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Country Public Procurement Profile and e-GP Overview Survey August 2011

1. Of the 30 ADB developing member countries (DMCs) that were invited to complete, as applicable, the attached questionnaire comprised of three parts (ref Annex 1, pages 3-12), a total of 27 countries responded, translating to a 90% response rate. On a sub-regional basis, all invited countries responded 100%, except for Central and West Asia (CWRD) which has a 70% response rate.

Country Response Rate by Region

Invited Submitted 30 27


7 22





2. All 27 countries had Part A (Country Public Procurement Profile) of the questionnaire completed. For this part of the Survey, further clarification on unanswered items and/or vague answers may be advisable with regard to certain DMCs. Details are provided in the attached e-GP Survey Response Matrix (ref Annex 2, pages 13-14). 3. A total of 22 countries (81%) had Part B (e-GP Planning) of the questionnaire completed, indicating either an expressed or actual interest to develop Number of Countries that Responded: an e-GP system, or a further by Survey Sections Completed and by Region improvement or upgrade to an already existing system. A few countries that did not 7 complete Part B, such as 6 Tajikistan, Fiji, Solomon 5 Islands and Lao PDR, imply 4 that these countries have no 3 specific plan nor policy action 2 as yet or in the near future to 1 Part C adopt an e-GP system. 0 Part B Further clarification on CWRD EARD Part A unanswered items and/or PARD SARD SERD vague answers may be advisable with regard to CWRD EARD PARD SARD SERD certain DMCs. Details are Part A 7 2 5 6 7 provided in the attached e-GP Part B 6 2 3 5 6 Survey Response Matrix (ref Part C 3 0 0 3 5 Annex 2, pages 13-14).
Number of Countries

Page 2 of 14 4. Part C (e-GP System Implementation) was completed by 11 DMCs comprising five countries in Southeast Asia, three in South Asia, and three in Central/West Asia. For countries in East Asia and the Pacific region, their non-response or partial responses indicate that an e-GP system is either non-existent, or at a planning or early development stage. 5. These 11 countries which completed Part C of the Survey translate to 41% of total surveyed countries. On a sub-regional basis it would appear that in Southeast Asia, 71% of DMCs have either a pilot or fully functional e-GP system in place. South Asia would have 50% of its DMCs with some sort of e-GP system. And for Central/West Asia, that would be 43% of DMC respondents. 6. Further consultations on Part C responses may also be advisable. Details are provided in the attached e-GP Survey Response Matrix (ref Annex 2, pages 13-14). 7. An in-depth analysis of the survey content will be undertaken separately.

BDC/17 August 2011

Page 3 of 14 Annex 1 Country Public Procurement Profile Questionnaire (with E-Government Procurement Overview sections) Objective of the Questionnaire Under ADBs Asia Pacific Procurement Partnership Initiative (APPI)1, a dynamic database of country public procurement profiles will be created to house basic facts about each public procurement system of ADB developing member countries. This database will be publicly accessible through the APPI website and will facilitate sharing of latest developments and practices with respect to public procurement in the region. This database will be updated on as needed basis by the relevant public procurement authority or government agency within each participating country. Format of the Questionnaire Using a multiple choice format, this questionnaire seeks to capture basic information regarding (Part A) each countrys public procurement system including information regarding planned or ongoing initiatives and (Part B) each countrys plans and initiatives related to implementation of e-Government Procurement if applicable. The last section (Part C) of the questionnaire is designed to be responded only for countries which have being implementing a particular eGovernment Procurement system. Who Should Complete This Questionnaire This questionnaire should be completed by an official working for the public procurement authority of each country or by someone who has intimate knowledge of the countrys public procurement system. How Long Will it Take To Complete the Questionnaire This questionnaire (Part A and B) is designed to be completed between 10 to 15 minutes. Part C, which may require IT experts input should be completed only if a particular e-Government Procurement System is being introduced and implemented at least for more than 2 years. Where the Completed Questionnaire Should Be Sent Please forward the completed questionnaire to the ADB Country Resident Mission in your country or email to

ADB. 2009. RETA-7437 on Asia Pacific Procurement Partnership Initiative. Manila. This regional capacity development technical assistance aims to support strengthening of the public procurement systems and practices in ADBs developing member countries.

Country: ____________________________ Respondents Name and Title: __________________________________________ Name of Agency: _____________________________________________________ Contact Address/Email: ________________________________________________ Date : _______________________________________________________________ Questionnaire Please circle the response(s) that best fits the profile of your countrys public procurement system and status of its e-Government procurement initiative. Part A. Country Public Procurement Profile 1. Does your country have a central Public Procurement Authority (PPA) with legal authority through legislative enactment, executive decree or administrative regulation to act as functional and normative body in public procurement? a. Yes b. Yes, but the PPAs mandates are not specified c. No If you circled Yes (a or b), please provide official name of PPA: If you circled (c) above, please skip to question [7]. 2. Does the PPAs mandates involve following responsibilities: a. formulation of procurement policy and regulations b. procurement prior reviews/no-objection c. procurement oversight and post reviews d. procurement audit e. procurement complaint review f. monitoring and evaluation at country, sector and procuring entity level g. professional advice and guidance in public procurement h. procurement capacity development and training i. quality assurance and accreditation for procurement training j. others (specify)_____________________________________________

3. a. b. c. d.

Who does the PPA reports to? President/Parliament Prime Ministers Office Ministry of Finance Others (Please specify) ________________________________________

4. How many people are employed by the PPA? (Please provide an organizational chart of the PPA and email address for communication, if possible) a. 3 -5 staff b. 6-8 staff c. 9-15 staff

Page 5 of 14 d. 15 and more Email address for communication with PPA: ________________________________ 5. Does PPA have a website? a. Yes b. No 6. If the PPA does have a website, which of the following areas does it cover? (Please provide a link.) a. procurement related regulations and documents b. news, events and policy initiatives related to public procurement c. interaction with the users through procurement forum, Q and A, customer survey and feedback, policy dialogue and experience sharing etc d. e-training and self learning modules for procurement practitioners e. posting of procurement plan(s) f. specific opportunities and notices for bidders g. posting of contract award with name of the winning bidder and contract value h. posting of overview and resolutions to complaints i. centralized online system for procurement monitoring of procuring entities j. centralized online system for collecting procurement data and statistics k. linkage to an e-procurement system with actual procurement transactions l. other functions (please specify) ___________________________________________ Link for PPA Website: ___________________________________________________ 7. Do you have a public procurement law or any other regulatory act with legislative power? (Please provide a link or as scanned copy of its English version) If yes, which of following are true? (Please indicate as many as needed) a. the scope of the law covers all procurement handled by public entities including foreign funded procurements but excluding goods and services for national security purpose only b. the scope the law excludes entire defense procurement c. the law does not cover procurement conducted by state owned enterprises d. the law does not cover procurement conducted by public utilities e. the scope of the law covers concession contracts such as BTO, BOT, PPP etc the f. the law allows framework contracts g. the law establishes a fully decentralized system for procurement decision making with no prior review (i.e. each procuring entity is fully responsible for its procurement) h. the law establishes a decentralized system with prior review and approval procedures for large contracts i. the law establishes a centralized system that only a specially designated agency is responsible for all procurement j. the law establishes combination of decentralized and centralized system (decentralized for small or routine procurement and centralized for large or selected goods, works and services) k. the law mandates standardization of procurement practices mandating use of common procedures and standard bidding documents and forms l. the law currently provides principles and general procedures that makes provision for the use/adoption of e-procurement

Page 6 of 14 m. the law describes principles for national registration and classification system for contractors as not a pre-condition to participate in biding process or to qualify for specific contracts. n. the law mandates the use of the registration and classification system as pre-qualification of contractors to bid o. the law provides for an administrative review mechanism for complaint that allows bidder to challenge procuring entitys decision before filing for judicial review to the court 8. Do you have a strategic plan or reform agenda for developing the procurement system in your country? (Please provide a copy or link) a. Yes, this is a long term procurement strategy updated 3-5 years and its key outcomes are incorporated into national development strategy documents of the country b. Yes, this is a mid term procurement strategy with updated annual plan which is consistent with the government development objectives c. Yes, this is an annual plan consistent with the government overall policy of that particular budget year. d. No, there is no strategy document specific to public procurement e. Others (Please specify) 9. What kind of initiatives and assistance in your view is needed to improve your public procurement system in the near future? [Please circle the five most important initiatives] a. Conduct an overall assessment of the effectiveness of the countrys public procurement system b. Assess compliance with countrys public procurement rules and regulations by procuring entities c. Assess effectiveness of the public financial management system and public administration system to generate support for public procurement policy reform d. Create a sustainable training system for procurement practitioners to ensure compliance, professionalism and career development e. Create a single window for procurement related information and statistics led by PPA and connect with e-procurement system f. Launch communication campaign to improve public awareness of countrys public procurement policy g. Analyze the structure and business practices of key procuring entities and support the improvement of their procurement functions h. Analyze the structure and business practices of PPA and support efforts to improve its capacity and performance i. Reform public procurement strategy to further the development of small and medium enterprises through procurement j. Reform public procurement strategy to further the economic rights of disadvantaged groups, e.g, indigenous people, disabled people through procurement k. Reform public procurement strategy to further the economic rights of disadvantaged regions through procurement l. Others (please specify)

Notes (if any): ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Page 7 of 14

10. What is the size of the public procurement of your country? Please circle the most corresponding values based on available most recent information or your rough assessment? I. Average annual procurement under national and local budget a. b. c. d. e. f. g. below US$ 10 million between US$ 10 to 100 million between US$ 100 to 200 million between US$ 200 to 500 million between US$500 to 1 billion over US$ 1 billion Other (please indicate a more specific amount, if available): _______

II. Average annual procurement of State Owned Enterprises (those who are subject of the procurement regulations) h. i. j. k. l. m. n. below US$ 10 million between US$ 10 to 100 million between US$ 100 to 200 million between US$ 200 to 500 million between US$500 to 1 billion over US$ 1 billion Other (please indicate a more specific amount, if available): _______

III. Average annnual procurement under Official Development Assistance (Donor funded projects) o. p. q. r. s. t. u. below US$ 10 million between US$ 10 to 100 million between US$ 100 to 200 million between US$ 200 to 500 million between US$500 to 1 billion over US$ 1 billion Other (please indicate a more specific amount, if available): _______

Page 8 of 14 Part B. E-Government Procurement Planning This section should be completed for countries that have developed plans to implement eGovernment Procurement (e-Gp) systems. Planning for e-Gp Systems 1. Has your government formed or implemented a concrete plan for development of e-Gp? (If yes, Please provide a copy of the plan). Please circle one only. a. Yes, this is a comprehensive plan and roadmap consistent with the countrys public procurement strategy b. Yes, this is a comprehensive plan and roadmap developed by the government agency responsible for IT systems and e-Government issues c. Yes, both a and b are true d. The government is in initial stage of preparing the e-Gp development plan and roadmap e. No, there is no formal plan or agenda for e-Gp 2. Which of the following best describes the functionality of your planned e-Gp initiatives? (Please circle as many as needed) a. a single website that consolidates and publishes all national information and policies related to public procurement b. regional or local websites for publishing and sharing all local information related to public procurement c. e-publication system for real time procurement notices d. e-publication of procurement awards and results e. system for bidders to download bidding documents and RFPs in response to the published procurement notices f. e-bidding system for bidders to submit their bid or proposals online and observe the online public opening of the bid g. e-contracting system which allows award notification and contract signing through the system h. e-payment system which allows invoicing and payment through the system i. online reverse auctions or electronic negotiations j. online purchasing from e-catalogs or supplier marketplace k. electronic evaluation of bidders technical and financial proposals l. electronic supplier registration system m. Government Procurement (credit) card transaction reporting and reconciliation system n. none of above 3. Do you have plans to implement any new e-Gp system at the national level? (Please circle as many as needed) a. a single website that consolidates and publishes all national information and policies related to public procurement b. regional or local websites for publishing and sharing all local information related to public procurement c. e-publication system for real time procurement notices d. e-publication of procurement awards and results e. system for bidders to download bidding documents and RFPs in response to the published procurement notices f. e-bidding system for bidders to submit their bid or proposals online and observe the online public opening of the bid

Page 9 of 14 g. e-contracting system which allows award notification and contract signing through the system h. e-payment system which allows invoicing and payment through the system i. online reverse auctions or electronic negotiations j. online purchasing from e-catalogs or supplier marketplace k. electronic evaluation of bidders technical and financial proposals l. electronic supplier registration system m. Government Procurement (credit) card transaction reporting and reconciliation system n. System for receiving bid securities or guarantees o. none of above

4. Does the scope of your e-GP plans include the following? (Please provide a copy of the relevant documents if possible) a. improving legal architecture to facilitate e-Gp system implementation b. assessing e-readiness of procuring entities through surveys and feasibility studies c. Obtaining/searching funding support for e-Gp system enhancement d. creation of necessary IT infrastructure e. conducting user acceptance and testing f. testing and obtaining relevant government agency approvals with respect to information security g. piloting e-Gp module h. drafting amendments to the public procurement law and its implementing rules and regulations to facilitate e-Gp operations i. generating public awareness and conducting consultation with suppliers to promote development of e-Gp system

Page 10 of 14 Part C E-Government Procurement System Implementation This section should be completed ONLY for countries that have implemented e-Government Procurement (e-Gp) systems. Implementation of the e-Gp system (if any) 1. For each e-Gp system in operation, please provide following general information (Please use additional paper if necessary and attach to the questionnaire): a. System name____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ b. Website address__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ c. Administration/Operator of the System _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ d. Agency(s) using the System________________ _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ e. Year of launch_________________________________________________________ 2. Please provide brief description of the system in terms of coverage and main functional modules a. e-publication/downloading________________________________________________ b. e-bidding_____________________________________________________________ c. e-contracting___________________________________________________________ d. e-payment_____________________________________________________________ e. e- reverse auction_______________________________________________________ f. e-catalog purchasing____________________________________________________ g. e-Guarantee/security_________________________________________ 3. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Circle the other government IT systems that the e-Gp system links to: National Treasury and Budget Tax Business Registration Banking Statistics Contractors and Suppliers Registration and Classification Customs and import duties Others (Please specify)

4. How do the bidders input and submit their proposal/tender documents into your e-Tendering System (if any): a. web form b. upload files c. send in paper documents d. Other method (Please specify)


Page 11 of 14 5. If bid evaluation is carried out online, briefly describe on the process of online evaluation____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 6. Is bid security/guarantee is required on your e-procurement system? (Please explain briefly)_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Does the e-Gp system require specific operating system, browser? ____________________ _________________________________________________________________________

8. Describe the security method (e.g. digital authentication) used in the e-Gp system? _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 9. Are electronic and paper documents legally equivalent in your country? ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. Briefly describe the management of the e-Gp system in terms of : a. the business model (managed in house, outsourced etc.)__________________________ _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ b. users fee for suppliers or procuring agencies (if any) ____________________________ c. training (available programs, e-learning, manuals etc) __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ d. certification ( if required who issues, how) ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ e. Call Center (Q&A for user requirements etc.)__________________________________ f. Self teaching (modules for user requirements) _________________________________

g. Service centers (physical service centers to meet user requirements) _________________ ______________________________________________________________________ h. Any incentives offered to encourage adoption of this system by other procuring entities _______________________________________________________________________ 11. Please provide the following statistics (if available): a. number of procuring entities legally required to use the e-Gp system: _____ b. number of procuring entities registered in the e-Gp system as of December 31 2010:___ c. number of procuring entities that actually used the e-Gp system since its inception:___ d. value of the contracts awarded in 2010 (in USD) : ___ e. value of the contracts (awarded) registered in the e-Gp in 2010 (in USD): ___ f. active business (contractors and suppliers) in the country as of December 31, 2010: ___ g. contractors/suppliers registered in the System as of December 31, 2010 : ___


Page 12 of 14

12. How do you encourage procuring entities and suppliers to use the e-Gp system? __________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 13. Do you allow individual procuring entities to customize national e-Gp systems? If yes, in what way(e.g. use a different website design with their logo) _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 14. Are individual agencies free to use different systems to those approved at the central level? If yes, is there any central approval procedure for this? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 15. What are the key success factors you observe in introducing or implementing e- e-Gp in your public procurement system framework (please list them if any) a._________________________________________________________________________ b._________________________________________________________________________ c._________________________________________________________________________ 16. What are the major problems you faced in introducing or implementing e-Gp system under you public procurement framework (please list them) a.__________________________________________________________________________ b.__________________________________________________________________________ c.__________________________________________________________________________ 17. What approach to the e-Gp development is suitable for your countrys public procurement system and why? (Please briefly describe your answer) (optional) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Thank You!


Page 13 of 14 Annex 2

e-GP Survey Response Matrix

Survey Sections Completed A B C

Region/Country CWRD Afghanistan

Agency Respondent


Procurement Policy Unit (PPU), Ministry of Finance (no submission) State Procurement Agency State Procurement Agency (SPA) (no submission) Ministry of Finance Electronic Government Directorate, Ministry of Information Technology Agency on Public Procurement (no submission) Ministry of Finance

Survey appears to have been logically completed; existing PMIS (Part C) is limited to e-publication/downloading and launched in 2010. Only 2.5% of the contracts in 2010 use the system.

Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia



Survey appears to have been logically completed. Survey appears to have been logically completed. Extensive discussion was provided on answers in Part C. Most advanced in terms of coverage and design. UESSP was launched Dec 2010.

Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Pakistan



No plan as yet for e-GP. PART A #10 WAS NOT ANSWERED. IN PART A #9 ALL ANSWERS WERE SELECTED. No e-GP plans as yet.


Turkmenistan Uzbekistan EARD China, People's Republic of Mongolia PARD Fiji PNG Samoa Solomon Islands Timor-Leste SARD Bangladesh

No answers were provided on questions A.10-II & III; B.3; C.3,4,5,7,8,12,16,17

Treasury Dept., Government Procurement Management Div., Ministry of Finance Procurement Policy Dept., Ministry of Finance Fiji Procurement Office, Ministry of Finance Central Supply & Tenders Board Ministry of Finance Central Tenders Board DGFE, Ministry of Finance

E-GP system is under development with South Korea assistance.


Copy of Procurement Regulations was provided. Apparently no eGP plans as yet.

no answers to Part A #2 and 8. No e-GP plans. no answers to Part A #10; Part B #3-4. Did not indicate PPA website URL. Y Part B was not filled in perhaps due to assumption that it is not required if Part C is completed. RECOMMEND FURTHER CONSULTATIONS. E-GP System launched in June 2011.

Central Procurement Technical Unit, IME Division, Ministry of Planning


Page 14 of 14
Bhutan India 1 Public Procurement Policy Division, Ministry of Finance National Informatics Center Y Y Y Y Y RECOMMEND FURTHER ELABORATION ON ANSWERS TO PART C #11 & 16. e-GP System (GEPNIS) launched in 2007. 1.4 billion USD awarded through system in 2010. No PPA. But recommendation of high-level public procurement committee was issued in June 2011. Y GEPSON yet to be launched.

India 2 Maldives Nepal

Ministry of Commerce Central Procurement Office Planning and Information Management Unit, Public Procurement Monitoring Office (PPMO) Ministry of Finance & Planning



Sri Lanka

PDF file submission seems to have some missing pages namely: page 5 (Part A #10) and page 7 (Part B #4). Part A #4, 5, 6 & 8 were also not answered. RECOMMEND FURTHER CONSULTATIONS AND CLARIFICATION. No e-GP plan as yet.

SERD Cambodia Department of Public Procurement (DPP), Ministry of Economy and Finance National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP) Ministry of Finance, Procurement Monitoring Office (PrMO) Ministry of Finance, Government Procurement Division / Unit ePerolehan Government Procurement Policy Board - Technical Support Office (GPPB-TSO) Office of Public Procurement Management, Comptroller General's Department, Ministry of Finance e-Procurement Management Div., Public Procurement Agency, Ministry of Planning & Investment Y Y No e-GP plan as yet.


SPSE (Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik) launched in 2008. Only 4% utilization by procurement entities registered in the e-GP system.



Answers in Part C were adequately explained. Most advanced system in use. Launched in 2000. 99% of all procurement entities are using. PhilGEPS launched in 2000 as pilot system and 2006 as full implementation. Very low usage, 15.5 million USD awards in 2010, and 12% of all awards are posted on the system. Extensive discussion was provided on answers in Part C. E-GP System launched in 2010; only 15% usage.



Viet Nam

Answers in Part C were adequately explained. IN PART A #9 ALL ANSWERS WERE SELECTED. National e-GP System launched in 2009 as a pilot.






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