2000 Unstable Angina Pectoris

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Review Article

Medical Progress er, when the results of cardiac-enzyme tests become

available. Since many of the clinical trials discussed
in this article enrolled patients before the enzyme val-
ues were available, the studies actually investigate both
U NSTABLE A NGINA P ECTORIS clinical entities. In this article, we will focus on the
pathophysiology and management of unstable angi-
YEREM YEGHIAZARIANS, M.D., na and distinguish it from non–Q-wave myocardial
JOEL B. BRAUNSTEIN, M.D., ARMAN ASKARI, M.D., infarction when possible and appropriate.
Initiation of the Cascade of Plaque Fissure and Rupture
Disruption of a formed plaque is a complex patho-

NSTABLE angina accounts for more than
1 million hospital admissions annually1; 6 to logic process that is central to the initiation of the
8 percent of patients with this condition have acute coronary syndromes. Sudden total or near-total
nonfatal myocardial infarction or die within the first arterial occlusion frequently develops in arteries that
year after diagnosis.2,3 Various definitions of unstable previously appeared to have minimal stenosis.5-8 Two
angina have been proposed, but in 1989, Braunwald thirds of arteries with plaques that rupture and in
devised a classification system to ensure uniformity which a totally occlusive thrombus subsequently de-
of categorization, as well as diagnostic and prognos- velops have stenosis of 50 percent or less before plaque
tic information.4 This system is used to classify angina rupture, and in 97 percent of patients, stenosis is ini-
according to the severity of the clinical manifestation, tially less than 70 percent.5 The arterial lesions of pa-
defined as acute angina while at rest (within the 48 tients with unstable angina frequently have complex,
hours before presentation), subacute angina while at eccentric morphologic features on coronary angiog-
rest (within the previous month but not within the raphy; such features have been found to represent
48 hours before presentation), or new onset of ac- ruptured plaque with superimposed thrombus.7-11
celerated (progressively more severe) angina; the clin- Mature plaques are made up of two main compo-
ical circumstances in which unstable angina develops, nents: a lipid-rich core and a meshwork of extracellu-
defined as either angina in the presence or absence lar-matrix proteins that form a fibrous cap.12-14 The
of other conditions (e.g., anemia, fever, hypoxia, tach- presence of large, eccentric lipid pools and infiltration
ycardia, or thyrotoxicosis) or angina within two weeks of foam cells are the characteristics of the lipid core
after an acute myocardial infarction; and whether or most frequently associated with fissured or ruptured
not electrocardiographic abnormalities are present. plaques.13-15 The majority of these lesions rupture at
Given the heterogeneity of the clinical manifestations the sites of greatest mechanical stress, notably the junc-
of unstable angina, it is not surprising that the prog- tion of the plaque cap and the adjacent normal intima
nosis is quite variable. or the shoulder regions of the lipid pool.13,16 Fissures
Recently, the term “acute coronary syndromes” has occurring at weak cap sites and not at sites subject
been used to describe the spectrum of conditions that to the greatest mechanical stresses are thought to be
includes unstable angina, non–Q-wave myocardial in- initiated by proteinases secreted by macrophages that
farction (which generally presents without ST-seg- enzymatically degrade the fibrous cap17-21 (Fig. 1).
ment elevation), and Q-wave myocardial infarction Acute Thrombosis and Platelet Aggregation
(which generally presents with ST-segment elevation).
Local thrombosis occurring after plaque disrup-
Patients with unstable angina and those with non–
tion results from complex interactions among the lip-
Q-wave myocardial infarction often present in a sim-
id core, smooth-muscle cells, macrophages, and col-
ilar manner, and the distinction between the two
lagen.22-24 The lipid core is the most potent substrate
conditions can be made only many hours or days lat-
for platelet-rich thrombus formation,22 and both
smooth-muscle and foam cells within the core cor-
relate with the expression of tissue factor in unstable
From the Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine, Brigham
plaques.23 Once exposed to blood, tissue factor in-
and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston. Address re- teracts with factor VIIa to initiate a cascade of enzy-
print requests to Dr. Stone at the Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and matic reactions resulting in the local generation of
Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis St., Boston, MA 02115, or at pstone@
rics.bwh.harvard.edu. thrombin and deposition of fibrin. Because of the
©2000, Massachusetts Medical Society. delicate equilibrium between thrombosis and endog-

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Vulnerable plaque(
(Large, eccentric lipid-rich0
T cell
Foam-cell infiltration of lipid0
core secreting tissue factor0
Thin fibrous cap0
Fibrous cap
Lipid-rich pool Local inflammatory environ-0
Foam cell ment, including neutrophils,0
Smooth-muscle cell T cells, macrophages,0
smooth-muscle cells, and0
cytokines promoting cap0
breakdown by secretion of0
matrix metalloproteinases

Plaque rupture(
Triggers: physical exertion,(mechanical stress due to0
an increase in cardiac contractility,
( pulse rate, blood0
pressure, and possibly, vasoconstriction

Thrombus formation(
Systemic thrombogenicity
0 Platelet activation,0
00 adhesion, and aggregation0
T cell
Platelet 0Coagulation-pathway0
activation and thrombin0
Fibrin formation0
0 0
Fibrinogen conversion0
Foam cell
to fibrin with cross-linking0
Smooth-muscle cell of bands

Complete0 Incomplete0
coronary0 Spontaneous lysis, repair,0 coronary0
occlusion and wall remodeling occlusion

Acute0 Unstable angina or0

Temporary resolution of instability0
myocardial0 non–Q-wave myocardial0
Future high-risk coronary lesion
infarction infarction

Figure 1. Pathophysiologic Events Culminating in the Clinical Syndrome of Unstable Angina.

Numerous physiologic triggers probably initiate the rupture of a vulnerable plaque. Rupture leads to the activation, ad-
hesion, and aggregation of platelets and the activation of the clotting cascade, resulting in the formation of an occlusive
thrombus. If this process leads to complete occlusion of the artery, then acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment
elevation occurs. Alternatively, if the process leads to severe stenosis but the artery nonetheless remains patent, then
unstable angina occurs.

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enous thrombolysis, some acute vascular lesions re- let aggregation since it provides insufficient blockade
solve when fissures are repaired.25 of the platelet activation that is induced by adeno-
As part of the response to any type of disruption sine diphosphate (ADP), collagen, and low concen-
of the endothelial wall, platelets aggregate and release trations of thrombin and provides no inhibition of
granular contents that further propagate platelet ag- platelet adhesion.
gregation, vasoconstriction, and thrombus formation
(Fig. 1).25 Systemic factors and inflammation also con-
tribute to alterations in the hemostatic and coagula- Ticlopidine, a thienopyridine derivative, appears to
tion pathways and may play a part in the initiation be an effective second-line alternative to aspirin in
of the intermittent thrombosis that is characteristic the treatment of unstable angina and also has a role
of unstable angina.26-28 Inflammatory acute-phase re- as adjunctive therapy with aspirin to prevent throm-
actants, cytokines, chronic infections, and catechol- bosis after the placement of intracoronary stents. By
aminergic surges may provide a systemic stimulus for a mechanism different from that of aspirin, ticlopi-
enhancing production of tissue factor, procoagulant dine blocks both ADP-mediated platelet aggregation
activity, or platelet hyperaggregability (Fig. 1).29,30 and transformation of the platelet fibrinogen recep-
tor into a high-affinity form.25,48 The Studio della
Coronary Vasospasm
Ticlopidinia nell’Angina Instabile trial demonstrated
Although not central to the underlying pathogen- a 46.3 percent reduction in the incidence of the pri-
esis of the acute coronary syndromes, episodic vaso- mary composite end point of death and nonfatal my-
spasm may contribute to vascular instability by altering ocardial infarction at six months (incidence, 7.3 per-
preexisting coronary plaques, which causes intimal cent for those receiving ticlopidine vs. 13.6 percent
disruption and penetration of macrophages or aggre- for those receiving placebo; P=0.009) in patients
gation of platelets. These processes — in turn — may treated with ticlopidine in addition to conventional
lead to the formation of foam cells and the prolifer- therapy.48 Clinical practice guidelines47 suggest that
ation of smooth-muscle cells.31-36 ticlopidine may be substituted for aspirin in patients
Erosion of Coronary Plaque without Rupture
with hypersensitivity to aspirin or gastrointestinal in-
tolerance, although the 2.4 percent incidence of se-
An alternative mechanism of luminal narrowing rious granulocytopenia, typically reversible after the
may involve the rapid proliferation and migration of discontinuation of the drug, limits its widespread use.
smooth-muscle cells in response to endothelial inju-
ry.37 Rapid conformational changes in the shape and Clopidogrel
size of a lesion due to the expansion of the smooth Clopidogrel is a new thienopyridine derivative re-
muscle may lead to the relatively abrupt onset of lu- lated to ticlopidine. It affects the ADP-dependent ac-
minal narrowing and symptoms of ischemia.38 Cur- tivation of the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex and
rent techniques cannot clearly distinguish between pa- effectively inhibits platelet aggregation.49 Clopidogrel
tients whose acute symptoms are due to conventional has fewer side effects than ticlopidine and has not
plaque rupture and those whose symptoms are due been reported to cause neutropenia. In a 1996 trial,
to minor erosions or conformational changes. 19,185 patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease,
MEDICAL THERAPY manifested as ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction,
or symptomatic peripheral vascular disease, were ran-
Antiplatelet Therapy
domly assigned to receive either clopidogrel or aspi-
Aspirin rin.49 After a mean follow-up period of 1.9 years,
Aspirin blocks platelet cyclooxygenase by irrevers- clopidogrel proved to be more effective than aspirin
ible acetylation, thus preventing the formation of in reducing the combined risk of ischemic stroke,
thromboxane A2. The Veterans Administration Co- myocardial infarction, or death from vascular disease
operative Study,39 the Canadian Multicenter Trial,40 (risk, 5.3 percent vs. 5.8 percent; P=0.04). However,
and the Montreal Heart Institute Study 41 confirmed a lack of benefit was shown in an independent analy-
that aspirin reduces the risk of death from cardiac sis of the subgroup with myocardial infarction (risk,
causes and fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarction 5.0 percent vs. 4.8 percent; P=0.66).
by 51 to 72 percent in patients presenting with un- In addition, the combination of clopidogrel and
stable angina. Given aspirin’s ability to inhibit plate- aspirin appears to be a promising and safer alterna-
let aggregation over a wide range of doses,42-46 treat- tive to the combination of ticlopidine and aspirin in
ment with an initial dose of at least 160 mg per day, preventing coronary-stent thrombosis.50
followed by a dose of 80 to 325 mg per day for an
Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Receptor Antagonists
indefinite period,47 is currently recommended, with
the understanding that higher doses of aspirin are Unlike antiplatelet agents that target only one of
associated with more frequent gastrointestinal side many individual pathways involved in platelet aggre-
effects. Aspirin is limited in its ability to reduce plate- gation, antagonists of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa, a re-

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Inhibition of platelet0
Glycoprotein llb/IIIa0
receptor antagonist aggregation
Glycoprotein llb/IIIa0
receptors bound0
by antagonist

Fibrinogen Aggregation of platelets
Glycoprotein llb/IIIa0
diphosphate, thrombin,0
receptors are0
epinephrine, thromboxane A2,0
bound by fibrinogen,0
collagen, and others
forming bridges0
between adjacent0
Resting platelet Activated platelet
Glycoprotein llb/IIIa0 Glycoprotein llb/IIIa 0
receptors in0 receptors in0
ligand-unreceptive state ligand-receptive state

Figure 2. Processes of Platelet Activation and Aggregation and Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation by Inhibitors of Glycoprotein IIb/
IIIa Receptors.
Activation causes changes in the shape of platelets and conformational changes in glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors, transforming the
receptors from a ligand-unreceptive state to a ligand-receptive state. Ligand-receptive glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors bind fibrinogen
molecules, which form bridges between adjacent platelets and facilitate platelet aggregation. Inhibitors of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa re-
ceptors also bind to glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors, blocking the binding of fibrinogen and thus preventing platelet aggregation.
Adapted from Madan et al.,51 with the permission of the publisher.

ceptor on the platelet for adhesive proteins such as in the incidence of the composite end point at 30 days
fibrogen and von Willebrand factor (Fig. 2),52 max- (8.3 percent vs. 12.8 percent, P=0.008), a 23 per-
imally inhibit the final common pathway involved in cent reduction at 6 months (27 percent vs. 35.1 per-
platelet adhesion, activation, and aggregation. Three cent, P=0.001), and a 13 percent reduction at 3 years
classes of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors have been (41.1 percent vs. 47.2 percent, P=0.009),51,53-55 al-
developed: murine–human chimeric antibodies (e.g., though the rate of major bleeding was twice as high
abciximab), synthetic peptide forms (e.g., eptifiba- in this group as in the placebo group. Mortality at
tide), and synthetic nonpeptide forms (e.g., tirofiban 30 days was similarly low (1.7 percent) in each group,
and lamifiban).51,52 but at 3 years, evolving myocardial infarction or un-
Use as an adjunct to invasive coronary interventions. stable angina was 60 percent less common (5.1 per-
The glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists consistently cent vs. 12.7 percent) among the high-risk patients
reduce the 30-day relative risk of the composite end who received the abciximab bolus plus infusion than
point of death, myocardial infarction, or the need for among those who received placebo.
repeated revascularization by 22 to 56 percent when Eptifibatide at two doses was compared with place-
they are administered with unfractionated heparin and bo in patients scheduled to undergo an elective, ur-
aspirin, but they have no effect on mortality alone.53-60 gent, or emergency percutaneous procedure.56 The
The magnitude of benefit varied among the trials. rates of the composite outcome at 30 days tended to
In the Evaluation of 7E3 for the Prevention of Is- be more favorable in the eptifibatide groups (inci-
chemic Complications trial,53 patients at high risk for dence, 9.2 percent for those receiving the lower dose,
abrupt vessel closure were randomly assigned to re- 9.9 percent for those receiving the higher dose, and
ceive a bolus of abciximab alone, a bolus of abciximab 11.4 percent for those receiving placebo; P=0.06),
followed by a 12-hour infusion, or placebo. As com- but the mortality rate was similarly low in each group
pared with placebo, treatment with the abciximab bo- (0.5 percent, 0.8 percent, and 1.1 percent, respec-
lus plus infusion resulted in a 35 percent reduction tively).56

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Tirofiban was administered as a bolus followed by heparin, and aspirin significantly reduced the inci-
infusion to patients at high risk for abrupt vessel clo- dence of death or myocardial infarction at 30 days,
sure,57 and although the drug reduced the incidence as compared with the combination of unfractionated
of the composite end point by 39 percent at 2 days as heparin and aspirin (incidence, 14.2 percent vs. 15.7
compared with placebo (2.7 percent vs. 4.4 percent, percent; P=0.04), although there was no significant
P=0.005), there was no significant effect at 30 days effect on mortality (3.5 percent vs. 3.7 percent, P=
(8.0 percent vs. 10.4 percent, P=0.052). The mor- 0.53).65 Although the benefits became apparent af-
tality rates were similar in the two groups at 30 days ter only 96 hours of therapy, these reductions were
(tirofiban, 0.8 percent; placebo, 0.7 percent) and at observed only in men. In addition, eptifibatide was as-
60 days (1.8 percent and 1.4 percent, respectively).3 sociated with increased bleeding and a more frequent
Recent studies have tried to enhance the safety of need for transfusions. Moreover, among the patients
these agents and identify the patients most likely to who underwent revascularization, there was a signif-
benefit from their use. As compared with placebo, icant reduction in the incidence of the composite end
abciximab administered with low-dose unfractionat- point even before the procedure was performed (in-
ed heparin (initial bolus, 70 U per kilogram of body cidence, 1.7 percent vs. 5.5 percent; P<0.001). This
weight) was as effective as abciximab plus a standard difference was not significant 30 days after the inter-
dose of unfractionated heparin (initial bolus, 100 U vention (10.2 percent vs. 12.4 percent, P=0.24).
per kilogram) in reducing the incidence of the 30-day Similar beneficial effects of other glycoprotein
composite end point (5.2 percent for abciximab plus IIb/IIIa antagonists in the treatment of unstable an-
low-dose unfractionated heparin vs. 5.4 percent for ab- gina have recently been reported.63-66 These and oth-
ciximab plus the standard dose of unfractionated hep- er emerging data suggest that early, potent antiplate-
arin and 11.7 percent for placebo plus the standard let therapy leads to better outcomes. Several clinical
dose of unfractionated heparin, P<0.001) and caused issues are still unresolved, however, including the dos-
less bleeding than abciximab plus the standard dose age that provides the maximal platelet inhibition and
of unfractionated heparin.58 These benefits were sus- entails the minimal risk of bleeding, the duration of
tained at one year.61 However, the mortality rates were therapy that provides the best long-term clinical out-
not significantly improved at 30 days (0.4 percent vs. come, the route of administration that optimizes the
0.3 percent and 0.8 percent, respectively; P not sig- bioavailability of the drugs, the most effective agent
nificant) or at 1 year (1.8 percent vs. 1.7 percent and overall, and the optimal combination of drugs with
2.6 percent, P not significant).61 The greatest benefit low-molecular-weight heparins, thrombolytic drugs,
of abciximab may be in high-risk patients with refrac- or other agents.
tory unstable angina and elevated troponin levels.62 Antithrombin Therapy
Use as primary medical therapy. Treatment with
the combination of tirofiban, aspirin, and unfraction- Unfractionated Heparin
ated heparin resulted in a significant reduction in the Unfractionated heparin is a glycosaminoglycan
incidence of new myocardial infarction or death, as made up of polysaccharide chains ranging in molecu-
compared with the combination of aspirin and un- lar weight from 3000 to 30,000.67 These polysaccha-
fractionated heparin, at 7 days (4.9 percent vs. 8.3 per- ride chains bind to antithrombin III and cause a con-
cent, P=0.006) and at 30 days (8.7 percent vs. 11.9 formational change that accelerates the inhibition of
percent, P=0.03), but not at 6 months (12.3 percent thrombin and factor Xa by antithrombin III. A meta-
vs. 15.3 percent, P=0.06).63 The six-month mortality analysis showed a 33 percent lower incidence of my-
rates (6.9 percent vs. 7.0 percent, P=0.85) and the ocardial infarction or death among patients who
rates of major bleeding complications were similar in received combination therapy with aspirin and un-
the two groups. The Platelet Receptor Inhibition in fractionated heparin than among those who received
Ischemic Syndrome Management study found a 36 aspirin alone.68 Current practice guidelines support
percent lower 30-day mortality rate among patients the use of the combination of unfractionated heparin
treated with tirofiban and aspirin than among those and aspirin for the treatment of unstable angina.44 The
treated with unfractionated heparin and aspirin (2.3 maximal duration of continuous infusion in patients
percent vs. 3.6 percent, P=0.02),64 but the Platelet without symptoms is 48 hours after admission, since
Receptor Inhibition in Ischemic Syndrome Manage- longer treatment may result in a higher incidence of
ment in Patients Limited by Unstable Signs and Symp- death or myocardial infarction than shorter treat-
toms study did not show a benefit with tirofiban and ment 69; if symptoms persist, however, the infusion is
aspirin in the absence of unfractionated heparin.63 continued until an invasive intervention can be per-
The largest study of unstable angina and non– formed.
Q-wave myocardial infarction was the Platelet Glyco- Despite its extensive use in treating the acute cor-
protein IIb/IIIa in Unstable Angina: Receptor Sup- onary syndromes, unfractionated heparin has the dis-
pression Using Integrilin Therapy trial, which showed advantage of variability in its dose–response curve.
that the combination of eptifibatide, unfractionated This variability is due to the fact that unfractionated

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

percent at 30 days, P=0.25).77 The recent Throm-

TABLE 1. PREPARATIONS OF LOW-MOLECULAR- bolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) 11B study
confirmed that enoxaparin is superior to unfraction-
ated heparin in reducing the composite end point of
myocardial infarction and emergency revasculariza-
MEAN MOLECULAR ANTI–FACTOR Xa: tion without causing a significant increase in the rate
of major bleeding. There was, however, no signifi-
Ardeparin 6000 1.9 cant difference in mortality.78
Dalteparin 6000 2.7 There are a number of unresolved issues regarding
Enoxaparin 4200 3.8
the use of low-molecular-weight heparins in the treat-
Nadroparin 4500 3.6
ment of acute coronary syndromes, including the
Reviparin 4000 3.5
Tinzaparin 4500 1.9
choice of agents, appropriate dosages,79 timing (short-
term vs. long-term), and cost effectiveness. The val-
*Adapted from Weitz.67 ue of these agents in combination with glycoprotein
IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists or thrombolytic ther-
apy is an especially important issue, since such com-
heparin binds competitively to plasma proteins oth- binations may lower the overall risks of bleeding and
er than antithrombin.66 Both the resistance of clot- improve clinical outcomes.
bound thrombin to inhibition by heparin and the Direct Antithrombins
sensitivity of heparin to platelet factor 4 contribute
Unlike indirect thrombin inhibitors (e.g., unfrac-
to a further reduction in the antithrombotic efficacy
tionated heparin or low-molecular-weight heparins),
of the drug. In addition, the potential occurrence of
which bind both factor IIa and factor Xa, the direct
the idiosyncratic and unpredictable serious side ef-
antithrombins inhibit thrombin formation in a man-
fect of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia creates a
ner that is independent of antithrombin III activity
compelling need for other antithrombin agents.70
and primarily decrease thrombin activity (Fig. 3). Di-
Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins rect antithrombins, which include hirudin, hirulog,
argatroban, efegatran, and inogatran, may inhibit clot-
Unlike unfractionated heparin, preparations of low-
bound thrombin more effectively than indirect throm-
molecular-weight heparin have in common a predict-
bin inhibitors.67 In the recent Organisation to Assess
able pharmacokinetic profile, high bioavailability, a
Strategies for Ischemic Syndromes trial, therapy with
long plasma half-life, and an easy means of adminis-
recombinant hirudin in patients with acute myocar-
tration (subcutaneous injection) without the need
dial ischemia without ST-segment elevation seemed
to monitor activated partial-thromboplastin time.67
to be superior to therapy with unfractionated hepa-
Short-chain (<18 saccharides) fragments of low-
rin in preventing death, myocardial infarction, and
molecular-weight heparin have been formulated, with
refractory angina, both at 72 hours and at 7 days (in-
varying anti–factor Xa:anti–factor IIa ratios (Table
cidence of the composite end point at 7 days, 5.6
1). Higher ratios of anti–factor Xa to anti–factor IIa
percent in the hirudin group and 6.7 percent in the
activity provide for potent inhibition of thrombin
unfractionated-heparin group; P=0.01), although
generation as well as inhibition of thrombin activity
there was a higher rate of major bleeding in the hiru-
(Fig. 3).
din group (1.2 percent vs. 0.7 percent, P=0.01).80
The efficacy of low-molecular-weight heparins in
In contrast, the effect of inogatran on the composite
the treatment of unstable angina has been variable,
end point of death, myocardial infarction, or refrac-
depending on the particular preparation used.72-76 The
tory angina was not significantly different from that
varying efficacy probably reflects differences in the
of unfractionated heparin.81 To date, the efficacy and
anti–factor Xa:anti-IIa ratios.53 Low-ratio preparations
safety of direct antithrombins as primary antithrom-
are associated with outcome data that are similar to
botic therapy in patients with unstable angina have
those of unfractionated heparin, whereas high-ratio
not been widely accepted.
preparations produce superior results. The Efficacy
and Safety of Subcutaneous Enoxaparin in Non– Warfarin
Q-Wave Coronary Events study demonstrated that Warfarin monotherapy appears to be at least as ef-
the incidence of the composite end point of death, fective after myocardial infarction as aspirin in pre-
myocardial infarction, or recurrent angina was lower venting death or recurrent myocardial infarction,82
with enoxaparin than with unfractionated heparin, but whether warfarin and aspirin as combination
at 14 days (incidence, 16.6 percent vs. 19.8 percent; therapy for the acute coronary syndromes actually
P=0.016) and at 30 days (19.8 percent vs. 23.3 per- improve prognosis remains unclear. The Antithrom-
cent, P=0.016), although there was no significant botic Therapy in Acute Coronary Syndromes study
difference in the rate of death alone (2.2 percent vs. showed that combination therapy with aspirin and
2.3 percent at 14 days, P=0.92; 2.9 percent vs. 3.6 anticoagulants (heparin followed by warfarin, with a

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intensity warfarin therapy plus aspirin as treatment

Factor IX for the acute coronary syndromes. Combination ther-
apy with a target INR of 2.0 to 2.5 for 10 weeks af-
ter the initial presentation of unstable angina pro-
duced a significantly better clinical and angiographic
Factor IXa Factor VIIa
outcome than aspirin monotherapy, but there was no
Factor VIIIa Tissue factor
difference in the frequency of bleeding.85 A more re-
Phospholipid Phospholipid
cent report from the Organization to Assess Strategies
Calcium Calcium
for Ischemic Syndromes pilot study86 suggested that
aspirin combined with long-term, moderate-intensi-
ty warfarin therapy (with a target INR of 2.0 to 2.5),
Factor X Factor X rather than with low-intensity warfarin therapy (with
an INR of 1.5), produced lower rates of death, new
myocardial infarction, and stroke than aspirin alone
at three months (incidence of composite end points,
Factor Xa 5.1 percent in the group given aspirin plus moder-
Factor Va ate-intensity warfarin and 13.1 percent in the group
Phospholipid given aspirin plus low-intensity warfarin; P=0.05).
Calcium This benefit, however, occurred at the expense of an
appreciable increase in bleeding in the group receiv-
Inhibition of0
thrombin generation
ing moderate-intensity warfarin therapy (major bleed-
ing, 2 percent vs. 1 percent, P=0.56; minor bleeding,
Prothrombin Thrombin (factor IIa) 28.6 percent vs. 12.1 percent, P=0.004).86 The ben-
efits observed were limited to patients in whom ef-
Inhibition of0 fective anticoagulation was maintained, since about
thrombin activity half of the patients receiving warfarin discontinued
therapy because of a concern about bleeding, a lack
Platelet Activation of of compliance, or a need for interventions.
activation factors V, The evidence remains inconclusive regarding the
incremental value of incorporating long-term anti-
Fibrin Activation of coagulant therapy into the standard aspirin regimen
formation protein C for patients with unstable angina. Furthermore, the
availability of oral glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists
will generate only more questions concerning safer
Figure 3. Role of Factors Xa and IIa (Thrombin) in Coagulation. and more efficacious combination regimens.
Indirect antithrombins, such as low-molecular-weight heparins,
bind both factors IIa and Xa, thus reducing both thrombin ac- Thrombolytic Therapy
tivity and thrombin generation. In contrast, direct thrombin in-
hibitors are less efficacious clinically, because they inhibit the Despite the fact that initial small studies suggested
action of thrombin (factor IIa) only. Adapted from Eisenberg,71 that there is a benefit associated with thrombolysis
with the permission of the publisher. in patients with unstable angina, more recent and
larger clinical trials have clearly demonstrated that
this therapy should be avoided. The TIMI IIIB trial
target international normalized ratio [INR] of 2.0 to demonstrated an actual increase in the rates of death,
3.0) for 12 weeks resulted in a reduction of approx- myocardial infarction, and bleeding in patients cate-
imately 60 percent in the primary end points of re- gorized as having unstable angina or non–Q-wave
current angina with electrocardiographic changes, myocardial infarction.87,88 Other trials have confirmed
myocardial infarction, death, or all three at 14 days, the lack of benefit from the use of thrombolytic ther-
as compared with aspirin alone.83 A nearly 50 per- apy in the acute coronary syndromes that are not as-
cent reduction in ischemic events continued to be sociated with ST-segment elevation.89-92
observed at three months, and the rate of bleeding
Conventional Antianginal Therapy
complications was only slightly higher in the combina-
tion-therapy group than in the aspirin-alone group.83 Beta-Blockers
The Coumadin Aspirin Reinfarction Study, however, Beta-blockers provide convincing benefits with re-
failed to show any additional benefit from a combi- spect to mortality for patients with acute myocardial
nation of aspirin plus fixed-dose warfarin (1 or 3 mg, infarction,47 and much of this beneficial effect is
not adjusted to a prothrombin time), as compared thought to be mediated through the ability of these
with aspirin alone.84 agents to decrease myocardial oxygen demand. Evi-
More recently, attention has turned to moderate- dence supporting the use of beta-blockers in unstable

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angina, however, is based on limited data from ran- nary vasodilatation and reduce blood pressure. As
domized trials.93-95 The meta-analysis of studies in- compared with the non-dihydropyridines, the dihy-
volving 4700 patients with unstable angina by Yusuf dropyridines exert a greater effect on vascular vaso-
and colleagues demonstrated a 13 percent reduction dilatation, have a smaller inhibitory effect on both the
in the risk of myocardial infarction among patients sinus and atrioventricular nodes, and have a smaller
treated with beta-blockers (P<0.04).96 A strong path- negative inotropic effect.
ogenic link between unstable angina and acute my- A meta-analysis of studies in which patients with
ocardial infarction has led to the uniform recommen- unstable angina were treated with calcium-channel
dation that these medications be used as first-line blockers found no effect of the drugs on the inci-
agents in all acute coronary syndromes.47 dence of death or myocardial infarction.96 In patients
The various preparations of beta-blockers (oral or who were not previously receiving beta-blockers, con-
intravenous, long-acting or short-acting) appear to ventional nifedipine was associated with a 16 percent
have equal efficacy.97 Caution should be exercised in higher risk of myocardial infarction or recurrent an-
prescribing beta-blockers to patients with contra- gina than was placebo, whereas the combination of
indications to such therapy, however, and short-act- metoprolol and nifedipine was associated with a 20
ing agents should be tried before long-acting agents percent lower incidence of these events (neither effect
are used. reached statistical significance).95 The probable expla-
nation for the increased mortality among patients
treated with nifedipine alone is that such therapy
Like beta-blockers, nitrates are widely used in the leads to reflex tachycardia and an increase in oxygen
management of unstable angina, despite the lack of demand.102 A number of second-generation vascular-
convincing data that show that nitrates reduce mor- selective dihydropyridines are now available, but these
tality or the rate of new myocardial infarction.98 The have not been studied in patients with unstable angina.
antiischemic effects of nitrates are mediated by a num- In contrast with monotherapy with nifedipine,
ber of mechanisms, which include their reduction of treatment with diltiazem and verapamil may impart
myocardial oxygen demand as a result of decreases an advantage in terms of survival and reduced rates
in ventricular preload and afterload, their moderate of reinfarction to patients with the acute coronary
effect on arterial vasodilatation, their augmentation syndromes who have a normal ejection fraction and
of collateral coronary blood flow, their reduction in no evidence of pulmonary congestion on x-ray films
the frequency of coronary vasospasm, and potentially, (30 percent lower rates of mortality and reinfarction
their inhibition of platelet aggregation.99 among patients treated with diltiazem than among
Intravenous nitroglycerin is considered the first- those who received placebo after a mean follow-up
line therapy for unstable angina because of the ease period of 25 months).104-106 Lowered heart rate, re-
of administration and titration and the rapid resolu- duced myocardial contractility, and reduced afterload
tion of effects once the infusion is discontinued.47 may be responsible for some of the observed bene-
Nonparenteral routes of administration are not rec- fits seen with the non-dihydropyridine agents in pa-
ommended in the short-term treatment of unstable tients without impaired systolic function. The use of
angina, because they cannot be readily adjusted. The calcium-channel blockers, especially the non-dihydro-
concern with the use of continuous nitrate therapy, pyridines, should be reserved for patients in whom
however, is that tolerance may develop after 24 hours beta-blockers are contraindicated or those with re-
of administration. The mechanisms responsible for the fractory symptoms despite aggressive treatment with
development of nitrate tolerance remain poorly un- aspirin, nitrates, and beta-blockers.
derstood but probably involve intrinsic abnormalities
of the vasculature, including enhanced vascular super- CORONARY REVASCULARIZATION
oxide and endothelin production.100 If tachyphylaxis In the era before coronary stenting and glycopro-
occurs, efficacy can be maintained by increasing the tein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibition, coronary-artery by-
dose or changing the method of administration to a pass grafting (CABG) was indicated for patients with
nonparenteral form and allowing for a six-to-eight- unstable angina who had high-risk coronary anatomy:
hour nitrate-free interval.47 Recent studies have also luminal obstruction of 50 percent or more of the left
demonstrated that the supplemental use of antioxi- main coronary artery or three-vessel disease and either
dants, especially vitamin C, appears to prevent ni- a reduced ejection fraction (<50 percent) or diabetes
trate tolerance.101 mellitus.107,108 CABG was also considered for patients
with anatomical features associated with moderate risk
Calcium-Channel Blockers
(i.e., two-vessel disease, proximal subtotal stenotic le-
There are two main categories of calcium-channel sions, and depressed left ventricular function). Al-
blockers — the dihydropyridines (including nifedi- though a meta-analysis of the randomized trials in
pine) and the non-dihydropyridines (including ver- which conventional angioplasty (percutaneous trans-
apamil and diltiazem).102-104 Both types cause coro- luminal coronary angioplasty [PTCA]) was compared

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with CABG in moderate-risk patients found no differ- In such patients, the presence of an elevated troponin
ence in terms of prognosis between these strategies, T value is associated with an odds ratio of 3.9 for
patients undergoing PTCA had 10 times the risk of coronary events within the following six months.121
requiring repeated revascularization procedures and Among patients with unstable angina or non–
1.6 times the risk of recurrent angina at one year.109 Q-wave myocardial infarction, there is an increased
PTCA in patients with refractory unstable angina risk of death within six weeks in those with a tropo-
is associated with a substantial risk of the following nin I level of 0.4 ng per milliliter or higher (3.7 per-
complications: death (up to 5.4 percent), myocardial cent, vs. 1 percent in those with a troponin I level
infarction (up to 9 percent), need for emergency sur- of <0.4 ng per milliliter; P<0.001), and the risk of
gery (up to 12 percent), and restenosis (up to 42 per- death continues to increase as the troponin level in-
cent).110-113 The introduction of intracoronary stents, creases.124 The risk of death associated with elevated
however, has improved both short-term and long- troponin levels persists after adjustments are made
term outcomes. As compared with PTCA alone, for other base-line characteristics that are independ-
stenting is associated with a higher rate of initial pro- ently predictive of mortality.
cedural success (96 percent vs. 90 percent, P=0.01), More recent studies evaluated the role of C-reac-
larger luminal diameter after the procedure (2.5 mm tive protein in assessing risk in patients with unstable
vs. 2.0 mm, P<0.001), a lower rate of restenosis at six angina or non–Q-wave myocardial infarction. A TIMI
months (16 percent vs. 31 percent, P<0.001), and an 11A substudy125 showed that the mortality rate at 14
improved rate of event-free survival at six months (89 days was highest among patients with both a positive
percent vs. 79 percent, P=0.004).113,114 The risk of troponin test and an elevated C-reactive protein level
abrupt vessel closure, myocardial infarction, or the (1.55 mg per deciliter or more), as compared with
need for urgent surgery may now be less than 2 per- patients with either a positive troponin test or an el-
cent.115-117 However, as compared with PTCA, stent- evated C-reactive protein level or those with a neg-
ing has been associated with a higher cost per pa- ative troponin test and a low C-reactive protein level
tient.114 The newer adjunctive pharmacologic therapies (9.1 percent vs. 4.65 percent and 0.36 percent, re-
enhance even further the benefits associated with the spectively; P<0.001). Among patients with a negative
use of stents. The more potent antiplatelet agents, troponin test, the mortality rate was higher in those
ticlopidine and clopidogrel, used with aspirin for two who had an elevated C-reactive protein level (5.8 per-
to four weeks after stent placement, may be optimal cent vs. 0.36 percent, P=0.006). It has recently been
for the prevention of acute in-stent thrombosis.118,119 reported that levels of C-reactive protein may remain
The decision regarding the specific revasculariza- elevated for at least three months after discharge from
tion procedure to be used (e.g., CABG, PTCA, stent the hospital and that patients with persistent eleva-
placement, or atherectomy) is based on the coronary tions may be at a higher risk for recurrent instability
anatomy, the left ventricular function, the experience and myocardial infarction.126
of the medical and surgical personnel, the presence or
absence of coexisting illnesses, and the preferences of Electrocardiographic Findings
both the patient and the physician. New or reversible ST-segment deviation of 0.5 mm
or more from base line or left bundle-branch block
RISK STRATIFICATION AND SELECTION noted on the electrocardiogram obtained at the time
OF MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES of admission is associated with an increase in the in-
About 80 percent of patients who present with cidence of death or myocardial infarction at one year
unstable angina have conditions that stabilize within (15.8 percent, vs. 8.2 percent in patients without elec-
48 hours after the initiation of aggressive medical trocardiographic changes).127,128 In the TIMI IIIB
therapy.120 Many of these patients then undergo tests study, reversible ST-segment depression was associ-
to stratify risk (e.g., exercise testing, perfusion scin- ated with an increase by a factor of three to six in the
tigraphy, or Holter monitoring) in order to deter- likelihood of death, myocardial infarction, ischemia
mine which patients can be safely treated medically at rest, or provokable ischemia during a test to strat-
and which require cardiac catheterization and myo- ify risk.129 Isolated T-wave inversion, however, does
cardial revascularization. not appear to be a marker of adverse prognosis.130-132
Laboratory Markers Exercise Stress Testing and Nuclear Imaging
In addition to the commonly used quantitative Exercise133,134 or pharmacologic135 stress testing pro-
measurements of creatine kinase (CK) and its MB vides important information about a patient’s risk, and
isoenzyme (CK-MB), several studies have evaluated the use of nuclear imaging improves both the study’s
the use of cardiac troponins (troponin T and tropo- sensitivity and its specificity.134 Abnormal thallium
nin I) in patients undergoing risk stratification.121-124 uptake by the lungs, represented by an increased ratio
Measurement of troponin levels may be of greatest of the amount of thallium in the lung to the amount
value in patients with a normal CK-MB level.122,123 in the heart (»0.50) on stress imaging, is a marker

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of stress-induced left ventricular dysfunction and has 100

P<0.001 88
been shown to provide independent prognostic in-

of Medical Therapy (%)

Incidence of Failure0
formation.136 Patients with abnormal lung uptake 80 75
have lower left ventricular function, lower exercise
capacity, and a higher prevalence of angina on exer- 60 57

cise than patients without abnormal lung reuptake 45

and, after one year of follow-up, have a higher rate of 40 32
cardiac events (18 percent vs. 10 percent, P=0.001)
despite having a higher revascularization rate (28 per- 20
cent vs. 15 percent, P<0.001).
Dipyridamole sestamibi tomography, like thallium- 0
201 imaging, helps distinguish between low-risk and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
high-risk patients with unstable angina in a popula- No. of Risk Factors on Admission
tion at intermediate clinical risk before testing.135 A
Figure 4. Incidence of the Failure of Medical Therapy According
normal result on dipyridamole sestamibi scanning was to the Number of Risk Factors Present on Admission.
associated with a lower rate of cardiac events during In patients treated conservatively, the incidence of the failure of
a two-year follow-up period than an abnormal result medical therapy, which led to prompt coronary angiography
(10 percent vs. 69 percent, P<0.01). The presence of and revascularization, increased substantially as the number of
either a reversible or a fixed perfusion defect had in- base-line risk factors increased. These factors included the pres-
dependent predictive value for future cardiac events. ence of ST-segment depression on admission, a history of an-
gina, older age, a family history of coronary artery disease, and
Ambulatory Electrocardiographic (Holter) Monitoring the use of aspirin or heparin. P<0.001 for the comparison among
the groups. Adapted from Stone et al.,129 with the permission
The widespread use of aggressive antithrombotic of the publisher.
and antianginal regimens has decreased the incidence
of episodes of ST-segment deviation, which are gen-
erally asymptomatic, from 60 to 80 percent to 10 to
15 percent.137 The vast majority of patients with ep- tory of premature coronary disease, and older age.129
isodes of ischemia on ambulatory monitoring also If none of these characteristics were present, the risk
have ischemic abnormalities on other tests used to as- of the failure of medical therapy was only 38 per-
sess level of risk (exercise test or stress perfusion scin- cent, whereas if all of the characteristics were present
tigraphy).129 Thus, ambulatory electrocardiographic the risk of failure rose to almost 90 percent (P<
monitoring to assess risk among patients with unsta- 0.001) (Fig. 4).129 Early triage would be enhanced
ble angina cannot be recommended. by a thorough assessment of the patients’ character-
istics at the time of presentation; such an assessment
Early Identification of the Optimal Strategy
would include a detailed history and physical exam-
Although the conditions of the majority of pa- ination, electrocardiogram, and measurement of lab-
tients with unstable angina will stabilize with effective oratory markers, such as troponin. The potential value
antiischemic medications, approximately 50 to 60 per- of early stratification of risk is supported by recent
cent of such patients will require coronary angiogra- observations that the administration of either abcix-
phy and revascularization because of the “failure” of imab62 or dalteparin139 reduced the incidence of death
medical therapy, defined by either recurrent ische- or myocardial infarction only in patients with unsta-
mia at rest while the patient is in the hospital or pro- ble angina who had an elevated troponin T level. The
vokable ischemia during a test to assess risk before appropriate use of medications and procedures may
discharge.87,127,138 Investigations have attempted to be enhanced by an individualized risk assessment.
identify early the patients in whom medical therapy
would probably fail, since the assignment of such pa- SUMMARY
tients to a more appropriate management strategy On the basis of clinical characteristics and labora-
could then be handled expeditiously. The early and tory markers on admission, patients can generally be
accurate triage of high-risk patients could lead to bet- categorized as at low risk, intermediate risk, or high
ter outcomes for patients as well as a more econom- risk 4,47,140 (Fig. 5). Patients at low or intermediate risk
ical use of hospital resources.88,125 (i.e., those without pain at the time of evaluation,
Among 733 patients randomly assigned to an ear- those who have an unchanged or normal electrocar-
ly conservative strategy in the TIMI Phase IIIB trial, diogram, and those whose condition is hemodynam-
a number of the characteristics of the patients on ad- ically stable) should be treated with aspirin and as-
mission were predictive of those in whom medical sessed further.47 If they have been asymptomatic for
therapy was subsequently most likely to fail: the pres- more than 24 hours, they may undergo evaluation on
ence of reversible ST-segment deviation, a history of an outpatient basis if the evaluation can be completed
angina, prior use of aspirin or heparin, a family his- within 72 hours after discharge.47 High-risk patients

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0 Low risk 0 Intermediate risk 0 High risk

No prior angina;0 New-onset or accelerated0 Angina at rest or prolonged0
no ongoing angina0 angina0 angina; ongoing angina0
Little or no prior use of0 Angina at rest or ongoing0 Angina after myocardial0
Presentation anti-ischemic regimen0 angina (>20 minutes)0 infarction0
Normal or unchanged0 No ST-segment deviation0 Prior use of intensive0
electrocardiogram0 No cardiac enzymes detected anti-ischemic regimen0
No cardiac enzymes detected0 Older age0
Younger age Dynamic ST-segment0
Cardiac enzymes detected0
Hemodynamic instability

Aspirin (perhaps with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor)0

Heparin (unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin)0
Initial Medical Therapy Beta-blockers0
Calcium-channel blocker (possibly)

Recurrent ischemia?0
Hospital Course Risk-stratifying tests (exercise-tolerance test,0
perfusion scintigraphy)

Negative0 Positive0
results results Expedited

Medical therapy0
(risk-stratifying tests0 Coronary angiography0
Strategy possibly performed on0
Medical therapy
and revascularization
an outpatient basis)

Figure 5. Treatment Strategy for Patients Who Present with Unstable Angina.

are those who have had angina at rest, prolonged an- The condition of the vast majority of patients sta-
gina, or persistent angina with dynamic ST-segment bilizes rapidly with aggressive medical management,
changes or hemodynamic instability, and they urgently and such patients can then undergo tests to assess
require simultaneous evaluation and treatment.47 Med- their level of risk.47 If manifestations of ischemia re-
ical therapy should be adjusted rapidly to relieve man- cur, either spontaneously or during testing, patients
ifestations of ischemia and should include antiplatelet should undergo coronary angiography and revascu-
therapy (aspirin, or ticlopidine or clopidogrel if aspirin larization. Patients whose condition remains stable
is contraindicated), antithrombotic therapy (unfrac- and who are considered to be at low risk may be
tionated heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin), suitable for continued medical management. Use of
beta-blockers, nitrates, and possibly calcium-channel an early, reliable risk-stratification process may permit
blockers. Early administration of glycoprotein IIb/ the appropriate and economical allocation of medi-
IIIa inhibitors may be particularly important, especial- cal resources and the optimal outcomes for patients.
ly in high-risk patients with positive troponin tests or
those in whom implantation of coronary stents is REFERENCES
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