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= B Read the advertisement and complete the list of requirements for a job as an assistant chef with must, hhave tor don't have to. Adjective D 8 3 x [2 J p zlxf=lo}-|>l— be 18 or older. ‘be hard-working and disciplined, have a ches diploma, hhave experience. have expert knowledge of Job 7 _- . IT job From hobby to full-time I What are your favorite hobbies? How ofte” ‘do you do them? Are you good at them? 1 READING Magazine atc mons 1B Read the ice about the er Bethy Hei : aut sh dest tan saredartog wien esmnsont, —] 3 Needs 2 Accu aac her and eer et " 3. Sbewon et fst le 2 ao nb Diitre matty ore Sassen teal ip tetereaermiine Stuetengncre oe eoeseec an aco rarpennis ola bare alestcoren wet? ethan sty ak ‘ln z0t tise st 0% Test coreSeanearracs ov he sedis pened ost 03°, ‘Seder chy wrk das. ‘sng nando 1 Read the article again and answer the questions 1 Whattenbl nee ct Bethany sure? 2. Whose atic di Bethany ianre afer the incident? Wry? 3 "What tree ques helped Beary become a potessoal sui 2 |] UsTENING || interview leis, and Q* ante nd npc frmaton na tex in ont How long does tae to pita mara When did you become incest ‘Whats your ext poe (01d you aivays wan to soe | BD) tts opin ain pi, my Inamall up compu oor see .. 4 cout the sentences and complete them with could couldnt sing information from the tile Esai 1A and the sudloncript fr Enurcise 2A on page T®, doctors fold her she_go into the cea after he init she was child Sanh ahs dew wel to medical shea! Beause her resin logy werent vey goo. ln rr forthe Pars Met nol next yar Tha your sug) the suggestions and decide if you agree with them or not. Write a short paragraph about your pos re with a partner, poe because Tin gped at sccear I cod plog For 9 Fonous scceer taney ad an Teed be a musician ‘ conan ets ng ts don We ene ee Wy were in Mexico on vacation? 7 roca Wen he raids we 3) coud you be ‘Cove yout the correct order. 1 Nome the po hecarvetion ihe res : _ Je sug someting rete to atl ‘Ada: $0 wi you cote 5 oul be bin an engneeing COM. en i 8 ie COSC eds soneting bid costa, LL Adame De yu ve ay scl ales when you were 2 hi? Hana es. probbly study fr a depe n ys oc engineering havent dete et Hanna Wel as ealy good st math and could da calculus when | was 10 ZL Adam: A what o you want odo when you fish college? —L Hamat: Na. my marisa math teacher When she sw that hed math, She stated tecing me LL Ala: Realy Thats acing tm sue they did eee did tech you that in Ce sh ete hw | Verve en ars ee snc, Eble cod ry sl aT yd 2 Hi ie cout hss Hatebard forbs ae Ne abou bh by, — ie 3. Shed pale «arags when he was ea oS oeP aye 4 Bij aesta ea — "69 YOU were seveng u a! 1» (IRD) Linen to fi ad Gin tating nod undetinethe 2 bs pus house 1 Gus rew hae [Batman dann th qwnions, 1 Whe dcr Gontant toe” 2 fee inns co witinerbone? —$ 5 3 Wind ten dvs Cow wt Pr Me 2 GRAMMAR Would tla Whe ds nwa hay bcos des im wan ‘Mute mse iu es im A took tthe sentences and the undeined words. Then answer the questions Where wal ye ie ie te fe? ide le byte cron (tae bein he ty. ldo eet ue in house oan apartment? lw to hve an enormous kitchen, ‘kit ove somewhere so busy and nolsyt 1 Dothes sentences ees te reherces or dot exyess ‘aur pecton 2. Watom othe eb do wees: wou 3. Whats the contre orm of oa § Wow oy) te eam sets nyo Fag teat fr Ws Non orton qesig angage? 2 ache sentence aves, 1 Where woud 2 tate 2 dpe ave 30 4 (dhaetoheins 5 Wed yultety 6 woud wane 7 Weil you pee to hive a » 9) ay °) 0) a breinthecxy We eve hte ns with woul? tion tint cone rr cm home 4 MINDING Classified nds entifies orders and interprets expt and impli intcmation in» text in content, ments and decide what these abrevations mean, 7 iipaliaon wipe Eres es aa careers| || nigga ca nt ce a Sian “LUDURY AFT Bee Carer. Son to coneerc (rte spaces, 20am. 2 ‘hecomined im dom ew ke 2, $140.00, Can 58-1567 Read the ads agnin and cle the adjectives that describe © Answer the questions 14, Which ad tas an internet ads to wt? 1 Whit ds fo spartrers and which ae for houses? 2 Which Bames ear inte 5 Which home woul be good for people 3 Which poms) wou be good for a fami? Why? who ue publ rasporation? 4. SPEAKING Describing your dream home “Communicates in an appropriate frm in diverse contexts ‘Uses corect communication states for dient tuations [A Inpsrs, agree on your dream home. Make notes about ‘the following things: + typeot heme house apartment. cabin, ec) Seema iin vs se oe mons) + forntue + location (downtown, county neariporant series, et.) ‘Tien: Wd yu prafa tia th city oth contr? (Ross practi ln in tha ety Xa Uca te manera portmanteau tgp? 1B Draw a basi lor plan of your dream home and include furniture in the rooms. {© Work with another pai Use your notes and your floorplan to explain your dream home to them. =e i = eerie aaa po = Laie a 6 fo7iTie Tig ty [west in ive aT 1b Woe the word that matches the definition. | oir Toes_paice purer beach ty 1 Aawesf snd next tothe acer 4 home fra king or queen: 2. Ame in shred but: eae 3 Apbeewahiasoltees: «| 6 vehicle you cn el ‘nd eight actives to desenbeRomesin the word serch. € 3 # u =le|=| 7 Fhe opal of ce cea res Mi 4 Tae teasons why Sr Gone ce coram re ssxcesitl 4 Tre ent irs oer in Sar Conse soe rt ie jo Mia ity abel Sa asia 2 Why shes peduct Wry does Oa Senons kveS UNIT2 LESSONS. ‘We on ced allie eer speed of Ye uatan) 1 Complete the sentences with or, sine yet, o already. her bene pn ___ 6am tis maine es awake sold 30 hot dos this even 4 SPEAKING Presentation ‘Works fective in various team situations (EB Sees cuss of actions ado slant poems in tam ec ‘A In ezoups imagine you are going to start your wn busines, Discuss the pros and cos of diferent business options. face has shea ace std? hace ar tae ne me shea or oer 9 ye. Eb Yah, ad Lae ha teen Te ceded tos at home sace Lan il ares: Sut lit be poplar? Most sults rv wd ato shan ha ane ches. Ass group, choose one ofthe business ideas and discos the following questions, “Take notes about your decisions. Sp sli tpt mse gn vc tri ae ere i eens em Rae ee Tae a tg a me Shee eae oe a rar aotearoa otack to your original group. Discuss posible improvements to yur business es, weeee UNIT 2 LESSON 5 4 GRAMMAR Present pele review 2) fos fh szeh at the sentences nd the undated words nd thon comple the res wing the words nthe x a > iP jy land i ft ‘We wey in repaesuteranes and eto ee ‘We ue Chee alert sae = shout copied thon ity aabotieorpe ations 1 Complete the sentences with for; nee to ready. Hove you vised he ne anne esasmt_—_? Fest so 30 coe ths ering 6 (veld web page fr my ere eT 4 SPEAKING Presentation ‘Werks effectively in various team situations. Siggests cures of cio vd slstons topabens nom ret. 1 ingroup. imagine you ae going to stat your owe busines. Dinas he pros and cons a dierent inners options ‘acec Hossa ace tid? Thar ent ae onan sel er one yee IY, rd Eton hu teed Te enka ten Yr sca Ss a arms tn pple? Mat shart eae torah ala ache 1 Aes group, choose one ofthe business Meas nd discus the allowing questions “ake motes about your decisions. © Inpairs. discuss your business idea with « pair from another group. Ask each other questions about Soar cia ec ween hie ate : eae ee me Conia pepo ei cee co back ta your evga yroup. Discus possbe improvements to your business ide. Pr ‘GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY WORK8OOK = UNIT2 LESSONS: GRAMMAR Present pertect review (2) ‘since, yet, already fe ; for ve worked atthe stove for theee mons. _ [Glenetht time) |i havent vised te rat bee = “Since “The wie a the store ance Feb reame nonna tts 7. P [eworted vctonay |= #4) te peo abi tse we ‘heen vated en ta et smplte ations) Have you many tense? ‘We ter wee pre wth he wns rand ceo si tens tae he a contd ot peti of the tie upto the ores For determines how og the acten fs append length tne) and ce eerie when the ston started att an ‘Wels use for and since to answer he question How ong? How lang has Lilian hed a Mere? She ho ed href 00 es ‘Pou long have you had pet? eh ry dog Bulle see Nove _Wetse epee perc wt yet an clea oi tt pened ees tact we ea pen. We we “daly oth teat tes te carl nether aol ey “alfa setencs, We can ony se yet nee sertences and cess. [A Complete the sentences and questions with foo since, bk || Weve vedbew __ 70, 4 Shes sud teschod_ spe wer yews aver ben tte erative ee aa 5 thet edo my coi we we cen 3. They/ve been mice eyes. |b Complete the sentences and questions with yet oralrvady. {Sicha olde ofjevey athe moet. 4 Hate decid where t opens buses , 2 vine youmed tehamTaied cecram 7S. Thventasied a batow the money. 3 Whores near for aon coer sar creates bases epi tat makes att mney i 2) locos ee soning ad pam en — 3) papectn tren apatue pe a) ) pratt a 1) spe ter erpry scr ued xing ing stopped suddenly, { opened the doce stow Pica ten carefatty # understand you perfectly Compare stjectine adver Sue is very quiet Sue speaks very quietly. (wt speaks Very quien Be careful! Listen carefully! (we Inten careful) Ie was a bad game, Our tam played tradly. (nr played ad) Holt nervous, | waited nervounly. (= 1 wa hand fast late early These words are adjectives and adverbs: Sue's job is very hard, Ben is a fast runner, The bus was late/early.

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