PR Campaign

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Please develop a PR campaign proposal for a social cause from those outlined below, leading to a positive
change in society or among a specific target group. The project must be relevant for our country.

Team project (up to 5 members).

The social causes you can consider are the following:

1. Reducing food waste in households.
2. Fighting water waste in households.
3. Promoting a healthy lifestyle (through a healthy diet and sports).
4. Fighting drug use among young people.
5. Reducing school dropout in Romania.
6. Fighting against bullying in Romania.
7. You can also think of another social issue that you want to address.

1. A short analysis of the situation in Romania.
2. Define the target audience(s) of your campaign and choose a public relations campaign strategy.
3. The campaign should have a title. Please choose one.
4. Establish key messages for your campaign.
5. Suggest some PR actions in accordance with the chosen theme and develop some materials you want
to use (messages, audio, video, print, or articles).
6. Draft a budget proposal.
7. Create a presentation material for the entire campaign concept.

Tips for Task 4:

 The content of your campaign must be original.
 The target audience(s) is (are) very important.
 Do not hesitate to be creative.
 Do not hesitate to suggest unconventional promotional actions.

What we deliver:
A ppt. presentation (for both the seminar and, containing some of the materials developed.
Evaluation criteria
1. Creativity in choosing the theme and the concept of the campaign.
2. Professionalism – the quality of the presentation, the structure of the document, the logic of the
3. Presentation – in approx. 10-15 minutes we will have to understand that a team had prepared the
project and that everyone knows their role.

Grades from 1 to 10. 60% content, 40% presentation.
Share in the final seminar grade: 10%.

Presentation: seminars 12 and 13.

Due date for uploading the task on until: May 27, 2023.

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