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Name: James Aaron A.


Year/Sec: BSIT 3F1

Assessment 5

1. Describe how employee wages and benefits improve the performance and

maintain the high level of efficiency in work of employees (10pts.)

maintaining the productivity of the employees are not only based on wages and salary although that is
important coz that’s the basis on how you pay their skills and abilities to do their work. However,
maintaining the efficiency of work comes through a lot of process, it needs ability of a leader to make
them valued and treasured not as a worker but as a colleague, building communications and
appreciation, recognitions are always good impact to motivate employees. Regarding on the wages and
benefits is good to increase them depending on the productivity of the company in that way majority of
employees are focused on a specific goal is to produce results that can benefit the majority.

2. Rationalize the importance of job evaluation in the organization. (10pts)

The objective here is to hire someone which is capable on the role. The annual performance evaluation
process are to promote communication and provide useful feedback about job performance, to facilitate
better working relationships, to provide an historical record of performance and to contribute to
professional development.

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