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a ee ak six ii to sii Chinese. 1x_areally easy language. 3) smaied we ©) studied) *) snody/ §, Tellmesbouryour father ___he epcal French fucnth? & wellyesterday,so1____all day in bed ©) fel/ to pent &) feed spend 4) We there - eae 9 heey 9 Arce 9 leer a a b) Allthe a aa 3) cate ———— " computer an 8) ese cnt send thee ane, ©) ee/ can 4) ca0s/ cans DSS me-yor ees ure-ce] Bc Mec) cam, WCEA 1. Where was James Cameron 3, Suzie Amis Cameron is Jamer's 4. He travelled tothe bottom of the sea in. der the sea, Cameron filmed. 5. On his journey under PART IIJ-Grammar Stephen watch last nig 1. What movie P s b 2, There sy cupboards in my kite my kitchen, aD Pars bun cf nd anes he enone (2 point ech) B Fabe 3. Mexico's very popular fr is street fod, 4. aj is a kind of Mesican bot sauce fee ntaste delicions fy om new pace PART II- READING COMPREHENSION woverthe questions. @ points each) Rend abowe the product designer Jonathan Ive and Minds ‘Jomnhan Pal Ive is « BrithsAme Februar) 1967, in Chingioed London, England Ive was the Chit Desian eee rmacos technology compu. Bom i Landon, Ie Led tee ane fay noe Ia me yeni design at Newel Poecic He begun toto at Arps [nn #s oh shea Dega. Hef the man who designed she iMac ane the projets such a8 he weld When be designed good compuer and very ey 1990s and he became Senor Vice President of apealvatic are nw dengn clans He alo helped design App me ethan vei the mest mporane indus Jest coved it Tews tll ache Park and Apple Store the iNae for Apple, he made somnething besusfol and peopl aerate ated shape, te cours — and cy all bow TEWAS Yep a aaeatt of perfect dei. es afnaste Hen beens to us, but ey also loved the wry ‘cxy popular The iPod looks fantastic Changed she way that maillons of peopl listen He then anapunced he own design company 19 after 27 yen. too ean to msc jonathan Te left Laer Apple Ine in Jly 2 1. Where was Jonathan Ive born? Skee yan ‘was twelve, he weneto ive 19 = ©) Liveftom 8) Apple Ine 4. The iMac and the iPod are 2) Apple store designs ) pert ©) Apple Parks fants People loved the iMac because 2) twas a design company ie.was both beausful and )_ ie was an architectural projec PARI II-GRAMMAR, LEXIS AND SYNTAX EXPANSION AA. Choose the correct answer. (2 points eech) 1. There are___cups in the shelves. ) alot b) some ©) ay 4) much 1___to call my fa not forgot b) didn’t forgot c)_ wasn't forget 4) dido’t forget 4. L_—_play bonkctball very well when Tas Youngt @) couldn’ b) could c) can't d) can her and tell him to pick me up from college, but | am too slow! pend aA ords from the list . Complete the sentences with the pookin 10) Every time T_ (1 mark each) PART V: Choose the correct sentence 1, Choose the correct sentence a net may wise of HE TH p of J c ‘ <4 TELEGRAM PART IV: Vocabul abulary ecw one oes word hes ‘A. Complete the sent : ‘ih he won fom he Bt TH oe eae sete SS ae 1) These interesting port —— 2) The dining ; 3) My child eecaal 2 deconsed apa acto the bao sen couldattwalk == = a _eereen sree ye 4), Francois Mausae died or Set the fist of September, nineteen Sane ee SS ere ay B. Complete the ‘a He bad as night became ot cit sm parca Te ea 00 29 sre seals good Beeeything sey send, we are 8 GOT 6) Mahmood's life oat ie T) We slept owas peviest! 8) [like this — 9), The hotels — 10) Eves ime! —— PART Vi: Choose the correct sentence: (markeach) 4. Choose the correct sentence «er ist met sy wile Om the twelfth of JOne the twelve of Je 1 first met a wife on the rwelith on JOS he twelveth of Jue Rea a @ TELEGRAM 10322 y 4218 PART VI: Re-order the following words to make a senten RVC 4 cere Bc Mec) Ske ae yay ry of Education, sity of Institute of mes very bad, and I can oties from child idhoodt RVC cere 8:48 10322 y0 4210 = © ee vey hone ep houe inh cy aie Bitelot ee © Hens oes B, Comers th sentences withthe word hm he at, There one exe wor @ poets ¢ ar i eta ease os 2 aaa ge 3. Td like to place m for desser, us ; saree oh icupeaT ala Sie Noch of C. Choose the correct response (1 points each) nth L. Hello, I'm afraid the manay a) Hi, Can Tiake amessage, please? b) Goodbye, See you next week. ) Oh nevermind Til tll you the time. 6) Don't worry. I'll sing back lace. 2, When did you get up this morning? a) to the train at eight Tatrived at the station at sine ¢)_ I got up at around seven o'clock Thad my breakfast eatly words in order so as to form correct sentencsS (points each) D. Write the 1, oldest/ the? yf an 1f— family/ in ee a: foreign/ speak! ? Abmed/ 2. languages/ aA RVC Tees Gy) Soo WCEA > Bo 2a RMT Eo rest PART I- LISTENING Lis woman talking about an important person in her lif c he correct answer ( 1 mark each ) 1, Helen also worked with Sarah’s mum 2. Sarah and her sister loved Helen's stories when they were little len has a healthier lifestyle now in her old age 0:0 4. Sarah and Helen do not often see each other. Helen is a special person in Sarah's life. oo PART II- READING COMPREHENSION: (1 mark each) Read about the film director James Cameron and answer the questions below Jocumentai eans. It’s eleven kilometers un ron travelled in a 0 Pevrstt]]|| WaWaeW>| [| eee

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