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Submitted by;
Allen Rey Porsuelo
JM Dadula
Triesha Jen Ejem
Cyrus Alferez
Lara Mae Galarpe
Christopher Belonio
Jandarylle Colita
Neil Ryan Llumpera
Kurt Esic

December 19, 2022



This research study entitled “The Effects of COVID-19 pandemic to the Academic Performance of
Students in Bugo Branch” prepared by Verna Achas Vallar, Angelica Dajang, Jojo Taglinao in
partila fulfillment for the requirement for the subject Research in Daily Life 2 has been examineand
recommend for acceptance and approval for oral examination.

Verna Achas Vallar – Espinosa

Research Adviser


Approved in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject “Research in Daily Life 2”.


_________________________ __________________________
Member Member

Accepted and Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirement for


Date of Final: December 19, 2022

Verna Achas – Vallar Espinosa John Rey V. Leceña

Editor SHS Coordinator


This research is dedicated our professors who willingly helped and

guided us the entire process of making our research project, shedding
light to our darkest pathways. This is also for our parents and friends,
who stood beside us the whole time whenever we need them.
Understanding all the things we have been through and making us
strong amidst of all the adversities that come along the journey. Also
to the faculty and staff of Iligan Computer Institute, Bugo, Cagayan de
Oro City. Above all, to our God Almighty, who showered us with his
blessings in our everyday lives, especially for the strength, courage,
patience, wisdom, time, and guidance in the realization of this work.


First of all, the researchers would like to thank God for the blessings
that he showers upon them and the guidance they receive from him in
every moment of their lives Without him, it would also be impossible
for them to conduct and have a successful research as teaching aide
students of Iligan Computer Institute Senior high School For the
institution, the ICI, you are always be thanked for making them a
complete and total person and be ready to engage in the real world For
the teachers, especially to Mrs. Verna Espinosa, who always gives
them pieces of advice in order for them to be do their best in making
the research, thank you For the parents, who continuously provides
financial and moral support in every activity they are engaged into,
you are always deeply appreciated and loved Your hard work can
never be paid off but still giving their efforts for them to succeed And
lastly, to their classmates and friends whom they have shared our
experience during the research subject period, constantly helping and
loving one another in order to achieve and be victorious Their deepest
gratitude is extended to everybody who helped the researchers and is
involved in this activity Without them, they would not be able to
achieve the victory which they have been aiming for since the


Approval Sheet………………………………………………………………………………………i.
Dedication ………………………………………………………………………………………….ii.
Chapter I Problem: ……………………………………………………………………………….1-5
Introduction. …………………………………………………………………………………........1-2
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………………3
Scope and limitation.. ……. ………………………………………………………………………..3
Significance of the Study……………………………………………………....................................3
Hypothesis.... ……………………………………………………………………………………….4
Conceptual Frame Work…………………………………………………………………………….4
Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………………………5

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature. ……………………………………………………6-10

Chapter III: Method and Procedure: …………………………………………………………11-16

Research Design……………………………………………………………………………………11
Research Locale……………………………………………………………………………………11
Sampling Method…………………………………………………………………………………..12
Statistical Procedure………………………………………………………………………………..
Statistical Treatment Method………………………………………………………………………12
Data Source………………………………………………………………………………………..13
Process Of Gathering the Data…………………………………………………………………….13
Materials Used to Gather Data…………………………………………………………………….13
Research Instrument ………………………………………………………………………………13
Survey Questionnaire……………………………………………………………………………...14

Chapter IV: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data……………………………17-21

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation …………………………………22-23

Summary of Findings……………………………………………………………………………..22
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………22
Recommendation ………………………………………………………………………………….23

Intent Letter To The School Head………………………………………………………………….15
Intent Letter To The Respondents………………………………………………………………….
Documentation. …………………………………………………………………………...............25
Sample Questionnaire………………………………………………………………………………26



Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is firstly identified in Wuhan

city, Hubei Province, China in December 2019 as a pneumonia of
unknown origin. Because of that, several governmental measures have
been taken to counteract the risk of disease spreading. These measures
include travel restrictions, mandatory quarantines for travelers, social
distancing, bans on public gatherings, schools and universities closure,
business closures, self-isolation, asking people to work at home,
curfews, and lockdown. These measures have a negative worldwide
effect on the business, health, tourism and specially education. The
COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching effects on nearly every
aspect of society, especially education. Schools in the Philippines, and
in most countries in the world, were closed in March 2020 as nations
developed lockdown measures to prevent further spread of the virus.
While educators transitioned from traditional face-to-face learning to
digital platforms for remote teaching, many challenges arose that
required quick solutions and changes to policy and procedures to
provide equitable and appropriate remote learning to all students.
COVID-19 pandemic has affected all levels of the education system.
Educational institutions around the world (in 192 countries) have
either temporarily closed or implemented localized closures affecting
about 1.7 billion of student population worldwide. Due to the
suspension of classroom teaching in many colleges and universities, a
switch to the online teaching for undergraduate and graduate students
becomes effective. However, many students have no access to the
online teaching due to lack of either the means or the instruments due
to economical and digital divide. Therefore, the current study was
conducted to analyze the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the
academic performance of students and researchers during the
lockdown. The current cross-sectional study sought to investigate the
effects of COVID-19 lockdown on academic performance. The
COVID-19 epidemic has created uncertainty in many important areas
of national and international life, including education. For instance, it's
unclear how last spring's school closings affected students
accomplishments or how this academic years quick shift into online
platform for the majority of instruction would continue to affect
achievement. Making judgments regarding whether and when to
resume in-person education without data on how the virus affects
every student, weigh the potential health dangers of in-person
instruction against the needs of the students, who may the learning
remains challenging. Even now, decision-makers in the field of
education must benefit from being in their physical schools.

Hence, one of the affected outcomes of COVID-19 can be the

academic performance of students as they experience their first
attempt towards online teaching and therefore, their level of
satisfaction from online teaching can also be significant to be
measured. To address the significance of online teaching in such
emergency cases, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of
COVID-19 on the academic performance of students and their
satisfaction level with online teaching during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Although advances in educational technology in the last few decades
proved immensely useful during this pandemic, teachers, students,
parents, and other relevant educators faced many challenges that they
were not ready to overcome. School leaders and teachers rushed to
completely redesign their educational delivery models, parents
balanced work demands with the responsibility of ensuring their
children were accessing instruction from home, and students struggled
to stay engaged and connected with their teachers and peers online.
Many scholars undertook broad research on educational practices to
explore how COVID-19 has impacted teaching and learning
nationally, with several organizations conducting and reporting
surveys in phases throughout the first four months of remote learning.
Academic performance refers to the level of knowledge, skills, and
competencies that a student has acquired in the educational field,
which is often evaluated with the grades obtained in the subject that
make up the study plan. Several factors affect negatively the
performance of grade 12 students, for example a high and anxiety
level, a negative attitude of the student toward the school or study,
excessive internet use, poor sleep quality and insufficient learning
strategies. Most of the studies concluded that the students preferred
face-to-face than the online learning and modular learning. The result
show that COVID-19 had negative effects on education, several
researcher's conducted a study into the various factors that have been
linked to student's academic performance. This study explained that
students experienced learning loss during the lockdown period and
some students found preoccupied with household chores while others
embraced different jobs.

Aside from studies students need continuous supporting management.

Teachers and parents play particular role on psychological and
physical well-being to make students focused and aware in class. It
will give students a graphic representation to see only by the click of
the button. Some students lag behind on occasion they are afraid to
move this teacher nor take they experience to say again and again.
Acknowledging that changing our schooling system makes time, we
also make students to see outside academic institutions to adjust their
skills and increase their mindsets. A recent set of learning
organisations like General Assembly move between our legacy
educational institutions and the work helping to correct those realities.
Utilizing these organizations to make micro-credentials is a good
means to increase exposure to new technical skills not accessible to
students in the traditional university environment. These 'mini-degrees
or credentials will help prepare students for the businesses of the time
by engaging skills and knowledge across fields and throughout their

Statement of The Problem

The purpose of this study is to examine the students’ perceptions

regarding of how the COVID-19 pandemic change their academic
performance, and particularly the effects on students’ learning.

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the mental effects of COVID-19 pandemic of the

student’s ?

2. Why is that the lockdown during COVID-19 affected the student’s

academic performance?

3. How is it affect the student’s academic performance?

Scope And Limitations

This study mainly focuses on contrasting and figuring out whether the
Covid-19 epidemic has favorable or detrimental affect’s on student’s
academic performance in Grades 11 and 12. This study was carried
out during the S.Y. 2022–2023 semester at the Iligan Computer
Institute (ICI), which is situated in Zone 2, Bugo, Cagayan de Oro
City. The Iligan Computer Institute students will employ face-to-face
survey questionnaires as the method of data collection.

Significance Of The Study

The purpose of this study is to be able to find out the Major effects of
Covid-19 Pandemic to the student academic performance. Thus, this
study will be beneficial to the following:

Teachers: It would give teachers new suggestions for how to interact

with their students and new methods for helping them while they are
in class. As a result, learning will be more successful and the
interaction between students and teachers will be enhanced.

Students: This study will serve as a foundation for how students

handle and successfully navigate their schoolwork in a variety of


Future Researchers: This study will also serve as a foundation for

subsequent research, which will give them access to new data or
knowledge about the key effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on


This study is designed to assess the following hypothesis:

- Covid-19 doesn’t affect the students academic performance.

- Covid-19 does affect the students academic performance

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram


The research's schematic diagram is displayed in Figure 1. The link

between independent variables and dependent variables is shown in
the schematic diagram. The Independent Variable first focuses on the
Covid-19 epidemic as the root reason. The effect of the Covid-19
epidemic on students' academic performance is the focus of the
dependent variable.

Definition of Terms

Covid-19: is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Effect: seems to be the result of a circumstance or incident that

sparked a shift. The fact that anything changed, regardless of how
significant or insignificant the effect, makes the noun form of effect so

Academic Performance: the level of achievement of a student's,

teacher's, or institution's short- or long-term educational goals as
determined by either continuous assessment or other methods.

Student: scholars, and learners in particular include everyone who

takes classes, studies, is a careful and methodical observer, and is a
student of politics.

Lockdown: This refers to a measure implemented to restrict

movement and prevent the spread of a disease, such as COVID-19.
This can include measures such as quarantines, curfews, and the
closure of non-essential businesses and institutions.

Blended learning: This refers to a mix of online and face-to-face


Online learning: This refers to education that is delivered via the

internet, where students and teachers may not be in the same physical
location. This can include fully online courses, as well as blended
courses that combine online and in-person instruction.

Face-to-face interaction: This refers to in-person communication or

interaction between individuals.

This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the
researchers’ considered in strengthening the importance of the present
study. It also presents the synthesis of the art to fully understand the
research for better comprehension of the study.


Although not many studies have been done exploring the effects of
COVID-19 on the academic performance of students and assessing
their level of satisfaction with online teaching during the outbreak of
COVID-19, but the researcher made an effort to find out the most
related studies concerning the present study. Regrettably, the outbreak
of COVID-19 affected greatly almost all the educational levels in
different contexts across the globe and have been incorporated into the
educational settings to have possible provision for teachers and
students (Oyinloye, 2020). A study conducted by Gonzalez, Rubia, et
al. (2020) examined the impacts of COVID-19 confinement on the
performance of students at the higher education level. They used field
experimental research with 458 learners by two groups: control and
experimental. Surprisingly, their research revealed that COVID-19
confinement left a positive impact on the performance of the students
and helped them to enhance the learning strategies of the students.
Similarly, another study was carried out by Realyvásquez-Vargas et
al. (2020) explored whether the environmental factors affect students’
academic performance during COVID-19. To do this research, they
found that students’ academic performance has been affected by
environmental factors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, Elhadary et al. (2020) evaluated the impacts of COVID-

19 on the academic performance of science and social science students
in Turkey. Their findings showed that many factors affected the
academic performance of the students during the COVID-19 crisis.
Despite that, their study also revealed that both teachers and students
are satisfied with the application of online learning and teaching.
Loton et al. (2020) studied online learning during the COVID-19

pandemic with their satisfaction and performance. The result of their

findings showed that there is a significant impact on both
performances of the students and their level of satisfaction with online
teaching and learning during the COVID-19 outbreak. Likewise,
another study conducted in Indonesian context where the researcher
explored the solution, advantages and constraints with online learning
during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have discussed their
participant’s satisfaction on the performance of the students during the
COVID-19 outbreak (Fatoni et al., 2020).

Concerning the satisfaction level of students with online teaching

during the COVID-19 pandemic, many studies have been done by
many researchers. A study conducted by Almusharraf and Khahro
(2020) investigated the level of students’ satisfaction with online
learning during the outbreak of COVID-19. The result of their study
revealed that all the participants were greatly satisfied with online
learning tools and platforms. Their study also showed that students
were satisfied with the support provided by staff during the COVID-
19 crisis. While another study was conducted in Kazakhstan to
explore distance learning and the parents’ satisfaction during the
COVID-19 pandemic of the educational quality. Their findings
indicate that parents’ level of satisfaction with online learning is
positively correlated, while numbers in children have negatively
correlated to the satisfaction of parents with online learning platforms
during the COVID-19. Overall, their satisfaction with the quality of
online learning is greatly positive (Bokayev et al., 2021). The findings
of a study revealed by Baber (2020) are in line with the indicated
studies where the researcher found a positively great level of
satisfaction in providing online teaching. In contrast, the findings of
the study revealed by Sharma et al. (2020) indicated that the majority
of their respondents are dissatisfied with online learning platforms.
Similarly, the findings of a study revealed by Dinh and Nguyen (2020)
show that online teaching and learning had a lower satisfaction level
than face-to-face teaching.

Besides, many other studies explored the level of satisfaction with

online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in various contexts
and found a high level of satisfaction with online teaching (Chen et
al., 2020; Choe et al., 2019; Fatani, 2020). On the other hand, Alanazi
et al. (2020) studied technology satisfaction and students’ performance
in online courses. They reported that there was a weaker relationship
between students’ performance and technology satisfaction in online
courses. While there was another study carried out in China by Chen
et al. (2020) analyzing students’ satisfaction level with online teaching
during the outbreak of COVID-19. The findings of their study showed
no direct effects found on students’ satisfaction by personal factors,

while the availability of online applications had the greatest impact on

students’ satisfaction level.

Given that Afghanistan is one of the low-income countries around the

world along with less infrastructure of ICT at the public universities
(McMahon et al., 2020; Noori et al. 2020). Online teaching and
learning as a new phenomenon remained unacquainted to the students
and most of the teachers (Hashemi, 2020). Lack of pedagogical
training in using technological devices and applications, the high cost
of Wi-Fi, and lack of electricity with a shortage of devices for
providing online teaching environments are the key barriers towards
online education (Hashemi & Kew, 2021). Hence, during the
pandemic of COVID-19 in Afghanistan, multiple challenges and
dissatisfaction, and uncertainty of the application with online teaching
were reported. Based on personal experiences, most of the students
did not participate in the online session and their engagement in the
online classes was so weak. On the other hand, the uncertainty of
using applications and platforms made the students to be confused
about taking part in online teaching sessions. For example, HELMS
was introduced by the MoHE of Afghanistan as the alternative
application and platform responding to COVID-19, but instead, most
of the teachers were willing to teach their students through Google
Classroom, WhatsApp, and or other social Medias platform. This
uncertainty of using the platforms lead the student to be dissatisfied
and surely affected their performance in online teaching.

Despite that, it was also reported that female students were not willing
to take part in the online sessions and did not accomplish the assigned
task due to some unpleasant culture and/or inequality in terms of
having money to buy electronic devices such as a computer, mobile
and/or pay the cost of internet. According to Orfan (2021), these
situations are considered due to the limitation and cultural norms limit

that exists in Afghan society. These inequalities in accessing the

aforementioned devices and applications affected the academic
performance of students during the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis
in some parts of the country and by all means dissatisfied students
from online teaching.

However, online teaching has played a crucial role in the higher

education institutions of Afghanistan during the COVID-19 pandemic,
many studies have been carried out to investigate the effects of
COVID-19 on the academic achievements of students worldwide.
Unfortunately, no studies have been done to explore the effects of
COVID-19 on the academic performance of Afghan students and their
level of satisfaction with online teaching. In this regard, the current
study is an attempt to eliminate this research gap to explore whether
COVID-19 affected the students’ performance and are they satisfied
with online teaching across the country. This study is also significant
on the rise to the literature in Afghanistan context and as well as to
provide insights for MoHE of Afghanistan, researchers, and students
to enhance their preparedness of such emergency cases in the future.


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world. Due to the nature of
the virus, particularly how it is transmitted, it has altered human
behaviours, relations and lifestyles, and had profound impacts on the
economic, political and cultural landscapes of societies across the
world. It has likewise exacerbated poverty, discrimination and
inequalities in many parts of the world, not only through how COVID-
19 appears to be affecting poorer communities more than the rich, but
also as a consequence of the measures taken by states to control the
spread of the virus, primarily by curtailing freedom of movement
through the imposition of community quarantine, lockdowns and
curfews in many parts of the world.

As of 7 May 2020, the total number of COVID-19 cases reported in

the Philippines by the Department of Health (DOH) was 10,343 with
685 deaths and 1,680 recovered. With these figures, the Philippines
ranks third, after Singapore and Indonesia, in the number of COVID-
19 cases in Southeast Asia.

After the DOH reported the first COVID-19 case in the country,
acquired through local transmission, the Philippine President Rodrigo
R. Duterte signed Proclamation No. 922 on 8 March 2020, declaring
the country under a state of public health emergency. This was to
prevent the further spread of the disease and mitigate its effects on
communities. On 16 March, the President declared a state of calamity
throughout the Philippines for a period of six months, and imposed an
Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) throughout the island of

Luzon, including Metro Manila. While originally set to last till 12

April 2020, the ECQ was later extended to 15 May 2020.

The ECQ instructed all residents to stay at home, and the closure of all
non-essential business establishments, schools and universities, public
transportation facilities, malls and shopping centres, churches and
other faith-based institutions. Checkpoints were set up in various parts
of Metro Manila and throughout Luzon as means to control movement
of people throughout the island. In essence, the ECQ meant the
suspension of the freedom of movement.

With people confined to their homes for almost two months, the most
vulnerable residents, particularly the daily wage earners covered by
the “no work, no pay” policy, and those employed in the informal
economy, have borne the brunt of these measures. The loss of their
income has forced these employees to rely on whatever assistance and
social amelioration programmes that the national government, local
government units and the private sector extend to them.

The ECQ instructed all residents to stay at home, and the closure of all
non-essential business establishments, schools and universities, public
transportation facilities, malls and shopping centres, churches and
other faith-based institutions. Checkpoints were set up in various parts
of Metro Manila and throughout Luzon as means to control movement
of people throughout the island. In essence, the ECQ meant the
suspension of the freedom of movement.

With people confined to their homes for almost two months, the most
vulnerable residents,particularly the daily wage earners covered by the
“no work, no pay” policy, and those employed in the informal
economy, have borne the brunt of these measures. The loss of their
income has forced these employees to rely on whatever assistance and
social amelioration programmes that the national government, local
government units and the private sector extend to them.

The Impact of the Lockdown on Higher Education

Higher education institutions (HEIs), both public and private, have
also had to adjust to the new situation where face-to-face interaction
and mass gatherings are prohibited. Committed to their mandate, the
leading universities and colleges in the Philippines, particularly those
affiliated with the ASEAN University Network – such as the
University of the Philippines, Ateneo de Manila University and De la
Salle University, found innovative ways to fulfil their three-pronged
tasks of education, research and service. Everyone, from the
operations and support service units, to administrators and teachers,
adjusted to work-from-home arrangements.

From the confines of their homes, teachers and administrators were

put to the task of revising and adapting course syllabi and
requirements as they shifted to alternative or remote teaching
modalities, both synchronous and asynchronous. Where students and
teachers had access to electronic devices and reliable Internet
connections, learning managements systems such as Canvas, Moodle,
Blackboard, and applications like Google Hangouts, Zoom and Skype,
were used. But where students had limited access to computers or
unreliable access to the Internet, teachers and students used
smartphones to exchange messages, notes and materials, through text
messaging, e-mail, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter.

In some instances, these arrangements became unsustainable and some

universities had to suspend remote or online classes because the
uneven socioeconomic status of students affected their access to these
modalities of learning. Also, concerns regarding the mental health of
both students and teachers affected by the uncertainty, became another
reason to suspend online classes.

Method and Procedure

This chapter focuses on the description of the researchers’ research

methodologies and procedures used to address the specific questions
for study in a systematic manner. This chapter specifically discusses
Research Design, Research Locale, Research Participants, Sample,
Setting Method, Instrumentation, Data Gathering Procedure, and
Methods of Data Analysis.

Research design

The Researchers use Descriptive Quantitative Method Research

Design. Non experimental Quantitative Research Is defined as an
attempt to connect ideas to know what are the major effects that they
have been experience while being locked down during the COVID-19
pandemic that also affects and what are their thoughts about it. This is
where a Researcher has an idea or has observe something and seeks to
understand more about it. The information being gathered to all
students of ICI BUGO CDO building, also the researchers will be
interviewing all the students about their own ideas about to the topic
"The Effects of COVID-19 pandemic to the Academic Performance of
Grade 12 Students in ICI Bugo Branch".

Research locale

This study will be in one of the non-sectarian private schools of

Cagayan De Oro City. This study will be conducted at Iligan
Computer Institute Bugo branch was founded in Bugo Cagayan de
Oro city as its the first named, located at bugo, St. of Cagayan De Oro
City. This place will be selected for survey method research design
and aspect of the said study among The senior Highschool Students of
ICI Bugo Cdo. We Researchers are also a students of Iligan Computer
Institute Bugo CDO. Definitely it is easy for us and also the best way
to conduct on this research. The data gathering procedure was limited
to the use of survey questionnaire.

Figure 1.
A satellite image that show where the Iligan Computer Institute (ICI)
located at.

Statistical Statement

The following statistical methods were used to analyze the gathered


P=F/N × 100

Where P is the percentage. F is the frequency and N for the total

number of respondents.

Sampling method

This research will make use of the simple random sampling method
on the participants since it only focuses on grade 11 and 12 students in
Ici bugo.

The number of ligan Computer Institute (ICI) Senior High School

students being surveyed as based from the sample seize, n-50 taken
from the whole population of Grade 11 & 12 School Students, N-
2050. The whole Grade 11 & 12 Senior High School Students.

The researcher utilized the Slovin's Formula, which divides the entire
population by 1 plus the entire population multiplied by the margin of
error squared, to determine the sample size. sample size where. 2050
is the N population size, and random sampling was used. The margin
of error was 5%, or 0.05. The study included fifty (50) respondents,
including both men and women, from the Senior High School track-
strand of the Ligan Computer Institute (ICT). Here is the distribution
of respondents in tabular form:

Strand G11 No. Of G12 No. Of

The The
Respondent Respondents
ABM 7 8

IT 5 10
HUMSS 6 12
CA 0 2
CE 0 0
GAS 0 0
N= Total= 50
Figure 1.

Statistical Procedure

1. Are you in favor of educational system amidst of COVID-

19 pandemic lockdown?

A. 25+ 1025= 1050

B. 25+ 1025= 1050

2.) Do you considered COVID-19 pandemic lockdown can

affect your mental capability in terms of doing your school works?

A. 25+ 1025= 1050

B. 25+ 1025= 1050

3.) Do you believe that precautionary measure (social distancing) in

COVID-19 pandemic can affect your academic performance?

A. 25+ 1025= 1050

B. 25+ 1025= 1050


4.) Do you experience signs of mental illness during the COVID-19


A. 25+ 1025= 1050

B. 25+ 1025= 1050

5.) Did COVID-19 pandemic affect the all levels of education?

A. 25+ 1025= 1050

B. 25+ 1025= 1050

Data source

The source of data was taken from the internet by the help of Google
that gives us Source of articles that is related to our study and from
published research paper under the reference.

Process of gathering the data

Prior to the gathering of data, the researchers sent a letter of

permission to the school head of Iligan Computer Institute (ICI) Bugo
CDO. When the permit has been granted. The researchers considered
the vacant time of the respondents but still in a group of class in order
for them to answer the questionnaires promptly.

Materials Use to gather the data

Survey questionnaire and a pen.

Research Instrument

The main instrument used in the study was survey questionnaire to

gather the main objective of the study. This study uses structured

interviews with the students in ILIGAN COMPUTER INSTITUTE

( ICI ) to know the "The Effects of COVID-19 pandemic to the
Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students in ICI Bugo Branch"
. The Questions are answerable by Multiple Choice.

Survey questioner

Here are the questions used for conducting the survey:

1. Are you in favor of educational system amidst of COVID-19
pandemic lockdown?
A. Yes, because I have more time to relay in my academics.
B. No, because I don't understand the outline guidelines given by the

2.Do you considered COVID-19 pandemic lockdown can affect your

mental capability in terms of doing your school works?
A.Yes, because I can't concentrate on my school activities at all.
B. No, because it made me more focused on my school academic
for my own good.

3.) Do you believe that precautionary measure (social distancing) in

COVID-19 pandemic can affect your academic performance?
A. Yes, because I have more time to relay in my academics.
B. No, because I don't understand the outline guidelines given by the

4.) Do you experience signs of mental illness during the COVID-19

A. Yes, because being isolated can cause depression.

B. No, because I enjoy doing my school works.

5.) Did COVID-19 pandemic affect the all levels of education?

A. Yes, because face to face classes got canceled for a mean time.
B. No, because I still learned a lot of things during COVID-19
pandemic lockdown.

Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter contains or focuses the Presentation, Analysis, and

Interpretation of Data of the study.

Educational system amidst of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.

Question 1

44% C other ans.

Figure 1.

The graphs shows that there are 56% of the respondents answered Yes
because they think that they have more time to relay on their
academics while 44% answered NO because they think that the
outline guidelines given by the handouts are hard to understand. And
no one answered specific answers. This explains that majority of the
respondents are in favor of educational system amidst of COVID-19
pandemic lockdown.

COVID-19 pandemic lockdown effect of mental capability in

terms of doing the school works.

Question 2


C other ans.


Figure 2.

The graphs shows that there are 12% of the respondents answered Yes

because they think that they can't concentrate on their activities at all
while 88% answered NO because they think that it made them more
focused on their school activities . And no one answered specific
answers. This explains that majority of the respondents considered
COVID-19 pandemic lockdown affect the students mental

Precautionary measure (social distancing) in COVID-19 pandemic

can affect your academic performance

Question 3

32% A. YES
C. othe ans.


Figure 3.

The graphs shows that there are 32% of the respondents answered Yes
because they think that they have more time to relay on their
academics while 68% answered NO because they think that the
outline guidelines given by the handouts are hard to understand. And
no one answered specific answers. This explains that majority of the
respondents believe that precautionary measure in COVID-19
pandemic can affect your academic performance

Experience signs of mental illness during the COVID-19


Question 4

C. other ans.


Figure 4.

The graphs shows that there are 28% of the respondents answered Yes
because they think that being isolated can cause depression while 72%
answered NO because they enjoy doing their school works. And no
one answered specific answers.This explains that majority of the
respondents didn't experience signs of mental illness during the
COVID-19 lockdown.

COVID-19 pandemic affect the all levels of education

Question 5


C. other ans.


Figure 5.

The graphs shows that there are 6% of the respondents answered Yes
because face to face classes got cancelled while 94% answered NO
because they still learned a lot of things during COVID-19 pandemic
lockdown. And no one answered specific answer’s. This explains that
majority of the respondents didn't believe that COVID-19 pandemic
affect all levels of education.

Summary, conclusions, and recommendations

This final chapter discusses the report's summary, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study.

Summary of the Findings

Many students suffered in distance learning, it is hard for them to

catch up and answer by just self-learning. Students were mentally
affected by the lockdown and the shift from physical person-to-
person classrooms to virtual learning. This increased the prevalence
of psychological stress, anxiety, and depression among university

The findings show that the Covid-19 pandemic had mental effect to
the respondents such as significant levels of stress, anxiety and

As the study shows a lot of respondents agreed that Covid-19

affected their academic performance. For example, there is
uncertainty about how school closures last past year impacted
student achievement, as well as how the rapid conversion of most
instruction to an online platform last academic year will continue to
affect achievement.


This research has differents and unexpected effects of the students that
are studying at Iligan Computer Institute.COVID-19 pandemic has
caused a dramatic disruption in the delivery of education and health
services in the Philippines. With school closures and challenges in the
delivery of distance learning, students learning losses are expected to
be enormous.

Many students suffered in distance learning,it is hard for them to catch

up and answer by just self-learning. In particular, students were
physically and mentally affected by the lockdown and the shift from
physical person-to-person classrooms to virtual learning (online
classes). This increased the prevalence of psychological stress,
anxiety, and depression among university students.

In general, students showed an improvement in their academic

performance during the confinement caused by the COVID-19
pandemic, compared to the period before this. We concluded that the
interaction with family, more parental supervision, the possibility to
perform hobbies and other activities in addition to study, and the
method used by the educational institute to adapt a non-face-to-face

modality and all the support for the student’s requirements, may have
influenced this difference on their academic performance. It has been
shown in this study that Covid 19 have a big impact on the academic
performance of the students in ICI BUGO. It remains to be seen how
long this pandemic will live, but there is hope that ICI'ans teachers
through the ministry of education will devise intervention measures
that will benefit all students that are going to school. A lot of
respondents are in favor of educational system administ of covid 19
pandemic lockdown. Some students considered Covid 19 pandemic
lockdown affect the students mental capabilities. Some respondent
believe that precautionary measure in covid 19 pandemic can affect
your academic performance. Some respondents didn't experience signs
of mental illness during the COVID-19 lockdown. Some respondents
didn't believe that Covid 19 pandemic affect all levels of education,
but many of students believe that the COVID-19 pandemic affect all
levels of education.

Therefore we as a researcher conclude that living conditions during

lockdown had a clear impact on the student’s academic performance.


The following recommendations are offered by the researcher, focus

on the key points that affects student's academic performances
during the Covid-19 pandemic:

1. For Students, stay connected to others. It’s easy for students to

feel isolated and cut off from other people in this COVID learning

2. For Parents, parents can be a guide and an encouragement to their


3.For School, lead other student in taking actions specially in Covid19

protocols.4. For Future Researchers, The study could be use as
references for other related studies in the future.

4.For Teachers, allow students to share their reflections on their



5.For Community, exert a lot of effort and diligence in order to

address the challenges of COVID-19 and to provide opportunities for
continuing our education.













Intent letter to the school head


Cagayan de Oro Branch
Cagayan de Oro City

November 8.2022

Mrs. Rio F. Tabanao

Branch Manager,
ICI-Cagayan De Oro City

Thru Mr. John Rey V. Leceña

SHS Coordinator,
ICI-Cagayan De Oro City
Dear Maam Rio Tabanao,


We are the researchers of grade 12 IT 5 students for the study entitled" are requesting
for your approval allowing us researchers to gather data from our respondents who

currently enrolled in ICF-CDO Hence, gathering answers from the respondents

through in- depth survey questionnaire is part of research requirement. And making
this letter is a training for us in the future about the proper research etiquette in terms
of collecting data from the target respondents. The purpose of the study is generally
to know what are the Somehow, the result of this research will be beneficial both
respondents and researchers We assure that the data being collected from the target
respondents privacy is highly keep and only use in research purposes
We greatly appreciate your favorable response upon on this request Thank you in
advance for
your kind and support

Truly yours.

Dear Respondents,

We are the Grade 12 students of Information Technology (IT) from the ILIGAN
COMPUTER INSTITUTE taking Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research. As a
requirement for our subject, we are currently conducting a research study titled "The
Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic To The Academic Performance of Students in ICI
Bugo CDO." With your related knowledge and experience, we would like to request
you to be one of our respondents in our study. We hope that you will take time
answering the questions honestly. Rest assured that all data gathered will be treated
with outmost confidentiality and will be used for academic purposes only. Thank you
for your support and cooperation. From IT5.


Name: Rhea Jane B. Zarate Grade: 12

Strand: Humss Date: 11/22/22

Dear Respondents, We are the Grade 12 students of Information Technology (IT) from the ILIGAN
COMPUTER INSTITUTE taking Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research. As a requirement for
our subject, we are currently conducting a research study titled "The Effects of COVID-19
Pandemic To The Academic Performance of Students in ICI Bugo CDO." With your related
knowledge and experience, we would like to request you to be one of our respondents in our study.
We hope that you will take time answering the questions honestly. Rest assured that all data
gathered will be treated with outmost confidentiality and will be used for academic purposes only.
Thank you for your support and cooperation. From IT5.

RESEARCH TITLE: "The Effects of COVID-19 pandemic to the Academic Performance of

Students in ICI Bugo CDO"

1.) Are you in favor of educational system amidst of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown?
A. Yes, because I have more time to relay in my academics.
B. No, because I don't understand the outline guidelines given by the hand outs.

2.) Do you considered COVID-19 pandemic can affect your mental capability in terms of doing

your school works?

A. Yes, because I can't concentrate on my school activities at all.
|B. No, because it made me more focused on my school academic for my own good.

3.) Do you believe that precautionary measure (social distancing) in COVID-19 pandemic can affect
your academic performance?
A. Yes, because I have more time to relay in my academics.
B. No, because I don't understand the outline guidelines given by the hand outs

4.) Do you experience signs of mental illness during the COVID-19 lockdown?
A. Yes, because being isolated can cause depression.
B. No, because I'm always with my family.

5.) Did COVID-19 pandemic affect the all levels of education?

A. Yes, because face to face classes got canceled for a mean time.
B. No, because I still learned a lot of things during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.

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