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To understand detracing, we must first understand how doxxing works.

Most doxes start with a unique identifier, such as a username. The doxxer then puts
this username in Google, database breach engines and so on. Therefore, we will
start by spreading false information linked to our username.

1. Create a false identity

Head over to and create yourself an identity. Record this
somewhere, as you will be using this later.
Next, go to Google, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and other websites to try to find
pictures of people. The more pictures of the same person, the better. In order to
bypass reverse image search engines such as Tineye and Google Image Search, modify
the photo(s) with some filters, crops and flips.
Finally, generate some IP addresses that are all located in the same place. Use
these tools to assist you:

2. Creating social media accounts

Make accounts on websites such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter with your
List of sites to register on:
If the username is taken, modify it a little with some additional numbers, periods,
etc. However, try to keep your username consistent, as many doxxers use an
automated approach such as Sherlock ( to mass-find
social media accounts.
On these social media accounts, use the pictures you obtained as your profile
pictures. If you have more than one photo, spread it out to make it look more
legitimate, as long as they can easily be identified as the same person. Use the
fake information you generated as your name, age, bio, etc.
It is CRUCIAL that you use the same emails and phone numbers on all these accounts.
The point is to link everything together in hopes that you will get yourself into a
database breach or searchable on Google using only your username.
Flood these social media sites with your fake info until it is impossible for
people NOT to find your fake accounts.

3. Post fake doxxes

Using your fake information/identity, create a fake dox of yourself on site such as
pastebin and doxbin. Ensure that you link all the social medias, emails, usernames,
phone numbers, and IPs. Name the dox "<USERNAME> Dox" to make it easier for people
to find.

4. Remove your real information

If your real social media accounts are linked to your username, rename them so that
they return a 404, and use Google's Outdated Content Removal Tool to wipe yourself
off of the internet. It will automatically delete the search results as long as
they are not found (404).
Finally, remember that the more realistic your information is, the more easily
people will believe the false info. For instance, if people know you are from the
United Kingdom, make your false identity British.
TLDR; Make fake social media accounts linked to your username and post fake doxes
of yourself.

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