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he tourism and casino
This can create a hostile and unsafe working Profile of the case company and its
sector in Thailand is a
environment for women, and can lead to high structure:
rapidly growing industry
levels of turnover and a lack of skilled workers
that has the potential to The case company is a construction
in the sector.
generate significant company that has been approached by an
In addition to these issues, the sector is also
economic benefits for investment bank to build a new 5-star
facing challenges related to the rights of
the country. resort and casino in Thailand. The
indigenous peoples. Many of the tourism and
However, it is also a sector that is company is based in Asia, and has
casino developments in Thailand are built on
vulnerable to a range of human rights experience in the construction industry.
land that is traditionally owned by indigenous
issues, including those related to labor The company has a strong supply chain,
communities, and there have been reports of
rights, human trafficking, and the with a network of suppliers and contractors
communities being displaced and their rights
exploitation of workers. who provide materials and labor for its
being violated in the process. This can lead to
One of the key issues facing the tourism projects. The company is a medium-sized
conflicts and human rights abuses, and can
and casino sector in Thailand is the enterprise (SME), and is owned by a
create long-term challenges for both the
exploitation of migrant workers. Many of group of investors who are committed to
industry and the affected communities.
the workers in this sector are recruited sustainable and responsible business
from neighboring Asian countries, and practices. The company is committed to
Overall, the tourism and casino sector in
they often face a range of challenges, respecting and protecting human rights in
Thailand presents a range of human rights
including poor working conditions, low all of its operations, and has implemented
challenges and risks, including those related
wages, and limited access to basic labor a comprehensive human rights policy to
to labor rights, human trafficking, gender
rights. This can make them particularly guide its actions. The case company in
discrimination, and the rights of indigenous
vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, and this scenario is a medium-sized enterprise
peoples. Companies operating in this sector
there have been numerous reports of (SME) that is based in Asia and has
must take these issues into account and
workers being trafficked into the country experience in the construction industry.
implement measures to address them in order
and forced to work in the tourism and The company has a strong supply chain,
to avoid reputational and financial risks and
casino industry.Another significant human with a network of suppliers and contractors
ensure that their operations are in compliance
rights issue in the sector is the lack of who provide materials and labor for its
with human rights principles.
protections for women workers. Despite projects. The company is owned by a
the local government's requirement that a group of investors who are committed to
certain percentage of workers be female, sustainable and responsible business
women in the tourism and casino industry practices.
often face discrimination and harassment,
and may be subject to unequal pay and
limited opportunities for advancement. 1
The company is structured in a traditional
hierarchical manner, with a board of
directors at the top who are responsible for
making strategic decisions and setting the
overall direction of the company. Below
the board of directors, there is a
management team who are responsible
for the day-to-day operations of the
company, including overseeing the
construction of the new resort and casino
in Thailand.
The company employs a large workforce,
including a mix of skilled and unskilled
workers who are responsible for carrying
out the construction work. The workers are
organized into teams and departments,
and they are supervised by experienced
By engaging with human rights and
managers and supervisors who are
implementing measures to address
responsible for ensuring that the work is
potential abuses, companies can reduce It can help to avoid reputational and
carried out safely and efficiently.
these risks and ensure that their financial risks, foster positive relationships
In addition to its own employees, the
operations are in compliance with with stakeholders, and ensure compliance
company also works closely with a
international standards and best practices. with relevant laws and regulations. This
network of suppliers and contractors who
provide materials and other services for its can help to ensure the long-term success
projects. The company has established and sustainability of the company, and can
Another important reason for engaging
relationships with these companies and contribute to the overall development and
with human rights is to foster positive
has implemented policies and procedures growth of the sector.
relationships with stakeholders. By
to ensure that they are in compliance with
engaging with human rights and
human rights standards and best The context(s) of operations :
implementing measures to address
potential abuses, companies can
Overall, the case company in this scenario Without more specific information about
demonstrate their commitment to
is a well-structured and organized the specific context of operations, it is
responsible and sustainable operations,
enterprise that is committed to respecting difficult to provide a detailed description of
and can build trust and credibility with
and protecting human rights in all of its the salient human rights issues that may
workers, communities, and other
operations. By implementing a exist there. Human rights issues can vary
stakeholders. This can help to create a
comprehensive human rights policy and greatly depending on factors such as the
positive working environment, and can
engaging with its stakeholders, the location, the industry, the specific activities
contribute to the long-term success and
company is well positioned to address the being carried out, and the specific groups
sustainability of the company.
potential risks and challenges that may of individuals and communities that are
In addition, engaging with human rights
arise in the tourism and casino sector in affected.
and following a human rights due diligence
Thailand. In general, however, there are a number
procedure can also help to ensure that the
company is in compliance with relevant of human rights issues that are commonly
Why the sector and firm should found in a range of different contexts and
laws and regulations. Many countries,
engage with human rights and follow industries. These include issues related to
including Thailand, have laws and
a human rights due diligence labor rights, such as the exploitation of
regulations that require companies to
procedure respect and protect human rights in their workers and the violation of fundamental
The tourism and casino sector in Thailand, rights such as the right to a fair wage and
operations, and failure to do so can result
like any other industry, has a responsibility the right to form and join trade unions.
in legal action and other consequences.
to respect and protect the human rights of Other common human rights issues
By engaging with human rights and
all individuals and groups affected by its include discrimination and marginalization
implementing a human rights due
operations. This includes workers, based on factors such as race, gender,
diligence procedure, companies can
communities, and other stakeholders, and religion, and sexual orientation, as well as
ensure that they are in compliance with
it is essential that companies operating in the rights of indigenous peoples and other
these requirements and can avoid
this sector take steps to ensure that their marginalized groups.
potential legal and regulatory risks.
actions do not violate or negatively impact In addition to these general issues, there
Overall, engaging with human rights and
these rights. One of the key reasons for may also be specific human rights
following a human rights due diligence
engaging with human rights in this sector challenges and risks that are unique to the
procedure is essential for companies
is to avoid reputational and financial risks. particular context of operations.
operating in the tourism and casino sector
Human rights violations and abuses can
in Thailand.
have serious consequences for
companies, including negative media
coverage, legal action, and damage to 2
their reputation and brand.
Implementing a human rights due To implement training programs for its
For example, there may be concerns about employees and contractors, the company
diligence procedure to ensure that the
the impact of the company's operations on the could work with relevant organizations
company's operations are in
environment and on the rights of local and experts to develop tailored training
compliance with international human
communities, or there may be issues related programs that are specific to the
rights standards and best practices.
to the supply chain and the rights of workers company's operations in Thailand. These
This can involve a range of activities,
in other countries. It is important for programs could cover a range of topics
including conducting regular audits
companies to carefully assess the specific related to human rights, such as forced
and assessments, engaging with
context in which they are operating, and to labor, gender discrimination, and the
stakeholders, and implementing
take steps to address any potential human rights of workers. The training could be
policies and procedures to prevent and
rights issues that may arise. delivered in various formats, such as in-
mitigate human rights abuses.
Implementing a human rights due person workshops, online courses, or
Potential internal and external printed materials. The company could also
diligence procedure would involve
stakeholders involved in the situation: several steps. The first step would be consider providing ongoing support and
to develop a comprehensive policy resources to its employees and
Potential internal stakeholders involved in the that sets out the company's contractors to ensure that they have the
situation may include the workers at the commitment to respecting and knowledge and skills needed to uphold
company, as well as the management and protecting human rights in all of its the company's commitment to protecting
board of directors. The priorities of these operations. This policy should be human rights. By implementing these
stakeholders may include issues such as fair based on international human rights training programs, the company can help
wages and working conditions, opportunities standards, and should be consistent to raise awareness of human rights issues
for career advancement, and a safe and with the company's overall business among its workforce and ensure that they
healthy working environment. The potential strategy and objectives. The next step are equipped to identify and respond to
risks that the company's activities, strategies, would be to conduct regular audits and potential human rights violations. This can
relationships, and products may represent for assessments to identify and assess help to prevent such violations from
their human rights may include the any potential risks and challenges occurring and contribute to creating a
exploitation of workers, discrimination and related to human rights. This could safer and more fair working environment
harassment, and the violation of labor rights. involve collecting and analyzing data in Thailand.
Potential external stakeholders involved in the from a variety of sources, including the
situation may include the local community company's own operations, as well as Establishing a grievance mechanism to
where the company is operating, as well as its supply chain and other allow workers, communities, and other
other businesses and organizations operating stakeholders. The results of these stakeholders to raise concerns and issues
in the same sector. The priorities of these audits and assessments should be related to human rights. This can help to
stakeholders may include issues such as the used to identify areas for improvement ensure that any potential abuses are
impact of the company's operations on the and to develop action plans to address promptly addressed and resolved, and
environment and on local communities, as any potential issues. Once potential can help to build trust and credibility with
well as the company's compliance with risks and challenges have been stakeholders. Establishing a grievance
relevant laws and regulations. The potential identified, the company should then mechanism is a key recommendation for
risks that the company's activities, strategies, implement policies and procedures to the construction company building a new
relationships, and products may represent for prevent and mitigate human rights 5-star resort and casino in Thailand in
their human rights may include the abuses. This could involve order to address potential risks and
displacement of communities, environmental establishing clear guidelines and challenges related to human rights. A
degradation, and the violation of the rights of procedures for workers and other grievance mechanism is a process or
indigenous peoples. stakeholders, and providing training system that allows workers, communities,
Overall, it is important for the company to and education on human rights to and other stakeholders to raise concerns
carefully assess the potential risks that its ensure that everyone understands and issues related to human rights, and to
activities, strategies, relationships, and their rights and responsibilities. Finally, have those concerns addressed and
products may represent for the human rights the company should engage with resolved. There are a number of different
of both internal and external stakeholders. By stakeholders to ensure that its ways that a company can establish a
doing so, the company can identify potential operations are transparent and grievance mechanism, depending on the
issues and take steps to address them, in accountable. This could involve specific context and needs of the
order to avoid negative impacts on human holding regular meetings and company and its stakeholders. For
rights and ensure that its operations are consultation sessions, and providing example, a company could set up a
sustainable and responsible. regular updates and information on the dedicated hotline or email address that
progress of the project. By engaging workers and other stakeholders can use
Possible solutions to prevent and mitigate, or with stakeholders and listening to raise concerns and issues. The
remedy human rights harms: company could also establish a dedicated
team or individual who is responsible for
There are a number of possible solutions that receiving and responding to grievances.
a company can implement in order to prevent
and mitigate, or remedy human rights harms
in the tourism and casino sector in Thailand. 3
Some of these solutions may include :
In order for a grievance mechanism to be Some possible approaches might include: Providing training and education on
effective, it is important that it is accessible, human rights to workers and other
transparent, and fair. This means that it Holding regular meetings and stakeholders. This can help to raise
should be easy for workers and other consultation sessions with local awareness of human rights issues
stakeholders to access and use, and that communities and other stakeholders to and standards, and can empower
the process for raising and resolving discuss the company's plans and individuals to identify and address
grievances should be clear and transparent. activities, and to listen to their potential abuses
It should also be fair, in the sense that all concerns and feedback. This could
grievances should be treated equally and involve organizing meetings at the Overall, there are a range of potential
resolved in a timely and appropriate construction site, or in other nearby solutions that a company can implement
manner. Overall, establishing a grievance locations, and providing regular in order to prevent and mitigate, or
mechanism is an important updates and information on the remedy human rights harms in the
recommendation for the construction progress of the project. tourism and casino sector in Thailand.
company building a new 5-star resort and Providing clear and accessible By taking these steps, the company can
casino in Thailand. It can help the company information to local communities and ensure that its operations are
to identify and address potential risks and other stakeholders about the sustainable and responsible, and can
challenges related to human rights, and to company's operations, policies, and avoid negative impacts on human rights.
ensure that its operations are sustainable procedures, and about their rights and
and responsible. It can also help to build entitlements. This could involve
trust and credibility with workers, developing and distributing materials
communities, and other stakeholders, and such as brochures, posters, and other
can contribute to the long-term success and informational resources, in local
sustainability of the company. languages and in formats that are
accessible to all stakeholders.
Engaging with local communities and other Establishing channels of
stakeholders to understand their concerns communication with local communities
and priorities, and to ensure that the and other stakeholders, such as a
company's operations are carried out in a dedicated hotline or email address, to
transparent and accountable manner. This allow them to raise concerns and
can help to build trust and credibility, and issues related to the company's
can help to identify and address potential operations. This could involve
risks and challenges. This can help to build providing regular updates and
trust and credibility with these stakeholders, responses to issues raised, and
and can help to identify and address ensuring that any concerns are
potential risks and challenges related to promptly addressed and resolved.
human rights. Working with local organizations and
Engaging with local communities and other institutions, such as community
stakeholders can take a variety of forms, groups, NGOs, and local authorities,
depending on the specific context and the to build partnerships
needs and preferences of the stakeholders.


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