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A Noun Clause is a dependent sentence that takes the role of a

NOUN. Such noun can be used as the subject/object of a Full
What are the parts of a Noun Clause?

A Noun Clause is a sentence that has a SUBJECT and a VERB

Example: Ice-cream is not important for you.
Example: what I really like is not important for you.
(subject) (verb) (main sentence)


Subject: Which, who, what, when, where.

Object: whom, whose, if, whether, how, why, (that).

Noun clause as a Subject of the sentence.
To identify the subject of a sentence, we ask the question “What/Who makes the action?” The
direct answer will be the Subject.

Example: My sister Carla prefers coffee to tea.

Who prefers coffee?
Answer: My sister Carla = Subject

Example: What she said in the party raged many people.

What raged many people?
Answer: What she said = Subject (Noun clause)
Noun clause as a Subject of the sentence.
Identify the Noun Clause in the following sentences. Noun clause
(Subject) of main sentence

Where we met took my breath away. Noun clause subject (pronoun)

What they say about us will have no importance in my life. Noun clause verb

When you told me that was not a good time. Main verb

Whoever wants to attend the meeting should register first.

Noun clause as an Object of the sentence.
To identify the object of a sentence, we ask the question “What/Who receives the action?” (or
we turn the main action/verb into a passive form). The direct answer will be the Object.

Example: My sister Carla prefers coffee to tea.

What does Carla prefer?
Answer: Coffee= Object

Example: My mom does not like what I think about religion.

What does my mom not like?
Answer: What I think about religion= Object (Noun clause)
Noun clause as an Object of the sentence.
Identify the Noun Clause in the following sentences. Noun clause (Object)

Noun clause subject

Antonio would like to go where you met (that beautiful girl).
Noun clause verb
I can’t find what you gave me for my birthday.
Main verb
Ask mom what we are having for dinner today!

Do you remember when he talked to me for the first time?

Noun clause as an Object of a preposition.
To identify the object of a preposition, we need to recognize the preposition (of a verb or an

Example: I wanted to be included in what they were doing.

Noun clause: What they were doing
Preposition: IN. – Noun clause is the object of the preposition, not of the verb “wanted”

Example: Max does not admit to be responsible for what he said.

Noun clause: What he said.
Preposition: FOR. – Noun clause is the object of the preposition, not of the verb “admit”
Noun clause as an Object of a preposition.
Identify the Noun Clause in the following sentences. Noun clause (Object)

Noun clause subject

She prefers to be interested in what her parents say.
Noun clause verb
Loren makes her children worry about what people do to animals.
Main verb
We can’t blame him for which team he selected.
Joseph was not thoughtful about where we would go. VERB PATTERNS
Additional resources
exercise/ exercise-2/ https://www.spraz-
grammar/function/ex5.htm Good Quiz:

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