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from the tradition.

Learning this spell does not

Novice Paths
After you complete your starting adventure and
count against the number of spells you learn for
that level. In the unlikely event that you have
learned all the level 1/2 spells from a tradition, you
can learn a level 1/2 spell from a different tradition
advance to level 1, you and the other players choose you have discovered.
a novice path. Regardless of your background, Some paths let you learn spells and tell you how
ancestry, or attributes, you can choose any novice many spells you can learn. You can learn any spell
path that appeals to you, though it’s always good to of your level or lower from a tradition you have
let the story so far inform your decision. If, for discovered.
example, your character fought in hand-to-hand Talents: Most paths grant talents. A talent might
combat many times in the first adventure, you might be a special activity you can perform using an
choose fighter to reflect the experiences you gained. action, a special way of moving, or something that
Similarly, if your character found magic or changes how your character functions.
interacted with it, your character might go on to
become a mage, perhaps to get a better
understanding of the effects encountered or to seize
Group Identity
the advantage magic offers. Your character belongs to a group. You and the other
players should consider the events of your starting
NOVICE PATHS adventure and come up with a reason for why you
Path Description remain together. You can use the following table to
Fighter You excel at fighting, no matter what weapon inspire your choice.
you use.
Godsworn One or more gods chose you to be their GROUP IDENTITIES
servant. d20 Identity
Mage You learn several spells as a result of 1 We are bold explorers and seek to discover the
uncovering the secrets of magic. world’s secrets.
Rogue You rely on trickery to get what you want. 2 We all share stakes in a business and we adventure
to make contacts and find new markets for our
Path Benefits 3
We crave adventure and find ourselves in dangerous
Each path offers a set of benefits gained at specific situations all the time.
levels, with common benefits described below. If a 4 We fight against tyranny and corruption. We aim to
path does not offer a particular benefit, the entry is overthrow an evil ruler.
absent. 5 We are trouble-makers and get into mischief
Attributes: You can increase the scores of wherever we go.
attributes you choose. You must choose a different 6 We share the same religion and work to advance
causes important to our faith.
attribute for each increase. 7 We hope to secure peace and security for the people
Languages: Some paths grant you knowledge of a fleeing the wars of the Old Country.
language, which give you the ability speak it and 8 We all survived some hardship and come together to
understand when it is spoken, as well as to read and overcome the trauma of that experience.
write in this language. If you would gain knowledge 9 We are heroes and champion good causes.
of a language you already know, choose a different 10 We are a troupe of entertainers and performers.
11 We take on dangerous jobs for gold.
language to learn in its place.
12 We are agents for a regent.
Health: Increase your Health score by the listed 13 We swore vows to root out corruption and to defeat
amount. the wicked.
Attack Dice: Your path might grant you 14 We investigate occult matters and dare to look into
additional Attack Dice as you gain levels. Simply fearful places.
increase your pool of Attack Dice by the listed 15 We are exiles and band together for mutual survival.
amount. 16 We swore oaths to avenge the death of a mutual
Traditions and Spells: A path might reveal a
17 A powerful magician employs us to recover magical
tradition. If the path reveals a particular tradition, it relics and investigate magical phenomena.
lists it. Otherwise, the path expresses the number of 18 We have dark pasts and come together to find
traditions revealed as a number and you can redemption.
discover one tradition for each. Each time you 19 A mutual desire to solve a great mystery keeps us
discover a tradition, you learn one level 1/2 spell working together to accomplish our goals.
from it. 20 We have a vision of the future and work to found a
new nation in these dark lands.
So, if you discover a tradition that you have
already discovered, you learn another level 1/2 spell

Brutal When you roll a 1 on a die for damage with a
Fighter weapon associated with this specialization, you can
reroll the die. You must use the second number rolled,
A life of violence finds your embroiled in a state of even if it is another 1.
near constant conflict. Mastering the fighting Deadly (Strength 14+) If you roll at least one 6 on an
techniques give you an edge over your untrained Attack Die, the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.
foes, but helps you take a stand against veteran
combatants too. You might favor a certain fighting Bludgeon Specialist
style or set of weapons, but you could just choose to Associated Weapons Mace, warclub, warhammer
fight with whatever happens to be at hand. Shattering If the total of your roll to attack is 20 or higher
Whatever you choose, you know how to conduct and succeeds for an attack made with an associated
yourself on the battlefield, to power through the weapon, the target becomes impaired (luck ends).
pain and overcome the setbacks to come through Concussing (Strength 14+) Whenever you deal 18 damage
conflict victorious. or more from an attack made with an associated
weapon, the target must succeed on a luck roll or
LEVEL 1 become stunned until the end of its next turn.
Attributes +1 to two; Health +6
Charge When you take the initiative, you can move and
use an action to attack. If you move before you make
Bow Specialist
Associated Weapons Bow, longbow, short bow
the attack, you make the roll to attack with 1 boon. Once
Rapid Shot When you use an action to attack with an
you use this talent, you must wait one minute before
associated weapon, you can increase your number of
you can use it again.
Attack Dice by one and the number of attacks you can
Combat Training You make rolls to attack with weapons
make by one, but you make each roll to attack with the
and unarmed attacks with 1 boon. When the total of
associated weapon with 1 bane and you must assign at
your roll for a weapon attack is 20 or higher and
least one Attack Die to each attack you make.
succeeds, the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.
Precise Shot (Agility 14+) Your attacks with associated
LEVEL 2 weapons ignore the Friendly Fire Rule and banes
Health +6; Attack Dice +1 imposed by all but total cover.
Combat Expertise When you use an action to attack, you
can make an additional attack using a weapon you are Chain Specialist
wielding or an unarmed attack. You must assign at least Associated Weapons Chain, flail
one Attack Die to each attack you make. Flexible When you make a disarming attack or an
Weapon Specialization You become an expert in the use unbalancing attack with this weapon, you make the roll
of weapons. Choose one Fighter Specializations talent with 1 boon.
from those presented below. Thwart Defense (Strength 12+, Agility 12+) You make
LEVEL 5 your roll to attack with the associated weapon with 1
Health +6 boon.
Battle Recovery You can use an action, or use a reaction
when you take damage, to heal all damage. Until you Heavy Blade Specialist
take your next turn, you impose 1 bane on rolls made to Associated Weapons Great sword, long sword, scimitar,
attack you. Once you use this talent, you must finish an sword
eight-hour rest before you can use it again. Keen If the total of your roll with the associated weapon is
Combat Mastery When you use an action to attack, you 20 or higher and succeeds, the attack deals an extra 1d6
can make an additional attack using a weapon you are damage.
wielding or an unarmed attack. This talent works with Wounding (Strength 14+) If a target takes 18 damage or
Combat Expertise, granting you a total of two more from an attack made using an associated, the
additional attacks. You must still assign at least one target also loses 1d6 Health.
Attack Die to each attack you would make.
Weapon Specialization You become an expert in the use
of weapons. Choose another Fighter Specialization Lance Specialist
talent from those presented below. Associated Weapons Lance
Couch the Lance While mounted, if your mount runs
before you make the attack, the attack deals an extra
Fighter Specializations 1d6 damage.
The Weapon Specialization talents enhance your Shiver the Lance When you trigger the Unreliable
use with weapons, conferring onto those weapons property of the lance from rolling a 20 or higher, the
target of your attack takes an extra 1d6 damage and falls
special properties to make you more effective in prone.
battle. Unseat (Strength 13+) When you succeed on a roll to
attack with the lance while mounted on a steed and the
Axe Specialist total of your roll beats the target number by 5 or more,
Associated Weapons Battle axe, great axe, hatchet

you dismount the target if it is mounted and the target Whip Specialist
falls prone.
Associated Weapons Whip
Reach You can make a lunging attack with a whip without
Light Blade Specialist spending an Attack Die to do so.
Associated Weapons Dagger, knife, rapier Flexible When you make a disarming attack or an
Precision When you attack with an associated weapon, unbalancing attack with this weapon, you make the roll
you can roll against Agility instead of Defense. with 1 boon.
Swift (Agility 14+) When you use an action to attack with Swift (Agility 14+) When you use an action to attack with
the associated weapon, you can make one additional the associated weapon, you can make one additional
attack, but you must assign at least one Attack Die to attack, but you must assign at least one Attack Die to
this attack. this attack.
Longarm Specialist d20 Scar
Associated Weapons Pike, polearm, spear, and trident 1 A jagged line running from your hairline down your
Long Arm When you make a driving attack or cheek.
unbalancing with an associated weapon, you make the 2 A puckered mark where you took an arrow.
roll with 1 boon. 3 A missing tip of one or more fingers.
Defensive Haft (Strength 13+) While you wield an 4 A notch in your ear.
associated weapon with both hands, you have a +1 5 A line across the bridge of your nose.
bonus to Defense. 6 A split lip.
7 A grisly gash on your arm.
Shield Specialist 8
A few missing toes.
A white line on your scalp.
Associated Weapons Buckler, shield 10 A crooked nose.
Shield Bash When you make a driving or unbalancing 11 Markings for each enemy you have killed.
attack with an associated weapon, you can do so 12 Several body piercings.
without having to spend an Attack Die. 13 A pronounced limp.
Superior Defense (Strength or Agility 14+) Increase the 14 A persistent cough.
bonus to Defense granted by the associated weapon by 15 Cauliflower ears.
1. 16 Bad burn scars.
17 An odd depression.
Staff Specialist 18
A missing eye or ear.
A tattoo of your squadron’s numerals.
Associated Weapons Quarterstaff
20 Tremors, twitches, or a tic.
Tripping When you make an unbalancing attack with an
associated weapon, you make the roll with 1 boon and
you impose 1 bane on the roll made to resist falling
Swift (Agility 14+) When you use an action to attack with
the associated weapon, you can make one additional
attack, but you must assign at least one Attack Die to
this attack.

Unarmed Specialist
Natural Weapon Your hands count as natural weapons
and use the following rules.

You swing your fist and strike with profound force.
Range Melee; Target One creature or object
Roll Strength or Agility against Defense
Light If this weapon is one of two with which you attack
using one action, you ignore the 1 bane imposed by
attacking with two weapons.
Success [Attack Dice] + half your Strength modifier
Swift (Agility 14+) When you use an action to attack with
the associated weapon, you can make one additional
attack, but you must assign at least one Attack Die to
this attack.

The divine guides your hand to strike with mighty force.
Maybe the gods chose you. Maybe you chose the Requirement You must be wielding a weapon.
god. Either way, you enjoy a special connection with Effect Make an attack with a weapon you are wielding.
one or more deities, a connection that lets you call On a success, the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage. On
upon the divine to aid you in your times of need. a failure, the attack deals half damage.
The gods answer your prayers and give you the
ability to perform miracles, such as healing the sick, LAY ON HANDS LEVEL 1
smiting unbelievers, and shielding others from Your touch eases suffering and speeds healing.
harm. Your gifts could elevate you in the eyes of the Range Melee; Target One creature
religious institution or could make you a pariah, Effect The target heals damage equal to 1d6 + your level.
believing you to work blasphemy with your magical Level 5+ The target heals an extra 2d6 damage.
The gods mark you. Some typical signs appear on LEVEL 2
Health +4; Spells +1
the Godsworn Marks table. Choose one or make up Shared Recovery Use an action to heal all damage. Then,
one or more signs if you like. choose one ally within your zone. The target heals all
GODSWORN MARKS damage. Once you use this talent, you must finish an
God Marks
eight-hour rest before you can use it again.
High One Dancing flame above head when LEVEL 5
performing a prayer, faint, flickering glow Health +4; Attack Dice +1; Spells +1
in lit zones, metallic sheen to skin Divine Aid The gods favor you with their attention,
Death/Last Door Face obscured fully when hooded, granting you and each ally in your zone 1 boon on luck
whispering, rustling sounds, cold presence
Mother Sun Unusual comeliness, emanate warmth,
Combat Expertise When you use an action to attack, you
sparkle in sunlight
can make an additional attack using a weapon you are
Draconus Serpent eyes, scaly skin, forked tongue
wielding or an unarmed attack. You must assign at least
Sky Father Short temper, wild, blazing eyes
Fates Throw three shadows instead of one,
one Attack Die to each attack you would make.
appear young, old, or somewhere in DIVINE CALLING
between at random times
d20 Calling
Grandfather Tree Small, leafy vines grow from skin, small
1 An angel visited you and announced your service.
twigs form a crown, plants flourish
2 You fasted and prayed until your patron took notice.
Horned One Small horns on the brow, long, sharp
3 A bolt of lightning struck and blinded you for a few
teeth, pungent, wild odor, always dirty
Urbanus Calm demeanor, always clean, writing
4 A voice spoke to you from a roaring fire.
under the skin reveals philosophical truths
5 Your patron deity visited you in a dream.
Revel Bloodshot eyes, grapevines appear,
6 You died and returned to life with a new purpose.
infectious laughter
7 You hear voices and see things others cannot see.
Blind Eyes become milky white without
8 A sect, after generations of selective breeding,
interfering with sight, laws appear on skin
produced you to become a vessel for your god.
Pestilence Cadaverous, ghastly appearance, reeks of
9 You climbed a mountain and saw the face of the
rot, rattling cough and congested sinuses
Abraxus Random sparkling light, musical sounds,
10 You are an immortal entity who claimed this body
changes color of nearby flames
and now use it to serve your divine masters.
Abaddon Empty eye sockets, black saliva, skin, voice
11 You are the product of an immaculate conception.
edged with faint screams
12 You committed a crime against your god and now
Oceanus Slimy skin, coral like growths, webbed
must spent your days righting the wrong.
fingers and toes
13 You have amnesia. You cannot remember anything
Honored Dead Ghostly flames wreathing body, shining
that happened in the last year.
mouth and eyes
14 You read from a sacred scroll or holy book.
Lord and Lady Androgynous appearance, fluid gender
15 You performed a heroic deed that won divine
LEVEL 1 attention.
Attributes +1 to two; Health +4; Tradition Theurgy; 16 A whirlwind lifted you into the heavens where you
Spells +2 received your gifts.
17 Another godsworn passed their gift to you.
Divine Power You can use an action to call upon your
18 You consumed the blood of an angel.
patron deity to aid you. You can use Divine Power a
19 You lost everything you had and everyone you loved.
number of times equal to your level and each time you
20 You underwent a sacred ritual that set your feet on
do, you choose one of the following options. You regain the path of divine service.
expended uses of this talent when you finish an eight-
hour rest.

8 You made a bargain with a faerie, infernal, or
something else.
9 You found an old book filled with arcane lore.
No mere conjurer tricks, you wield real magic, the 10 One of your parents was an otherworldly being.
stuff of creation, and with a word and gesture you 11 You ate or drank something that was forbidden to
can fling fire into the faces of your enemies, lift you.
yourself to fly into the air, plumb the secrets of the 12 You were born with the gift.
13 You don’t know since you can remember any details
cosmos and more. Magic is the key you need to
about your life.
unlock the door that hides true, lasting power. 14 You broke something magical and got some on you.
As a mage, you have access to a wide range of 15 You learned from a talking trout you found in a lake.
spells. The traditions you discover and the spells 16 You made a wish from a spirit you released from a
you learn from them go a long way toward defining bottle.
your capabilities. Most traditions offer a mix of 17 You are an ardent follower of the god of magic.
combat spells and utility spells, the latter giving you 18 You were struck by lightning.
19 You were held prisoner by fox-headed faeries and
the tools to overcome just about any challenge. The
figured out how to cast a spell that allowed your
traditions you choose can also say a great deal about escape.
your character’s training and future development, 20 You died, but somehow came back to life.
while also adding detail to your character’s identity.
Attributes +1 to two; Health +2;Traditions +3; Spells +4;
Languages Arcane
Mage Sense Use an action to cast your senses out into
your zone to detect the presence or absence of magic in
your vicinity. You pinpoint the location of each ongoing
magical effect in your zone and then your sense fades.
You can use this talent a number of times equal to your
level and regain expended uses when you finish an
eight-hour rest.
Health +2; Spells +2
Spell Recovery Use an action to heal all damage and
regain all expended castings of your spells of level 2 and
lower. Once you use this talent, you must finish an
eight-hour rest before you can use it again.
Health +2; Spells +2
Spell Expertise When you make a roll as part of the
casting of a spell, you make the roll with 1 boon. When
a roll is made for a creature to resist a spell you cast, you
impose 1 bane on the roll.

Source of Magic
The ability to wield magic, to cast spells, and sense
it around you comes from somewhere. You can use
the following table to randomly determine your
source, choose the one you like most, or make
something up.
d20 Source
1 You were buried alive.
2 A banded serpent bit you and injected you with its
3 You have mystical runes branded in your skin.
4 The blood of a magic-using ancestor flows through
your veins.
5 You served an apprenticeship under another mage.
6 You are the seventh child of a seventh child.
7 A spirit possessed and merged with your soul.

bane and grants creatures other that you 1 boon on rolls
Rogue made to attack it. On a failure, the target becomes
immune to your Mockery for 24 hours.
You could have been anything. You have the mind, Skirmish When you take the initiative, you can move and
the drive, and the talent to excel at any task you set use an action.
for yourself. You might have studied magic, learned Subterfuge When you hinder an enemy, you can roll
how to fight, or embraced the mysticism of a church, Intellect against the target’s Intellect. On a success, you
but you chose a different road, a crooked path to trick the target and the target becomes impaired (luck
reach your destiny. Good or bad, you employ ends). On a failure, the target becomes immune to your
techniques others might deem underhanded to get Subterfuge for 24 hours.
what you want because your success and yours CROOKED PATHS
alone is what matters most. What obligations you d20 Source
feel toward others stand only so long as it serves to 1 You joined a criminal organization such as a thieves’
advance your interests. Your life, your dreams, your guild or assassins’ guild and work to advance through
goals are the only things that matters and to hell the group’s ranks.
2 You are a survivor and do what you have to do to get
with anything else.
LEVEL 1 3 You stole something from a shrine or temple and
Attributes +1 to two; Health +4 developed your talents from the object you took.
Trickery Once per round, you can grant yourself 1 boon 4 You botched an apprenticeship and had to find some
on an attribute roll you make or impose 1 bane on an other way to make ends meet.
attribute roll made against you. 5 You are a bon vivant and your talents arise from your
Uncanny Reactions You can use two reactions each efforts to keep yourself in manner to which you have
become accustomed.
round, but you must use each reaction to perform a
6 You worked with a military unit, possibly as a scout,
different activities.
guerilla, or commando.
Signature Talent You develop a signature technique to
7 You made enemies of the wrong people and have
carry out your trickery. Gain one Rogue Talent of your
had to stay on the move.
8 You worked in law enforcement and studied criminal
LEVEL 2 techniques to capture lawbreakers in your
Health +4 community.
Dastardly Strike When you succeed on a roll to attack 9 You have blood on your hands from being in the
and you made the roll with at least 1 boon, you can use killing business.
10 You fought for money and cut your teeth battling
a reaction to deal an extra 2d6 damage.
foes in the fighting pits.
Swift Recovery Use an action to heal all damage and then
11 You belong to a sect, cult, or congregation devoted
retreat. Once you use this talent, you must finish an
to Revel.
eight-hour rest before you can use it again. 12 You made an enemy of a magician and you know this
LEVEL 5 person hunts you.
Health +4; Attack Dice +1 13 You are an heir to a crime family.
Cunning Evasion When you take damage from one 14 You crave adventure and excitement. You can’t stay
source, you can use a reaction to reduce the damage to in one place very long.
15 You are a raconteur and are considered a character
0. Once you use this talent, you must wait at least one
by locals in your community.
hour before you can use it again.
16 Someone wronged you and you will have your
Exploit Opportunity Once per round, when you roll a 20
revenge, even if it means spending your whole life in
on the die for a roll to attack with a weapon, you can
pursuit of it.
either move or use an action. 17 You spent a fair amount of time in the wilderness,
ROGUE TALENTS possibly as a guide, explorer, or, maybe, a bandit.
Backstab Whenever you deal damage on a weapon attack 18 You deserted from a military unit and have been
and you rolled a 4 or higher on at least 1 boon, your laying low ever since.
attack deals 1d6 extra damage or 2d6 extra damage at 19 You made a living robbing graves and tombs.
20 You spent much time among the faeries and learned
level 5.
a few of their tricks.
Beloved of the Gods You make luck rolls with 1 boon.
Also, if you roll a 1 on the die for an attribute roll, you
roll luck and use the result of the luck roll in place of
your attribute roll.
Magic-Use You learn the Arcane language, discover one
tradition, and learn two spells. You learn an additional
spell at level 2 and level 5.
Mockery When you hinder an enemy, you can roll
Intellect against the target’s Will. On a success, the
target becomes enraged (luck ends). While enraged, the
target makes rolls to attack targets other than you with 1

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