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Job Safety Analysis

Area/Unit/Location: Project Manager:

Work Activity/Task: Staff consulted: Name Signature Date
Date to commence: Date of JSA:
Prepared by:
Item Job Step Potential Hazard Risk Controls Person Who Will Ensure
Break the job down What can harm you? Rating What you are going to do to make the job this Happens
into steps. as safe as reasonably practicable.
1 Load and unload Ÿ Back Strain Ÿ Deliver as close to work site as staff, contractors &
materials and Ÿ Trays of tubes can be possible to minimise moving. volunteers
equipment heavy. Ÿ Use good lifting and carrying
Ÿ Bales of bamboo stakes are technique for heavy or awkward loads.
heavy and awkward. Ÿ Use team lifting for heavy or bulky
Ÿ Splinters from stakes.
Ÿ Wear gloves.
Ÿ Water containers are heavy.
Ÿ Fill containers with 10 litres of water
only. Use 10L buckets for watering.

2 Move materials and Ÿ Back Strain. Ÿ Use good lifting and carrying staff, contractors &
equipment Ÿ Trays of tubes can be technique for boxes and trays. volunteers
heavy. Ÿ Take care on uneven ground. Be
Ÿ Trip hazards. vigilant for trip hazards.
Ÿ Slippery surfaces. Ÿ Carry only one or two bundles of
hardwood stakes at a time.
Ÿ Bales of bamboo stakes are
Ÿ Divide heavy loads if possible.
heavy and awkward. Ÿ Carry tubes in a bucket.
Ÿ Bundles of hardwood Ÿ Carry some stakes in a bag.
stakes are awkward. Ÿ Carry small containers of fertiliser and
Ÿ Splinters from stakes. water retaining granules.

Item Job Step Potential Hazard Risk Controls Person Who Will Ensure
Break the job down What can harm you? Rating What you are going to do to make the job this Happens
into steps. as safe as reasonably practicable.
Move materials and Ÿ Bulk water containers are Ÿ Use wheel barrows and trolleys where staff, contractors &
equipment (cont.) heavy. appropriate. volunteers
Ÿ Prickly and sharp leaves on Ÿ Fill containers with 10 litres of water
some plants poking skin or only.
eyes. Ÿ Handle prickly plants with care
Ÿ Tools left on the ground – Ÿ Do not leave tools lying on the ground
trip hazards
3 Carry Hand Tools • Tripping, falling whilst • Use correct method of carrying tools – staff, contractors &
carrying tools, dropping close by side of body, sharp edges volunteers
tools. – cuts, scratches, away and pointing down. Small tools
bruises. in pouch. Walk with care. Be aware of
others. Carry tools in a bucket if
4 Digging holes Ÿ Use of mattocks and Ÿ Do not use a mattock near another staff, contractors &
shovels can lead to jarring person. Be aware of other around you volunteers
and strain. at all times when swinging a mattock.
Ÿ Tools may strike the user or Ÿ Wear covered shoes when using a
a person nearby.. mattock.
Ÿ Take turns on the mattock. Swap tasks
• Lifting, pulling, pushing, frequently. Stop, rest and stretch as
bending whilst using hand soon as you feel discomfort.
tools for tree planting – Ÿ Maintain good posture and body
strains, sprains, blows. movements. Use tools correctly
• Soil – diseases, Ÿ Wear gloves if any cuts or open
contaminants. wounds on hands.
• Soil flicking into eyes. Ÿ Wash eyes if soil gets in eyes.
• Loose mattock head may Ÿ Ensure mattock head is tightly attached
slip down handle striking to handle

Item Job Step Potential Hazard Risk Controls Person Who Will Ensure
Break the job down What can harm you? Rating What you are going to do to make the job this Happens
into steps. as safe as reasonably practicable.
5 Planting tube stock Ÿ Overuse/repetitive injuries. Ÿ Wear gloves if any cuts or open staff, contractors &
Large numbers of tubes may wounds on hands. Wash eyes if soil volunteers
be planted. gets in eyes..
Ÿ Soil – diseases, Ÿ Avoid vapours from
contaminants compost/fertilisers.
Ÿ Rotate planting tasks

6 Bagging and staking Ÿ Driving stakes for tree Ÿ Use wooden mallet or hammer to drive staff, contractors &
guards can lead to strain or bamboo stakes. volunteers
impact injuries. Bamboo Ÿ Wear gloves.
stakes may break when Ÿ Open and shake out second hand tree
pushing or driving in guards.
causing injury to hands. Ÿ Keep fingers out of the way when
Ÿ Spiders or biting/stinging hammering stakes
insects in second hand tree Ÿ Be careful when bending
Ÿ Hitting fingers with mallet
Ÿ Poking eyes with bamboo
stakes when bending over

7 Watering Ÿ Lifting, pulling, pushing, Ÿ Do not carry more than 10 litres of staff, contractors &
bending watering – strains, water. Decant from drums or tank into volunteers
sprains. buckets or watering cans.

Item Job Step Potential Hazard Risk Controls Person Who Will Ensure
Break the job down What can harm you? Rating What you are going to do to make the job this Happens
into steps. as safe as reasonably practicable.
8 Mulching Ÿ Loads of mulch can be Ÿ Use buckets or barrows to move mulch. staff, contractors &
heavy. Ÿ If using bins, fill half full and use team volunteers
Ÿ Mulch is often dusty and carrying.
laden with fungal spores. Ÿ Use mulch forks to load mulch.
Ÿ Ground is uneven and trip Ÿ Use rakes or mulch forks to spread
hazards common.
Ÿ Wear dust masks if mulch is dusty or
Ÿ Sharp prongs on mulch
laden with fungal spores.
Ÿ Wear gloves when handling mulch.
Ÿ Splinters from wood chips.
Ÿ Be aware of other people around you
Ÿ Stepping or tripping on
when using mulch forks.
tools left lying on ground.
Ÿ Don’t leave mulch forks and rakes
lying on the ground when not in use.

OHS Risk Management System OHS Information

Record of Job Safety Brief

Workplace: NPWS Metropolitan North East Region Date:
Subject: Tree Planting Duration:

Print Name Signature Print Name Signature

Documentation and other information provided (including video):

Comments & points raised:

Corrective Action Action by Action Complete

Sign off Date

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