02 MW CharacterCreation v43

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and other factors.

Identity helps you roleplay your

character in a consistent manner.
Starting Equipment: Finally, this chapter helps

Character you determines the objects you have at the start of

the game.

As a player, you control a character given to you or
one you create using the rules presented in this
chapter. You might play a devout follower of the
High One, a curious mage, a traveling entertainer
who happens to be good at swordplay, or a cunning
investigator who has a knack for finding clues. You
could play a human, much like yourself, an elf, a
dwarf, or something exotic like a clockwork or
salamander. You can master the secrets of magic,
call upon the supernatural power of your patron
deity, be a crook, a hero, or someone in between.
You can play the character you want to play and be
anyone you choose to become.
Creating a character involves make a few big
choices and recording the results of those choices
on a character sheet. (You can find a sheet at the
back of this book or on the company website.) The
choices you make determine your attributes,
profession, ancestry, personality, and the path you
take to develop your character. There are no right or
wrong options and you can make your selections in
any order. And if you can’t decide, each section
includes tables to let you randomize some or all
aspects about your character.
Obviously, this chapter is intended for players,
but Sages should pay special attention to this
chapter as well. If you plan to be the Sage, take some
time to make a few characters so you understand
how the process works and can help the other
players make their own characters.
In brief, the main sections cover the following
Level: Your character has a level. Most games start
at level 1/2, but the Sage might start the game at a
higher level.
Attributes: The basic building blocks of all
characters, you determine your attribute scores to
see what tasks you’re best at performing.
Ancestry: A great many intelligent people live in
the New Lands and any of them might take up the
mantle of adventurer. Ancestries provide you with
traits that describe your physical capabilities.
Profession: Your profession tells you what you
did to make ends meet and grants you one or more
Identity: As people living in a world, all
characters have identities made up of their
experiences, personality, culture, religious beliefs,

Your character has a level, which describes your
experience and overall capabilities. As you play
through adventures, your level increases. Normally,
your character begins at level 1/2, but the Sage might
start the game at a higher level. The Level Benefits
table shows you the benefits gained for each level.
Details on novice, expert, and master paths appear
in their respective chapters.
Level Benefit
1 Choose a novice path and gain the level 1 benefits
from that path.
2 Gain the level 2 benefits from your novice path.
3 Choose an expert path (see chapter $#) and gain the
level 3 benefits from that path.
4 Gain the level 4 benefits from your expert path.
5 Gain the level 5 benefits from your novice path.
6 Gain the level 6 benefits from your expert path.
7 Choose a master path (see chapter $#) and gain the
level 7 benefits from that path.
8 Gain the level 8 benefits from your master path.
9 Gain the level 9 benefits from your expert path.
10 Gain the level 10 benefits from your master path.

Attributes Intellect
Intellect describes intelligence, wit, memory,
A set of attributes broadly describe your character’s knowledge, and the ability to use logic to solve
capabilities. The attributes include Strength, Agility, complex problems. You use Intellect when you
Intellect, and Will. For each you have a score and a would thwart an effort to deceive you, solve complex
modifier. A score is a number from 1 to 20, while the problems, or deceive or outwit another creature. You
modifier is your score minus 10. If you have a 12 also use Intellect for using some forms of magic.
Strength, you have a +2 modifier. On the other hand, Make Intellect your high score if you want to use
if you have a 9 Agility, you have a –1 modifier. Your magic and know things.
scores operate as the target number for rolls made
against you. And you add your modifier to d20 rolls Will
made to use a particular attribute. Will describes courage, willpower, resolve, and
mental fortitude. You use Will to resist efforts to
Strength erode your confidence, manipulate your emotions,
Strength represents physical might, athletic ability, or terrify you. You also use Will to overcome some
durability, and fitness. You use Strength to resist mental effects and to use some forms of magic.
effects that would force you to move or that would Make Will your high score if you would be
restrain you, as well as when you would perform courageous and serve the gods.
activities that relate to athletic feats such as
climbing, swimming, attacking with most melee
weapons, kicking down doors, or overpowering
Starting Scores and
other creatures. You also use Strength to withstand
pain, injury, poison, venom, and infection.
Choose one of the following sets of scores and
Make Strength your high score if you want to
modifiers and assign one score and modifier to one
focus on fighting with melee weapons.
attribute until you have assigned all four scores. If
you can’t decide on a set, you can roll a d20 to
Health determine your scores randomly.
Your Health score tells you how much damage you
can take before you become incapacitated, as STARTING SCORES AND MODIFIERS
discussed in Chapter 1. Your Health score equals d20 Scores and Modifiers
your Strength. When your Strength score gains a 1–5 11 (+1), 11 (+1), 10 (+0), 10 (+0)
permanent increase, you increase your Health as 6–10 12 (+2), 10 (+0), 10 (+0), 10 (+0)
11–15 12 (+2), 11 (+1), 10 (+0), 9 (–1)
well. 16–20 11 (+1), 11 (+1), 11 (+1), 9 (–1)

Agility represents poise and dexterity, balance, aim,
speed, and reflexes. You use Agility when you
maintain your balance, either because someone
shoves you or you are moving across challenging
terrain, when you would perform an activity that
requires manual dexterity, such as when you pick a
lock, disarm a trap, or perform sleight of hand,
chase, and flee.
Make Agility your high score if you want to focus
on fighting with ranged weapons, be sneaky, and be

You have a Defense score, which is the target
number for rolls made to attack you. Your Defense
equals your Agility. If your Agility gains a
permanent increase, your Defense might also
increase. Note that your ancestry might increase or
decrease your Defense and you can increase your
Defense by wearing armor and wielding a buckler,
shield, or similar weapon.

Size Most characters are size 1, though some
ancestries might be smaller or larger.
Erth hosts a myriad and diverse people made up of Languages Your ancestry determines the
countless ancestries and nowhere is this truer than languages you know how to speak, read, and write.
in the New Lands, for here, Old Country refugees You can always trade out a language granted by your
mingle with lumbering ogres, mercurial dragonets, ancestry for Common or Native.
and countless other peoples. You can choose your Background Each ancestry includes a short table
character’s ancestry from the options presented in of possible backgrounds. You can roll a die to
this section. determine your background, choose one from the
The various ancestries offer a general description list, or make one up.
of the people with a focus on their physical
characteristics. Such things as personality, culture, Archon
and the like are left for you to determine with the The angels cast you out from Paradise and
Sage’s help. Your human character might have lived condemned you to pass your days in the mortal
among the faeries, while another’s dragonet could world as an archon. An independent streak, a
been raised by dwarfs. Ancestry makes no demonstration of free will earned you your exile.
prescriptions about the behavior and interests of the You might lament your estrangement from the
people they represent as people, regardless of their heavenly realm or revel in the freedom you have
ancestry, can be good or evil, cruel or kind. gained.
RANDOM ANCESTRIES You cannot hide your angelic heritage. Despite
d20 Ancestry Description having a human-shaped form, you appear to have
1 Archon You are an angel exiled from Paradise. been sculpted from bronze, gold, or silver and faint
2 Cambion You are a human tainted by darkness. filigree appears all over your form. You have no
3 Changeling You are a faerie who can change your body hair and you lack reproductive organs. You can
face. recall having great feathery wings once, but you lost
4 Clockwork You are a mechanical being.
them in your fall from grace and now short stumps
5 Dragonet You are a tiny, talking dragon.
6 Dryad You are a faerie who can turn into a tree. mark the places where they once emerged.
7 Dwarf You are a stout, hirsute humanoid. You resemble all other archons, being six feet tall
8 Elf You are a faerie of grace and beauty. and weighing exactly one hundred sixty pounds.
9 Faun You appear as a human with the horns and The metallic sheen of your skin might be silver,
legs of a goat. gold, or copper, and you have unique patterns
10 Gnome You are a humanoid made of living stone. etched in your skin that tell the story of your
11 Halfling You are a diminutive and agile humanoid.
immortal existence.
12 Hobgoblin You are a diminutive faerie who can stay
out of sight.
13 Human You belong to a numerous and varied Angel Your angelic heritage renders you immune to the
people. effects of aging, infection, poison, venom, and other
14 Ogre You are an enormous, furry humanoid. toxins. You suffer no negative effects from growing
15 Orc You are big, brutish humanoid. older and short of violence or mishap you can live
16 Salamander You are a humanoid with the lower body forever.
of a serpent and an affinity for fire. Inner Light You can use an action to perform the inner
17 Shade You are a humanoid touched by shadow. light activity.
18 Skinchanger You are a humanoid who can transform Celestial Voice When you speak, you can choose to speak
into an animal. in a celestial voice. Everyone who can hear you speak
19 Sylph You are a winged humanoid. and that knows at least one language understands what
20 Undine You are a humanoid with an affinity for you say. You can understand any spoken language you
water. hear.


Pure light shines from your body.
Ancestries grant one or more traits that reflect
unique physical qualities that set them apart from Range Personal; Target You
others. A trait provides a constant benefit that Effect You emit dim light until you become unconscious
modifies how your character interacts with the or you use an action to end the effect.
world. You retain your traits for as long as you ARCHON BACKGROUNDS
remain in your ancestry’s form. If you transform d6 Background
into another kind of creature, you lose the traits 1 Exile saw you imprisoned in a vault buried deep in
granted by your ancestry and gain those of your new the mortal world. You escaped thanks to the efforts
ancestry. of oblivious delvers.

2 You fell from Paradise into the fiery depths of Effect Each enemy must succeed on a luck roll or become
Perdition. You escaped, scorched and wide-eyed, frightened for one round.
into the mortal world.
3 Falling in love with a mortal saw you exiled from CAMBION MARKS OF DARKNESS
Paradise. d20 Mark of Darkness
4 You slew a mortal who summoned you to perform 1 A strange glyph, rune, or marking stands out in the
some evil deed. center of your forehead.
5 A rent in reality showed you the darkness of the Void. 2 You have a pair of small horns sprouting from your
Madness sent you fleeing from Paradise. forehead.
6 You grew to resent service to the High One and quit 3 Odd, irregular markings appear all over your skin.
Paradise of your own accord. 4 You have an unusual, exotic skin color.
5 Your eyes look like those of goats.

Cambion 6
Your eyes shed blood or black ichor.
Your large, jagged fangs make it almost impossible to
Blood will out, or so the saying goes. From time to close your mouth.
8 You have an elongated forked tongue that often slips
time, mortals produce children that bear unusual
through past your lips to lick your face.
characteristics, physical qualities that suggest 9 You have a long, flexible tail.
something more than expected range of variations 10 Your fingers end in black points.
one expects to find. Often, these qualities portend 11 The shadow you cast never quite matches your
nothing, though they might make life a bit more movements.
difficult, but sometimes they reveal a stain, a 12 You have snakes instead of hair.
corruption in the blood, a darkness in the family 13 You have a large bump or growth somewhere on
your body that’s difficult to conceal such as on your
heritage that has lain dormant for generations.
neck, arm, back, or hand. It shudders, from time to
These individuals stand apart from the ancestries of time.
their birth families and become cambions. 14 You have a third eye in the center of your forehead.
Despite being other than the rest of your family, 15 Infernal fire burns in your eyes.
you likely share physical characteristics in common 16 You have both horns and a tail.
with your parents, being tall or short, thin or heavy, 17 You have a second mouth on your neck that
with certain facial features, coloration, or other sometimes mutters and complains.
18 You have a pair of vestigial, black bat wings on your
cosmetic qualities that signal your blood
connection. But you also have something else, a 19 You have double pupils and irises in each eye.
mark of darkness that sets you apart. 20 Spurs and nodules grow from your arms and legs,
A mark of darkness always manifests in a physical and down your spine.
form. Rarely subtle, the mark might show itself in
your eyes, the color of your skin, or the possession CAMBION BACKGROUNDS
d6 Background
of extra, unusual appendages. As tolerant as most
1 Abandoned or orphaned, you somehow managed to
people can be when it comes to the sheer variety of survive on your own.
forms people might take, your mark has a sinister 2 Your family feared your mark of darkness and hid you
quality that signals the darkness within you and away until you finally escaped confinement.
many believe you to be in league with the Adversary 3 An angry mob drove you out of your home
or the fiends who serve him. community.
The mark notwithstanding, you appear human 4 You come from a long line of cambions and your
family believes the mark of darkness anticipates a
and your height and weight fall within the typical great destiny for you.
ranges for such people, with heights ranging from 4- 5 Your community accepted you and your unusual
1/2 to 6-1/2 feet and weight from 90 to 300 pounds. appearance, so you were surprised to find fear and
ostracism elsewhere.
Fiendish Heritage You take half damage from fire. 6 An evil inquisitor hunts you. You cannot stay in one
Secret Face You can perform the secret face activity. place for long.
Menacing Presence Others can sense the darkness in
you, which imposes 1 bane on rolls made in social
situations. However, in such situations when you would Changeling
intimidate or threaten, the bane becomes a boon. You could have been any kind of faerie: an elf, a
Languages Common hobgoblin, pixie, or something else. But choosing a
final form felt wrong to you, too restrictive, too
SECRET FACE determinative. You wanted the freedom to become
Your face contorts into a hideous grimace that shocks your
enemies before returning to normal. anyone you wanted to be, to adopt different guises
whenever you chose. And thus you joined the ranks
Special When you become injured, you can use a reaction of the unchosen faeries and become a changeling.
to perform this activity. Lacking a fixed form, you can cause your body to
Range Melee; Target Each enemy flow into other humanoid forms. You can appear

human, as a dwarf, or something else. You can also
look like any kind of faerie, an orc, or a mongrel. Clockwork
The choice is yours. The Weird Wizard made you at some point in the
When forced into your normal form, you appear past, constructing your innerworkings from gears,
unfinished in many ways. Small and slight, you spindles, springs, and cogs, and then encasing your
likely stand under 4 feet tall and weigh no more mechanical components inside a metal shell. Once
than 80 pounds. You have no apparent gender and done, the Wizard woke you up, gave you your name
your facial features appear understated and subtle, and identity, and set for you a task that you must
with the mere suggestion of a nose, a small slit for accomplish. Your life, until recently, has been spent
the mouth, and lidless eyes. in service to your maker, but he has left the
Forbidden City and you are now free to find your
Night Vision You see in dim light as if it were bright light. own destiny.
You benefit from dim light as if it were bright light and It’s likely that you have not yet encountered
faint light as if it were dim light. another clockwork in your journey so far and based
Small Your size is 1/2. While you are this size, you have a on the reactions of the people you meet you are the
+1 bonus to Defense. first they have ever seen. Your mechanical form
Faerie Upon reaching adulthood, you grow no older evokes wonder and fear in equal measure, as you
physically and, short of violence of mishap, you live
indefinitely. Your faerie heritage renders you immune
are a marvel of magic and engineering. The
to aging effects and infection. reactions you find likely affects you in some way;
Change Self You can use an action to perform the change you might feel emboldened to travel in the open to
self activity. educate others or you could hide your nature
Languages Sylvan behind a heavy cloak and mask to avoid the
attention your unusual nature attracts.
CHANGE SELF You have a humanoid shape and you stand from
You cause your body to reshape itself into a different form. four to seven feet tall and weigh about fifty pounds
Range Personal; Target You per foot you are tall. You can choose any appearance
Effect Change the appearance of your physical body to you like. For example, you could look like a rotund
appear as someone else. The change holds up to man with a metal mustache and goggle eyes or have
physical inspection. Your new appearance must be of a a ram’s head or have no face at all. Your maker
humanoid form of flesh and blood and of size 1/2 or 1, assembled you from base metals, so you need not
but you can make any other decision about what you
fear some scoundrel taking you apart for treasure.
look like. You retain your ancestry traits regardless of
your current appearance and though you might look One thing you have and that over which you have
like a member of a different ancestry, you gain none of little control is your key. Your key sticks out from
that ancestry’s traits. your back and turns at a slow rate, a full rotation
after about a minute. When your key runs down,
CHANGELING BACKGROUNDS you lose all awareness and mobility, becoming an
d6 Background object. Anyone can wind your key and when fully
1 You crawled through a mirror and became lost in the
mortal world.
wound, you regain your senses and can move once
2 You prefer mortals to faeries. You came up with more.
several tricks to help you avoid discovery.
3 An organization, perhaps criminal, recruited you to Mechanical Body You have a body made up from
serve as an informant. clockwork machinery and count as an animated object.
4 After months living in a community of mortals, you Increase your Health by 3 and you can use your
were exposed and driven out by a mob armed with Strength instead of Agility for calculating your Defense
torches and pitchforks. score. Despite your mechanical body, you count as a
5 You found your hidden kingdom stifling. You left that creature for targeting purposes.
life behind, believing something greater awaits you. As a machine, you have no need for sustenance and
6 You were a fool in the court of an elf noble until you thus ignore suffocation, deprivation from hunger and
offended your patron and were sent packing. thirst, aging, and infection. Poisons, venoms, and other
toxins have no effect on you. Because you ingest
Ancestral Languages nothing, you derive no benefit from consuming
The language entry in ancestries presumes a character with that substances such as elixirs, potions, and powders, nor do
ancestry came of age in a place where the language was you benefit from healing kits or poultices. When you
spoken. If your character was from some other place, feel free rest, you heal damage and regain expended resources as
to swap out the ancestral language for one that matches your normal, but you do not regain lost Health with making
character’s cultural upbringing. repairs.
A creature can use a tool kit to repair your body. At
the end of each hour spent working, the repairing
creature makes an Intellect roll and, on a success,
allows you to regain 1d6 Health. You also regain Health

from any effect that would enable an object to regain 20 You have a strange arrangement of limbs. You could
Health. have a centauroid shape, crawl around like a crab, or
Clockwork Motor Somewhere on your back is a large key. have an extra set of useless arms.
The key stops turning when you become unconscious,
at which point you lose the animated object trait and
become an inanimate, insensate object, causing your Dragonet
Defense to drop to 0, though your Health score remains The blood of dragons flows through your veins.
unchanged. Without the animated object trait, any Although your kind happen to be the smallest of the
damage you take comes off your Health score, just as dragons, your people have long taken pride in their
with any other object. connection to the most magnificent monsters to
If you lack the animated object trait, a creature that ever haunt the Erth. And what you lack in size, you
can reach you can use an action to wind your key.
During the upkeep after your key has been wound, roll
more than make for in intelligence. Where your kin
luck. You heal damage and regain the animated object might rend and rip with tooth and claw, you and
trait on a success, or lose 1d6 Health and remain an your fellows find cunning and trickery serve you
object on a failure. just as well.
Languages Native You might not be able to raze a city with your
dragon flame, but the fire burning in your breast
CLOCKWORK BACKGROUNDS can melt metal and make candles of people. A body,
d6 Background
1 You lived in the Forbidden City until your maker
three feet long and sixty pounds contains all the
vanished. You set out to find him. fury of your kind. You have a long, prehensile tail
2 The Weird Wizard gave you a quest. You set out to that works like an extra limb, along with tiny claws
complete your mission only to find your master has at the end of your short arms and legs, and a mouth
vanished. full of sharp teeth. You look like a diminutive
3 Sometimes, you experience memories that seem to dragon, with scales of any color you choose, and
belong to another person, one of flesh and blood.
your wings can lift you from the ground and speed
4 You fled the Forbidden City years ago, having
angered your maker.
you through the forests you call home and over the
5 You woke up in the middle of a field with no memory lands that lay beyond your realm.
of how you got there. Someone turned your key.
Who was it? Small Your size is 1/2. While you are this size, you have a
6 You found strange diagrams and writings you believe +1 bonus to Defense.
were written by the Weird Wizard and might hold the Wings and Tail You have a pair of wings, which grant you
secret to making more clockworks. You hope to find the flier 1 trait, though you lose it while injured. So long
someone who can make sense of them. as you are conscious and able to use actions, you do not
have to use a move to fly in order to remain flying.
CLOCKWORK DISTINCTIVE FEATURES You also have a prehensile tail. You can use your tail
d20 Feature as if it were an extra arm. You can use it to pick up,
1 Your chassis appears worn, pitted, and cracked. carry, and manipulate objects as if it was your off-hand.
2 Your interior components sometimes make a horrid Breath Weapon You can use an action to perform the
grinding noise. breathe fire activity.
3 You spray oil or some other fluid when frightened. Languages Native
4 You have strange antennae, bolts, and other
protrusions. BREATHE FIRE
5 You have a heavy cloth wrapping over your You spew a stream of fire from your mouth.
mechanical body.
6 Someone scratched words or initials onto your Range Zero; Target One creature or object
chassis. Roll Agility against Agility
7 You have no facial features at all. Success 1d6 + your level damage.
8 You have a monstrous visage.
9 You have sockets in your body that can hold square- DRAGONET BACKGROUNDS
shaped objects. d6 Background
10 Your head resembles that of an animal. 1 A powerful magician kept you as a pet. You stayed
11 You have tiny, nonfunctioning wings sprouting from until you tired of the arrangement.
your back. 2 You alone survived an attack by loathsome monsters.
12 Your eyes glow in the dark. 3 You became a companion to a wizard or witch until
13 Your key looks like a sword. your friend vanished, died, or became imprisoned.
14 You have keys hanging from rings all over your body. 4 You hope to find a spell that will transform you into a
15 Someone painted your body an unusual color. true dragon.
16 You have corroded spots all over your body. 5 You crave gold, gems, and treasures.
17 You have oddly shaped legs, arms, or both. 6 Your queen sent you on a special mission. What are
18 You have highly ornate and decorated plates you supposed to accomplish?
covering your body.
19 Pieces of your body tend to fall off at weird times, DRAGONET DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
though their loss never discomfits you. d20 Distinctive Feature

1 You have a deep, gravelly voice. Requirement You must be standing on an earthen
2 You have multicolored scales. surface
3 Your eyes twinkle when you see gold and gems. Range Personal; Target You
4 You have an extra finger on each hand and an extra Effect You transform into a tree. Everything you wear and
toe on each foot. carry transforms with you. You become rooted in place
5 Your wings are quite a bit larger than normal. and cannot move or use actions, and you have the
6 Your tail is a different color from the rest of your awareness 2 trait (see Chapter 1) and take 1d6 extra
body. damage from fire.
7 Water steams off your body when you bathe. For each hour you remain in this form, you heal
8 You have a musty smell about you. damage equal to your level. In addition, if you stay in
9 You have furry ears. this form for 2 hours, you derive enough nourishment
10 You have lots of facial hair. to ignore deprivation from hunger and thirst for 24
11 You slobber and drool all the time.
hours. You can return to your normal form at any time
12 You have butterfly wings.
without using an action to do so.
13 Your scales change color with your moods.
14 You have a strong lisp. DRYAD TREE FORMS
15 Smoke spills from your nose when angry. d20 Tree
16 You purr like a cat. 1 Walnut
17 You attract butterflies. 2 Oak
18 You have an irritating laugh. 3 Dogwood
19 Your tail seems to have a mind of its own. 4 Mulberry
20 You have horns and spikes all over your body. 5 Black Poplar
6 Elm
Dryad 7
You come from the sylvan forests, ancient woods, 9 Maple
places of primeval growth that have never known 10 Cedar
the touch of an axe thanks to your efforts and those 11 Willow
of your fellow dryads. Your home might stand 12 Chestnut
13 Hawthorn
within the bounds of a hidden kingdom or grow
14 Ash
somewhere in the world. Since dryads leave their 15 Alder
forest homes under duress, some major crisis must 16 Beech
have led to your own departure. Fire, a blight, 17 Birch
invasion, or some quest handed down to you could 18 Elder
all explain why you have ventured out into the 19 Rowan
world. 20 Holly
You have two forms. One is that of a slender, fey DRYAD BACKGROUNDS
humanoid, with slightly pointed ears, and skin, hair, d6 Background
and eye color matching the colors of leaves in your 1 You left your grove to live with a mortal whom you
current season, such that you become fiery red in loved, but your lover died at an old age. What will
autumn, gray in winter, bright green in spring, and you do next?
deep green in the summer. 2 You hunt for the villain who cut down a sacred tree in
your grove.
Your other form is that of a great tree. The tree 3 A natural disaster wiped out your home forest. You
can be any species you like and grows about as large carry the seeds of trees and travel to find a place to
as a normal adult tree of its kind, space permitting. plant them.
You feel comfortable in either form and might 4 You search for Grandfather Tree to gain wisdom.
spend years as a tree only to shed that form and 5 A horrid blight spreads through your forest. You hunt
walk the lands as a being of flesh and blood. for a cure.
6 You seek the fate of another dryad who left the
grove, one whom you loved.
Night Vision You see in dim light as if it were bright light.
You benefit from dim light as if it were bright light and
faint light as if it were dim light.
Faerie Upon reaching adulthood, you grow no older
physically and, short of violence of mishap, you live In the Old Country, the dwarfs divided the
indefinitely. Your faerie heritage renders you immune mountains into numerous kingdoms, each mighty
to aging effects and infection. with impregnable defenses to guard the fabulous
Tree Form You can use an action to perform the tree form treasures they had unearthed from the bowels of the
activity. earth. Tragedies of war, plague, and treachery
Languages Sylvan toppled their kingdoms, sending one after that
other into ruins until the dwarfs had no choice but
Your body transforms into a living tree.

to follow humanity in to the lands beyond their You might have become an elf only recently or
ancestral homes. have lived as one for a thousand years. You exist in
You stand 3-1/2 to 4 feet tall and have a heavy, the present and spare little thought for the events
sturdy body that weighs up to 200 pounds. Like through which you lived in the past or for the
most dwarfs, hair covers much of your body, from consequences of those actions you take in the
the mustache and beard covering your rough and moment. You have a humanoid form, with qualities
craggy features down to the toes on your feet. Like mortals likely deem striking for beauty and
humans, though, you might have any coloration you perfection, and made more appealing by their
like, from deep black to palest white and everything juxtaposition against your other, stranger physical
in between. characteristics. Pointed ears and almond-shaped
eyes might be common, but you could also have the
Night Vision You see in dim light as if it were bright light. ears of a rabbit, the legs of a cat, a bushy fox tail,
You benefit from dim light as if it were bright light and butterfly wings, or even be hollow inside. You stand
faint light as if it were dim light. 4-1/2 to 5-1/2 feet tall, with a slim build, weighing no
Small Your size is 1/2. While you are this size, you have a more than 130 pounds.
+1 bonus to Defense.
Incredible Constitution Increase your Health by 6.
Bulky When you take the initiative, you make attribute Night Vision You see in dim light as if it were bright light.
rolls with 1 bane until your turn ends. You benefit from dim light as if it were bright light and
Languages Runic faint light as if it were dim light.
Faerie Upon reaching adulthood, you grow no older
DWARF BACKGROUNDS physically and, short of violence of mishap, you live
d6 Background indefinitely. Your faerie heritage renders you immune
1 You brought shame to your ancestors. You set out to to aging effects and infection.
repair your reputation. Keen Senses You see twice as far as humans see and you
2 You found a map to an ancient holdfast that contains ignore the effects of obscurement on your vision. You
fabulous treasure. You hope to claim it, but a dragon can also hear a whisper from up to two zones away. And
guards the hoard. the Sage might make a luck roll on your behalf to
3 You seek a weapon stolen from your people. determine if you notice a hidden creature, object, or
4 An ancestor spirit charged you with performing some feature in your zone.
great task to allow the spirit entrance into the Hall of Languages Sylvan
5 You have a book filled with all the wrongs done to ELF DISTINCTIVE FEATURE
your clan. You intend to right them all, one at a time. d20 Quirk
6 Another people raised you and their customs and 1 You have unusual ear such that they look like those
beliefs became your own. belonging to a rabbit, goat, or some other animal.
2 Your skin color changes with the seasons. You have

bright green skin in the spring, golden in the
summer, fiery red in the autumn, and bone white in
Something drew you out from the realms of the the winter.
3 You have odd eyes. They might be feline in nature,
faeries and into the mortal lands once held by you
look like those of a goat, or be of a strange color.
and yours at the dawn of time. Whether obligation 4 You have a tail! Your tail can be as bushy as a fox’s,
or curiosity, to answer a threat or to forge peace with naked as a mouse’s, or short like a deer’s.
the newcomers, you have left behind paradise for a 5 You have feathers instead of hair. These feathers can
world in the grip of violence and despair. How long be any color you choose.
you choose to remain among the mortals and what 6 You have unusual legs. Your legs could resemble
risks you are willing to take while there depend those of a grasshopper, bird, or cat. You might even
have the lower body of a deer, if you choose.
largely on the cause of your departure, but while 7 You have butterfly or moth wings growing from your
you remain in the New Lands, you must contend back. They flutter when you want them too, but they
with everything your homeland was not. Instead of cannot lift you off the ground.
beauty, you find ugliness. Instead of peace, incessant 8 You have a pelt of soft fur.
warfare, hunger instead of plenty, and hatred rather 9 Long, delicate antennae extend from your brow.
than an abundance of love. 10 Soft scales cover your hands and feet and extend up
To the mortals, you appear as one of the lords or your limbs, gradually giving way to skin.
11 From behind, you appear hollow. Clothing you wear
ladies of the faerie, a noble being of a stature and simply fades away from behind.
appearance in many ways similar to humans, but 12 You have a frog’s mouth and tongue.
also quite alien. In truth, your form represents a 13 You have webbed fingers and toes.
choice you made when you reached adulthood, a 14 The air smells pleasant and clean around you.
choice that came with certain responsibilities of 15 Your skin glitters and sparkles.
leadership and maintaining the safety and integrity 16 You have pictures of animals in your skin. The animals
depicted move as if they are alive and move around
of the faerie realms.

your body, such that when you are startled, the birds 3 A witch turned you into a sparrow. You flew away in
on your chest take wing and fly to your backside, for fear and could not find your way home after the
example. curse wore off.
17 You have thick hair, fur even, growing along your 4 You befriended and protected a mortal child for
arms and legs. many years. Your friend reached adulthood and
18 In moonlight, glowing motes, like fireflies, dance vanished. You search for this friend.
around your body. 5 Evil brigands sacked your village and carried away
19 You have an extra digit or one less on each hand and your true love.
foot. 6 You hope to become a great hero. You set out with
20 Your movements leave faint tracers. your belongings to find your fortune.

d6 Background Gnome
1 You hope to win the heart of the Lady of the Silver Despite your lack of flesh, bones, and blood, you
Waters by completing a great quest.
2 A mortal used magic to pluck you from your hidden
are, in fact, a living being. Your body consists of a
realm and made you a servant for many years. humanoid-shaped pile of chert rocks that stands
3 You scour the lands for a missing realm of faerie, one about two feet tall and weighs one-hundred and
believed to exist but long lost. fifty pounds. A large stone serves as your head with
4 You owe your life to a mortal and vowed to repay the eyes that look like chips of lava rock. You talk
deed. through the fine crack that runs across your head.
5 Goblins stole something from you—a kiss, a mortal Few gnomes venture out from the subterranean
you loved, your tears. You quest to retrieve what was
enclaves, but you overcame the xenophobia that has
6 You hate trolls. Trolls live in the mortal world and so come to dominate many of your people’s
now you do. settlements. Emerging from the darkness of the
depths, you have found a world of endless
possibility, of strange people with even stranger
Faun customs. And though the people you meet appear
You come from the people who have long guarded different, you have found enough common ground
the paths into the faerie lands, as charged by the to find a place for yourself.
immortals when the world was still young. Legends
claim your people were once human or humanlike, Awareness 0 You have the awareness trait (see chapter 1).
but long exposure to the uncanny energies bleeding Small Your size is 1/2. While you are this size, you have a
out from the hidden kingdoms affected your +1 bonus to Defense.
people’s transformation into your present form, Inorganic Anatomy Your body consists of chunks of rock
which combines human and animal, though not in assembled in a humanoid shape. You can use Strength
in place of Agility for calculating your Defense and you
the manner of mongrels or other weird monsters.
increase your Health by 3.
No, yours is a stable union, such that you have a You ignore hunger and thirst, suffocation, and
generally human upper body, though you likely exposure, as well as to infection, poison, venom, and
have horns growing from your brow. Thick, short other toxins. Since you consume no food or drink, you
fur, similar to that of goats, covers your waist and derive no benefit from using elixirs, potions, powders,
legs all the way down to your hooves. You stand and other substances, nor do you benefit from healing
between four and five feet tall and likely weigh kits or herbal poultices.
between ninety and one hundred forty pounds. You You benefit from resting, like any other creature, but
have the full human range of skin, hair, and eye if you rest on an earthen or stone surface, you heal
twice the damage and regain twice as much Health.
Finally, you cannot swim. Instead, you sink to the
bottom. While submerged in a liquid, you are impaired.
Night Vision You see in dim light as if it were bright light. Language Elemental
You benefit from dim light as if it were bright light and
faint light as if it were dim light. GNOME BACKGROUNDS
Fleet-Footed When you take a turn, you can increase the d6 Background
number of times you can move by one. Once you use 1 You seek the legendary Heart Stone that was stolen
this trait, you lose it (luck ends). from the Gnome King and left him bitter and hateful.
Languages Native If you can restore it, the Gnome King will become
kindly once more.
FAUN BACKGROUNDS 2 Wicked dwarfs stole treasure from your people. You
d6 Background and others set out to find the thieves and punish
1 You found a magic door in the woods. You stepped them.
through it and became lost in the New Lands. 3 An earthquake collapsed the cave in which your
2 You served a wicked faerie queen as her henchmen. people live. You escaped, but left many dead behind.
You felt so guilty, you helped her enemies defeat her. 4 An alchemist employed you for a number of years,
believing you held the secrets of transmutation.

5 You search for the Deeping Gorge, the place from weigh between fifty and seventy pounds. Thick hair
which all gnomes come. grows in tufts from all over your pudgy body,
6 The Voice of the Depths spoke to you and gave you a
especially from the top of your head, nose, and ears.
great purpose you must achieve.
You have a wide face, expressive features, and an
extremely long nose.
Halfling Hobgoblins have talent for sneaking and hiding,
Some claim your kind has kinship with the humans, able to disappear in the face of danger. This makes
being a branch of the tree of humanity, but your them valuable to faerie lords and ladies in need of
people know better. The halflings have lived in the spies, but it also lets hobgoblins infiltrate mortal
world for as long as the humans have and have communities for good or ill designs.
largely lived apart, keeping to your own separate
worlds. Some halfling clans live a nomadic lifestyle, Night Vision You see in dim light as if it were bright light.
but most favor life in little communities tucked away You benefit from dim light as if it were bright light and
faint light as if it were dim light.
in distant lands, far from the strife and struggle that Small Your size is 1/2. While you are this size, you have a
seems to follow humans wherever they go. And yet, +1 bonus to Defense.
here you are, moving among the larger folk. Faerie Upon reaching adulthood, you grow no older
You stand between three and four feet tall and physically and, short of violence of mishap, you live
weigh between forty and eighty pounds. You have indefinitely. Your faerie heritage renders you immune
many human characteristics, including the same to aging effects and infection.
proportions, but you have just three fingers and a Stealthy You move at full speed while sneaking and when
thumb on each hand and the same number of toes you become hidden, you become invisible until you use
on each foot. By human standards, you have large an action.
Language Sylvan
eyes and slightly pointed ears that lack earlobes and
have tufts of fur growing from the tips. HOBGOBLIN BACKGROUNDS
d6 Background
Small Your size is 1/2. While you are this size, you have a 1 Choose a mortal character in your group. You
+1 bonus to Defense. bonded with the character’s family and watched over
Keen Senses You see twice as far as humans see and you this character for years. You have a close bond.
ignore the effects of obscurement on your vision. You 2 Your life is a mystery. You have no memory of your
can also hear a whisper from up to two zones away. And past.
the Sage might make a luck roll on your behalf to 3 You lived in a burrow near a human settlement. You
determine if you notice a hidden creature, object, or sometimes snuck around, helping people in need
feature in your zone. with their chores.
Nimble You make Agility rolls with 1 boon and you can fit 4 Something frightened you so badly that you packed
through any opening large enough to accommodate the up and left your old life behind. What happened?
size of your head, which is about 20 inches in diameter. 5 You recently left a faerie kingdom to see the mortal
Language Common or Native world.
6 You have lived as a loner for years, but something
HALFLING BACKGROUNDS drove you toward civilization.
d6 Background
1 You and your family lived among another people.
You adopted their customs and count yourself Human
among them. You belong to the great family of humanity, the most
2 You come from a large family of nomads. You have numerous and diverse people living on all of Erth.
traveled around the New Lands in a wagon caravan. You might be short or tall, thin or heavy, or
3 You want to see the world. The next opportunity to
somewhere in between. Ethnic and cultural
do so that comes, you’re taking it.
4 An old wizard found you and charged you with a
divisions might exist, but their boundaries tend to
grave burden. be informed more by geography rather than in
5 The authorities in a community believed you were differences in appearance. You can choose any
responsible for some crime. You fled the hangman’s reasonable height or weight within normal ranges
noose. for a human.
6 You are a great gourmand and you travel to sample Typical humans must rely on their ingenuity,
the cuisines of other cultures.
pluck, and determination to make their way in the
world as they lack many of the qualities that make
Hobgoblin other ancestries physically distinct. You, however,
Many legends paint faeries as beautiful and exotic stand apart from the teeming masses. You could
in their appearance, but, in truth, most faeries fall have been born under a special star, descend from a
quite a bit short from being attractive let alone line of heroes, or simply have talents few others can
enchanting. You stand about three feet tall and

equal. Your quality comes regardless of any other 6 Monsters moved into your home territory. You seek
physical characteristic; your gifts come from within. aid to help drive them off.

Destined You make luck rolls with 1 boon.

Language Common or Native
The fear and distrust people sometimes show to
HUMAN BACKGROUNDS orcs come from the violent and depraved history of
d6 Background societies built by the orc peoples. Often, these
1 Your family fled the Old Country when you were cultures and nations form around diabolical figures
young and settled in the Borderlands. You can barely
who enslaved the orcs, or cruel, tyrannical religions
remember your former homeland.
2 You were born in the New Lands and have lived here
that celebrate chaos and evil. Some orcs, however,
all your life. You have never left your community and manage to escape the culture of brutality and lead
know little of the world beyond it. peaceful lives in more civilized lands.
3 You come from a family of famous adventurers. You You stand between five and seven feet tall and
hope to live up to their example. weigh anywhere from 150 to 300 pounds or more.
4 Your family has ties to the nobility in the Old Country, You have a stooped posture, long arms, and, most
but have since lost everything.
likely, a powerful body corded with muscle. You
5 Monsters or calamity destroyed your home
community. You’ve been on the move ever since. have bright red eyes under a pronounced brow and
6 You have gained some fame. You could have saved a prominent jaw and oversized teeth that might
your community, made a great piece of art, or have include a tusk or two. All orcs have green skin
earned acclaim from your performances. pebbled with warts and nodules.

Ogre Night Vision You see in dim light as if it were bright light.
You benefit from dim light as if it were bright light and
Blood and suffering stain the pages of your people’s faint light as if it were dim light.
history for, long ago, the trolls made you their slaves Tough Increase your Health by 5 and you ignore the bane
and forced you to fight for them, performing acts of imposed from being injured.
terrible violence on people with whom the ogres Sunlight Weakness You are impaired while in zones lit by
had no quarrel. Your ancestors broke their chains in sunlight.
Language Runic
a great uprising that sent the trolls fleeing for the
dark places, but the ogres have never forgotten what ORC BACKGROUNDS
was done to them and have striven to avoid conflict d6 Background
when possible. 1 A dark wizard enslaved your people and compelled
People might recoil from you, given your size, you to commit atrocities. You escaped after breaking
hirsute body, and the great spiraling horns that grow your chains.
2 Another people found you when you were young
out from the sides of your head. You have a wide
and raised you among their people.
maw, filled with thick, flat teeth. You stand eight to 3 You come from a tribe who lived in peace with their
nine feet tall and weigh as much as six hundred neighbors. Calamity struck and you were one of the
pounds. Most ogres have red to brown fur, but few survivors.
blonde, black, and gray are common too. 4 Foul priests of a dark god came to power in your
tribe and turned many of your people into
Large Your size is 2. While you are this size, you have a –2 bloodthirsty killers.
penalty to Defense. 5 Your people struggled to survive in a bleak and
Hulking Increase your Health by 12. forlorn badland. You left it behind as soon as you
Language Native could.
6 You followed a charismatic warlord on a campaign of
OGRE BACKGROUNDS conquest and deserted after a series of defeats.
d6 Background
1 You have not seen another ogre for ages. You set out
to find others of your kind. Salamander
2 After frightening woodcutters, they came back in Your story began when you broke free from the
force. You fled rather than harm them. large black egg your sire placed in the blazing
3 A faerie ensorcelled you to perform some service. bonfire. The blaze quickened your development and
You did as commanded, but you have no idea where gave you the strength you needed to shatter your
you are now.
4 One or both of your parents fought trolls to punish
prison. You grew to adulthood after a few years to
them for their ancient crimes. You have taken up that take your place among your people or seek out your
role. fortunes in the world beyond their fiery enclaves.
5 You encountered a god in the woods. You vowed to Your salamander heritage grants you a humanoid
serve this deity. upper body and a long, muscular tail in place of
legs. You measure between seven and ten feet in

length, though you can hold yourself up to maintain Dreams, a great dark metropolis surrounding
eye contact with other human-sized people. You Death’s grand palace, and there joined the other
weight around two or three hundred pounds. souls in becoming a shade. Normally, you would
The heat radiating from your mottled red, orange, spend eternity in the gloom of that place, but
and white skin reveals your origins and your solid something led you out of the dark and into the light
white eyes glow in darkness. You have combs and once more. Having escaped the Underworld, you
fringes of darker skin along your arms and the sides have little interest in returning as now you have
of your face. You lack body hair and your skin feels another chance to live.
rough, hot to the touch. You have a humanoid form, though you have a
deathly pallor, with dark circles around your blood-
Fireborn You take no damage from fire and you ignore red eyes. You have white hair and have a slender,
the effects of exposure. almost gaunt frame. Somehow, you have a corporeal
Stoke the Flames You can use an action to perform the form, even though you lost your original body long
stoke the flames activity. ago. Your purpose and place in the mortal world
Serpentine You have the lower body of a serpent. You
cannot run and you make rolls to jump or leap with 1
remain a mystery to you.
bane. You impose 1 bane on rolls made to move you or
knock you prone and you make rolls to avoid being Night Vision You see in dim light as if it were bright light.
moved or knocked prone with 1 boon. You benefit from dim light as if it were bright light and
Language Elemental. faint light as if it were dim light.
Shadow Blend You impose 1 bane on rolls made to attack
STOKE THE FLAMES you when in a zone lit by dim light and you take half
You seize upon the fires of your elemental heritage and cause damage from all sources while in zones containing no
flames to dance across your body. light.
Sunlight Weakness You are impaired while in zones lit by
Requirement You must not be submerged in a liquid. sunlight.
Range Personal; Target You Language Common, Native, or High Archaic.
Effect You erupt in flames that last for one minute. Your
melee attacks and unarmed attacks deal an extra 1d6/2 SHADE BACKGROUNDS
damage from the heat and flames. d6 Background
1 You followed a bard who had come to the
SALAMANDER BACKGROUNDS Underworld to rescue his beloved.
d6 Background 2 You found your way back to the mortal world by
1 You hunt someone who wronged you, your family, or infiltrating the Midnight Spire, a mysterious tower of
your community. black stone that rises from the center of the City of
2 You left your community to become a monster Dreams.
hunter. 3 Lord Death himself dispatched you to the mortal
3 A spell summoned you and bound you to service for world to carry out an important task. Unfortunately,
a period of three years. The summoner never sent the trauma of your return erased your memory of
you home and you’ve searched for it ever since. this task.
4 An oracle foretold your future. You have been on the 4 Since escaping the Underworld, you have tried to
run ever since, trying to escape your doom. discover who you once were.
5 Your people went to war with a neighboring 5 You loathe revenants and destroy them wherever
community. You nearly died on the battlefield and you find them.
deserted soon after. 6 Someone you met in the Underworld asked you to
6 You or your family settled among another people deliver a message to someone living in the mortal
and you have lived there ever since. world. You search for this person still.

Shade Skinchanger
The Underworld waits for most living creatures that A beast lives within you, just under your skin, and it
die and into this shadowed place, the souls craves release. When you surrender to your animal
languish, fading in body as well as mind until impulses, you shed your humanoid form as your
nothing remains but empty husks of who they once body flows into that of a wild animal such as a wolf,
were. Most mortals seek to avoid this fate and curry bear, or great cat. While in this form, you possess
favor with the gods to be invited into Paradise or many qualities of the animal you resemble, but you
wherever the divine happens to rule, but most, no retain your mind and knowledge you’ve acquired so
matter how good or virtuous, can resist the pull of far. And when the beast grows weary, you need only
Lord Death’s domain. stand up to resume your normal form.
You remember nothing of your former life other Humans mistake you for being one of their own,
than that you lived one at some point in the distant though there’s something feral about you, some
past and in death you found refuge in City of quality that might raise suspicions. Golden eyes,

extensive body hair, large canines, a taste for raw
meat: these clues might be hard to miss. Though Sylph
some might deem you a monster for your ancestral The sky calls to you, always. You feel drawn to soar
talent, you find it liberating when you reveal your among the clouds, to dance with the birds. And
secret face and embrace the wild spirit that lives sometimes, when the heaven’s tugs too strong upon
inside you. your heart, you unfurl your wings to shed the
shackles of the earth from your body and take your
Beast Form When you move, you can choose to transform place where you belong.
into a beast of your size. The beast form can have any You are a slim, slight humanoid with a pair of
appearance you like, but the form is that of a large fragile wings growing from you back. The
quadruped predatory animal and once you choose it wings resemble those found on moths, but, of
the first time, you return to this form each time you use course, sized for your body. You stand between 4
this trait to assume your beast form. When you and 5 feet tall and weigh no more than 100 pounds
transform, everything you wear and carry transforms
with you and you remain in your beast form until you
thanks to the hollowness of your bones. You have
use an action to return to your normal form or you large, wide eyes that can see farther than humans
become unconscious. When you use an action to return can see. Your skin, eyes, and hair seem drawn from a
to your normal form, you heal damage equal to your palette of colors most commonly found in the
level. heavens, such as the blue of a summer sky, the rose
You can use this trait a number of times equal to 1 + color of dawn, or the purpling twilight when the sun
your level and you regain expended uses when you sets.
finish an eight-hour rest.
While in your beast form, you gain the following Winged You have large wings on your back that grant you
benefits and drawbacks. the flier 3 trait. While injured, you lose this trait.
Language Elemental
• You cannot speak.
• You cannot make use any equipment that SYLPH BACKGROUNDS
transforms with you. d6 Background
• You have Scent 2 (see special senses in Chapter 1 Something struck your island from the sky. You and a
1). few others survived the attack.
2 You value a friendship made with a land-dweller and
• You have a bonus to your Health equal to your
prefer to keep that individual’s company.
3 You swore to undertake a quest. What does this
• You can use your tusks, claws, or teeth become quest entail?
natural weapons (see below). 4 You were injured and forced to convalesce with land
dwellers. Your time there fostered an interest in
Language Native them.
5 You have always wanted to visit the realms of the
Claws and teeth, spikes, tail, or horns: you use your natural 6 Grief over a loved one’s death drove you out from
weaponry to attack. your sky island. You don’t think you can ever go
Range Melee; Target One creature or object
Roll Strength or Agility with 1 boon against Defense
Effect [Attack Dice] + Strength modifier damage. Undine
SKINCHANGER BACKGROUNDS Your people, the undines, make their homes in the
d6 Background waters of the world, in the rivers, lakes, and seas,
1 You were raised by another people and only recently while some of their most elaborate cities of coral
realized your skinchanger heritage. and stone rise from the ocean floor. As water-
2 Your tribe fought against the settlers for years, but,
dwellers, undines can breathe water as easily as
after a human saved yourself, you have begun to
rethink your people’s aggression.
humans do air and move freely in aquatic
3 Wild and unruly, you felt constrained by your tribe’s environments. However, being suited to aquatic
rules and struck out on your own. environments in no way limits their ability to move
4 Your tribe adopted you from another tribe. You about on dry land, as they can also breathe air.
search for your original people to find out what You have a tall, slender body covered in fine silver,
happened to them. blue, or green scales. You have wide dark eyes
5 You have a life debt to another character. The debt
equipped with nictitating membranes to protect the
binds you and you can repay it only by saving that
character’s life. delicate organs from silt and sand. Small fins grow
6 You killed a rival and fled your tribe in fear and along the sides of your arms and legs, and from the
shame. base of your neck down the length of your spine.

You stand between 6 and 7 feet tall and weigh
between 170 and 250 pounds.

Night Vision You see in dim light as if it were bright light.

You benefit from dim light as if it were bright light and
faint light as if it were dim light.
Waterborn You can breathe water and air. You swim twice
as fast as normal and you always succeed on rolls made
to swim. However, you make rolls to resist the effects of
heat exposure with 1 bane and when you take damage
from fire, you become fatigued for 1 round.
Language Elemental.
d6 Background
1 Wanderlust afflicts you. Never do you stay in one
place for long.
2 You lived in the Sunken City at the bottom of the Sea
of Fear. You came out from the depths to trade with
land dwellers.
3 You saved a drowning sailor and accompanied your
friend to dry land. You liked it so much, you decided
to stay awhile.
4 Reavers attacked and killed many of your people.
You vowed to get revenge.
5 You lived with a small community of undines in a
large lake. You have since struck out on your own.
6 Calamity struck your home, forcing you and others to
find somewhere else to live.

Professions Acolyte
Religions and the gods they serve depend on people
Your character begins the game a profession. A to defend the faith’s interests, make converts, and
profession describes, in broad terms, how your spread across the lands. You might have been a ward
character fits into the world, what activities your of a temple, a convert who, as part of your
character performed prior to becoming an conversion, committed your life to service, been a
adventurer, and how your character made ends lesser scion of a noble house, or just an individual
meet. You can choose a profession or roll a d20 to who hopes to do good in the world through service
gain a random profession. to the divine. You hold a low rank within your faith
RANDOM PROFESSIONS for now, but with time and training you might climb
d20 Profession the ranks to become a leader of your religion.
1 Acolyte
2 Agitator Orison Whenever you use an action to help a creature,
3 Apothecary increase the number of boons granted by 1.
4 Aristocrat Faithful You make rolls to perform the temple service
5 Barbarian downtime activity with 1 boon.
6 Charlatan Starting Equipment Uniform
7 Commoner
8 Criminal
9 Engineer Agitator
10 Entertainer Whether you’re fighting against injustice, a noble
11 Gambler
12 Guide
cause, or just seeking power in local politics, you
13 Healer move among the people, delivering speeches and
14 Investigator handing out pamphlets to any who will take them.
15 Magician As an agitator, you seek to disrupt the normal, to
16 Merchant bring awareness about your causes to the benighted
17 Sailor population. A master of rhetoric, when you take the
18 Scholar
stage and begin speaking, you can hold the
19 Seer
20 Soldier
audience’s attention and twist their emotions in any
direction you choose.
Profession Benefits Incite Whenever you use an action to help a creature and
Your profession offers several benefits. the creature uses the granted boon on a roll to attack,
Attack Dice You have one Attack Die from your the creature’s attack deals 1d6 extra damage.
profession. For information on how to use the Trouble Maker You make rolls to perform the rabble-
Attack Die, see Attacking in chapter 1. rouse downtime activity with 1 boon.
Talents Your profession grants one or more
talents that reflect your experiences and training.
Gear Some professions add to your starting
The secrets of alchemy promise to solve the riddle
Extra Languages Your profession might grant you of immortality, the creation of new life forms, and
additional languages. If the language entry gives you transmutation of materials, among numerous other
rewards for those with the patience to tease out the
a choice of language, you can choose any language
other than a secret language. If you already know means from ancient tomes and forbidden manuals.
You have taken the first tentative step on the road to
the language granted, you can learn a different one
of your choice in its place. understanding the sciences and learned the useful
properties of many different herbs and substances,
which help you to manufacture potions, elixirs, and
Professional Knowledge more.
As a member of a particular profession, you can
readily recall uncommon information related to Skilled Brewer You know the recipe for the elixir of
your work. For example, as an acolyte, you know a healing or a different substance of your level. make rolls
great deal about your religion and, as a gambler, you to perform the create recipe downtime activity with 1
know how to play a variety of games of chance and boon. If you have an alchemy kit, you can produce a
proper etiquette when playing them. When you substance for which you have a recipe in 1 minute
would make an attribute roll to perform an activity instead of 1 hour.
related to your profession, the Sage either grants Starting Equipment Alchemist’s kit.
you 1 boon or an automatic success. Extra Language Arcane

Aristocrat called you to some greater purpose, and though you
stand ready to join the ranks of heroes, your past is
Wealth, status, and power came down to you from never far from your thoughts.
you forbears. Your family might have escaped the Trade You know one trade of your choice and
Old Country with their fortunes intact or your your professional knowledge applies to that trade.
family might have accumulated their wealth here. Your trade can be anything you like, but it must
Whatever your story, you family provides you with a involve the making or maintenance of non-magical
comfortable life far removed from the struggles items or structures, labor, or involve performing a
faced by the masses. service of some kind.
Wealth Whenever you spend a downtime period in an Resilience You make rolls to overcome effects with 1
urban environment, you can take the superior lifestyle boon.
without accumulating debt. Laborer You make rolls to perform the work downtime
Elite Society You make rolls to perform the espionage activity with 1 boon.
and intrigue downtime activities with 1 boon.
Starting Equipment Superior clothing
Extra Language One of your choice Criminal
Circumstance, necessity, or a lack of scruples saw
Barbarian you embrace a life of crime. You live by taking things
that don’t belong to you and you have learned how
You spent much of your life living without
to pull of these crimes with aplomb. You know how
civilization’s comforts. You might have belonged to a
to pick pockets and pick locks so you can gain the
tribal people or embraced isolation as a recluse. In
coin you need to make ends meet. Although you
whatever manner you lived, you learned how to get
might have chosen this career, your skills prove
along in the wild, to forage and hunt for food, and
useful to those headed into dangerous and
find shelter. You are self-sufficient and can survive
forbidding places as you have the training and
for long periods outdoors without fear or
experience one needs to bypass the tricks and traps
that bar your way.
Endurance You make rolls to resist infection with 1 boon.
In addition, whenever you would gain hunger or thirst, Fast Hands You make rolls to steal with 1 boon.
Career Criminal You make rolls to perform the commit a
you can roll Strength and reduce the hunger or thirst
crime downtime activity with 1 boon.
gained to 0.
Starting Equipment Lock picks

Charlatan Engineer
You made your way in the world by fleecing and
The efforts to tame the natural world made great
defrauding others. You understand people, identify
strides before the Old Country fell into chaos and
what they want. You promise them anything they
though many advances were lost in the great
might want and thereby get them to do what you
diaspora, much survived with the engineers who
want. That you lie, cheat, and steal to convince
emerged from the smoke and fire to rebuild in the
others makes you no shortage of enemies, but you
lands formerly ruled by the Weird Wizard. You
find a way to slip away before anyone grows wise to
finished your apprenticeship and have learned the
your shenanigans.
secrets of constructing marvelous devices, gadgets
Blather When you use an action to hinder, you increase
and gizmos to aid you in your adventures. You carry
the number of banes imposed on the target’s roll by 1. your tools and bag of spare parts wherever you go so
Extra Language One of your choice you can assemble something useful in a pinch.

Tinker You make rolls to perform the craft activity with 1

Commoner boon. In addition, you know how to craft devices and
Civilization depends on the mass of workers, the engineering weapons.
tradesmen, the laborers, and the common folk to Starting Equipment Tool kit
produce the goods on which society depends. You
count yourself among these people and have
worked much of your life to provide for yourself and
The stage calls to you. You have developed a talent
your family. You could have been a farmer, a for performance and you can use it to entertain your
blacksmith, tailor, servant, animal trainer, audiences. You might be a dancer, a musician, a
bartender, cook, or something else. You could have singer, or simply a good story teller. You can be self-
remained among the commoners had not adventure

taught or you might have been apprenticed to a Healing Arts When you use a healer’s kit, the target of
master who saw the potential in you and helped you your ministrations heals an extra 1d6 damage. In
reach it. addition, when you would stabilize a creature and
Performance You know how to perform in front expend a use from a healer’s kit, the target heals an
extra 1d6 damage. Finally, when you perform the aid
of audience. You know one form of performance downtime activity to help an ally perform the
plus one for each point of your Intellect bonus convalesce downtime activity, you grant the ally one
(minimum 0). Common performances include extra boon.
singing, dancing, play an instrument, storytelling, Starting Equipment Healer’s kit
and oratory.

Perform You can use an action to perform and either help Investigator
or hinder one creature that can see you, hear you, and You have a knack for finding clues and putting them
is within two zones of you. together to form a story of what happens. You know
Seasoned Performer You make rolls to perform the the best hiding places, how to separate the salient
entertain downtime activity. bits of a witness’s account from the trivial. You can
Starting Equipment Musical instrument spot clues in your surroundings and gather the
Extra Language One of your choice
evidence you need. You could be a constable in a
community, a private detective, or a spy working for
Gambler an organization or government. You could also be an
You make your living playing games of chance. You unabashed blackmailer, gathering secrets to use to
bet on cards, dice, notched sticks, races, and bouts. your advantage.
You take risks and sometimes you win, sometimes
you lose. You win just enough, however, to keep a Spot Clue You can find as a minor activity rather than use
few coins in your pocket so you can ante up in the an action to do so. In addition, if you would be
surprised, you can roll luck. On a success, you are not
next game you come across. surprised.
Ear to the Ground When you perform the gather rumors
Risk-Taker Whenever you roll luck, you can choose to roll or research downtime activity, you make the roll with 1
with 1 boon. If you fail the roll, you lose this talent until boon.
you finish an eight-hour rest.
Card Shark You make rolls to perform the gamble
downtime activity with 1 boon.
Gear Deck of cards, dice
You received formal training in the art of magic
from a master. Your training might have taken place
Guide at one of the rare institutions of magical learning
Experience in traveling through the wilderness found in the Old Country or as private tutelage
makes you an exceptional guide. You can typically under an experiences spellcaster. Your education
find your way to destinations, have a good sense of was anything but easy for it required you to study
direction, and can help others keep up with you. uncanny texts, handle ingredients often toxic to you,
You also have a fair amount of wilderness lore and and wrestle with ideas any would find contradictory
can identify animal tracks and spoor. and alien. In the end, you learned enough magic to
serve as a foundation for what you will discover in
Lead the Way When you move across challenging terrain, the wider world.
you grant each ally that can see and hear you 1 boon on
rolls made for moving across the same terrain. Tradition You discover one tradition. See Chapter @:
Seasoned Traveler You make rolls to perform the explore Spells for details on traditions and spells.
downtime activity. Extra Language Arcane

Healer Merchant
You earned a reputation for being skilled in the Commerce plays a crucial role in the development
healing arts. You might have learned from another of the New Lands. Merchants, such as yourself, help
healer, such as a witch who look after the people in bring goods to markets throughout the New Lands.
a community, or you could have studied at a great More than managing the logistics of moving goods,
institution of learning. Then again, your healing you also had to convince others to pay as much as
capabilities might have come as a byproduct of your you could wring out of them for the commodities
study of anatomy or one of the dark arts of magic. you sold. You’re at your best in social situations,
especially when it comes to negotiating.

Business Acumen At the start of each downtime period, Reading You must have implements of divination such as
roll luck. On a success, you can have the superior a deck of cards, dice, or notched sticks. Choose one
lifestyle for that period without accumulating debt. creature or object you can reach and use an action to
In addition, you can perform one additional use your implements to divine the future or the past.
downtime activity each period you spend in an urban Roll luck. The Sage tells you one true thing about the
environment. For this activity, choose Buy and Sell or target’s future or past on a success. On a failure, you
Run a Business. learn nothing and you lose this talent for 24 hours.
Extra Languages Three of your choice Starting Equipment Cards or dice

Sailor Soldier
Mariner, sailor, pirate, marine, boater, or fisher, you An uneasy peace has settled over the New Lands,
ply your trade on the waters of the world. You have but the winds of war blow across the realm.
likely traveled far and wide, seen distant lands and Communities raise militias to protect themselves
met new peoples, while venturing into the against brigands and bandits and monsters most
unknown. You know your way around ships and foul, while nobles seeking crowns quietly raise
boats and other watercraft from your time on them. armies with which they might carve out new
In fact, you likely spent much of your life on the nations. You have taken up arms to fight as a
water, coming home infrequently to spend your member of a militia group, a mercenary, or a guard
hard-earned coin. for someone in a position of power.

Sea Legs You make rolls to climb and swim with 1 boon. Martial Training Increase your Health by 3. In addition,
Iron Stomach You make rolls to perform the Carouse each time gain Health from increasing your level, you
downtime activity with 1 boon. gain 1 additional Health.
Tempered in Battle You make rolls to perform the
Military Service downtime activity with 1 boon.
Scholar Starting Equipment Uniform
A life spent in scholarly pursuits filled your mind
with the knowledge you need to make your way in
the world. While you likely focused on one or two
areas of knowledge, you know a little about
everything and can often recall useful information
when needed. You know your way around libraries,
can hold your own in debate, and where to look to
learn something when something proves beyond
your understanding.
Area of Expertise Choose one of the following
areas in which to have professional knowledge:
architecture, astrology, folklore, geography, history,
law and politics, nature, or science. You might
choose a different area with the Sage’s permission.

Educated You have uncommon knowledge in all subjects.

You make Intellect rolls to recall information about rare
or exotic topics with 1 boon. Finally, you make rolls to
perform the Research downtime activity with 1 boon.
Starting Equipment Book on topic of your choice
Extra Languages One of your choice.

You have a gift of the second sight, an ability to
divine future events before they transpire. You could
be the seventh child of a seventh child, come from a
long line of fortune tellers, or be haunted by a spirit
who whispers in your ear possible futures. You can
make predictions about future events and use that
information to help or hinder others.

Starting Equipment
5 Three torches and tinderbox
6 Lantern, flask of oil, and tinderbox

The equipment you have at the start of the game POCKET MONEY
can tell you many things about your character such d6 Wealth
as your level of preparedness and your current 1 1d6/2 cp
2 1d6 cp
financial circumstances. The game offers two ways
3 1d6 + 3 cp
to determine your starting equipment. You can roll 4 2d6 + 3 cp
dice and find the results on the tables below to build 5 1d6/2 sp and 3d6 cp
your list of starting equipment. Or you can begin the 6 1d6/2 gp, 1d6 sp, and 6d6 cp
game with 1d6 sp and purchase items from those
listed in Appendix #: Equipment. PERSONAL EFFECTS
d20 Item
If you roll for starting equipment, some items
1 A lock of hair, letter, or some other love token
might be useful for members of certain ancestries. 2 A piece of costume jewelry
Neither a gnome nor a clockwork has need of 3 A pet mouse, cat, rabbit, bird, or dog
rations or canteens. You can skip over these entries 4 A small bell
if you like or give the results of your rolls to your 5 Half of an old map
companions. 6 An old key
In addition to starting equipment, you can have 7 An iron horseshoe or a rabbit’s foot
8 A letter of introduction
whatever personal effects that you like. A pair of
9 A bottle of spirits
gloves, comb, an extra pair of underclothes are all 10 A single playing card
things you can have without needing to pay for 11 A bag of beans, a can of vegetables, or a collection of
them as they are items individually worth a fraction spoons
of a copper piece and rarely have an effect in play 12 A masquerade mask, a scarf, or a fancy hat
beyond character portrayal. 13 A toy or stuffed animal
14 An extra pair of sensible shoes
CLOTHING 15 Box of chalks, paints, or dyes in all the colors
d6 Clothing 16 A torn fragment from a paint, a sheet of music, or a
1 Inferior clothing piece of sculpture
2–5 Normal clothing 17 A pack filled with pots and pans
6 Superior clothing 18 A pair of manacles
19 A ten-pound bag of flour, a bag of marbles, a
ARMOR collapsible pole, 50 feet of rope, or small metal
d6 Armor mirror
1–3 None 20 A box of dead insects, a glass jar filled with sinister
4–5 Leather liquid, a lump of coal, a glass eye, a moldy cake, a
6 Mail towel and a small book filled with indecipherable
writing, a stoppered vial filled with an unknown
WEAPONS substance, a monstrous statuette, or something else
d6 Weapon others might consider strange
1 Inferior club, knife, or quarterstaff
Knife and any one basic weapon
Knife and any two basic weapons Identity
CONTAINERS The character you play represents a person in the
d6 Containers world, an individual with hopes and dreams, fears,
1 Nothing ambitions, a past, and a future. Your identity
2 Sack or waterskin encompasses all these aspects and helps to direct
3–4 Sack and canteen you when you make decisions about what your
5–6 Backpack and canteen
character does in the game and reactions to
PROVISIONS situations that come up in adventures. The
d6 Provisions following sections help you define aspects of your
1 One day character’s personality. You need not decide all
2 Two days aspects described here; some you might choose as
3 Three days you play the game. Also, you need not feel locked
4 Four days
5 Five days
into your choices. As you play through adventures,
6 Six days your character’s personality can change over time as
you play through adventures.
d6 Illumination
1–2 Nothing
3–4 One candle and tinderbox

Distinctive Features 3 You have boils, piles, a goiter, or a nasty skin
condition that never heals.
Appearance plays little to no part in your character’s 4 Your joints pop when you stand up.
capabilities. Instead, it serves to help you imagine 5 You have a brand somewhere on your body.
6 One of your eyes looks in a different direction.
your character. The more detail you put into your 7 You eat with your mouth open.
character, the more alive the character seems to be. 8 You have a facial tic.
Your character starts as an adult with a height and 9 You have broken veins in your nose.
weight falling in the typical range explained in the 10 You smell of soup.
ancestry entry. You can come up with basic details 11 You have no pigment in your hair or skin.
such as your age, hair, eye, and skin color, apparent 12 You are hirsute.
gender or lack thereof, and any other cosmetic trait 13 You have a pleasant smile.
14 You are somewhat short for your ancestry.
you wish to include. 15 You look a lot like a member of a different ancestry.
To help spark your imagination, you can use the 16 You are gaunt to the point of appearing skeletal.
Distinctive Features tables to generate random 17 You have a musty smell.
physical and behavioral traits. Using these tables 18 You have an extra finger or toe.
helps you come up with a varied, unique individual. 19 You are a person of exceptional beauty.
Note, though, that not all results work for all 20 You have wide and expressive mouth.
ancestries. Clockworks and gnomes have no body 3. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
hair and all archons have the same height and d20 Feature
weight and general appearance. Simply ignore 1 Your ears have an unusual shape or size.
contradictory results when they come and roll 2 You have an uncommon number of body piercings.
again, choose a different feature, or use the 3 You have a wart on your nose or chin.
distinctive feature table for your ancestry to come 4 You wear an unusual hair style.
up with a different result. Finally, if you use the 5 You have a peg leg.
6 Nothing about you stands out. Lose all distinguishing
tables, don’t feel compelled to take a result you gain features.
if it doesn’t fit your concept. You can freely choose 7 You breathe through your mouth.
whatever distinctive features you want. 8 You slouch all the time.
For random distinguishing features, roll a d6 to 9 Your pupils have a strange shape.
determine how many you have and then roll a d6 to 10 You have long fingernails.
find the table and a d20 to find the result on that 11 You snort when you laugh.
12 You pick at your scabs.
table. Not all features work for all ancestries. Feel
13 You have an infectious laugh.
free to modify or ignore a result that doesn’t fit your 14 You have a slender body.
character. 15 You have an attractive body.
16 You have long legs.
1. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES 17 You are gap-toothed.
d20 Feature 18 You have polychromatic eyes.
1 Your nose has an unusual shape or size. 19 You have a thick, blocky body.
2 You have unusual eye color. 20 You have a pot belly.
3 You have halitosis.
4 You walk with a limp. 4. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
5 You keep your head shaved. d20 Feature
6 You fidget all the time. 1 You have a beauty mark on your face.
7 One of your legs or arms is shorter than the other. 2 You have all the freckles.
8 You are far smaller than average. 3 You have a beetling brow or your eyebrows meet.
9 You have a high-pitched voice. 4 You are double jointed.
10 You have abundant ear and nose hair. 5 You have tattoos over most or all of your body.
11 You suffer from uncontrollable sweating. 6 You stomp when you walk.
12 You spit as punctuation. 7 You have a rattling cough.
13 You have gorgeous hair. 8 You have sleepy eyes.
14 You are young, either an adolescent or a young adult. 9 You are prematurely gray or you will never go gray.
15 You appear androgynous. 10 You can’t seem to stay clean.
16 You are quite rotund. 11 You have a shrill laugh.
17 You have hairy feet. 12 You have an extensive scarring on your body.
18 You have a long, pointed nose. 13 You smell of jasmine, flowers, or something else.
19 You are rather plain or homely. 14 You are rather portly.
20 You have a melodious voice. 15 You have dark circles under your eyes.
16 You have a stooped, hunched posture.
2. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES 17 You have different colored eyes.
d20 Feature 18 You are extremely large for a member of your
1 You are quite attractive. ancestry.
2 A few of your teeth have gone missing. 19 You have an odd bulge somewhere on your body.

20 You are attractive. Dependability
5. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES The degree of dependability describes how reliable
d20 Feature you are and whether you follow through on your
1 You have one or more patches of different colored promises and can make good decisions that
skin. recognize the needs of others.
2 You lost an eye, ear, or part of your nose.
3 You have incredible facial hair. DEPENDABILITY
4 You crack your knuckles when idle. 3d6 Dependability
5 You walk on the balls of your feet. 3 You can’t depend on me for much of anything. I
6 When standing, you shift your weight from one foot almost never see things through and I’m given to
to the other. impulsive behavior.
7 You have a raspy voice. 4–5 I have a hard time staying organized and prioritizing
8 You have small hands or feet. what’s important over what’s not.
9 You have a lined and careworn face. 6–8 Sometimes I become so distracted, I forget what I
10 One eye squints all the time. am supposed to be doing.
11 You smile all the time. 9–12 I try to be conscientious, but I sometimes fall short.
12 You wear dentures. 13–15 For the most part, I do what I say I will do. I try to
13 You have a kind face. stay organized and keep my priorities right.
14 You are tall for members of your ancestry. 16–17 I lead an orderly, disciplined life. I almost always do
15 You have pock marks all over your face. what I say I will do and people can rely on me.
16 You are shapely, voluptuous, chiseled, or muscular. 18 I become so focused on a task that I ignore almost
17 You have bad acne. everything else until I finish. You can depend on me
18 You have webbed toes. to do one thing at a time.
19 You have prominent teeth.
20 You appear awkward and gangly. Sociability
6. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Your sociability describes how well you get along
d20 Feature with others, but also how you regard strangers and
1 You have a nasty scar on your face. acquaintances
2 You have multiple piercings in your ears or wear
gauges in your lobes. SOCIABILITY
3 You lost one or more fingertips or fingers on one or 3d6 Sociability
both hands. 3 People are the worst. I have few friends and almost
4 You have no hair anywhere on your body. no close friends.
5 You rock back and forth when sitting. 4–5 I avoid interacting with strangers and it takes a lot to
6 You are pigeon toed or duck-footed. get me to open up to others.
7 You often rub your hands together with glee. 6–8 Some think me aloof and reserved, but I prefer to
8 You have a deep, sonorous voice. keep to myself.
9 You have exotic skin color. 9–12 People can be good or bad. I don’t make a judgment
10 You have a few extra pounds. about them until I get to know them.
11 You have smooth, babyish features. 13–15 Sure, some people are bad, but most aren’t and I try
12 You have a haggard appearance. to give others the benefit of the doubt.
13 You have smooth and supple skin. 16–17 I like people and hate thinking bad of others. I have
14 You are an older adult. never met a stranger.
15 You move with grace and poise. 18 I try to help everyone I meet, even to my detriment.
16 You have short arms.
17 You have scaly patches on your skin. Outlook
18 You frown all the time. Your outlook reflects the your most common state of
19 You have a heavy jaw.
20 You have a strange birthmark.
mind. You could be calm and confident or nervous
and pessimistic.

Personality 3d6 Outlook

An individual’s personality forms from life 3 Doom, doom, everywhere is doom. Nothing good
experiences, connections to others, the satisfaction will ever happen to me and the whole world is
of certain needs and the absence of others. Your against me.
character can have any personality you like, such 4–5 I have terrible nerves and tend to be anxious most of
that you might play a character who behaves much the time.
6–8 I am something of a pessimist. I expect the worst in
like yourself or someone much different from you. If
almost any situation so that I’ll never be
you like, you can make use of the personality tables disappointed.
presented below. Each lets you randomly generate a 9–12 Life is what it is. You can be calm and collected or
personality facet that, when taken together, gives nervous to the point of fearful. It all depends on your
you an identity you can adopt in play. situation.

13–15 I strive to be a positive, upbeat person. I look for the 9–12 I look after myself, but I do try to do the right thing
good in things and hope for the best outcomes. when I can.
16–17 I am calm, serene, and easy-going. Little bothers me. 13–15 I know the difference between right and wrong. I
18 Give me enough time and I can figure it out. There’s feel obligated to do the right thing.
nothing too difficult, too complicated, too dangerous 16–17 I always strive to do good. I treat others with
that I’m not at least willing to try. kindness, respect, and lend a hand whenever I can.
18 I make considerable sacrifices to help other people. If
Receptiveness everyone would make the same effort to uplift and
support one another, the world would be a better
Receptiveness describes your ability to try and do place.
new things as well as your ability to adapt to
changing circumstances.
3d6 Receptiveness
The game assumes all the characters know each
3 I’m not at all interested in breaking my routine. I other and have done so long enough to be able to
need order in my life. work together. For each other character, choose a
4–5 If it’s not broken, why fix it. Be practical. result or randomly determine the result to
6–8 New ideas and activities make me uncomfortable. determine how your character feels about the other.
9–12 I’m up for trying new things, just not all the time. Feelings can change, naturally, and friendships
13–15 I’m always thinking about new ways to do things and might wither while rivals might overcome their
new activities to pursue. I might not do them all, but
I’m willing to try.
differences and become close.
16–17 I’m always willing to do something different. I am RELATIONSHIPS
looking for new experiences.
3d6 Relationship
18 You’ll never guess what I’m about to do. I tend to do
3 I can’t stand this person. It’s not hate, but it’s close.
things without warning or reason.
4–5 I dislike this person.
6–8 I’m indifferent toward this person.
Affability 9–12 I get along with this person well enough. We’re not
How you behave in social situations comes down to close, but we’re not strangers.
affability. You might be reserved or gregarious. 13–15 I like this person. We could become friends.
16–17 This person is my friend. I like them a lot.
AFFABILITY 18 I love this person, who might be my best friend,
3d6 Affability lover, or partner.
3 People exhaust me. I loathe social situations and try

to escape them as fast as I can.
I am quiet around other people, preferring my own Religious Beliefs
company to others. A great many gods and powers find followers in the
6–8 I prefer to let others do the talking. I think about New Lands and some of the major religions trace
what people say and consider every angle before their origins back to the Old Country and even the
offering my opinion.
9–12 I can handle myself in social situations, but I’m also
Devastation. Few people deny that gods exist, but
fine when I am alone. the degree to which people fear and honor the gods
13–15 I enjoy social situations and good conversation. varies from person to person. The following table
16–17 I am outgoing, friendly, and love to have fun with describes your degree of piety in regard to your
others. particular religion, if you happen to have one. You
18 I am loud and boisterous. I love being at the center of can choose your religion from one of the ones that
attention. follow. These religions are but a sampling of the
ones available.
Your morality describes how make decisions, PIETY
whether you veer toward selfless behavior or put 3d6 Piety
your own interests first. 3 I either don’t believe the gods exist or think they
have no influence over me or the world.
MORALITY 4–5 I have strong doubts about religion and worship no
3d6 Morality gods.
3 I do what I want without regard for the 6–8 I suspect the gods do exist, but I am not a religious
consequences. person.
4–5 Nothing and no one has greater importance than 9–12 I believe in the gods and I might follow a particular
myself. Other people come and go and their religion.
struggles and successes have nothing to do with me 13–15 I am follower of a particular religion.
unless they interfere with what I want to do. 16–17 I am a devout follower of my religion and my
6–8 You have to look after yourself because no one else religious views affect my outlook and behavior.
will. I’ll help out, but I’ll grumble about it.

18 I am a fanatical follower of my religion. My faith As many people fear death, they might grow
dominates my life and I have few interests outside nervous around the Last Door cultists, even though
my faith.
the cultists rarely play a part in the ending of lives,
RELIGIONS unless in doing so they show mercy to the suffering.
3d6 Religion Instead, cultists focus on transitioning the souls of
3–4 None the dead from the mortal realm to the Ephemera
5 Honored Dead, Lord and Lady, or some other faith. and beyond. Other religions accept the role the Cult
6 Cult of the Last Door plays and permit the cultists to carry out their
7–9 Circle of Thirteen
duties. Thus, even the most fanatical followers of
10–18 Church of the High One
the High One show deference to the death priests
and never interfere with their work.
Church of the High One Cultists of the Last Door dress in black long,
The Church of the High One began in the Old hooded robes and they cover their faces with black
Country and came to the New Lands with the skull masks when on cult business. They drench
missionaries who sought to convert the unbelievers their skin with aromatic oils to help cover the stench
that dwelled here. The Church serves a single deity, of putrefaction they often encounter. Cultists have
known as the High One, who wrested Paradise from their temples in large cemeteries and in the center
the evil Adversary to spare the souls of mortals from of large, sprawling catacombs.
the oblivion of the Underworld. The High One
made a place for all souls and so the priests work to The Circle of Thirteen
convert people of other faiths to their holy religion.
The Circle of Thirteen is an ancient religion that
The Church of the High One oppose anything the
posits Death created the universe and populated it
dogma decrees as evil: sorcery, necromancy,
with beings that grow old and die again and again
demonology, worship of false gods, and the like.
until the attain enlightenment and thus escape the
Inquisitors root out heretics and devil-worshipers,
Wheel of Life. Death, whom many consider the
while holy warriors wage war against militarized
same figure as that worshiped by the cultists of the
cultists, undead, and similar foes. The High One
Last Door, leads a pantheon of twelve other gods of
urges followers to show compassion, mercy, and
whom some were created, others born, and others
tolerance for others of the faith, to perform
adopted into their body.
charitable deeds, keep vows, commit no murder or
The priests of the Thirteen maintain the temples,
theft, and contribute to the communities in which
commune with the gods, lead ceremonies, and keep
they live. Above all, the High One demands loyalty
the sacred scrolls that chronical the mythology.
and disavowal of all other divinities.
During major holy days, thirteen priests recount
Priests of the High One wear white clothing
certain stories, each wearing a different mask to
festooned with the eight-pointed star that represents
portray the gods in these stories, but short of these
the High One’s beacon that shines first in the night
events, priests wear simple homespun garb and
skies among the starry firmament. Men wear square
wooden circles on cords hung around their necks.
caps, while women wear wimples. Although priests
Their temples tend to be old, simple in appearance,
tend congregations and lend aid to those in need,
with altars and idols crudely carved in ancient
the Church has a militaristic side reserved for
combating significant threats to the faith and a great
Although the Circle venerates all the gods in the
many priests take up arms and armor to fight in the
pantheon, each deity enjoys followings of dedicated
name of the High One.
cultists. Such congregations might be small or large,
depending on the divinity’s appeal. Few people
Cult of the Last Door worship Pestilence, for example, while nearly every
The dour cultists of Lord Death carry the burden of center of learning has a chapel dedicated to
shepherding souls of the dead into the afterlife. The Urbanus.
dead face judgment by the master of the
Underworld and discover their fates, whether they The Thirteen Gods
have won a place in Paradise, sent to Perdition, or to Thirteen gods make up the Circle.
pass their time in darkness to await the turn of the Death: Oblivion and the Forger of Souls, Death
Wheel of Life. To ensure proper delivery of the created living things to grow old and die. The Death
souls, the cultists of the Last Door administer rites of the Thirteen is believed to be the same worshiped
over the dead, prepare the bodies for internment in by the Cult of the Last Door.
the tombs, and guard against those, such as Mother Sun: Death fell in love with Celestia and
necromancers, who would use the dead for lifted her up and placed her in the heavens so that
nefarious means.

her light would bathe the world. Called Mother wrought. Some believe Abaddon to be the father of
Sun, she is the goddess of light and celestial bodies. demons.
Draconus: The great serpent Draconus girdles
the world and on his back the Soul Forger placed Other Faiths
his creations. Draconus is the god of the earth, Religions have come and gone throughout the ages.
secret places, and scaled things. Some gained great influence while others sputtered
Fates: Death created the Fates to weave the out before they began. Some have been more like
destinies of living things. Numbering three, they ethical systems with a veneer of religiosity while
include the Maiden, who embodies love, passion, others have been dangerous, breeding fanatics that
and hope, the Mother, who represents birth and posed grave danger to society. Even now, as the
family, and the Crone, who cuts the cords of the mortal peoples have begun the work of starting over
living and sends their souls to Death. in the New Lands are new religions taking shape
Sky Father: The Sky Father divides the lands and old ones being resurrected from the dead.
from the heavens. A jealous, angry god, he pines for
Celestia, who has been forever denied to him. He is Oceanus
the stormbringer, whose voice causes the winds and The god of the seas and waterways has gained a
his tears fall as rain. following in coastal regions and among sailors,
Grandfather Tree: At the center of the world pirates, and their ilk. Myths suggest Oceanus to be
grows Grandfather Tree and his branches shield the an angry, fickle, and temperamental deity. To keep
lands from the Sky Father’s rage. The maker of the god sedate, crews pour a measure of rotgut in
green and growing things, his gnarled visage adorns the waters before undertaking a long voyage.
most farmers’ homes.
The Horned One: The last of the primal gods Honored Dead
sired by Death are Mother Sun, the Horned One,
Some people forgo worshiping gods and instead
sometimes known as the Beast and the Ravener, is
worship their ancestors’ spirits. Most common in
the god of wild beasts, fury, and violence.
societies established by dwarfs, the priests of the
Urbanus: After the Adversary bestowed the gift of
Honored Dead claim the worthy find places in the
reason onto mortals, Urbanus sprang from the
great Hall of Plenty, and pass the eons feasting and
Horned One’s mouth to teach mortals how to use
drinking, never wanting for any pleasure. Only
their minds. The Builder, the Philosopher, and the
worthy souls find a place there and so those who
Artist forged the chains that bound the Horned One
believe live honorably, work hard, and do nothing to
and taught mortals the sciences, arts, and
bring shame on their clans or ancestors.
Revel: Urbanus’s twin brother became his
antithesis. Called Revel, the god of debauchery,
Lord and Lady
excess, and freedom, Revel is the patron of both An old religion that has maintained a small
creativity and crime, drunkenness and the arts. He is following among certain rustic peoples, the religion
passion incarnate. of the Lord and Lady posits two gods representing
Blind: Another divinity appeared with the rise of the masculine and feminine, light and darkness,
civilization: Blind, the goddess of justice and truth, good and evil. Priests of the faith recognize the
opposes Revel and gave laws to mortals so they importance of each and strive to walk between
could build civilization. them.
Pestilence: The dark goddess of disease came to
prominence in the Old Country when a virulent Ancient Ones
plague claimed the lives of half the population, Centuries past, apocalyptic cults rose up to sow
precipitating the collapse of the Great Kingdom and division and discord in the mortal world. Their
dozens of smaller nations. Few people worship her; gods, called the Ancient Ones, were monstrous
when people offer prayers and sacrifices, they figures of madness and despair, some gnawing away
appease her. at the heart of the world, slumbering beneath the
Abraxus: Abraxus taught mortals the secrets of waves, or drifting in the darkness between the stars.
magic and is said to be magic itself, at least insofar These cults, and there were many, contributed to the
as the god’s priests claim. downfall of the Old Empire and the creation of what
Abaddon: The last god born to Death and one is now known as the Devastated Lands. Cults of the
who remains trapped outside time and space is Ancient One find few allies in the New Lands and
Abaddon, the Destroyer of Worlds. A deity of the few resurgent groups have been put down.
entropy, Abaddon exists to undo what Death has

Druidism presented below and can be suitable for any
Not so much a religion as it is a secret society of ancestry.
thinkers and philosophers, the druids use their gifts
of prophecy to shift current events toward the future Abigail, Adym, Adilene, Aiden, Alexander, Amelia, Ami,
they want to create, a future they have thus far kept Angelica, Angelo, Annora, Archibald, Arthur, Asher,
to themselves. To this end, druids have fought along Ashlyn, Athena, Autumn, Axton
forces of good against terribly monstrosities, while Baine, Bartholomew, Baylor, Bernard, Bethany, Bill,
aiding those perpetrating atrocities. Druids have Binx, Blake, Blair, Bonnie, Bradford, Braxton, Bronson,
earned the distrust many feel for them, but few Bruce
deny their wisdom or their magic, capabilities that
have for them long opened doors to the halls of Cannon, Carl, Camilla, Carina, Chandler, Charles,
power. Christopher, Cleo, Cole, Colt, Corrine
Daisy, Dani, Danita, Daphney, Daria, Darryn, Derrie,
The Adversary Devan, Devin, Dexter, Dorris, Dory
Souls of those who lived wicked lives, who
consorted with demons, and who sought fleeting Easton, Edgar, Edna, Eleanor, Elisabetta, Elliot,
power by bargaining with devils, murderers, thieves, Emerson, Ensley, Eugene, Evelyn, Evie
and worse, all find Perdition, sometimes called Hell, Fallon, Finley, Fiona, Florence, Franklin
waiting for them in the afterlife. And there waiting
for them is the Adversary, the Dark Lord, who, Gemma, Gianetta, Geoffrey, Gracelyn, Gregory,
according to some, is the author of all evils in the Guinevere
world. In the tradition of the High One’s church, the
Harold, Harven, Haven, Hayden, Heather, Henley,
Adversary was the maker of things, but was cast out
Henry, Hubert
of Paradise for heinous crimes against creation. The
mysteries of the Thirteen claim the Adversary was Imogen, Isabell, Isen, Isolde, Isyck, Iva, Ivy, Iris
Death’s favorite, but was cast down for giving
James, Jay, Jeffrey, Jenna, Jennifer, Jenson, Jewel,
mortals the ability to reason and choose their own
fates. Regardless of his origins, mortals widely Johnston, Joline, John, Jon, Jordan, Josephine
believe the Adversary to be evil and avoid him and Kaiden, Kaisley, Kaizer, Kara, Kavi, Keaton, Kim, Kip,
his servants. Knox, Koraline, Kristin, Kristoff, Ky, Kyler
There have always been rumors of cults sworn to
the Adversary and the Church of the High One has Lake, Lakelyn, Landon, Lariella, Lauriann, Leeah, Leo,
profited by fanning the flames of fear regarding Leslie, Liam, Lori
their secret acts and intentions. In truth, the Maddox, Mahala, Marc, Marcus, Margaux, Marina,
Adversary does have a small cult, but nothing like a Marla, Massimo, Max, Meadow, Meldon, Melvin, Merry,
world-spanning conspiracy that has been suggested. Michael, Millicent, Milly, Milo, Mindy, Monte
More often, individuals find themselves bargaining
with the fiends of Perdition and becoming their Nadine, Nala, Nali, Nathaniel, Neville, Nan, Nicole
agents of evil in the world. Oakley, Odessa, Olaf, Olivia, Olga

Faeries and Religion Paisley, Palmer, Pamela, Paula, Petal, Prentiss

Religion belongs to the mortal peoples. Faeries and other Quinn, Qon, Queren
immortals do not, generally, have religions and while most
believe that the gods exist, they do not worship or serve them, Ragnar, Reed, Remington, River, Robert, Rodney,
as they tend to see them as powerful kin rather than as Rosemary, Rowan, Rufus, Ruprecht, Ryker
omnipotent beings worthy of adoration and servitude.
Protagonists with immortal ancestries can certainly become Sailor, Samyra, Sander, Shadow, Shaina, Shanna,
clerics, but such characters might hold to a system of ethics, Skylar, Slator, Sloane, Stacee, Stanton, Stephen, Storm,
pledge service to a faerie lord or lady such as the Faerie Queen Sydney, Sylvester
or the Queen of Air and Shadows, or the ideal of immortality.
Tara, Taren, Tatum, Tawney, Tayden, Taylor, Tegan,
Name Your Character Thor, Titus, Thomas, Trenton, Troy
You can give your character any name you choose. Umber, Urf, Ulysses
The name might be a name from the real world, one Vera, Vex, Victor, Vivianna
of your own invention, or a nickname that reflects
your character’s identity. Sample names are Wayne, Willam, Willow, Winifred, Winston
X, Xander, Xil, Xyllan

Yolanda, Yael, Yasmeen, Yuri, Yvette
Zaina, Zala, Zamora, Zeke, Zoella Zypher

Play the Game

By now, you should have a finished character and
you’re now ready to play the game. You and your
friends go on adventures in which you explore this
new and strange continent, unearth fabulous
treasures, and fight terrible monsters, all to secure a
place for civilization to flourish once more. Each
time you complete an adventurer, you character
grows a bit more powerful, which results from
gaining levels.


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