2023 05 02 - BSTR P - V3

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Safety training

Basic Safety Training

Online Partial Refresher

Publication 2 May 2023

Safety training

Basic Safety Training Online Partial Refresher / V3



1. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 5

2. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 6

3. CHANGE LOG...................................................................................................................................................................... 7

4. SCOPE................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

4.1 Target Group 8

4.2 Aims and Objectives 9
4.3 Requirements for Training 9
4.4 Duration of the BSTR-P Modules 9
4.5 BSTR-P Instructor to Participant Ratio 10
4.6 Validity Period 10
4.7 Participant Prerequisites for the BSTR-P Module 11
4.8 Physical Demands 11

5. RESOURCES REQUIRED TO DELIVER ONLINE BSTR-P MODULES ...................................................................................... 11

5.1 The Instructor 11

5.2 Equipment for Online Delivery 11
5.3 Practical Training Facilities 12

6. ADMINISTRATION AND CERTIFICATION OF BSTR-P MODULES........................................................................................ 12

6.1 Requirement to Upload Training Record in WINDA 12

6.2 Training Providers Own Records and Certificates Issue 12

7. USING THIS STANDARD TO DEVELOP TRAINING.............................................................................................................. 13

8. DELIVERY AND ASSESSMENT IN A VIRTUAL CLASS ENVIRONMENT................................................................................. 13

8.1 Aims and Objectives 13

8.2 Course Participant Engagement 13
8.3 Operationalising This Standard 14
8.4 Equipment in the Virtual Classroom 14
8.5 Assessment of Learning Objectives 14
8.6 Participant Performance Assessment Form 15

9. BSTR-P MODULE 1 – FIRST AID ........................................................................................................................................ 17

9.1 Aims and Objectives of the BSTR-P First Aid Module 17

9.2 Duration of the BSTR-P First Aid Module 17
9.3 BSTR-P First Aid Module Participant Ratio 17
9.4 BSTR-P First Aid Module Timetable 18

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9.5 Detailed Description of the BSTR-P First Aid Module 19

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the training ................................................................................................................................ 19

Lesson 2 - Practical demonstration and application of the primary survey ......................................................................... 22
Lesson 3 - First Aid Scenarios ............................................................................................................................................... 27
Lesson 4 - Training Review................................................................................................................................................... 29

10. BSTR-P MODULE 2 – MANUAL HANDLING ...................................................................................................................... 31

10.1 Aims and Objectives of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Module 31

10.2 BSTR-P Manual Handling Module Instructor to Participant Ratio 31
10.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Module 31
10.4 BSTR-P Manual Handling Module Timetable 32
10.5 Detailed Description of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Module 33

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the training ................................................................................................................................ 33

Lesson 2 - Injuries, symptoms and essential manual handling principles ............................................................................ 37
Lesson 3 - Warm up activities .............................................................................................................................................. 43
Lesson 4 - Manual handling principles ................................................................................................................................. 44
Lesson 5 - Training review ................................................................................................................................................... 48

11. BSTR-P MODULE 3 – FIRE AWARENESS ........................................................................................................................... 52

11.1 Aims and Objectives of the BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module 52

11.2 Duration of the BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module 52
11.3 BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module Instructor to Participant Ratio 52
11.4 Equipment for BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module 53
11.5 BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module Timetable 53
11.6 Detailed Description of the BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module 54

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the training ................................................................................................................................ 54

Lesson 2 - Legislation ........................................................................................................................................................... 58
Lesson 3 - Fire combustion and fire spread ......................................................................................................................... 59
Lesson 4 - Fire extinguishing ................................................................................................................................................ 63
Lesson 5 - Fire Prevention ................................................................................................................................................... 67
Lesson 6 - Firefighting equipment in a WTG ........................................................................................................................ 69
Lesson 7 - Training review ................................................................................................................................................... 72

12. BSTR-P MODULE 4 – WORKING AT HEIGHTS ................................................................................................................... 75

12.1 Aims and Objectives of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module 75

12.2 BSTR-P Working at Heights Module Instructor to Participant Ratio 75
12.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module 75
12.4 BSTR-P Working at Heights Module Timetable 76
12.5 Detailed Description of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module 77

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the training ................................................................................................................................ 78

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Lesson 2 - Knowledge review............................................................................................................................................... 82

Lesson 3 - Dropped objects ................................................................................................................................................. 85
Lesson 4 - PPE review exercises ........................................................................................................................................... 86
Lesson 5 - Theory ................................................................................................................................................................. 88
Lesson 6 - Individual practical review exercises................................................................................................................... 90
Lesson 7 - Training review ................................................................................................................................................... 93

13. BSTR-P MODULE 5 – SEA SURVIVAL................................................................................................................................. 96

13.1 Aims and Objectives of the BSTR-P Sea Survival Module 96

13.2 BSTR-P Sea Survival Module Instructor to Participant Ratio 96
13.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Sea Survival Module 96
13.4 BSTR-P Sea Survival Module Timetable 97
13.5 Detailed Description of BSTR-P Sea Survival Module 98

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the training ................................................................................................................................ 98

Lesson 2 - Legislation ......................................................................................................................................................... 102
Lesson 3 - Exposure, cold shock, drowning and hypothermia ........................................................................................... 104
Lesson 4 - Life saving appliances and PPE.......................................................................................................................... 106
Lesson 5 - SAR and GMDSS ................................................................................................................................................ 108
Lesson 6 - Practical sea survival ......................................................................................................................................... 110
Lesson 7 - Safe transfer...................................................................................................................................................... 115
Lesson 8 - Installations, vessels and WTGs ........................................................................................................................ 122
Lesson 9 - Training review ................................................................................................................................................. 123

ANNEX 1 - EQUIPMENT LIST ......................................................................................................................................................... 126

ANNEX 2 - GUIDELINE FOR WARM UP EXERCISES ........................................................................................................................ 134

ANNEX 3 - MANUAL HANDLING ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 141

ANNEX 4 - VERSION HISTORY ....................................................................................................................................................... 151

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AED Automatic External Defibrillator

ANSI American National Standards Institute

AS/NZS Australia and New Zealand Standard

BST Basic Safety Training

BSTR Basic Safety Training Refresher

BWH Basic Working at Height

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

CSA Canadian Standards Association

EN European Standards

EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon

ERC European Resuscitation Council

GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

GWO Global Wind Organisation

H.E.L.P. Heat Escape Lessening Posture

ILCOR International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation

LSA Life Saving Appliances

MAC Manual handling Assessment Chart

MES Marine Evacuation Systems

MOB Man Overboard

PLB Personal Locating Beacon

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

SAR Search and Rescue

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SART Search and Rescue Transponder

SRL Self-Retractable Lifeline

T.I.L.E. Task Individual Load Environment

WTG Wind Turbine Generator


Term Definition

Fall arrest Preventing the user of a personal fall protection system from colliding with the ground, structure or any
other obstacle during a free fall

Fall arrest Personal fall protection system which limits the impact force on the body of the user during fall arrest

Fall Preventing the user of a personal fall protection system from going into a free fall

Must For clarity where the word must is used in this standard it shall have the same meaning as shall

Personal fall Assembly of components intended to protect the user against falls from height, including a body
protection holding device and an attachment system, which can be connected to a reliable anchorage point

Rescue Personal fall protection system by which a person can rescue themselves or others, in such a way that a
system free fall is prevented

Restraint Personal fall protection system which prevents the user from reaching zones where the risk of a fall
system from height exists

Shall Verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to this standard
and from which no deviation is permitted

Should Verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly
suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not
necessarily required

Work Personal fall protection system which enables the user to work in tension or suspension in such a way
positioning that free fall is prevented

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Amendment date Version Approved by & date

2 May 2023 3
Description of changes

Changes throughout:

• New layout

7.Using this Standard to Develop Training

• Text revised and updated in accordance with GWO training standards.

BSTR-P First Aid Module

9.2 Duration of the BSTR-P First Aid Module

• Text updated to clarify instructions

BSTR-P Manual Handling Module

10.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Module

• Text updated to clarify instructions

BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module

11.2 Duration of the BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module

• Text updated to clarify instructions

BSTR-P Working at Heights Module

12.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module

• Text updated to clarify instructions

BSTR-P Sea Survival Module

13.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Sea Survival Module

• Text updated to clarify instructions

Annex 1- Equipment list – BSTR-P Working at Heights Module

• Equipment list revised and updated.

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The COVID-19 viral pandemic has caused widespread disruption globally and has, in many regions, prevented
technicians from attending GWO refresher training leading to a safety risk imposed through skills and knowledge fade
within the wind industry

To mitigate against the fading of skills and knowledge amongst technicians GWO have analysed the basic safety
refresher modules and released this interim standard as a way for already trained technicians to continue to work
safely by enabling the technicians on site to practise the knowledge and skills that they have learned during GWO
training and apply this to their daily work tasks

This analysis has indicated that there are some learning objectives and elements in the domain of knowledge and skills
where the knowledge fade can potentially be mitigated through attending online live training sessions

This standard describes the requirements for basic safety training partial refresher courses that are recommended by
the members of GWO. This full standard covers parts of the following five modules:

1. First Aid

2. Manual Handling

3. Fire Awareness

4. Working at Height

5. Sea Survival

GWO has assessed that the objectives and elements contained in the partial modules, as described in sections 9, 10, 11,
12 & 13 of this document, can be fully delivered during online training sessions using technologies that allow real time
video conferencing

The members of Global Wind Organisation (GWO) recognise trained persons as competent within basic safety in the
wind industry and accept the trained person as possessing the required knowledge to stop an unsafe work situation
where they as duty-holders are accountable for safety. Training is verified through the GWO database WINDA

This standard has been developed by the GWO Training Committee

General feedback on this document can be sent to info@globalwindsafety.org See globalwindsafety.org on how to
raise a complaint about a training provider or report a safety incident occurring during training

4.1 Target Group

Personnel who will be working in the wind industry or related fields and will have their duties in a wind turbine
environment, usually in physical contact with a wind turbine or an offshore wind structure

Personnel that perform job functions that has been risk assessed by their employer or their workplace duty holder as a
function where knowledge of and practical skills in first aid, manual handling, fire awareness, working at heights and
sea survival may mitigate the identified risks

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4.2 Aims and Objectives

The aim of BSTR-P is to reduce the risk of injury in the wind industry by reviewing, refreshing and building on previously
gained knowledge and skills from GWO BST initial or refresher training

The aims and objectives are achieved in a virtual online classroom through a combination of group discussions,
individual explanations, theoretical and practical training that aim to enable the course participants to support and care
for themselves and others working in the wind industry by being able to apply the knowledge skills and ability of first
aid, manual handling, fire awareness, working at heights and sea survival in their daily work and, in the case of an
emergency, be able to evacuate, rescue and provide appropriate first aid to casualties

4.3 Requirements for Training

1. The GWO BSTR-P Standard sets out minimum requirements

2. The training provider shall identify whether national legislation sets additional requirements for basic safety
training or prohibits delivery of certain elements. If so, the training provider shall incorporate these identified
requirements in the training

3. To deliver any of the BSTR-P modules set forth in this standard the training provider shall already be certified
and approved to deliver the equivalent full GWO BST and BSTR module(s)

4. The training provider shall at all times conform with the current GWO criteria / Requirements for Training

5. Provided the minimum requirements of the BSTR-P are met the training provider may choose to incorporate
delivery of other similar certified training

4.4 Duration of the BSTR-P Modules

The total contact time for completing the BSTR-P Standard is to be 15 hours and 25 minutes. This is based on the times
given in the module timetables and summarised in table 4.4.1, below

Modules Duration

First Aid Refresher 2 hours 30 minutes

Manual Handling Refresher 2 hours 35 minutes

Fire Awareness Refresher 2 hours 10 minutes

Working at Heights Refresher 3 hours and 35 minutes

Sea Survival Refresher 4 hours and 20 minutes

Table 4.4.1 – Duration of the BSTR-P modules

Maximum Duration Per Day

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Contact time 8 hours

Total training day 10 hours

Table 4.4.2 – Maximum durations for training days

Note Contact time includes delivery of course lesson content, practical exercises and activities directly related to

The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where

4.5 BSTR-P Instructor to Participant Ratio

The ratio shown for theory sessions indicates the maximum number of participants per instructor attending the course

Practical ratios indicate the maximum number of participants to be supervised by an instructor during each activity

Module Session Instructor to Participant Ratio

Theory 1:12
First Aid Refresher
Practical 1:12
Manual Handling Refresher Theory 1:12
Practical 1:6
Fire Awareness Refresher Theory 1:12
Practical 1:12
Working at Heights Refresher Theory 1:12
Practical 1:6
Sea Survival Refresher Theory 1:12
Practical 1:6

Table 4.5.1 – BSTR-P instructor to participant ratio

4.6 Validity Period

Successful completion of the BSTR-P modules will allow the course participants to extend the validity of their existing
GWO BST or BSTR certificate by 6 months

Course/module Certificate Validity (Months)

First Aid Refresher Existing expiry date + 6 months
Manual Handling Refresher Existing expiry date + 6 months

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Fire Awareness Refresher Existing expiry date + 6 months

Working at Heights Refresher Existing expiry date + 6 months

Table 4.6.1 - GWO BSTR-P modules certificate validity periods

4.7 Participant Prerequisites for the BSTR-P Module

The course participants shall have a personal course participant (participants) profile in WINDA and provide their own
WINDA ID prior to completing the BSTR-P training

Course participants shall possess valid GWO BST or GWO BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for the relevant
modules prior to attending BSTR-P training

4.8 Physical Demands

BSTR-P Modules may potentially be physically demanding

Note Practical exercises shall be designed and delivered solely to meet this standard and shall not place any
physical or mental demands on the participants other than those required to meet this standard


The training provider shall ensure that the instructor, facilities, and equipment are in place for the BSTR-P module

5.1 The Instructor

The instructor shall possess appropriate qualifications and experience as detailed in GWO BSTR_V11 and the GWO
training provider criteria / requirements and current legislation

In addition to the requirements in GWO BSTR-V11, the instructor shall:

a. be proficient in the delivery of training and the assessment of participants knowledge and skills in a
virtual online classroom environment.

5.2 Equipment for Online Delivery

The following list is intended as a guide of the equipment required for delivery of the modules within the standard in an
online classroom environment, the list is not exhaustive;

1. an internet connection with sufficient bandwidth and speed to allow two-way video conferencing

2. web camera

3. external microphone to provide better sound quality for the participants

4. software that will support two-way video communication

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5.3 Practical Training Facilities

During practical demonstrations the instructor can use existing facilities to deliver the practical demonstrations

When using existing facilities consideration must be given to enabling each participant who is online to see the
demonstration and hear taught subject matter

Practical training facilities shall comply with the requirements of GWO BSTR_V12 and the GWO training provider criteria
/ requirements and current legislation


6.1 Requirement to Upload Training Record in WINDA
Training providers are responsible for uploading a record of training to WINDA. This must be done as soon as possible
and no later than 10 working days after completion of the training programme

Each record shall contain the following:

1. course participant’s WINDA ID

2. course code

3. course completion date

4. previous certificate valid until date

Course codes:
Module Course Codes

First Aid Partial Refresher FAR-P

Manual Handling Partial Refresher MHR-P
Fire Awareness Partial Refresher FAWR-P
Working at Heights Partial Refresher WAHR-P
Sea Survival Partial Refresher SSR-P

Table 6.1.1 – GWO BSTR-P course codes

6.2 Training Providers Own Records and Certificates Issue

The training provider shall in accordance with the criteria for training providers maintain their own records of course

Upon request from GWO or any of the members of GWO, the training provider shall be able to verify the training and
competence records of any specific personnel by name

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Training providers may issue other additional proof of training like paper certificates or plastic cards. If the training
provider chooses to do so, it is recommended (not a requirement) to include the participants WINDA ID


The training in this standard is designed around the GWO taxonomy described in the GWO Requirements for Training.
Theoretical and practical activities must be delivered according to the defined taxonomic level in order to reach the
described learning objectives

When teaching safety equipment, a generic approach to shall be applied aiming to avoid additional potential product
specific formal training after completion of this training. However, national or regional legislation, company gap analysis
and location specific risk assessments may require additional product specific familiarisation which is the responsibility
of the duty holder


8.1 Aims and Objectives
The aims of the partial refresher modules described in this document are to reduce the risks of injury arising from
knowledge and skills fade in the wind industry. Furthermore, this training will enable the course participants to provide
evidence that they have undergone training to refresh key knowledge and skills with the aim that they can apply the
knowledge to other skills

With this aim in mind, it is important that the instructors who deliver these modules encourage the participants to
reflect on how this knowledge can be applied in their daily work situation as well as in emergency situations like first aid
scenarios, a fire, the rescue of a colleague or a sea survival situation in a wind turbine or the wind industry

8.2 Course Participant Engagement

Delivering training in the virtual classroom environment differs from traditional in person delivery in many ways one of
the challenges inherent in this type of training is the involvement and engagement of the participants in the training

In the lesson elements there are more group discussions than in other GWO standards and this is to encourage
interaction between the instructor and the participants and between the participants with the aim that the participants
be involved with and engaged in the training thereby increasing their motivation and learning retention

Where the lesson elements do not specifically state that the instructor shall lead a discussion, it is recommended that
the instructor uses the flipped classroom technique to engage and encourage the participants to learn through self-

In some elements it is stated that the instructor must show an example of something or demonstrate a skill, wherever
possible and safe this should be a live demonstration with physical examples of the equipment being shown or
demonstrated. In these cases, it is recommended that the participants be encouraged, to the extent possible, to talk
the instructor through the skill being demonstrated

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Training material design should be carefully considered and traditional tools like slideware should be created with the
specific aim of supporting the instructor rather than as the main delivery tool for the lesson. During the training session
the instructor should consider the benefits of live video conferencing as a means of training delivery and a more human
interaction for the participants

Even with increased interaction between instructors and participants and the above recommendations, long periods of
online training can be particularly draining for both. It is therefore recommended that the instructor schedules frequent
short breaks into the overall training session

8.3 Operationalising This Standard

In each module the lessons are laid out as follows:

Section Description and Guidance

LESSON 1 – XX Name of the lesson.

XX min. Expected duration of the lesson to enable the participants to reach the
learning objectives.
The aims of the lesson The overall aim of the lesson.
1) Learning objectives The objectives that the participant must satisfy in order to pass the lesson.
These are how the instructor shall assess the participants abilities in each
lesson. For clarity in this standard these are not repeated in the lesson
ELEMENT 1.1 The name of the element.
For ease of reading these are aligned with the learning objectives.
The instructor shall: The actions that the instructor must take to facilitate and guide the participant
1.1.1 XX the reaching the applicable learning objectives.

Table 8.3.1 - GWO BSTR-P lesson section descriptions

8.4 Equipment in the Virtual Classroom

It is assumed that for the delivery of these lessons and elements that the instructor will be sited in a training facility
with all the equipment that is required for delivery of the full module available

Assessment of the participants skills requires them to have the applicable equipment available with which to
demonstrate skills. In order to facilitate this the participants should be situated on a site and this requirement must be
communicated to the participant will in advance of the planned training session

The equipment for each module is listed in Annex 1 of this document

8.5 Assessment of Learning Objectives

The learning objectives in each lesson are the criteria by which the instructor shall assess if the participant is capable of
the stated objective. Unlike previous GWO standards these objectives have not been repeated in the lesson elements

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In each learning objective the taxonomy action verb is highlighted in bold text and following each learning objective an
indicator of the taxonomical level and domain has been added e.g. (knowledge, intermediate level). Where doubt exists
between the action verb and the taxonomy indicator the instructor should consider the indicator as correct

Learning objectives within the domain of knowledge can be delivered and assessed in a similar way to how they would
in a live, in person training session through dialogue and questions from the instructor

Learning objectives within the domain of skill and ability require that the course participants can demonstrate an ability
in a scenario that is like a real work situation. In addition to safety aspects, demonstration by course participants
involves body motor functions, spatial understanding and tactile elements. Therefore, the instructor must pay special
attention to these aspects when assessing these objectives during a virtual classroom training

Within the modules described in this document certain skill objectives have been omitted, compared to the full
refresher modules, where these present a safety concern for the participants

Other skill objectives have been included these include things like pre-use inspections of equipment and manual
handling techniques which are relatively simple to assess using existing technology like web cams and smartphones

Where these are included, the instructor must assess these skills using a live video link where they can see the
participant demonstrating and hear the participant explaining each step of the skill being assessed

Where there is doubt in the instructor’s mind about the participants ability to perform the skill the instructor must ask
to see the demonstration again

8.6 Participant Performance Assessment Form

An example course participant performance assessment form is provided GWO’s Requirements for Training. The
instructor may adapt the form to other media

The instructor should keep an assessment form (or adaptation) for each participant until the completion or evaluation
of the BSTR-P module

The participant performance assessment form (or adaption) is a final evaluation tool for the instructors to assess
participants during practical elements. It allows measurement of the number of violations regarding safety,
competency, or ability

It shall be used as a progressive evaluation tool to discuss the performance of a participant in guiding them to success
and it also serves as supporting documentation if a participant passes or fails the module. If a participant fails to meet
the demands of the BSTR-P module, they shall attend a new BSTR-P module

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First Aid Partial


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9.1 Aims and Objectives of the BSTR-P First Aid Module
The aim of this BSTR-P First Aid Module is to refresh the participants prior experiences, knowledge, skills and abilities to
enable participants to recognise signs and symptoms of life threating situations and determine how to administer safe
and effective first aid in the wind turbine industry/WTG environment in order to save lives, preventing further injury,
until the casualty can be taken care of by professional medical personnel

Overall learning objectives

After successfully having completed this BSTR-P First Aid Module, the participants can:

1) Explain how to recognise, assess, and prioritise the need for basic first aid and how to provide lifesaving first
aid until the casualty can be handed over to the next echelon of care in case of an incident in the wind turbine
industry/WTG environment (Knowledge, intermediate level)

2) Explain their limitations as a basic first aider, and how to call for help and enable evacuation off the casualty
in case of an incident in the wind turbine industry/WTG environment (Knowledge, intermediate level)

9.2 Duration of the BSTR-P First Aid Module

The total contact time for completing this First Aid Partial Refresher module is to be 2 hours and 30 minutes. This is
based on the time estimate given in the module timetable

The training provider must not exceed the times per day given in table 9-2 below

Maximum Duration Per Day

Contact time 8 hours

Total training day 10 hours

Table 9.2.1 – Maximum durations for training day

Note Contact time includes delivery of course lesson content, practical exercises and activities directly related to

The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where

9.3 BSTR-P First Aid Module Participant Ratio

The ratio shown for theory sessions indicates the maximum number of participants per instructor attending the course

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Practical ratios indicate the maximum number of participants to be supervised by an instructor during each activity

Module Session Instructor to Participant Ratio

Theory 1:12
BSTR-P First Aid
Practical 1:12

Table 9.3.1 - GWO BSTR-P First Aid Module instructor to participant ratio

9.4 BSTR-P First Aid Module Timetable

The order in which the elements of this BSTR-P module is delivered may vary

The module timetable shows the approximate expected duration of each of the lessons in the module

The training provider may choose to deliver elements of the training according to other timetables, provided that the
practical elements are not reduced in length

Theoretical elements should be delivered during the practical exercises when feasible

Lesson Element Duration

1. Introduction 1.1 Safety instructions and emergency procedures
1.2 Facilities
1.3 Introduction
1.4 Scope and learning objectives
1.5 Ongoing assessments (participant assessment
1.6 Motivation
TOTAL 20 min.
2. Practical demonstrations and 2.1 Primary survey (“C”-A - B - C)
application of the primary
2.2 “C” – catastrophic external bleeding
2.3 Unresponsive
2.4 CPR - unresponsive, not breathing
2.5 Calling for help
2.6 Head-to-toe examination
TOTAL 60 min.
3. First Aid Scenarios 3.1 First aid scenarios
TOTAL 60 min.

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4. Training review 4.1 Training review

4.2 Feedback session
TOTAL 10 min.
GRAND TOTAL 150 min.

Table 9.4.1 – GWO BSTR-P First Aid Module timetable

9.5 Detailed Description of the BSTR-P First Aid Module


20 min.

The aim of this lesson is for the participant to be motivated and to engage in the training safely in the virtual classroom,
while recognising what is expected of them during the training

After having successfully completed this lesson, the participant can:

1) Recognise what is expected of them throughout the module (Knowledge, basic level)

2) Name and point out local emergency procedures and facilities (Knowledge, basic level)

3) Discuss the relevant human factors and explain their implications (Knowledge, intermediate level)


Learning objective:

4) The participant shows interest or curiosity in the safety and emergency procedures at the training facility
(Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain and ask involving questions aiming at:

a. safety instructions according to internal procedures

b. emergency procedures and emergency exits in the areas where the participants can be expected to be
located during the course

The participants shall:

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Engage in answering questions on local safety and emergency procedures


Learning objective:

5) The participant can recognise the location of facilities at the training location (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present a general description of the facilities at the training location (Administration, dining area, restrooms,
toilets, etc)

Alternative activity: lead a tour and point out facilities

The participants shall:

Note relevant facilities and ask questions when in doubt


Learning objective:

6) The participant shows interest in fellow participants and the course content and design (Ability, basic

The instructor shall:

Explain and ask involving questions aiming at the programme of the BSTR First Aid Module training, including
breaks and mealtimes

Give a short introduction to themselves, including their backgrounds as instructors

Ask for participants’ expectations of the training and their learning or development

The participants shall:

Give a short introduction to themselves, including job function and expected primary geographic work location
and share expectations on the training

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Learning objective:

7) The participant can recognise the scope and main objectives of the BSTR First Aid Module (Knowledge,
basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present the scope and main objectives of the BSTR First Aid Module through a scenario, a challenge or “your
goal with this module, should you choose to accept is…”

Note A suggested learning activity could be to share stories, present scenarios or personal experiences that show
the importance of being able to do basic first aid in the wind industry (what is in it for the participants).

Note Where possible, "learning objectives – PowerPoint slide(s)” as part of the introduction should be avoided.
Instead use stories, examples or personal experiences that shows the importance of being able to provide
basic first aid in the wind industry and the importance of the BSTR First Aid Refresher Module.

Involve participants with questions on understanding and individual experiences relevant to the BSTR First Aid

The participants shall:

Engage in answering questions and share experiences relevant to the BSTR First Aid Module


Learning objective:

8) The participant can recognise the assessment procedure and the aim of the ongoing assessment
(Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain the reasons for the ongoing assessment

Explain the layout of the GWO participant assessment form and how it will be used

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The participants shall:

Engage themselves in discussions and ask questions when in doubt on relation to the assessment procedure


Learning objective:

9) The participant shows interest and willingness to engage in the learning activities (Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain and lead a discussion on:

a. the importance of personal involvement in the course

b. the definition of and the need for BSTR First Aid training understandings and abilities

Note Positive motivation is the driving force for commitment, and the instructor should make a focused effort to
support growth of the necessary attitude and motivation in the participant.

The participants shall:

Engage themselves in discussions and share experiences on BSTR First Aid training

Note When the participants succeed by trying out on their own, bring their relevant experience into play and
apply learning points from the instructor’s feedback, the participant develops a positive attitude and
responsibility towards the subject and the performance in the work situation.


60 min.

The aim of this lesson is to refresh the participants prior experiences, knowledge, skills and abilities in order to enable
the participants to recognise signs and symptoms of life threating situations and save lives and preventing injury to the
casualty by being able to use primary survey to provide the correct and effective lifesaving first aid in case of an
emergency situation in the wind industry

After having successfully completed this lesson, the participant can:

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10) Explain how to provide lifesaving basic first aid by using primary survey to identify and treat life-threatening
conditions in a prioritised order in an incident in a WTG environment (Knowledge, intermediate level). The
mentioned life-threatening conditions include:

a. catastrophic external bleeding

b. unresponsive casualty

c. unresponsive not breathing casualty


Learning objective:

11) The participant can explain how to perform a correct primary survey in incidents (Knowledge,
intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Show and demonstrate how to do a primary survey (“C”- A-B-C) in incident(s)

Facilitate an involving learning activity such as asking the participants questions or leading a discussion about
how to do a primary survey (“C”- A-B-C) in incident(s)

The participants shall:

Engage in the learning activity and share understandings about how to do a primary survey (“C”- A-B-C) in


Learning objectives:

12) The participant can explain how to detect catastrophic external bleeding (Knowledge, intermediate level)

13) The participant can perform the correct treatment of a casualty with catastrophic external bleeding
including the use of first aid equipment (Knowledge, intermediate level)

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The instructor shall:

Show and demonstrate how to detect catastrophic external bleeding e.g.:

a. Present examples of ‘bleeding’ casualties; some casualties with catastrophic external bleeding and some
casualties that are bleeding, but not considered to be catastrophic external bleeding (e.g. examples of
casualties with arterial bleed and examples of other casualties with venous bleed)

b. Ask the participants to detect which are the casualties with catastrophic external bleeding and why

Facilitate practice for the participants in how to correctly treat a casualty with catastrophic external bleeding
including the use of first aid equipment:

a. direct pressure and dressings

b. correct use of a tourniquet

The participants shall:

Engage in the learning activity and practise how to detect catastrophic bleeding

Practise how to correctly treat a casualty with catastrophic external bleeding including the use of first aid

a. direct pressure and dressings

b. correct use of a tourniquet


Learning objective:

14) The participant can explain how to perform first aid to an unresponsive casualty (Skills, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Show and demonstrate how to provide first aid to an unresponsive casualty:

a. reasons for being unresponsive

b. threats

c. primary survey (“C” – A - B - C)

d. recovery position – single first aider

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e. best practice discussion of managing the unconscious casualty recovery position, two first aiders

Facilitate an involving learning activity such as leading a discussion with the participants about how to provide
first aid to an unresponsive casualty

The participants shall:

Engage in the learning activity and share understandings about:

a. threats

b. primary survey (“C” – A - B - C)

c. recovery position – single first aider

d. recovery position - two first aiders


Learning objectives:

15) The participant can explain how to use an AED safely and correctly following the AED safety procedures
(Skills, intermediate level)

16) The participant can explain how to provide the correct first aid to an unresponsive, not breathing casualty
(Skills, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Show and demonstrate how to use an AED correctly and safely

Show and demonstrate how to provide first aid for an unresponsive and not breathing casualty:

a. primary survey (“C” – A - B - C)

b. performing CPR on adults both with and without the use of an AED

Facilitate an involving learning activity such as leading a discussion with the participants about how to use an
AED safely and correctly following the AED safety and provide the correct first aid to an unresponsive, not
breathing casualty

The participants shall:

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Engage in the learning activities and share understandings about how to:

a. use an AED correctly and safely

b. provide first aid for an unresponsive and not breathing casualty

b.i primary survey (“C” – A - B - C)

b.ii performing CPR on adults both with and without the use of an AED


Note This element can be combined with the other elements of Lesson 2.

Learning objective:

17) The participant can perform appropriate call for help in case of a first aid incident in the wind industry
(Skills, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Facilitate practice for the participants in how to appropriately call for help in case of a first aid incident in the
wind industry

Give constructive feedback to the participants´ performance in how to appropriately call for help in case of a
first aid incident in the wind industry

The participants shall:

Practise calling for help in a first aid incident


Learning objectives:

18) The participant can explain how to perform a correct head-to-toe examination of a casualty (Skills,
intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

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Show and demonstrate how to do a head-to-toe examination and ask the participants questions about how to
do a head-to-toe exam, what the focus of a head-to-toe examination is (identifying other injuries) and why a
head-to-toe exam is performed

The participants shall:

Engage in answering the questions about what the focus of a head-to-toe examination is and why it is


60 min.

The aim of this lesson is to build upon the participants prior experiences, knowledge and abilities to enable the
participants to be able to assess, assist and provide the correct lifesaving basic first aid in an incident in the wind

After having successfully completed this lesson, the participant can:

19) Solve the challenge of how to correctly manage first aid incidents with the correct approach and assessments
made in a first aid incident in a WTG environment (Ability, basic level)

20) Explain how to correctly assess, assist and provide the necessary first aid in an incident in a WTG environment
(Knowledge, intermediate level)

21) Explain how to correctly use first aid equipment (Knowledge, Intermediate level)

22) Discuss common and expected reactions to acting as a first aider, to an unusual situation and to a casualty
(Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Show examples of the first aid situations below and facilitate an involving learning activity such as case studies
or written scenarios about how to provide the correct first aid in the first aid scenarios listed in the note below

a. Managing incidents (following the correct first aid structure for the incident and the condition of the

b. Providing necessary lifesaving first aid for a casualty that is unconscious and require CPR

c. Correct use of first aid equipment

d. Correct and safe use of an AED

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The participants shall:

Engage in the activity and share understandings about how to:

a. Correctly manage incidents (following the correct first aid structure for the incident and the condition of
the casualty)

b. Provide the necessary lifesaving first aid

c. Correctly use first aid equipment

d. Correctly and safe use of an AED

Note Scenarios from the below lists can be combined at will during the scenario-based training as long as all the
mandatory scenarios are covered

The mandatory scenarios to be covered during the training are:

a. one electrical incident

b. one incident with either a stroke (circulatory, respiratory, central nervous system) or a heart attack

c. two scenarios must include a “head-to-toe” examination of the casualty

d. CPR using an AED

Additional scenarios which should be considered included in the scenario-based training are:

e. dropped object – serious injury

f. fall from heights

g. hypovolemic shock

h. serious external bleeding

i. unresponsive with normal breathing

j. serious burns (chemical, electrical, thermal and sun)

k. hypothermia

l. crush injury (e.g. finger injuries)

m. chemical contacts to the eye

n. minor incident escalating to a serious incident

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10 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to think about and process their learning outcome and key
takeaways from the module, aiming to achieve a high learning transfer from the module to their way of working

The instructor shall:

Re-present the overall aims and learning objectives of the module for the participants’ comparison of their
learning outcome and the achievement of their previously stated expectations for the module

The participants shall:

Think about their learning outcome and key takeaways from the BSTR-P First Aid Module, aiming to achieve a
high learning transfer from the module to their way of working by means of e.g.:

a. group discussion or walk and talk

b. questions and answers in class, or where suitable

Note The instructor may additionally conduct a local evaluation of the training.


The instructor shall:

Give an overall feedback and feed forward on the participants’ learning outcome inspired by the training as
well as from the training-review-session

Encourage the participants to examine and grow awareness of which specific elements in their own WTG
type/WTG environment differ from the training scenario environment (to visualise and enhance learning

Encourage the participants to discuss with colleagues about how the BSTR-P First Aid module content, methods
and techniques are similar or different to the local specific conditions identified after the module completion

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Manual Handling Partial


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10.1 Aims and Objectives of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Module
The aim of this module is to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries for wind technicians in the wind industry and
enable participants to perform their tasks and activities in the safest possible way when working in a wind turbine

The training shall be designed to improve and refresh course participants’ abilities through both theoretical and
practical training

After successfully having completed the BSTR-Partial Manual Handling Module, participants can:

1) Take responsibility for the use of essential manual handling principles to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal
injury when performing physical tasks and activities in the wind industry (Ability, intermediate level)

10.2 BSTR-P Manual Handling Module Instructor to Participant Ratio

The ratio shown for theory sessions indicates the maximum number of course participants that shall attend the course
per instructor

The ratio shown for practical lessons indicates the maximum number of course participants to be supervised by an
instructor during each activity

Module Session Instructor to Participant Ratio

Theory 1:12
BSTR-P Manual handling
Practical 1:6

Table 10.2.1 - GWO BSTR-P Manual Handling Module instructor to participant ratio

10.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Module

The total contact time for completing this Manual Handling Partial Refresher Module is estimated to be 2 hours and 35
minutes at the instructor to participant ratios shown in table 10-2.1

The training provider must ensure that sufficient time is allowed for participants to share their experiences related to
first aid in a way that is constructive for the entire class

Maximum Duration Per Day

Contact time 8 hours

Total training day 10 hours

Table 10.3.1 – Maximum durations for training day

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10.4 BSTR-P Manual Handling Module Timetable

The order in which the elements of this BSTR-P module is delivered may vary

The expected duration of each lesson is shown in table 10-4.1

The training provider may choose to deliver elements of the training according to other timetables, provided that the
practical elements are not reduced in length

Theoretical elements should be delivered during the practical exercises when feasible

Lesson Element Duration

1. Introduction to the training 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope and main learning objectives
1.3 Ongoing assessments (participant assessment
1.4 Motivation
1.5 Human factors
TOTAL 15 min.
2. Injuries, symptoms and 2.1 Guidelines and regulations
essential manual handling
2.2 How to avoid common musculoskeletal injuries in
the wind industry
2.3 Typical symptoms of injuries
2.4 Essential manual handling principles
2.5 Basic dynamic risk assessment and introduction to
TILE principle
TOTAL 30 min.
3. Warm-up activities
TOTAL 20 min.
4. Manual handling principles 4.1 Working over shoulder height
4.2 Working while kneeling

4.3 Push and pull

4.4 Lifting and carrying

4.5 Work with handheld tools

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4.6 Awkward postures

TOTAL 70 min.
5. Training review 5.1 Training review
5.2 Awkward postures
5.3 Feedback session
TOTAL 15 min.
GRAND TOTAL 155 min.

Table 10.4.1 – GWO Manual Handling Module timetable

10.5 Detailed Description of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Module

The learning outcomes specified for the BSTR-P Manual Handling Module are:


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is for the participants to be motivated and to engage in the training safely in the virtual
classroom, while recognising what is expected of them during the training

After having successfully completed this lesson, the participant can:

1) Recognise what is expected of them throughout the module (Knowledge, basic level)

2) Discuss the relevant human factors and explain the implications thereof (Knowledge, intermediate level)


Learning objective:

3) The participant shows interest in fellow participants and the course content and design (Ability, basic

The instructor shall:

Explain and ask involving questions aiming at the programme of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Training Module,
including breaks and mealtimes

Give a short introduction of themselves, including their backgrounds as instructors

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Ask for participants’ expectations of the training and their learning or development

The participants shall:

Give a short introduction of themselves, including job function and expected primary geographic work location
and share expectations on the training


Learning objective:

4) The participants can recognise the scope and main objectives of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Training
Module (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present the scope and main learning objectives of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Training Module

Involve participants with questions on understanding and individual experiences on BSTR-P Manual Handling

The participants shall:

Engage in answering questions and share experiences on BSTR-P Manual Handling Module


Learning objective:

5) The participant recognises the assessment procedure and the aim of the ongoing assessment (Knowledge,
basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain the reasons for the ongoing assessment

Explain the layout of the GWO participant assessment form and how it will be used

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The participants shall:

Engage themselves in discussions and ask questions when in doubt in relation to the assessment procedure


Learning objective:

6) The participant shows interest and willingness to engage in the learning activities (Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain and lead a discussion on:

a. the importance of personal involvement in the course

b. the definition of and the need for BSTR-P Manual Handling Module understandings and abilities

Note Positive motivation is the driving force for commitment, and the instructor should make a focused effort to
support growth of the necessary attitude and motivation in the participant.

The participants shall:

Engage themselves in discussions and share experiences on BSTR-P Manual Handling Module

Note When the participants succeed by trying out on their own, bring their relevant experience into play and
apply learning points from the instructor’s feedback, the participant develops a positive attitude and
responsibility towards the subject and the performance in the work situation


The aim of the element is to draw the participant’s attention on how human performance and taking responsibility
influences a safe work environment, and for the continued focus on human factors during practical training and

Learning objectives:

7) The participants can describe the relevant human factors, and the implications thereof (Knowledge, basic

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8) The participants show interest and willingness to focus on human factors during the following practical
exercises (Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present how human factor influence accidents in the wind industry (relevant statistics may be applied)

Lead a discussion about the role of the individual in improving human performance and how this can improve
the safety of offshore operations

Ensure that constructive feedback on the participant’s performance involve human factor criteria when these
are defined in the learning objective such as the ability to take responsibility or to act independently

Facts and Human Factors Criteria:

The consequences of human factors in accidents in the wind industry are influenced by the following terms and

a. attention and perception

b. group behaviour and peer pressure

c. weather conditions

d. weather delays

e. noise levels

f. site layout and housekeeping

g. fitness and health

h. domestic and work-related stress

i. workload (both overload and underload)

j. fatigue

k. time pressure and deadlines

l. alcohol, medication, and substance abuse

The participants shall:

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Engage in discussions and share experiences on how human factors influence accidents in relation to BSTR-P
Manual Handling Module, engage in and reflect on received feedback and take responsibility on their own
performance and development during the training


30 min.

The aim of this lesson is to increase the awareness of the risk of musculoskeletal injuries within the wind industry.

After having successfully completed this lesson, the participant can:

9) Solve how to identify typic typical symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries (Ability, basic level)

10) Take responsibility for applying essential manual handling principles and how these can be used to reduce the
risk of injury in their work (Ability, basic level)

Note Parts of the total learning outcome of this Lesson 2 must be covered within the practical exercises in Lesson
4 in exercise introductions and feedback sessions where feasible.


Learning objective:

11) The participants show interest in guidelines and regulations in relation to manual handling operations
Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about relevant guidelines and regulations on manual handling principles and operations, and
about wind industry organisations’ and employee’s respective responsibilities in this context

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share experiences on guidelines and regulations in relation to manual handling
and manual handling principles


Learning objectives:

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12) The participants can describe common muscular and skeletal injuries related to manual handling in the
wind industry (Knowledge, basic level)

13) The participants can describe examples of risks and hazards of manual handling relevant to the job
functions within the wind industry (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present examples of common muscular and skeletal injuries related to manual handling in the wind industry

a. back injuries e.g. slipped disc

b. muscle strains

Ask the participants to share examples of risks and hazards of manual handling relevant to their job functions
within the wind industry and of how to improve safety while executing such tasks, such as:

a. working over shoulder height

b. working while kneeling

c. lifting, push and pull

d. carrying

e. working with handheld tools

f. awkward positions

g. forceful exertions

h. repetitive motions

i. twisting

j. contact stress

k. exposure of local body parts and entire body to mechanical vibrations

l. duration of exposure

m. frequency of exposure

n. intensity of exposure

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The participants shall:

Engage in answering questions and share experiences understandings about:

a. common muscular and skeletal injuries related to manual handling in the wind industry

b. risks and hazards of manual handling relevant to the job functions within the wind industry

c. how to avoid injuries, the risks and hazards and improve safety while executing manual handling related


Learning objectives:

14) The participants can recognise typical early symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries (Knowledge, basic level)

15) The participants can take responsibility for reacting to early symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries and
take initiative for corrective action and seeking medical advice (Ability, intermediate level)

16) The participants can describe potential long-term consequences of musculoskeletal injuries (Knowledge,
basic level)

The instructor shall:

Facilitate participants’ discussions about identifying key examples of typical symptoms of musculoskeletal

Lead participants in discussions about:

a. experiences with musculoskeletal injuries

b. what to do when typical symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries have been identified

c. the importance of early detection and treatment

d. provide constructive feedback to the participants performance in the activities

The participants shall:

Engage in discussions on how to identify typical symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries and share their

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With musculoskeletal injuries from manual handling operations

a. what to do when typical symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries have been identified

b. the importance of early detection and treatment


Learning objectives:

17) The participants can describe essential manual handling principles (Knowledge, basic level)

18) The participants can describe the further control measures and how these can be used to reduce risk of
musculoskeletal injury in the participants’ own work (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain and demonstrate how to use essential manual handling principles to safely perform frequent manual
handling tasks in the wind industry

Ask the participants involving questions during the practical exercises about how to use essential manual
handling principles e.g.:

a. how are the essential manual handling principles followed?

b. what are the differences and similarities between the principles?

c. how will the participants be able to follow the principles in their own work?

d. in what situations is the principle of ‘good housekeeping’ relevant for safe manual handling operations?

Present and lead a discussion about further control measures and how to use these to reduce risk of
musculoskeletal injury and protect pre-existing injuries. The hierarchy of control measures is illustrated by
figure 2-4.1, hierarchy of controls. Also see Annex 3 for further discussion

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Figure 2.4.1 – The hierarchy of control measures

The participants shall:

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about:

a. the essential manual handling principles

b. the further control measures and how these can be used to reduce risk of musculoskeletal injury in the
participants’ own work

Note The instructor must ensure, that the loads the participants are using during the online training are of a
realistic and safe weight and must be in line with the guidance in the ‘lifting and lowering filter’ presented in
Annex 3. Also see figure 2-4.2 (below).

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Figure 2.4.2 – Lifting and lowering filter

Note The use of mechanical and manual aids is recommended wherever possible to reduce risk of musculoskeletal
injuries, as illustrated in figure 2-4.2.

Note See Annex 3 for further introduction to risk assessment and the TILE principle.


Learning objective:

19) The participants can describe the TILE principle and how to apply them in manual handling situations
(Knowledge, basic level).

The instructor shall:

Present the TILE principle and their use in relation to basic dynamic risk assessment when planning manual
handling operations

Ask engaging questions about TILE principle in relation to the participants’ experiences with planning manual
handling operations

The participants shall:

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Engage in answering questions and share experiences about using TILE principle when planning manual
handling operations

Additional optional learning activity. The participants complete an online questionnaire covering the main theory topics
from Lesson 2

Note TILE principle must be addressed at all times (when relevant) during the practical training in Lesson 4.


20 min.

The aim of this lesson is to create awareness of the importance of warming up before manual handling operations to
reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injury

Note Lesson 3 should be conducted in connection to the practical training in Lesson 4.

Note The instructor must ensure, that the participants have free space to perform the warm-up activities.

Learning objectives:

20) The participants can recognise the importance of warming up prior to daily physical work tasks to ensure
safe working practices and reduce the risks of musculoskeletal injury (Knowledge, basic level)

21) The participants can take initiative and responsibility to warm up prior to daily physical work tasks
(Ability, intermediate level).

The instructor shall:

Prompt the participants to share experiences about warming up before manual handling operations

Lead a discussion on how to support a culture about warming up on work sites prior to physical work, including

Lead a warm-up session of the major muscle groups of the body and the ankles, wrists and back, including:

a. mobility of joints

b. increase heart rate to oxygenate the muscles (warm-up)

c. stretching

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The participants shall:

Share experiences on warm up activities prior to manual handling operations

Discuss advantages and challenges to warming up prior to physical work activities

Take part in the warm-up session of the major muscle groups, ankles, wrists and back

Note Warm-up activities should be engaging and motivating for the participants, and they should be possible to
perform as a daily routine on the work site. This way, transfer between the training and the work situation
will be ensured. In Annex 2 – Guideline for Warm-up Exercises to this BSTR-P Module, a guideline for a
warm-up programme is presented.


70 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to use essential manual handling principles in a variety of relevant
scenarios in wind turbine work environments

Note Guidelines on filters for lifting, carrying, and lowering loads, on how to identify low risk tasks, and on good
handling techniques are presented in Annex 3.

After having successfully completed this lesson, the participant can:

22) Take initiative and act independently in using essential manual handling principles to reduce the risk of
musculoskeletal injury when working in the wind industry (Ability, intermediate level)

23) Take responsibility for mitigating musculoskeletal injuries (when lifting; pushing and pulling loads; and when
working in awkward postures) by using suitable manual handling principles and aids where possible (Ability,
intermediate level)

Note The training exercises should reflect the environment and the work tasks that wind technicians face on the
job enabling the participants to practise how to mitigate the musculoskeletal injuries risks related to manual

Note The exercises must follow the TILE principle and include loads of different shapes, sizes and weights. The use
of manual handling aids must be considered, when planning the manual handling operation and must be
included where relevant.

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Learning objectives:

24) The participants can recognise the risks from working over shoulder heights (Knowledge, basic level).

25) The participants can take initiative to mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal injuries by applying the TILE
principle, safe work procedures and using relevant aids when working over shoulder heights (Ability,
intermediate level).

Note Whenever possible, a work task should be planned to reduce activities above shoulder height.

The instructor shall:

Facilitate a discussion on how to mitigate working over shoulder height and how to mitigate musculoskeletal
injuries when working over shoulder height

The participants shall:

Engage in discussion and share experiences on working over shoulder height and ask questions when unsure of
safe manual handling techniques and principles


Learning objectives:

26) The participants can recognise the risks of musculoskeletal injuries from working while kneeling
(Knowledge, basic level)

27) The participants can take the initiative to mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal injuries by applying the TILE
principle, safe work procedures and aids when working while kneeling (Ability, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Facilitate a discussion on how to mitigate musculoskeletal injuries from working while kneeling. For example:
alternating between sitting and standing, organising work task between colleagues and how to mitigate
musculoskeletal injuries when working while kneeling (e.g. by using knee pads and mats)

Facilitate a scenario-based exercise covering working while kneeling (e.g. cleaning, preparing rescuing
stretchers and tightening bolts)

Ask involving questions regarding:

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a. the participants experiences with using safe techniques and appropriate planning

b. the participants experiences on reducing working whilst kneeling by using suitable handling aids where

c. the participants experiences on using e.g. knee pads and mats to mitigate musculoskeletal injuries

The participants shall:

Take active part in the discussions covering working while kneeling and ask questions when unsure of safe
manual handling techniques and principles

Reflect on the questions and answers in order to perform manual handling in the best possible way


Learning objectives:

28) The participants can recognise the risks from pushing and pulling loads (Knowledge, basic level)

29) The participants can take initiative to mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal injuries by applying the TILE
principle, safe work procedures and aids when pushing and pulling loads (Ability, intermediate level).

The instructor shall:

Ask the participants for examples and experiences on how to mitigate musculoskeletal injuries from pushing
and pulling loads manually

Facilitate an exercise covering pushing or pulling a load when standing or kneeling to simulate e.g., when
transferring between SOV (walk-to-work) and WTG, and when working in restricted spaces

Observe the participant’s performance and give constructive feedback throughout the exercise with a focus on:

a. the participants using safe techniques and appropriate planning

b. the use of manual handling principles

The participants shall:

Take active part in exercises covering pushing and pulling loads and ask questions when unsure of safe manual
handling techniques and principles

Apply the TILE principle when planning the manual handling operation

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Reflect on the received feedback concerning pushing and pulling loads in the best possible way in relation to
avoid musculoskeletal injuries


Learning objectives:

30) The participants can recognise the risks from lifting and carrying loads (Knowledge, basic level).

31) The participants can take initiative to mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal injuries by applying the TILE
principle to safe work procedures and aids when lifting and carrying loads (Ability, intermediate level).

The instructor shall:

Ask the participants for examples and experiences on how to mitigate musculoskeletal injuries from lifting and
carrying loads, including lifting and carrying more heavy (max. 30 kg) in teams, by following the TILE principle

Facilitate a scenario-based paper case exercise covering lifting and carrying different loads, e.g. shapes, size,
weights, in different route scenarios, such as: stairs, hatches, thresholds and ramps. The case situation must
reflect a wind turbine work environment and should be supported by illustrations or pictures to challenge the
participants planning process

Give constructive feedback on the participant’s presentation with a focus on:

a. the participants using safe techniques and appropriate planning

b. reducing manual handling using suitable handling aids where possible

c. the use of manual handling principles

The participants shall:

Plan the manual handling operation and present their solution verbally

Apply the TILE principle when planning the manual handling operation

Reflect on the received feedback to perform manual handling in the best possible way

Note Use relevant lifting equipment when possible and avoid carrying loads on stairs

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Learning objectives:

32) The participants can recognise the risks from repetitive work and from working with handheld tools
(Knowledge, basic level)

33) The participants can take initiative to mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal injuries by applying the TILE
principle to safe work procedures and aids when working with handheld tools (Ability, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Ask the participants for experiences from risks by working with handheld tools; e.g. repetitive work and heavy

Facilitate a discussion covering how to mitigate musculoskeletal injuries from repetitive work and working with
handheld tools, including:

a. the participants using safe techniques and appropriate planning

b. reducing musculoskeletal injuries from repetitive work and work with handheld tools

c. the use of manual handling principles

The participants shall:

Take an active part in discussion and share their experiences on how to mitigate injuries from working with
handheld tools, and ask questions when unsure of safe manual handling techniques and principles

Note The instructor should present examples of early symptoms of injuries from vibrating handheld tools, e.g.,
numbness and reduced blood circulation in fingers (vibration white finger).


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to reflect on and process their learning outcome and key takeaways
from the module, aiming to achieve a high learning transfer from the module to their way of working

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The instructor shall:

Re-present the overall aims and learning objectives of the module for the participants’ comparison of their
learning outcomes and the achievement of their previously stated expectations for the module

The participants shall:

Reflect on their learning outcome and key takeaways from BSTR-P Manual Handling Module, aiming to achieve
a high learning transfer from the module to their way of working by means of e.g.:

a. noting and sharing in online ‘chat’ or verbally

b. filling out digital form presenting lessons’ learning objectives and other vital learning objectives or
relevant challenges or facts

Note The instructor may additionally conduct a local evaluation of the training.


Learning objectives:

34) The participants can recognise the risks from working in awkward postures (Knowledge, basic level).

35) The participants can take initiative to mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal injuries by applying the TILE
principle to safe work procedures and aids when working in awkward postures (Ability, intermediate level).

The instructor shall:

Share examples of and explain risks from working in awkward postures (such as: when the torso is twisted or
bent; in combination with loads and distance away from the body) and how to mitigate musculoskeletal
injuries from working in awkward postures

Facilitate a discission covering working in awkward postures and how to mitigate musculoskeletal injuries, e.g.
when working in restricted spaces, working from a ladder and during rescue scenarios, including:

a. using safe techniques and appropriate planning

b. reducing manual handling by using suitable handling aids and work positions where possible

c. the use of manual handling principles

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The participants shall:

Take active part in the discussion and share experiences on working in awkward postures and how to mitigate
musculoskeletal injuries from working in awkward postures


The instructor shall:

Give an overall feedback and feed forward on the participants' learning outcome inspired by the training as
well as from the training-review-session

Encourage the participants to examine and grow awareness of which specific elements in their own WTG
type/WTG environment differ from the training scenario environment (to visualize and enhance learning
transfer) and to discuss with colleagues about how the BSTR-P Manual Handling Module content, methods and
techniques are similar or different to the local specific conditions identified after the module completion

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Fire Awareness Partial


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11.1 Aims and Objectives of the BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module
The aim of this module is to enable the participants to prevent fires, make appropriate judgements when evaluating a
fire, manage evacuation of personnel and ensure all are safely accounted for in the event of an unmanageable fire. If
the incident is judged to be safe, the participants should be able to efficiently extinguish an initial fire by using basic
handheld firefighting equipment

Overall learning objectives:

1) The participants can solve how to identify fire hazards and prevent fires in a wind turbine environment
(Ability, basic level)

2) The participants can act independently in assessing a fire and, if needed, be able to select the right
extinguishing media according to the fire classes (Ability, intermediate level)

3) The participants explain development and spread of fire (Knowledge, intermediate level)

4) The participants show interest in the contingency plans in a wind turbine environment, including smoke
detection and emergency escape procedures (Ability, basic level)

11.2 Duration of the BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module

The total contact time for completing this fire awareness partial refresher is estimated to be 2 hours and 10 minutes.
This is based on the time estimate given in the module timetable.

The training provider must not exceed the times per day given in table 11-2.1 below

Maximum Duration Per Day

Contact time 8 hours

Total training day 10 hours

Table 11.2.1 – Maximum durations for training day

Note Contact time includes delivery of course lesson contents, practical exercises and activities directly related to

The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where applicable)

11.3 BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module Instructor to Participant Ratio

The ratio shown for theory sessions indicates the maximum number of participants that can attend the course per

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The ratio shown for practical sessions indicates the maximum number of participants to be supervised by one instructor
during each activity

Module Session Instructor to Participant Ratio

Theory 1:12
BSTR-P Fire awareness
Practical 1:12

Table 11.3.1 - GWO BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module instructor to participant ratio

11.4 Equipment for BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module

The equipment required for training as listed in Annex 1 must be available and must fulfil national legal requirements of
the country where the training is taking place

11.5 BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module Timetable

The order in which the elements of this BSTR-P module is delivered may vary

The expected duration of each lesson is shown in table 11-5.1

The training provider may choose to deliver elements of the training according to other timetables, provided that the
practical elements are not reduced in length

Theoretical elements should be delivered during the practical exercises when feasible

Lesson Element Duration

1. Introduction to the training 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope and main learning objective
1.3 Ongoing assessments (participant assessment
1.4 Motivation
1.5 Human factors
TOTAL 15 min.
2. Legislation 2.1 Global legislation
2.2 National legislation
TOTAL 15 min.
3. Fire combustion and fire spread 3.1 Types fires
3.2 Materials and fire
3.3 Triangle of combustion
3.4 Fire spread & fire gases

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TOTAL 20 min.
4. Fire extinguishing 4.1 Contingency plan
4.2 Assessing the fire

4.3 Fire classes

TOTAL 25 min.
5. Fire prevention 5.1 Fire hazards
5.2 Fire prevention measures
TOTAL 20 min.
6. Firefighting equipment in a 6.1 Pre-use inspection
6.2 Correct use of firefighting equipment
TOTAL 20 min.
7. Training review 7.1 Training review
7.2 Feedback session
TOTAL 15 min.
GRAND TOTAL 155 min.

Table 11.5.1 – GWO Fire Awareness Module timetable

11.6 Detailed Description of the BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is for the participants to be motivated and to engage in the training safely in the virtual
classroom, while recognising what is expected of them during the training

After having successfully completed Lesson 1 of BSTR -P Fire Awareness Module, the participant can:

1) Recognise what is expected of them throughout the module (Knowledge, basic level)

2) Discuss the relevant human factors and explain their implications (Knowledge, intermediate level)


Learning objective:

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3) The participant shows interest in fellow participants and the course content and design (Ability, basic

The instructor shall:

Explain and ask involving questions aiming at the programme of the BSTR-P Fire Awareness Training Module,
including breaks and mealtimes

Give a short introduction to themselves, including their backgrounds as instructors

Ask for participants’ expectations of the training and their learning or development

The participants shall:

Give a short introduction to themselves, including job function and expected primary geographic work location
and share expectations on the training


Learning objective:

4) The participants can recognise the scope and main objectives of the BSTR -P Fire Awareness Module
training (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present the scope and main learning objectives of the BSTR -P Fire Awareness Module

Involve participants with questions on understanding and individual experiences of BSTR -P Fire Awareness

The participants shall:

Engage in answering questions and share experiences of BSTR -P Fire Awareness Module

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Learning objective:

5) The participant recognises the assessment procedure and the aim of the ongoing assessment (Knowledge,
basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain the reasons for the ongoing assessment

Explain the layout of the GWO participant performance assessment form and how it is used

The participants shall:

Engage themselves in discussions and ask questions when in doubt in relation to the assessment procedure


Learning objective:

6) The participant shows interest and willingness to engage in the learning activities (Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain and lead a discussion on:

a. The importance of personal involvement in the course

b. The definition of and the need for BSTR -P Fire Awareness Module knowledge, skills and abilities when
working in the wind industry

Note Positive motivation is the driving force for commitment, and the instructor should make a focused effort to
support growth of the necessary attitude and motivation in the participant.

The participants shall:

Engage themselves in discussions and share experiences on BSTR -P Fire Awareness Module

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Note When the participants succeed by trying out on their own, bring their relevant experience into play and
apply learning points from the instructor’s feedback; the participant develops a positive attitude and
responsibility towards the subject and the performance in the work situation


The aim of the element is to draw the participants’ attention to how human behaviour and taking responsibility
influences a safe work environment. In addition, the aim is to prepare for a continued focus on human factors during
practical training and exercises

Learning objectives:

7) The participants can describe the relevant human factors, and their implications (Knowledge, basic level)

8) The participants show interest and willingness to focus on human factors during the following practical
exercises (Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present how human factors influence accidents in the wind industry (relevant data may be used)

Lead a discussion about the role of the individual in improving human behaviour and how this can improve the
safety in the wind industry

Ensure that constructive feedback on the participant’s performance involve human factors criteria when these
are defined in the learning objective such as the ability to take responsibility or to act independently

Facts and Human Factors Criteria:

The consequences of human factors in accidents in the wind industry are influenced by the following terms and

a. attention and perception

b. group behaviour and peer pressure

c. weather conditions

d. weather delays

e. noise levels

f. site layout and housekeeping

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g. fitness and health

h. domestic and work-related stress

i. workload (both overload and underload)

j. fatigue

k. time pressure and deadlines

l. alcohol, medication, and substance abuse

The participants shall:

Engage in discussions and share experiences of how human factors influence accidents related to the BSTR-P
Fire Awareness Module. In addition, engage in and reflect on received feedback and take responsibility on their
own performance and development during the training


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to comply with legislation and requirements that apply to fire
prevention and firefighting equipment related to the industry

After successfully having completed this lesson, the participants:

9) Show interest in adhering to applicable legislation relevant to fire prevention and firefighting equipment
(Ability, basic level)


Learning objective:

10) The participants can describe examples of relevant global legislation and requirements that apply to fire
prevention and firefighting equipment in relation to the industry onshore and offshore (Knowledge, basic

The instructor shall:

Present examples of relevant global legislation and requirements that apply to fire prevention and firefighting
equipment in relation to the industry onshore

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Present examples of relevant legislation global and requirements that apply to fire prevention and firefighting
equipment in relation to the industry offshore

Ask the participants involving questions about relevant global legislation and requirements that apply to fire
prevention and firefighting equipment in relation to the industry onshore and offshore

The participants shall:

Engage in answering the questions and share their understandings about relevant legislation and requirements
that apply to fire prevention and firefighting equipment in relation to the industry onshore and offshore


Learning objective:

11) The participants can describe examples of national legislation relevant to fire prevention and firefighting
equipment in relation to the wind industry (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present examples of:

a. national and / or regional legislation that applies to fire prevention and firefighting equipment in both the
onshore and the offshore wind industry applicable legislation

b. the responsibilities towards fire prevention and firefighting equipment that national or regional
legislation places on the participants in the wind industry

c. how local authorities can enforce national or regional legislation that applies to fire prevention and
firefighting equipment in the wind industry both onshore and offshore

Ask the participants involving questions about relevant national legislation and requirements that apply to fire
prevention and firefighting equipment in relation to the industry

The participants shall:

Engage in answering the questions and share their understandings about relevant legislation and requirements
that apply to fire prevention and firefighting equipment in relation to the wind industry


20 min.

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The aim of this lesson is to reduce the risk of injury in the wind industry by refreshing and building upon the participants
fire awareness knowledge of combustion, fire spread, the different types of fires, the composition of and risks
associated with fire gasses and the elements needed for a fire

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

12) Show interest in the classes of fire (Ability, basic level)

13) Show interest in how the material state and material surface area can affect combustion and fire spread
(Ability, basic level)

14) Show interest in basic fire theory and the triangle of combustion (Ability, basic level)

15) Show interest in how a fire can spread and the dangers of fire gases (Ability, basic level)


Learning objectives:

16) The participants can describe the classes of fire that the participants might encounter in their working
environment (Knowledge, basic level)

17) The participants can describe the classes of fire (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the classes of fire that the participants might encounter in their working environment

Present the classes of fire e.g. liquids, solids and gases (refer to table 4-3.7 in Lesson 4 for details)

Ask the participants involving questions about the classes of fire and how the classes of fire compare to the
participants experiences and understandings

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the classes of fire that they might encounter in their
working environment

Engage in answering the questions and share their understandings about the classes of fire

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Learning objectives:

18) The participants can describe how the surface area can influence the intensity and spread of a fire
(Knowledge, basic level)

19) The participants can recognise how the material state and the surface area and influence combustion and
fire spread (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about how the surface area can influence the intensity and spread of a fire

Present how the material state and the surface area and influence combustion and fire spread

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about how the surface area can influence the intensity and
spread of a fire


Learning objectives:

20) The participants can describe the elements needed for a fire to burn and how removal of these elements
will influence the fire (Knowledge, basic level)

21) The participants can describe the triangle of combustion (Knowledge, basic level)

22) The participants can describe the elements are needed for a fire to occur with reference to the 3 sides of
the triangle of combustion (oxygen, material and temperature) (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the elements needed for a fire to burn and how removal of these elements will
influence the fire

Show an example of and present the triangle of combustion

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Present the elements are needed for a fire to occur with reference to the three sides of the triangle of
combustion (oxygen, material and temperature)

Ask the participants involving questions about the triangle of combustion and the elements needed for a fire to
occur with reference to the three sides of the triangle of combustion (oxygen, material and temperature)

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the element needed for a fire to burn and how
removal of these elements will influence the fire

Engage in answering the questions about the triangle of combustion and the elements needed for a fire to


Learning objectives:

23) The participants can describe how fire can start and spread in a wind turbine focusing on the speed of
development and how the design of a wind turbine can influence the fire spread (Knowledge, basic level)

24) The participants can describe fire spread in relation to wind turbines (Knowledge, basic level)

25) The participants can describe the risks posed by fire gases in a wind turbine (Knowledge, basic level)

26) The participants can describe the composition and hazards of fire gases based on the materials in a wind
turbine (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about how fire can start and spread in a wind turbine focusing on the speed of development
and how the design of a wind turbine can influence the fire spread (e.g. chimney effect of the tower)

Present fire spread in relation to wind turbines considering the following:

a. conduction

b. convection

c. radiation

d. direct burning

Ask the participants involving questions about fire spread in relation to wind turbines

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Lead a discussion about the risks posed by fire gasses in a wind turbine

Present the composition and hazards of fire gases based on the materials in a wind turbine, covering the
following as a minimum:

a. fibre reinforced composite materials

b. oils and greases

c. insulating material on electrical components

d. other plastics and rubber materials

Ask the participants involving questions about the composition and hazards of fire gases based on the materials
in a wind turbine

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about how fire can start and spread in a wind turbine
focusing on the speed of development and how the design of a wind turbine can influence the fire spread

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about fire spread in relation to wind turbines

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the risks posed by fire gasses in a wind turbine

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about the composition and hazards of fire gases
based on the materials in a wind turbine


25 min.

The aim of this lesson is to reduce the risk of injury by refreshing an building upon the participants knowledge and
understanding of how to assess a fire, act according to a contingency plan and if needed to be able to select the correct
extinguishing media according to the fire class

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

27) Show interest in the location and content of contingency plans (Ability, basic level)

28) Explain how to assess a fire and how to act in the event of discovering a fire in a wind turbine (Knowledge,
intermediate level)

29) Explain which type of fire extinguishing media should be used for each fire class (Knowledge, intermediate

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Learning objectives:

30) The participants can describe importance of contingency plans for fire in a wind turbine (Knowledge, basic

31) The participants can describe situations, from the wind or other industries, where the importance of
knowing beforehand what to do in an emergency would have saved live (Knowledge, basic level)

32) The participants can describe the contents of a typical contingency plan that can be found in a wind
turbine (Knowledge, basic level)

33) The participants can describe when and how to use a personal escape mask (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of contingency plans for fire in a wind turbine

Show examples of situations, from the wind or other industries, where the importance of knowing beforehand
what to do in an emergency would have saved lives

Ask the participants involving questions about the situations, from the wind or other industries, where the
importance of knowing beforehand what to do in an emergency would have saved lives

Show an example of the contents of a typical contingency plan that can be found in a wind turbine

Ask the participants involving questions about the contents of a typical contingency plan that can be found in a
wind turbine

Explain and demonstrate when and how to use a personal escape mask, if applicable. Highlight that these are
not found in every type of wind turbine

Ask the participants involving questions about the instructor´s demonstration about when and how to use a
personal escape mask

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the importance of contingency plans for fire in a wind

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about:

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a. the situations, from the wind or other industries, where the importance of knowing beforehand what to
do in an emergency would have saved lives

b. the contents of a typical contingency plan that can be found in a wind turbine

c. the instructor´s demonstration about when and how to use a personal escape mask


Learning objectives:

34) The participants can describe the importance and challenges of assessing fires in wind turbines and the
point in a fire development to evacuate from the wind turbine (Knowledge, basic level)

35) The participants can describe the fire intensity curve and how this relates to assessing a fire in a wind
turbine (Knowledge, basic level)

36) The participants can describe how to assess this fire and how to act based on the assessment of the fire
and at which point evacuation is necessary (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance and challenges of assessing fires in wind turbines and the point in a fire
development to evacuate from the wind turbine

Show an example of and explain the fire intensity curve and how this relates to assessing a fire in a wind

Show an example of a developing fire and explain how to assess this fire and how to act based on the
assessment of the fire and at which point evacuation is necessary

Ask the participants involving questions about:

a. the fire intensity curve and how this relates to assessing a fire in a wind turbine

b. how to assess this fire and how to act based on the assessment of the fire and at which point evacuation
is necessary

Note In element 4.2.3 the instructor should show a video of a developing fire and attempt to relate this to the
working environment of the participants and encourage them to reflect on how the speed of fire
development in a wind turbine could affect them.

The participants shall:

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Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the importance and challenges of assessing fires in
wind turbines and the point in a fire development to evacuate from the wind turbine

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about:

a. the fire intensity curve and how this relates to assessing a fire in a wind turbine

b. how to assess this fire and how to act based on the assessment of the fire and at which point evacuation
is necessary


Learning objectives:

37) The participants can describe the importance and challenges of assessing fires in wind turbines and the
point in a fire development to evacuate from the wind turbine (Knowledge, basic level)

38) The participants can describe how fire extinguisher media acts to extinguish fires by considering the fire
triangle (Knowledge, basic level)

39) The participants can describe the fire classes and typical extinguisher media for these classes (refer to
table 4-3.7 below) (Knowledge, basic level)

40) The participants can describe typical fire extinguishing media that can be found in a wind turbine and
which fire classes these can be used for (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the location and types of fire extinguishers found in the wind turbines where the
participants work and how the media in these extinguishers act, referring to the fire triangle, to extinguish a

Present how fire extinguisher media acts to extinguish fires by considering the fire triangle

Present the fire classes and typical extinguisher media for these classes (refer to table 4-3.7 below)

Show examples of and present typical fire extinguishing media that can be found in a wind turbine and which
fire classes these can be used for

Create an involving learning activity, where the participants can share understandings about:

a. how fire extinguisher media acts to extinguish fires by considering the fire triangle

b. the fire classes and typical extinguisher media for these classes (refer to table 4-3.7 below)

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c. typical fire extinguishing media that can be found in a wind turbine and which fire classes these can be
used for

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the importance and challenges of assessing fires in
wind turbines and the point in a fire development to evacuate from the wind turbine

Engage in the learning activity and share understandings about:

a. how fire extinguisher media acts to extinguish fires by considering the fire triangle

b. the fire classes and typical extinguisher media for these classes (refer to table 4-3.7 below)

c. typical fire extinguishing media that can be found in a wind turbine and which fire classes these can be
used for

Fire Class by Global Region

Fire Types Europe North America Australia
Combustible Materials A A A
Flammable Liquids B B B
Flammable Gasses C B C
Flammable Metals D D D
Electrical Fire Not Classified C E
Cooking Oils and Fats F K F

Table 4.3.7 – Fire classes by region


20 min.

The aim of this lesson is to reduce the risks of a fire by enabling the participants to use the right fire prevention
measures in a wind turbine.

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

41) The participants can solve how to identify and mitigate fire hazards and risks in a wind turbine environment
(Ability, basic level)

42) The participants show interest in how personal behaviour can improve fire safety during daily work in a wind
turbine (Ability, advanced level)

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Learning objectives:

43) The participants can describe the risks and hazards of fire when working in a wind turbine (knowledge,
basic level)

44) The participants can describe the risks and hazards of a fire developing in an unmanned turbine and how
this can affect the surrounding area and the image and reputation of the wind turbine owner and
manufacturer (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the risks and hazards of fire when working in a wind turbine focusing on the speed at
which a fire can develop, and the toxic gasses that can be released during combustion

Lead a discussion about the risks and hazards of a fire developing in an unmanned turbine and how this can
affect the surrounding area and the image and reputation of the wind turbine owner and manufacturer

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about:

a. the risks and hazards of fire when working in a wind turbine focusing on the speed at which a fire can
develop, and the toxic gasses that can be released during combustion

b. the risks and hazards of a fire developing in an unmanned turbine and how this can affect the
surrounding area and the image and reputation of the wind turbine owner and manufacturer


The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of personal behaviour as a fire prevention measure and how good
habits and housekeeping can reduce the risk of a fire starting

Present examples of how to improve fire safety in daily work situations through things like good habits and

Ask the participants involving questions how to improve fire safety in daily work situations

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Show examples of fixed fire extinguisher systems found in wind turbines including the risks associated with
these systems and the requirements for special training for entering wind turbines where fixed systems have
been installed

Ask the participants involving questions about fixed fire extinguisher systems found in wind turbines including
the risks associated with these systems and the requirements for special training for entering wind turbines
where fixed systems have been installed

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the importance of personal behaviour as a fire
prevention measure and how good habits and housekeeping can reduce the risk of a fire starting

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about:

a. how to improve fire safety in daily work situations

b. fixed fire extinguisher systems found in wind turbines including the risks associated with these systems
and the requirements for special training for entering wind turbines where fixed systems have been


20 min.

The aim of this lesson is to reduce the risks of injury arising from a fire by refreshing and building upon the participants
ability and knowledge about common firefighting equipment found in a wind turbine aiming to enable them to use this
equipment efficiently and without the risk of injuries

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

45) Explain how to inspect (pre-use) various firefighting equipment focusing on equipment found in a wind
turbine (Knowledge, intermediate level)

46) Show interest in distances and correct, efficient and safe use of various firefighting equipment focusing on
equipment found in a wind turbine (Ability, basic level)

47) Show interest in advantages and disadvantages of various firefighting equipment focusing on equipment
found in a wind turbine (Ability, basic level)


Learning objectives:

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48) The participants can describe the importance of pre-use inspection of firefighting equipment (Knowledge,
basic level)

49) The participants can recognise the importance of carrying out a pre-use inspection of firefighting
equipment in the area of the wind turbine where the participants will be working (Knowledge, basic level)

50) The participants can explain how to perform a pre-use inspection of fire extinguishers (Knowledge,
intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of formal and pre-use inspections of firefighting equipment in a wind

Present the importance of carrying out a pre-use inspection of firefighting equipment in the area of the wind
turbine where the participants will be working

Demonstrate how to perform a pre-use inspection of fire extinguishers focusing on the similarities and
differences in design and functionality between different types and products and covering the following:

a. markings and labels

b. extinguishing media

c. absence of significant damage

d. contents as indicated on the gauge

e. condition of hoses and accessories

Ask the participants relevant questions about the instructor´s demonstration e.g.

a. what happened?

b. what steps was performed as part of the pre-use inspection?

c. of those steps, which were the most important?

d. why were these key actions performed?

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the importance of formal and pre-use inspections of
firefighting equipment in a wind turbine

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Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about how to perform a pre-use inspection of fire


Learning objectives:

51) The participants can describe the advantages and disadvantages of typical firefighting equipment found in
wind turbines (Knowledge, basic level)

52) The participants can describe the importance of and how to assess a safe distance for the use of
firefighting equipment (Knowledge, basic level)

53) The participants can describe safe distance and precautions with various firefighting equipment
(Knowledge, basic level)

54) The participants can describe correct, efficient and safe use of various firefighting equipment in a wind
turbine like environment (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of typical firefighting equipment found in wind

Lead a discussion about the importance of and how to assess a safe distance for the use of firefighting

Explain and demonstrate safe distance and precautions with various firefighting equipment

Ask the participants relevant questions about the instructor´s demonstration of safe distance and precautions
with various firefighting equipment

Explain and demonstrate correct, efficient and safe use of various firefighting equipment in a wind turbine like

Ask the participants relevant questions about the instructor´s demonstration of correct, efficient and safe use
of various firefighting equipment in a wind turbine like environment

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about:

a. the advantages and disadvantages of typical firefighting equipment found in wind turbines

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b. the importance of and how to assess a safe distance for the use of firefighting equipment

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about:

a. safe distance and precautions with various firefighting equipment

b. the importance of and how to assess a safe distance for the use of firefighting equipment

Note As a minimum handheld carbon dioxide (CO2) and water extinguisher, including fire blankets shall be
demonstrated, and dry chemical shall be explained.

Where possible and in accordance with local legislation this demonstration should be conducted using live
fire and live extinguishing agents.


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to reflect on and process their learning outcome and key takeaways
from the module, aiming to achieve a high learning transfer from the module to their way of working


The instructor shall:

Re-present the overall aims and learning objectives of the module for the participants’ comparison of their
learning outcomes and the achievement of their previously stated expectations for the module

The participants shall:

Reflect on their learning outcome and key takeaways from BSTR -P Fire Awareness Module, aiming to achieve a
high learning transfer from the module to their way of working by means of e.g.:

a. Group discussions or walk & talk

b. Questions & answers in class, or where suitable


The instructor shall:

Give an overall feedback and feed forward on the participants' learning outcome inspired by the training as
well as from the training-review-session.

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Encourage the participants to examine and grow awareness of which specific elements in their own WTG
type/WTG environment differ from the training scenario environment (to visualize and enhance learning
transfer) and to discuss with colleagues about how the BSTR -P Fire Awareness Module content, methods and
techniques are similar or different to the local specific conditions identified after the module completion.

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Working at Heights
Partial Refresher

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12.1 Aims and Objectives of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module
The aim of this BSTR-P Working at Heights Partial Refresher module is to review and build on previously gained knowledge and
skills through theoretical and practical training so that course participants can use basic personal protective equipment and
perform safe work at heights and safe and comprehensive basic rescue from heights in the wind industry and in a wind turbine

After having successfully completed this BSTR-P Working at Heights Module, participants can:

1) Explain the hazards and risks associated with working at heights in a wind turbine (Knowledge, intermediate

2) Explain how to identify PPE, including identification of European / global standard markings on harness, hard
hats, lanyards and other PPE (Knowledge, intermediate level)

3) Act independently in correctly pre-use inspecting, servicing, storing and correctly fitting harnesses, fall arrest
lanyards, work positioning lanyards and other PPE (Ability, intermediate level)

4) Act independently in correct using the relevant PPE, e.g. harnesses, fall arrest lanyards, guided type fall
arresters and work positioning lanyards. These include correct identification of anchor points (Ability,
intermediate level)

5) Explain correct rigging of evacuation devices. (Knowledge, intermediate level)

12.2 BSTR-P Working at Heights Module Instructor to Participant Ratio

The ratio shown for theory sessions indicates the maximum number of course participants attending the course

Other ratios indicate the maximum number of course participants to be supervised by an instructor during each activity

Module Session Instructor to Participant Ratio

Theory 1:12
BSTR-P Working at Heights
Practical 1:6

Table 12.2.1 - GWO BSTR-P Working at Heights module instructor to participant ratio

12.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module

The total contact time for completing this working at heights partial refresher module is estimated to be 3 hours and 35
minutes. This is based on the time estimate given in the module timetable

The training provider must not exceed the times per day given in table 12.3.1, below

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The training provider must ensure that sufficient time is allowed for participants with prior experience to share their
experiences related to slinging and signalling in a way that is constructive for the entire class

Maximum Duration Per Day

Contact time 8 hours

Total training day 10 hours

Table 12.3.1 – Maximum durations for training day

Note Contact time includes delivery of course lesson contents, practical exercises and activities directly related to

The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where

12.4 BSTR-P Working at Heights Module Timetable

The order in which the elements of this BSTR-P module is delivered may vary

The expected duration of each lesson is shown in table 12-4.1

The training provider may choose to deliver elements of the training according to other timetables, provided that the
practical elements are not reduced in length

Theoretical elements should be delivered during the practical exercises when feasible

Lesson Element Duration

1. Introduction to the training 1.1 Safety instruction and emergency procedures
1.2 Facilities
1.3 Introduction
1.4 Scope and main learning objectives
1.5 Ongoing assessments (participant assessment
1.6 Motivation
1.7 Human factors
TOTAL 15 min.
2. Knowledge review 2.1 Inspection of PPE, rescue and evacuation device
2.2 Working at height PPE
2.3 Fall prevention and fall arrest systems

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2.4 Rescue and evacuation devices

TOTAL 30 min.
3. Dropped objects 3.1 Risks
3.2 Risk education
TOTAL 15 min.
4. PPE Review exercises 4.1 Pre-use inspection
4.2 Correct use

TOTAL 25 min.
5. Theory 5.1 Safe and competent work and rescue at heights
5.2 Correct fitting of a harness
5.3 Attachment points (harness)
5.4 Anchor points
5.5 Loads and angles
5.6 Falls
5.7 Orthostatic shock while suspended (suspension
5.8 Double and twin fall arrest lanyard
5.9 Rescue kit
TOTAL 50 min.
6. Individual practical review 6.1 Fall prevention
6.2 Attaching a guided type fall arrester
6.3 Fall arrest lanyards
6.4 Rescue equipment
TOTAL 60 min.
7. Training review 7.1 Training review
7.2 Feedback session
TOTAL 15 min.
GRAND TOTAL 215 min.

Table 12.4.1 – GWO Working at Heights Module timetable

12.5 Detailed Description of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module

The learning outcomes specified for this BSTR-P Working at Heights Module are:

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15 min.

The aim of this lesson is for the participants to be motivated and to engage in the training safely in the virtual
classroom, while recognising what is expected of them during the training

After having successfully completed Lesson 1 of BSTR-P Working at Heights, the participants can:

1) Recognise what is expected of them throughout the module (Knowledge, basic level)

2) Name and point out local emergency procedures and facilities (Knowledge, basic level)

3) Discuss the relevant human factors and explain their implications (Knowledge, intermediate level)


Learning objective:

4) The participants show interest or curiosity in the safety and emergency procedures at the training facility
(Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain and ask involving questions aiming at:

a. safety instructions according to internal procedures

b. emergency procedures and emergency exits in the areas where the participants can be expected to be
located during the course

The participants shall:

Engage in answering questions on local safety and emergency procedures


Learning objective:

5) The participants can recognise the location of facilities at the training location (Knowledge, basic level)

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The instructor shall:

Present a general description of the facilities at the training location (administration, dining area, restrooms,
toilets, etc)

Alternative activity: lead a tour and point out facilities

The participants shall:

Note relevant facilities and ask questions when in doubt


Learning objective:

6) The participants show interest in fellow participants and the course content and design (Ability, basic

The instructor shall:

Explain and ask involving questions aiming at the programme of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module,
including breaks and mealtimes

Give a short introduction to themselves, including their backgrounds as instructors

Ask for participants’ expectations of the training and their learning or development

The participants shall:

Give a short introduction of themselves, including job function and expected primary geographic work location
and share expectations on the training


Learning objective:

7) The participants can recognise the scope and main objectives of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module
(Knowledge, basic level)

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The instructor shall:

Present the scope and main learning objectives of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module

Involve participants with questions on understanding and individual experiences on BSTR-P Working at Heights

The participants shall:

Engage in answering questions and share experiences on BSTR-P Working at Heights Module


Learning objective:

8) The participants can recognise the assessment procedure and the aim of the ongoing assessment
(Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain the reasons for the ongoing assessment

Explain the layout of the GWO participant assessment form and how it will be used

The participants shall:

Engage in discussions and ask questions when in doubt in relation to the assessment procedure


Learning objective:

9) The participants show interest and willingness to engage in the learning activities (Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain and lead a discussion on:

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a. the importance of personal involvement in the course

b. the definition of and the need for BSTR-P Working at Heights understandings and abilities

Note Positive motivation is the driving force for commitment, and the instructor should make a focused effort to
support growth of the necessary attitude and motivation in the participant.

The participants shall:

Engage in discussions and share experiences on BSTR-P Working at Heights

Note When the participants succeed by trying out on their own, bring their relevant experience into play and
apply learning points from the instructor’s feedback, the participant develops a positive attitude and
responsibility towards the subject and the performance in the work situation


The aim of the element is to draw the participants’ attention to how human behaviour and taking responsibility
influences a safe work environment. In addition, the aim is to prepare for a continued focus on human factors during
practical training and exercises

Learning objectives:

10) The participants can describe the relevant human factors, and their implications (Knowledge, basic level)

11) The participants show interest and willingness to focus on human factors during the following practical
exercises (Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present how human factors influence accidents in the wind industry (relevant data may be used)

Lead a discussion about the role of the individual in improving human behaviour and how this can improve the
safety in the wind industry

Ensure that constructive feedback on the participant’s performance involve human factors criteria when these
are defined in the learning objective such as the ability to take responsibility or to act independently

Facts and Human Factors Criteria:

The consequences of human factors in accidents in the wind industry are influenced by the following terms and

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a. attention and perception

b. group behaviour and peer pressure

c. weather conditions

d. weather delays

e. noise levels

f. site layout and housekeeping

g. fitness and health

h. domestic and work-related stress

i. workload (both overload and underload)

j. fatigue

k. time pressure and deadlines

l. alcohol, medication, and substance abuse

The participants shall:

Engage in discussions and share experiences of how human factors influence accidents related to the BSTR-P
Working at Heights Module. In addition, engage in and reflect on received feedback and take responsibility on
their own performance and development during the training


30 min.

The aim of this lesson is to reduce the risk of short-term and long-term injury when working at heights in a wind turbine
by reviewing the participants’ previously acquired knowledge of working at heights and by providing focus areas for the
instructor during this refresher module

After having successfully completed this lesson, participants can:

12) Explain when various rescue and evacuation equipment is required, the legal inspection requirements for
these and the function of the individual parts of the rescue equipment (Knowledge, intermediate level)

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Learning objective:

13) The participants can explain importance of pre-use and formal inspections of fall protection equipment
(Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of performing a pre-use inspection of fall protection equipment

Lead a discussion about the requirements for certification and formal inspection of PPE used for working at

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about:

a. the importance of performing a pre-use inspection of fall protection equipment

b. the requirements for certification and formal inspection of PPE used for working at height


Learning objective:

14) The participants can explain when PPE is required for working at height and their legal responsibilities
towards inspection of PPE for working at height (Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about PPE for working at height, covering the following:

a. when to use PPE for working at height

b. legislative requirements for PPE used for working at height

c. participants legal responsibilities towards PPE used for working at height

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The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about PPE for working at height


Learning objective:

15) The participants can explain when fall arrest systems and work positioning devices are required and their
legal responsibilities towards those (Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about fall prevention (work positioning) and fall arrest systems, covering the following:

a. why fall prevention is preferred to fall arrest

b. when to use fall arrest systems

c. the legislative requirements, inspection

d. the compliance of rail/ wire systems

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about fall prevention (work positioning) and fall arrest


Learning objective:

16) The participants can explain when various rescue and evacuation equipment is required, the legal
inspection requirements for these and the function of the individual parts of the rescue equipment
(Knowledge, intermediate level)

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The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about rescue and evacuation equipment, covering the following:

a. when to use rescue and evacuation devices

b. the function of rescue and evacuation devices

c. the legislative requirements for rescue and evacuation devices

d. the requirements for inspection/ certification (vacuum packed/ not vacuum packed)

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about rescue and evacuation equipment


15 Min.

The aim of this lesson is to reduce the risk of injuries arising from dropped objects in and around wind turbines

After having successfully completed this lesson, participants can:

17) Explain the risks posed by dropped objects (Knowledge, intermediate level)

18) Explain how to reduce the risks of dropping objects (Knowledge, intermediate level)


The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the risks posed by dropped objects, covering the following:

a. items that can become a dropped object

b. injuries and injury severity that can occur as a result of a dropped object

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the risks posed by dropped objects

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The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about reducing the risk of dropped objects, covering the following:

a. tool attachment and tethering

b. closed top tool bags

c. closing hatches and covering openings

d. staying out of the drop zone of workers at height

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about reducing the risk of dropped objects


30 min.

The aim of this lesson is to reduce the risk of injury in the wind industry by refreshing the participants skills in the
identification and pre-use inspection of fall protection equipment. Furthermore, it will refresh the participants
knowledge about basic height rescue, PPE and personal fall protection equipment use

After having successfully completed this lesson, participants can:

19) Show interest in how the risk of injury in the wind industry can be reduced by identification and pre-use
inspection of fall protection equipment and the correct use of PPE for working at heights (Ability, basic level)

Note The instructor shall verify the skills in learning objectives using a live video link.

Demonstration of these skills will require the course participants to have this equipment available therefore
the course participants should be on-site while performing these skills.


Learning objective:

20) Explain how to perform a correct pre-use inspection of their working at height PPE (Knowledge,
intermediate level)

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The instructor shall:

Explain and demonstrate how to perform a pre-use inspection, with a focus on a generic approach, of the
following equipment:

a. harnesses

b. fall arrest systems

c. fall restraint systems

d. self-retractable lines

Facilitate a learning activity such as short practice exercises, questions or a quiz about how to perform a pre-
use inspection

The participants shall:

Engage in the activity and share understandings about how to perform a correct pre-use inspection of their
working at height PPE

Note For a detailed description of the elements of the pre-use inspection for each of the items of equipment in
this lesson refer to the GWO BST standard Lessons 3 to 6.


Learning objective:

21) Explain the importance of and how to correctly use, manage, and control PPE used for working at height
(Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the value and importance of correct use and control of fall protection equipment

Explain and demonstrate the proper use, management, and control of the following:

a. harnesses

b. fall restraint systems

c. fall arrest systems

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Facilitate a learning activity such as short practice exercises, questions or a quiz about how demonstrate the
proper use, management, and control

The participants shall:

Engage in the activity and share understandings about how to demonstrate the proper use, management, and
control harnesses, fall restraint systems, fall arrest systems


50 min.

The aim of this lesson is to reduce the risk of short-term and long-term injury when working at height in a wind turbine
by refreshing the participants knowledge of working at height theory

After having successfully completed this lesson, participants can:

22) Explain safe and competent work and rescue at height (Knowledge, intermediate level)

23) Explain the importance of correctly fitting a harness (Knowledge, intermediate level)

24) Explain the use of attachment points (Knowledge, intermediate level)

25) Explain the use of anchor points (Knowledge, intermediate level)

26) Explain how loads and angles can influence the strength of lanyards and slings (Knowledge, intermediate

27) Explain common fall indicators on equipment (Knowledge, intermediate level)

28) Explain the risk of suspension trauma (Knowledge, intermediate level)

29) Explain how to use a double and twin fall arrest lanyard (Knowledge, intermediate level)

30) Explain how to perform a pre-use inspection of rescue and evacuation kits (Knowledge, intermediate level)


The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about how to keep oneself and others safe during work at height and rescue situations

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The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of always adjusting a full body harness so that it fits correctly


The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of correctly identifying and using attachment points on harnesses

Explain and demonstrate how to correctly use attachment points

Explain the difference between an attachment point and an anchor point


The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of selecting the correct anchor points for fall protection, fall arrest,
evacuation and rescue equipment

Lead a discussion about the differences between certified and structural anchor points

Show examples of and explain the requirements of and how to recognise certified anchor points

Show examples of and explain the characteristics of and how to recognise structural anchor points


The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of controlling the angles of lanyards and slings during normal use and
rescue scenarios

Explain the difference between a static and dynamic load

Explain how angles can influence the strength of lanyards and slings


The instructor shall:

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Show examples of and explain fall indicators on equipment

Lead a discussion about how different situations can influence the approach to the rescue, covering:

a. presence or absence of injuries

b. consciousness of the person needing to be rescued


The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the risks posed by suspension trauma and situations where this risk is present, and
strategies and equipment use to mitigate this risk


The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the differences and similarities in design, function and usage between a double and a
twin fall arrest lanyard

Explain and demonstrate how to use double fall arrest lanyard

Explain and demonstrate how to use twin fall arrest lanyard

Demonstrate the correct way of using twin and single fall arrest lanyards, including double hook climbing on
ladder and required and recommended distance between twin fall arrest lanyard anchor points when climbing


The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the differences in design, function and usage between rescue and evacuation kit

Show examples of and explain the content of rescue and evacuation kits

Explain situations where a pre-use inspection of rescue and evacuation equipment is not required

Demonstrate how to perform a pre-use inspection of rescue and evacuation kits


60 Min.

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The aim of this lesson is to reduce the risk of injury through incorrect working at height techniques by assessing and
refreshing the participants knowledge, skills and competencies in working at height, reinforcing and emphasise the
importance of being able to carry out a rescue at any time when working in wind turbines on a daily basis

After having successfully completed this lesson, participants can:

31) Show interest in reducing through using correct working at height techniques and being able to carry out a
rescue at any time when working in wind turbines on a daily basis (Ability, basic level)

Note The instructor shall assess the participants’ knowledge in these learning objectives using a live video link.

Discussion of this knowledge will require the instructor to be able to demonstrate for the course participants
using rescue devices, fall arrest lanyards and work position lanyards after which the participants must talk
the instructor through correctly using the equipment.


Learning objective:

32) Discuss and show examples of how to safely and correctly use work positioning lanyards to prevent falls
(Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of preventing falls using work positioning lanyards

Demonstrate how to safely and correctly attach work positioning lanyards to a ladder to prevent a fall


Learning objective:

33) Discuss and show examples of how to safely and correctly attach a guided type fall arrest slider or glider to
their harness and to the rail or wire of a guided type fall arrest system (Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

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Lead a discussion about the importance of always using guided type fall arrest when climbing, and the potential
challenges of connecting the slider or glider to the rail or wire

Explain the differences in design, functionality and usage between slider and glider products for guided type
vertical fall arrest rail and wire systems

Demonstrate how to choose the correct slider or glider for a guided type vertical fall arrest system

Demonstrate how to safely and correctly attach sliders and gliders to the rail or wire

Demonstrate how to safely and correctly attach the slider or glider to the harness


Learning objective:

34) Discuss and show examples of how to safely and correctly attach fall arrest lanyards to a vertical ladder
system (Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance and challenges of using fall arrest lanyards in a wind turbine and on a
vertical ladder

Demonstrate how to safely and correctly attach fall arrest lanyards to a vertical ladder system

Demonstrate how to safely and correctly attach fall restraint and fall arrest lanyards to the harness

Demonstrate how to correctly use twin and single fall arrest lanyards whilst double hook climbing maintaining
the correct distance between the anchor points


Learning objective:

35) Discuss and show examples of how to safely and correctly rig rescue devices onto a vertical ladder
(Knowledge, intermediate level)

For learning objective 35 please refer to element 6.4.2 (below) for a list of skills required to reach this learning objective

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of safe and efficient rigging of rescue equipment

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Explain and demonstrate how to rig and rescue devices and accessories in both an active and passive setup,
covering the following:

a. how to attach the device to an anchor point

b. how to rig the device onto a vertical ladder stile and reinforced rung using slings (both centrally and to
one side of the ladder)

c. how to use the integrated friction device (pig tail, bull horn or similar) to divert the rope

d. how to rig the device with a deflection connector

e. how to secure the rope

f. how to use a rope clamp for rescue

Note The instructor shall assess each course participant’s knowledge of how to safely and correctly perform each
of these skills (see learning objective 33).


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to reflect on and process their learning outcome and key takeaways
from the module, aiming to achieve a high learning transfer from the module to their way of working


The instructor shall:

Re-present the overall aims and learning objectives of the module for the participants’ comparison of their
learning outcomes and the achievement of their previously stated expectations for the module

The participants shall:

Reflect on their learning outcome and key takeaways from BSTR-P Working at Heights, aiming to achieve a high
learning transfer from the module to their way of working by means of e.g.:

a. group discussions or walk & talk

b. questions & answers in class, or where suitable

Note The instructor may additionally conduct a local evaluation of the training.

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The instructor shall:

Give an overall feedback and feed forward on the participants' learning outcome inspired by the training as
well as from the training-review-session

Encourage the participants to examine and grow awareness of which specific elements in their own WTG
type/WTG environment differ from the training scenario environment (to visualise and enhance learning
transfer) and to discuss with colleagues about how the BSTR-P Working at Heights content, methods and
techniques are similar or different to the local specific conditions identified after the module completion

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Sea Survival Partial


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13.1 Aims and Objectives of the BSTR-P Sea Survival Module
The aim of this BSTR-P Sea survival partial refresher training course is to enable the participants to act safely and take
the correct preventive actions in all aspects of offshore operations from shore to installation vessel or WTG and vice
versa, both during normal operation and in an emergency in an offshore wind energy environment

Overall learning objective:

1) After successfully having completed this BSTR-P Sea Survival Module, the participants can act safely and
responsibly in an offshore work environment and take responsibility for their own and fellow employees’
safety in work situations as well as in emergency situations. (Ability, intermediate level)

Note In addition to adhering to legal regulations and standards, the training provider must continuously ensure
that the training material is updated and in alignment with industry guidelines G+ ‘Working at height in the
offshore wind industry’ and ‘Safe management of small service vessels used in the offshore wind industry’.

13.2 BSTR-P Sea Survival Module Instructor to Participant Ratio

The ratio shown for theory sessions indicates the maximum number of course participants attending the course

Other ratios indicate the maximum number of course participants to be supervised by an instructor during each activity

Module Session Instructor to Participant Ratio

Theory 1:12
BSTR-P Sea Survival
Practical 1:6

Table 13.2.1 - GWO BSTR-P Sea Survival module instructor

13.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Sea Survival Module

The total contact time for completing this sea survival partial refresher module is estimated to be 4 hours and 20
minutes. This is based on the time estimate given in the module timetable

The training provider must not exceed the times per day given in table 13-3.1, below

Maximum Duration Per Day

Contact time 8 hours

Total training day 10 hours

Table 13.3.1 – Maximum durations for training day

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Note Contact time includes delivery of course lesson contents, practical exercises and activities directly related to

The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where applicable)

13.4 BSTR-P Sea Survival Module Timetable

The order in which the elements of this BSTR-P module is delivered may vary

The expected duration of each lesson is shown in table 13-4.1

The training provider may choose to deliver elements of the training according to other timetables, provided that the
practical elements are not reduced in length

Theoretical elements should be delivered during the practical exercises when feasible

Lesson Element Duration

1. Introduction to the training 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope and main learning objective
1.3 Ongoing assessments (participant assessment
1.4 Motivation
1.5 Human factors
TOTAL 15 min.
2. Legislation 2.1 Roles and responsibilities on site
2.2 Global legislation
2.3 National legislation
TOTAL 15 min.
3. Exposure, cold shock, drowning 3.1 Exposure
and hypothermia
3.2 Cold shock
3.3 Drowning
3.4 Hypothermia
TOTAL 40 min.
4. Lifesaving appliances and PPE 4.1 Personal LSA and PPE
4.2 Collective LSA

TOTAL 30 min.
5. SAR and GMDSS 5.1 SAR

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5.2 GMDSS and transponders

5.3 Actions to enhance detection
TOTAL 20 min.
6. Practical Sea Survival 6.1 Correct donning and use of LSA and PPE
6.2 Risks of evacuation & release into water
6.3 Correct usage of life raft
6.4 Helicopter rescue from water
6.5 Sea survival methods
TOTAL 60 min.
7. Safe transfer 7.1 Transfer vessels
7.2 Safety introduction onboard transfer vessel
7.3 Hazards related to different types of transfers
7.4 Transfer between dock and vessel
7.5 Safe transfer between vessel and WTG
7.6 Transfer from vessel to vessel
7.7 Safe handling of equipment and storage
7.8 MOB procedures and equipment
7.9 Pre-use inspection of PPE
TOTAL 70 min.
8. Installations, vessels and WTGS 8.1 Safety on board
8.2 Contingency plans
TOTAL 15 min.
9. Training review 9.1 Training review
9.2 Feedback session
TOTAL 15 min.
GRAND TOTAL 280 min.

Table 13.4.1 – GWO BSTR-P Sea Survival Module timetable

13.5 Detailed Description of BSTR-P Sea Survival Module

The learning outcomes specified for the BSTR-P sea survival module are:


15 min.

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The aim of this lesson is for the participants to be motivated and to engage in the training safely in the virtual
classroom, while recognising what is expected of them during the training

After having successfully completed Lesson 1 of BSTR-P Sea Survival Module, the participants can:

1) Recognise what is expected of them throughout the module (Knowledge, basic level)

2) Discuss the relevant human factors and explain the implications thereof (Knowledge, intermediate level)


Learning objective:

3) The participants show interest in fellow participants and the course content and design (Ability, basic

The instructor shall:

Explain and ask involving questions aiming at the programme of the BSTR-P Sea Survival Module, including
breaks and mealtimes

Give a short introduction of themselves, including their backgrounds as instructors

Ask for participants’ expectations of the training and their learning or development

The participants shall:

Give a short introduction of themselves, including job function and expected primary geographic work location
and share expectations on the training


Learning objective:

4) The participants can recognise the scope and main objectives of the BSTR-P Sea Survival Module
(Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present the scope and main learning objectives of the BSTR-P Sea Survival Module

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Involve participants with questions on understanding and individual experiences on BSTR-P Sea Survival

The participants shall:

Engage in answering questions and share experiences on BSTR-P Sea Survival Module


Learning objective:

5) The participant recognises the assessment procedure and the aim of the ongoing assessment (Knowledge,
basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain the reasons for the ongoing assessment

Explain the layout of the GWO participant assessment form and how it will be used

The participants shall:

Engage themselves in discussions and ask questions when in doubt in relation to the assessment procedure


Learning objective:

6) The participants show interest and willingness to engage in the learning activities (Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain and lead a discussion on:

a. The importance of personal involvement in the course

b. The definition of and the need for BSTR-P Sea Survival Module understandings and abilities

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Note Positive motivation is the driving force for commitment, and the instructor should make a focused effort to
support growth of the necessary attitude and motivation in the participant.

The participants shall:

Engage themselves in discussions and share experiences on BSTR-P Sea Survival Module

Note When the participants succeed by trying out on their own, bring their relevant experience into play and
apply learning points from the instructor’s feedback, the participant develops a positive attitude and
responsibility towards the subject and the performance in the work situation


Learning objectives:

7) The participants can describe the relevant human factors, and their implications (Knowledge, basic level)

8) The participants show interest and willingness to focus on human factors during the following practical
exercises (Ability, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present how human factors influence accidents in the wind industry (relevant statistics may be applied)

Lead a discussion about the role of the individual in improving human performance and how this can improve
the safety of offshore operations

Ensure that constructive feedback on the participant’s performance involve human factor criteria when these
are defined in the learning objective such as the ability to take responsibility or to act independently

Facts and Human Factor Criteria:

The consequences of human factors in accidents in the wind industry are influenced by the following terms and

a. attention and perception

b. group behaviour and peer pressure

c. weather conditions

d. weather delays

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e. noise levels

f. site layout and housekeeping

g. fitness and health

h. domestic and work-related stress

i. workload (both overload and underload)

j. fatigue

k. time pressure and deadlines

l. alcohol, medication, and substance abuse

The participants shall:

Engage in discussions and share experiences on how human factors influence accidents in relations to the
BSTR-P Sea Survival Module, engage in and reflect on received feedback and take responsibility on their own
performance and development during the training


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable participants to comply with the roles, responsibilities and rules that apply to offshore
wind farms

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

9) Show interest in the applicable requirements, roles, and responsibilities that apply to offshore wind farms
(Ability, basic level)


Learning objective:

10) The participants can describe the organisation of, and the various units found on a site in offshore wind
farms (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

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Lead a discussion about organisation of and the site units found in offshore wind farms

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about organisation of and the site units found in offshore
wind farms


Learning objective:

11) The participants can describe which global legislation is relevant to sea survival and their responsibilities
under this (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present which global legislation is applicable to sea survival

Lead a discussion about the legal responsibilities that the participants have under global legislation

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the legal responsibilities that the participants have
under global legislation


Learning objective:

12) The participants can describe which national or regional legislation is relevant to sea survival and their
responsibilities under this (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Describe which regional legislation is applicable to sea survival

Lead a discussion about the importance of knowing the applicable country and region-specific legislation and
the responsibilities that the places on the course participants

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The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the importance of knowing the applicable country
and region-specific legislation and the responsibilities that the legislation places on the participants


40 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enhance the participants chances of survival at sea by the use of correct clothing and
conduct in an offshore wind farm environment. Additionally, this lesson will enable the participants to detect and treat
various stages of cold shock, hypothermia and drowning related to exposure of the human body to the elements in an
offshore wind environment

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

13) Explain how to detect and treat various stages of cold shock, hypothermia and drowning related to exposure
of the human body to the elements in an offshore wind environment (Knowledge, intermediate level)


Learning objective:

14) The participants can describe the different types of exposure in offshore environments and relevant
precautions that will reduce the risks associated with these (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about different types of exposure in offshore environments and relevant precautions that will
reduce the risks associated with these

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about different types of exposure in offshore environments
and relevant precautions that will reduce the risks associated with these


Learning objectives:

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15) The participants can describe how the human body can react to cold shock and methods that can prevent
this (Knowledge, basic level)

16) The participants can recognise the various symptoms of and how to behave in relation to cold shock
(Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about how the human body can react to cold shock and relevant preventative measures

Explain the various symptoms of and how to behave in relation to cold shock

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about how the human body can react to cold shock and
relevant preventative measures


Learning objectives:

17) The participants can describe the symptoms of and the correct first aid treatment for drowning
Knowledge, basic level)

18) The participants can recognise secondary drowning risks, causes and mitigations (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the symptoms of and the correct first aid treatment for drowning

Explain secondary drowning risks, causes and mitigations

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the symptoms of and the correct first aid treatment
for drowning

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Learning objective:

19) The participants can describe the preventative measures, the onset stages, the symptoms of each stage
and correct first aid treatment for hypothermia (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about hypothermia covering the following:

a. preventative measures

b. the onset stages

c. the symptoms of each stage

d. correct first aid treatment for each stage

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about hypothermia


30 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to enhance their chances of survival at sea by understanding the
advantages, limitations and safe and correct usage of different types of personal and collective LSA and PPE

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

20) Show interest in the advantages, limitations and correct usage of different types of personal and collective
LSA and PPE found in the offshore wind industry. (Ability, basic level)


Learning objectives:

21) The participants can describe the advantages, limitations and usage of common personal LSA and PPE
found in the offshore wind industry (Knowledge, basic level)

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22) The participants can describe the characteristics of and differences between different types of suits, anti-
exposure (transfer suit) and immersion suits (vessel evacuation), and the maintenance and storage of
these (Knowledge, basic level)

23) The participants can describe how to perform a pre-use inspection of different types of PLB life jackets,
anti-exposure suits (transfer suit) and immersion suit (vessel evacuation) (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Show examples of and lead a discussion about the advantages, limitations and usage of the different personal
LSA and PPE related to the offshore wind industry covering:

a. different types of PLB

b. life jackets

c. anti-exposure suits (transfer suit)

d. immersion suit (vessel evacuation)

Explain the correct use of the different personal LSA and PPE and importance of familiarisation of the

Demonstrate how to perform a pre-use inspection of:

a. different types of PLB

b. life jackets

c. anti-exposure suits (transfer suit)

d. immersion suit (vessel evacuation)

Ask the participants involving questions about the correct use of the different personal LSA and PPE and
importance of familiarisation of the equipment and how to perform the pre-use inspections

Lead a discussion about the importance of, and correct methods for, maintenance and storage of personal LSA
and PPE

The participants shall:

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about:

a. the correct use of the different personal LSA and PPE and importance of familiarisation of the equipment

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b. how to perform the pre-use inspections

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about:

a. the advantages, limitations and usage of the different personal LSA and PPE related to the offshore wind

b. the importance of, and correct methods for maintenance and storage of personal LSA and PPE


Learning objective:

24) The participants can describe the advantages, limitations and usage of common collective LSA found in the
offshore wind industry (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the advantages, limitations and usage of different collective LSA found in the offshore
wind industry, covering the following:

a. life rafts

b. lifeboats

c. marine evacuation systems (MES), SAR and GMDSS

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the advantages, limitations and usage of different
collective LSA found in the offshore wind industry


20 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to enhance their chances of detection by SAR operations.

This will enable the participants to enhance their efficiency and response time of the SAR operation and thereby their
own evacuation and rescue.

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

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25) Show interest in how SAR operations will enhance their chances of survival at sea (Ability, basic level)

26) Show interest in how the GMDSS and transponders can enhance the chances of being detected by SAR
operations (Ability, basic level)

27) Show interest in typical actions that can enhance detection by SAR operations (Ability, basic level)


Learning objectives:

28) The participants can describe how SAR operations will enhance their chances of survival at sea
(Knowledge, basic level)

29) The participants can describe the potential limitations of SAR operations like the visibility of people in the
water and poor weather conditions (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about SAR operations and how these will enhance the chances of survival at sea

Lead a discussion about the potential limitations of SAR operations like the visibility of people in the water and
poor weather conditions

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about:

a. SAR operations and how these will enhance the chances of survival at sea

b. the potential limitations of SAR operations like the visibility of people in the water and poor weather


Learning objective:

30) The participants can describe how typical global maritime distress and safety systems (GMDSS) including
transponders and locators can enhance the chances of being located by SAR operations (Knowledge, basic

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The instructor shall:

Show examples of and lead a discussion about how typical global maritime distress and safety systems
(GMDSS) including transponders and locators can enhance the chances of being located by SAR operations,
covering the following:

a. emergency positioning indicating radio beacon (EPIRB)

b. search and rescue transponder (SART)

c. personal locating beacon (PLB)

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about how typical global maritime distress and safety
systems (GMDSS) including transponders and locators can enhance the chances of being located by SAR


Learning objective:

31) The participants can describe typical actions that can enhance detection by SAR operations (Knowledge,
basic level level)

The instructor shall:

Show examples of and lead a discussion about actions that can enhance detection by SAR operations

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about actions that can enhance detection by SAR


60 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants enhance the chance of individual and collective survival in an
emergency at sea

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

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32) Solve how to enhance the chance of individual and collective survival in an emergency at sea (Ability, basic


Learning objectives:

33) The participants can recognise the characteristics of LSA and PPE (Knowledge, basic level)

34) The participants can describe the correct donning of LSA and PPE (Knowledge, basic level)

35) The participants can describe the implications of incorrect donning of LSA and PPE (Knowledge, basic level)

36) The participants can perform correct donning and use of LSA and PPE (by doing so be able to perform an
effective buddy check), this shall include: (Skills, intermediate level)

a. immersion suits

b. transfer suits

c. life jackets

d. harness

37) The participants can describe the importance and procedure for performing a buddy check (Knowledge,
basic level)

38) The participants can describe the potential exposures when using LSA and PPE in a WTG environment
(Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Show examples of and present the characteristics of LSA and PPE

Demonstrate the correct donning of LSA and PPE, covering the following:

a. immersion suits

b. transfer suits

c. life jackets

d. harness

Ask the participants involving questions about the correct donning of LSA and PPE

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Facilitate practice for the participants in correct donning and use of LSA and PPE (by doing so be able to
perform an effective buddy check), this shall include:

a. immersion suits

b. transfer suits

c. life jackets

d. harness

Give constructive feedback to all the participants in their practice of the correct donning and use of LSA and

Lead a discussion about the implications of incorrect donning of LSA and PPE

Lead a discussion about the importance and procedure for performing a buddy check

Lead a discussion about the potential exposures when using LSA and PPE in a WTG environment

The participants shall:

Engage in answering the questions about the correct donning of LSA and PPE

Engage in the practice of correctly donning and using LSA and PPE (by doing so be able to perform an effective
buddy check)

Receive and reflect on the received feedback

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about:

a. the implications of incorrect donning of LSA and PPE

b. the importance and procedure for performing a buddy check

c. the potential exposures when using LSA and PPE in a WTG environment

Note The instructor shall verify the skills in learning objective via a live video link. Demonstration of these skills
will require the participant to have this equipment available therefore the participants should be on-site
while performing these skills.


Learning objective:

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39) The participants can describe the risks related to evacuation and release into water (current, wave and
swell and how to apply sea survival techniques) (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the risks related to the evacuation and release in water currents, waves and swell and
how to apply sea survival techniques. Including different types of evacuation, by use of equipment or manual
evacuation (jump, ladder etc)

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the risks related to the evacuation and release in
water currents, waves and swell and how to apply sea survival techniques. Including different types of
evacuation, by use of equipment or manual evacuation (jump, ladder etc)


Learning objectives:

40) The participants can recognise how to inflate of a life raft (Knowledge, basic level)

41) The participants can describe methods of entering a life raft focusing on the pros and cons of each
(Knowledge, basic level)

42) The participants can describe how a life raft can enhance the chances of survival (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Show examples of and explain how to inflate of a life raft

Explain and demonstrate methods of entering a life raft focusing on the pros and cons of each

Ask participants involving questions about the methods of entering a life raft focusing on the pros and cons of

Lead a discussion about how a life raft can enhance the chances of survival, covering the following:

a. immediate and further actions in a life raft

b. the equipment in life rafts

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c. righting a capsized life raft

d. the stages of hypothermia and the symptoms and the correct first aid treatment for each stage

e. GMDSS including transponders and locators

f. emergency positioning indicating radio beacon (EPIRB)

g. search and rescue transponder (SART)

h. Personal Locating Beacon (PLB)

i. Actions to enhance detection

The participants shall:

Engage in answering the questions about methods of entering a life raft focusing on the pros and cons of each

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about how a life raft can enhance the chances of survival


Learning objective:

43) The participants can describe correct behaviour related to own rescue from water to helicopter without
assistance from helicopter rescue swimmer (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the fitting of a helicopter lifting sling, subsequent lifting and (simulated) entry into a
rescue helicopter including:

a. Single lift

b. body posture

c. aircraft entry

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the fitting of a helicopter lifting sling, subsequent
lifting and (simulated) entry into a rescue helicopter

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Learning objective:

44) The participants can describe correct behaviour related to own rescue from water to helicopter without
assistance from helicopter rescue swimmer (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about measures to enhance survival, covering the following:

a. controlled entry into the water from a height

b. Heat Escape Lessening Posture (‘HELP’)

c. individual swimming techniques

d. collective swimming techniques

e. collective techniques to prevent hypothermia

f. bodily reaction related to cold shock and the related symptoms

g. The stages of hypothermia and the symptoms and the correct first aid treatment

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about measures to enhance survival


70 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to reduce risks of transfer and take the correct preventive measures
into account by following procedures and use the available LSA and PPE in a correct and safe manner

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

45) Show interest in how to act safely and reduce the risks of transfer by taking the correct preventive measures
into account by following procedures and use the available LSA and PPE in a correct and safe manner (Ability,
basic level)

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Learning objectives:

46) The participants can describe the different types of transfer vessels commonly used by the offshore wind
industry (Knowledge, basic level)

47) The participants can describe the various types of vessels the participants may engage in a sea survival
situation (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion on the different types of transfer vessels commonly used by the offshore wind industry

Lead a discussion about various types of vessels the participants may engage in a sea survival situation

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about the different types of transfer vessels commonly
used by the offshore wind industry and various types of vessels the participants may engage in a sea survival


Learning objectives:

48) The participants can describe the contents and importance of the safety briefing on transfer vessels
(Knowledge, basic level)

49) The participants can describe how to act safely onboard vessels (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the contents and importance of the safety briefing on transfer vessels

Lead a discussion about safe conduct onboard vessels

The participants shall:

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Engage in the discussions and share understandings about the contents and importance of the safety briefing
on transfer vessels and the safe conduct onboard vessels


Learning objectives:

50) The participants can recognise the hazards related to the different types of transfers (Knowledge, basic

51) The participants can describe how to mitigate the hazards related to the different types of transfers in
dynamic to static, static to dynamic and dynamic to dynamic transfer situations (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Present the hazards related to the different types of transfers and ask the participants involving questions
about how to mitigate these hazards in each of the following situations:

a. dynamic to static

b. static to dynamic

c. dynamic to dynamic

The participants shall:

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about how to mitigate hazards of the different
types of transfers


Learning objectives:

52) The participants can recognise safe transfer considerations and methods between the dock and a vessel
(Knowledge, basic level)

53) The participants can describe the importance of safe transfer of self and equipment between dock and
vessel (Knowledge, basic level)

54) The participants can describe methods of safe handling of equipment and storage of equipment onboard
vessels, installation, and wind turbines (Knowledge, basic level)

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The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of safe transfer of self and equipment between dock and vessel

Lead a discussion about methods of safe handling of equipment and storage of equipment onboard vessels,
installation and wind turbines

Explain and demonstrate safe transfer considerations and methods between the dock and a vessel

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about the importance of safe transfer of self and
equipment between dock and vessel and methods of safe handling of equipment and storage of equipment
onboard vessels, installation and wind turbines


Learning objectives:

55) The participants can recognise considerations and methods for transfer between vessels and wind
turbines (Knowledge, basic level)

56) The participants can describe the importance of identifying hazards relating to the transfer and the right to
say stop/refuse to transfer (Knowledge, basic level)

57) The participants can describe safe transfer methods between vessel and wind turbine (Knowledge, basic

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of identifying hazards relating to the transfer and the right to say
stop/refuse to transfer, covering the following:

a. swells

b. marine growth

c. waves

d. equipment failure

Lead a discussion about safe transfer methods between vessel and wind turbine covering the following:

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a. mitigation of the risks

b. transfer procedures

c. the use of an SRL with and without quick connector

d. the use of twin fall arrest lanyards

e. the final decision whether to transfer or not lies with the transferee

Explain and demonstrate considerations and methods for transfer between vessels and wind turbines

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about the importance of identifying hazards relating to the
transfer and the right to say stop/refuse to transfer and safe transfer methods between vessel and wind

Note This element shall be based on the G+ Offshore Wind Health and Safety Association, ‘Good Practice
Guideline: Working at height at the offshore wind industry, section 4.4 Transfer by Stepping Over Between
Vessels And Offshore Structures’, and in particular sections:

‘4.4.3 Protection against falling: SRL on boat landing ladder’

‘ Roles of Supervisors, Vessel Captain, Deckhand and Passengers’


Learning objectives:

58) The participants can recognise considerations and methods for safe transfer between vessels (Knowledge,
basic level)

59) The participants can describe the risks associated with and safe transfer methods and procedures between
vessels (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the risks associated with and safe transfer methods and procedures between vessels

Explain and demonstrate considerations and methods for safe transfer between vessels

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The participants shall:

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about the importance of identifying hazards relating to the
transfer and the right to say stop/refuse to transfer and safe transfer methods between vessel and wind


Learning objectives:

60) The participants can recognise examples of safe handling and storage of equipment (Knowledge, basic

61) The participants can describe the implications of, responsibilities for and best practice methods for
handling and storing safety and other equipment (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the implications of, responsibilities for and best practice methods for handling and
storing safety and other equipment

Show examples of and explain safe handling and storage of equipment

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussions and share understandings about the implications of, responsibilities for and best
practice methods for handling and storing safety and other equipment


Learning objectives:

62) The participants can describe man overboard procedures on installations, vessels and wind turbines
(Knowledge, basic level)

63) The participants can describe the use of different types of recovery equipment and methods of use
(Knowledge, basic level)

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The instructor shall:

Explain man overboard procedures on installations, vessels and wind turbines, including what to do if one falls
overboard or sees a person falling overboard

Show examples of and explain the use of different types of recovery equipment and methods of use including:

a. recovery from water by own assistance

b. assisted recovery from water in cooperation between casualty and rescuer

c. by means of cradle and rescue net

Ask the participants involving questions about overboard procedures on installations, vessels and wind turbines
and the use of different types of recovery equipment and methods of use

The participants shall:

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about overboard procedures on installations,
vessels and wind turbines and the use of different types of recovery equipment and methods of use


Learning objectives:

64) The participants can recognise safe transfer considerations and methods between the dock and a vessel
(Knowledge, basic level)

65) The participants can describe the importance of safe transfer of self and equipment between dock and
vessel (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Lead a discussion about the importance of pre-use inspection of PPE prior to transfer

Demonstrate how to perform a pre-use inspection of PPE for working at height and transfer including quick

Ask the participants involving questions about how to perform a pre-use inspection of PPE for working at
height and transfer including quick connectors

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The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about the importance of pre-use inspection of PPE prior to

Engage in answering the questions and share understandings about how to perform a pre-use inspection of
PPE for working at height and transfer including quick connectors


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to act safely onboard installations, vessels and wind turbines during
normal operations and in case of emergencies and evacuation through understanding the importance and locations of
contingency plans.

After successfully having completed this lesson, participants can:

66) Show interest in the importance of general safety on board and where contingency plans on installations,
vessels and wind turbines are typically located (Ability, basic level)


Learning objectives:

67) The participants can explain the importance of general safety on board (Knowledge, basic level)

68) The participants can describe how failing to adhere to general safety on board installations, vessels and
WTGs can lead sea survival situations (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Explain general safety on board installations, vessels and WTGs

Lead a discussion about how failing to adhere to general safety on board installations, vessels and WTGs can
lead sea survival situations

The participants shall:

Engage in the discussion and share understandings about how failing to adhere to general safety on board
installations, vessels and WTGs can lead sea survival situations

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Learning objective:

69) The participants can describe where contingency plans on installations, vessels and wind turbines are
typically located (Knowledge, basic level)

The instructor shall:

Show examples of and present where contingency plans on installations, vessels and wind turbines are typically
located, at a minimum covering:

a. fire

b. man overboard

c. abandon ship

Facilitate an involving learning activity that enable participants to engage and share understandings about
where contingency plans on installations, vessels and wind turbines are typically located

The participants shall:

Engage in the learning activity and share understandings about where contingency plans on installations,
vessels and wind turbines are typically located


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to enable the participants to reflect on and process their learning outcome and key takeaways
from the module, aiming to achieve a high learning transfer from the module to their way of working


The instructor shall:

Re-present the overall aims and learning objectives of the module for the participants’ comparison of their
learning outcomes and the achievement of their previously stated expectations for the module

The participants shall:

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Reflect on their learning outcome and key takeaways from BSTR-P Sea Survival, aiming to achieve a high
learning transfer from the module to their way of working by means of e.g.:

a. group discussions or walk & talk

b. questions & answers in class, or where suitable

Note The instructor may additionally conduct a local evaluation of the training.


The instructor shall:

Give an overall feedback and feed forward on the participants' learning outcome inspired by the training as
well as from the training-review-session

Encourage the participants to examine and grow awareness of which specific elements in their own WTG
type/WTG environment differ from the training scenario environment (to visualise and enhance learning
transfer) and to discuss with colleagues about how the BSTR-P Sea Survival content, methods and techniques
are similar or different to the local specific conditions identified after the module completion

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The following pages contain the lists of equipment required for delivering the BSTR-P Standard training.

Note All equipment shall be maintained and where appropriate, inspected and tested in accordance with current
national standards/ legislation and manufacturers’ recommendations.

BSTR-P First Aid Partial Refresher

The following equipment is required by the instructor to support the BSTR-P First Aid training:

1. anatomical torso or graphical representation or illustration of human anatomy

2. airway model or graphical representation or illustration of an airway model

3. resuscitation dummies - adult

4. first aid equipment which as a minimum must include:

a. AED

b. tourniquet

c. bandages – pressure dressings

d. eye flush

e. pocket mask for CPR

f. protection gloves

5. first aid bag

6. AED training unit and as minimum one AED training unit per resuscitation dummy

7. blankets / thermal protective aid (TPA)

Note Any equipment used during this GWO training module shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements of
the national standards in the country where the training is taking place.

When working in a country where there is no applicable national standard then the equipment shall meet or
exceed the minimum requirements of the European standards.

The following equipment is required by the course participants:

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1. First aid equipment, as a minimum:

a. bandages

b. triangular bandage

c. towel / blanket

d. other items that are found in a typical first aid kit

BSTR-P Manual Handling Module

The following equipment is required by the instructor to support the BSTR-P Manual Handling training:

1. a lumbar vertebrae model for educational purposes

2. a model of a shoulder for educational purposes

3. a load that weighs no more than 30 kg and is unwieldy:

a. difficult to grasp,

b. difficult to grip,

c. with contents likely to move or shift (e.g. a rescue dummy)

4. other lifting props for manual handling:

a. weighing maximum 15 kg

5. personal protective equipment.

Note Any equipment used during this GWO training module shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements of
the national standards in the country where the training is taking place.

When working in a country where there is no applicable national standard then the equipment shall meet or
exceed the minimum requirements of the European standards.

The following equipment is required by the course participants:

1. a load that weighs no more than 5 kg

2. a table

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BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module

The following equipment is required by the instructor to support the BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module:

1. Handheld CO2 and water extinguishers

2. Fire blankets

3. Dummies

4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

5. Personal escape mask

Note Any equipment used during this GWO training module shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements of
the national standards in the country where the training is taking place.

When working in a country where there is no applicable national standard then the equipment shall meet or
exceed the minimum requirements of the European standards.

The following equipment is required by the course participants:

1. There are no specific equipment requirements for the participants

BSTR-P Working at Heights Module

The following equipment is required by the instructor to support the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module.

The training provider must select the most relevant products according to the geographic location of the target

1. full body harness

2. work restraint lanyards

3. fixed length fall arrest lanyards with an energy absorber

4. helmets

5. vertical fall arrest system with the following sliders / gliders:

a. cable guide twist type attachment

b. cable guide slot type attachment

c. cable guide clamp type attachment

d. rail type attachment

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6. self-retractable lifeline (SRL)

7. slings*

8. connector with mandatory automatic closing and locking system

9. evacuation and rescue devices

10. rope clamp for rescue (enabling lifting/safe disconnection of a loaded rope type fall protection lanyard)

11. vertical aluminium ladders

12. anchor points**

Note Any equipment used during this GWO training module shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements of
the national standards listed in Annex 1, table A1-1

When working in a country where there is no applicable national standard then the equipment shall meet or
exceed the minimum requirements of the European standards.

The following equipment is required by the course participants:

1. full body harness

2. work restraint lanyard

3. fixed length fall arrest lanyard(s) with an energy absorber

4. slider or glider

Note *The European standard for slings specifies safety requirements and test methods for slings used for
mountaineering (slings are used as anchor points and since there are no industrial standard for slings, they
must also comply with the requirements in EN795 type B, anchor devices)

Note **The height of the anchor points shall ensure that in the event of a fall there will be enough space below
the anchor point to allow the shock absorber in a fixed length fall arrest lanyard to fully deploy whilst
preventing the person who is falling from coming into contact with the ground or structure below the
anchor point.

1. the GWO recommends an anchor point height of 6.75 m for the evacuation exercises.

2. the recommended height is based upon the following formula,


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RD = Required Fall Distance Clearance (minimum anchor point height)

LL = Length of Lanyard
DD = Deceleration Distance (fall distance)
HH = Height of Suspended Worker
C = Safety Factor

The value for 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 is the length of the suspended worker after a fall and includes factors like the height of the person
and harness stretch, to account for these variables this is set to 2.00 m.

Using the value for 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 (2.00 𝑚𝑚), the maximum allowed values for 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 (2.00 𝑚𝑚) & 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 (1.75 𝑚𝑚), and the minimum
allowed value for 𝐶𝐶 (1.00 𝑚𝑚), we get,



𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = 2.00 𝑚𝑚 + 1.75 𝑚𝑚 + 2.00 𝑚𝑚 + 1.00 𝑚𝑚,


𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = 6.75 𝑚𝑚.

Therefore, the GWO recommends that the anchor points used during the evacuation exercises are placed a minimum of
6.75m above the ground or any structure which a person may come into contact with, in the event of a fall.

Country Specific Equipment Standards

Equipment Europe North America China United Kingdom

EN 361+358 ANSI/ASSP Z359.11 GB 6095 +GB 6095 BS EN 361+358
Full Body W/GB 6095 Q
EN 358 ANSI/ASSP Z359.3 GB 24543 W/GB BS EN 358
Fall restraint 24543 Q

Fall arrest EN 354 and/or EN 355 ANSI/ASSP Z359.13 GB 24543 Z+GB/T BS EN 354 and/or BS
lanyard including 24538 EN 355
energy absorber

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Industrial safety EN 397 +A1 ANSI Z89.1 Type I GB 2811 BS EN 397 +A1
helmet with a
chinstrap that is
released with a
force of no less
than 150 N and
no more than
250 N
Vertical fall EN 353-1 ANSI/ASSP Z359.15 GB 24542/GB BS EN 353-1
arrest system on 24537/GB 24543 Z/GB
a rigid anchor 30862+GB/T
line 24538/GB 24544
Self Retracting EN 360 ANSI/ASSP Z359.14 GB 24544 BS EN 360
(Retractable type
fall arresters)
EN795 ANSI/ASSP Z359.18 GB 30862 BS EN795
Anchor Points
EN 354 + 795 ANSI/ASSP Z359.12 GB 24543 Z+GB 30862 BS EN 354 + 795
EN 362 ANSI/ASSP Z359.12 GB/T 23469 BS EN 362
EN 1891 ANSI/ASSP Z459.1 GB/T 23268.2 BS EN 1891
Static ropes NFPA 1983
Rescue devices EN 1496 ANSI/ASSP Z359.4 BS EN 1496
with lifting
Devices for EN 341 ANSI/ASSP Z359.4 GB/T 38230 A or GB/T BS EN 341
emergency 38230 B or GB/T
decent 38230 C
EN 131-2 - GB/T 17889.1 BS EN 131-2
Aluminium and GB/T 17889.2 and
Ladders EN 14122-4 BS EN 14122-4

Table A1.1 - Country specific equipment standards – BSTR-P Working at Heights

BSTR-P Sea Survival partial refresher

The following equipment is required by the instructor to support the BSTR-P Sea Survival Module:

a. rigid lifejackets

b. inflatable lifejackets

c. immersion suits

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d. transfer suits

e. helmets

f. inflatable life raft with equipment

g. helicopter rescue sling

h. cradle

i. rescue net

j. rescue device

k. full body harness

l. twin fall arrest lanyards

m. SRL

n. PPE

o. various types of accessories for each detachment quick release, restraint lanyard etc.

Note Any equipment used during this GWO training module shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements of
the national standards listed in table A1-2.

When working in a country where there is no applicable national standard then the equipment shall meet or exceed the
minimum requirements of the European standards.

The following equipment is required by the course participants:

1. life jacket

2. immersion suit

3. transfer suit

4. full body harness

5. twin fall arrest lanyards

Country Specific Equipment Standards

Equipment Europe North America China United Kingdom

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- - - -
Life Jackets
- - GB/T 32227 -
- - GB/T 9953 -
Survival Suits
Industrial safety EN 397 +A1 ANSI Z89.1 Type I GB 2811 BS EN 397 +A1
helmet with a
chinstrap that is
released with a
force of no less
than 150 N and
no more than
250 N
Devices for EN 341 ANSI/ASSP Z359.4 GB/T 38230 A or GB/T BS EN 341
emergency 38230 B or GB/T
decent 38230 C
EN 361+358 ANSI/ASSP Z359.11 GB 6095 +GB 6095 BS EN 361+358
Full Body W/GB 6095 Q

Fall arrest EN 354 and/or EN 355 ANSI/ASSP Z359.13 GB 24543 Z+GB/T BS EN 354 and/or BS
lanyard including 24538 EN 355
energy absorber
Self Retracting EN 360 ANSI/ASSP Z359.14 GB 24544 BS EN 360
(Retractable type
fall arresters)

Table A1.2 - Country specific equipment standards – BSTR-P Sea Survival

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This is an instructor guidance elaborating the concept of aggravating factors related to manual handling risk

The baseline of assessing manual lifts is the load weight and the distance from the spine in the lower back (the reaching
distance), respectively.

While assessing manual handling, a number of additional risk factors to the lift must be considered, which, individually
and especially combined, will enhance the strain on the musculoskeletal system. These factors are the so-called
aggravating factors.

Prior to delivering the Manual Handling Module, instructors should review local instructions and risks assessments for
the tasks planned, including assessment of whether a given task should be solved by the participants by using a
handling aid.


The following guidance introduces some simple tools to help identify “low-risk” manual handling tasks and introduces a
hierarchy of control that can be used to help identify simple solutions to reduce risk from manual handling further.
Tasks outside of these guidelines should be assessed by an appropriately qualified professional using more detailed
assessment tools or a full manual handling risk assessment for the task.

Lifting and lowering filters

Use the guideline filters for lifting and lowering in Figure 1 to help you identify low-risk tasks. The guideline filters do
not set specific weight limits, so the guidelines are not ‘safe limits’ for lifting and carrying. They use broad assumptions
or generalisations where, if met, the risk of injury is considered to be low.

Working outside the limits is likely to increase the risk of injury, which can lead to ill health. The guidelines are derived
from lifting capacity data which show differences between men and women in the population (rather than individuals).
Where the handling task falls within the filter guidelines, you do not normally need to do any other form of risk
assessment unless you have individual workers who may be at significant risk. If you are unsure, complete a more
detailed assessment.

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Figure 1 – Lifting and lowering filters

Note Figure 1 assumes that the load is easily grasped with both hands and is handled in reasonable working
conditions, with the worker in a stable body position.

Risk assessment, lifting and lowering

1. Each box in Figure 1 contains a filter value for lifting and lowering in that zone. The filter values in the boxes are
reduced if handling is done with arms extended, or at high or low levels, as that is where injuries are most likely
to happen and will most likely be harmful to health. Such lifts must be evaluated separately.

2. Observe the work activity you are assessing and compare it to Figure 1. First, decide which zone or zones the
worker’s hands pass through when moving the load. Then assess the maximum weight being handled. If it is
less than the value given in the matching box, it is within the guidelines.

3. If the worker’s hands enter more than one zone during the operation, use the smallest weight. Use an in-
between weight if the hands are close to a boundary between zones.

4. Lifting and lowering: Do I need to make a more detailed assessment? You will need to make a more detailed
assessment using an appropriate tool, e.g., MAC tool or full risk assessment checklists (or equivalent) if:

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a. the handling operation must take place with the hands outside the zones in Figure 1

b. the weight exceeds those in Figure 1

c. the handling involves torso twisting

d. the handling is more frequent than one lifts every two minutes

e. the handling is done by a team

f. the handling operations are complex, for example, the weights vary significantly or there are several start
and finish locations

g. the lift does not meet the conditions given for using the guidelines, for example, if the load is difficult to
grasp or handle

h. the person lifting may be at significant risk, for example, new or expectant mothers, young workers, those
new to the job, or those with a disability, significant health problem or recent injury

Carrying risk assessment

You can apply the filter weights for lifting and lowering in Figure 1 to carrying operations where the load:

a. is held against the body

b. is carried no further than about 10 m without resting

c. does not prevent the person from walking normally

d. does not obstruct the view of the person carrying it

e. does not require the hands to be held below knuckle height or much above elbow height

f. where you can carry the load securely on the shoulder without lifting it first (for example, by sliding it
onto your shoulder), you can apply the filter values up to 20m

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Pushing and pulling risk assessment

In pushing and pulling operations, the load might be slid,
rolled, or moved on wheels. Observe the worker’s general
posture during the operation. Figure 2 shows some
acceptable push/pull postures. The task is likely to be low
risk if:
a. the force is applied with the hands

b. the torso is largely upright and not twisted

c. the hands are between hip and shoulder height

d. the distance moved without a pause or break is

no more than about 20m

When do I need to make a more detailed assessment?

If the load can be moved and controlled very easily, for
example with one hand, you do not need to do a more
detailed assessment. You should make a more detailed
assessment using, for example, the RAPP tool or full risk
assessment checklists (or equivalent) if:
a. the posture shows that the task requires
significant forces, for example, leaning;

b. here are extra risk factors like slopes, uneven

floors, constricted spaces or trapping hazards.

Figure 2 – Pushing and pulling risk assessment 1

2. Aggravating Factors

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The aggravating factors of the lifting operation must be considered which, individually and especially in combination,
will enhance the strain on the musculoskeletal system posing a risk of injury and manual handling harmful to health.

Examples of aggravating factors - categorised related to the four elements of the TILE principle:

Basic dynamic risk assessment – TILE principle

All manual handling tasks should be preceded by a basic dynamic risk assessment carried out by the persons planning to
carry out the task before commencing the activity. This can be conducted using the simple and well-known TILE

T-Task I -Individual(s) L - Load E - Environment

For Task considerations should include:

a. no suitable handling aid available

b. holding loads away from torso

c. lifting below knee height or above shoulder height

d. carrying, pushing, pulling or precise positioning of the load reaching upwards

e. twisting or stooping

f. large vertical movement

g. long carrying distances

h. strenuous pushing or pulling

i. unpredictable movement of loads

j. frequent or prolonged physical effort

k. lifting for a longer period of time

l. insufficient rest or recovery

m. team effort

n. a work rate imposed by a process

For Individual(s) capability considerations should include:

a. pose a risk to those with a health problem or a physical or learning difficulty

b. no warm-up

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c. require unusual capability previous and pre-existing injuries

d. pose a risk to those who are pregnant

e. pose a risk to new workers/young people

f. require special information/training

g. unusual strength or height required for the activity

h. specialist knowledge or training required

For the Load considerations should include:

a. heavy

b. bulky or unwieldy

c. difficult to grasp

d. difficult to grip

e. unstable or unpredictable

f. contents likely to move or shift

g. intrinsically harmful (e.g., sharp/hot)

h. sharp edges

For the Work Environment considerations should include:

a. constraints on posture, e.g., working on knees, laying on back

b. restricted spaces

c. poor floors, e.g. greasy, wet, uneven

d. variations in levels, e.g., stairs, thresholds

e. hot/cold/humid conditions

f. strong air movements, e.g. outside of tower, nacelle, etc.

g. poor lighting conditions

h. weather conditions; rain, gust, wind, temperature

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Additionally, it is recommended to consider additional factors including whether the activity is hindered or enhanced by
wearing particular protective clothing or PPE and work/organisation (psychosocial) factors such as training, sudden
changes in workload, communication, consultation, etc.

Good handling technique

A good handling technique is no substitute for other risk-reduction steps, such as providing lifting aids, or
improvements to the task, load or working environment. Moving the load by rocking, pivoting, rolling or sliding is
preferable to lifting it in situations where there is limited scope for risk reduction. However, good handling technique
forms a very valuable addition to other risk-control measures. To be successful, good handling technique needs both
training and practice. The training should be carried out in conditions that are as realistic as possible, emphasising its
relevance to everyday handling operations in the workplace.

There is no single correct way to lift and there are many different approaches, each with merits and advantages in
particular situations or individual circumstances. The content of training in good handling technique should be tailored
to the particular handling operations likely to be carried out, beginning with relatively simple examples and progressing
to more specialised handling operations as appropriate. For example:

a. Employees should be able to identify loads that may cause injury when handled. Increases in size often
indicate an increase in weight and difficulty of handling.

b. Where the size of the item is less important than how full it is, e.g., in the case of a dustbin containing
refuse, they should assess the load by looking inside it or use techniques such as rocking the load from
side to side before attempting to lift it.

c. They should also treat unfamiliar loads with caution. Drums which appear to be empty or other closed
containers should be tested, e.g., by trying to raise one end.

d. They should apply force gradually when testing loads. If employees feel too much strain, they should be
encouraged to look for another way of handling the load safely.

The following list illustrates some important points which are relevant to a basic two-handed symmetrical lift – a lift
using both hands that takes place in front of and close to the body, without any twisting.

Rocking a load to assess its ease of handling.

Figure 3 – Good handling technique 2

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Think before handling/lifting. Plan the lift/ handling activity. Where is

the load going to be placed? Use appropriate handling aids where
possible. Will help be needed with the load? Remove obstructions,
such as discarded wrapping materials. For long lifts, such as from floor
to shoulder height, consider resting the load mid-way on a table or
bench to change grip.

Adopt a stable position. The feet should be apart with one leg in front
of the other (alongside the load if it is on the ground) to increase the
stability of the worker’s posture. The worker should be prepared to
move their feet during the lift to maintain a stable posture. Wearing
over- tight clothing or unsuitable footwear may make this difficult

Ensure a good hold on the load. Where possible, hug the load as close
as possible to the body. This may be better than gripping it tightly only
with the hands.

Moderate flexion (slight bending) of the back, hips and knees at the
start of the lift is preferable to either fully flexing the back (stooping)
or fully flexing the hips and knees (full/ deep squatting)

Don’t flex the back any further while lifting. This can happen if the legs
begin to straighten before starting to raise the load. The worker should
start the movement with the strong leg muscles while keeping the
back posture constant.

Figure 3 – Good handling technique 3

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Avoid twisting the back or leaning sideways especially while the

back is bent. Keep shoulders level and facing in the same direction
as the hips. Turning by moving the feet is better than twisting and
lifting at the same time.

Keep the head up when handling. Look ahead not down at the load
once it has been held securely.

Move smoothly. Do not jerk or snatch the load as this can make it
harder to keep control and can increase the risk of injury.

Don’t lift or handle more than can be easily managed. There is a

difference between what people can lift and what they can safely lift.
If in doubt, seek advice or get help.

Put down, then adjust. If precise positioning of the load is necessary,

put it down first, then slide it into the desired position.

Figure 3 – Good handling technique 4

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Source of reference
This Annex is based upon:

a. Legal requirements and guidelines of the Danish and UK EHS authorities and legislation on manual

b. G+ Manual Handling Case Studies doc.

c. https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/l23.htm

d. Equinor Ergonomics and Manual Handling Study 2018

e. Contains public sector information published by the UK Health and Safety Executive and licensed under
the Open Government Licence’

Note Local legal requirements must always be adhered to when performing manual handling.

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Amendment date Version Approved by & date Description of changes

7.Using this Standard to Develop Training:

Text revised and updated in accordance with GWO training standards.

9.2 Duration of the BSTR-P First Aid Module/10.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Manual Handling Module/11.2 Duration
of the BSTR-P Fire Awareness Module/12.3 Duration of the BSTR-P Working at Heights Module/13.3 Duration of
the BSTR-P Sea Survival Module:

Timetable description text revised and updated according to GWO training standards.


Lesson title changed in order to fit element order.

Annex 1- Equipment list – BSTR-P Working at Heights Module:

Equipment list revised and updated.

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