B2bpricinghowtoimproveit2017 02 11 170212210945

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B2B pricing: the how of

sustainable improvement

Ian Tidswell

February 2017
Ian Tidswell Biography
Founder of een Consulting, focused on helping B2B companies develop best-in-class
end-to-end sustainable pricing processes
Professional Experience
• Since 2016, Independent Professional, Switzerland
• 4 years, Global Head of Pricing, Syngenta, Switzerland
At a glance
• 2 years, Pricing Transformation Lead, Medtronic, Switzerland
• 6 years Partner, Head of Business Consulting, Vendavo Consulting, UK and USA
• Former McKinsey senior
• 4 years, Director, i2 Technologies, USA consultant with line
• 4 years, to Engagement Manager, McKinsey & Company, USA management experience
Selected Experiences in MedTech and agri-
• Developed a pricing framework & process for pricing innovations for out-licensing for leading diversified
chemicals business
industrial company
• Proven B2B Pricing
• Built the HQ global pricing team for Syngenta. Indirect management of in-country pricing managers transformation leader
• Lead multiple in-country projects for Syngenta to diagnose pricing opportunities and actions to address
price setting, commercial terms management & price execution challenges • Practical, hands-on
• Lead development of a global commercial terms/policy framework and playbook to align CT/P with approach with track
strategic goals in each country within Syngenta, improved CT/P performance and enabled automation record in value delivery
• Headed the strategic initiative to substantially improve, harmonize and automate Medtronic
International’s pricing processes across all major markets. Drove improved pricing & risk exposure • Based in Basel
• At Vendavo successfully led discovery, design and deployment of Vendavo price system at multiple
customers including chemicals, distributor, semiconductor, tire and mobile phone manufacturers • LinkedIn Profile
• Frequent speaker at global pricing conferences
Education • Email:
• Ph.D. Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
• B.Sc. in Physics, Imperial College, London University, UK

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• A previous slide deck introduced the topic of ‘why improving B2B

pricing is worth doing but difficult, and how to get started’

• Another slide deck reviewed examples of different types of pricing

frameworks that are helpful in organizing and prioritizing pricing
activities (the what of pricing)

• In this presentation we focus on practical steps to improve

pricing, from the what and how, to gaining permission, making the
changes sustainable, and showing progress
• Look for these other related presentations on:
• Some practical tools that help improve pricing
• How to improve your price guidance to support negotiated sales

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HOW to build a bridge to better pricing

Insights, knowledge, best practices Learn WHAT to do

Pricing and supporting skills HOW to get it done The focus

of this
Pricing team brand/reputation PERMISSION to do it presentation

Improve processes, technology, data Make it SUSTAINABLE

Measure progress SHOW progress to maintain support

© een Consulting GmbH 4

Five dimensions of WHAT to build for a pricing process
that works

Clear priorities that should

Company Goals influence pricing decisions

Harmonized processes &

Standards data etc. to leverage scale A Pricing
Process that is:
Who makes decisions based • Effective
Organization on insights, skills
• Efficient
Information & Data and direction to • Sustainable
Guidance support decision-makers

Consistent Process and technology to

execution support and sustain

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WHAT to harmonization is a key decision

• Harmonize a core set of the most

common and important elements
• Pricing framework, terminology

Importance (value, strategy)

Standard: Fully
• Product, Customer hierarchies Harmonized
Selectively or
• Waterfall structure
• Approval framework
• Standard price reports
• Deal structures
• Provide a frame for local Exception:
businesses to operate in Eliminate or
Local only
• Expect and support local
deviations where necessary Frequency & Commonality
• Keep the core as simple as
possible and plan for exception!

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Simple factors should guide the decision on what and how
much to harmonize
Less Harmonization More Harmonization
Business Diverse product lines Similar product lines
Structure Local customers Global customers

Flexibility to meet customer Price consistency across

pricing & deal requirements customers & geographies
Go-to- Local flexibility, agility Alignment to global
Ability to adapt to
the customer ? strategic goals
Improved visibility,
automation, quality,
OPEX cost reduction

Local prices segmentation List prices, price guidance

architecture Discount & rebates values, Framework, commercial
schemes term libraries

Keep it simple!
© een Consulting GmbH 7
Gaining permission to improve pricing will depend
on your pricing team having the right skill mix




Analytics / Company
Problem Business

● What mix of skills does the team need?

● How will you obtain and build the skills?
● Note: required skills mix will change over time

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Generally a center-led pricing team structure is best

Level of Centralization Best for…

Centralized Industries with global customers:
• Single Group responsible for pricing decisions • Semiconductor
• Limited adjustments for regional differences • Aerospace
• Can be very sophisticated, but far from markets • Many chemicals

Center Led Most other global companies

• Hybrid: central strategic pricing organization • Balance of local and global
coordinating local centers of pricing excellence • Level of centralization can
• Centralized team provides guidance and vary significantly
templates for execution in region or BU, best
practice identification and dissemination

Decentralized Special cases

• Territories make autonomous pricing decisions • Disparate, fragmented BU’s
• Fully recognize local variations, but likely to • Non-core BU’s
lead to misalignment across territories • Highly regulated
• Difficult to achieve and sustain highest
performance levels of pricing process

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A Centralized Pricing Group with clearly defined goals
and role is a best practice

• ‘Owns’ pricing process, systems, tools,

Owns the • Drives continuous improvement
pricing • Sets the standards for List prices, price corridors, discount & rebate
framework library, escalation design, etc. (values set locally)
• Identifies and disseminates best-practices into the organization
• Coordinates global price processes, e.g. annual price adjustments,
Manages the
cross-boarder price corridor, etc.
• Ensures pricing quality & consistency across the business
Promotes • Tracks pricing at corporate level
visibility • Provides baseline standard reports
• Supports business with the most complex & important pricing decisions
Resource for
e.g. large deals, new products, strategic initiatives
the business
• May be part of the escalation process
Reporting • Varies, but marketing is the most common

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In global organizations there are different pricing roles
• Responsible for pricing processes, best
practice development and dissemination
• Incentives aligned to pricing outcomes
Head of (but does NOT own specific prices)
Pricing • Reporting lines vary but head of
commercial ops or marketing is best

Regional Global Pricing

Pricing Leads Operations Transformation

Local Business
Analyst(s) Technology
Pricing Leads process

• Owns regional and local • Owns globally • Internal • Owns pricing

pricing processes aligned processes consulting focus systems
• Primary contact for incl. reporting • Prioritize business
pricing transformation • Works closely requirements for
• Own system use locally with HQ functions automation

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Skills of the extended team are also important

Team Key skills needed

Product • Price setting
marketing • Price/volume analysis
• Price tracking
• Price exception analysis
Customer • Commercial Terms design
marketing • Customer Segmentation
• Price monitoring
Sales • Pricing basics
• Negotiation skills
Finance • Pricing basics
● Which teams and which skills should be
prioritized? Follow the money!
● Be crisp on “What’s in it for them”
● Training format: pricing specific at first, then
embed in regular trainings

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Ensuring the pricing team has impact

Recommendation Rationale

Have a plan, but be a little • Coherent, but not rigid,

opportunistic plans
Help solve high-profile • Builds credibility
Follow-through on • Set expectations so you have
commitments a chance to exceed
Track and communicate • Have a plan and execute!
Go where you have support • Increases odds of success
• Proves value to organization
Get others to tell the story • Build allies with wins
• Make them look good
Keep at it • Don’t let the setbacks stop
the momentum

● What is the reputation today?

● What do you want it to be?

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Technology, data and process ensure sustainability
Key point Rationale
Build support for a price system • Communicate value drivers
Understand data situation • Fix while starting to use
Use “quick-and-dirty” tools to • Prove out the value
get started • Learn by doing
Develop the vision • Leverage frameworks & tools
• Continually test concepts
Identify what decision points • ‘000s of decisions
need process automation • ‘00s of users
• Repeatable decision criteria
Use data-influenced rules to • Fast analysis needed
reduce the # decision points • Segmentation is key
Standard vs Exception mindset • Keep the system simple!! ● It’s a challenging step
• Plan for exceptions
● When done right it will add huge value
Estimate the value impact • Higher pocket prices
• Reduced dispersion ● Technology deployment faster now, but
• Reduced errors, etc. deploy the right solution!
Integrated is better • Drives quality data ● “Once in a career” opportunity to
• Drives user acceptance transform your company!

© een Consulting GmbH 14

Pricing systems are much more than the analytics:

Effective Efficient

• Puts focus on key decisions points • Rules based pricing

• Scalable, optimized & pinpoint price

recommendations (cost-to-serve, • Clear roles and responsibilities
feedstock cost/index, plant
utilization, buying behavior)
• Improves process discipline
• Up-to-date embedded price
analytics and guidance
• Reduced errors from automation
• Facilitates collaboration across and integration
sales, marketing, finance
• Consistent pricing decisions
• Faster decisions (e.g. track
feedstock volatility)

© een Consulting GmbH 15

Measure and communicate to show progress

Key points Rationale

• Accept that • Reality gets in the way
measuring price
performance is hard
• Accept you have • No other way to track value
to do it!
• Triangulate on the • Build up evidence from
impact different directions
• Different data speaks to
different audiences
• Track metrics • Relative performance over
consistently over time time tells you a lot

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A triangulation approach to measurement is needed:
their is no one ‘magic’ metric

Financials: Competitive
Pricing Performance Performance

• Price variance versus • Price and volume

previous year & budget performance versus
Pricing industry peers
• Specific initiative impact Impact
(e.g. relative Assessment
to untouched areas)

Pricing Initiatives Pricing Process

& Must Wins Maturity

• Project and initiative • Measured against a

progress customized capability grid

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Pricing is… Pricing also…

● challenging ● adds tremendous value
● takes time to show full potential ● is hugely satisfying

Key messages
● Holistic plan, keep adapting ● Build allies by helping
● Prioritize and target actions ● Track progress

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