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8-3. Continental Continuous Flow Fuel Injection System

Engine Will Not Start .............................................................................see Section 8-3.1
Fluctuating or Erroneous Fuel Flow.......................................................see Section 8-3.2
Poor Acceleration ..................................................................................see Section 8-3.3
Fuel Injector Operational Check ............................................................see Section 8-3.4
8-3.1. Engine Will Not Start

Engine will not Start

Turn off aircraft power and check

Fuel Flow OK? YES
ground below system drains.


Check fuel level in tank. NOT Excess

Engine flooded. Clear
Fuel Selector Valve = ON OK fuel present below YES
excess fuel and retry.
system drains?
OK Correct input conditions
and retry. NO

Fuel Disconnect cylinder drain

Pressure NO tubes at check valve .

Perform Engine Fuel Go to Section

Operational Check present in cylinder NO 8-3.4.
(Section 6). drain tubes?

OK Disconnect airframe drain Clear obstruction,
Replace Engine Driven NOT
line at check valve. Check reconnect fittings and retry
Fuel Pump. OK
drain line for obstruction. Engine Start.

Replace check valve.

Perform Fuel Injection
System Operational Check OK
(Section 8).

Go to Section

8-12 Standard Practice Maintenance Manual

15 Sep 2019
8-3.2. Fluctuating or Erroneous Fuel Flow

Fluctuating Or Erroneous Fuel

Flow Indications

Check fuel line routing, heat shield, NOT

Correct fuel line installation.
and fire sleeve installation. OK

NOT Adjust fuel system,

Perform Engine Operation Check OK if necessary.

Check fuel flow gauge and lines Repair or replace fuel flow gauge
according to Airframe Manufacturer’s OK or lines according to Airframe
instructions. Manufacturer’s instructions.

Repair or replace crew compartment

indicator according to Airframe
Manufacturer’s instructions.

8-3.3. Poor Acceleration

Poor Acceleration

Perform Engine Operational Check

NOT Adjust according to Airframe
(see Chapter 6) to verify fuel system OK Manufacturer’s instructions.

Check throttle and fuel control linkage

for proper operation.

Perform Ignition Harness and Spark Plug

Diagnostics (see Section 8.6.1).

Standard Practice Maintenance Manual 8-13

15 Sep 2019
8-3.4. Fuel Injector Operational Check

Fuel Injector Operational Check

Perform a visual inspection of the

fuel injection system (Section 6).
Perform a Fuel System Inspection
(Section 6).
Correct discrepancies discovered
during inspection.

• Disconnect the fuel line from each fuel

injector assembly. Remove the injector
assemblies from the cylinders
(Section 6).
• Connect the fuel lines to the respective fuel
injector assemblies; torque the fuel lines
(see Appendix B).
• Connect a section of fuel rated clear tubing
to the open end of each injector. Place the
open ends of the tubing in separate
containers (catch cans) to collect the fuel.

Master Power Switch……………....ON

Fuel Selector Valve………………...ON
Boost Pump….……………………...ON
Boost Pump….……………...OFF
Fuel Selector Valve………...OFF
Check fuel supply hoses from fuel tank to
Master Power Switch……....OFF
fuel pump for leaks. Check fuel hoses and NOT
Repair leaking aircraft fuel lines
connections from fuel pump to the fuel OK
according to airframe manufacturer’s
manifold valve for leaks.
instructions. Repair leaking engine fuel
hoses or lines (Section 10).

Throttle……………...Wide Open

Verify fuel flows into the catch

cans with no fuel leaks from the
fuel lines to the fuel injectors.
Repair leaking engine fuel Confirm equal and consistent fuel
YES Leaks detected?
lines or manifold valve flow.
Boost Pump….……………...OFF
Fuel Selector Valve………...OFF
NO Master Power Switch……....OFF

Continued NOTE: Position tuned nozzles will

on next vary flow rates according to the
page jets used. Expect a variance of up
to 30% from one nozzle to

8-14 Standard Practice Maintenance Manual

15 Sep 2019

Fuel Injector
Operational Remove fuel injectors from the fuel lines.
Check, cont. Connect clear tubing to the fuel lines and
terminate the tubing in catch cans:

Master Power Switch……....ON

Fuel Selector Valve………...ON
Flow NO Boost Pump….……………...ON
consistent and Throttle……………………….Wide Open
equal Fuel Flow……….……………Check
Boost Pump….……………...OFF
Fuel Selector Valve………...OFF
Master Power Switch……....OFF

consistent and NO



Repair/Replace faulty fuel

Repair faulty fuel injector(s) manifold valve

Assemble, torque and leak check

Perform Fuel System Operational
the Fuel Injection System parts
Check (Section 6).
removed for troubleshooting.

Standard Practice Maintenance Manual 8-15

15 Sep 2019

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