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Adventures (Community + Childven + Church, i: tex: ate BROABWay acer Sharon enter CHURCH ‘CHURCH A Letter From The Pastor “Our church is about to take an adventurous and faithful leap into history.” bracing Adventuress about North Brodwsy United Metros Chorehcomina toner ‘ith the Children and Commun. Curchorchisabouttotake an fiendshipr ath the North Broadway Childrens Center and Tooling orwardto new memoriss that wil be butt Short North (Church tat sunches 31.118 turchcch, the Embracing ‘ventures Campaign we wil make fhe choice to ether hide the Shoaows of regrets or beewe na ight new future Rev. Pastor Marcus Whether you decide to give though time talent donations going totale the ‘whel commun top rennevate andepair the North Brosdway Chien epurpoting exiting space exentl forthe North rosy Citra Center function and wilelp prove atonal pace fo futur needs ofthe church and hldrens Cente | hope you have been praying fr his project withthe prayer, “Lord what do ‘youantto do though mer” rce end Pesce ow Marcus Ah A Letter From NBCC Executive Director, Rebecca McCoy Professionals inthe of eld development recognize NBCC at high quality center and demoratiate that through thet ‘commendation to patent loling for cae ar wal placement of tnt We nave been accredited bythe National Association forthe Education of Young {Chidren NAEYC) snc 198 and have achieved the State of Ohio's Five Str Rating (the highest possible under tei Step Up To Qual program. Demand for placement in our center conistertly high. As of ght row our watt for tamiles outside of the centr fr hs nfant rom 2-3 year for te Ter foorn 1-2 yors and fr the Prechoal rooms about | yar Ow atime programs {Preschool Patents Co-Operative, Patents Day Out and Before ad After Schoo al regiter annually andevery year maintain illenvliment wth watts ‘Toh femes in need we accept twenty Title XX fms each year The tff anc fais support CRC Tae every Crstnas provide booth at the Maple Grove {estval ery Merril Day: and ou casroome il periodically ale canned ‘goods or prepare cookies fr CRC (ur staffand teachers are extremely proud tobe associated wth NBC and our “employment longer prot. Mary of ou teachers ave ben with ufo 38 We have deeply appreciated being patof Clinton andthe North roadway United Methodist Church fay and look forwardt serving the community for cecadesto ce sincersy rector WEE Embracing Adventures Everyday atNerth Broscvay, here i uy of acvty and ministry. We elebate Sia ges end people nour commun and congregation Tis the ‘Adventure of being church and ollawingacallto connect people to God and eachother The Adventure is Visionary. Constucte in 1968 san engoing outeach mision of our church, the North Broadway Chitrens Center har served young clan and their parents nthe Columbus Criginaly conceived a support for working parent regards of fe drcumstances ot chadren inthe City of columbus. Nout the ime has comet renovate Noth Sroadhy Chiers Center. Everyday 300 chien, 70 teachers ae 100 of parent walk nour church Today, ty years ltr the church blling Masa number of heath and safety concems These defered ‘maintenance sues form the coef prejets we hope to adres incoming months D-HVAC updates 2. Mortguge reduction and parking at North Broadway 2: fesidalfnancing from 2072 projects snow approximately $800000| Parking lt refurbishment 2.10% tithe te Short North Church tM sre contining to give bith to future that changes ives. intone Resource Center, ‘church location inthe Short North under the ditectian of Rew. Amy Aspey. ling capign and gave bith tothe The Adventure is Attractive. ‘our worshipping conareation hs grown S5% since 2015 And The Adventure is Engaging. Inthe ast thee yeas we 2 Completed anew nursery reom neat the Sanctuary © More than 60 children have experiencedthe new nursery 2 Developed Ail arkforKideon te thi oor © Involved more peopl in minis and worship than anytime since 2006, North Broadway UMC Timeline 1905 ‘he congrgation nat would become Noth rondway Ugted host church bagan in 105 sasunday Sehaa tt matin a schoohouse neat ithecunent ste Clatonlementey, 1920 ioregation grew apy and 1920 tededtobuids brgersch 1924 we were safe So as Me Marin. “a church ‘ere ecaled later But they preserved and on “Sop, 1924, the congregation made tsfamous acigegan Sect tether smech Re feted on et 12,1826. 1944 ‘Hard ies hn the Depression when the crue to mauaits monageg payments Curch idence neta gece nd ig he mage mentor 1948 ‘Theft sancuary remodeling, which nk atte ns comer ssl es completed 18, in 98, the booming ehurch ded om savxton ‘ting andl oficeson the northside ofthe bln 1970 Inthe ety 1970s the Norn Broadway Chien’ iat alts te cacy anna {eroded fora second tive nledng the ‘atten of nem pips organ the congrgation leorased money sartthe Grnonle ‘ech Community Rescurces Center 1986 North roadway Chen canter sacreded by ‘heNstonal aesocaton othe Education of Young Chen AEG 1989 ny 1988, the church added the west oficetower a ft nid onset fo mae ingmote accesible 1999 ‘Agaiversary Halland Coro Place te ema in THE REST 2005 BCC een partofthe step Up To Custy program, hve echived fe stars i 2015 ‘THis Bright and Beau Nursery is created to {re ford wekemenew and young fries 2016 FALL Tidal et pce fo yout {alict@0ta ihe Gthenng Aes is en ane ook ‘hd uncton tat support the misono NBUMC 2017 Aernovations begin at tort Nxt chur tats chochieatftsanoner November saute wind Ptr Any Ape. Embracing Adventures Q & A’s Whatis this capital How much do we coor hhope to raise? mbracl =| Adventures"? Ue hope tora over $1 malin dlrs from the congregation and outside benelactrs nd fourdation The current sate for renovations perosmatey Siamilion. ‘Renovate ou Children's center, “Reduce our debt fom previous uldng projec -Proie 0 efor cor When did we decide to ‘tei congrgaton nthe renovate the children's ShortNorth center? in2013 asa part of ou previous capital ‘ampaign. the church pnnedto replace Boss our cur < aoe thea ang meter enratan mortgage? How ter kahate was cored ad mth = fad tobe postponed because ofthe ‘tional cot required forthe statement, but we commited to completing the werk inte ear tren 2016, BUM voted to {go lormata wth this wok 142017, we ‘eyed the capt compsin snl 201880 fonusonreduengthe mortgage det ce umber 3 above) project we sl have an 580% ‘morgage Ths mortgage hasbeen Slgneanty reduced during the past Jeorfrom $13 milion due tothe leadership We asa haveS250Kn the "nk rom which ve maka the $10K et manth mortgage payment When do welhopaite do these renovations? ‘Stating June of2019 be Whatis the completed by December 219. relationship between the church and the North Broadway Children's Center? BCC saison apd minty of NBUMC wich Started 1968 and has grown to over 300 ‘ilren and 7o teachers etedrecedby «boar {that consis of tweve people our of whom are ‘hutch epresantatvesond the hers ae parents ‘fehilren inthe center or pofessonalnthe ely ‘What is our financial arrangement with the center? ‘out years go, NACE was contributing $40K tothe church pe year fo oft some of the expenses for runing the center. 51654 per eo When the renovated center opens the annua ‘hirsuta il loser to #200 pe yes Where will the children be relocated during this time? any ofthe spaces onthe NBUNC sie wl be ied during ths tet period have aleaoy been approved byte lensing agency foreherers centers, Q ante soae be renovated oom by rom? The whee bulding wil need vo be sealed ight forte asbestos Femovalsoit must be done all at the some ins 1 Ovnnstrase isthe plan for paying forthe project? hat f we dont rae enough money to complete i? Exerythng we ae nts capital campaign fiom church members and futile donor: wl go toward the cost. nado, the chiens ere wb ncening hear aippart ot econ oe ‘mortgage which willbe pad off nthe tue 1 Tyrtatsit2bout our chiens Center tot tad out to the community so much and why isit sa well known? ‘orth roadway Chivers Centr hasbeen apart of Cinta fr ‘over 60 years Trouphout those yeas the Center Ras maintained a ‘try avrable reputations the corms etn or ‘eneraons to ated the ceterin one capac or another ere are just few reasons why: Demand cement nouns cose Cu watt re committed to Embracing Adventures. Help Us Meet Our Goal OurBenchmarks | %'5230000has aeady ben on bra Get Adventurous cme fanlis mny secknare creative ys of caring Arch thle Embracing Adventures commitment For ieance: ‘receive forthe tems + Poriponealarge fil vacston ora remodeling proj i contbute ‘hat you woul havespent {Geta parte job ard conrtute you sme fot poston, urna abby toa ses venue and cout the pont Give vp certain indulgences hadesgner ceo} sweets and contribute + Look or spporunities to ean extra monat can be ined in you onaton tothe Embracing ayertures Campion wavs oF evvING— Embracing Adventures Capital Campaign Card ‘You an bring the card ntathe BUC afc, lacein the ofting pate on November -thoemal nto NDUMC Be surtompe your name, the date the amount o the ‘enuibllonab"Ebicing hdvanures'on the envelope ntineciving ‘tr One Conttion page wil son nude the opton to contibute tothe ‘ryou can set upa recuringvansfertobemade weekly o' months. Appreciated Secries "Wray choo o conte stocks bonds, ater ecu a part of your enurbutgaltete Ebracng Aaventres Campaign. There fe pena ax advances {othis ypeofansate, but there are alo potential penaes Therefore before making ‘ conrbuin of his type, weencourage yout consi our CP, tov attorney oF fiancla aior, over and Above" Giving ‘Thestfectiveness apdsictess of Embracing Adventiresdependson the members nd ‘ends of North Brgiay UNC making gits-Over and Above thet crten lev of ‘ling tothe genaalgpertons budget ofthe church The moxt appropri path 0 rortigane then ged by ou situa prints, ‘Alook at one family’s commitment to increased giving Giving Examples inne nd hod nt cone nace Clik church nd econ yun it args mone

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