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Intro: Meaning

Sartori → Democracy is most confusing concept

Initially, Democracy was derogatory word → danger for aristocracy & cultured life

Democracy is a modern liberal ideology, whose basic ideals include respect for the dignity of the individual, freedom,
equality, justice and governance based on the consent of the general public.

Characteristics of Democratic Govt.

1. Rule of Law & Respect for Rights

a. Political equality → One Person, One Vote, One Value
2. Regular, Free & Fair Election → Options available for political alternate → Peaceful Change of Govt.
3. Popular sovereignty → Elected Representative → Majority Leader makes decision
4. Independent Judiciary
5. Fundamental Rights & Civil Liberties
6. Free Press

Types of Democracy

1. Representative Democracy
Intro: Short Def
People elect representative to create laws and policy on their behalf.

1. Rule of Law & Respect for Rights
a. Political equality → One Person, One Vote, One Value

2. Regular, Free & Fair Election → Options available for political alternate → Peaceful Change of Govt.
3. Popular sovereignty → Elected Representative → Majority Leader makes decision
4. Independent Judiciary
5. Fundamental Rights & Civil Liberties
6. Free Press

1. Political Competition → Lack of interest in morality → Corruption
2. Inconsistency in long term Policy → Frequent leaders changing
3. Delay in Decision making process → Slow economic growth & development
4. Interest of majority dominates interest of minority
5. Role of Mass Media dominates decisions of people

2. Participatory Democracy
Intro: Short Def
• All laws and policies imposed by governments are determined by → the people themselves

• Aka Direct democracy & Pure democracy

1. Direct Engagement of Public in Law making →
2. Popular Sovereignty
3. Every Opinions can be heard

1. Unrealistic for large population
2. Often Bunch of people decides → Requires Active Engagement of People → Public interest might drop
3. Cost & Logistics Burden over Electoral Management Body
4. Polarization in Society→ vote for Yes or No

3. Deliberative Democracy
Intro: Short Def
Discussion before casting votes →
Supported by John Rawls, David Held

1. Deliberation before Discussion
2. Discussion on the basis of accurate info & evidence
3. Alternate Proposals must be discussed
4. Involvement of Decisions makers
5. Final Decisions with unanimous result (all agree), Majority is secondary

Merits & Demerits

1. More Accountable form of govt. than others
2. Quality of Decision making → Opinions heard of each person → Fair share in decision making
3. Integrity & Dignity of Citizens Maintained →Mistakes can be corrected later → Rights given
4. Better Political Stability
5. Decentralization of Power → Local Self-government
6. Sense of Cooperation & Fraternal feeling → Better for Diversity

‘‘Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy.’’
~Benito Mussolini

6. Political Competition → Lack of interest in morality → Corruption

7. Inconsistency in long term Policy → Frequent leaders changing
8. Delay in Decision making process → Slow economic growth & development
9. Interest of majority dominates interest of minority
10. Role of Mass Media dominates decisions of people

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