Save Planet Earth - Part 2 - v8

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Save Planet Earth – Part 2

You have been told that there are some problems with Earth by the other
interstellar planets. They want to make sure that Earth is worth saving. They
know Earthlings can destroy themselves in many different ways. They want to
ensure that earthlings can equipoise their artistic, social, and scientific capacities.
To save Planet Earth, the rest of the planets will assess Earth’s ability to come up
with the greatest Science Fiction Story ever written to prove their worthiness. If
the story is interesting to the other planets and shows the balance Earth needs to
succeed as a planet they will send the necessary technology to save the planet.
Your team has been given the task of saving Planet Earth.
However, they have the following requirements:
Your group is a super-team with superhero names and each of you gets to acquire
one super human power.
Your story needs a title and has to include the following, each written by a
separate team member. If you don’t have enough team members, then some
will have to double up:

- (1) An introduction. This should develop the characters and describe the
situation to come.

- (2) A new game or puzzle that your team must solve to save the planet.
You must somehow use probability or statistics to solve it. It has to be
unique and your own idea, not a previously existing earth game. The
game should be clearly described along with the mathematical intuition
needed to succeed. This should be presented on slideshow or doc.

- (3) A situation where you have to travel to a destination to retrieve an

item of importance to save the Earth. Trigonometry must be used to
find your way. The item has to be creative and have relevance toward
saving the planet. This should be presented on slideshow or doc.

- (4) A script for part of the adventure.

This will be acted out for the class on the last day of school when you
read your story to the class.
Instead of acting out the portion of the script, your team can share
the reading of the entire short story to the class.

- (5) A conclusion. This will tell the readers the outcome of your story.

Finally, you will create a Google Doc or Google Slide Show for your story. Make
sure your team has the above mentioned. You can use any additional visual
representations you need.
Your Project will be scored with the following rubric…
Score Criteria for the score
Circle one as a group

0 1 2 3 4 5 (1) Did the introduction grab your attention? Were the

super hero names and super powers interesting?

0 1 2 3 4 5 (2) Was the puzzle or game evident? Was it fun and/or

unique? Did it fit into the storyline?

0 1 2 3 4 5 (3) Did the item of importance fit into the plot? Was
there some type of map to explain the trigonometry
used to find the destination?

0 1 2 3 4 5 (4) Was the script interesting? Did the actors do a good

job with their parts? OR was the reading of the story
done with fervor?

0 1 2 3 4 5 (5) The best part of a Science Fiction Genre is

sometimes the ending. How did the conclusion
measure up?

0 1 2 3 4 5 (6) How was the design of the Google Doc or Slide

show? Did it include the game and trigonometry as
mentioned in the above description?

Rubric Values 5=A 4=B 3=C 2=D 1=F 0 = Missing

Group We Scored: Total Score:

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