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Performance Tasks 3 and 4

Submitted by:
Tauto-an, Clarisse Jean A.

Submitted to:
Maam Princess Junio


Directions: Observe some industries in your locality. Using the graphic organizer below,
enumerate the characteristics that you know about the common market structures in terms of.

A) types of products
B) pricing power

a. coffee shop retail

b. they can influence the
price in the market and there
C) number of sellers
D) entry/exit barriers

a. Hair Salon
b. Price makers and set
prices for goods and
c. two sellers
d. economies of scale
and network Monopolistic
externalities Competition

Perfect Market Oligopoly


a. Meralco Electric
a. Fisherman
b. has a strong pricing
b. No control over their
power because consumer
product prices, they
have no other option.
tend to be price takers.
c. one seller
c. many
d. they cannot easily
d. There are no barriers
enter or exit, there are no
to entry or exit in a
substitutes for the goods
perfect competition.
or services.

Directions: Below is a graphic organizer illustrating the socio-economic issues that challenge the
Filipino Entrepreneurs in your locality State the causes and effects of the macro and micro socio-
economic problems that can harm the local economy.

Cause / Effect
Socio-Economic Factors
Affecting Entrepreneurs The cause of price fluctuation for macro and micro is like
any other product, the price of shares hinges on supply and
demand. Prices rise when the supply of shares for purchase is

Cause / Effect
Lack of awareness is one of the
adaptation of common reasons for slow adoption. As
Modern businesses are always busy keeping the
Technology lights on, they are not exposed to
emerging technologies.

Cause / Effect

Our nation has heard a lot about health disparities and

social determinants of health since the start of the pandemic.
Health disparities impact every aspect of society. This includes
the business community, because healthier people, families,
Disparity and communities result in a healthier workplace which directly
impacts every business’ bottom line. Addressing inequities can
seem like an insurmountable and daunting endeavor, but it is
Cause / Effect

Increasing Unemployment can be caused by a reduction in

aggregate demand or the failure of the labor market to
Unemployment absorb the existing work force. The effect of
rate unemployment includes social deprivation and affects
the physical, mental and psychological well-being of the

Cause / Effect

Businesses large and small face declines in sales

and profits during a recession. They can also curb credit
access, slow collections, and spur business
bankruptcies. And while recessions can have disparate
effects for different companies, some of the hardships

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