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names(reformulation) to the same

described object.

With affection : not making the object of the descrip. explicit unitl
the end building up suspense (riddle)
-focuses on a real or unreal animate being.
-present in informative or opinion essays in media INTERVIEWS
-Identifying the charac., obtaining a descript. clear enough to
1.Anchorage: the starting point.Title or theme(usually) recognise or imagine the character.

2.Aspectualization Description by a division of its

Aspectualization: includes physical or moral features but also
components by 1-enumerating its part 2-properties or 2. done by relating to its environment...
1.The portrait
3.Put in relation to. the external environment & to other
objects by situation or association.
confused with narrations since uses verbs such as do & the
2.Description of actions
axctions are in chronological order.
2.Structure & sequence.
4.Thematization. how it progresses.Any element become
The progression of these texts is determined by:
a new title-theme. 1.Portray a character by means of his/her behaviour.

3.Special description 3 Different according to their aim 2.A situation by describing actions by diff. actors which
are elements or parts of this situation.

1.Text definition & general features

3.Portray an action by explaining diff. steps which are part ofit.
Represents people, objects, actions or
A cooking recipe
Common in narratives in the setting.
Subject + to be (in durative tense)
Different genres or formats : portraits, advertising, tourist
guides, catalogues, brochures, literature.. 4.Grammar structures & elements Adv. of place

Bassols & Torrents. Traits:

stative or "appear" verbs: to be, to seem, to have in
**5.Pragmatic present or past.
-organization in a hierarchy. features.**Bassols & Torrent
-lack of temporal references
-lack of casualty. purpose & addressee determine
the selec. of the elements that'll Affirm. form more common
a keyword& core elements to which other predicates refer to
.- a selection of words which become other core elements of new appear :
lexical accumulation in a structured way Adj. work as expansion in the process of aspectualization

Impressionistic- seeks to provoke

adv. of degree or manner: almost, enough, just, totally,
emotions. partially...

Like & as used to do comparirons and & nor & also, but are
Objective: a true reproduction of the objects's very used.

purpose & addressee: precise or generic descrip,

complement of a narration, if the add. is expected to have
pevious knowledge...

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