Olevels English Narrative Composition Arguementative Essay

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Narrative composition

Requirements for narrative:

1. Do not worry about word count nor count your words
2. Develop a complete idea of story in your mind before you pen down
3. Calculate how many characters you need in your story and use them how, where, why
4. Make sure your story line is not unrealistic, immature and everyday
5. Start your story out of nowhere and this strategy will create interest
6. You have got to maintain a strong interest from the beginning till the end
7. Only create a new paragraph when situation or scene changes in your story
8. Every time you end a paragraph, leave curiosity this technique will create further interest
9. Do not use repetitive dialogues as such action will make a composition very monotonous
10. Write down dialogues wisely
11. When you use characters make sure you describe them briefly. Either describe looks or
12. Create settings/environment of the place you are in your story
13. Your composition must be based on major and minor events
14. Make sure you use minor events excessively
15. If you only concentrated on major events and do not give much attention to minor events
then your story will be fast-paced and will become a series of straight forward events
16. You can also use climax or twist in your story but make sure you strike in at the right time
17. When you develop minor events you can use emotions, feelings, sentiments, excitement
or fear
18. Make sure you addressed the topic of your narrative
19. If your story does not justify the topic of your narrative then you may lose 15 marks
20. Avoid plagiarism
21. Make sure you complete your story within 45 minutes
22. The most essential part of your story is complex language
23. Make sure to use complexes perfectly and naturally throughout your story
24. Along with complexes use wide range of vocabulary wherever you can
25. Avoid repetition of similar words over and over again
26. Avoid sponsorship
27. Strictly avoid explicit language or slang
28. Draft your entire story in past tense

Argumentative essay
1. In argumentative essay, the tone of writing is biassed
2. Side/stance is picked in order to create arguments
3. Facts and figures, evidences, rhetoric, logical reasoning and critical rational is utilised
in arguments or examples to proof how and why your side/stance is correct
4. First paragraph in argumentative essay is introductory paragraph where topic
development is done without taking a stance of one side of essay you want to
5. In second paragraph, first you pick a side/stance and then develop argument to
support your cause
6. In second paragraph, after taking a stance, you use facts, evidences, logical
reasoning, experiences and examples, critical rational to develop arguments and
elaborate them in detail
7. In one paragraph, you are to develop at least two arguments approximately
8. In third and fourth paragraph, you repeat similar strategy but do not pick side/stance
which is only picked once in the beginning of second paragraph
9. Fourth paragraph can also be used as a counter criticism where we use valid rational
to prove how and why the opposite side is incorrect
10. Last paragraph is often very brief where you conclude whole picture to your reader to
prove how your stance and understanding is sensible, appropriate and correct

Rhetoric is a thought provoking question with full of thought that is used to indicate a
concern inside the reader and does not require a reply or response.
Example: Have you ever wondered how many trees will have to be cut down in order
to make papers to preserve our records if we ban computers or half their production?

Logical reasoning:
It is a process which has to be reasoned out, analyses the statement and besides,
which stance to choose. This requires a deep evaluation of the argument that you are
writing. Collect real world data to support your logical reason, whether they be from
surveys, historical centres or authoritative accounts. You can also drill down facts
and figures, detailing what a particular event can lead to and tied to a fact that is
common knowledge.

Life is precious and comes only once. There is no coincidence that the only planet
that exists in the entire universe where this precious life can be lived is mother Earth.
Life evolved here millions of years earlier and ever since then, we have endured
countless transformations and catastrophes. Now the quality of life on Earth is not as
good as it used to be and this beautiful planet has been counting its last breaths
gradually due to the damage inflicted by humans. The question now is, whether we
are doing enough to heal the wounds we have caused to this home of ours or are we
shovering it further close to mass chaos?

How to develop an argument and elaborate it?

It is an astonishing fact that this planet has been plagued by mayhems such as
pollution, diseases yet our priorities are elsewhere. Every single year, billions are
spent to explore far-off planets and aliens to satisfy curiosity. Afterwards, vulgar
finance is utilised to develop senseless clones, a process that has done no good. We
never used our finance pedigree to eradicate pollution which is stirring poison in our
lives, nor find cure of fatal diseases which have weakened our race ever since the
evolution of human beings.

How to develop a stance in second paragraph?

A legend has it that humans have never fixed what was broken but made it further worse.
This is exactly what we have done to the planet. We make it bleed everyday and keep our
fingers crossed that it will be alright one day itself.
Complexes and analogical phrases

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