Preliminary Literature Review

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Preliminary Literature Review (The Impact of New Digital Media on BSHM 701 Graduating

Digital technology can be used by teachers to get their students more engaged. Quality
communication skills are built in the classroom with the help of technological capabilities.
Digital media's benefits depend on how people use it. Digital media can be used to connect,
communicate, and learn with students. In the last few years, the Internet of Things has changed
the state of education in the country. Modern teaching methods are used in and out of the
classroom. Dramatic changes to our lives are being brought about by 21st It's hard to imagine a
life without the internet The Digital India program is being pushed by the Government of India
to integrate technology into education at all levels. Digital media technologies are helping
educational entities move from traditional ways of teaching to more sophisticated methods.
Digital practices are being introduced by In the field of education, computer-based learning is a
The exams are no longer limited to paper. The ability to just read, write and cram a syllabus is
no longer the focus of Change is being driven by digital media. The evolution of education has
been impacted by the growth of exponential technologies such as artificial intelligence,
robotics, and nanotechnology. New skills and understanding are needed to meet the future
demands of the labor industry as growth drivers are changing employment dynamics. In order
to provide students with critical thinking, innovation, collaboration, and problem-solving,
educational institutions must incorporate digitization into the educational process. The general
skills needed to deal with modern businesses should be included in the curriculum. Digital
media's transformational changes take education to a higher level.
Traditional and modern education are different. Previously, the teacher's responsibility was the
only one who could impart knowledge, but with the emergence of Information and
Communication Technologies, their role has become as the population grew and migrated to
cities, inexperienced and under-qualified teachers were hired, and education became a
business. Digital media is a must to impart knowledge to students. The study was done in Sri
Positive and negative impacts on today's generation have been created by social the easy
availability of various applications and information, audio or visual content interaction, and help
in the political and economic field are positive points. Its negative aspects, such as addiction
and long-term friendships with unknown people, can't be ignored. Paying attention to their
academic progress can help parents spend more time with their children.

Students can use social media technologies to collaborate and build knowledge. Students and
teachers are connected through this medium. Social media has affected the lives of college
students because of their academic performance. It gives them a new way to discuss
assignments, class schedules, etc.
The academic performance of a student is unaffected by social media. It helps them in their
studies when they use social media like Facebook, Twitter, and other sites frequently. The study
was done on Egyptian youth who say they use the internet to study. Students spend the same
amount of time on social media if they spend less than 1 hour or more than 6 hours.

Social networking sites were only meant to connect people, but today's youth are addicted to
them. Social sites such as Linked In, Twitter, Orkut and Facebook get in the way of student
learning. It has become dangerous for all young people. A study conducted in Pakistan found
that there are many fake identities on social media, so parents and governments should ban
these sites.

Students were positively influenced by social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Skype and
helped them in their academic evaluation. Celebrities and the general public alike use social
media daily. Students can generate new ideas and concepts that will help them in their
academic performance while having fun. These social websites help them in their academic
work with joy.

Social media can share information, ideas, and opinions through images and videos via laptop,
desktop, and mobile. Students use Twitter and microblogging sites for debates and hashtags.
Positive effects are newly acquired skills, quality education, knowledge of new technologies,
and strengthening of creativity. Negative effects are limiting learning, poor academic
performance, and lack of privacy. Social media has helped teenagers develop awareness, but it
makes violence normal and all things commercial.
Improve the school system to prevent disruptive behavior. We believe that the current school
system should be developed to support digitally literate young people and engage and motivate
them by using their technological skills. The school system cannot currently be described as
engaging. New ideas that combine traditional methods with new innovative ideas are needed
to overcome the boundaries of formal and informal education. The school system must change
from pushing to coaching. Right now, teachers spend most of their time lecturing (ie pushing
information). The system should support individual learning, not "one-size-fits-all". School days
should include more projects to promote communication and social interaction. Various media
technologies play a key role in realizing these changes. In summary, we emphasize that the
current education system should change from classical teaching to facilitated teaching. In this
regard, we present a detailed scenario predicting a typical junior day at school in 2025 (see the
scenario in Junior Day at School in 2025) in which we project our signals to predict the activities
of a junior during a typical school day in 2025. 2025. Through these simple examples of the
school day, we suggest that the school system in Finland needs to change and that various
media technologies will be key to facilitating this change. There are many good qualities that
will remain in the current education system. The purpose of technology is to support this
system, not to be the only solution. But given that there are many open gaps in research on the
integration of the school system with various media technologies, and that these technologies
are a significant part of everyday life, this will require a fundamental change. Big changes
always take a long time, so it is necessary to start the change now.
(Swapnil Jain, 2019, May 13) Impact of Digital Media on New Generation Education. ASMA
Academia. Retrieved December 11, 2022) Impact of Digital Media on New Generation Education
(Asia India. in), (Wikramanayake, 2014), (Mrs. Vishranti Raut, 2016), (Amankwaa, 2016),
(Hashem1, 2015), (Waqas Tariq1, 2012), (Zahid Amin, 2016), (Lad, 2017) JETIRBH06029.pdf ,
(Ammad-ud-din, Muhammad & Mikkonen, Tomi & Pinjamaa, Noora & Satu, Lehto & Ståhlberg,
Pauliina & Ventura, Emanuele & Zhongliang, Ross. (2014). How Will Digital Media Impact
Education?) jun_04.pdf (

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