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UNG COLLEGE COED Leer TT [RUCHIRAPPALLT = 620 Question Paper Code : 42824 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2018 Eighth Semester Mechanical Engineering ME 2028 — ROBOTICS (Common to Production Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management and Mechanical and Automation Engineering) (Also Common to PTME 2028 - Robotics for B.E. (Part-Time) Seventh Semester ~~ Mechanical Engineering — Regulations 2009) (AO Reg. No. (Regulations 2008) ‘Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer ALL questions. PART-A. (10x2=20 Marks) 1, Sketch different coordinate system used in robotics. 2. Why robots are most appropriate to 4D environment ? 8. Define end effector. 4, List any four types of sensors to acquire feedback of motor. 5. What is segmentation ? 6, Write the application of tactile sensors. 7. Write a homogeneous transformation matrix for Z axis rotation. 8, What are the parameters involved in D-H formulation ? 9, State BUAC. 10. Define AGV. 42824 14 x UT PART-B (6x16=80 Marks) 11. a) With neat sketch explain the following with example. i) Wrist configuration ©) ii) Anatomy of serial manipulator @ iii) Maximum envelope, restricted work volume and operating envelope. (4) (oR) ») i) List any eight applications of robot in manufacturing. w ii) With neat sketch explain the various serial configuration of robot and its work volume, (12) 12, a) Deseribe the construction and working principle of the grippes following. i) Screw actuated gripper. (8) ii) Magnetic gripper. ) (OR) ) i) With neat sketch, explain the construction and working principle of stepper motor with applicants and advantages. (a0) ii) Write a salient features of electrical actuators, aU) 13, a) Explain the working principle of following sensor with neat sketch. i) Ultrasonic transducer and IR sensor. (a) ii) Various types of tactile sensors. (12 (OR) b) Explain the construction and working principle of optical encoders and its coding scheme used. (16) 14. a) Explain the D-H convention and its procedure used to obtain the final transformation matrix. (oR) x b) i) Derive the forward kinematic solutions of RR manipulator. @) ii) Explain any four motion commands using VAL Programming. @ iii) What is teach pendent ? Explain with neat sketch. @ 15. a) i) Explain the three different methods of economic analysis of robot. © ii) List the various benefits of AGV in industry. ©) iii) Write a short notes on diffuse and back lighting techniques used in machine vision. w (OR) b) Design a three level safety system for robot work cell and explain its funetion, M.LE.T. ENGINEERING COLLEGE z LIBRARY __ TIRUCHIRAPALLI . 620 oo7 arene AO OOF.

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