Non-Linear Propagation Effects of Intense Femtosecond Pulses On Below Bandgap Harmonics in Solids

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Journal of Modern Optics

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Non-linear propagation effects of intense

femtosecond pulses on below bandgap harmonics
in solids

M. Hussain, G. O. Williams, T. Imran & M. Fajardo

To cite this article: M. Hussain, G. O. Williams, T. Imran & M. Fajardo (2023): Non-linear
propagation effects of intense femtosecond pulses on below bandgap harmonics in solids,
Journal of Modern Optics, DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2023.2219773

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Published online: 06 Jun 2023.

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Non-linear propagation effects of intense femtosecond pulses on below bandgap

harmonics in solids
M. Hussaina , G. O. Williamsb , T. Imranc∗ and M. Fajardob
a Extreme Light Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA; b GoLP/Instituto de
Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear-Laboratorio Associado, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; c Group of Laser
Development (GoLD), Department of Physics, Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering, Lahore University of Management Sciences
(LUMS), Lahore, Pakistan


The non-linear propagation of the intense near-infrared (NIR) driving field in crystals poses a chal- Received 7 April 2022
lenge and can offer an opportunity to control the spectral properties of harmonics in solids. Here, Accepted 21 January 2023
we have investigated the non-linear propagation effects in wide bandgap dielectrics such as Magne- KEYWORDS
sium Oxide (MgO), Chromium (Cr) doped MgO (Cr: MgO), Sapphire (Sa) crystals, and fused silica (FS). Non-linear propagation;
Furthermore, we have generated second and third harmonics (TH) and measured the linear polariza- ultrafast pulses; second
tion dependence of harmonics in these thin solids to explore the non-linear response at a strong field. harmonic generation; third
We observe spectral shifts and broadening of the driving field spectrum which is imprinted on the harmonic generation
harmonics. We attribute these effects to the strong photoionization, generation of free-carrier den-
sity, and self-phase modulation effects. This work shows the sensitivity to control the spectral profile
of harmonics by manipulating the driving field, showing the possibility of new tailored solid-state
ultraviolet sources for optical diagnostics.

1. Introduction are given preference over the semiconductors for the

harmonic generation at near infrared laser pulses due
The microscopic origin of high harmonic generation to their higher damage threshold. The non-linear prop-
(HHG) in wide bandgap crystalline and amorphous agation effects have been demonstrated by the spatial
solids have been reported and offering a promising route mode characterization of the fundamental beam through
for new all-solid-state extreme-ultraviolet sources [1–3]. pristine MgO and Cr: MgO crystals which showed the
The non-linear optical response of solids can be manip- prominent self-focusing effect [9]. The driving pulse-
ulated by either tailoring the electronic structures [4,5] modulated through the non-linear propagation effects,
or by the propagation of intense driving field in thin which eventually generate harmonics during propagation
solids [6]. The non-linear propagation effects can play in the medium. As a consequence of non-linear propa-
a vital role in the generation of harmonics in solids in gation, these effects can be imprinted on the harmonics.
terms of the shifting of driving wavelengths which can This study is limited to the spatial mode characterization
imprint on the harmonics. The non-linear propagation at a longer wavelength (1.78 μm) and showed harmon-
effects of the intense femtosecond pulses in gases and ics spatial mode contraction in Cr: MgO compared to
plasma induce the red-shifted harmonics [7,8]. Recently, pristine MgO [9].
we have demonstrated non-linear propagation effects on The macroscopic propagation effects of the driving
harmonics in semiconductors such as silicon (Si) and laser pulses on the HHG process have been reported ear-
ZnO. We have observed the spectral blueshifts in the lier [10–14]. It has been shown that in a reflection geome-
generated harmonics which is attributed to the strong try, the propagation effects on HHG can be avoided [15].
photoionization of the valence band through non-linear Propagation effects have shown to impact the spectral
beam propagation [6]. profile of the HHG in solid crystal as the driving field usu-
The wider band dielectrics such as magnesium oxide ally propagates within the solid for hundreds of microns.
(MgO), sapphire (Sa), fused silica (FS), crystalline SiO2 Above reports highlights the aspects of the non-linear

CONTACT M. Hussain Extreme Light Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA
∗ Present address: Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), ‘Horia Hulubei’ National R&D Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), 30
Reactorului Street, 077125 Magurele, jud. Ilfov, Romania
© 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

propagation and their impact on the HHG process in

solids. However, the non-linear propagation effect of the
driving beam centred at 800 nm in these thin solids
and its impact on the below bandgap harmonics is over-
Here, we have measured the propagation effects of the
driving field in MgO, chromium (Cr) doped MgO (Cr:
MgO), Sa and FS at 800 nm, 40 fs operating at 1 kHz
by measuring the spectral profiles of fundamental and
generated harmonics i.e. second harmonic generation
(SHG) and third harmonic generation (THG). The influ-
ence of doping concentration of Cr on the propagated
fundamental beam in Cr: MgO is investigated. We have
observed the blue-shifted broadening of the fundamen-
tal spectrum in MgO due to the strong photoionization Figure 1. Schematic of the experimental setup to observe the
and overall broadening in higher doped MgO crystals non-linear propagation effects and to generate below bandgap
harmonics in transmission and reflection geometry in thin solids.
attributed to the self-phase modulation. Similarly, we For reflection geometry, solids are aligned to 45◦ to the incom-
have observed the broadening of the fundamental spec- ing driving laser pulses and reflected the signals which are filtered
trum through FS both in transmission and reflection. by HF and focused to UV–VIS spectrometer by L2. Where HWP:
Whereas in Sa, the full width half maximum (FWHM) half-wave plate, W: wedge, BD: beam dumper, L1: 75 cm focal
of the fundamental spectrum reduced by 3.3 nm in length, L2: 10 cm focal length, C: crystal, HF: harmonic filter, M:
NIR-reflecting mirror.
transmission than in reflection. In addition, the effect
of non-linear propagation on below bandgap harmon-
ics (2nd and 3rd) have been explored. The polarization
response of below bandgap harmonics in transmission spot size having an estimated peak intensity ≈ 1.0
and reflection geometry in Sa, SiO2 and FS showed more ×1013 W/cm2 . The propagated and reflected NIR pulses
anisotropy in reflection than in transmission geometry through solids are measured using a UV–VIS spectrom-
which we attribute to the non-linear propagation effects. eter. Furthermore, SHG and THG have been generated
This article is structured as, in Section 2 the experi- at the estimated peak intensity ≈ 1.0 ×1013 W/cm2 in
mental setup to measure non-linear propagation effects these solids in transmission and reflection geometry. The
and to generate below bandgap harmonics is presented. generated harmonics have been filtered with the corre-
The non-linear propagation effects of driving pulses and sponding harmonic filters (HF). The filtered signal of
third harmonic generation (THG) in MgO and Cr: MgO harmonics are focused to the UV–VIS spectrometer by
is illustrated in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, respectively. In a lens (L2) of 10 cm focal length and recorded in trans-
Sections 3.3 and 3.4, non-linear propagation effects of mission (T) and reflection (R) geometry Figure 1. A
driving pulses and generation and polarization depen- half-wave plate (HWP) have been used to measure the
dence of harmonics in Sa and FS is discussed. Finally, the linear polarization response of below bandgap harmon-
conclusion of this work is reported in Section 4. ics in transmission and reflection geometry in Sa, SiO2
and FS.
2. Experimental setup
The schematic illustration of the experimental setup to 3. Result and discussions
generate SHG and THG in thin solids in transmission
3.1. Non-linear propagation effects of NIR in MgO
and reflection geometry is shown in Figure 1. We have
and Cr: MgO
used the Astrella femtosecond laser and insert a wedge
(W) to reflect an average power of 20 mW to execute the The spectrum of NIR driving field centered at 800 nm
experiment. The near-infrared (NIR) driving pulses of and its transmission through the MgO (pure) and Cr:
central wavelength 800 nm, 40 fs [5], operating at 1 kHz MgO crystals at an intensity of ≈ 1.0 ×1013 W/cm2 is
are focused on the crystals to generate below bandgap shown in Figure 2. The Gaussian fit of NIR in the absence
harmonics and to observe the non-linear propagation of crystals is of FWHM ≈ 23.8 nm, while FWHM of
effects in MgO (pure) and Cr: MgO, Sa and FS in trans- NIR through MgO is 40.96 nm, as shown in Figure 2.
mission geometry. The NIR pulses are focused to thin We have observed the broadening and blue-shifting in
solids by a lens (L1) of 75 cm focal length to ≈ 100 μm the transmitted spectra as seen in the Gaussian fit (red

decrease in intensity of SHG and THG signal with the

increase of doping concentration [5,17]. Therefore, the
conversion efficiency of NIR photon to ultraviolet pho-
ton would be lower in Cr: MgO crystals as compared to
pure MgO.

3.2. Spectral measurements of TH in MgO and Cr:

MgO crystals
The spectral profile of THG in MgO and Cr: MgO crys-
tals is shown in Figure 3(a). The peak of THG in MgO
is centred at 266.5 nm with the FWHM of 4.25 nm. We
have observed the spectral broadening of the TH signal
is low (740 ppm) and higher doped (9500 ppm) crys-
Figure 2. Blue-shifted spectral measurements of the propagated
tal. The FWHM of TH from Cr: MgO (740 ppm) and
NIR pulses in 200 μm MgO and Cr: MgO crystals.
Cr: MgO (9500 ppm) is broadened to 6.54 nm and 8.1
nm, respectively. The peak of TH in Cr: MgO (9500
ppm) is red-shifted centred at 268.5 nm. Whereas, the
dotted curve of NIR and the blue dotted curve repre- FWHM of TH signal generated in Cr: MgO (1300 ppm)
sents the transmission of NIR through MgO). With the and Cr: MgO (5000 ppm) reduces to 4 nm and 4.15
increase of the doping concentration of Cr in MgO, the nm, respectively Figure 3(a). The spectra of THG sig-
transmitted spectra of NIR gets broadened, as shown nal from MgO in transmission (T red dots) and reflec-
in Figure 2. The FWHM of NIR transmitted through tion (R blue dots) measured with another UV–VIS spec-
Cr: MgO (5000 ppm and 9500 ppm) increased to 35.3 trometer (Sarspec) is shown in Figure 3(b). The THG
nm and 38.5 nm, respectively. For the sake of simplic- signal generated in transmission showed multiple pro-
ity for readers, the Gaussian fitted spectra are omitted in nounced peaks structure due to non-linear propaga-
Figure 2. tion effects than the TH signal observed from reflection
The amount of blue-shifted spectral broadening in geometry.
MgO Figure 2 is limited due to the multiphoton absorp- We have observed a strong linear absorption of 267
tion process, counterbalance of free-carrier density and nm in the higher Cr: MgO crystals. This highlight that
Kerr nonlinearity at the leading edge and attenuation the THG from the front surface of the doped crystal can
experienced by the components of blue-shifted frequency be absorbed and the observed third harmonic (TH) sig-
at the trailing edge of the optical pulse [16]. As the refrac- nal is contributed from the back surfaces in the higher
tive index of the medium modulated due to the Kerr effect doped crystals (Cr: MgO). When an intense femtosecond
and free-carrier density due to the self-focusing effect and pulses is focused to the crystals, the self-focusing effect
multiphoton absorption process. The Kerr non-linearity can be observed in Cr: MgO crystals as reported [9] due
induces the blue-shift in the spectrum of a pulse at the to the self-phase modulation (SPM) effect. The refractive
trailing edge and redshift at the leading edge, while the index of the medium varied due to the SPM. The vary-
increase in free-carrier density induces blue shift at both ing refractive index of the medium with the interaction
edges of the pulse [16]. Thus, we observe a net blue- of light induces the phase shift and as a result, the spec-
shifted NIR spectrum in MgO. The self-focusing effect trum of the pulse changed. Thus, the spectra of TH in low
is observed in Cr: MgO crystals [9] due to the self-phase and higher doped crystal broaden due to the self-focusing
modulation (SPM) effect. SPM is a non-linear effect that effect which induces self-phase modulation of the driving
induces the varying refractive index with the interaction pulses as observed in the Figure 2.
of light with the medium. The variation in the refrac-
tive index of the medium produces the phase shift and
3.3. Non-linear propagation effects and generation
as a result, the spectrum of the pulse changed. We have
of below band-gap harmonics in Sa
observed broader transmitted driving spectra through
Cr: MgO Figure 2. The transmission of the driving field The non-linear propagation effects of driving pulses in
decreases with the increase of doping concentration, par- Sa crystal is investigated along with the below bandgap
ticularly for 9500 ppm dopant concentration. The dop- harmonics (SHG and THG). The experimental setup to
ing impact on the yield of SHG and THG in MgO and observe non-linear propagation effects of driving pulses
Cr: MgO has been reported earlier, which showed the and generation of below bandgap harmonics is described

Figure 3. (a) Spectral measurements of THG in MgO (pure) and Cr: MgO with different doping concentrations at normal incidence of the
driving field to crystals. The vertical axis is normalized to 1 for each crystal. At low and higher doping concentrations, the TH spectrum
exhibits broadening, (b) Spectral measurements of THG in transmission (blue dots) and reflection (red dots) in MgO. Where R: reflection
and T corresponds to transmission. NIR/3; NIR was focused in the air (black dotted) and in MgO (black line) and divided by 3 to match the
peak of TH theoretically.

in Section 2. The transmitted spectra of the NIR driving of the crystal axis with the initial laser polarization.
field through Sa is compressed and has more enhance- Whereas, a four-fold anisotropic polarization response
ment towards the leading edge of spectra and the trailing of THG in Sa in transmission (red dots) and reflection
edge of spectra falls as compared to the driving NIR spec- geometry (blue dots) is observed as shown in Figure
trum. As a result, the FWHM of NIR transmitted through 5(b). The polarization response of THG in both reflec-
Sa is 22.63 nm while the FWHM of NIR is 25.97 nm tion and transmission agreed with different crystal cuts,
and reflected FWHM of NIR from Sa is 26.77 nm which as reported earlier [18]. The peaks of polarization depen-
is more blue-shifted and has pronounced peaks at the dence of THG in reflection are symmetric in intensity,
trailing edge Figure 4(a). whereas an asymmetric response of peaks observed in the
We have generated SHG and THG in Sa (Al2 O3 ) which transmission is attributed to the non-linear propagation
is oriented along (0001) having dimension 10 × 10 × 0.3 effects of the driving pulses in Sa.
mm3 at ≈ 1.0 ×1013 W/cm2 . The acquisition time for
SHG 100 ms and for THG chosen to be 1 s with average
3.4. Non-linear propagation effects on the below
over five acquisitions to measure the spectrum of THG
band-gap harmonics in FS
by UV–VIS spectrometer. The spectral measurements of
SHG in Sa in transmission and reflection geometry is The FS mounted on the translation stage to translate at
shown in Figure 4(b). The SH spectra has the FWHM of the focus point of the driving field to observe the non-
6.42 nm in transmission whereas in reflection geometry linear propagation effects of driving pulses. The broad-
has FWHM of 6.27 nm. The spectral measurements of ening of driving pulses observed in FS, FWHM of NIR
THG in transmission and reflection geometry is shown in driving field in transmission (28.5 nm) and reflection
Figure 4(c). FWHM of TH signal in transmission is 5.43 (27.7 nm) is observed as compared to the fundamental
nm while in reflection geometry has the FWHM of 5.35 FWHM (25.97 nm) as shown in Figure 6(a). Due to non-
nm. The THG signal generated in transmission is broader linear propagation effects, the transmitted spectra (red)
than compared to reflection in Sa Figure 4(c) due to the showed multiple enhanced peak structures at the trailing
non-linear propagation effects. edge as compared to the fundamental driving field (black
The polarization response of SHG in transmission curves). We have observed the blue-shifted broadening
(shown in red dots) and reflection (blue dots) in Sa of the driving pulses is transmitted or reflected from
demonstrated primarily isotropic response, as shown in the FS which attributes to the strong photoionization
Figure 5(a). A small dip in the reflection geometry, possi- effect. Furthermore, SH and TH have been generated in
bly due to the spectrometer response in that polarization 300 μm thick FS (detail of experimental setup is described
direction. The shifted orientation polarization response in Section 2). The spectral profile of SHG in transmis-
of SHG in reflection is possibly due to the relative shift sion (red data points) and reflection (blue data points)

Figure 4. (a) Propagation of NIR (800 nm) in 300 μm Sapphire (Sa) crystal. NIR (black) FWHM = 25.97 nm, transmission (red) and reflected
from the front surface of Sa (Blue) having FWHM = 22.63 nm and FWHM = 26.67 nm, respectively. (b) Spectral measurements of SHG in
transmission (red data points) and reflection (blue data points) geometry. NIR/2; NIR was focused in the air (black dotted) and in Sa (black
line) and divided by 2 to match the peak of SH theoretically. (c) Spectral measurements of THG in reflection (blue data points) and in
transmission(red data points). NIR/3, NIR was focused in the air (black dotted) and in Sa (black line) and divided by 3 to match the peak
of TH theoretically. Where R: reflection and T corresponds to transmission.

Figure 5. Polarization dependence of below bandgap harmonics in Sa measured in reflection and transmission geometry. Where, R:
reflection and T corresponds to transmission (a) SHG, (b) THG.

Figure 6. (a) NIR (black) after transmission through FS (red) and reflection (blue) from FS. The FWHM of transmitted NIR is 28.5 nm and
reflected NIR is 27.7 nm, respectively. Whereas the FWHM of fundamental NIR is 25.97 nm. (b) Spectral measurements of SHG in 300 μm
thick fused silica (FS) in transmission (red data points) and reflection (blue data points) geometry. NIR/2; NIR was focused in the air (black
dotted) and in FS (black line) and divided by 2 to match the peak of SH theoretically. (c) Spectral measurements of THG in FS in reflection
(blue data points) and transmission(red data points). NIR/3; NIR was focused in the air (black dotted) and in FS (black line) and divided by
3 to match the peak of TH theoretically.

Figure 7. Linear polarization dependence of below band-gap harmonics in FS in reflection (purple dots) and in transmission geometry
(red dots for FS and black solid lines for SiO2 ) (a) SHG, (b) THG.

is shown in Figure 6(b). We have observed fringes in the We attribute the broadening of driving pulses in trans-
SHG spectrum both in reflection and transmission which mission due to the self-phase modulation effect. The
are separated by 3.15 nm. These fringes are observed due non-linear propagation effects are avoided in the below
to the interference of SHG pulses generated from the bandgap harmonics through reflection geometry and
front surface and bulk, for further detail of such fringes compared with the transmission geometry. The observed
behaviour, we refer the reader to [6,19]. Noted that the non-linear propagation effects of the driving field are
central peak of the SHG spectrum is blue-shifted when imprinted on the below bandgap harmonics. We have
compared with the theoretically driving SH spectrum mapped crystal symmetry from the linear polarization
(NIR/2 black dotted spectrum). The broadening effect response of harmonics in Sa. The linear polarization
has observed in the TH in transmission as compared to response of THG in amorphous and crystalline SiO2 has
the reflected TH signal in FS. We have observed that the the four-fold anisotropic response in reflection geome-
spectral profile of TH in reflection is blue-shifted than in try, while transmission geometry shows two-fold maxima
transmission due to the strong photoionization effect [6]. along with the horizontal linear polarization of the driv-
The polarization of driving pulses is rotated by HWP ing field. This work shows the sensitivity to control the
to observe the polarization dependence of SH and TH spectral profile of harmonics by manipulating the driving
in both reflection and transmission geometry. We have field, showing the possibility of new tailored solid-state
observed the isotropic response of SHG in FS in transmis- UV sources for optical diagnostics.
sion geometry (red data points) and two-fold anisotropic
response in reflection, as shown in Figure 7(a). We have
Disclosure statement
observed that the symmetry response of SHG in reflec-
tion and transmission are orthogonal. In reflection geom- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
etry, SHG shows more anisotropic response and has a
two-fold symmetry along the vertical linear polarization
direction. This anisotropic response of SHG in reflection
geometry of FS is similar to crystalline SiO2 response as This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia (FCT) under the grant number PD/BD/135224/20
shown in Figure 7(a). Although, FS is amorphous (non-
17 in the framework of the Advanced Programme in Plasma
crystalline) in nature and does not exhibit any long-range Science and Engineering (APPLAuSE).
symmetry. Yet, the THG shows two fold-symmetry, as
illustrated in Figure 7(b) (red data points) in transmis-
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