Evaluation of Third-Party Deep Cleaning As A Listeria Monocytogenes Control Strategy in Retail Delis

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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 80, No. 11, 2017, Pages 1913–1923
Copyright Ó, International Association for Food Protection

Research Paper

Evaluation of Third-Party Deep Cleaning as a Listeria

monocytogenes Control Strategy in Retail Delis

1Department of Food Science (ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6756-8790 [T.W.]) and 2Purdue Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Program, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907; and 3Ecolab, Inc., Greensboro, North Carolina 27409, USA

MS 17-113: Received 11 March 2017/Accepted 27 June 2017/Published Online 20 October 2017

The objective of this study was to develop and assess the efficacy of an aggressive deep cleaning sanitation standard
operating procedure (DC-SSOP) in nine retail delicatessens to reduce persistent Listeria monocytogenes environmental
contamination. The DC-SSOP was developed from combined daily SSOPs recommended by the Food Marketing Institute and
input from experts in Listeria control from food manufacturing and sanitation. The DC-SSOP was executed by a trained
professional cleaning service during a single 12-h shutdown period. A modified protocol from the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration Bacteriological Analytical Manual was used to detect L. monocytogenes in samples from 28 food and nonfood
contact surfaces that were collected immediately before and after each cleaning and in samples collected monthly for 3 months.
The DC-SSOP significantly reduced L. monocytogenes prevalence overall during the 3-month follow-up period and produced
variable results for persistent L. monocytogenes isolates. Six delis with historically low to moderate L. monocytogenes prevalence
had no significant changes in the number of samples positive for L. monocytogenes after deep cleaning. Deep cleaning in very
high prevalence delis (20 to 30% prevalence) reduced L. monocytogenes by 25.6% (Padj , 0.0001, n ¼ 294) overall during the
follow-up period. Among delis with extremely high prevalence (.30%), positive samples from nonfood contact surfaces were
reduced by 19.6% (Padj ¼ 0.0002, n ¼ 294) during the follow-up period. The inability of deep cleaning to completely eliminate
persistent L. monocytogenes was likely due to the diverse infrastructures in each deli, which may require more individualized
intervention strategies.
Key words: Deep cleaning; Listeria monocytogenes; Persistence; Retail deli; Sanitation standard operating procedure

Listeria monocytogenes can be found on at least one of FCS but on 15 to 20% of NFCS (e.g., drains, floors, and
food or nonfood contact surface in the majority of retail hoses) (6, 11, 12). This difference may be due in part to the
delicatessens (delis) in the United States that have been open nature of a retail deli, where L. monocytogenes may
studied to date (2, 6, 11, 12). In a cross-sectional study of enter the deli on customers’ and workers’ shoes and on cart
121 retail establishments in New York State, 63% had at wheels, raw meats, fresh produce, food packaging, and
least one L. monocytogenes–positive environmental sample ready-to-eat meats handled in the deli.
(11). In 58% of small establishments and establishments We recently tested changes to daily SSOPs developed
with a history of failing New York State Agriculture and by the Food Marketing Institute Listeria Working Group in
Markets inspections, L. monocytogenes was found in at least 30 retail delis among three states and determined that the
one environmental sample (6). In a longitudinal study of 30 intervention were largely ineffective for reducing the
delis in large retail stores among three states, we found L.
persistence of L. monocytogenes (2). Deli environments
monocytogenes at least once in 90% of delis (12). Within-
with L. monocytogenes on .10% of FCS and NFCS
establishment prevalence varies, but contamination was
cumulatively preintervention did not improve (2, 12). We
found on 0 to 40% of surfaces tested (6, 11, 12), and
hypothesized that these facilities require more aggressive
contamination was more common on nonfood contact
surfaces (NFCS). Many daily sanitation standard operating mitigation strategies to effectively eliminate or reduce L.
procedures (SSOPs) in delis are targeted at control of L. monocytogenes contamination from the deli environment.
monocytogenes contamination on food contact surfaces We then developed and tested a deep cleaning SSOP (DC-
(FCS) (e.g., counter tops, slicers, and trays) (14). As a SSOP) aimed at reducing prevalent and ideally eliminating
result, L. monocytogenes has been detected on only 2 to 4% persistent L. monocytogenes isolates in delis using an
approach based on that for manufacturing and processing
* Author for correspondence. Tel: 765-496-3913; Fax: 765-494-7953; plants. Delis were selected from the group of delis in which
E-mail: hfoliver@purdue.edu. environmental L. monocytogenes monitoring was conducted
1914 HAMMONS ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 80, No. 11

for at least 12 months, as described by Simmons et al. (12) the day before executing the DC-SSOP in the first deli. Research
and Etter et al. (2). staff also organized and conducted SSOP execution and verifica-
tion with ATP testing and collected samples to detect L.
MATERIALS AND METHODS monocytogenes and other Listeria spp.

Overall study design. A DC-SSOP was developed and tested Execution of the DC-SSOP. Execution of tasks throughout
in nine retail full service delis that had participated in our previous the deep cleaning was organized by (i) responsible party, (ii)
studies (2, 12). Delis were selected (i) to represent historically low priority, and (iii) estimated timeline for completion (Fig. 1). Deli
to moderate (0 to 10%) and high (.10%) L. monocytogenes associates removed all food products, dry goods, and records
prevalence and (ii) to be geographically representative among three before the third-party cleaning service arrived. Food products were
U.S. states. Delis in this study were identified by the number moved to coolers in the dairy or produce departments to maintain
assigned in our previous study of 30 delis (2, 12). A third-party the cold chain; storage of ready-to-eat products in areas where raw
cleaning service executed the DC-SSOP in all delis. Environmental meat was handled (i.e., meat or seafood departments) was not
sponge samples (n ¼ 28) were collected from FCS, NFCS, and allowed. Foot traffic through raw meat areas was strongly
transfer points (TP) immediately before and after execution of the discouraged, and when traffic was unavoidable owing to water
deep cleaning to detect L. monocytogenes and other Listeria spp. access or other essential supplies, this traffic was restricted to
Longitudinal follow-up samples were collected from the same sites managers. As opposed to a Listeria recovery process where all
during operational hours once monthly for 3 months after the deep open products would be discarded after detection of Listeria on
cleaning. food products, this study included no evidence of contaminated
foods, and open products were retained at the retailer’s discretion.
Development process for deep cleaning procedure. Our Labor was divided into three teams working in zones across the
group in cooperation with the corporate sanitarians of participating deli, with tasks in each zone prioritized to allow a large cleaning
retailers and sanitarians from large ready-to-eat meat manufacturers crew to work simultaneously and effectively (Fig. 2). Environ-
recognized for innovative L. monocytogenes controls developed mental samples were collected for testing for L. monocytogenes
the deep cleaning protocol. The Food Marketing Institute guidance and Listeria spp. after food products were removed and before
for control of Listeria monocytogenes (3) was consulted as a guide cleaning began. To protect sensitive electronics from potential
for the general structure of the DC-SSOP that was designed to water damage, deli scales were removed, cleaned, and sanitized out
include all regular deli sanitation procedures, including those of place by a designated team member and reinstalled after the
conducted less frequently (e.g., monthly or quarterly) in sequence comprehensive application of sanitizer to the deli department. The
to minimize cross-contamination of cleaned surfaces. Revisions deli case and cold storage room were high priority surfaces and
were made to the DC-SSOP (see Supplemental Materials) after were designated for extra labor early in the deep cleaning process
executing the first deep cleaning to reflect the division of labor by to allow these units sufficient time to return to refrigeration
teams in zones, which were not captured in the original document. temperature (14). Deli cases were cleaned down to the coils (this
was critical in deli case models where food debris falls through
Preparation and scope of DC-SSOP. A 10-person cleaning grates below and behind the coils). Fan motors inside the deli cases
crew hired through a third-party cleaning service was trained on the were removed if possible or were protected with plastic to prevent
DC-SSOP by Purdue University personnel with additional support water damage.
from the retailers’ sanitation chemical providers. The same After the deli case and cold storage room were cleaned and
personnel executed the DC-SSOP in all participating delis. The sanitized, focus shifted to the customer service areas and rear
DC-SSOP was completed during a single 12-h overnight shutdown preparation areas of the deli. Rooms were cleaned top to bottom,
period per deli to minimize business disruptions. Equipment used back to front; walls were scrubbed from the ceiling down before
strictly for prepared foods or hot products (e.g., proofing cabinets, FCS were cleaned (e.g., countertops). Drains were cleaned by a
ovens, and fryers) were considered out of scope; this equipment designated crew member with designated gloves, brushes, and a
was cleaned and sanitized on the exterior only to reduce potential chlorinated cleaner bucket. After all utensils and small FCS
surface contamination. When deli department traffic flow inter- equipment had been washed, rinsed, and sanitized in the three-
mingled with adjacent departments (e.g., bakery), the floors in both compartment sink, the sink interior and exterior were cleaned a
areas were included in the deep cleaning to control cross- second time. All deli floors were cleaned concurrently with
contamination between NFCS in both departments. Equipment chlorinated cleaner agitated by deck brushes and rinsed with new
dedicated to adjacent departments was not addressed in the DC- foam squeegees to control water flow. Sanitizer was applied to all
SSOP. deli surfaces (including FCS and other areas) that had previously
Planning responsibilities were divided among four parties: been cleaned and sanitized individually. Samples were taken after
retailer delis, sanitation provider, third-party cleaning service, and application of sanitizer but before full reassembly of the deli (e.g.,
Purdue University researchers. Each retailer communicated the before cold storage room racks and scales were replaced in
planned intervention vertically through the company, scheduled operational areas).
additional labor to support removal of dry goods and food products
before deep cleaning and to assist deli set up after deep cleaning, Cleaning tools and calibration of cleaners and sanitizers.
and provided maintenance staff to support each deep cleaning. The Chemical dispensing systems were calibrated to higher concentra-
regular sanitation provider obtained and delivered additional tions within label use specifications by the sanitation provider for
chemicals and special tools (e.g., wet-dry vacuum, foaming foaming chlorinated cleaner and dispensing quaternary ammonium
detergent dispenser, and additional hoses) to the deli in advance. sanitizer at disinfectant concentration (400 ppm). New deck
The third-party cleaning service provided personal protective brushes, scrub brushes, and other tools were labeled by contact
equipment for their personnel. Purdue University research staff surface (i.e., FCS, NFCS, and drain) with a permanent paint marker
collaborated with the sanitation provider to train the third-party then soaked in disinfectant concentration sanitizer for 10 min
cleaning service with the DC-SSOP during a 3-h training session before use. Tools were returned to the sanitizer solution when not
J. Food Prot., Vol. 80, No. 11 CONTROL OF L. MONOCYTOGENES AT RETAIL 1915

FIGURE 1. Progressive deep cleaning timeline. Time progresses left to right with tasks color coded by zone (team 1, green; team 2,
orange; team 3, purple). Red and blue are research or administrative tasks. Black vertical line marks the time when cleaning of all FCS
and equipment was completed. Floors and drains were then cleaned in all zones.

in use to minimize the microbial load. Hand sinks and three- Verification of clean surfaces. The AccuPoint2 ATP
compartment sinks were cleaned first. Sanitizer boot dip stations Sanitation Monitoring System (Neogen Corp., Lansing, MI), a
(400 ppm of quaternary ammonia) were placed at each entrance to rapid test for ATP, was used to detect organic soils on surfaces
the deli department and used by all crew members upon entering or throughout the deep cleaning process (5). In-process ATP swab
exiting the deli area. Sanitizer in both boot dip stations and tool samples were collected from a total of 65 FCS, NFCS, and TP sites
(see Supplemental Materials), including the 28 sites sampled for
storage baths was changed every 2 h or more frequently as needed.
environmental L. monocytogenes and additional hard-to-clean
areas. ATP results were reported as relative light units (RLU).
Detection and isolation of L. monocytogenes and Listeria Surfaces with RLU above previously determined thresholds (2, 10)
spp. FCS, NFCS, and TP (n ¼ 28) selected to represent potential were recleaned until passing values were obtained, i.e., ,150 RLU
harborage areas for L. monocytogenes and other Listeria species for FCS or TP and ,300 RLU for NFCS.
were sampled immediately before execution of SSOP, after final
application of sanitizer, and then once per month for 3 months after PFGE typing of isolates. One isolate from each L.
deep cleaning as previously described (2, 12). monocytogenes–positive site was selected for DNA fingerprinting

FIGURE 2. DC-SSOP division of labor and priorities by zone. Tasks are color coded by zone to match Figure 1 (team 1, green; team 2,
orange; team 3, purple; all teams, white) and prioritized from highest to lowest priority, top to bottom and left to right. An exception was
the deli case, which was highest priority for the customer service area, and deep cleaning of this area was completed before other tasks
1916 HAMMONS ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 80, No. 11

by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Isolates were typed RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
using the standard protocol provided by the Centers for Disease
In this study, we developed and tested a DC-SSOP
Control and Prevention PulseNet protocol (updated March 2013;
http://www.cdc.gov/pulsenet/PDF/listeria-pfge-protocol-508c.pdf) aimed at reducing or mitigating persistent L. monocytogenes
modified to include extended cell lysis (4 to 16 h) and restriction contamination in retail delis. Our data indicate that the deep
digestion (2 to 5.5 h) steps. PFGE patterns were analyzed and cleaning (i) had variable effects on L. monocytogenes
compared with the Cornell University Food Safety Laboratory L. prevalence in delis with historically low to moderate
monocytogenes collection of ~10,000 isolates from retail, prevalence, (ii) reduced L. monocytogenes prevalence in
manufacturing, and natural environments using BioNumerics v. delis with .10% historical prevalence, and (iii) had variable
6.0 software (Applied Maths, Austin, TX). Dendrograms assessing effects on eliminating persistent L. monocytogenes strains.
isolate relationships were created using the Dice coefficient and the We also found that ATP testing is a useful tool for verifying
unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means (2, 12). in-process cleaning efficacy in delis. Below we discuss our
Isolates from the same deli with the same pulsotype (i.e., AscI-ApaI findings, the study limitations, challenges, and future
fingerprint) that were found on at least three sampling dates over directions.
the course of this study were considered persistent (see
Supplemental Materials) (12). Deep cleaning interventions had variable effects on
L. monocytogenes prevalence in low and moderate
inlA PMSC detection. Evaluation for inlA premature stop prevalence delis. We selected six delis (delis 5, 8, 12, 13,
codons (PMSCs) was conducted as previously described (15–17) 17, and 22; see Supplemental Materials) with historically
for all 107 L. monocytogenes isolates that were PFGE typed (see
low to moderate environmental L. monocytogenes contam-
Supplemental Materials). Because of the small number of isolates
ination (0 to 10% prevalence) (2, 12) to test the DC-SSOP.
and low frequency of PMSCs, analyses were limited to descriptive
Delis with lower prevalence were selected to determine
whether major disruption of the deli would expose
sigB allelic typing. One representative presumptive L. previously undetected L. monocytogenes niches. Experienc-
monocytogenes or Listeria spp. isolate from each sample was es in manufacturing facilities indicate that movement of
characterized by sigB allelic typing as previously described (7, 12) equipment, construction, or other major disruptions in the
to verify species identification (see Supplemental Materials). environment can expose niches harboring L. monocytogenes
and other foodborne pathogens. Detection of more L.
Statistical analyses. Environmental monitoring data were monocytogenes–positive samples after SSOP execution in
classified into four periods: (i) previous longitudinal testing (once these delis would indicate that the execution of the SSOP
per month for 6 months) (2), (ii) immediately before deep increased the risk of cross-contamination in previously well-
cleaning, (iii) immediately after deep cleaning, and (iv) follow-up controlled environments.
testing (once per month for 3 months). Prevalence was calculated L. monocytogenes results for all environmental samples
as the number of samples positive for L. monocytogenes divided collected by our group, including those from previous work
by the total number of samples tested. Long-term impacts were (2, 12), were compiled for each low to moderate prevalence
assessed by comparing the mean monthly L. monocytogenes
deli (see Supplemental Materials). No significant changes
prevalence after implementation of daily SSOPs as reported by
were observed among these delis, but decreases in the
Etter et al. (2) with the mean monthly prevalence found through
number of positive samples were observed in delis 8 and 13
follow-up testing after deep cleaning. We elected to compare
mean monthly L. monocytogenes prevalence because no trends in
immediately after deep cleaning (Fig. 3 and Supplemental
monthly sampling prevalence (repeated measures) were observed. Materials). In deli 13, 1 of 26 original samples was positive
As described by Etter et al. (2), a generalized linear mixed effects for L. monocytogenes; after deep cleaning, there was no
model was constructed using the Proc Glimmix procedure with a detectable L. monocytogenes. Prevalence was reduced from
Gaussian distribution in SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) to 4 of 26 to 2 of 27 samples in deli 8. L. monocytogenes
evaluate the impact of the deep cleaning on L. monocytogenes prevalence increased in deli 17 from 0 of 25 sites tested
prevalence. Preintervention prevalence category (low, ,1%; before deep cleaning to 1 of 26 sites (a trash can; Fig. 3 and
moderate, 1 to 10%; high, 10 to 20%; very high, 20 to 30%; Supplemental Materials) after deep cleaning. Detection of L.
extremely high, .30%) (2), period, surface, and their interactions monocytogenes on the trash can exterior after the deep
were designated as fixed effects, and deli (nested within category) cleaning but not before could indicate that the SSOP
and period 3 deli(category) were random effects to estimate exposed a harborage point. However, because exact sample
prevalence for each monthly sampling event in a deli. Analysis of collection points were not marked (to prevent targeted
the three-variable interaction of category 3 surface 3 period (n ¼
cleaning during the deep cleaning process), after the deep
294) and the two-variable interaction of category 3 period (n ¼
cleaning a different trash can that still harbored L.
98) was also performed. Arcsine square root transformation was
applied to the two-variable analyses to yield better model fit, and
monocytogenes may have been sampled.
untransformed data were used for the three-variable analysis. The long-term effects of the DC-SSOP were assessed
Bonferroni’s adjustment was applied to the a ¼ 0.05 for each least through monthly operational environmental sample collec-
squares means family of comparisons for variable-level differ- tion for 3 months after the deep cleaning. No L.
ences: period aadj ¼ 0.0167; period 3 category aadj ¼ 0.00625; monocytogenes was detected in delis 13 (Fig. 3) and 22
surface 3 category aadj ¼ 0.0028; surface 3 period 3 category aadj (Supplemental Materials) after deep cleaning. Overall, the
¼ 0.00208. prevalence in deli 13 after deep cleaning was reduced
J. Food Prot., Vol. 80, No. 11 CONTROL OF L. MONOCYTOGENES AT RETAIL 1917

FIGURE 3. Prevalence of L. monocyto-

genes by deli across studies from preinter-
vention (12) through postintervention (2).

compared with the preintervention prevalence (12) and after follow-up period compared with the prevalence after
implementation of daily SSOP changes (2) (Fig. 3), and implementation of daily SSOPs (2) (Padj , 0.0001).
previously persistent strains (CU-11-282 and CU-314-342) Prevalence in a very high prevalence deli (deli 2, 20 to
were not recovered (see Supplemental Materials). One L. 30% average prevalence; Fig. 4) decreased 25.6% (Padj ,
monocytogenes–positive sample was detected in deli 12 0.0001) overall. Prevalence on FCS in very high prevalence
during follow-up sampling, but none were recovered delis was reduced by 27.3% 6 7.4% (Padj ¼ 0.0003) and
immediately before or after deep cleaning (see Supplemental prevalence on TP was reduced by 38.9% 6 7.4% (Padj
Materials). Sporadic L. monocytogenes isolates were , 0.0001) in each monthly sampling event following deep
detected on FCS and NFCS in delis 5 and 17 (Fig. 3 and cleaning compared with immediately after implementation
Supplemental Materials), which is characteristic for retail of daily SSOPs (2). However, four strains (CU-11-320, CU-
delis in which the open environment may allow regular 55-266, CU-262-79, and CU-8-96) persisted from preinter-
introduction of contamination during the operational hours vention (12) through postintervention (2), although none of
when samples were collected (6, 11, 12). These two delis did these four strains were present immediately before deep
not historically have persistent strains (2, 12). cleaning. This finding may have been due to differences in
In deli 8, L. monocytogenes prevalence increased sites sampled or viable but nonculturable cells present before
overall after deep cleaning compared with the prevalence deep cleaning. CU-8-96, CU-55-266, and CU-262-79 were
preintervention (12) and after implementation of the daily recovered immediately after deep cleaning or from samples
SSOPs (Fig. 3) (2). Although prevalence was reduced from collected during the follow-up months (Fig. 4). CU-11-320
4 of 26 samples before deep cleaning to 2 of 27 samples was repeatedly isolated 1 month after deep cleaning. The
immediately after (Fig. 3), CU-8-340 persisted throughout
prevalence of CU-11-320 was higher (12.3%, 13 of 106
the study, from preintervention (12) through postimplemen-
samples) after deep cleaning than during the preintervention
tation of daily SSOPs studies (2) and immediately before,
period (12) or after implementation of daily SSOPs (2.6%, 4
immediately after, and during deep cleaning follow-up
of 154 samples) (2) potentially because of exposure of and
sampling (see Supplemental Materials). Prevalence of this
continued harborage in a niche or the elimination of
persistent strain increased after deep cleaning; 15 isolates
competing persistent strains. This strain has been found in
were recovered in this study compared with 8 isolates after
multiple delis across several states and is frequently
implementation of daily SSOPs (2) and 10 in preintervention
persistent (2, 12), so it is possible, although not probable
testing (12). This strain was routinely isolated from the
single-basin sink interior, an FCS site (2, 12). in this instance, that this strain was reintroduced into the deli
after deep cleaning.
Prevalence was reduced by up to 26% in very high L. monocytogenes prevalence on NFCS in delis with
prevalence delis after deep cleaning. At the three-variable extremely high preintervention prevalence (delis 23 and 28;
level (n ¼ 294), surface and category 3 surface significantly .30%) (12) was reduced 19.6% 6 5.3% (Padj ¼ 0.0002).
affected L. monocytogenes prevalence (P , 0.0001), However, persistent strains were not uniformly reduced or
although the effect of surface on L. monocytogenes eliminated. In deli 23, which had .30% prevalence in all
prevalence depended upon the preintervention prevalence studies (2, 12), four persistent strains (CU-258-322, CU-
level. Period (P ¼ 0.0001), category (P ¼ 0.0029), and 258-323, CU-259-322, and CU-262-317) were detected
category 3 period were also significant (the effect of period longitudinally before deep cleaning (2, 12) (Fig. 5).
on L. monocytogenes prevalence depended upon the Prevalence of CU-258-322 was reduced immediately after
preintervention prevalence level, P ¼ 0.0006). The category deep cleaning but increased over the 3 months after the
3 period 3 surface interaction was not consequential overall initial deep cleaning sampling. CU-258-323 was not isolated
(P ¼ 0.0646). A 10.6% reduction in prevalence was found again after deep cleaning. CU-259-322 was persistent in
between postimplementation of daily SSOPs and immedi- preintervention testing (12) and transient after implementa-
ately before deep cleaning (Padj ¼ 0.0013). Although the tion of daily SSOPs (2) but was not recovered in the present
deep cleaning had no immediate effect, it reduced L. study. CU-262-317 was persistent after implementation of
monocytogenes prevalence by 9.3% over the 3-month daily SSOPs (2) but was not found during the present study.

FIGURE 4. Longitudinal PFGE map of deli 2 showing operational (12), preintervention (12), postintervention (2), and deep cleaning prevalence and persistence of L. monocytogenes.
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FIGURE 5. Longitudinal PFGE map of deli 23 showing operational (12), preintervention (12), postintervention (2), and deep cleaning prevalence and persistence of L. monocytogenes.
1920 HAMMONS ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 80, No. 11

Deli 28, which had .30% L. monocytogenes preva- greater biofilm forming capacity (1). Further work is needed
lence preintervention (12) and after implementation of daily to elucidate the factors influencing L. monocytogenes
SSOPs (2), harbored two persistent strains, CU-262-79 and persistence in the retail deli environment.
CU-262-319 (2, 12). Both were isolated before and after
deep cleaning and were present in two subsequent months There was no change in prevalence of inlA PMSCs
with approximately equal prevalence. However, prevalence after deep cleaning. Of the 107 representative L.
of these strains was reduced compared with preintervention monocytogenes isolates evaluated for inlA PMSC in this
(12) and after implementation of daily SSOPs (2, 12) (see study, 2 (1.9%) had PMSCs (see Supplemental Materials).
Supplemental Materials). One isolate was found immediately before deep cleaning on
At the two-variable level (n ¼ 98), category (P ¼ an FCS in deli 13; no other L. monocytogenes isolates were
0.0155), period (P ¼ 0.0020), and category 3 period (P ¼ detected in deli 13 in this study. The other isolate with
0.0058) were all significant. Similar to the three-variable PMSCs was found immediately after deep cleaning on an
outcomes, a reduction of 4.0% was observed immediately NFCS in deli 17. The prevalence of inlA PMSCs in this
before deep cleaning compared with after implementation of study was comparable to that in the preintervention study,
daily SSOPs (2) (Padj ¼ 0.0027). No significant change in L. where 2.3% of isolates (10 of 442) from the retail deli
monocytogenes prevalence was detected immediately after environment had inlA PMSCs (17). Prevalence of inlA
deep cleaning (Fig. 3), yet a reduction of 1.5% was PMSCs on FCS, NFCS, and TP was also comparable, with
significant in the long term (Padj ¼ 0.0061); no specific 8.3% (1 of 12), 1.1% (1 of 95), and 0% of isolates,
effect was consequential (n ¼ 98). respectively (17). In contrast, after implementation of daily
Further analysis of the category 3 surface interaction, SSOPs, we found fewer isolates with inlA PMSCs (4 of 426;
which had an overall significance of P , 0.0001, suggested 0.94%), and PMSC-containing isolates were primarily found
that L. monocytogenes was 36.8% less prevalent on FCS of on NFCS (2 of 4 PMSC-containing isolates) (2).
low prevalence delis than in their moderate counterparts As in our previous studies (2, 17), the PMSC-containing
(P adj ,0.0001). L. monocytogenes on FCS of low isolates in this study represented transient lineage II strains
prevalence delis was also 38.1% less prevalent than on
(4, 8). One was a novel pulsotype, and the other had CU-
FCS of extremely high prevalence delis (Padj , 0.0001) (see
200-227, a pattern previously associated with three PMSC-
Supplementary Materials).
containing isolates found on FCS in three different delis
Although a prevalence reduction of 10.6% was detected
from the same geographic region (17). All four isolates
immediately before deep cleaning compared with after
contained the same PMSC mutation (PMSC-4) (15), were
implementation of daily SSOPs (2) (P ¼ 0.0013), these data
found on FCS, and were located in delis within the same
should be interpreted with caution. Nearly 1 year of
geographic location. Consequently, the strain may have
unmonitored deli operations occurred between longitudinal
originated from shared manufacturers and may represent
data collected before deep cleaning (2) and the data collected
cross-contamination from food into the deli environment.
immediately before deep cleaning in this study. Apparent
reductions in prevalence may be due to the fact that the
prevalence immediately before deep cleaning was derived ATP as a verification method and personnel
from a single sampling event that may not be representative motivation tool. A total of 1,087 ATP swab samples (99
of the environment over time. Undocumented changes in to 139 per deli) (Table 1) were used to monitor cleaning
deli environments also may have impacted prevalence efficacy during the deep cleaning process. The wide range of
during the sampling hiatus. swabs required was largely because of the varying level of
Many of the persistent strains we studied were highly soils in each deli (i.e. low prevalence delis had less soil
prevalent across multiple surfaces in the deli environment buildup than did high prevalence delis) and differences in
over almost 2 years (2, 12). Consequently, these strains deli size, layout, and equipment. The slicer was a key
likely represent true persistence rather than repeated variance point among delis. Of the 65 ATP test sites, 5 were
reintroduction (9, 13). We hypothesized that persistent designated slicer test areas, each of which may have been
strains found in only one study may be (i) less efficient at tested multiple times per slicer. The number of slicers
colonizing the deli environment, (ii) outcompeted by an present had a large impact on the number of swabs used per
established highly persistent strain, (iii) located in delis with deli. Deli 2 had only three slicers, and 99 ATP swabs were
more effective deli sanitation, or (iv) a combination of used in total, whereas deli 17 had nine slicers, and 134 ATP
factors. Conversely, strains that persisted across all three swabs were used (Table 1). Deli 28 was one of the most
studies (2, 12) may be highly capable of colonizing and heavily soiled delis, as indicated by an average 34.1% L.
persisting in the retail deli environment and in response to monocytogenes prevalence across the previous studies (Fig.
increased sanitation challenges within the deli. A study by 3) (2, 12), and required the most ATP swabs (139) to verify
our group of persistent and transient retail deli isolates cleaning (Table 1). Anecdotally, deep cleaning crew
collected in the preintervention study (12) revealed overall members were motivated by passing ATP scores during
higher attachment capacity among persistent isolates but no operations. Competition began among employees to achieve
difference in sanitizer tolerance (17). However, in a follow- ATP scores below the detection limit. This competition
up study using cryo scanning electron microscopy for two generated enthusiasm and motivated the crew to clean more
persistent and two transient isolates, a transient strain had effectively through a 12-h overnight shift.
J. Food Prot., Vol. 80, No. 11 CONTROL OF L. MONOCYTOGENES AT RETAIL 1921

TABLE 1. In-process ATP swab samples collected per deli and the deep cleaning and during the follow-up sampling period
the order in which delis were cleaned (Table 2). One positive sample was found on a deli case
Delia No. of ATP samples collected Order of cleaning immediately after deep cleaning, but none were found
during the follow-up period. Heavily soiled deli cases
2 99 7 frequently required more than 5 h for a three-person crew to
5 102 1 clean (15 labor hours). Poor design often compounded
8 115 3 issues. In some deli cases, food particles could fall through
13 116 2
vents into the coil compartment, but the coils were covered
23 124 8
by plating that could be removed only when the cases sides
12 125 5
22 133 6 were disassembled, which could not be done because of
17 134 4 personnel availability and time constraints. Removal of the
28 139b 9 top plate to completely expose refrigeration coils and
removal of fan blades and motors often required tools and
Deli number from Simmons et al. (12). knowledge beyond that of deli managers or associates. The
On-hand swab supply was exhausted. presence of an attentive and knowledgeable maintenance
person greatly facilitates the disassembly of both deli cases
Facility design differences challenged the robust- and cold storage room refrigeration units.
ness of the DC-SSOP. Facility design and condition were The cold storage room was a significant harborage site
the most common inhibitors of effective sanitation. Execution for L. monocytogenes even after implementation of daily
of the DC-SSOP did not open niches of L. monocytogenes in SSOPs; 16 (29.6%) of 54 cold room samples, 14 (38.9%) of
well-controlled environments (e.g., delis with historically low 36 drain samples, and 4 (7.4%) of 54 wall samples were
prevalence). However, L. monocytogenes prevalence in- positive (Table 2) (2). The deep cleaning did not
creased after execution of the SSOP in a deli with previously significantly reduce prevalence on these sites; 9 (33.3%) of
high prevalence, and efficacy in other high prevalence delis 27 cold room floor samples, 4 (16.7%) of 24 drain samples,
was mixed. We postulate that these various results are and 1 (3.7%) of 27 wall samples were positive during the
attributed to the complexity of the deli environment and follow-up period (Table 2). The moderately sized (10 by 7-ft
physical limitations of the study design. Each participating [3 by 2-m]) cold storage room with built-in steel racks in
deli had a unique structural design and different equipment. deli 2 required more than 7 h of cleaning by a two- or three-
Although the cleaning crew was trained with the DC-SSOP, person crew using lime remover to eliminate heavy mineral
every execution had unique challenges. Poorly sloped floors, deposits and soils.
partially or completely blocked floor drains, worn grout, and
damaged flooring regularly created challenges for water Study design limitations. Resources limited the scope
control throughout the deep cleaning process in every deli. of the study to nine delis. The power to detect significant
Even in deli 12, which had low prevalence and relatively differences was reduced because of the need (i) to maintain
minimal soils, a clogged cold storage room floor drain the blindness of the study, (ii) to represent delis with both
significantly disrupted execution of the DC-SSOP. Standing high and low L. monocytogenes prevalence, and (iii) to
water accumulated in the immediate area within 30 min, a respect the investment of the retailers in this study.
second drain backed up within 90 min, and the crew tracked Significant resources were invested in a professional
heavily soiled gray water throughout the environment for 3.5 cleaning crew, which for consistency had to travel to three
h while waiting for the emergency plumber to arrive. In an states over 3 weeks. Despite having a well-trained crew of
ideal situation, cleaning would have been halted while the 10 people, additional personnel would have been beneficial.
drain issue was resolved, but because of the limited allotted Significant costs were borne by each deli for labor (to empty
time and business needs of the participating retailers, the crew and restock), chemicals, potential lost sales while the deli
continued cleaning to complete the DC-SSOP before the deli was closed, and maintenance. The 12-h shutdown period
opened for business in the morning. Delis with free-flowing was negotiated in advance with participating delis and could
drains were not free of issues. Overall, 32 (35.6%) of 90 not be violated, even when more time was needed to
standing water samples tested positive for L. monocytogenes effectively clean large and/or heavily soiled delis.
from preintervention operational sampling (12) through the Another design limitation was that multiple surfaces
sampling after deep cleaning (Table 2). matched each sample site description (e.g., there was more
than one slicer per deli); without permanently marking
Deli case and cold storage room require the most sample sites, the ‘‘before’’ and ‘‘after’’ samples may have
labor hours because of unforeseen challenges. Irregularly been collected from different places (e.g., different slicers).
cleaned deli cases and cold storage rooms required more Therefore, elimination or appearance (as in deli 2; Fig. 4) of
labor hours and resources than any other area. Prevalence a positive sample after deep cleaning compared with before
was 9.3% (5 of 54 samples) on the deli case, 14.3% (1 of 7 deep cleaning could be the result of a change in test area
samples) on the deli case by raw meat, and 5.6% (3 of 54 rather than the impact of the DC-SSOP. We recognized this
samples) on the deli case tray after implementation of daily issue at the beginning of the study and accepted this
SSOPs (Table 2) (2). No L. monocytogenes was found on limitation because risk of site change would present results
the deli case by raw meat or deli case trays immediately after more relevant to commercial application of the DC-SSOP
1922 HAMMONS ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 80, No. 11

TABLE 2. Prevalence of L. monocytogenes by site across phases in the nine participating delis
% samples positive for L. monocytogenes (no. positive/no. collected)

Before After Deep cleaning

Sample collection area Preoperationala Operationalb Postinterventionc deep cleaningd deep cleaninge follow-up f

Food contact surfaces

Slicer blade NS 3.7 (2/54) 1.9 (1/54) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/27)
Deli case NS 3.8 (2/52) 9.3 (5/54) 0 (0/9) 11.1 (1/9) 0 (0/27)
Deli case by raw meat NS 12.5 (2/16) 14.3 (1/7) 0 (0/1) 0 (0/1) 0 (0/3)
Deli case tray NS 3.7 (2/54) 5.6 (3/54) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/27)
3-Basin interior NS 18.5 (10/54) 3.7 (2/54) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/9) 7.4 (2/27)
1-Basin interior NS 9.3 (5/54) 14.8 (8/54) 11.1 (1/9) 11.1 (1/9) 22.2 (6/27)
Cold storage room racks NS 11.1 (6/54) 3.7 (2/54) 11.1 (1/9) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/27)
Cutting board NS 2 (1/51) 0 (0/46) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/23)
Rewrap table NS 1.9 (1/53) 1.9 (1/54) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/27)
Counter NS 1.9 (1/52) 11.3 (6/53) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/27)
Total NS 6.5 (32/494) 6 (29/484) 2.4 (2/82) 2.4 (2/82) 3.3 (8/242)
Touch points
Slicer knob NS 3.7 (2/54) 3.7 (2/54) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/27)
Deli case handle NS 5.6 (3/54) 7.4 (4/54) 11.1 (0/9) 11.1 (0/9) 0 (0/26)
Scale NS 7.4 (4/54) 5.6 (3/54) 0 (1/9) 0 (1/9) 0 (0/27)
Total NS 5.6 (9/162) 5.6 (9/162) 3.7 (1/27) 3.7 (1/27) 0 (0/80)
Nonfood contact surfaces
3-Basin exterior NS 11.1 (6/54) 0 (0/54) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/27)
3-Basin FTW 20 (3/15) 15.1 (8/53) 24.1 (13/54) 22.2 (2/9) 0 (0/9) 14.8 (4/27)
1-Basin exterior NS 27.8 (15/54) 5.6 (3/54) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/27)
1-Basin FTW NS 52.8 (19/36) 55.9 (19/34) 22.2 (2/9) 11.1 (1/9) 33.3 (6/18)
Drain, deli area NS 33.3 (18/54) 30.2 (16/53) 0 (0/9) 11.1 (1/9) 29.6 (8/27)
Floor adjacent to deli drain 33.3 (5/15) 32.7 (17/52) 32.1 (17/53) 22.2 (2/9) 22.2 (2/9) 25.9 (7/27)
Floor deli area NS 14.8 (8/54) 27.8 (15/54) 11.1 (1/9) 11.1 (1/9) 25.9 (7/27)
Cold storage room floor NS 20.4 (11/54) 29.6 (16/54) 22.2 (2/9) 11.1 (1/9) 33.3 (9/27)
Cold storage room wall NS 18.5 (10/54) 7.4 (4/54) 0 (0/9) 0 (0/9) 3.7 (1/27)
Cold storage room drain NS 33.3 (12/36) 38.9 (14/36) 37.5 (3/8) 12.5 (1/8) 16.7 (4/24)
Standing water NS 40.6 (13/32) 30 (9/30) 100 (2/2) 22.2 (2/9) 35.3 (6/17)
Squeegee NS 11.4 (5/44) 34 (16/47) 12.5 (1/8) 0 (0/8) 38.1 (8/21)
Wheeled carts NS 9.3 (5/54) 24.5 (13/53) 11.1 (1/9) 22.2 (2/9) 18.5 (5/27)
Hoses 0 (0/1) 10.8 (4/37) 14.7 (5/34) 0 (0/6) 0 (0/6) 11.1 (2/18)
Trash can in deli area 0 (0/14) 5.6 (3/54) 5.7 (3/53) 11.1 (1/9) 11.1 (1/9) 0 (0/27)
Total 17.8 (8/45) 21.3 (154/722) 22.7 (163/717) 13.8 (17/123) 9.2 (12/130) 18.2 (67/368)
Total overall 17.8 (8/45) 14.2 (195/1378) 14.7 (201/1363) 9.9 (20/232) 7.1 (15/239) 12.5 (75/690)
Three months preoperational sampling in retail delis (12).
Six months operational sampling in retail delis (12).
Six months operational sampling after implementation of daily interventions in retail delis (2).
Sampling immediately before deep cleaning.
Sampling immediately after deep cleaning.
Monthly sampling for 3 months starting 1 month after deep cleaning.

than if test sites were identifiable and therefore potentially were major factors affecting execution. Highly engaged
target cleaned by crew members. Collection of follow-up corporate sanitarians and food safety directors who advo-
samples every month, particularly in the first month after cated for additional resources within their organizations
deep cleaning, provided only a low-resolution evaluation of were key to planning success. Well-prepared delis that had
sustained efficacy. Monthly follow-up sampling would all food products and dry goods removed before cleaning
appear the same whether L. monocytogenes was absent for crews arrived facilitated a more efficient start time with
1 day or 1 week or 29 days, as long as L. monocytogenes minimal disruption to customers and regular business
returned before the 1-month postcleaning sample date. activities. Conversely, in deli departments that were not
This DC-SSOP could be used to reduce L. monocyto- well prepared, staff struggled to remove inventory, often
genes prevalence in retail delis, but consistent, effective resulting in delayed cleaning start times.
implementation requires further work. Planning, preparation, Overall, the DC-SSOP had a variable effect on L.
and communication before the day of cleaning in each deli monocytogenes prevalence in delis with historically low or
J. Food Prot., Vol. 80, No. 11 CONTROL OF L. MONOCYTOGENES AT RETAIL 1923

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4. Gray, M. J., R. N. Zadoks, E. D. Fortes, B. Dogan, S. Cai, Y. Chen,
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Facility maintenance, equipment design, and employee ments with a history of failed inspections. J. Food Prot. 74:1083–
attitudes are outside the scope of a cleaning procedure yet 1095.
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recommendations for delis wishing to incorporate this
8. Orsi, R. H., H. C. den Bakker, and M. Wiedmann. 2011. Listeria
strategy include (i) splitting the deep cleaning procedure monocytogenes lineages: genomics, evolution, ecology, and pheno-
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for cleaning with less personnel fatigue, (ii) a greater focus 9. Pan, Y., F. Breidt, and S. Kathariou. 2006. Resistance of Listeria
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incorporating local employees via training, daily monitoring
10. Pleitner, A. M., T. K. Chapin, S. R. Hammons, A. Van Stelten, K. K.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Food Prot. 77:1929–1939.
13. Stasiewicz, M. J., H. F. Oliver, M. Wiedmann, and H. C. den Bakker.
This project was supported by the Food Marketing Institute 2015. Whole-genome sequencing allows for improved identification
Foundation. We thank Neogen Corp. for supplying the ATP testing of persistent Listeria monocytogenes in food-associated environments.
systems. We appreciate assistance provided by the Purdue University Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81:6024–6037.
Statistical Consulting Service, and we thank our staff members E. Wright, 14. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 2009. Food Code 2009.
B. Ziegler, S. Chambers, E. Christian, P. Cook, A. Pleitner, and C. Available at: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/GuidanceR
Wickware and the retail delis that volunteered for this study. egulation/UCM189448.pdf. Accessed 9 July 2016.
15. Van Stelten, A., and K. K. Nightingale. 2008. Development and
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL implementation of a multiplex single-nucleotide polymorphism
Supplemental material associated with this article can be genotyping assay for detection of virulence-attenuating mutations in
the Listeria monocytogenes virulence-associated gene inlA. Appl.
found online at: https://doi.org/10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-17-113.s1.
Environ. Microbiol. 74:7365–7375.
16. Van Stelten, A., J. M. Simpson, T. J. Ward, and K. K. Nightingale.
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