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campus name
high school of the state of hidalgo, campus Almoloya

student's name
Brisel Garcia Guarneros

teacher's name
LIC. Yadira Castro Juárez

Ingles 11


22 de March Wednesday March 22

The crybaby
In the late hours of the night, when everything seems asleep and only the rude
shouts with which the herdsmen enliven the slow march of their animals are Heard,
the peasants say that there, by the river, moving closer and
further away at intervals, stopping at the cool pools that serve
as water for nearby oxen and horses, a plaintive voice calls
the attention of travelers.
It is a sobbing woman's voice, who wanders along the banks
of the river looking for something that she has lost and will
never find. It terrifies the children who have heard, told by the
withered lips of their grandmother, the touching story of that
woman who lives in the pastures, interrupting the silence of
the night with her eternal moan.
She was a poor peasant girl whose adolescent had slipped into the midst of the
tranquility listening with pleasure to the little birds that were swinging happily on the
branches of the fig trees. Abandoned her bed when the rooster's crowing
announced the dawn, and she went towards the river to fetch water with her clay
jars, waking up, as she passed, the cows that were resting on the road.
He was happy loving nature; But once she arrived at the patron's family hacienda
in the summer season, the beautiful peasant girl was able to observe the luxury
and coquetry of the young ladies who came from San Jose. He made the
comparison between the charms of those women and his own; he saw that his
body was as swaying as theirs, that they had a pretty face, a disturbing smile, and
he dedicated himself to imitating them.
As she was hard-working, the employer took her into her service and brought her
to the capital where, shortly after, she was corrupted by her companions and the
great vices that are found in the capitals, and the degree of licentiousness in which
they are absorbed by the metropolises. She was seduced by a young man of those
who in the halls are in tune with their culture and who often wake up completely
drunk in the houses of tolerance. When she felt that she was going to be a mother,
she withdrew from the capital and returned to her parents' house. Hidden from her
family, she gave birth to a beautiful girl that she immediately threw to the place
where the river was deepest, in a moment of incapacity and fear of facing a parent
or a society that acted in this way. Later she went crazy and according to the
peasants, repentance now makes her wander along the banks of the streams
always looking for the corpse of her daughter that she will never find again.
From then on, the traveler on the river bank hears, when in a quiet night he
crosses the forest, complaining, heartbreaking and terrible birds that paralyze the

blood. She is the crybaby who is looking for her daughter.

1. What was life like before the internet?
. Life was more relaxed where people were interested in doing other
types of household activities
2. What was school like before?
. The school used to be very simple and without many places to sit.
3. What was public transport like before?
. Public transport used to be easier where people traveled on
horseback or in a simple public transport.
4. What material were old houses made of?
. They were built of stones, wood and a few times of mud.
5. What were the first subjects from before?
. Subjects such as poetry, arithmetic, history, music or physical
education were studied.
6. How did people communicate before the internet?
. the only way to communicate digitally was through the telegraph.
7. What were the foods before?
. Quelites, quintoniles, corn, cocoa, beans, amaranth or joy seed
(huauhtli), different species of chili peppers, seeds, various types of
potatoes, avocados, chilacayotes, huauzontles, nopales, spirulina
algae, yerba santa or acuyo, achiote, la herbaceous known as
8. What costumes were used before?
. The women wear short dresses, showing their legs, short shorts,
and generally very tight clothing that shows their curves.

. Men dress more casually, with shorts, flannel and sports shoes,
casual and simple clothing, nothing formal.
9.What games were played before?

. Before, they played hopscotch, marbles, and kites. the rattle, the
spinning top or spinning top and the yo-yo.
10. What were the buildings like before?
. before, some families used to sit down to talk about legends, tales
or fables, some sat around a campfire or in the living room of their


1. I didn't dance bachata.

2. He didn't clean his house.

3. She didn't eat yesterday.

4. She doesn't work outside.

5. He doesn't jump rope.

6. He doesn't eat vegetables.

7. They didn´t not play with the cell phone.

8. I didn´t not eat fruit.

9. She doesn't dance cumbia.

10. She didn´t talk.

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