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Trained immunity: implications for vaccination

Büsranur Geckin 1,2,*, Friedrich Konstantin Föhse 1,2,*, ]]

Jorge Domínguez-Andrés 1,2 and Mihai G Netea 1,2,3

The concept that only adaptive immunity can build immune memory. One mechanism that is likely involved
immunological memory has been challenged in the past in these off-target effects of vaccine is represented by
decade. Live attenuated vaccines such as the Bacillus heterologous T-cell immunity in which antigens lead to
Calmette–Guérin, measles-containing vaccines, and the oral the formation of cross-reactive T-cells capable of re-
polio vaccine have been shown to reduce overall mortality cognizing multiple and different ligands [1]. For ex-
beyond their effects attributable to the targeted diseases. After ample, in the case of COVID-19, there is 80% similarity
an encounter with a primary stimulus, epigenetic and metabolic between SARS-CoV-2 open reading frame 7a protein
reprogramming of bone marrow progenitor cells and functional epitope with the human poliovirus type 3 Sabin strain
changes of tissue immune cell populations result in augmented epitope [2]. A second potential mechanism, and the
immune responses against a secondary challenge. This focus of this review, is represented by the new experi-
process has been termed trained immunity. This review mental evidence demonstrating that cells of the innate
describes the mechanisms leading to trained immunity and immune system can also adapt after infections or vacci-
summarizes the most important developments from the past nations, a process that is antigen independent. Such
few years. adaptive characteristics in innate immune cells that
amount to a de-facto innate immune memory are non-
Addresses specific, resulting in improved host defense. The process
Department of Internal Medicine and Radboud Center for Infectious in which innate immune cells display enhanced immune
Diseases, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The
responses to a subsequent insult has been termed trained
Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Radboud University immunity [3,4]. In this review, we will describe the im-
Medical Center, 6525 GA Nijmegen, The Netherlands munological processes leading to trained immunity and
Department of Immunology and Metabolism, Life & Medical Sciences discuss the importance of trained immunity in the con-
Institute, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany text of vaccination and its implications on global health.
Corresponding author: Mihai G Netea (
These two authors contributed equally. Trained immunity as an immunological
Current Opinion in Immunology 2022, 77:102190 Trained immunity is a long-term functional reprogram-
This review comes from a themed issue on Vaccines ming of innate immune cells following an encounter
with a primary stimulus, which results in an augmented
Edited by Mariagrazia Pizza and Rino Rappuoli
response against a secondary challenge. The induction of
For complete overview of the section, please refer to the article trained immunity has been observed in many cell types
collection, “Vaccines (August 2022)”
and is mediated by extensive metabolic and epigenetic
Available online 18th May 2022 remodeling (Figure 1) [5]. The functional changes as- sociated with the induction of trained immunity have
0952-7915/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is been shown to last for at least a year; on the other hand,
an open access article under the CC BY license (http:// epidemiological studies have shown long-term effects for up to 5 years in the case of nonspecific protection
induced by vaccination [5,6].

Induction of trained immunity has been demonstrated in

both mononuclear myeloid cells such as monocytes [3,7],
macrophages [8], dendritic cells [9], and neutrophils [10•],
as well as in lymphoid cells such as natural killer (NK) cells
For a long time, immune memory was considered an
and innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) [11,12]. The enhance-
exclusive feature of the adaptive immune system.
ment of the antimicrobial properties of myeloid cells is
However, a growing number of epidemiological and
expressed through increased cytokine production capacity
immunological studies have started to accumulate,
and enhanced synthesis and release of reactive oxygen
showing the effects of vaccines beyond their target in-
species [13], leading to improved phagocytosis and killing
fection. These heterologous effects could not be ex-
of pathogens. One of the earliest immunological observa-
plained by the induction of antigen-specific adaptive
tions of differential response of phagocytic cells to Current Opinion in Immunology 77 (2022) 102190

2 Vaccines

Figure 1 Figure 2

Current Opinion in Immunology

Induction of trained immunity. The primary challenge includes the

encounter of innate immune cells (monocytes, macrophages, NK cells,
neutrophils, and dendritic cells) with vaccines, pathogens or sterile
damage-associated molecules. During the primary immune response,
the cells undergo a series of metabolic and epigenetic reprogramming
events, that partially persist (e.g. in bone marrow progenitors) also
after the initial stimulus is eliminated. When the organism meets a
secondary challenge, the ‘trained’ innate immune cells elicit a more
robust and more prompt response than the initial response. Current Opinion in Immunology

consecutive challenges is reported by Howard et al. in Central versus peripheral trained immunity: sustaining long-term innate
1959, showing the cells are either resistant or susceptible to immune memory. Upon processing of the stimulus inducing trained
immunity, changes will be induced at the level of both the bone marrow
bacterial endotoxin and Salmonella enteritidis infection after progenitor cells and the tissues. Central trained immunity defines altered
Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) infection [14]. Another transcriptional profile in progenitor cells with an enhanced rate of
study in 1986 showed that a noninvasive Candida albicans myelopoiesis. This results in the production of innate immune cells with
strain can provide protection against subsequent infection memory. On the other hand, peripheral trained immunity resides in
tissue-resident cells. These long-living, activated, and differentiated
with a highly virulent strain through activation of macro-
cells carry transcriptional modifications which establish functional
phages [15]. changes.

Not only myeloid cells but also lymphoid cells with in-
nate characteristics can develop immune memory prop-
erties. NK cells are described among the first innate monocytes of the subjects display higher DNA accessibility
immune cells to possess memory-like characteristics on several inflammation-associated genes [21•]. Similarly,
[11,12]. Vaccines like BCG and influenza induce Laval et al. demonstrated a protective memory against
memory responses in NK cells, leading to enhanced Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in mice following the
cytokine production improving pathogen clearance transplantation of LPS-exposed stem cells [22].
[16,17]. Memory-NK cells contribute to the survival of
the Severe combined immunodeficiency murine model Peripheral trained immunity is induced in tissue-resident
subjected to candidiasis [17]. ILCs also show innate macrophages and ILCs, which in turn contribute to long-
immune memory [18]. term protection. Adenovirus infection can induce long-
lasting memory on alveolar macrophages [23]. Conversely,
Two mechanisms explain the long-term protection induced previous gammaherpesvirus infection led to replacing re-
by trained immunity: the reprogramming of bone marrow sident alveolar macrophages with regulatory monocytes, re-
progenitor cells (central trained immunity) and the func- sulting in a decrease in the severity of house dust-mite-
tional changes of tissue cell populations (peripheral trained induced asthma symptoms [24]. Type 2 ILCs also persist
immunity) (Figure 2) [5]. In murine models, BCG vacci- 3 weeks after infection, and they respond to subsequent
nation and β-glucan administration altered transcriptional heterologous infections and contribute to exacerbated
and functional profiles of hematopoietic stem and progenitor asthma responses [25]. Altogether, these studies help us
cells (HSPCs) and enhanced myelopoiesis [19,20]. Inter- understand the mechanisms allowing induction of long-term
estingly, bone-marrow-derived macrophages of BCG vacci- memory in trained immunity.
nated mice offered better protection against Mycobacterium
tuberculosis [19]. Building on these findings, Cirovic et al. Metabolic and epigenetic pathways in the induction of
reported an upregulation in genes associated with myeloid trained immunity
cell linage priming in human HSPCs 90-days after BCG After initial exposure to a stimulus, a series of intracellular
vaccination compared to baseline. After vaccination, the pathway cascades are triggered to elicit, mediate, and

Current Opinion in Immunology 77 (2022) 102190

Trained immunity and vaccines Geckin et al. 3

regulate the innate immune response. In 2007, Foster et al. [40]. TADs are domains enriched in chromosomal loops,
demonstrated that primary exposure of mouse bone and they allow DNA elements like lncRNAs to gain
marrow-derived macrophages to LPS initiate a Toll-like proximity to the gene promoter and regulate its tran-
receptor signaling cascade that leads to transcription of scription. Certain lncRNAs, named immune gene-
class NT genes ensuring the response to secondary LPS priming lncRNAs, come in close contact with innate im-
stimulation is faster and greater in magnitude. They sug- mune genes before the transcription [41]. Important
gested that this transcriptional memory can be considered epigenetic marks of open chromatin associated with a
as an adaptive component of innate immunity [26]. Today, trained immunity phenotype are histone 3 lysine 4 tri-
we know that the two major molecular mechanisms in the methylation that characterizes active promotors of proin-
cells that underpin trained immunity are metabolic and flammatory cytokine genes, histone 3 lysine 4
epigenetic processes (Figure 3). monomethylation that marks distal enhancers, and his-
tone 3 lysine 27 acetylation marking both active en-
The function of immune cells depends on their ability to hancers and promoter regions (e.g. promoters of genes
ensure energy needs. During the resting period, immune related to glycolysis and cytokine production) [5,38,42].
cells mainly rely on oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS)
to produce ATP. Upon activation, cellular metabolism un- Epigenetic enzymes play a crucial role throughout the
dergoes important changes that depend on the type of cells course of trained immunity. Lysine demethylase sub-
and stimulus. Regulatory cells such as type 2 macrophages family 5 (KDM5) is responsible for the demethylation of
and T-regulatory cells use fatty acid oxidation for the gen- H3K4 [43]. KDM5 family is downregulated by the ac-
eration of the necessary energy [27,28], while strongly in- cumulation of fumarate, which supports the generation
flammatory cells such as type 1 macrophages, neutrophils, of trained immunity by allowing the persistence of his-
and Th1/Th17 cells largely rely on glycolysis [28–30]. Some tone methylation marks [44]. More recently, KDM4 has
stimuli, such as LPS, determine a shift from OXPHOS to been identified as an essential enzyme mediating the
glycolysis [31], while others upregulate both glycolysis and induction of trained immunity via alteration in
OXPHOS [32]. Similar differences characterize the cellular H3K9me3 [45••]. In addition, an epigenetic enzyme
metabolism of trained immune cells. In this regard, β-glucan belonging to the lysine methyltransferase family, Set7,
is recognized by Dectin-1, and has been known to lead to a also possesses vital function in β-glucan training of
shift from OXPHOS to glycolysis as an ATP source [33]. monocytes; when inhibited, trained immunity pheno-
However, a more recent study reported an increase in both type is diminished, while Set7 deficient mice cannot
glycolysis and oxygen consumption following training, which establish innate immune memory [34••].
signals a higher rate of OXPHOS [34]. This discrepancy is
explained by the difference in concentration of β-glucan Lastly, Verma et al. observed that the DNA methylation
used in the experiments [34]. Similarly, BCG training yields profile is altered following BCG vaccination; however,
upregulation in glycolysis and OXPHOS, accompanied by more studies should be conducted to explore the impact
elevated lactate production and simultaneous upregulation of these changes at the DNA level [46].
in glutaminolysis [35]. Glutaminolysis leads to the accumu-
lation of fumarate, a downstream tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
cycle metabolite, that induces trained immunity phenotype Epidemiological consequences of trained
itself [35]. Moreover, itaconate, which has antimicrobial immunity induction by vaccines
properties and was recently described as contributing to From almost the beginning of the vaccination era,
inflammation resolution [36], is also impacted in trained epidemiological observations indicate that live atte-
immunity: a recent study reported that β-glucan blocks the nuated vaccines offer protection against heterologous
itaconate pathway and reverses monocyte tolerance [37]. infections and reduce overall mortality. Such protective
effects were first noticed when smallpox was in-
The metabolic changes during induction of trained im- troduced approximately 200 years ago [47], and it has
munity have a long-term impact on the function of innate since then been shown for several vaccines such as
immune cells through modulation of epigenetic pro- BCG, measles-containing vaccines, and polio vaccines
cesses. In this respect, TCA metabolites act as cofactors [48]. Soon after the introduction of BCG in Europe in
for enzymes involved in epigenetic regulation: DNA the 1930s, epidemiological studies reported a ‘non-
methylases, histone methyl- and acetyltransferases, de- specific’ effect of BCG with a strongly reduced infant
methylases, and deacetylases [8,38,39]. Main epigenetic mortality, independent of its effect on tuberculosis
events during induction of trained immunity are (1) the [49]. Later on, studies in West Africa showed an up to
chromosomal reorganization on the level of topologically 50% reduction of mortality induced by BCG in young
associated domains (TADs), (2) induction of long non- infants [50]. Similar observations were made over the
coding RNA (lncRNA) activity, (3) histone modifications years in low-income countries, showing a reduction of
and chromatin accessibility, and (4) DNA (de)methylation infections [51,52]. Randomized controlled trials Current Opinion in Immunology 77 (2022) 102190

4 Vaccines

Figure 3

Current Opinion in Immunology

Cross-talk between metabolic and epigenetic pathways underlying trained immunity response. After initial recognition of trained immunity inducers
such as vaccines and pathogens, cells undergo a series of metabolic and epigenetic changes. Since the immune cell is activated, glucose
consumption increases to provide the energy needed through strong activation of glycolysis — higher glucose consumption yields lactate as a
byproduct. Downstream, the TCA cycle is replenished through glutaminolysis, which fuels the cycle with α-ketoglutarate (α-KG). This leads to the
accumulation of fumarate, which inhibits KDM5 demethylases, preventing demethylation of H3K4 allowing histone marking of promoters. In addition,
activation of KDM4 removes the repressive marker represented by methylation of H3K9. Lastly, Set7 methyltransferase is described as an essential
enzyme in the metabolic and epigenetic fate of the cell. Inhibition of Set7 has been shown to impair the induction of trained immunity. Overall, these
events underpin the molecular mechanisms which led to a trained state of innate immune cells.

performed in high-income countries give, however, proposed that trained immunity partly accounts for
more inconsistent results: a phase III trial reported that these antitumor effects [60].
BCG vaccination significantly increases the time to the
first infection, with an incidence of new infections of Similar to BCG, the introduction of the measles vaccina-
25% after BCG vaccination compared to 42% after tion (MV) in Guinea–Bissau in 1979 led to a remarkable
placebo vaccination in a population of elderly in- decrease in childhood mortality that could not be ex-
dividuals [53••]. In contrast, randomized trials in plained solely by its effect on the measles epidemic itself
Denmark and Australia did not find a reduced risk of [61]. One study observed that infants who get an extra
hospitalization for somatic acquired disease and lower early standard dose of MV do not have reduced all-cause
respiratory tract infections, respectively [54,55]. These mortality [62]. By contrast, MV was reported to reduce the
epidemiological studies have been accompanied by number of outpatient consultations [63]. Studies in high-
BCG protection in models of experimental human viral income countries are scarce, but measles-containing vac-
[56] and parasitic [57] infections. BCG vaccination has cination led to high protection against hospitalizations for
been suggested to protect against Staphylococcus aureus all infectious diseases and particularly strong protection
and surgical site infections [58], as well as in Leishmania against lower respiratory tract infections in Italian children
infections [59]. Aside from infections, BCG is well [64]. A recent analysis of demographic surveillance data in
known to be the most effective therapy for treating Bangladesh did not find a favorable effect of vaccination
early-stage bladder cancer: it has recently been with measles in young children (0–2 years) [65]. In

Current Opinion in Immunology 77 (2022) 102190

Trained immunity and vaccines Geckin et al. 5

contrast, vaccination with polio was associated with a 30% adjuvanted zoster vaccine Shingrix has been suggested
reduced all-cause mortality [66••]. to have protective effects against COVID-19 severity
which are attributed at least partly to trained immunity
An extensive overview of all epidemiological studies [76•]. More results of RCTs with BCG, the recombinant
conducted on heterologous effects of childhood vaccines BCG vaccine VPM1002 and MMR will come available
has recently been provided by Aaby and Benn [67]. Al- during 2022, and those will hopefully provide more
though a WHO-SAGE committee concluded that the clarity regarding the clinical and immunological effects
evidence is not strong enough yet to change existing of trained immunity-inducing vaccines on COVID-19
vaccination recommendations, more randomized trials (NCT04327206, NCT04537663, NCT04351685 and
have been advised [68]. Besides live attenuated vac- NCT04333732).
cines, inactivated influenza induces transcriptional and
functional reprogramming of innate immune cells six
Implications and future perspectives
weeks after the vaccination, modulating cytokine re-
Here, we provide a high-level overview of the latest
sponses upon viral challenge with unrelated stimuli
developments in the field of trained immunity. Much
[69•]. Those findings are complemented by the study of
remains to be learned on the mechanisms of innate im-
Wimmers et al. who reported modulation of hetero-
mune memory to understand all factors influencing its
logous antiviral mechanisms after influenza vaccination,
effects. Age, sex, circadian rhythm, the composition of
accompanied by transcriptional and epigenetic repro-
the gut microbiome, vaccination technique, lifestyle, and
gramming of innate immune cells [70]. More studies are
the combination with other vaccines can impact the in-
needed for a broad, comprehensive assessment of the
duction of trained immunity. However, the relative
heterologous effects of various vaccines and the impact
contributions of these factors and how they act to in-
of trained immunity in these processes.
fluence vaccines’ heterologous effects in different po-
pulations remain to be investigated in future studies. In
addition, the current vaccines used to induce trained
Trained immunity-based approaches during
immunity have only partial effectiveness: only approxi-
mately half of individuals vaccinated with BCG respond
The SARS-CoV-2 virus emerged at the end of 2019 and
with a strong trained immunity response [56,77]. De-
evolved into a pandemic with grave consequences at a
veloping amplifiers of trained immunity effects after
worldwide scale. While development, testing, produc-
vaccination, or new, more effective vaccines, should be
tion, and distribution of anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were
an important aim of future research [78]. There is a
very successful, more than a year was needed to ac-
particular need for randomized controlled trials since
complish that in the developed countries, while a much
most of the presented epidemiological studies are at
longer period of time was necessary to be able to dis-
high risk for bias.
tribute them in the developing world. Because in the
beginning of the pandemic it was unclear whether de-
Overall, evidence is strong that BCG, measles, and polio
velopment of successful vaccines could be accom-
have beneficial heterologous effects, especially in low-
plished, it has been hypothesized that trained-
income and middle-income countries. Therefore, stop-
immunity-based vaccines might have a protective role
ping vaccination with measles and polio once the pa-
against COVID-19 and act as a ‘bridge vaccination’.
thogens are eradicated, or replacing live attenuated polio
Among the trials performed, only a few have been
with inactivated polio, should be done with caution, as it
published so far, and the results of most others are still
may have a substantial impact on childhood mortality
expected. In one RCT in elderly, BCG vaccination of
[79]. Trained immunity may also represent an important
elderly in the Netherlands did not reduce the total
new approach to improve current vaccines or to develop
number of COVID-19 infections, although it improved
novel vaccines that combine the induction of classical
the serological response after infection [71••]. In con-
adaptive immune memory and innate immune memory.
trast, a BCG revaccination trial in Greece reduced the
Such approaches may prove especially useful in future
total number of COVID-19 cases [72]. The cause of this
new pandemics: it must be assumed that the SARS-
difference is unclear, although it may be hypothesized
CoV-2 pandemic will not be the last outbreak humanity
that differences between populations, or the fact that
has to face. Trained immunity-based vaccines may be a
these two populations had different BCG vaccination
very promising possibility to improve the efficiency of
histories at birth may be potential explanations. Im-
vaccines against outbreaks by emerging pathogens.
portantly, neither of the two studies had enough power
to draw any conclusions on the impact of BCG on
COVID-19 severity. Results of BCG vaccination effect Conflict of interest statement
on SARS-CoV-2 infection in animal models have been The authors declare the following financial interests/
also contradictory, with both positive effects and no personal relationships which may be considered as po-
impact being reported [73–75]. On the other hand, the tential competing interests: MGN is scientific founder of Current Opinion in Immunology 77 (2022) 102190

6 Vaccines

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Current Opinion in Immunology 77 (2022) 102190

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