 the initial culture volume in PBS and fixed with 2% paraformalde-
stream of the initiation ATG codon, and the reverse primer, 5’-ACAGCT- hyde. Red fluorescence was measured with a Becton-Dickinson FACS-
CTAGATTAClTGCTCTGTGCAGAlTCAGA-3’, introduces a termi- can flow cytometer.
nation TAA codon starting at nucleotide 662, followed by an Xbal clon-
ing site. Sequences not present in the DRB gene are italicized. The Enzyme-Linked lmmunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
truncated gene was amplified by 10 cycles of melting (94OC, 1 min), The ELISA used to measure DRl concentration was a sandwich type,

with solid phase L243 or LB3.1 monoclonal antibodies used to capture containing fractions were pooled and concentrated into PBS using a
native DRl, and rabbit anti-DRl and alkaline-phosphatase-labeled spin ultrafiltration device (Centricon-30, Amicon). For purification of
goat anti-rabbit antibodies used to detect bound DRl Ninety-six-well the full-length protein from BV-DRa+BV-DR8-coinfected cells, all solu-
microtiter plates (Maxisorp, Nunc) were coated with 200 ng of purified tions contained 1% CHAPS. The concentration of purified DRl was
L243 or LB3.1 monoclonal antibody in 100 mM sodium carbonate (pH determined by ultraviolet absorbance at 280 nm using an extinction
9.6) blocked with 3% BSA in PBS, and stored at 4OC. All subsequent coefficient of 77,000 Mm’cm-‘.
incubations were for 30 min or 1 hr at room temperature using 0.1 ml N-terminal sequence analysis of purified soluble DRl from insect
per well and were followed by three washes with 0.05% Triton X-100 cells was performed after separation of the subunits by SDS-PAGE
in PBS (PBST). Dilutions of samples and DRI standards (0.1-100 ng and transfer to PVDF, by automated Edman degradation, as described
per well) were prepared in PBST plus 0.3% BSA and applied to the (Matsudaira, 1987).
plate. After binding, DRl was detected using rabbit anti-DRl serum
(1:50,000 in PBST plus 0.3% BSA) followed by horseradish peroxi-
dase-coupled goat anti-rabbit antibody (15 pglml in PBST plus 0.3% Glycosylation Analysis
BSA). The plate was developed with the peroxidase substrate For glycosidase analysis, purified DRl samples were denatured by
2,2’azino-di[3-ethyl]benzthiazoline sulfonate (ABTS, Boehringer boiling in 1% SDS plus 1% 8-mercaptoethanol, then cooled and diluted
Mannheim) in perborate-citrate-phosphate buffer. After 5-15 min, the lo-fold into PBS containing protease inhibitors and 1% dodecylmalto-
reaction was stopped with 0.2% NaN,, and the absorbance at 405 nm side. Endoglycosidase-H (EC, 0.005 U per mg of DRl), or
was measured. For quantitation of DRl, triplicate sample dilutions glycopeptidase-F (EC, 1 U per mg of DRl), or an equivalent
were compared to a standard curve produced using purified, papain- volume of PBS, was added, and the mixtures were incubated at 37OC
solubilized DRl from human lymphocytes. The four-parameter binding for 12 hr. The reactions were stopped by again boiling in SDS and the
equation (Tijssen, 1965) reaction products were analyzed by 12.5% acrylamide SDS-PAGE.
For lectin analysis, purified DRl samples were analyzed as described
A = (A,, - A,:,) I (1 + (C/C,,$) + A,,,
above for Western blotting. Parallel blots were incubated with each of
where A is the absorbance caused by a sample of concentration C, the digoxigenin-labeled lectins, and then with alkaline phosphatase-
and A,,, A,,., &, and b are adjustable parameters, was fit to the labeled anti-digoxigenin, and were developed as described above.
standard curve by a nonlinear least squares algorithm, and was used DRa and DR8 bands were identified by comparison with parallel blots
to convert sample absorbances to DRl concentrations. analyzed with rabbit anti-DRu and anti-DR8 sera.
For determination of the reactivity of DRl from insect or human cells
with a panel of anti-DRI antibodies, a direct-binding ELISA was used.
Microtiter plates were coated with 200 ng per well of DRl and blocked Peptide Binding to Purified DRl
as above. Serial dilutions of monoclonal antibodies or biotinylated Immunoaffinity-purified, soluble DRl (0.05-l .O FM) from insect or hu-
monoclonal antibodies were added to the plate, and bound antibodies man cells was used in binding reactions, with a 2- to lo-fold molar
were detected by alkaline-phosphatase goat anti-mouse antibodies, excess HA(306-318) peptide. Standard binding conditions were 37OC
or with streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase, and pnitrophenylphos- for >72 hr in PBS (pH 7.2) with 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM PMSF, 0.1 mM
phate (Harlow and Lane, 1966). The antibody dilution that produced iodoacetamide, and 3 mM NaN3. Incubation time, pH, and buffer were
one-half the maximal absorbance was used to compare the affinity of varied in someexperiments(seefigure legends). SDS-PAGEanalyses
each antibody for human- and insect-cell-derived DRl. were performed as described above, except that larger gels (14 x 14
x 0.15 cm) were used, and some samples were not boiled prior to
laolatlon of DRl from Coinfected Insect Cells loading, as noted in the figure legend. After electrophoresis, proteins
The procedures used to purify DRl from insect ceils were based on were detected with Coomassie brilliant blue R-250. HPLC analyses
those developed for isolation of DRl from human lymphoblastoid cells were performed using a 7.8 x 300 mm Waters Protein-Pak SW300 gel
(Gorga et al., 1967). Soluble DRI was isolated from the conditioned filtration column, equipped with a Waters l-125 guard column, and
culture medium of Sf9 insect cells coinfected with DRasol and DRf3sol. variable wavelength absorbance detector. PBS was used as the mobile
At 72 hr postinfection, cells were removed by centrlfugation and the phase, with a flow rate of 0.5 mllmin.
mixture of protease inhibitors was added. The culture medium was For quantitation of peptide binding, [12SI]HA(306-318) peptide was
concentrated approximately 1 O-fold using a spiral membrane cartridge used. Peptide (10 ug) was radiolabeled with 1 mCi of Na[?] and 50
(Amicon SIYIO) and used for immunoaffinity purification. pg of chloramine-T in phosphate buffer in a total volume of 50 ul for
Soluble DRl was also isolated from lysates of cells coinfected with 2 min at room temperature, the reaction was stopped by the addition
DRasol and DRpsol. Washed cells were lysed in 10 mM Tris-Cl (pH of excess Na2S205, and the peptide was isolated by gel filtration over
8.0) containing the protease inhibitor mixture, by repeated passage Sephadex G-15 (Pharmacia) in PBS. Peptide concentration in the la-
through a 23 gauge needle. The lysate was centrifuged (200,000 x g, beled preparations was determined using a bicinchoninic acid assay
30 min, 4OC) and the clarified lysate was enriched for DRl by ion by comparison with dilutions of an unlabeled peptide standard. Spe-
exchange chromatography on Q-Sepharose (Pharmacia) in 10 mM cific activities of the labeled peptide were 30,000-i 60,000 cpmlpmol
imidazole-HCI (pH 6.4) using a 50-250 mM NaCl gradient. DRl- in different preparations. Peptide bound to DRl was separated from
containing fractions were pooled and used for immunoaffinity purifi- free peptide by HPLC gel filtration (as above), immunoabsorption, or
cation. spin ultrafiltration. Bound ‘251-labeled peptide was measured by
Full-length DRl was isolated in detergent solution from BV- gamma counting.
DRa+BV-DR8-coinfected Sf9 insect cells. Washed cells were lysed For immunoabsorption, polystyrene microtiter wells (RIA/EIA 8-well
with 1% CHAPS in PBS containing the protease inhibitor mixture. strips, Costar) were coated overnight with 2 pg of purified L243 in 50
Nuclei and insoluble materials were removed by low-speed centrifuga- mM sodium carbonate (pH 9.8) and blocked with 5% nonfat dry milk.
tion (2,500 x g, 5 min, 4OC). The supernatant was cleared by ultracen- Milk was used to reduce nonspecific absorption, rather than BSA as
trifugation (200,000x g. 30 min, 4OC) and used for immunoaffinity in the ELISA assay, since radiolabeled HA(308-316) showed some
purification. binding to BSA. The DRl binding capacity of these plates was deter-
lmmunoaffinity matrices were prepared using anti-native DRl mined to be 50 ng per well, and they were always used with subsaturat-
monoclonal antibodies LB3.1 or t-243. Purified antibodies were cou- ing DRl concentrations. Peptide binding mixtures (in triplicate) were
pled at 5 mglml to protein A-agarose (Repligen) or to protein G-Sepha- added to an equal volume of blocking solution in the antibody-coated
ross Fast Flow using dimethyl pimelimidate as described (Harlow and wells and were allowed to bind for 1 hr at room temperature. The wells
Lane, 1988). Samples for immunoaffinity purification were passed were washed five times with PEST before gamma counting. For spin
through uncoupled protein A or protein G columns before application ultrafiltration, DRl and DRl-peptide complexes were separated from
to the immunoaffinity column. lmmunoaffinity columns were washed free peptide by five cycles of concentration and 25-fold dilution into
with PBS, and DRl was eluted with 50 mM sodium cycloheylaminepro- PBS, using Centricon- ultrafiltration devices (Amicon). Before use,
panesulfonate (CAPS) buffer (pli 11.5). Eluted fractions were immedi- the Centricon- devices were blocked with 5% nonfat dry milk and
ately neutralized with 100 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6.0). Protein- washed with PBS.
Empty HLA-DRl from insect Cells

Isolation and Crystallization of Soluble serological similarity of MHC-linked LMP and proteasome (multicata-
DRl -Peptlde Complexes lytic proteinase) complexes. Nature 353, 355-357.
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Acknowledgments Dornmair, K., and McConnell, H. M. (1990). Refolding and reassembly
of separate a and 8 chains of class II molecules of the major histocom-
We would like to thank Mia Frayser for excellent technical assistance patibility complex leads to increased peptide-binding capacity. Proc.
throughout the course of this work. The authors also wish to thank Joan Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 4134-4138.
Gorga, Polina Klimovistsky, and Jack Stromingerfor DRl isolated from Dornmair, K., Rothenhtiusler, B., and McConnell, H. M. (1989). Struc-
human cells; Leslie Berg and Penelope Robbins for assistance with tural intermediates in the reactions of antigenic peptides with MHC
collection of fluorescence data; William Lane and Andrew Tyler for pep molecules. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. &ant. Biol. 54, 409-416.
tide characterization; Renee Robinson and William Lane for amino
Falk, K., Rotzschke, O., Stevanovic, S., Jung, G., and Rammensee,
acid analysis; Nine1 Sinitskaya for peptide and oligonucleotide synthe-
H.-G. (1991). Allele-specific motifs revealed by sequencing of self-
sis; M. Summers for insect cell materials and assistance; Hsiao Lin peptides eluted from MHC molecules. Nature 351, 290-296.
for assistance with cell culture; Ted Jardetrky, David Garboczi, and
Germain, R. N., and Hendrix, L. Ft. (1991). MHC class II structure,
Edward Collins for helpful discussions; and Ronald Germain fordiscus-
sions during revision of this manuscript. L. J. S. is supported by a occupancy and surface expression determined by post-endoplasmic
Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Fund Fellowship (DRG1041). reticulum antigen binding. Nature 353, 134-139.
This research was supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Glynne, R., Powis, S. H., Beck, S., Kelly, A., Kerr, L.-A., andTrowsdale,
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by J. (1991). A proteasome-related gene between thetwo ABC transporter
the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby loci in the class II region of the human MHC. Nature 353, 357-360.
marked “advertisemenl in accordance with 18 USC Section 1734 Gorga, J. C., Knudsen, P. J., Foran, J. A., Strominger, J. L., and
solely to indicate this fact. Burakoff, S. J. (1986). lmmunochemically purified DR antigens in lipo-
Somes stimulate xenogenic cytolytic T cell in secondary in vitro cul-
Received August 27, 1991; revised November 12, 1991. tures. Cell. Immunol. 703, 160-173.
Gorga, J. C., Horejsi, V., Johnson, D. R., Raghupathy, R., and Strom-
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