Evaluation Section 2 Completed PDF

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Evaluation: Section 2 – Audience Feedback

Question 1
Here we can see the ages and names of the people that have
answered my survey. The main reason I added these two was to see
who was completing it and how close were those people to my
target audience range. As we can see 16/20 (80%) people that
answered my survey were within my range of 16-22 years. This
means in terms of results the main bulk of them I will be able to
take straight from the age range I wanted to be able to see their
opinion on my piece as a whole. The other end of my audience
those ither younger or older than the age range will still be counted
as of course it is generally just helpful to get any feedback at all
(4/20 – 20%).

Question 2:

2 - As you can see from here, we have a large range of responses in terms of rating my video in general,
as we can see the main answers were between 6-10 stars. In terms of how many people picked these
ratings we can see from the graph how many people picked each rating. For 6 there were 3/20 (15%)
people, for 7 there were 1/20 (5%) people, for 8 there were 4/20 (20%) people, for 9 there were 3/20
(15%) people and for 10 there were 9/20 (45%) people. This means that overall, the most picked rating
was 10/10 which shows that lots of people did enjoy my piece, however having a large amount of people
overall picking less than 10 (11/20) I would love to next time be able to bring that rating up to something
higher. I am glad that at least 80% of the ratings were over 8 as that is the general upper half of the
ratings. The average score overall for votes was 8.7 which I feel like is a very solid score, it is at least over
8 which is exactly what I wanted, next time if I were to do this again, I would aim to at least get over 9 as
I feel like that is an even more solid number to get. I would say to do that is to get results over at least a
7 those 2 sixes seem to drag my average score down. Maybe next time for the animations I could make
them smoother and more professional instead of more sketched, maybe have a 50:50 ratio of some
more sketched and others that are more professional.
Question 3:

3 - In terms of the results for this question I can see at least 16/20 people that have said yes at the start of
their answer meaning that I portrayed the positive message clearly. A couple of people out of my audience
stated that the ‘clips were visually pleasing’ and that that there were ‘good graphics and photography’
which was nice to see as it shows that in terms of my filming that I did well as people recognised that I had
taken time to film each section clearly enough so that each message was not only conveyed through each
‘animation to introduce each topic’ but also through the actual film parts. Furthermore, another common
theme that I saw within the questions was about how it made people think about taking ‘a little more care
in balancing activities’. Which is exactly the way I wanted my piece to impact I wanted people to ‘consider
all aspects of’ their ‘health and wellbeing’. I also had one person mention how it was ‘very clear on the
steps for improvement’ meaning that obviously the way in which I had portrayed my piece was very easy
to understand and that they knew what ‘the different tips were’ immediately. In terms of the
improvements in this section I really don’t think that there are any negatives people found it ‘relaxing’ and
it made them think as well as to show that feeling of being ‘happy’ and how to improve on It ‘if they don’t
know what can make them happy. I would say from this section that there isn’t anything I need to change
as there is no ways in which people have said to improve, I would like though personally to have spent
more time doing the animations to a more professional standpoint so that some ae more sketched and
others I have spent more time on.

Question 4:
4 – For this question I wanted to know the emotions of my audience when viewing my piece, this could be
any emotion at all happy or sad. The main words that I can see that are repeated were happiness, relaxed,
calm, and motivated/ambitious. These are the perfect words that I wanted to hear, I wanted people to see
this and thin happily whilst also thinking about what to change to make them happier. I would say that the
main word that I wanted to make clear to my audience was ‘happiness’ not only through the video, but my
social media and just general colour scheme. It was important to show the aspect of happiness as it is such
a major part of my project and just seeing that I was able to do that as 11/20 people stated that was one of
the emotions they felt. A lot of the responses I received summarised perfectly my aims all I wanted to do
was make sure people ‘keep on top of mental health’ and that all of us together can ‘do a lot to improve’ on
our ‘health’. I would say as these themes were picked up by my audience the purpose of me creating this
campaign was very clear and that I have portrayed my point very well to others. However, there is one
response that I was not happy with throughout this piece, they stated ‘made me realise how little I do any
of them’. Now for me this is a very negative response as my aim was to motivate someone does not
discourage them, it shows that if someone wasn’t happy that perhaps this can impact my audience
differently although we have a strong split of positive over negative comments still having that negative
comment makes me wonder that if I got even more responses would a pattern become apparent. Next time
I should take into account how the whole display of things may overwhelm some people compared to
others, maybe either by taking down as much of the yellow in the exhibition or just by dialling down some
of the colours in my ad. However, I would say that as the audience is leaning towards a more positive
outcome that I would rather stick to that as it is reliable and 19 out of my 20 responses (95%) reflected

Question 5:
5 - For this question there are 17/20 (85%) responses that state that they would show it to their friends,
whether it be to ‘help them with whatever struggle they are going through or just ‘because it’s cool’.
Most people said that they would share it to help a friend through a ‘tough time’ or just to help them to
share the ‘information’. I am glad that most people would share it to help a friend as that is what I
wanted, I wanted others to be able to share it within their close friends to encourage happiness and
positive ‘wellbeing’ and to make it more of a topic of discussion for friend groups as it is a very important
section. I also had some comments just generally talking about how the video is ‘useful’ and ‘enjoyable’
which I am very glad as it shows that even though I am talking about a sensitive subject that that I could
show the joyful, happy side of it. However, on this question there were a lot more people that said ‘no’
to this question specifically (3/20 (15%)). The two main no’s were because their friends ‘already followed
a routine’ and that they would more likely share it on ‘Instagram’. The first reason I do agree that people
have routines but to want to advocate being positive they only would want to do one a day, maybe if
they were unable to do that it would be helpful to change it from day to day to weekly as then it would
make it easier for them to complete in a bigger time range. For the other reason in terms of having it on
Instagram I fully agree. I should have made a version to be able to put on all my social medias, however
the size in which the actual export was made ensured that it would be too big to put on my general
social medias. This meant that I stuck to just having it on YouTube, next time though I feel like it would be
important to consider this as a factor. The final negative response I would say is the one where the
person says ‘maybe’ I would want to ensure that it was for certain a yes as I want my piece to be shared
around more and more.

Question 6:
6 – For this question the main reason that I wanted to know their favourite posts was to see whether
an aspect out of that post was particularly intriguing, for example lots of people mentioned the
‘colour selection’ on the ‘first one’. The ones that were picked out as favourites were the graphics of
the pets, the getting outside section, exercise, music, and personal interests. All of these were picked
as the ones that people especially liked, for the pets section one person mentioned how they liked it
because of the ‘cartoon art style’. For the outside section people mentioned how they could see it as
something other people ‘would enjoy’ which is good as I tried to make the colours as bright as
possible for that section. For the music one, lots of people liked the ‘colours’ and relatability. The
colours drew people’s eyes to the music graphics whilst also keeping peoples interest as they
personally listen to music themselves. For the personal interests section people said that they liked
the graphic as they themselves ‘spend a considerable amount of time on video games’ and that they
liked the ‘general colour scheme’. This is good as for that graphic specifically I changed the colour so
knowing the result was appreciated made me glad that I had made that choice. I also had 4/20
people comment on how they liked all of them ‘equally’ which is nice as they just were generally
‘enjoyable’ to them. In terms of things to improve on I would say that maybe making the access to
the social media on my survey more apparent as I had 3/4 people do not answer properly. I had one
person does not respond at all, and two other people respond with ‘Instagram’ and ‘post’ which
don’t really make sense. The Instagram one I can see was because they liked that one the most, but
the general ‘post’ was an unhelpful response. I also had two more people that mentioned the actual
social media platforms over the posts, the two main ones were Instagram as the colour is more
‘vibrant’ and ‘visually engaging’ and YouTube because of the ‘banner’ pattern. There was also one
comment about how each of the posts are ‘clear in visuals’ whilst not saying ‘directly what it is’ which
is good as it shows that my posts are clear enough to understand the theme of each of them.

Question 7:
7 – In regard to this question this was a lot further split as there were a lot of different
rankings. For the lowest ones there was one person for 4 and one person for 5, It then
jumps up from that to 5 people for 7, 1 person for 8, 4 people for 9 and 8 people for 10.
Meaning that again the overall biggest amount of people is for the 10/10 rating, which at
least to a certain extent shows that it mainly does promote it. However, there are still 12/20
people that believe it is between 4-9 on the rating scale which is more than 50% of my
audience. I am concerned with the 2 people that voted for 4/ 5 out of 10 which is below
half, this is worrying as from the responses before I felt like my graphics were in a good
place. Maybe the tips weren’t as clear as they could have been, yes, they showed the tips
but there weren’t any specific posts dedicated to the actual main meaning. Maybe having a
big post with the sketched-out title on the video would have helped establish what my
social media was trying to achieve. Other than that, I am happy with the ratings I would
have preferred over an 8 but still 7 is a good score, I feel like the reason the scores were
lower is due to the theme being unclear so next time I need to make it explicit what I am
actually promoting. The average overall was 8.4 which again is around the same mark the
other one was around, which is good as it means that nothing has drastically changed and
that there is a common pattern on the rating terms of things.

Question 8:
8 – This question I wrote to see if I had managed to get that feeling of happiness or
managed to motivate my audience to want to do something. This I felt was important as it
will show who actually was impacted with my social media, although some people did take
the question different ways. Which is a problem for me, the main answers I wanted was
why they impacted the person and what they would do after. Some of the responses spoke
in the past tense ‘I have a dog and I took him on a walk’ which wasn’t an immediate effect
of what my graphic posts were doing that was just this person’s activities that they had
done. I also got some more unhelpful replies, 4/20 people didn’t answer with something
that I was happy about. 2 of those responses were N/A and 1 was stating that the
respondent ‘wasn’t sure’ which I feel gives me a good gauge in that the question was not
the best. I could have phrased it better in order to get a better pattern of responses that
correlated with each other. For the other response I had someone repeat the answer which
they had used before ‘very cool’ for this I feel like again as my survey was a bit too long
people ended up getting bored of writing out a description for each of these questions, next
time I think it would be best if I kept to 10-12 questions may be less, I should send out a
survey to see what the maximum and minimum amount of questions should be like. I also
2/20 (10%) people respond with ‘no’ and ‘not really’ to this question. I personally felt that
my posts did represent those tips however like I said earlier I feel like without the video it
would all be a bit of a loose concept. Therefore, next time I should make a graphic like at
the start of my video showing the actual theme that I am trying to get from my posts to
make it explicitly clear. For the positive side of things my audience did say it motivated
them to do multiple different things like ‘listening to music’, ‘going outside’, ‘eating better’
and ‘getting more sleep’. Which is exactly the aim I wanted I would say 11/20 of the
responses were talking about how happy they made them and what actions they would
take from my posts. Again, which is very good as it shows that the majority of my audience
were impacted positively by my social media posts which was what I was aiming to achieve

Question 9:
9 – This is good as it shows me that 20/20 people think that my final major project was
good. Meaning that all the work I did do paid off, the fact that 100% of my audience
also answered yes means that my exhibition space did the job in terms of showing my
message of positive mental health. It also means that people enjoyed the display of my
exhibition which is good as I spent a lot of time making sure that it looked very ‘cosy’
and ‘happy’. As there are no other alternative answers, I would say that it means that I
have no improvements of what to do therefore meaning that my exhibition section is
all fine I however next time would like to add more interactable sections as it makes
more people look at my piece and engage with it.

Question 10:
10 – This was a secondary question from the one above, it just gives the reasons as to why people
said yes to the survey. However, before I start on the positives there are multiple people that didn’t
answer well at all I had comments responding just saying ‘no’ and ‘sorry I can’t’ or ‘N/A’. I can
understand the N/A if they don’t particularly understand the concept of the question. However, for
those that just said no, I felt it was rude as I personally feel like this question is one of the ones that
are the least hard meaning it should be relatively easy to finish. In order to stop this, I feel like for
next time I should write out less questions as the last few ones like these are the ones that I imagine
people want to skip through to the end to move on and finish the survey. For the positive aspects
there are a lot of different things my audience liked there were some common themes like the colour
of my exhibition and general video I made. Lots of people loved the way the ‘colours’ were
‘coordinated’ and also how the colours were so ‘bright’. They felt that the colours really brought
together my ‘bee happy’ theme and that ‘it all links well with the video’. For the video a lot of people
said that it perfectly linked the video to the exhibition as it represented my company, as well as
‘linking into the bee happy theme and positive mental health awareness’. I also had some comments
about how this video helped them ‘highlight’ things they could be considering day to day. Some
people even mentioned features within the video like the ‘illustrations’ and how they ‘conveyed
happiness’ to them. I also had someone mention how clear the tips were which is good as that is one
of the things that I wanted to make sure I got right this year. Finally, I also had someone mention
about how ‘professional’ the social media was, this is what I was aiming for I didn’t necessarily want
everything to look top notch professional especially the video I wanted it to look sketched out.
However, having the social media be professional was the main thing I wanted to achieve as it is a
company-based page meaning it has to look good enough for a real-life company which meant it had
to look at least somewhat professional so I am glad someone picked up on the effort I put in to
create that atmosphere.

Question 11:
11 – For this question there is a lot of split opinions, we had one person vote for 4 and
one for five then we had 2 for 6 and 3 for 7. Which means that 7/20 people voted lower
than a 7 which is disappointing to me as I personally felt like the exhibition I did quite
well. I feel like the main reason that it wasn’t as immersive was as there were a lot of
people around and also just generally lots of different contrasting projects. I also feel
like I could have also included some sort of border around the computer to blend that
into the actual bee theme, I leaned quite a bit into that therefore it might be better if I
focus on the tips more if I were to do it again. However, I still got 14/20 people who
ranked it higher than 8 which means that although lots of people didn’t feel it was as
immersive, we have a lot of people who thought that it was. Which is still good as it
shows that some people understood what my concept was and what the exhibition was
actually supposed to represent which is the company I made for this project.

Question 12:

12 – For this question it is specifically focused on all the aspects of my piece that people liked and was
most memorable. The main features that were picked from my exhibition were the poster, the bee box,
the chocolate, business cards and the lights. Two people said that they liked the poster and how it
‘represented the project well’ within itself. Also, lots of people liked the ‘honey’ like ‘box’ with the
Question 13:

13 – This is good as it shows me that 20/20 people think that my final major project was
good. Meaning that all the work I did do paid off, the fact that 100% of my audience also
answered yes means that my social media, 60 second ad and the exhibition all went well,
and all aspects were all very clear and entertaining. Therefore, in terms of improvements
I would say within certain areas there are sections that need to be amended but as the
overall result was positive, I would say that if I can change them, it would be good
however it wouldn’t be necessary.

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