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Zain KSA CBIO Phase 2

Zain KSA CBIO Phase 2 Business Processes

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Zain KSA CBIO Phase 2- Business Process Design document

© Ericsson AB 2015
All rights reserved. The information in this document is the property of
Ericsson. Except as specifically authorized in writing by Ericsson, the
receiver of this document shall keep the information contained herein
confidential and shall protect the same in whole or in part from disclosure
and dissemination to third parties. Disclosure and disseminations to the
receiver's employees shall only be made on a strict need to know basis.

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Zain KSA CBIO Phase 2- Business Process Design document

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 5

2 Key Assumptions.............................................................................................................

3 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 Business Processes.......................................................................

3.1 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-001 Pre-Rating (Call Collection Mobile Home Subscribers
and Visitors) 10
3.2 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-002 Rating...............................................................................
3.3 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-003 Posting prepaid usage to ERP GL....................................
3.4 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-004 Rerating............................................................................
3.5 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-005 TAP OUT File Handling....................................................
3.6 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-006 Setup new Roaming Agreement.......................................
3.7 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-007 Issue Settlement Notice & Payment - Revenue
Sharing Feeding 27
3.8 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-008 SDR Exchange Rate Update............................................
3.9 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-009 Bill Cycle Generation........................................................
3.10 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-010 Pre-billing Activities..........................................................
3.11 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-011 Simulation Bill Run...........................................................
3.12 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-012 Bill Run.............................................................................
3.13 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-013 Post-Billing Activities........................................................
3.14 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-014 Immediate Billing..............................................................
3.15 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-015 Invoice Layout Management.............................................
3.16 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-016 Call and Balance Statement Creation...............................
3.17 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-017 Initiate Dunning / Credit control........................................
3.18 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-018 Direct Debit payments......................................................
3.19 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-019 Off-line Bank payments....................................................
3.20 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-020 Invoice Payment Posting..................................................
3.21 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-021 Bill Dispute Management – Investigate (Adjustment)
3.22 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-022 Bill Dispute Management – Investigate (Inquiry)...............
3.23 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-023 Bill Dispute Management – Manage Dispute....................
3.24 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-024 Bill Dispute Management – Resolve Dispute....................
3.25 Support Billing Event Related Process................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.26 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-026 Adjustment Application Process.......................................
3.27 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-027 Rejected Events Process..................................................
3.28 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-028 Online Payments Processing...........................................
3.29 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-029 High Consumption............................................................
3.30 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-030 Bulk & Retail Cards Reconciliation...................................
3.31 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-031 Voucher top-up Bank / CC................................................
3.32 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-032 Voucher top-up Franchise................................................
3.33 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-033 Administer Commercial Arrangement for Production
and Distribution Capability..............................................................................................

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3.34 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-034 Establish & Manage Commercial Debt Recovery
Arrangement - Initiate Dunning /Credit Control...............................................................
3.35 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-035 Voucher Generation.......................................................
3.36 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-036 Voucher Cancellation.....................................................
3.37 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-037 Channel of Sales............................................................
3.38 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-038 TAP-IN File Handling......................................................
3.39 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-039 Generate Billing Event Report........................................
3.40 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-040 Investigate Billing Event..................................................

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1 Introduction

Ericsson, as a Consulting-led SI organization, has its own artifacts, methods,

frameworks and approaches to tackle business process re-engineering transformation
programs. In this section, we have attempted to resolve some of the key issues that
were presented by Zain within their AS-IS business processes. We have used the same
approach methods, tools, frameworks, etc to come up with the TO-BE design along with
its detailed analysis. Each of the TO-BE processes are designed keeping in mind eTOM
business process framework’s level 4 – including functions, process, sub-process,
tasks, sub-tasks, system interfaces, etc. These TO-BE designed level 4 business
processes will eventually lead to the level 5 system use-cases which would be delivered
by the implemented solution.

In this analysis table, there is mention of very critical entities viz. ‘Business and
Operational Impacts’. This is aimed to present the holistic and pragmatic overview that
ZAIN stakeholders should look into whilst transforming themselves.

The other essential analysis parameters would be the ‘TO-BE’ designed proposed along
with its ‘key changes’. These key changes would reflect both the efficiency and
effectiveness of the business process. Also, as stated in our approach, the logic
between ADOPT Vs. ADAPT would be incorporated by us to identify all basic needs,
with regards to the business processes ‘really required by Zain’. This is related to the
above statement which we made on ‘key changes’ proposed. The table analysis which
we derived subsequently along with the process designs (shown below after each TO-
BE design process) would be a perfect input for post-implementation review or process
performance analysis which thereby drives the effectiveness and accuracy of the
business processes.

This section is an attempt from our end to resolve all possible bottlenecks and propose
recommended best practices based on the inputs that were shared in the RFP by ZAIN.

The main drivers of any transformation are focussed around these listed as follows:
1. Operational efficiency and transformation
2. Revenue and Margins.
3. Customer experience management.
However the essential BPR drivers for a transformation program are shown below in the

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The above is a representation of the various Process legends we have used in the
detailed Business Process design below. These legends are used for reference
purposes only, and are subject to change depending on the Enterprise Architecture
design tool.

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2 Key Assumptions

1. The business processes are mapped to TMFs eTOM and it is

expected that Zain KSA will look up to the same as a best
practice framework.

2. The business processes are designed keeping in mind what’s

best fit for Zain KSA rather than replicate everything suggested
by eTOM.

3. The business processes designed in this document and detailed

enough and complies with a minimum level 4 eTOM.

4. It’s expected that the solution use case scenarios will all be
mapped to these designed business processes as mentioned in
the document.

5. Zain KSA is expected to adopt these business processes as best

practices going forward as their “Charging and Billing” business

6. The business process KPIs will be mapped to each of these

business processes designed.

7. There needs to be only ONE “Accountable” owner of each of

these business processes however the tasks need to be carried
out by, multiple responsible stakeholders from various teams.

8. Each of the business processes can be replicated in any

Enterprise Architecture tool, but for the time being all of these are
designed in MS-Visio.

9. Each business process will lead to one or multiple solution use

cases, not vice versa.

10. Ericsson will hand over all designed business processes to

select list of stakeholders within Zain KSA who would then have
the responsibility of training and handholding of these business
processes to all departments within Zain. It will not under fall
under Ericsson’s purview to train different teams of Zain in the
newly designed business processes.

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3 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 Business Processes

This section details out all business processes much needed to Zain to
ensure that the CBIO Phase 2 transformation project gets well
implemented within the organization.

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3.1 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-001 Pre-Rating (Call

Collection Mobile Home Subscribers and Visitors)

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Manage Billing Events -
Process Obtain Billing Events
eTOM Business
4 - Obtain Billing Events
process level
Process Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-001 Pre-Rating (Call Collection Mobile Home
ID/Name Subscribers and Visitors)
Trigger Automatic Transfer of ASCII files to Billing system
Solution 1- Network Elements and the Clearing House.
Interfaces 2- Rating process.

ASCII files to Billing system from Network Elements and TAP IN files to
Inputs Billing system from Clearing House

Business Call Collection refers to pulling of call and message tickets belonging to

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mobile home subscribers and visitors from network elements, as well as the
TAP-IN roaming usage from the clearing house to Zain’s Billing System.

This process details the steps from Usage Collection from Network
Element, to processing by mediation, to sending ASCII files to the billing
system and finally converting records to readable format to the Rating

Process Flow

1. Network Elements collects the usage records from network elements and
other applications and starts the mediation processing.
2. Network Elements classifies the usage records according to Zain’s usage
classification. It also distinguishes which usage records should be sent to
the billing system for rating and processing and creates the proper usage
structures. In particular Network Elements sends to the Billing system the
mobile (home subscribers and visitors) usage records under the new
proposed usage structures that will replace the existing (GSM, GPRS, IN,
Process 3. If records (CDRs) received by Mediation are for billing purpose, Network
Description Elements sends (ftp out) the ASCII files with usage records to the Billing
system as rating input directories. In the event the CDRs are for reporting
purpose, Network Elements send them to the Data Repository DB to be
sent to the Reporting System.
4. The Clearing House receives TAP-IN files for Zain customers roaming in
other operators (roaming partners) and after validation and processing (e.g.
filtering out records not belonging to Zain IMSIs but to other operators using
Roaming Replicator wholesale service) sends the TAP-IN files to the Billing
system as rating input directories
5. Files sent by Network Elements and the Clearing House are stored in
respective directories in the Billing system. These records are stored in
predefined directories for further processing.
6. Call Detail Records (CDRs) are checked for correctness and get
converted into the Billing system Internal Format (Usage Data Records –
UDRs) accordingly.
7. Simultaneously, duplicate record and file check is carried out.
8. Partial records (unassembled records - UARs) are assembled.
9. All records are handed to the Rating Process.

Outputs UDR Records to Rating Module

Operations – Batch Application Operations

Roles and
Network Elements Mediation - System
responsibilities Clearing House

Performance - Total mediated Minute of Use and number/volume of calls vs. Total Minute
Metrics/ KPIs of Use and number/volume of calls in Billing system
- Total number/volume of mediated SMS vs. Total number/volume of SMS
in Billing system
- Total number/volume of mediated MMS (national and international) vs.

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total number/volume of MMS (national and international) in Billing system

- Total mediated Data volume Usage (home and roaming) vs. Data volume
Usage (home and roaming) in Billing system
- Total mediated VAS Usage vs. VAS Usage in Billing system

Process Health 1. Periodic reconciliation of post mediated output vs rated output

checks 2. Ensure all business rules are well captured and applied within Pre-
suggestion rating.

Business &
Business Impact: Revenue reconciliation and realization for Zain.
Operational Impact: Increased efficiency in revenue assurance and
Imp7act accounting.

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3.2 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-002 Rating

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Charging - Apply Pricing,
Process Discounting
eTOM Business
4 - Adjustment & Rebates to Customer Account
process level
Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-002 Rating
Trigger Automatic Transfer of ASCII files to The Billing System
1- UDR records from Pre-Rating (Call Collection Mobile Home Subscribers
Solution and Visitors) process.
Interfaces 2- TAP Out File handling process

Inputs UDR records

Business Rating process mainly deals with identification of events and associating
Process them to subscribers and tariff plans. Rating is performed and data is
prepared for Billing Modules. Error records get stored temporarily in Error
Area waiting to be recycled and sent back to the rating chain.

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Process Flow

1. After Call Collection Process, records are fed into the Rating Engines in
the Billing system
2. The parties involved in an event are identified, for example, home
subscribers, roaming partners as configured in the pre-business scenarios
(rating logic)
3. Party that has to pay for an event and the usage charge it has to pay are
identified as configured in the business scenarios (rating logic)
4. Correct tariff is applied according to identified business scenario and
usage charges are calculated
5. If records are for Roaming TAP OUT, records go through the TAP OUT
File handling process
6. If not Roaming records, the following steps occur:
a. Cost control discounts are applied if applicable
b. Open amounts and credit limit checks are performed
c. Rating and monitoring time free units are performed
7. Call records are finally loaded into UDR database
8. Call Records which are rejected in the Rating Process are analyzed. After
error correction the records are sent for processing (recycling) to the same
rating process that it has rejected them.
9. Daily basis the Billing System automatically refreshes shared memory in
order to avoid any rating rejections.
10. Billing System permanent running modules are responsible for online
updates of shared memory.

Outputs Rated records to Billing Modules

Roles and
Operations - Batch Application Operations
- Revenue loss due to unprocessed CDRs: (CDR in Error Area) X (cost per
CDR/event) (Tariffs as published by Marketing)
- Percentage of error type over all the errors in rating: (Number of errors
per type)/(Total number of errors)
Metrics/ KPIs - Aging of errors (per type of error) not to exceed a time threshold set by

Process Health 1- Rating plan related to product

checks 2- Ensure all business rules are well captured and applied within Pre-
suggestion rating.

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Business & Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Operational enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be fewer errors and enhanced revenue
Analysis reconciliation from various sources.

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3.3 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-003 Posting prepaid usage


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Billing (includes Rating /
Process Billing/ Interconnect and Finance ) - Financial & Asset Management
eTOM Business
4 - Financial & Asset Management
process level
Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-003 Posting prepaid usage to ERP GL
Enrichment of prepaid usage successfully completed
Trigger Daily scheduled activity
1- Billing System DB
2- Data Repository DB
Interfaces 3- ERP GL

Inputs Prepaid usage in Billing System database

Business This process refers to the activities involved in posting prepaid usage from
Process the Billing System DB replica to ERP through Data Repository DB. The
available items for the posting are Usage, Renewals, Recharges and
Subscriptions. All events coming from the Network Elements will be

Process Flow

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1. IT Operator runs script to load prepaid usage from Billing System DB to

Data Repository DB (daily basis)
2. IT Operator runs script on Data Repository DB to post prepaid usage
from Data Repository DB to ERP GL (daily basis)

Note: The automation of every IT operation script in this process is

configurable, and only task done in operations will be the checking of the
logs and troubleshooting.

Outputs ERP GL updated with the revenue from prepaid usage

Roles and
Operations - Batch Application Operations

Overall process duration not to exceed a duration threshold set by Zain
Metrics/ KPIs

Process Health 1. Periodic checks that duration of related operations don’t exceed a
checks threshold set by Zain
suggestion 2. Ensure all business rules are well captured and applied

Business & Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Operational enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be less errors and better reconciliation in revenue
Analysis recovered and realized from various sources.

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3.4 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-004 Rerating

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Process Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Charging – Rating
eTOM Business
4 - Rating
process level
Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-004 Rerating
Detection of error in rating through the following channels:
- Rate Accuracy Check done on Test Call Generators (TCG) by Revenue
Trigger - Trouble Tickets
- Invoice checks for each billing cycle
- Other, as appropriate
Solution 1- Product Modification Process
Interfaces 2- Billing system DB

Inputs Rectified rate price

Business In the event a subscriber makes a call/activity and the operator realizes that
Process an error occurred related to incorrect rate; the Billing system has the
functionality to retrieve and rerate the call. The Rerating process represents
the set of activities starting from detection and correction of rate to rerating

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of events and sending them to bill module.

Process Flow

1. Once detected, the rate price is corrected on the billing System (Product
Modification Process)
2. The corrected rate plan along with the package it belongs to is released
appropriately backdated
3. Corresponding events (UDRs) are marked for rerating
4. Marked events are extracted from the Billing system database
5. The affected records are then sent to rating process
6. If rerated event is not billed yet, only a new UDR is created with the
correct price (this record will appear on the next customer invoice - in case
of rerating, wrongly rated record will be marked not to be shown on the bill)
7. If rerated event is already billed, 2 UDRs are created. One to credit the
wrong rate and the second to debit the correct/new rate (those 2 records
will appear on the next customer invoice)
8. Finally, rated records are sent for loading into the Billing system database

New UDR with correct price (if event not already billed) or
Outputs 2 UDRs, one for debiting and the second to credit the correct amount (if
already billed event)

Roles and
Billing/ Revenue Management Operations – Batch Application Operations
- Value of revenue loss due to rating errors per tariff plan per month: Total
monthly SAR value of revenue loss based on rating errors noted as part of
the following:
Performance - Re-rating performed by Revenue Assurance/IT
Metrics/ KPIs - Tariff Audits performed by Revenue Assurance/IT
- Trouble Tickets
- Invoice checks for each billing cycle
- Other, as appropriate
1. Number of CDRs with errors per month as a percentage of total monthly
traffic, %(number of CDRs with errors from Error Area)/(Total number of
Process Health CDRs processed in Billing System)
checks 2. Number of CDRs that are rerated successfully as % of total CDRs
suggestion detected with error
3. Ensure all business rules are well captured and applied

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Business & Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Operational enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be faster and automated Rating with increased
Analysis accuracy and turn around times.

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3.5 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-005 TAP OUT File Handling

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Manage Billing events -
Process Guide Billing Events
eTOM Business
4 - Guide Billing Events
process level
Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-005 TAP OUT File Handling
Automatic Transfer of ASCII files for visitors roaming traffic, delivered from
Trigger the Network Elements
1- Network Elements – Mediation System
Solution 2- Billing System
Interfaces 3- Clearing House
4- Roaming Partners

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Inputs Visitors roaming traffic

TAP OUT File Handling refers to call and usage activities performed by
visitors roaming on Zain Networks. The process starts by roaming calls
being collected from network to be rated in the Billing System and ends up
with TAP OUT Files being sent to clearing house.

Process Flow

1. The visitor roaming usage records are collected from network elements
and the mediation process is started
2. The usage records are classified according to Zain’s Total Type. The
Network Elements identifies the usage records to be sent to the Billing
system for rating and processing and creates the proper usage structures
3. The Network Elements sends (ftp put) the ASCII files with usage records
to the Billing System rating input directories.
4. Files sent by the Network elements are stored in predefined directory for
further processing
5. Call Detail Records (CDRs) are checked for correctness and get
converted into the Billing System Module Internal Format (Usage Data
Business Records –UDRs)
6. Simultaneously, duplicate record and file check is carried out
Process 7. Partial records (unassembled records - UARs) are assembled
Description 8. Records are fed into the Rating Engines in the Billing system
9. The parties involved in an event are identified as configured in the pre-
business scenarios (rating logic)
10. The party that has to pay for an event and the usage charge it has to
pay are identified as configured in the business scenarios (rating logic)
11. IOT Tariffs are applied and charges are calculated
12. High Usage Reports are generated
13. Simultaneously to the above step, charging information files (TAP OUT)
for Roaming Partners are generated
14. Both reports and TAP OUT Files are sent to Clearing House
15.The Clearing House Analyzes and reconciles files and notifies IT
Operations of any error
16. The Clearing House applies the preferential rate tariff and sends TAP
OUT Files to Roaming Partners
17. Call records are finally loaded into UDR database
18. Call Records which are rejected in the Rating Process are analyzed.
19. After error correction the records are sent for processing (recycling) to
the same rating process that it has rejected them

- TAP OUT File Records

Outputs - High Usage Reports

Operations – Batch Application Operations

Roles and
Clearing House
responsibilities Network elements - Mediation System

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- Total Roaming Minutes: Mediated Minutes vs. Rated Minutes

- Total Roaming SMS: Mediated SMS vs. Rated SMS
Metrics/ KPIs - Total Roaming Data Usage: Mediated Data Usage vs. Rated Data Usage

1. Differences detected between roaming mediated minutes and rated

minutes as % of total roaming usage for the month shouldn’t exceed a
threshold set by Zain.
Process Health 2. Differences detected between roaming mediated SMS and rated SMS
as % of total roaming SMS usage for the month shouldn’t exceed a
checks threshold set by Zain.
suggestion 3. Differences detected between roaming mediated Data usage and rated
Data usage as % of total roaming Data usage for the month shouldn’t
exceed a threshold set by Zain.
4. Ensure all business rules are well captured and applied

Business &
Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to
enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be faster turnaround times.

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3.6 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-006 Setup new Roaming


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - S/P Settlements &
Process Payments Management - Interconnect & Partner settlements
eTOM Business
4 - Interconnect & Partner settlements
process level
Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-006 Setup new Roaming Agreement
Roaming agreement requested by Carrier & Wholesale in Zain or by
Trigger Roaming Partner (to be agreed as per Zain Roaming Business
Solution 1- Zain
Interfaces 2- Roaming Partners

Inputs Proposal prepared by Zain or Roaming Partner

Business Currently, Zain has a Roaming agreement with Roaming Partners

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(operators) worldwide. The below process describes the activities involved

in setting a new roaming agreement with a Roaming Partner from the
negotiation of the agreement until configuration over the network and billing

Process Flow

1. A Roaming Agreement is initiated at the level of Carrier & Wholesale with

a Roaming Partner
2. A proposal is sent to the Roaming Partner along with the Agreement
form. The Agreement form contains all the details concerning the Roaming
Partner including the agreement principles, services of the operator, country
rates, customer care info, technical aspects and fraud prevention
3. Negotiations are conducted with the Roaming Partner and the agreement
is signed
4. Test SIM cards are exchanged between the 2 parties for testing purposes
5. An SS7 link is open between the 2 operators
6. Technical changes are implemented, and IREG Test are carried out by
Process Engineering that notifies Carrier and Wholesale
Description 8. Billing & Transfer information (containing the info required for activation of
the Roaming Operator) along with the Agreement form is sent to IT
9. The Roaming Partner is defined on the Billing System in order for Zain
Network to recognize his IMSIs
10. TADIG Test is completed by IT Operations to make sure that the
roaming services are billed completely and accurately. The records are
translated into TD files. During that test, TD files are checked against the
IREG test to ensure that all tests calls are valid, complete and correct. The
results of the tests including exception are reported in a TCC report (TAP
Certificate for Completion)
11. TD and IREG files are sent to the Roaming Operator by Carrier and
12. Roaming Operator receives the files and generates its own TD and
IREG files
13. A final TAP IN and TAP OUT 2 Way checking is performed by both
14. Carrier & Wholesale and Roaming Partner sign the TCC (TAP
Certificate for Completion) Agreement
15. A Commercial Launch Date is agreed
Roaming agreement with roaming service activated on both networks, Zain
Outputs and Roaming Partner, effective at Commercial Launch Date
Operations – Batch Application Operations
Roles and Marketing - Carrier & Wholesale
responsibilities Roaming Partner
Engineering - Core Service Dept.
- Maximum time for resolution of dispute with Roaming Partner
- Monthly number of settlement reports that are rejected and accepted by
Metrics/ KPIs roaming partners

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Process Health 1. Ensure that the maximum time for resolution of dispute with Roaming
Partner doesn’t exceed a threshold set by Zain and agreed with
checks Clearinghouse
suggestion 2. Ensure that all business rules are well captured and applied

Business & Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Operational enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be improved accounting settlements and revenue
Analysis reporting.

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3.7 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-007 Issue Settlement

Notice & Payment - Revenue Sharing Feeding

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - S/P Settlements &
Process Payments Management - Interconnect & Partner settlements (Issue
Domain Settlement Notice & Payment)
eTOM Business
4 - Interconnect & Partner settlements (Issue Settlement Notice & Payment)
process level
Process Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-007 Issue Settlement Notice & Payment -
ID/Name Revenue Sharing Feeding
Monthly transfer of RSS records from the Billing system to RSS (Revenue
Trigger Sharing System)
1- Network Elements
2- Call Collection Mobile Home Subscribers and Visitors (Pre-Rating)
Solution Process
Interfaces 3- RSS (Revenue Sharing System)
4- Billing System
5- Marketing & Finance

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Inputs RSS (Revenue Sharing System) Records

Zain offers Revenue Sharing Services to its clients through an RSS

(Revenue Sharing System) that generates monthly charges and rentals.
However, not all RSS services are treated by Billing System. Some go
through Rating and Billing in the Billing System, others are sent directly from
Mediation System and others are only reported through Data Warehouse
system. This process details only the handling of revenue share traffic
processed by Billing System.

Process Flow

Business 1. After Call Collection (Pre-Rating) Process, records are fed into the Rating
Engines in the Billing System (Call Collection Mobile Home Subscribers and
Process Visitors (Pre-Rating) Process). Only the services agreed with Zain will go
Description through the Billing System.
2. Records go through the Rating (Rating Process) and Billing Module (Bill
Run Process)
3. On monthly basis rated and billed records are sent to RSS from the
Billing system
4. RSS identifies Revenue Sharing records and generates revenue reports
5. Revenue reports are then sent to Finance and Marketing
6. Simultaneously, other Revenue Sharing Services are sent directly from
the Network Elements to RSS System.
RSS System will treat them similarly and produces revenue reports that are
also sent to Finance and Marketing

Outputs Revenue Reports generated for the different Revenue Sharing Services

Operations – Batch Application Operations

Roles and
IT RSS Operations
responsibilities Network Elements - Mediation System
Monthly reconciliation of RSS Services:
- Total Usage in the Billing System to tally with Total Usage in revenue
reports generated from RSS (for services that go through the Billing System
rating and billing)
Metrics/ KPIs - Total Usage from Network Elements to tally with Total Usage in revenue
reports generated from RSS (for services that are sent directly from
Network Elements)
1. Difference in the Total Usage in the Billing System Vs Total Usage in
revenue reports generated from RSS shouldn’t exceed a threshold set
Process Health by Zain.
checks 2. Difference in the Total Usage from Network Elements Vs Total Usage in
suggestion revenue reports generated from RSS shouldn’t exceed a threshold set
by Zain.
3. Ensure that all business rules are well captured and applied

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Business & Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Operational enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be improved accounting settlements and revenue
Analysis reporting.

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3.8 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-008 SDR Exchange Rate


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Financial & Asset
Process Management
eTOM Business
 4 - Financial & Asset Management
process level
Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-008 SDR Exchange Rate Update
Trigger Monthly exchange rate sent by Clearing House
1- Clearing House
Solution 2- IT Operations
Interfaces 3- Carrier & Wholesale
4- Billing System

Inputs New SDR exchange rate

Business On monthly basis, Zain updates the exchange rate for SDR value. This is
Process performed at the end of the month to be applicable in the next month for
charging roaming activities.
Process Flow

1. On monthly basis, the Clearing House sends to IT Operations the new

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exchange rate to be configured in system

2. IT Operations receives approval from Carrier & Wholesale for the
exchange rate update
3. IT Operations updates the rate on the Billing System and specifies the
Date (Valid from)
4. IT Operations sends a confirmation to Carrier & Wholesale

Outputs Roaming events charged given the new SDR rate

Roles and - Clearing House

responsibilities - Operations - Batch Application Operations

Performance Update of the exchange rate needs to be performed before the 1st of the
Metrics/ KPIs next month

Process Health 1. Delays in days in exceeding time limit for updating exchange rate
checks shouldn’t exceed a threshold set by Zain
suggestion 2. Ensure that all business rules are well captured and applied

Business & Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Operational enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be improved asset management and accurate
Analysis revenue reporting .

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3.9 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-009 Bill Cycle Generation

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Invoice Management -
Process Produce & Distribute Bill
eTOM Business
 4 - Produce & Distribute Bill
process level
Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-009 Bill Cycle Generation
Trigger Triggered by Marketing with proposal of a new bill cycle
1- Marketing
2- Finance
Solution 3- IT Operations
Interfaces 4- Billing System
5- Impacted Customers
6- Print Shop

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Inputs Suggested list of customer segment to be included in new bill cycle

This process describes the activities involved in generating a new bill cycle
on the Billing System. The process is initiated at Marketing level and
request is sent to IT Operations for configuration. IT Operations perform the
configuration and carry out a Simulation Bill Run in order to ensure that
customers affected are correctly billed before putting the new cycle into

Process Flow

1. Marketing initiates a proposal request for new bill cycle generation

specifying the customer segment impacted
2. Finance analyzes the financial impact and validates request
Business 3. IT Operations send the request with new bill cycle required specifications
(customer segment impacted, billing intervals, valid from date, etc.)
Process 4. IT Operations create the new Bill Cycle over the Billing System and
Description specify the billing intervals
5. IT Operations then assign customers to the Bill Cycle and enter date for
which it will be valid from
6. A simulation bill run is performed on new cycle in order to ensure
correctness of billing to assigned customers. This process ends by a
validation from Revenue Assurance (Simulation Bill Run Process)
7. Marketing and Finance are notified of successful completion of
Simulation Run
8. Finance performs changes on financial system to accommodate new bill
cycle period and intervals mainly in order to change the posting period to
the corresponding customer segment
9. Marketing informs impacted customers (SMS/Email notifications) and
Print Shop of new bill cycle dates

Outputs New Bill Cycle put into production

Marketing - Market Segment Team

Roles and
Finance - Bill Cycle Analyst
responsibilities Operations - Batch Application Operations
- Number of customers missing from Simulation Bill due to errors in
Performance assignment of customers to new billing cycle
Metrics/ KPIs - Value of errors identified due to mismatch between accounting and billing
period ( highest risk is for Free Units accounting period)
1. Number of customers missing from Simulation Bill due to errors in
Process Health assignment of customers to new billing cycle not to exceed a threshold
set by Zain
checks 2. Number of errors identified due to mismatch between accounting and
suggestion billing period not to exceed a threshold set by Zain
3. Ensure that all business rules are well captured and applied

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Business &
Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to
enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be improved billing turnaround times.

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3.10 Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-010 Pre-billing Activities

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Invoice Management -
Process Produce & Distribute Bill
eTOM Business
4 - Produce & Distribute Bill
process level
Zain KSA CBiO BPR Ph2-010 Pre-billing Activities
Trigger Triggered at the first of the next month
1- Billing CDR DB
2- Billing System
Interfaces 3- Simulation Bill Run Process

Inputs Usage records belonging to a monthly Bill Cycle

This process describes the activities carried out as a preparation of records

before triggering the Simulation Bill Run. It is composed of the following
A. Align usage records to bill period
B. Ensure all the CDRs pertaining to that billing cycle has been rated in the
Billing system

Process Flow
Process 1. IT Operations start Pre-Billing Activities by aligning billing period of usage
Description records in order to ensure all usage records belonging to month are billed
based on transaction time and not entry to billing system. This to ensure
that calls originating before end of current month and entering to the Billing
System are billed within the same month
a. IT Operator runs pre-billing script to update billing CDR database
information to align billing period.
b. The Billing System pre-billing script updates all records to have "entry
date/time" same as "transaction date/time"
2. IT Operations give the go ahead to trigger Simulation Bill Run

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Outputs Usage records aligned within the billing period

Roles and
Operations- Batch Application Operations

Value of errors identified during alignment of billing period
Metrics/ KPIs
1. Number of errors that come up as a result of the duplicate record check
Process Health before running bill cycle not to exceed a threshold set by Zain
checks 2. Make sure that Traffic is processed accurately and completely in order
suggestion to detect losses and improve margins
3. Ensure that all business rules are well captured and applied

Business & Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Operational enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be improved be faster turnaround times for Billing
Analysis and allied processes.

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3.11 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-011 Simulation Bill Run

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Invoice Management –
Process Create Customer Bill Invoice
eTOM Business
4 - Create Customer Bill Invoice
process level
Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-011 Simulation Bill Run
Trigger Triggered by Revenue Assurance at end of the cycle month
1- Billing System
2- IT Operations
3- Revenue Assurance
Interfaces 4- Marketing
5- Bill Presentment & Design Layout Team

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Inputs Suggested list of customers for which sample invoices will be generated

Business This process describes the activities involved in producing a Simulation Bill
Process Run including error handling. The process acts as a pre-cursor to the real
Bill Run.
Process Flow

1. Revenue Assurance notifies IT Operations to start the Simulation Bill

Process. This process can run for all customers and/or for selected
customers. In the latter case Revenue Assurance provides the list with the
selected customers
2. If required, a module is executed to check for duplicate CDRs on
customer invoice level for the set of customers selected. This module is
executed on-demand and it checks for duplicate CDRs on customer invoice
level. The identified duplicate records will not be considered during Bill run
3. Billing is triggered and all customer service, payment info and
corresponding Details Records are retrieved to calculate the following:
a. Recurring and one time charges
b. Billing amount for different services and billing time discounts, promotions
and minimum commitment fees
c. Usage charges and Other Credit & Charges (OCC)
4. Invoice totals are calculated WITHOUT updating the customer database
and WITHOUT posting accounting relevant transactions
5. Billing files are then produced in XML format
6. Final invoice file is enriched with additional information needed to be
display on the printed invoice
7. All XML billing files are then assembled and customer final invoice file is
8. System level errors that occur as a result of the billing process are
corrected and resubmitted to continue the billing process
9. XML files are at this stage sent for invoice and layout formatting
10. Bill Presentment IT Operations & Design Layout Team produces sample
final invoice files in PS format based on the invoice layout configuration in
11. The sample of final invoices (usually the subset includes some selected
customers and at least one invoice for each different product) are sent to
Marketing and Revenue Assurance for Sanity check and approval
12. Revenue Assurance performs final sanity check on the billing data
charges and layout design
13. Marketing performs mainly sanity check on invoice layout
14. If an error in invoice layout is found, the Bill Presentment IT Operations
& Design Layout Team are asked for corrections
a. Bill Presentment IT Operations & Design Layout team rectifies the layout
error and re-create the final invoice
b. The corrected invoice(s) it is sent again to Revenue Assurance and
Marketing for sanity check
14. If an error in billing data is found, IT Operations is notified to rectify the
a. IT Operations examine the root of error, identify whether it impacts other

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customers and perform the necessary error correction actions

b. Finally, IT Operations send bill request for specific invoice back into
billing process to generate final invoice again. Following the process steps,
the corrected invoice is received again by Revenue Assurance for sanity
15. If all errors have been successfully corrected and no errors are found in
the final sanity check, Marketing and Revenue Assurance give the ‘go-
ahead’ to IT Operations for the execution of the real bill run

Outputs Go-ahead from Revenue Assurance to trigger the real Bill Run

Operations- Batch Application Operations

Roles and Central Finance - Revenue Assurance
responsibilities Marketing - Fixed/Wireless
Operations - Bill Presentment & Design Layout Team
- Number and % of invoices verified with errors
- Value of errors identified on invoices verified
Metrics/ KPIs - % Trends of Errors detected during Simulation Bill Run Per type of error
1. Ensure that Traffic is processed accurately and completely in order to
detect losses before Real Bill Run
Process Health 2. Number and % of invoices verified with errors not to exceed a threshold
checks set by Zain
suggestion 3. Value of errors identified on invoices verified not to exceed a threshold
set by Zain
4. Ensure that all business rules are well captured and applied

Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Business & enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins. There would also be a
Operational significant improvement in the customer experience by accurate and timely
Impact billing information to the customers.
Analysis Operational impact would be improved automation, improved bill cycle
timelines and improved EBPP processes.

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3.12 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-012 Bill Run

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Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations - Billing & Revenue Management - Bill Invoice Management -
Process Create Customer Bill Invoice
eTOM Business
4 - Render & Format Invoice
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-012 Bill Run
Trigger Successful completion of Simulation Bill Run Process
1- Simulation Bill Run Process
2- Billing System
3- IT Operations
Solution 4- Bill Presentment & Design Layout Team
Interfaces 5- Central Finance - Revenue Assurance & Fraud Management
6- Marketing
7- Print Shops
8- Special Customers to receive ASCII file format
Call and usage activities for the whole month for customers belonging to the
Inputs bill cycle

Business Bill Run Process describes the activities involved in producing the real Bill
Process from approval of the Simulation Bill Run until generation of final ASCII and
PS invoice files.
Process Flow
1. Revenue Assurance gives the go ahead to IT Operations to start the real
bill run after the Process for Simulation Bill Run is successfully completed
2. Billing is triggered to execute the real billing for the entire bill cycle
3. All customer service, payment info and corresponding Details Records
are retrieved to calculate the following:
a. Recurring and one time charges
b. Billing amount for different services and billing time discounts, promotions
and minimum commitment fees
c. Usage charges and Other Credit & Charges (OCC)
d. Invoice totals
4. In addition, customer balances are updated and accounting relevant
transactions are posted in the Billing System (GL)
5. Billing files are produced in XML format
6. The final invoice file is enriched with additional information needed to be
display on the printed invoice
7. All XML billing files are assembled and customer final invoice file is
8. System level errors that occur as a result of the billing process are
corrected and resubmitted to continue the billing process
9. XML files are then sent for invoice and layout formatting
10. For special customers, ASCII files will be generated and sent to them for
their own statistics
11. Bill Presentment IT Operations and Design Layout Team produces

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sample final invoice files in PS format based on the invoice layout

configuration in system
12. The sample of final invoices (usually the subset includes some selected
customers and at least one invoice for each different product) are sent to
Revenue Assurance and Marketing
13. Revenue Assurance and Marketing perform sanity check on the billing
data charges and layout design. Note: This is a verification check before
dispatching the invoices to the customers. It is expected that all layout and
billing errors have been identified during the Simulation Bill Run
14. If an error in invoice layout is found, Marketing informs the Bill
Presentment Design Layout Team
a. Bill Presentment Design Layout team rectifies the layout error and re-
creates the final invoice
b. The corrected invoice(s) it is sent again to Revenue Assurance and
Marketing for sanity check
c. Upon completion of sanity check, Revenue Assurance informs Bill
Presentment IT Operations Design Layout Team to proceed in generating
all invoices
15. If an error in billing data is found, Revenue Assurance informs IT
Operations to rectify the error
a. IT Operations examines the root of error, identifies whether it impacts
other customers and performs the necessary error correction actions (e.g.
mass adjustments). The impacted customers are informed. If they are not
able to rectify the error, they notify second line support.
16. Bill Presentment IT Operations & Design Layout Team proceeds in
generating all PS invoices and send them to Print Shop for dispatch of
customer bills.
PS invoices generated and sent to Print Shop
Outputs Invoices in ASCII file format sent to special customers
IT Operations - Batch Application Operations
Roles and IT Operations - Bill Presentment & Design Layout Team
responsibilities Central Finance - Revenue Assurance & Fraud Management
Marketing Wireless
- Number and % of invoices verified with errors prior to sending the PS files
Performance to Print Shop
Metrics/ KPIs - Value of errors identified on invoices verified prior to sending the PS files
to Print Shop

Process Health
Periodic checks of the errors mentioned in the KPIs in bill cycles to contain
checks the margin of errors in desired level.

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Business &
Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to
enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be improved automation and bill cycle timelines.

3.13 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-013 Post-Billing Activities

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Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations - Billing & Revenue Management - Bill Invoice Management -
Process Produce & Distribute Bill
eTOM Business
4 - Deliver Invoice Information
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-013 Post-Billing Activities
Trigger Triggered at completion of Monthly Bill Cycle Run
1- Bill Run Process
2- IT Operations
3- Bill Presentment application
4- Customers for bill notifications (SMS, Email, Address, P.O Box)
Interfaces 5- Print shop
7- Special Customer receive ACSII Files

Inputs Invoices generated from Bill Cycle Run

Business This process describes the activities carried out after the monthly Bill Cycle
Process Run in order to:
A. Ensure correctness of billing
B. Dispatch of SMS/Email notification to customers
C. Send invoices to Print Shop
D. Finally post financial transactions into ERP (GL)
This process can either be initiated via a "master script" that automates all
post billing activities or can be run manually activity by activity by IT

Process Flow
1. After Bill Run is completed, IT Operations generate Post Bill reports and
send them to regions for reconciliation with their own daily transaction
reports, they are the following:
a. Age Analysis Report per customer segment
b. Outstanding Balance Report

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c. Income Schedule detailed and summary

d. Supplementary Service Revenue
e. Outstanding debt age per customer category/ product category
f. Billing schedule report for adjustments
2. IT Operations trigger the sending of SMS and/or Email notifications to the
billed customers based on their preferences
3. Generate SMS notification to customers (consumer or corporate) that will
be sent later on as well a hard copy of invoices
a. Bill presentment generates file to be sent to SMS server
b. SMS notifications are sent to the selected customers through notification
server with due dates and invoice due amount in the customer preferred
4. Bill Presentment application will send emails through Zain mail server if
customer subscribed for it.
5. After Bill run, for those corporate customers requesting a soft copy (EDI):
a. IT Operations generate EDI 3 folders, they are the following:
- Outstanding amount for each account – Header Report
- Call details
- Financial Transactions (ex: adjustments, discounts, etc.)
b. IT Operations send the folders to respective clients (through CD for big
customers and emails for small customers)
6. For special customers, billing info is sent through CD for MPC Payment
7. For Hard copies, IT Operations sort invoices for printing, through
identifying and segregating invoices for sending to Print Shop according to
Zain’s Business rules (Invoices are in PS format)
8. Type of customer:
A. Consumer:
a. IT Operations generate invoice files
b. IT Operations send the invoice files to Print Shop arranged by each
emirate and P.O. Box ascending order
c. Print Shop prints hard copy of invoices from files
d. Based on P.O. Box number Print Shop sorts the invoices for each Post
e. Print Shop sends the sorted invoices via Saudi Post.
f. Zain Staff bills are sorted by PO Box number and dispatched back to the
respective regions.
g. VIP Customer invoices are sent back to Zain’s regions
h. If the P.O. Box number is null or invalid name ( incomplete address), Print
Shop sorts the invoices and send them back to Zain
B. Corporate
a. IT Operations generate corporate invoice files
b. IT Operations generate Interface File (txt format) containing Invoice
Dispatch and Delivery ID information
c. IT Operations send Interface and invoice files to Print Shop
d. Print Shop takes invoice and Interface files and splits files (stack files)
based on grouping and delivery mode indicated by the Delivery ID
e. Print Shop prints hard copies of invoices and invoice dispatch reports
f. Print Shop collates all the bills and inserts them in an envelope and
attaches address labels.
g. Print Shop dispatches invoices to customers based on each delivery
mode (through Region/courier/Post/Hand delivery/ business centers)

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10. Finally IT Operations start posting the financial transactions for all
generated invoices to ERP (GL)
Invoice notification sent by SMS
Outputs Invoice notification Emails with attachment of invoice
Invoice sent to Print Shop to be printed and dispatched to customers
Regional Finance – Revenue Accounts
Roles and
IT Operations- Batch Application Operations
responsibilities Print Shop
- Value of errors identified during post-billing reconciliations at Regional
Performance Finance for Age Analysis and Income Schedule Reconciliation
Metrics/ KPIs - Value of errors identified during post-billing reconciliations at Regional
Finance for Income Schedule Reconciliation

Process Health
Periodic checks for error margins in Income Schedule Reconciliation reports
checks to monitor the KPIs staying below desired thresholds.

Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Business & enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins. There would also be a
Operational significant improvement in the customer experience by accurate and timely
Impact billing information to the customers.
Analysis Operational impact would be improved automation, improved bill cycle
timelines and improved EBPP processes.

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3.14 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-014 Immediate Billing

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations - Billing & Revenue Management - Bill Invoice Management -
Process Produce & Distribute Bill
eTOM Business
 4 - Immediate Billing
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-014 Immediate Billing
Trigger Customer requests an immediate bill at Business Center
1- Bill Run Process
2- IT Operations
Solution 3- Bill Presentment application
Interfaces 4- Customers for bill notifications (SMS, Email, Address, P.O Box)
5- Print shop
CSR initiate immediate bill generation by front end application

Business Immediate Billing Process refers to the activities related to the generation of
Process an invoice at customer request in the Business Center. The process is
triggered by the front end application and interacts with back end Falcon
Billing Application in order to run the Bill cycle for a designated customer or

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list of customers.
Process Flow
1. A customer walks in the Business Center requesting an immediate bill
(pay his dues as of now)
2. CSR triggers immediate bill on CRM for a customer or list of customers
3. Back end application receives an immediate billing request from front-end
applications and triggers the execution of billing process for the designated
4. Billing is triggered and customer service, payment info and corresponding
Details Records are retrieved to calculate the following:
a. Recurring and one time charges
b. Billing amount for different services, billing time discounts, promotions
and minimum commitment fees
c. Usage charges and Other Credit & Charges (OCC)
d. Invoices totals
5. In addition, customer balances are updated and accounting relevant
transactions are posted in Billing System (GL)
6. At the end, billing files are produced in XML format
7. The final invoice file is enriched with additional information needed to be
display on the printed invoice
8. All XML billing files are then assembled and customer final invoice file is
9. System level errors that occur as a result of the billing process are
corrected and resubmitted to continue the billing process
10. XML files are then sent for invoice and layout formatting
11. The final invoice file is then produced in PDF format based on the
invoice layout configuration in system
12. At the Business Center, the PDF invoice is generated, printed and
handed in to the customer

Immediate Bill Generated at Business Center


Roles and CC CSR Agent (BC)

responsibilities IT Operations – Batch Applications Operations
Suggested metrics:
- Time to generate an immediate bill at Business Center
Performance - Value of adjustments due to errors in immediate invoices generation to
Metrics/ KPIs tally with adjustments made in final bill generated at end of the same month
for the customer

Turnaround time to fulfill an Immediate Bill Request should be kept as

Process Health statistical data and should be monitored periodically; TaT should be in
checks accordance with market statistics.
suggestion Errors presented in Immediate Bill should be monitored similarly with Bill
Run process.

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Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Business & enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins. There would also be a
Operational significant improvement in the customer experience by accurate and timely
Impact billing information to the customers.
Analysis Operational impact would be improved automation, improved bill cycle
timelines and improved EBPP processes.

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3.15 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-015 Invoice Layout


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Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Invoice
Process Management – Create Customer Bill Invoice
eTOM Business
4 - Render & Format Invoice
process level

Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-015 Invoice Layout Management

Trigger Product marketing request for a change/new design

1- Product Marketing
2- Bill Presentment IT Operations & Layout Design Team/System
Solution 3- Simulation Bill Run Process
Interfaces 4- Finance
5- Regulatory affairs
6- Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRA)

Inputs New business requirements for layout

Business Invoice Layout Management refers to the activities performed at Zain

Process in order to change or design a new invoice. It is initiated by Product
marketing that communicates the business requirements to Bill
Presentment IT Operations & Layout Design Team. The Design
Layout Team is responsible for making the design change, running the
simulation bill and sending a sample to Marketing and Finance for

Process Flow

1. New/Change Design requested is initiated at the level of Product

Marketing that communicates the business requirements to Bill
Presentment IT Operations & Layout Design Team
2. If the request is for a new design, Bill Presentment IT Operations &
Layout Design Team carries out design of a new template
3. Once design is complete, Simulation Bill Run is executed and
sample invoice layout is sent to marketing and Finance for validation
4. If request is for change of the current design, Bill Presentment IT
Operations & Layout Design Team retrieves the created design from
Bill Presentment System and updates the template layout with new
business requirements
5. Once the layout update is done, Simulation Bill Run is executed and
sample invoice layout is sent to Marketing and Finance for validation
6. Marketing reviews the new layout and gives its approval
7. Bill Presentment IT Operations & Layout Design Team exports the
new approved design into production system

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8. Regulatory affairs is notified to inform the Telecom Regulatory

Authority (TRA) of new changes in Layout (TRA does not require
validation, however it needs to be informed in case of any invoice
layout change)

Outputs New invoice design or change in design

1- Product Marketing and Central Finance

2- Bill Cycle Analyst
Roles and
3- Operations
responsibilities 4- Bill Presentment & Layout Design Team
5- Regulatory Affairs (RA)

Performance % Decrease of client bill inquiry related to new/changes of invoice

Metrics/ KPIs layout (changes not being comprehensive to end customers)

-Periodic review of the suggested KPI above as with regards to

Process Health industry benchmarks.
suggestion -Ensure all business rules are well captured and applied

Business & - Business Impact will have a positive effect on customer

experience based on billing details as presented in the Bill
format and presentment.
Impact - Operational impact would be ease of representation of
Analysis business logic with regards to product and services offering.

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3.16 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-016 Call and Balance

Statement Creation

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Inquiry Handling –
Process Create Customer Bill Inquiry Report
eTOM Business
 4 - Create Customer Bill Inquiry Report
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-016 Call and Balance Statement Creation
Trigger Customer Requests for a Balance Statement at a Business Center
Solution CRM
Interfaces CSR Agent

Inputs Sales Officer Input on CRM (prepaid or postpaid)

Business Call and Balance Statement Creation process describes the activities
Process involved in generation of postpaid balance statement or prepaid history
records. This process is initiated at Business Centers when a customer
requests info related to his usage and balance and receives automatically

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the info in the form of a statement.

Process Flow
1. The process is initiated at Business Center as part of 'CC-004 Manage
Request -Walk in to Business Center' Process in 'Customer Care Business
User Drop 1' document
2. Statement is requested and the customer is validated (Zain does not
disclose customer information to anyone other than the original owner
without the customer's consent). Therefore customer support counter
collects any verification ID proving that he is the Zain line owner
3. If request is for postpaid line:
a. CSR triggers Postpaid statement request on CRM
b. CSR specifies the period and generates postpaid balance statement. The
statement provides the following: current balance and previous transactions
and derived values.
4. If request is for prepaid line:
a. CSR triggers request Call History on CRM
b. CSR specifies input parameters (type of info and period for which data is
requested) and generates prepaid Call History
5. Finally statement is printed and handed in to customer

Postpaid balance statement

Outputs Prepaid History Records

Roles and
CC CSR Agent (BC)
Suggested metrics:
- Time to fulfill client inquiry
Performance - Number of Statements requested daily, weekly, monthly & yearly (per type
Metrics/ KPIs of subscription)
- List of MSISDNs for which a statement was requested more than once
during the last 3 months (generated on quarterly basis)

Process Health Monitoring the suggested KPIs above to ensure that they are in line with
industry benchmarks.
checks Closer investigation of customers who requested statements more than
suggestion once in recent three months.

Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Business & enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins. There would also be a
Operational significant improvement in the customer experience by better Bill inquiry
Impact handling processes.
Analysis Operational impact would be improved automation and faster turnaround
times for issue resolution.

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3.17 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-017 Initiate Dunning /

Credit control

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Bill Payments & Receivables
Process Management - Manage Customer Debt Collection
eTOM Business
 4 - Initiate Customer Debt Recovery Activities
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-017 Initiate Dunning / Credit control
The process is triggered on the invoice due date when the overdue invoices
Trigger are identified by Dunning System
Finance Credit Control; IT Billing; CRM
The inputs include :
Inputs - Overdue accounts report identified by Dunning System
- Monthly schedule prepared by IT

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Business The purpose of Dunning processes is to ensure that enterprise revenue is

Process collected and to collect past due payments from customers. This process
manages the amount due from the customer, i.e. check whether the
payments are made on time, and implements necessary activities and
policies to recover amounts overdue. Note that the suggested number of
dates can be changed according to customer preferences, and are given as
a figure.

Process Flow
1. The process is triggered on the invoice due date when the overdue
invoices are identified.
1.1 Certain amount of pre-defined dates for consumers
1.2 Certain amount of pre-defined date for business, VIP and other big

2. Overdue accounts that the amount of open invoices exceeds the limit are
automatically identified by Collections & Dunning System and the proper
collection workflow is triggered.

3. Customers are reminded to pay the invoice through different channels:

SMS for mobile
IVR for landline
email for internet

4. If the customer pays within 5 to 7 days and the amount of open invoices
is less than the limit, then, the customer is removed from the collection

5. If a payment is received but the amount of open invoices is greater than

the limit or a payment is not received within 5 to 7 days, then the customer
is identified for either OG Bar (bar outgoing calls) or Full TOS depending on

6. If a customer pays within 7 days and the amount of open invoices is less
than the limit, then, the barring of customer’s services is lifted and the
customer is removed from the collection workflow.

7. If a payment is received but the amount of open invoices is greater than

the limit or a payment is not received within 7 days, then the customer is
identified for sending of a second reminder using the same channels
depending on the service as described in step 3 above.

8. If a customer pays within 14 days and the amount of open invoices is less
than the limit, then, the barring of customer’s services is lifted and the
customer is removed from the collection workflow

9. If a payment is received but the amount of open invoices is greater than

the invoice limit or a payment is not received within 14 days (from OGB), the
customer is allocated to Credit Control Agent to follow up with the customer

10. If no action is taken from customer, his line goes through full services

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termination (Full TOS) and linked accounts are notified

11. Accounts that are TOS are followed by submission of Final Warning
reminders by Credit Control
11.1 Customers under Final Warning stage are reminded via different
channels (SMS/Auto-dialer/E-mails), about TOSing of their linked account in
case of non-payment. Customers are followed-up and advised to settle
Overdue Amount, failing which; their other active lines would be
11.2 No action is taken until the date the customer has promised to settle
the due balance. In case customer failed to pay as per the commitment,
customer is contacted and new commitment date is agreed upon. After
lapsing of 2nd commitment date, if customer again failed to settle his
balance due, this may lead to TOS of other active lines.
11.3 If an agreement is set and the customer pays the agreed amount, the
deactivated customer subscription(s) are activated again.

12. After 42 days from Final warning and no debt settlement, the account
enters the cessation stage. Cessation is done only after putting all efforts to
contact customers via different channels (SMS, Auto-dialer, E-mails, and
Legal Letters and personal calls) about outstanding due. Again, customers
are followed-up and advised to settle Overdue Amount against the ceased
account. (Note: In case a customer is ceased, manual approval needs to be
given and a reconnection fee is required)

13. Customers that did not settle their debts, will enter legal action stage
and write off. Collections and Dunning System will export collectibles for
legal actions to required 3rd party applications.

13.1 Exceptions to Dunning Process. TOS action is not followed on the

following days, to avoid any inconvenience to customers:

- Thursdays i.e. a day before weekly holiday (weekend)

- During Weekly holidays
- Day before any public holiday
- Public holidays
- Long weekends are also considered as exception to TOS process.

Important Exception: Accounts of related family members are not

disconnected at all in non-payment or Overdue Amounts follow-up.

The outputs include :

Outputs -Debt / money collected
-Cessation, legal action and write off

Roles and - Region Finance - Credit Control

responsibilities - IT Application Operations

Performance Suggested metrics:

Metrics/ KPIs - % of Zain customers that enter into dunning process

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- % of overdue accounts that should receive reminder 1 received it

- % of overdue accounts that should receive reminder 2 received it
- % of overdue accounts that should be barred are effectively barred
- % of overdue accounts that should be TOS are effectively TOS
- % of agreement settlement with overdue accounts

Process Health Scheduling periodic reviews of the suggested KPIs, and reducing the
number of customers going into dunning process. Moreover the monitoring
checks the number of customers making payments after reminders to make sure
suggestion that reminding channels are effective.

Business impact would be largely around revenue realization, profitability

Business & and revenue accounting.
Impact Operational impact would be around the turnaround time for debt recovery
Analysis as well as dunning processes to be executed. 

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3.18 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-018 Direct Debit payments

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Payments &
Process Receivables Management - Manage Customer Payments
eTOM Business
 4 - Manage Customer Payments
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-018 Direct Debit payments
Trigger The process is triggered after real bill run has finished successfully.
IT Operations, Billing System
Finance, Bank Branch
Interfaces CRM
The possible inputs are -
Inputs - customers whose payment method is direct debit.
- the input is the file received from bank with new Direct Debit registration
Business Direct Debit Payment Handling refers to the activities involved in collecting
Process due payments from customers who have opted for the direct debit payment

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Process Flow

4.1 Direct Debit Registration -

4.1.1. On monthly basis, send registration file of customers applying for
Direct Debit payment
4.1.2. IT Operation process the registration file to update customer payment
mode in CRM and Billing System
4.1.3. If successful inform the bank
4.1.4 In case the file is rejected, the bank is informed and the file is sent
back to bank
4.1.5. Bank investigate nature of error
4.1.6. If missing/wrong customer info, customer is contacted for rectification
and file is regenerated and sent back to Zain
4.1.7. If file is corrupted, file is regenerated and sent back to Zain
4.1.8. IT Operations update the system and informs the bank

4.2 Direct Debit Payments-

Description 4.2.1 After Real Bill Run has finished successfully, IT operator runs the
Billing Module process for direct debit for a specific period (usually monthly)
4.2.2 Billing Module identifies customers whose payment method is either
direct debit or credit card
4.2.3 Invoice data is extracted
4.2.4 Output files for Direct Debit are generated
4.2.5 Output files for Credit Card are generated
4.2.6 Output files are converted to the final output format for banks / credit
card companies
4.2.7 The output files for direct debit are transferred to the bank for further
4.2.8 The output files for credit card are transferred to credit card
companies for further processing
4.2.9 The bank/credit card company processes the received output file
4.2.10 The bank/credit card company sends back to Zain the output file with
the status of all payment transactions (successful, rejected)
4.2.11 Files received from banks/credit card companies are converted to
Zain format & payment posted

The possible outputs are-

Outputs Payment received & billing system updated

Roles and -IT Application Operations

responsibilities - Bank Branch
Suggested metrics:
Performance - % failure rate of direct debit transactions from bank
Metrics/ KPIs - No. of rejected payments from bank = No. of refunds in Billing System =
No. of refunds in ERP

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Process Health Close monitor of suggested KPIs periodically, to make sure that they are in
accordance with industry benchmarks.
checks Investigation of nature of failures of DD transactions, if due to internal
suggestion mechanisms (i.e. wrong customer data), make necessary improvements.

Business &
Business impact would be improved revenues and operational impact would
Operational be improved timelines for direct debits.

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3.19 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-019 Off-line Bank payments

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Payments &
Process Receivables Management - Manage Customer Payments
eTOM Business
 4 - Manage Back-End Bank Account
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-019 Off-line Bank payments
Trigger The process is triggered for BSCS update of payments received from Banks
Solution IT Operations, Billing
Interfaces Finance, Bank Branch

Payment file sent by the Banks to IT Operations containing invoice

Inputs payments transactions daily

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Offline Bank Payment Handling refers to the activities required in updating

BSCS billing system update with customer payments received by third party
banks that currently do not have access to Zain’s online payment channel.
Process Flow
Process 1- Bank sends to IT Operations payment file containing invoice payments
Description transactions daily
2- Batch Application Analyst receives bank files
3- Bank files are converted to Zain-ready format
4- Bank payment files are posted to billing system

Outputs BSCS billing system updated

Roles and - IT Application Operations

responsibilities - Bank Branch
Suggested metrics:
Performance - % of failed payment transactions in BSCS
Metrics/ KPIs - No. of payments in file = no. of payments in BSCS = no. of payments from
bank to ERP

Process Health
Monthly (bill cycle) review of suggested KPIs according to industry
checks benchmarks.

Business &
Business impact would be improved payment collections and realization
Operational and operational impact would be faster payment turnaround times.

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3.20 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-020 Invoice Payment


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Payments &
Process Receivables Management - Manage Customer Payments
eTOM Business
 4 - Manage Customer Payments
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-020 Invoice Payment Posting
-Payments received
Trigger - Daily scheduled activity
Solution Finance, Bank Branch
Interfaces IT Operations, Billing

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- Report from ODS database
- Bank Statement
Inputs - Cashier’s Report
- Cash Deposit Slip
- Credit Card / Cheque Deposit Slips
The following process details the reconciliation of physical cash, credit card
& cheque payments collected against the report generated by reporting
system (based on data source from ODS) and actual money received in
Zain’s main (bank) account.
Process Flow

4.1 Daily Basis - Posting to ERP:

4.1.1. BSCS generates output file with invoice payment transactions
4.1.2. Output file is sent to ERP.

4.2 Daily Basis - Invoice Payment Reconciliation:

4.2.1. IT generates, a report from ODS database with all invoice payment
transactions “Cash Book invoice payment report”
4.2.2. IT sends this report to Cash & Bank to be reconciled against the
Cashiers Report.
4.2.3. The Cash & Bank team further reconciles this report with a
Business downloaded copy of the bank statement containing past transactions.
Process 4.2.4 The cash and Bank Team reconciles receipted credit card payments
Description with bank credit
4.2.5. Cash and Bank reconciles Cheque Deposit slips with bank credit
4.2.6. In case of a “short” the following process takes place:
- Payments of pending shorts are checked (filtered by respective sales
centre) and the ‘short register’ is updated.
- The Cash & Bank team will follow up any pending shorts with the sales
centre by email and phone calls. Proceed to step 8.
4.2.7 In case of an “excess”, if it is identifiable (customer account), Cash &
Bank update Billing System. These updates will be reflected in ERP the
following day. If the excess is not identifiable, the Cash & Bank team
updates the excess register
4.2.8 Banking JV (excel format) is prepared and entries passed for any
adjustments (short, excess).
4.2.9 Banking JV is posted through to Oracle ERP updating respective GL
On a daily basis cash collected is checked against the bank statement in
order to ensure that money is being credited on the same day.
- Physical Cash.
Outputs - Credit & Cheque payments are reconciled with payments received

Roles and - Regional Finance - Cash & Bank

responsibilities - IT - Application Operations

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Suggested metrics:
Performance - Overall process/reconciliation duration not to exceed a duration threshold
Metrics/ KPIs set by Zain
- % of “excess” or “shortage” not to exceed a % threshold set by Zain

Process Health Periodic monitoring of the suggested KPIs above, in case of a certain KPI
checks consistently falling out of target band making inquiries about the nature of
suggestion shortcoming and fix the erratic behavior.

Business & Business impact would be largely on revenue and margins as well as their
Operational accountability. Operational impact would be around the efficiency of
Impact revenue generation and collection process and their associated turn around
Analysis times.

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3.21 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-021 Bill Dispute

Management – Investigate (Adjustment)

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Inquiry Handling
Process – Create Customer Bill Inquiry Report
eTOM Business
4 - Create Customer Bill Inquiry Report
process level
Process Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-021 Bill Dispute Management –
ID/Name Investigate (Adjustment)
Trigger Zain customer contacts the Billing Dispute Service Desk
1- Customer Care System (CRM)
2- Trouble Ticket Management
Interfaces 3- Internal Centralized Workflow system
Inputs Issue Type, Customer stated issue/ Dispute.
Business This process describes the Bill Dispute Management Investigate
Process (Adjustment) process. The customer inquiries the contact center
assigned to receive billing disputes and the CRM checks wither the
dispute is already registered and a ticket is raised a series of checks
is performed that quires the status of the dispute and wither a

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decision is made and a Bill Dispute Management feedback is

communicated to the customer.

Process Flow

1. Customers raise billing disputes by contacting the Customer Care

Center (call center) assigned to receive billing disputes.
2. Once a customer contacts the appropriate Customer Care
Center, the service agent will gather the necessary information to
pull up the customer’s record and check if the dispute has already
been raised or if it relates to a dispute which has already been dealt
with and closed.
3. A simultaneous sub status of the ticket is created and is named
as KCI status – (keep customer informed status) which will help
update the customer on any progress of resolution of this issue at
any given point in time.
4. Meanwhile the Service agent also queries the details inside the If
the dispute has been raised already; the service agent will provide
the customer with KeDB – Known error database to see if this issue
has a standard resolution.
5. In this case the effectiveness of the overall process is much more
and hence the TAT – Turnaround time is much less thus increasing
the customer satisfaction.
6. A status update to the effect that their dispute is being handled
and the Billing Disputes team will contact them when they have
reached a decision.
7. If the dispute has already been closed, the service agent will be
able to see the decision notes and provide the customer with a
verbal update of the outcome.
8. The call will end.
9. The status of the same needs to be updated and customer
receives a confirmation SMS along with the closure of the call.
10. KCI status flag is updated accordingly and internal
communications are sent within the Zain stakeholders to keep all
operational stakeholders informed. Thus, there is no ambiguity
amongst anyone on the latest status.

Outputs Bill Dispute Management feedback to the customer.

Roles and 1- Service Agent – Process Executioners
responsibilities 2- Service Assurance Head – Process Owner
Performance Turnaround time – TAT
Metrics/ KPIs First Time Right - % FTR
Process Health Periodic review of the suggested KPIs above , i.e. TAT Turn Around

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Time and % FTR - % First time right as with regards to industry

checks benchmarks.

The Business Impact with regards to this process will have a major
drive on Customer Satisfaction Index and on the overall customer
experience. However the suggested changes need to be
Business & implemented as a Changed To-Be design to witness this impact.
Impact The Operational impact would be reduction in TAT- Turn around
times because of the presence of KeDB – Known Error Data base
Analysis which is accessible by the service agents providing billing dispute
resolution support to the end customers. This which would drive
overall efficiency and effectiveness of the suggested.

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3.22 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-022 Bill Dispute

Management – Investigate (Inquiry)

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Inquiry Handling –
Process Authorize Customer Bill Invoice Adjustment
eTOM Business
4 - Analyze Detailed Bill Inquiry
process level
Process Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-022 Bill Dispute Management – Investigate
ID/Name (Inquiry)
Trigger  Customer Bill Enquiry request received.
1- Customer Care System
Solution 2- Trouble Ticket Management
Interfaces 3- Internal Centralized Workflow system
4- Billing System

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Feedback from Customer, Feedback from Investigation team, Customer

Inputs care representative response.
This process describes the Bill Dispute Management Investigate (Inquiry)
process. Bill Inquiry Reports are received by Billing Disputes division and
further investigations will determine if the dispute relates to a historical
dispute, In this scenario they will contact the customer and inform him of the
outcome and results otherwise If the dispute is not related to a previous
dispute, the investigations agent will review the details and scrutinize the
customer’s billing information until he produces the root cause analysis
report for the Bill dispute and the customer issue is resolved.

Process Flow

1. Bill Inquiry Reports are received by Billing Disputes division and

assigned via printout to a member of their Investigations team.
2. The customer’s complaint history is checked and then an assessment
conducted using their billing information in their retrieved record. Their
invoice is matched against the services which provided the customer in
addition to any relevant discounts or promotions which may be
3. Billing Disputes receive a substantial number of billing disputes on
Business average per day. Electronic dispute records are printed out and
allocated to investigations agents for completion.
Process 4. Agents will determine if the dispute relates to a historical dispute. In this
Description scenario they will contact the customer and inform them of the outcome
and results.
5. If the dispute is not related to a previous dispute, the investigations
agent will review the details and scrutinize the customer’s billing
6. If the dispute relates to a customer complaining that they have been
charged for a service they have cancelled or did not order, the
investigations agent will liaise with the customer facing service agents
and check provisioning records to determine the validity of this dispute.
7. If the dispute relates to a service outage where the customer complains
that he has been charged during what was a significant service failure,
Billing Disputes will liaise with Field Operations and Zain Corporate
Network to determine the validity of this complaint.
8. A decision will be documented and the service agent will contact the
customer by phone to inform them of the outcome (whether it favors the
customer or not).
9. If the customer cannot be reached, Zain will issue an SMS.
10. Should an adjustment to the customer’s invoice be required the billing
dispute record will then be staged the Adjustments team.

Outputs Root cause analysis report for the Bill dispute, Customer issue resolution

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Roles and 1- Front office

responsibilities 2- Finance Back office

  Turnaround time – TAT
Metrics/ KPIs

Process Health
checks   Periodic review of the suggested KPIs above , i.e. TAT (Turnaround Time)

Business Impact would be largely around Customer experience

management. The Operational impact would be the increase in efficiency
Business & and effectiveness of the overall ‘bill dispute’ investigation process by driving
Operational better governance of roles and responsibilities between the customer care
Impact front office and the investigation back-office. Also, introduction of the error
Analysis codes right at the beginning of the process would ensure that all billing
issues are being investigated and they are not in the same bucket with the
network related ones.

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3.23 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-023 Bill Dispute

Management – Manage Dispute

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Bill Inquiry Handling - Track
Process & Manage Customer Bill Inquiry Resolution
eTOM Business
 4 - Track & Manage Customer Bill Inquiry Resolution
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-023 Bill Dispute Management – Manage Dispute
Trigger Bill Dispute monitoring trigger
CRM system, Centralized workflow engine

Inputs Monitoring trouble ticket status and KCI ( Keep Customer Informed ) status

Business All orders in CRM are closely monitored. These include service orders,
Process maintenance requests, customer complaints and billing disputes All open
orders are compared against the SLAs and those that have breached the
SLAs are highlighted in the detailed periodic management reports. The

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quality team will liaise with the relevant department to investigate the delay
and take corrective actions. The order will then be staged back in CRM to
the appropriate resolution stage. Further performance management reports
are generated in order to track and manage all orders monitoring resolution
rates, pending orders, restaged orders etc. The report statistics will be
updated to include resolution rates, pending requests, restaged reports as
well as breached requests.

Process flow

1. Periodic review of all Bill Dispute issues.

2.1 The tickets are relayed to relevant systems and they are updated with
the current status to take further actions.
2.2 The CRM is updated with the status of the tickets available. The
customer is informed about the status of the ticket.
2.3 Out of the Dispute requests that are still pending over the assigned days
are highlighted.
3.1 SLAs are checked against the Dispute requests, the ones breaching
SLA agreements are immediately forwarded to Finance to take appropriate
measures for penalty measures.
3.2 The CRM system with the stakeholders is updated with the relevant
3.3 The SLA breach information is circulated amongst all stakeholders to
gather feedback.
3.4 The customer is updated of the status of the event to keep him always
4. The customers breaching SLA are forwarded to appropriate resolution
stage after stakeholder update and feedback gathering.
5. Finally reporting the measure event data thoroughly including FTRs, SLA
breaches, resolution rates, pending requests for further statistics report.

Outputs  Successful reporting of ticket status all through ticket resolution and closure

Roles and  Quality Management

responsibilities Customer Interface Management

Turn Around Time – TAT
Metrics/ KPIs

Process Health
Periodic review of Turn Around Time and make sure that it is close to
checks wanted level according to market statistics

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Business & Business impact would be largely on customer experience management.

The Operational impact would be the increase in efficiency and
effectiveness of the overall ‘bill dispute’ investigation process. This would be
Impact done by the correct status reporting and monitoring of the tickets and its
Analysis overall lifecycle through various downstream applications.

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3.24 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-024 Bill Dispute

Management – Resolve Dispute

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Bill Inquiry Handling - Report
Process Customer Bill Inquiry
eTOM Business
 4 - Report Customer Bill Inquiry
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-024 Bill Dispute Management – Resolve Dispute
Trigger  Investigation of the customer bill dispute
 Billing System; Workflow engine; Field Operations

Inputs  Customer investigation report; Ticket status;

This process describes the resolution of a Bill Dispute Management. The

Business customer inquiry is reviewed and necessary actions are taken to rectify the

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error, be it a physical or a financial problem.

Process flow

1. Adjustment requests are received by the Adjustments team and

2. If Field Operations involvement is required (e.g. to re-activate a service
which had been disconnected in error), the Adjustments team will update
Process the customer record and stage the order to Field Operations for further
Description action and completion.
3. If an adjustment is required on the customer’s bill (e.g. credit, rebate
etc.) the Adjustments team handshake with the revenue management back
office for critical data inputs for resolution and update the billing details in
4. The report for the inquiry is finalized.
5. At this point the customer is notified by the customer care teams and
once agreement is reached the order is closed in CRM.

Outputs  Dispute resolution time; Closure of Bill dispute.

Roles and  Adjustment Team Zain Back office

responsibilities Field Operations

  Turn Around Time – TAT
Metrics/ KPIs

Process Health
Periodic review of Turn Around Time and make sure that it is close to
checks wanted level according to market statistics

Business & The Operational impact would be the increase in efficiency and
Operational effectiveness of the overall ‘bill dispute’ investigation process. This would be
Impact done by the correct status reporting and monitoring of the tickets and its
Analysis overall lifecycle through various downstream applications.

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3.25 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-025 Support Billing Related


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Manage Billing Events
- Report Billing Event Records
eTOM Business
4 - Support Billing Event Related Process
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-025 Support Billing Related Events
Trigger Billing team requesting billing related events internally
IT Operations, Billing
Solution IT Operations, Mediation, Network
Interfaces Customer Relationship Management
IT Operations, Fullfilment

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Inputs Billing related events acquired from CC, Provisioning, Mediation & Network

This process is about the billing related events collected from various IT
departments and processing them correctly in billing domain, updating
necessary details while doing so.

Process flow:

1. Billing team requests billing events from various departments like

Customer Care, Provisioning, Network and Mediation.
2. Billing team receives and analyzes the events, checking their validity.
3. Furthermore, the billing team identifies if they require additional work to
be done.
Business 3.1. In case that the events don’t require any additional work, the billing
system is updated with the details and the process is concluded.
Process 3.2. However if the events require additional work to be done, they are
Description further analyzed whether they require any customization/configuration on
the system or development. If not, additional relevant details are added and
stakeholders are informed.
3.2.1. In case of further customization / development need, the request is
forwarded to change management board.
3.2.2. All relevant internal and external stakeholders are informed about this
change request.
3.2.3. The changes are logged and monitored. Meanwhile other events
source departments (CC, Mediation, Network, Provisioning) are informed
about the change management process.
3.2.4. The change details are logged as internal records to conclude the

Outputs Updated billing related events in the system

IT Operations, Batch Application Analyst

Roles and IT Operations, Network, Fulfillment, Mediation Operations
responsibilities Customer Interface Management

Performance Number of events that require additional customization/configuration

Metrics/ KPIs Change request resolution time

Process Health
Close review of mentioned KPIs, keeping both values as minimum as
checks possible according to industry benchmarks.

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Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Business & enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins. There would also be a
Operational significant improvement in the customer experience by better Bill inquiry
Impact handling processes.
Analysis Operational impact would be improved automation and faster turnaround
times for issue resolution.

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3.26 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-026 Adjustment Application


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Bill Invoice
Management - Apply Pricing, Discounting, Adjustment & Rebates
eTOM Business
 4 - Apply Agreed Customer Bill Adjustment
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-026 Adjustment Application Process
Trigger Customer dispute request received
Solution CRM
Interfaces IT Operations, Billing

Inputs User raises a dispute about his/her bill

This process defines the way an adjustment made to a customer bill,

and how this is reflected to his next invoice.

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Process flow
1. The customer raises a dispute via front end channels (call, agents,
web tickets etc.)
2. CRM reviews and passes the adjustment to IT Operations.
Process 3. Depending on the nature of adjustment, next bill cycle will store the
Description adjustment.
3.1 If the adjustment is in subscriber’s favor, the next bill cycle will
reflect this as a credit change to subscriber’s account.
3.2 If the adjustment is not in subscriber’s favor, the next bill cycle will
reflect this as a debit adjustment to subscriber’s account.
4. The changes are fed into the next bill run.

Outputs Appropriate adjustment to subscriber’s account in the next bill cycle.

Roles and IT – Application Operations

responsibilities Customer Interface Management

Performance Number of adjustments made

Metrics/ KPIs Percentage of adjustments correctly reflected in the next bill run

Process Health
Close monitoring of the suggested KPIs according to industry

Business & Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be improved automation and faster turnaround
Analysis times in finalization and calculation of Billing amounts.

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3.27 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-027 Rejected Events


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Manage Billing Events -
Process Report Billing Event Records
eTOM Business
4 - Reject Billing events
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-027 Rejected Events Process
Rejected events are collected
Trigger Daily scheduled activity
CRM, Front office
IT Operations, Billing
Interfaces IT Operations, Mediation
The possible inputs can be
Inputs The collected rejected events from previous billing

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This process handles the rejected events; analyzing, collating and finding
the root cause of the rejected event to rectify it and feeding into the billing
process again. In a failure scenario the reporting of rejected events ends
the process.

Process Flow

1. The rejected events report starts the process.

2. The rejected events are collated according to the nature of the events; it
could be incorrect data type or format, and missing elements.
3. After collating the events, they are analyzed according to their fault to be
Business sent to mediation for Event Correction Process.
3.1 If the events can be corrected in mediation due to incorrect data type or
Process wrong format, they are fed into the rating process to be processed correctly.
Description 3.2 If the events cannot be corrected in mediation, they are reported as
revenue leakage.
4. The corrected events from mediation are processed by rating/billing
system to investigate if there are missing data or reference in billing. Then
they are collated again according to the nature of rejection.
5. If the event is rejected due to missing account number or billing
reference, the events that are rejected due to account number missing are
sent to front office for account creation.
5.1 If the accounts are successfully created, the relevant processes are fed
back into the rating process.
6. If the event is rejected due to missing data with reference to tariff in
rating, the events are reported to add/correct the missing tariff.
The possible outputs are -
Outputs The rejected events are rectified and fed into the rating system
The rejected events are reported as revenue leakage

Roles and - IT Operations

responsibilities - Customer Interface Management

Number of rejected events

Percentage of rejected events that are corrected
Metrics/ KPIs Amount of revenue leakage
Periodic review the suggested KPIs;
Process Health Monitoring the number of rejected events falling below a certain threshold
checks determined by Zain.
suggestion Ensuring missing reference tariffs are corrected so that future rejected event
count stays lower.

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Business & Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Operational enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be improved automation and faster turnaround
Analysis times for bill finalization and amount reporting.

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3.28 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-028 Online Payments


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Bill Payments & Receivables
Process Management - Manage Customer Payments
eTOM Business
 4 - Online payments
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-028 Online Payments Processing
Trigger Customer logs into to Zain Online Portal to make a payment
Finance, Bank Branch
IT Operations, Billing
Interfaces Web self-care

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The possible inputs can be

Inputs Customer enters his / her payment details
This process refers to the activities involved in a customer making a
payment via Zain’s Online Portal.

Process Flow

1. The customer logs on to, verifies services to be paid &

amount due and is presented with 3 options:
- One-time payment: when the customer pays, on request, one or several
services with one transaction using credit card.
- Auto-payment: a pre-defined payment is done automatically every period
(defined by the customer). The payment is done through a credit card
previously registered by the customer.
- Mobile Payment: the customer is able to access a USSD application to do
payments on request. The payment is done through a credit card previously
registered by the customer.
Note: to use any of the three options, the customer must be previously
Business registered with user and password.
2. If the customer is using the one-time payment, there are three options to
Process be chosen: to pay the complete bill, to make a partial payment or to pay
Description several services in one transaction
3. The customer selects one of the 3 options and enters amount to be paid
4. The customer selects the payment method: either payment by bank
account or payment by credit card
4.1 If payment is by bank account, customer is connected to the bank portal
4.2 If payment is by credit card, customer is connected to the payment
5. The customer enters his / her payment details which are subsequently
validated. If payment details are incorrect, the customer is re-prompted to
enter his / her payment details
6. If the payment details are correct, payment gateway is notified, a
payment acknowledgment received and payment is subsequently applied.
7. If payment transaction is not successful, the reason for failure is identified
and presented to customer via the online screen
8. If the payment transaction is successful, the customer is notified through
SMS with amounted debited and a Payment Reference Number.
9. Transaction Processing & Reconciliation processes are then initiated.
The possible outputs are -
Payment failure reason identified and customer informed
Outputs Payment successfully posted and customer notified via SMS (payment
amount debited and reference number)
- Customer
Roles and - IT Operations
responsibilities - Cash & Bank team.
- Regional Finance

Performance Percentage of transactions that are successful

Metrics/ KPIs Percentage of subscribers that use online payments

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Periodic review the suggested KPIs;

Process Health Ensuring percentage of subscribers using online payments are in the
checks desired level of Zain marketing targets.
suggestion Failed transactions are below certain threshold according to industry

Business & Business impact would be largely on revenue and margins as well as their
Operational accountability. Operational impact would be around the efficiency of
Impact revenue generation and collection process and their associated turn around
Analysis times.

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3.29 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-029 High Consumption

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Bill Payments & Receivables
Process Management - Manage Customer Billing
eTOM Business
 4 - Manage Customer Billing
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-029 High Consumption
The process is triggered when customer exceeds his default high
Trigger consumption limit
IT Operations, Billing
Credit Control
Interfaces CSR Agent
- High Consumption Report
Inputs - Two Reports received from Fraud Management System

Business This process details out the steps which Finance follows while dealing with
Process payments for customers who breach the high usage default limits. Note that
Description the suggested number of dates can be changed according to customer

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preferences, and are given as a figure.

Process Flow
1. The process is triggered when a customer breaches his or her 80%
default limit. The customer market segment is selected prior to deciding the
80% cap limit of the customer. When the customer breaches his 80% limit a
notification for reaching 80% is sent out to the customer.
2. If the customer makes a payment bringing his balance to less than 80%
of his credit limit, he leaves the High Consumption workflow
3. If the customer breaches the 90% limit a notification for reaching 90% is
sent out to the customer.
4. If the customer makes a payment bringing his balance to less than the
pre-defined limit, he leaves the High Consumption workflow
5. If the customer breaches the 100% limit, there outgoing is barred and a
notification of outgoing barring is sent out via email & SMS. After one day, if
the exit rule has not been satisfied, a notification of outgoing barring is
delivered to the customer via outbound CSR call. If the exit rule has not
been satisfied, a notification of outgoing barring is sent out via Email and
6. If the customer makes a payment bringing his balance to less than the
pre-defined limit, he leaves the High Consumption workflow and his
Outgoing is reconnected.
7. 14 days after the Outgoing bar, if the exit rule has not been satisfied, a
final reminder is sent out via outbound call & SMS by Regional Finance.
8. If the customer makes a payment bringing his balance to less than the
pre-defined limit, he leaves the High Consumption workflow and his
Outgoing is reconnected.
9. 7 days after final reminder, if the exit rule is not satisfied, the service is
TOS’ed and communication of Full TOS is sent out.
10. If the customer makes a payment bringing his balance to less than the
pre-defined limit, he leaves the High Consumption workflow and his
Outgoing is reconnected. If not, the customer enters the Non Payment
Dunning workflow.

-Customer notification
Outputs -Debt collection
-Dunning Process
- Customer
Roles and - IT Operations
responsibilities - Cash & Bank team.
- Regional Finance
Suggested metrics are :
-% of Customers that paid from first contact
Metrics/ KPIs -% of Customers that reach to an agreement

Process Health Scheduling periodic reviews of the suggested KPIs, and reducing the
number of customers going into dunning process. Moreover the monitoring
checks the number of customers making payments after reminders to make sure
suggestion that reminding channels are effective.

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Business impact would be largely around revenue realization, profitability

Business & and revenue accounting.
Impact Operational impact would be around the turnaround time for debt recovery
Analysis as well as dunning processes to be executed. 

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3.30 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-030 Bulk & Retail Cards

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Voucher Management - E2E
Process Voucher Management
eTOM Business
 4 - E2E Voucher Management
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-030 Bulk & Retail Cards Reconciliation
The process is triggered sales center report is updated in main Cash &
Trigger Bank control sheet
Finance, Cash & Bank branch

Inputs Sales channel control sheet

In this process, the card inventory is updated according to the sold cards.
Business The excess or shortage amount is recorded and ERP is updated with the

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Process Flow
1. Sales center sheet is updated in the main Cash and Bank control sheet
periodically, which becomes the trigger for this process.
2. After reconciliation of sales center with main control sheet, the amount of
card stock is compared to sales center reports.
3. The amount compared to main control sheet could bring two outcomes,
either excess or shortage of reported figures. In the case that figures match
flawlessly the process is concluded.
3.1 In the case of shortage of cards, the shortage register is updated and
Description investigation is held to understand the cause of shortage to solve the
3.2 Or in the case of excess of cards, the excess register is updated
4. After update of the sales control sheet is executed correctly, the
information is passed to Joint Ventures for update.
5. The outcome of the process is further logged into the ERP to conclude
the process.
6. Furthermore, quarterly surprise checks are conducted to compare system
stock vs physical stock to ensure cards stocks are updated correctly.

Outputs -Card sales sheet updated

Roles and - Cash & Bank team.


Suggested metrics are :

-% shortage of cards compared to sales control sheet
Metrics/ KPIs -% excess of cards compared to sales control sheet

Process Health
Scheduling periodic reviews of the suggested KPIs to ensure that main
checks control sheet and sales center updates are in check.

Business & Business impact would be improved revenue realization leading to

Operational enhanced growth in revenues as well as margins.
Impact Operational impact would be improved automation and faster turnaround
Analysis times.

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3.31 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-031 Voucher top-up Bank /


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Voucher Management -
Process E2E Voucher Management
eTOM Business
4 - E2E Voucher Management
process level
Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-031 Voucher top-up Bank / CC
Trigger The process is triggered when top-up amount is received in the system
1- CRM – Customer Care
2- Bank – ATM/Credit Card
Interfaces 3- Customer

Inputs Customer chooses bank option for voucher top-up

Business This process details the steps for Voucher top-up via Bank. The customer
Process selects his convenient payment method and the process is triggered when
he selects the bank option for Voucher top-up.

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Process Flow

1. Customer Choose bank option for voucher top-up

2. The bank options for Voucher top-up include ATM and Credit Card
3. If the customer selects ATM:
a. Customer Visit respective ATM
b. Enter MSISDN
c. Enter amount to be topped-up
d. Obtain receipt from the ATM
e. Voucher will be topped-up immediately
4. If the customer selects Credit Card:
a. Call credit card/debit card customer care centre
b. Inform CSR to top -up the voucher in certain amount
c. CSR Enters MSISDN & top-up amount in the system
d. Voucher will be topped up immediately

Outputs Voucher is topped up

CRM – Customer Care

Roles and
responsibilities Bank – ATM/Credit Card
1- Payment Complaints such as:
-% reduction in payment related to complaints.
-% reduction in turnaround time for payments issue resolution.
-% increase in FTR – First time right for all query and dispute resolutions.
Metrics/ KPIs 2- Cancelled Receipts, % reduction in number of receipts being cancelled
3- % increase in Revenue recovery and operational efficiency for payment
related processes
Scheduling periodic reviews of the suggested KPIs to reduce the number of
Process Health customer’s complaints, and monitor the number of cancelled receipts to
checks make sure that the banking channels are effective and therefore the overall
suggestion Increase in customer satisfaction.

Business & Business Impact would be improved revenue realization and reporting and
Operational the Operational Impact would be faster and accurate vouchers related
Imp7act revenue accounting and improved handshakes between voucher
Analysis management system and billing.

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3.32 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-032 Voucher top-up


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Voucher Management -
Process E2E Voucher Management
eTOM Business
4 - E2E Voucher Management
process level
Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-032 Voucher top-up Franchise
The process is triggered when the Customer Calls Call Center to ask for
Trigger billing information and enters MSISDN and decides to top-up his voucher
1- CSR Agent
Solution 2- IT Operations
Interfaces 3- Customer
4- Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-031 Voucher top-up Bank / CC process

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This process details the steps for Voucher top-up Franchise, the customer
follows the IVR instructions to retrieve his billing information, then decides to
top-up voucher, the customer can top-up his voucher via multiple methods,
he either physically goes to the store or via IVR the Voucher top-up Bank /
CC process is triggered.

Process Flow

1. Customer Calls Call Centre to ask for billing information and enters
2. Customer follows instructions in IVR to retrieve his information
3. In case of successful information retrieval the customer is Informed by
his details:
a. Current credit balance
b. End active period
c. End grace period
4. Inform customer regarding voucher top-up junctions
Business a. Franchise store
b. Bank
c. Credit card
Description 5. Customer decides to top-up voucher
6. In Case customer visits Franchise store,
a. and buys a physical voucher from Franchise CSR and Pays the
amount depending on the voucher purchased, he enters voucher
number on handset and the Top-up amount is updated
successfully and finally the process is ended
b. and did not buy a physical voucher, he Informs CSR on the
amount to be topped-up and pays the amount to CSR/cashier,
the CSR Agent enters MSISDN & top – up amount in system
and Informs customer that the top-up will be updated
immediately and the process is finally ended.
7. In Case customer didn’t visit Franchise store the Zain KSA CBiO Ph2
BPR-031 Voucher top-up Bank / CC process is triggered
8. If the customer followed instructions in IVR to retrieve his information
and his information was not retrieved the call will be connected to CCR
via IT Operations to be escalated to billing department through the CSR

Outputs Voucher is topped up

CSR Agent
Roles and
IT Operations
responsibilities Customer

Performance 1- Direct Debit Payments:

Metrics/ KPIs a. Number of payments processed successfully vs total number of

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payments generated in direct debit

b. % failures in payments in direct debit mode
2- Offline Bank payments:
a. Number of payments processed successfully in offline mode vs
total number of offline payments
3- % increase in FTR – First time right for all query and dispute resolutions.

Scheduling periodic reviews of the suggested KPIs to reduce the number of

Process Health customer’s complaints, and monitor the number of cancelled/rejected
checks payments to make sure that the banking channels are effective and
suggestion therefore the overall Increase in customer satisfaction.

Business & Business Impact would be improved revenue realization and reporting and
Operational the Operational Impact would be faster and accurate vouchers related
Imp7act revenue accounting and improved handshakes between voucher
Analysis management system and billing.

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3.33 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-033 Administer Commercial

Arrangement for Production and Distribution

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Bill Invoice Management -
Process Produce & Distribute Bill
eTOM Business  4 - Administer Commercial Arrangement for Production and Distribution
process level Capability
Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-033 Administer Commercial Arrangement for
Process ID Production and Distribution Capability
Trigger Finance team prepares all 3rd party agreements to send to Billing Team
IT Operations, Billing
Interfaces Commercial Management

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Inputs 3rd party agreement documents

This process is executed to ensure the 3rd party commercial agreements are
correct with sufficient details, by gathering all stakeholder views on the
documents and updating with necessary corrections.

Process Flow
1. Finance teams prepare all the 3 rd party commercial agreements to be
sent to billing team.
2. Billing team receives the agreements and configures the relevant details
ensuring that all commercial agreements are captured.
3. Afterwards, billing team goes into detailed analysis to check whether the
details of the agreements are sufficient.
4. If the first agreement batch from finance team arrives with sufficient
Business details to billing teams the process is concluded without further
Process 5. In the case of insufficient details, the agreements are sent back to
Description finance teams to fill out the necessary level of details from finance
5.1 Finance team would analyze the gaps and provide details and check
further if the details are sufficient.
5.2 If the details are not enough to cover the gap, the finance team would
request commercial management to help out with the missing details.
5.3 The commercial management would receive the request, and provide all
the necessary details to be passed to finance teams.
5.4 Finance team, upon receiving the requested details from commercial
management, would update the necessary details and send to billing teams
with the detailed document.
5.5 Billing team receives and updates all the relevant details in the
agreements concluding the process.

Outputs -3rd party agreements with sufficient details

- Finance
Roles and - Commercial Mgmt
responsibilities - IT Operations, Billing

Percentage of agreements having insufficient details.
Metrics/ KPIs

Process Health
checks Scheduling periodic reviews of the suggested KPI

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Business &
Operational Business Impact would be improved revenue realization and reporting and
Impact the Operational Impact would be improved turnaround times.

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3.34 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-034 Establish & Manage

Commercial Debt Recovery Arrangement - Initiate
Dunning /Credit Control

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Payment and
Process Receivable Management – Manage Customer Debt Collection
eTOM Business
4 – Initiate Customer Debt Recovery Activities
process level
Process Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-034 Establish & Manage Commercial Debt
ID/Name Recovery Arrangement - Initiate Dunning /Credit Control
Trigger Customer’s payment history, overdue amounts
7- Billing IT Operations
8- Update Billing Details
Interfaces 9- Finance – Credit Control

Inputs Customer Related Profile

Business The purpose of Initiate Customer Debt Recovery process is to initiate

Process customer debt recovery activities in accordance with appropriate

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commercial practice and policies. This process includes deciding

appropriate recovery activities based on debt recovery policies, launching
debt recovery activities and monitoring the executions.

Process Flow
1. Retrieves the collectibles and events, identify default list of customer
from the Billing database by IT billing team
2. Pass all customer related details such as profile, segment, and rate plan
etc. to credit control team of Finance.
3. Once customer required details received from IT billing team, Finance
Credit Control team validates all the customer related profile details.
Description 4. If customer profile is eligible for dunning:
4.1 Credit Control team requests from IT Billing team to initiate Dunning
4.2 IT Billing Team informs debt recovery
5. Customer profile is not eligible for dunning and customer profile details
5.1. Credit Control team rectifies details and inform IT Billing Team
5.2. IT Billing team updates all relevant details in Billing System
6. Credit Control verifies the profile and If Customer is a VIP Customer, IT
Billing team is informed as customer is not applicable for dunning
7. IT Billing team updates with customer profile as VIP and not applicable
for dunning information in Billing System
Update all relevant details in Billing System and inform debt recovery

6- Finance – Credit Control

Roles and
7- Bill Dunning Cycle and Debt Recovery Analyst
responsibilities 8- Billing IT Operations

# of orders likely to be cancelled successfully per requests
Metrics/ KPIs

Process Health
checks Periodic review of Dunning reports.

Business impact would be largely around revenue realization, profitability

Business & and revenue accounting.
Impact Operational impact would be around the turnaround time for debt recovery
Analysis as well as dunning processes to be executed. 

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3.35 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-035 Voucher Generation

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Process Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Voucher Management
eTOM Business
4 – E2E Voucher Management
process level
Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-035 Voucher Generation
Trigger Product Management/Sales/Partner Management Voucher Request
1- Product Management
Solution 2- Sales
Interfaces 3- Partner Management
4- IT Operation – Voucher Management

Inputs New business requirements for Voucher Generation

Business Voucher generation is the process of creating a new card, printed brochure
Process or electronic record that has an associated value that authorizes a customer

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to pay for products or services.

Process Flow
1. Collects required feedback from Product Management
Team/Sales/Partner Management teams to provide billing system
2. Billing system checks parameters such as validity period, denomination,
recharge amount etc. and sends to IT Operation – VMS (Voucher
Management System) Administrator
3. VMS Admin first identifies type of voucher (electronic or physical) and
Description access privilege rights.
4. VMS Admin generates the vouchers and updates HLR and completed
the generation process
5. VMS user can reach the Voucher Management System through user
name and password and segregates based market segmentation,
6. System identifies whether the voucher is physical or electronically
6.1 If the voucher is physical, voucher is printed and sends to Product
Management/Sales/Partner Management teams to define Shelf Space for
the channels of distribution.
Generate Voucher either electronically or physically and define shelf space
Outputs for channels of distribution

1- Product Management/Sales/Partner Management

Roles and
2- VMS (Voucher Management System) Administrator
responsibilities 3- VMS (Voucher Management System) Analyst
Gross value of pre-paid vouchers sold to distributors. Includes both
vouchers sold with the welcome kits and re-charge vouchers.
Metrics/ KPIs Gross pre-paid vouchers activated by pre-paid subscribers. Includes both
vouchers sold with the welcome kits and re-charge vouchers.

Process Health
Periodic review and reconciliation between VMS database and Billing
checks (CBIO) database.

Business & Business Impact would be improved revenue realization and reporting and
Operational the Operational Impact would be faster and accurate vouchers related
Impact revenue accounting and improved handshakes between voucher
Analysis management system and billing.

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3.36 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-036 Voucher Cancellation

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Process Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Voucher Management
eTOM Business
4 – E2E Voucher Management
process level
Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-036 Voucher Cancellation
Trigger Product Management/Sales/Partner Management Voucher Cancellation
1- Product Management
Solution 2- Sales
Interfaces 3- Partner Management
4- IT Operation – Voucher Management

Inputs New business requirements for Voucher Cancellation

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Voucher cancellation is the process of canceling existing new card, printed

brochure or electronic record that has an associated value that authorizes a
customer to pay for products or services.

Process Flow
1. Identifies cancellation requester,
1.1 If cancellation originator is external channels, caller is identified and
Business request transfers to VMS (Voucher Management System) Administrator
1.2. VMS Admin verifies and validates the requested voucher number
Process against voucher allocated to reseller
Description 1.3 VMS Admin classifies cancellation type such as loss. Theft, expiry of
promotion plan etc.
2. VMS Admin raises cancellation ticket and accepts voucher number
(either Range Single)
3. VMS Admin starts voucher server to cancel the voucher and update HLR.
4. VMS Admin receives response of cancellation request update from HLR
and updates VMS
5. VMS User notifies corresponding parties for the cancellation.
Cancel voucher (range or single) either electronically or physically and
Outputs notify corresponding parties

1- Product Management/Sales/Partner Management

Roles and
2- VMS (Voucher Management System) Administrator
responsibilities 3- VMS (Voucher Management System) Analyst

Performance # of Vouchers being successfully used and re-charged in a fixed period of

Metrics/ KPIs time.

Process Health
Periodic review and reconciliation between VMS database and Billing
checks (CBIO) database.

Business & Business Impact would be improved revenue realization and reporting and
Operational the Operational Impact would be faster and accurate vouchers related
Impact revenue accounting and improved handshakes between voucher
Analysis management system and billing.

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3.37 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-037 Channel of Sales

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Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Bill Invoice Management -
Process Miscellaneous
eTOM Business
4 – Channel of Sales
process level
Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-037 Channel of Sales
Trigger New Channel Request from Sales
1- Sales
2- Customer
3- Retails Shops
Interfaces 4- CRM
5- IT Operation – Voucher Management System

Inputs New sales channel definition for Voucher payment

Business Voucher Channel sales process is the definition of a process for new
Process payment methodology that has an associated value that authorizes a
customer to pay for products or services.
Process Flow
1. Identifies sales channel of voucher either electronic or physical,
1.1 If channel is electronic, electronic channel identifies whether ATM or
1.1.1 If electronic channel is ATM, customer authenticates and request
recharge option
1.1.2 Customer is informed about available voucher details and customer
selects a voucher.
1.1.3 Customer balance is checked, if account balance insufficient request
channel sales is rejected
1.1.4 When account balance is sufficient, CRM Customer Representative
requests Voucher from VMS (Voucher Management System).
1.1.5 CRM Customer Representative updates Voucher number into VMS
and updates also CRM with Sales Details.
1.1.6 CRM Customer Representative recharges SIM immediately
1.2.1 If electronic channel is online, customer’s phone number is validated
1.2.2 Vouchers details is shown to customer to select related voucher
1.2.3 Credit card details are requested
1.2.4 If card details is invalid, channel sales request is rejected
1.2.5 If card details is valid, voucher amount is charged
1.2.6 CRM Customer Representative requests Voucher from VMS (Voucher
Management System).
1.2.7 CRM Customer Representative updates Voucher number into VMS
and updates also CRM with Sales Details.
1.2.8 CRM Customer Representative checks if the recharge is instant
initiates Voucher Top-Up Process.
2 If customer wants to pay physically, customer goes to walk in
centers/retail shops.

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2.1 CRM Customer Representative validates customer’s phone number and

displays all available voucher details to inform customer
2.2 CRM Customer Representative asks customer for payment method.
2.3 If customer wants to pay cash,
2.3.1 CRM Customer Representative requests Voucher from VMS (Voucher
Management System) for sale and updates both Voucher number into VMS
and updates CRM with Sales Details.
2.3.2 CRM Customer Representative recharges SIM immediately
2.4. If customer wants to pay credit card, credit card details are requested
2.4.1 If card details is invalid, channel sales request is rejected
2.4.2 If card details is valid, voucher amount is charged
2.4.3 CRM Customer Representative requests Voucher from VMS (Voucher
Management System).
2.4.4 CRM Customer Representative updates Voucher number into VMS
and updates also CRM with Sales Details.
2.4.5 CRM Customer Representative checks if the recharge is instant
initiates Voucher Top-Up Process.

Outputs New Voucher Sales Channel Definition

1- Sales Channel
Roles and 2- Customer
responsibilities 3- CRM Customer Care Representative
4- Retail Shop CRM Customer Care Representative
Percentage of sales by type of payment method/channel
Metrics/ KPIs Sales partner outlets as a % of total number of outlets selling comparable /
equivalent products in the target channel (carrying recharge vouchers only)

Process Health
Periodic review and reconciliation between VMS database , CRM database
checks and Billing (CBIO) database.

Business &
Business impact would be largely around customer experience
management and revenue realization parameters.
Impact Operational impact would be on improved turnaround times.

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3.38 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-038 TAP-IN File Handling

Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Manage Billing Events -
Process Guide Billing Events
eTOM Business
4 – Guide Billing Events
process level
Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-038 TAP-IN File Handling
Trigger Product Management/Sales/Partner Management Voucher Cancellation
1- Clearing House
2- IT Operation – Billing Team
Interfaces 3- Settlement Partners

Inputs Customer Roaming Usage TAP-IN Files from Clearing House

TAP IN File handling process is customer outbound roaming usage and

generation of billing records as input of billing process

Process Flow
1. All out bound roaming usage information files sends from clearing
Business house to Zain KSA through defined and settled interfaces in a spe-
Process cific time-interval.
Description 2. Billing system receives all the out-bound usage record files (TAP-IN
3. Billing system generates billing records based on the TAP-IN file and
updates own billing database
4. Billing system issues final consolidation settlements for all TAP-IN
records and sends report to Settlement Partners

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Updates billing DB with customer’s outbound roaming usage and reports to

Outputs settlement partners

1- IT Operation – Billing System

Roles and
2- Clearing House for producing and gathering TAP IN File
responsibilities 3- Settlement Partner

Roaming operators' invoice and tap-in received reconciliation: Difference In

reconciliation between the roaming operators' invoices and the tap-ins
Metrics/ KPIs

Process Health
checks Periodic review of Revenue Assurance reports for TAP-IN.

Business &
Business Impact would be largely around revenue reporting and realization
and Operational Impact would be on accurate, improved and precise
Impact revenue reports.

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3.39 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-039 Generate Billing Event


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management – Manage Billing Events -
Process Report Billing Event Records
eTOM Business
4 - Report Billing Event Records
process level
Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-039 Generate Billing Event Report
Trigger The process is triggered from the Billing Dispute Process
1. Billing Dispute Process
2. (Service Desk) Technical Support Team
Interfaces 3. Billing Service Desk Technical Support

Inputs Inputs from the Billing Dispute Process to generate the Billing Event Report

Business This process details the steps for generating the Billing Event Report
Process Flow
1. The Billing Dispute Process starts this process by detecting Billing

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2. Billing service desk technical support generate Event Report

3. They pass information to Development Team
4. The billing IT development team receive the requests
5. They assess the Event
6. If it’s a Standard Event, then they Log Event and follow SOP
7. They Inform (Service Desk) Technical Support
8. They Update Details and the process is ended
9. In case the Event is not a Standard Event, billing IT development team
Identify & possess the variation issues (for details Please Refer to the
Investigate Process)
10. They try to resolve the issue
11. Inform (Service Desk) Technical Support
12. They Update Details and the process is ended

Outputs Billing Event Report is generated

Roles and Billing service deck technical support team

responsibilities Billing IT development team
1. Average lead time of billing request, This metrics helps Zain to measure
Operations efficiency and effectiveness by assessing the average lead
time to fulfill the billing event report.
Performance 2. % of complaint requests escalated and not resolved in the first instance.
Metrics/ KPIs 3. % of repeated or reworked requests, This measures operational
effectiveness of the fulfillment process, by assessing the number of
rework requests requiring rework relative to the total number of billing
service requests.

Process Health Scheduling periodic reviews of the suggested KPIs to reduce the number of
customer’s complaints to insure the overall Increase in customer
checks satisfaction.

Business &
Business Impact would be largely around revenue reporting and realization
and Operational Impact would be on accurate, improved and precise
Imp7act revenue reports for all Billing events.

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3.40 Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-040 Investigate Billing


Process Description and Analysis Table

eTOM Business
Operations – Billing & Revenue Management - Manage Billing Events -
Process Investigate Billing Event Related Problem
eTOM Business
 4 - Investigate Billing Event Related Problem
process level
Process ID Zain KSA CBiO Ph2 BPR-040 Investigate Billing Event
Trigger After Bill Run process, the non-standard event trigger the process
Solution IT Operations, Billing
Interfaces Support Help Desk

Inputs Bill run process

Business The aim of this process is to identify non-standard events of the periodic
Process Bill-cycle runs, then break them down to system or performance related
categories. The analyzed events are further investigated by the responsible
vendor with Zain’s supervision, until the ticket is addressed with a final
resolution. The error would be reported in Known Error Database for future

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Process Flow
1. The non-standard events are gathered after bill run process execution.
2. The events are analyzed and classified according to their nature,
performance related or system related.
3. If the problem is a performance related one, scalability analysis should be
done to determine how much additional system resource is needed.
3.1 The outcome is then shared with the 3rd party vendor.
4. If the problem is a system related one, business logic problem should be
narrowed down as much as possible.
4.1 For fixing the development issue, the 3rd party vendor is updated with
the preliminary analysis.
5. The resolution time for the problem (system or performance related) is
then tracked until the issue is closed.
6. The SLAs done with the 3rd party vendor is checked again to see the
responsibility of vendor regarding the issue.
7. Analysis of the previous steps is then forwarded to technical help desk.
8. Help desk resolves the problem, and in the meantime risk mitigation
measures are taken to minimize the exposure to the mentioned problem.
9. Upon resolution of the problem, the Known Error Database is updated for
future reference.
-Non-standard events correction
Outputs -Solution to system and performance related problems

- Technical Help Desk

Roles and
- IT Operations, Billing
Number of events that are not correctly executed in billing process
Percentage of events that are system related
Performance Percentage of events that are performance related
Metrics/ KPIs Number of events that are not executed in billing process although they are
in Known Error Database beforehand (this metric should be as minimum as

Process Health Periodic review of the KPIs and trying to hold them below a certain
threshold defined by Zain
checks Monitor the non-standard events that are popping up although they have
suggestion been previously recorded in Known Error Database

Business & Business Impact would be largely around revenue reporting and realization
Operational as well as an indirect impact on Customer experience management and
Impact Operational Impact would be on accurate, improved and precise revenue
Analysis reports for all Billing events.

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